Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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q ualit V
Globe Clothes
£asfer Styles of Young
ens "F as hi°n-Clothes"
)\W Are stunning—for every garment represents character
and personality—the traits that appeal strongly to
[Jl\ • 1 Class and elegance are shown in any suit you may
W*l select—a check, a stripe, a tartan plaid, an oxford gray
Vill "GLOBE-FASHION CLOTHES" have put many
I' young fellows in the front rank of success, for you'll see
sls, $lB, $
Globe Balmacaans sls and S2O
& Confirmation Suits Easter Hat,
For the Boy, Who Wear NeCkweaT W <& H
Globe Knee PanU Suits /Ww W I
There's a dress suit awaiting \P* 0 and Shirts /
every boy in Harrisburg and I L fl /
the Blue Serge Norfolks and [js> Should be just as faultless as your suit; A/V
the Pencil Striped Suits are /THF — for tlle little extras &° far toward making
the most perfect garments J 1 | the young man look his best.
we've ever shown. Prices for \ 1 ggal
these new models, all with V . W OUR 50-CENT NECKWEAR is classy, §|lß
patch pockets, are SO, $6.00, / \ \ anf l your selection is not limited, for there mjw
$7.30, $lO. * 1 ' J are hundreds of styles to choose from.
White Serge Knickerbockers I \ OUR $2.50 SILK SHIRTS have bril- |g£M
to wear with a blue serge coat. 1 I liancy of color and patterns and are distinc- fynK
for social functions; sizes 10 , _•> \ \ tive in every way. The shirts and the price lEfll
to 18. Price is s'*.so W"! \ are popular.
Boys' Russian and Sailor JU fl THE NEWEST YOUNG MAN'S HAT W&
Suits of regulation blue sergej is the David Copperfield—a soft hat in all
special the popular shades, which sells for $3.
John T. Balsley of the Philadel- >
plvia Division Covers Largest
Territory on Main Line
ir r " 1"';
' ' ' •• I,
i ' ■?»
freight Trainmaster of the Philadel- i
phia Division, P. R. R.
Long In service but still a young
man John T. Balsley, freight train-:
master of the Philadelphia division,
Pennsylvania railroad, has a record,
for efficiency that has brought him j
considerable prominence with main
line officials of the company.
Mr. Balsley celebrated a birthday
anniversary ten days ago but no one
■fciows how many milestones this of
has passed. It matters not, for
Trainmaster Balsley goes on the
theory that a man is as old as he
makes himself, and those who see Mr.
Balsley at work, early and late, refer
•■> him as the youngest veteran em-j
cloyed on the Philadelphia division.
John T. Balsley has been a resident
of Harrisburg for many years. He
started his caioer with the Pennsvl
\ ania railroad as an operator at Ty
rone back Ir. 1 867. His attention to
duties, and excellent service brought
promotions to more impor-
[lm M 111 I for Dandruff and all scalp j
■ It MJLt UEJ 1 <"*»«»• At your cn
l t druggist or barber, ilvL j
tant offices, including that of train dis
patcher. During 18S1 Mr. Balsley
was made assistant freight trainmas
ter with headquarters in Harrisburg. i
Early in 1 i>y3 Mr. Balsley become!
if; trainmaster of the Philadel
phia division and is still tilling that
office with much credit.
Considering that the Philadelphia
division includes Harrisburg. Marys
ville and the «Knola yards, the low
grade freight line, and that the divi
sion extends from Marysville to Fiftv- I
second street, Philadelphia, Balsley
has quite some territory to cover. He '
is out on the road most of the time
and has as his assistants a corps of j
efficient clerks.
-Mr. Balsley is prominently identified !
with the Veteran Employes' Associa- i
tion of the Philadelphia division.
Continue tn Relief. Answering j
nniny inquiries, a notice has been post
ed about the local shops and round
houses informing furloughed employes
that they do not lose their standing. in
tin Relief Department.
