Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Image 11

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PAO es,,„» harrisburg telegraph
Use Mi-o-na—Sure, Safe and Ef
fective Indigestion Relief
or Money Refunded
vA If you are not able to digest your
r Btomach Is sour, gassy, upset; your
tongue coated; If your head aches and
you are dizzy; if you have heartburn
and pains In your colon or bowels,
why suffer needlessly?
Buy now—to-day—from any drug
gist, a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Stom
ach Tablets. Take them regularly as
directed and see how quickly you got
relief. There Is no more effective
remedy for stomach ills than Mi-o-na.
It is not only a digestive giving quick
relief, but also strengthens and builds
up surely and safely the digestive or
gans, soothes the irritated membrane
and increases the flow of the digestive
Juices, which insures a speedy recov
ery. Your whole system is benefited
and you become well and strong. Start
treatment to-day.
Mi-o-na Is different from other di
gestive remedies. Money back from
H. C. Kennedy if not benefited.—Ad
Sad Sc for trial till
For Chapped
Hands and Lips
Rag. U. S. Pat. Off.
J* Camphor Ice
Soothes and heals cracked
skin. Keeps it smooth firm
and healthy.
Jnsisi on VASELINE Camphor Ice,
in tubes and boxes. 10 cents. Drug
t and Department stores everywhere.
41 Stat* Strati New York City
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
For You!
Beware ci the habit of constipation.
• develops from just a few constipated
< ays, unless you take yourself in hand.
Coax the jaded bowel muscles bark
»j normal action with Dr. Edwards'
j '/live Tablets, the substitute for calo-
I /+ie\. Don't force them to unnatural
l action with severe medicines or by
merely flushing out the intestines with
nasty, sickening cathartics.
Dr. Edwards believes in gentleness,
persistency and Nature's assistance.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the
botvels; their action is gentle, yet posi
tive. There is never any pain or grip
wig when Dr. Edwards' Olive Oil Tab
lets are used. .Tust the kind of treat
ment old persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil, you will know them by their olive
color. Take one or two occasionally and
have no trouble with your liver, bowels
or stomach. 10c and 25c per box. The
Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. At
nil druggists.—Advertisement.
. Best Laxative
for Old Folks
Sweet Lax Links
Old folks must be very careful in
islng laxatives which gripe or cause
iains. Lax Links, those delightful candy
Dxatives, exquisitely flavored with the
f" of spearmint, are well adapted for
3 folks or Invalids, as they do not
ntaln any habit-forming drugs, nor
idll they cause any inconvenience. They
rill assist the liver in relieving and
ireventing constipation. They are mild
n their action, but they are sure In
rvery case. By reason of their composi
•on they are endorsed by physicians.
Cor all who become easily constipated
ty eating pastry and sweets they are
ileal. Use them and your blood will
tay pure arid you will be free of head-
Hies. Sold by aJI druggists. 10c and
6c. boxes. Write for free sample. Boro
lalicine Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
The Spring schedule of coal
prices went into effect April 1,
and lowers the cost of coal with
few exceptions 50c a ton.
Kelley's Coal quality is as
high as ever, but prices are
50c lower,
Kelley's hard egg is now $5.95
Kelley's hard stove is now $6.20
Kelley's hard nut is now $6.35
Get in your coal now before
Spring housecleaning.
1 N. Third St.
10th and State Street*.
Direct Houte
< Savannah and Jacksonville
M Through tickets to principal points
including meals and stateroom accom-
W modations on steamers Best route to
Florida, Cuba and the South Fine
Meamers. Best service. Eow fares
Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried
Kooms de Luxe. Baths. For booklet
• all on local ticket agent or address.
< it)' Ticket Office, 10." S. nth St., riilln
\V. P. Turner, P. T. H„ Baltimore, Md.
Try Teleexaph Want Ads.
Christ Pointed Out Many Lessons
While Seated at the
Dinner Table
Person Who Seeks Social Career
as Life Goal Will Taste
Apples of Sodom
The International Sunday School Les
son for April 5 is "Christ's Table
Talk"—Luke 14:7-24.
By William T. EUis
The convivial Christ is the central
figure of this story. No anchorite or
ascetic he, but a frequenter of feasts,
a desired diner-out. Because he spent
his early life in a carpenter shop is
no warrant for classing Jesus as so
cially unsophisticated. The three years
of his ministry reveal him often in so
cial'aspects, and frequently as feasts.
