Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Image 1

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    ' . • _ 1,1
Hundreds of Dead and Wounded So
WITH wins OF
DEM won.
For Si* Days. Villa and His Army
Continued Their Assaults on
City Which Now Gives Constitu
tionalists Complete Control of
Wounded Men, Unable to Move,
Lie in Trenches and Die For
Want of Food and Drink; Suf
fering Among Soldiers Is Intense
Torreon, Mexico, April 3 (via Gomez
Paiacio).—Torreon, strewn with the
dead and wounded of a six-day battle,
was occupied by the rebels last night
on the heels.of the fleeing federals.
j In all the lighting no foreigner was
killed or injured. The taking of Tor
reon marks the climax of the first
campaign of the revolution to oust
Victoriano Huerta from Mexico City.
Ii gives the Constitutionalists virtual
control over the whole northern tier
of Mexican states.
The fighting began last Friday and
was almost continuous. At first Villa
attempted assaults on the strong fed- ;
eral positions in daylight, but these
proved costly, so the days were spent
In cannonading and the nights in as- I
Positions were taken and lost time !
end again. Several night attacks sent |
the federals scurrying from strong po- I
sitions, but at daybreak the captors |
would be. compelled to abandon them !
hy the strength and accuracy of the '
enemy's artillery lire, much of which \
.is said to have been directed by l
French and German gunners.
Losses Estimated
J J ssses have not been compiled, but;
General Villa estimates his own losses I
at sl'o killed and 1,500 wounded and :
the lederal loss at 1,000 killed and l
r.r.00 wounded, with an unknown !
number of prisoners.
Villa believes that the federals
whom his cavalry is pursuing to the j
south f»>rm but a remnant of the fed- ;
eral for»*e, whose loss, he says, prob- i
ably is close to being total. All the ;
subordinate generals have not yet re- I
ported, however, and until they do I
.iust how -nany were captured cannot !
be accurately stated.
The batt'e line was four miles long i
nnd the field was determined by three
* great bills, formed like a carpenter's !
square, at either end of which lay the j
towns of Gomez Paiacio and Torreon. I
10.000 in Each Army
There wort about 10,000 men in !
each army. federals had fortified I
the hills with rifle pits, trenches and I
barbed wire entanglements. The na- i
ture. of the ground made it difficult to
recover the wounded and many of l
them died of ihlist and hunger or lack ■
of attention where they fell.
Automobiles were used in rescue
but they could not ascend the I
Some of the fiercest fighting oc
curred in hills south of Gomez Paiacio
and west of Torreon. It raged with
great fury in the Canon de Huarache.
where the federals made their last
desperate stand and from which they
finally (led, followed by a column of
Villa's soldiers.
Twice the rebels took two of the
hills only to lose them, but all th.,
time the attack was becoming more
formidable as the soldiers, attacking
from all sides except tht west, fighting
[Continued on Pa?c 11]
Late News Bulletins
Philadelphia, April s'.—The baseball cranio between the Philadel
.l , l'T nns m "' Philadelphia Nationals scheduled for to-day was
called off because of eold weather.
Philadelphia, April 3..—The bituminous miners from the Central
Pennsylvania district in corference here with operators for the purpose
of adjusting wage scales and otlier matters have not yet received a re
ply to telegrams sent yesterday to President White of the United Mine
Workers asking instructions In the present controversy.
*1?." A P rU 3 -—David S. Brumbaugh, one of the oldest
practitioners at the Blair county bar and a justice of the peace for a
quarter of a century, died at his home at Roaring Spring to-day, ajjed
V/' *! art,n G - Brumbaugh, of Philadelphia, the Republican
candidate for Governor, Is a nephew of the deceased.
*'! S™** Closing.—-Chesap* ake and Ohio, 5:5 % i Lehigh Valley,
tilts'. I 13%; Southern Pacittc, Union Pacific,
io9 W. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, 10014; P. R. R„ 110%; Read
lng, 165; Canadian Pacalie, 207: Amal. Copper, 78U ; U. S Steel 63 %
?°l ~KS' - A P r ? l "Ifssasc received here at 3.30 this
afternoon from the captain of the Bellaventure says that the total deail
C a^d o o^he^7««e n m an<l *"* o,,< ' hundred u " d twe,vc werc
\ ork, April 3."—A private incssaco rrcclvod tiei*e tn-dsiv
Sc^#ii , fJlS? C Rt S i l Ii hern Cr , OSS 111141 not arrlved Ht Channel, N. F., as re
safety! an KraV ° 8 were ex P r essed for the vessel's
St. Johns, N. F., April 3.—When ninety miles fro innort the Belle
venture Iwoame blocked In the Ice off Cape Bonavlsta and at noon her
captain sent a wireless message stating that It might be Sundav before
In the Short Mountain Colliery several davn ago.