The notice came from the general
offices in Philadelphia, and states that
wh« »• inen were notified that thev were 1
discharged because their serv ices were i
not needed, it was to be followed with !
a surrender of their relief books. Where I
it was only a furlough tile books are I
retained. These men will be carried on ;
the rolls' and will be taken back when
increased work demands their services.
It was also sttaed that tiiose dis
charged were in a large majority extra
men who had been given employment
While not yet accepted, the new rest :
room for sick folks, installed at the !
Pennsylvania Railroad Station, is ready
for service. Until all equipments have
been placcrl in position the room will
be useil only in case »of emergency.
Standing of the Crews
f Philadelphia Division ll5 crew to
Igo first after 12.01 p. m.: 115, 114. 121,
128. 127, 118; 113, 116, 108, 109, 101,
: 117.
Engineers for 113. 121, 128.
Fireman for 127.
Conductors for 109, 117, 121, 128.
! Flagmen for 101, 116.
: Brafcemen for 113. 118.
Engineers up: Sober, Gray, Maden
ford, Wenrick, Speas, Brubaker, Alar
tin, Hlpersett, Brooke, Bisslnger,
Kautz, C. E Abirght, Geesey, Smith,
Maxwell. McCauley, Simmons, Yeater,
Black, Baer Peck Grass.
Firemen up: Kochenour, Newhauser,
Huston, Johnson, Shimp, Deck, Cook,
Eckrlck, Sheaffer, Gillums, Ktllian,
Roberts. Manghig. Lebhart. Swank,
Culhane, Winters, Horstick. W. B. Mv
ers, sheebhy. Slider.
Conductors up: Houdeshel, Ford.
Flagmen up: Hawley, Donohoe,
Bruehl, First.
Brakomen up: Carroll. Shope, Collins,
Dowhower, Coleman. Hivner, Knupp,
Bogner. Gilbert, Murry. Jackson. Wi
land, Moore, Miller, File, Stehman,
Brown, Shultzberger. Watts, Preston,
Middle Division 2:30 crew first to
go after 2:05 p. m.
Five Altoona crews to come in.
Preference: SOS.
Front i-nd: 10, 25, 24, 27.
Engineers for 24. 25.
Brukt-man for 15.
Engineers up: uaker, Grove, Bennett,
Burns, Harris, Steele, Kauft'man,
Smith, Howard, Briggles, Albright.
Firemen up: Hoffman, Sholley, Hoov
er, Oundermann, Bortel, Sheatfer, Sny
i der, Libau, Itupp. Henderson, Master
son, Maione, Bruker, McAlicher, Lukens,
Beisel, Wagner.
Conductor up: Fralick.
Flagman up: Boyer.
Brakemen up: Foltz, Stambaugh,
Klstler, Schcrrick, Trout, Putt, rlar
baugh, Musser, Harner, Klick, Murray,
Flock, Eley, Meillnger, Borhman, Sutch,
A. M. Mym's, Delhi, K. C. Myers, Eichels.
* nrd trews—To go after 4 p. m.:
Engineers for 707, ISI6.
Firemen for 707, 1758, 1820, 954.
j P'ngineers up: J. K. Snyder, Loy,
Thomas, Houser, Meals, fctahl, Swab,
Silks, Crist, Harvey, Saitzman, Kuhn,
i Peiton, Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, Beck,
Harter, Biever, Biosser, Mallaby, Rodg-
I ers.
i Firemen up: Eyde, Keever, Haller,
i Ford. Klerner, Craw ford, Schieler,
Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Oookerley,
I Maeyer, Snell, Bartolett, Gettys, Hart,
j sheets, Bair.
] Plitladeliihlu Division— 2o3 crew first
I to go after 12:15 p. m.: 247, 207, 225, 2.13,
I 209, 231, 211, 229.
I Engineers for 222, 237.
, Fireman for 233.
| Conductors for 202, 233.
j Flagman for 233.