The boorishness which regards the
possession of evening clothes as a
mark of worldliness would get no en
couragement from Jesus. He was so
true a democrat that he could meet
all men on their own level, from the
highest to the lowliest.
There was good dining over in the
trans-Jordan country, even as to-day.
It is a fat land. No traveler can for
get the fruits of Damascus. At the
lime of this lesson, Jesus was sojourn
ing in Perea, where the forms of cul
tivated society were farther advanced
even than in Jerusalem. We must
see the story in this setting. Orien
tal hospitality, even to this day, has
more of the outward forms ot
graciousness than we in the West
.viiow. In a recent Atlantic Monthly
the Kev. Dr. A. M. Rihbany, a Syrian,
tells how he at first declined dinner
invitations in America, because they
were so curt and casual; he was look
ing for oriental urgency.
Out of the table talk of a dinner
party the text of this lesson is taken,
liood table talk is the surest mark
of good society. How would that of
your home look in a book? Not the
viands, but the guests and the con
versations make a dinner notable. No
other comment is needed upon some
elaborate dinners that are reported in
Uie daily press than that the guests
have to be entertained by hired per
formers; they have no resources in
themselvea To sit at some tables is
as sood as a college education; while
as for others, the school teachers say
that all their instructions in proper
speeches and refined usage are nulli
fied at home. The best stories, the
most important news, the discussion
of all that is worth while in the world,
belong at the dinner table. Even.
though the roast be tender, if the talk
be tough, the dinner is a failure. 1 5
know one family with young folks in'
it that has moved its Encyclopedia
Brittanica to the dining room, as an
aid to profitable talk.
"Bounders," Then autl Now
As it was, so it is. The keen words
of Jesus concerning the socially ambi
tious, the persons who thrust them
selves forward into prominence, are as
up-to-date as though spoken of last
night's function. Then, as now, there
were "bounders," and "climbers,' liv
ing to be seen in the right "set," and
reverting to the jungle for their code
of manners in order to attain this am
bition. The selfishness and ruthless
ness of it all, and the bitter heart
burnings and jealousies engendered,
almost pass belief. Of no aspect of
life can blase Wise Man's words be
more truly spoken, "Vanity of vani
ties! All is vanity!" The person who
seeks a social career as a life goal is
due to learn to the full the taste of
Apples of Sodom.
Everybody seems to be in a con
spiracy to drag down the person who
seeks the best seat for himself. Jesus
pointed out, in a few luminous sen
tences, how such a one is sure to be
called down; while the wiser, more
modest person is set in the higher
place. That is social sophistication,
as well as good manners and funda
mental modesty.
No truer life appraisal was ever
made than these words of Jesus: "For
every one that exalted himself shall
be humbled; and he that humbleth
himself shall be exalted." The shores
of social life are strewn with the em
bittered wrecks of the once proud and
self-exalted. And it is as common
as sunrises to see persons who despise
social attention having it steadily
showered upon them. Thus the laws
of the kingdom work out in life.
How a "Set" Swaps Dinners
We rather rub our eyes at the mod
ernity of the conditions revealed by
these words of Jesus; "And he said
to him also that had bidden him,
When thou makest a dinner or a sup
per, call not thy friends, nor thy
triends, nor thy brethren, or thy kins
men, nor rich neighbors; lest haply
they also bid thee again, and a recom
pense be made thee." That sounds
like a present-day social satirist.
The thing we call "society," be it
in New York or in Podunk, Is made
up of an exclusive set who exchange
ZEMO Proves a Wonderful Success-
Stops Itching Instantly and
Brings Permanent Results.
Oet a 25c Bottle Today and Prore It.
Dont think that eczema, that nearly
drives you wild, can't be Rotten rid of. It
can—and ZEMO is all yon need to do It.
This clean, antl-
Immediate and ItslkJ
results lasting. ZE Vh yVP J A
MO has often beenffSgfiM
imitated but
others, by * * /iHB
your Hkln as clear as ZEMO Will Stop All
though you had Thi» Torment Instantly
never lrnd eczema in your life. You will
Set .this relief instantly by Betting a 25c
ottle of ZK MO right away— now. There's
; no more oxcuse lor enduring such misery.