New York, April 3.—The market closed weak Stocks were lib
erally supplied as the session ended, short selling belnir more active
leaders 4 a'point!' Porio "- < '" ,, " ,Uan lo ""
~1 ~ ~ " " " —I
|s&- J^BBBSmMmBHk
Ml B : *'y>
. - '. *
■itK.vc siiow emoSt temperance workcrs of Pennsylvania are attending the big No-License convention in this city. Reading from left to right the etchings
; l-ni\ ( rsiV^ P Che 1 st f er~«.untv^° rrlS T ' WooJ * of Dowr ' ln Ktown, vice-president of the Women's Christian Temperance Alliance; Dr. Hannah McLyons, Lincoln
1 _-. „ l ; PP« ,r r i?ht—B r - E £: Moore, superintendent Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League; Milton M. Meyer, secretary Anti-Saloon League- C F Swift Beaver
; Falls; the Kev. w. J. Nyce, St. i eters. ° ' '• , DCO Cl
! '['. CUftn^Harr/«/LThano n nl^ctv^'k"Klein."Stng. Intercounty Charles L Huston. Coatesvllle. president Intercounty Federation; the Rev.
Lower right—The Rev. T. Mitcheil Bennetts, .Darby.
Farrisburg Will Be in Third Dis
trict With Philadelphia as
Banking Center
Washington, April 3. Although
various steps still must be taken be
fore the new federal reserve banking
system begins operation, Treasury offi
cials expected to-day that the twelve
reserve banks, announced last night,
would open for business within three
months and that the revolutionary
change in the nation's financial ma
chinery would be an accomplished fact
within that time. With the designa
tion of the reserve centers the organi
zation committee took the first decis
ive step toward perfection of the sys
tem. The cities named are Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, Richmond,
Atlanta, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis,
Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas and
San Francisco.
The first work to-day was official
certification to Comptroller of the
Currency Williams of the selections
and Mr. Williams began the task of
notifying every one of the 7,548 na
tional and State banks which have ap
plied for membership. It was the
general expectation that member
fContinued on Page 7.]
■ 1 Government Has Instituted Extend
ed Search For Missing
Southern Crew
By Associated Press
St. John's. N. F„ April 3.—-There
was growing apprehension to-day that
the sealing steamer Southern Cross
wont down with all on board during
the blizzard off Cape Race Tuesday.
She carried a crew of 170 men and
was heavily loaded with 17,000 seal
skins, trophies of a hunt recently con
cluded in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Hope for the safety of the vessel
based on a dispatch from Sydney, N. S,,
which stated that a wireless message
had been received there reporting the
arrival of the Southern Cross was dis
sipated before noon, when the gov
ernment, after several hours' inquiry,
declared the Sydney report, untrue.
Appeal Sent to I'niitwl States
The government has instituted an
extended search for the missing vessel
and appealed to the United States for
assistance. The Reid-New Foundland
Company's steamer Kyle, which has a
good wireless equipment, was char
tered for the purpose and will sail at
midnight. The American revenue cut
ter Seneca, which is doing iceberg
patrol duty several hundreds miles off
the southern coast, was asked to
The sealer Bellaventure, with her
cargo of sixty dead, is blocked in the
ice 100 miles north of here and cannot
arrive before Sunday. She went to
the aid of her sister sealer, the New
Foundland, when 120 hunters from
the latter were caught by the storm
while killing seals Tuesday and were
unable to regain their ship.
The Bellaventure, the Stephano and
Florlzel picked up many bodies and
a number of survivors. It is known
| that fifty-eight lives were lost and
j some thirty men aro not accounted
for. It is believed that it is scarcelv
j possible that the latter could have
survived the long exposure on the Ice
By Associated Press
Ottawa, 111., April 3. Twelve hun
dred men are idle to-day as the result
of the- closing down of coal mines at
La Salle, Peru, Ogelsby, Jonesville and
I Cedar Point. The shut-down was caus
ed, it is said, by an overstocked mar
ket, brought about by dealers who fear
ed a strike and stored away thousands
of, tons of coal.
By Associated Press
New York, April 3.—The Appelate
division of the State Supreme Court
to-day decided against Florence
Louise Brandt in her attempt to estab
lish that she is the legally adopted
daughter of the late William Ziegler.
Miss Brandt claims one-half of the
i fifteen million dollar estate left by
I Ziegler, the bulk of which went to
J William Ziegler, Jr., an adopted son.
• y Associated Press
, Little Rock, Ark., April 8. Mrs
[ Ellhu Francis and her two children
| were murdered bV an unknown slayer
; and her husband and another child nar
rowly escaped the same fate at their
home last night, near Arkadelphla The
Francis home also was set on fire
Francis was awakened by his wife's
death cries and ran from the house
. D, ter J r etur P in ? t( \. resc ue one child.'