I Conductor up: Wolfe,
j Flagmen up: Reitzei, Shindel.
Brakemen up: Wertz, Long, Musser,
Wolfe, Stimelins:, Crossby, Hardy, Mc-
Call, Mutton, Albright, Boyd, Rice.
Middle Division —23S crew first to go
after 2:30 p. m.: 226, 240, 236 241 2*9
251. 222, 243, 451. " ' '
Front end: 102, 101, 104, 106.
Engineer for 101.
Fireman for 106.
Flagman for 106.
Brakeman for 102, 101, 106. 1
llnrrisliurit Division —4 crew first to
go after 9 a. m.: 2, 5, 12, 19, 9, 7, 17,
East-bound, after 8 a. m.: 7o' 67, 53,
. 59, 54, 58, 65, 57.
Conductors up: Longnecker, Hilton,
j Kline, Wolf.
; Engineers up: Massimore, Kettner
iw r i J' ~F lcfn Xi? e ' "arm, Barnhart.
Woland, Glass, Wyre, Pletz, Shellham
j er.
Firemen up: Dowhower, Sellers Hen
derson, Holbert, Burd, Hoffman, Bishop
iSukaswki, Longnecker, Aunspach. Dun
| can. Boyer, Bingaman, Brown, Auns
| pach, Duncan, Boyer, Bingaman,
! W®. Chronister.
I Kelly Woland, Hoffman, Harman
j Brakemen up: Gardner. Page, Kopp
! Shader. Clark, McHenry, Dunkle, Mar
if r 'nu A " r Ta - vlor . Ensmlnger,
Powley, fcmlth, Strawbecker, Hess
, Resch, Kuntz, Gardner, Miles, Palm'
, Kelm. *
with assault and battery,
' S', manager of the Photoplay
Theater, ...,1 Market street, was arrest
,.k m ° rnin »< by Constable Charles
Sm.th. He was held under S3OO bail
' ior . a „ hea T lnK before Alderman Hilton
next Monday afternoon
' I P e J n fc7 B 8, tlon W ; as made b y A 'bert
, of 422 Herr street. Lee aIW^o
. that while he was in the theater last
, evening Keith accused him of «leepini;
, threw him out and rent his clothing
Word of the death this week at
Oakland, California, of Mrs. Anna Gil
dea, widow of Dr. Bernard Gildea, was
received yesterday by friends In this
j city. More than thirty years ago Dr.
: Gildea, then a practicing dentist in
'Harrisburg, removed to the California
i city. Mrs. Gildea was a sister of the
llato Frederick Blessing, of Harris
>■ burg:" " " "
Attorney General Holds That Cer
tain Examinations For Certi
ficates Are Open
n James E. Rod
* erick, State chief
J\ ■ of mines, was to
' day informed by
Attorney General
w Bell in an official
ra/4?gsSßS\ opinion that the
1 i anthracite mining '
ac * did not
L. contemplate limit.-
'YX in g examination
for certificates as
mine foremen and
assistants to any one class of miners.
Ino mine chief received a request
from mine inspectors at Scranton for
an expression on a resolution adopted
by various executive boards of the
Lmted Mine Workers of America that
the examination for such certificates
be limited to men who have had five
years experience in cutting coal. In
; ! t°u 2> n ~ lr ' Be " cltes an apinion
, bj John P. Elkin when he was Attor
lT y ,',T ral ln whioh he said that the
. law did not contemplate such limi
After a Judge.—-Governor Tener was
ilf Pkii P i u ed by Prest °n S. Hood,
of Philadelphia, to take steps for re
! th-ement of Judge H. K. Weand. of
, Montgomery county, who is 7>; years
of age. The petitioner avers that the
judge acted in an arbitrary and illegal
manner 111 handling a cast in which
w ,*'?*.} Vf rest «d and charges that
he is irritable and impatient.