ZEMO Is sold and guaranteed by druggist*
i everywhere, and in Harrisburg oy
1 Golden Seal Drug Htore, E. Z. Grose,
Kennedy's Medicine Store, Croll Keller,
\\ . T. Thompson, C. M. Forney, J. Nel
son Clark Drug Co.- T. Prowell Stee-i
--:ot Pa
TT isn tso much a man s money as it is his judgment that counts in clothes I
buying—in fact, no amount of cash can disguise bad taste in dress. I
fggßll We know men—and so do you—who spare I
no expense on their clothes, and yet I
who never achieve an appearance of I
distinction or individuality. On the other hand, there are I
/ t men * n tki s town whose clothes invariably radiate refinement I
y< / I i>>KL and good taste—men who look as they should look in their I
I & clothes—and yet who spend very very little—so little that I
\ J»yli wouldn t believe it if we to!d you. We happen to I
\XjJPknow because they are customers of this Live Store and I
w / are wear * n 2 I
/I i Kuppenheimer Clothes I
1 \ The kind of clothes you ought to wear, at the price you I
111 ought lo pay— I
111 \||lljk $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 I
,||§S \ You've never seen the like of the fine weaves,
\ ne st yl es and fine tailoring we're showing this
| spring season. Meanwhile, men of long judg
-11 I ment are s^mm^n 8 l^e cream, so come early.
304 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
——■■ ■Hl——
visits and dinners among themselves,
the chief charm of which consists in
the fact that most other persons in
the vicinity are not permitted to par
ticipate. Rebellious complaints are
heard in private from the members of
most "sets," that they have to go out
night after night to meet the very
same people over and over again.
"Flat, stale and unprofitable" is the
verdict of even those who maintain
this social barter, with its endless suc
cession of expensive and profitless
A radical reform was proposed by
Jesus. He said that the sensible and
useful hospitality is that which is be
stowed upon the needy, and the so
cially nonelect. Pity the shallow and
conventionalized homes which never
welcome to their table anybody from
whom a return invitation may not be
expected. They miss the zest and im
mediate rewards of real hospitality—
to put the case on its lowest basis—
i because they who entertain strangers
1 sometimes entertain angels unawares,
j The guest who is on nobody's list,
, often is the most entertaining and
profitable. Wayfarers often have an
I Individuality denied to the socially
I elect, who have lived their common-
I place lives In a commonplace way in
I a commonplace community.
Of course, the teaching runs deeper
than this. The latest and wisest ex
port in sociology is pointing out the
supreme place of the Individual home
in all reform. If there were more at
tractive homes open to young people
there would be fewer on the streets
and In the low places of amusement.
A wise Christian hostess, administer
ing her home as a talent for God, can
fix the Ideals of scores of plastic youth,
and do truer service for the state
than the one who serves on number
less committees and works for assort
ed reforms. I know one Boston
woman who was thus "given to hos
pitality," and now workers for the
world's welfare, scattered all over the
earth, bless her as one of the greatest
influences in their lives. "Back to
the home" Is a slogan that will be
heard Increasingly.
When Truth Crowds Uncomfortably
, A wee laddie known to me used to
try to divert parental admonitions
by saying, "Let's talk about the yel
low cow." When truth crowds
home, change the subject of conver
sation. One of the shrewd old
Pharisees who reclined at dinner
with Jesus, finding the table talk
rather too warm for comfort, piously
remarked, seizing upon a phrase of
Jesus, "Blessed is he that shall eat
bread in the kingdom of God." He
tried to use religion as a derailing
switch; just as the church members
whose business has crooked ramifica
tions, cry, "Stick to the simple gos
pel!" when they find themselves
squirming under the preacher's appli
cation of truth.
Thin unctuous Pharisaism only
stirred Jesus to sterner reproof. The
self-complacent religious snobbery of
the leading Jews, which made them
sure that they were the elect,
aroused his indignation. Tilt- same
itorf of smug assurance is found to-
day at old Tiberias, where two sects
of rabbis have theological schools,
on the traditional assumption that
when the Messiah appears he will
rise out of the Lake of Galilee, chooso
his lieutenants from the Tiberias
theologians, and then proceed to the
neighboring hill of Safed to set up
Ins throne. Just as he could be very
tender toward sinners, so Jesus could
be very stern toward those who called
themselves saints. Cried Frederic Law
rence Knowles:
"Gentle as she who nursed thee at
her breast,
(Yet what a lash of lightnings once
] they tongue,
ITo scourge the hypocrite and Pharl-
I see!)
i Nerve thou mine arm, O meek, O
I mighty One."
Countering full and fairly against
the pious snobbery of the Pharisee,
Jesus told a story to illustrate that
the first chosen might bo the finally
left. This parable of the great sup
per looks two ways; it is a rebuke to
the Phairsees and an invitation to
the multitude. In passing, the old
I observation may be repeated that
| the Master here once more presents
I the kingdom invitation in the guise
lof a feast. God has spread His finest
repast in the gospel of His Son.