I Bloodhounds have been sent from this
' city and intense excitement prevails.
-! Latter Selected Because of His
Sp2cial Knowledge of Cattle,
Says Bowman
Dr. Georße A. Zimmerman, 29
i North Second street, chemist and
! bacteriologist.
Dr. William V. lluglu-.s, 41G
Walnut street, veterinarian,
former meat and milk inspector
under ex-Mayor Meals.
Appointments of Dra. George A.
Zimmerman and William V. Hughes
to be Harrisburg's first food inspectors
of the bureau of health and sanita
tion were announced to-day by City
Commissioner Harry P. Bowman, sup
erintendent of the department of pub
lic safety.
The nominations will be sent to City
Council Monday afternoon and It is ex
fConiiiiiHMl on Page 18]
Representative J. Hampton Moore
Attacks Measure on Floor
of House
Washington, D. C., April 3. The
, Underwood-Simmons tariff act went
j into effect six months ago to-day, and
. present indications are that it will not
, reduce customs revenue any more than
. was estimated In Congress at the time
I of passage.
According to the Treasury's March
statement customs revenues amounted
to about $26,000,000, which is about
$1,300,000 less than the Payne-Aldrich
; law produced in March, 1913. That
; was a marked increase over February,
i when revenues fell over $10,000,000
compared to the same months of 1913.
The average decrease in customs
■ revenue for the six months the Under
-1 wood-Simmons act has been in opera
tion is placed at about $4,000,000, but
officials were confident to-day that
. would be reduced in the coming six
months. The annual reduction was
estimated at about $45,000,000 a year.
Despite reports of an unexpected
failure of income tax returns to proin
, ise the revenue necessary to offset the
difference In customs, officials were
inclined to-day to believe that the
[Continued on Page 18]
By Associated Press
Cairo, Egypt, April 3. The condi
tion df James Gordon Bennett, proprie
tor of the New York Herald, who haw
been ill as a result of an attack of
bronchitis, was said by the physicians
in attendance to-day to be much bet
San Bernardino, Cal., April 3. The
Santa Fe Railroad Compuny put Into
effect an order to-day ending retrench
ment measures in the shops and in
creasing the working time of 1,000 mo
i chanlcs. 25 per cent, over the schedule
maintained since the first of the year.
Werner Has Plan Whereby In
crease Will Not Have to Be
Made This Year
Half a mill will be added to the city
school tax rate for the ensuing year
to-night, unless the school directors
reduce the estimated expenditures as
suggested by the finance committee,
or provide a legal way to raise addi
tional revenue.
Should the finance committee's rec
ommendation be adopted the school
rate will be boosted from 8 to 8 ',4
mills, Just one mill less than was fixed
some time ago by the City Commis
One chance for raising enough rev
enue to warrant the expenditures pro
vided for without increasing the mill
rate Is open. This involves the legal
question of whether or not the school
[Continued on Page 18]
Of This Number 32,500 Took Out
Books in Three Months of
Its Operation
Figures compiled to-day at the Har
risburg Public Library show that In
the first three months of the city's
newest public Institution over 32,500
books were circulated, or almost 11,000
a month. The library began its free
book service on January 3, and the
figures are taken from the librarian's
reports f»or January, February and
March. This jirculation Is said to be
higher than usual in libraries the size
of Harrlsburg, and the brisk demand
for books, especially by school children,
attracted the attention of the visitors
from Pratt Institute, who were at the
library on Wednesday.
The circulation of books In March,
In spite of the blizzards and the sick
ness among school children, aggregated
10,184,, against 10,516 in February, and
11,888 in January. Of the books cir
culated In March 3,456 were taken out
by children, and at the story-telling
hour on Saturday mornings, 265 young
sters turned up, ninety-tlve appearing
on one Saturday. On another Saturday
the hour was abandoned because -of the
Registration at the library now ag
gregates 6,000, or one-eleventh of the
estimated population of the city. It In
creased over 600 in March. The num
ber of readers, that is persons who
spend half an hour or so reading at
tne library, numbered 3,896 In March,
2,306 being adults, many of whom
went to study in the evenings. The
readers in February numbered 2,148,
and in January. 2,015. The storms and
Bcarlet fever outbreaks interfered with
the circulation of books among chil
dren. forty notices being sent out In one
During March there were 375 bookß,
half of which are for children; added to
the library and a great part of the
teachers' library was catalogued. The
most notable addition was a splendid 1
set of the Jewish Encyclopedia, I'onat- ;
eS by Salem Lodge, Independent Order 1
of Unal B'rlth. Tlilb was given to the
library on behalf of the Jewish people
of the city, and will be placed for easy
reference and reading, being suitably
Inscribed with the name of the donors.