Pittsburgh'* New Hotel. A State
charter was issued to-day to the Wil
liam Penn Hotel Company, of Pitts
burgh, with a capital of $5,000, the
incorporators being Charles A. Blanch
ard, Grant McCargo, Charles M. Thorp
S' ~?° R"slander and Charles B
Pritchard, Pittsburgh.
Governor In Philadelphia. —Governor
Tener left this morning for Philadel
• ph i£' He is expected back to-morrow.
I Charter . Granted. _ The Greater
| Pottsville Building and Loan Asso
| elation, of Pottsville, was chartered tn
, day with $2,000,000 capital.
To Answer Next Week. Auditor
General Powell said to-dav that he
would file his answer In the automo
bile revenue suit next week. He is-in
i consultation with ex-Attornev General
! M. Hampton Todd about it.
Was in Philadelphia.—A. S. Houck
chief of statistics, was in Philadelphia
yesterday. He says that reports are
rapidly being filed by tho employers
,in response to the requirement for
j accident reports.
Big Payment Made. —: The Pitts
burgh Railways Company to-day paid
the State $69,000 as State tax on gross
Commission Active.—The State For
estry Commission to-day arranged for
the annual setting out of trees and
for start of surveys on auxiliary' for
est reserves. There are over 100 ap
plications for the latter.
—Commissioner Jackson has re
moved from 1717 North Second street
to 1916 North Front street.
lie Most Charming Array of
Parisian Coats aid Wraps
For Ladles, Misses zzi Chilton Art Hat to
Greet 41: Eyes of Styilsh Easter Siwjiiers
Tfee "Auteall" Tie " OTiwrille" Tie "Reriera"
Coat Coat Coat
A creation by Poirct. A perfect model by An equisite creation by
Of highest grade French Paquin. Of beautiful Premet. Of rose colored
Duvetvn with contrasting eponge with the new Goldfine, convertible
shade of lapel and collar, ripple flounce. Very loose front and boxpleat-
Exquisitely made. smart. * ed ripple.
$28.50 S2IOO $35.00
He "Beasc'MiMS" Tfee "Balmacaan" Tie "lewple Coat"
Coat Coat ' Coat
A charming reproduc- The popular mannish Dainty coats for little
tion bv "David" Of Co- knockabout for all kinds girls 6to 14 years, of
, ' ~' of weather. Of beautiful elegant quality worsted
penhagen >ue crepe m j xe( j Donegal tweeds serge with satin and
eponge with circular with satin yoke and sleeve washable trimming,
flounce and lacy trim. lining. Satine lined. Special at
$28.50 $11.50 to $25 $5.95
A large shipment of popular-priced coats arrived yesterday morning. There
are beautiful Shepherd checks, wool eponge, wide wale worsteds, crepe eponge,
waffle cloth and other beautiful fabrics in Spring's most desirable shades.
$I0o?5 —$12,75 —$13,75 —$HS<JOO —$!8o?5
The Easter Rush Is Now On. Permit us to request that you do your shopping
as early as possible.
Ik Globe "Ladies' Coat Salon"
322-324 Market Street
—The Moorhead Knitting Company
of this city filed notice of an increase
of debt to extent of $30,000.
—Commissioner Buller has returned
from Snyder county where he held a
hearing on the Penn's Creek situation.
—A requisitino for George Bern
hardt wanted in Philadelphia on a
c!- .rge of murder was made on New
Jersey authorities last evening.
—A suspected case of typhus fever
is being investigated at Shippensburg.
—The Public Service Commission
«ril lmeet Tuesday.
—Henry D. Jones, member of the
new commission, to-day rendered his
resignation to State Treasurer Young
as corporation clerk.