The Free For All Feast
All things were made ready by the
host; the feast was spread. That was
the host's part. His chosen failed
in theirs; they did not come when
called. The invitation was flouted.
Shall a man spurn God? That is what
Is being done every day. The Great
Invitation is rejected, with excuses
as transparently false as those of
fered in the lesson to-day.
One man had bought a field, and
must go look at it as if men exam
ined land after purchase, instead of
before! Another pleaded that he
must try out a new yoke of oxen—
which, of course, should have been
tested before purchase. The third
had married a wife; and so, as a set
tled member of the community,
should accept his social responsibili
An anecdote relates that one Arab
sent to another to borrow a rope.
The answer came back, "I need it to
tie up a bale of water."
"But water Is not tied with a
rope," was the response.
"Allah permits one to do wonder
ful things with a rope when he does
not want to lend it," said the owner.
Of this nature where the excuses of
the guests first invited.
"Then the master of the house being
angry said to his servant, Go out
quickly Into the street and lanes of
the city, and bring In hither the
poor and maimed and blind and
lame." Some persons think God is a
mollycoddle, and cannot grow indig
nant. Scripture teaches otherwise.
The notion that God is a sort of vast,
gelatinous Geniality, whom mortal
offences cannot disturb, Is as perni
cious as It. is false. The anger of the
Almighty is predicted for those who
reject the Great Invitation.
So the invitation was sent run
ning through the lanes and streets
of the city, where it reached the
poor and maimed and blind, and
then even out into the highwavs and
hedges, where the very riff-raff were
to be found. Of course, the picture
sets forth the Gospel call to the hea
then, and to the uttermost limits of
humanity. All through the ages the
parable-prophecy has been in course
of fulfilment. The Gentiles of old,
and the outcasts of India to-day, are
showing the greatest zeal to accept
that invitation, which the proud and
self-righteous refused. The gateway
to the feast is inscribed, "Whosoever
Now is the Time to Get Bid of Those
Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles,
as the prescription othlne—double
strength—is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlne —
double strength—from any druggist
and apply a little of it night and
morning and you should soon see that
even the worst freckles have begun to
disappear, while the lighter ones have
vanished entirely. It is seldom that
more than an ounce is needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beau
tiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double
strength othlne as this is sold under
guarantee of money back If it fails to
remove freckles. —Advertisement.
Don't Be
Weak or Weary
Your system needs a good tonic.
The blood needs revitalizing.
Beef, Iron and Wine
is a fine tonic for cleansing and
stimulating the blood.
Per Bottle, SOc—Full Pint
(lood for young children.
Forney's Drug Store
"We serve yon wherever yon are."
And Even Pure Water Could Not Be Retained on Her
Stomach troubles of all kinds cer
tainly are prevalent in Harrisburg, but
they are gradually but surely being
subdued by Quaker Extract. More
cures of chronic cases are being re
ported daily. Mrs. S. Bierbauer, of
118(5 Bailey street, said:
"My stomacli was in a dreadful con
dition and wits in sucli a weakened
state that I could not retain any solid
l'ood. Even liquid nourishment would
not stay on the stomach and lately I
could not even drlnlc a glass of pure
water without dreadful consequences.
I certainly tried much medicine to be
cured, but nothing seemed to help.
Finally 1 joined the number calling on
the Health Teacher at the drug store.
I obtained a treatment of Quaker Ex
A good cigar like a good egg is not
only good in parts—but all over
KING OSCAR 5c Cigars
are good all over—good wrapper,
good binder and good filler
Regularly Good For 23 Years
tract and to-day I can report wonder
ful progress, j now eat well and feel
well, am the last to leave the table
and I can retain solid and liquid foods
on my stomach. I still feel weak, but
am Improving daily, and eertainly reo-
to all suffer-i
ers of stomach troubles."
This case is all the more remarkable
because Mrs. Bierbauer Is a lady well
up in years. Quaker Extract not only
purines, but strengthens, and Is a tonla
of value to men, women and children.
It is also for sufferers of rheumatism,
catarrh, kidney and bladder troubles.
Quaker Herb Extract, SI.OO per bottle;
3 for S2.DO; Oil of Balm (liniment),
for all aches and pains, 25 cents, ae
W. IX. Kennedy's, 30 South Third
street. —Advertisement.