Vogt Now Has Large and
More Modern Meat Market
Guy S. Vogt has completed the in
stallation of most modern meat market
fixtures In the Buss Dally Market at 17
North Market Square, and the entire
south side of the enlarged room will
be used for the proper care and display
of meats. Refrigerator floor and wall
cases ln natural oak finish and with
ample glass front and sides to permit
an unobstructed view of every nook j
and corner of the sanitary display
cases, have choice pieces of meats ar- I
ranged on platters or nickel-plated |
hooks, and rettected by back mirrors. ,
A large refrigerator in the rear of the 1
room also has glass front and sides so ,
that whole pieces of inspected meats i
may be seen.
With' his new account sv'stem, elec- I
trie meat grinder and cash registers,
Mr. Vogt will have as modern a meat '
market as there is in this section of j
the State. Mr. Vogt has been ln the
meat business locally for twelve years,
six years of which have been ln the
Russ Daily Market.
With the addition of the room for
merly occupied by W. L Bear and Co.
the Russ market Is now one-third
larger than formerly. The dividing
wall has been removed, and with Vogt
occupying the south side of the room,
the Ash market, under the management
of A. B. Russ and J. L Windsor, will |
use the entire north side of the room 1
for sea foods, and Lawrence Clancy.
the center window and floor for the;
sale of choice fruits. The supervising i
architect was there to-day taking |
measurements for the white marble
fixtures to be Installed in the flsh mar- ,
ket section, and when alterations and
decorating is finished the market will
be one of the most complete and at
tractive between New York and Pitts
Wat Under Hundreds of Carloads
of Rock and Badly
Special to The Telegraph
Lykens, Pa., April 3. —About 4
o'clock this morning the body of Wll- ;
111 am Metz, who was crushed to death
by a fall of slate and coal, was found
In the breast of the Short Mountain
Colliery, with a big rock across the
chest. The body of the unfortunate
miner was badly mangled and death
was Instantaneous.
More than 400 cars of debris had
been removed and ifetz's match case
I was found by rescuers yesterday. The
work of rescuing was very dangerous,
las the accident occurred on a steep
i slope. Coal and slate continued to
i fall and fill the place as fast as the
men were able to take it away. Metz
was a widower and his daughter, the
| only child, living near Johnstown, Pa.,
i arrived yesterday.
I Laudenslager, who was with Metz
' at the time of the accident, has recov
| ered from the shock and Is able to be
Declares Five Per Cent.
Increase Not Sufficient
By Aitociated Prets
Washington, April 3. W. C. Max-
Jwell, general traffic manager of the
Wabash, at the hearing before the
■ Interstate Commerce Commission to
i day on the proposed increase In freight
I rates, declared that a five per cent, ad
vance would only afford partial relief
to the carriers and save the situation
for a time.
"The situation in Central Freight j
Association territory," he said, "la
bad and growing worac."
No one for a moment questions that
children inherit physical qualities from
their parents, but we quite easily forget
that moral qualities are als L o inherited.
Parents, apparently Intelligent, never
seem to realize that their children aro
composite reproductions of themselves,
added to some peculiarities of ances
tors and some originality of their own.
During the early years of the chlld'a
life he grows in the direction his pa
rents lead or drive him. He is never
again entirely free from the effects 'of
this leadership, whether good or bad.
And isn't it true that fathers and moth
ers can only train their children aright
when they have high ideals for them
We all know—and most of us forget
—that the habit of obedience Is formed
as any other habit is, by constant prac
tice. It is absolutely Indispensable to
a strong moral sense. The luck -of It
leads to all kinds of bad conduct and
self-indulgences. Of course, if we are
to preserve anything like order in a
i community, the individuals must obey
| the laws To most people thl» comes
natural, the fact that a law exists be
ing sufficient reason why it should be
kept. There are always some people
though, who find It very difficult bo
conform to the regulations, no matter
how salutary.—Editorial, Woman's
World for March.
, A Full Set £ C
of Teeth, «P J
Com* in the morning. Htn
four tevth mad* the same day.
Plaiaa repaired on short notto*
110 Market Street,
Open Dajra and Evening*.