It Is a beautiful work and has attract
ed much attention.
j Speakers Tell of Some Impor
tant Moves Needed to Get
I Through the Legislature
Proper Anti-Liquor Meas
Dr. Brumbaugh Sends Letter
to Foes of Traffic Stating
That He Will Support Lo
cal Option Fight if Elected
8.45-7.4s—Great Street Demonstra
tion and Parade.
! B.oo—Combined Mass Meetings,
Chestnut Street Auditorium, Harris
| burg, the Rev. Silas C. Swal
i low, Camp HIU, presiding. Professor
I C. A. Ellenberger and C. E. Cliorus
Choir of Harrisburg, to lead the
singing. Professor J. G. Dailey, of
Philadelphia, to sing his song, "A
! Saioonless Nation In 1920." Devo
tional exercises led by the Rev. G.
! F. Sehaum, pastor Harris Street
| Evangelical Church. Address, Bishop
I James Henry Darlington, Harrls
! burg. Pa. Address, Professor Charles
Scanlon, A. M., Pittsburgh, general
secretary Presbyterian Board of
Temperance. Address, Professor
Francis Harvey Green, A. M., Litt.
D., West Chester State Normal
Unanimously adopting a resolution
that the meeting "recognize" the In
ter-county No-License Federation, the
first State convention of No-License
Leagues harmonized this morning. It
was not until several members had
(poured oil on troubled waters that the
convention passed the resolution,
which was as follows:
Resolved that we recognize
the Inter-county No-License Cam
paign Federation; that officers
of this federation consist of a
president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer; that they serve
without compensation; that the
officers, along with the chairmen
of county no-license campaigns
constitute a committee to co-op
erate with other temperance or
ganizations for furtherance ot
temperance work.
Immediately upon Rev. W. M.
[Continued on Pago 14]
Papers For State Committeemen
Liberally Signed by Dauphin
William H. Horner, of Swatara
township. Republican county chair
• man, to-day filed his petition for re
election as a member of the Repub
lican State committee from this coun
ty. C. F. Moyer, of Millersburg, filed
his petition some time ago.
Mr. Horner was elected as member
of the State committee last Fall by
the largest Republican vote polled In
the county. He is one of the most
effective organizers known In the
county and Swatara township is a
banner for enrollment .
The petition filed for Mr. Horner
to-day contains the names of many
nroniinent men.
Emperor Presents Oil
Painting to Catholic
Church in McKeesport
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh, April 3.—Emperor
Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary,
! has presented to St. Stephen's Catholic
church of McKeesport an oil painting
of St. Stephen, the fifth king of Hun- '
gary. The painting cost SIO,OOO and j
Is the work of John P, Ucllnsk, of
Budapest. St. Stephen's Is the oldest I
and probably the largest Hungarian!
church In the United States. Th>. em
peror's gift is an appreciation of the <
faithfulness of the Hungarians of the I
McKeesport district. The painting!
will be dedicated June 14 by Bishop:
J. F. Regis Canevin. Dr. Constantln
Dumbu. Austrian ambassador |i> this
country, and Austrian consuls in the
northern part of the country will at-!
[tend. i
On Advice of Water Commission
ers Piers Will Be Higher Than
at First Proposed
Officials Announce That New*
Freight Station Job Will Not Be
Started This Summer
Plans and speculations for the new
Cumberland Valley Railroad bridge
over the Susquehanna river at Har
risburg accompanied by a request
from the railroad officials for a per
mit have been received at the office
ot the State Water Supply Commis
or ' t or > the new structure will
start soon after the approval of th«
Plans and the granting of the permit.
•Material is now being dellv<*ed in
South Harrlsburg and at Tjemoyne and
u is proposed to have the work un
der way by May 1.
According to the plans the bridge
will be of reinforced concrete ma
sonry. There will be sixty spans vary
ing in length from 75 to 77 feet. The
arches will be built at a 48-foot ra
dius. The present piers will be re
tained and will be reinforced with a.
covering of concrete. Between each
of the present piers an additional pier
will be constructed.
The bridge will be big enough for
two tracks with sufficient space on
leach side to allow trackmen and sig-
Inal men to walk. In this line the
new bridge will be similar to that at
I Rockville. The plans call for no
changes in the connecting tracks at
the west end of the bridge.
To Make Spans High
The spans will be so constructed
to permit a clearance of from eleven
to fifteen feet above the high water
line of the flood of 18S9. The origi
nal plans called for lower spans. The
change in height is at the suggestion
of the Water Supply commisioners.
The specifications for the subway at
Front and Mulberry streets show no
changes in the original plans as pre
sented to Councils when the right of
j way was granted for two tracks in
t Mulberry street.
The work is to be carried on with
out any Interference with traffic. The
south side of the bridge will bo con
structed first, so an to permit the use
of the old structure until the lower
half Is completed. Tracks will be put
down and the new portion will be used
by trains until the north side of the
bridge is completed. While the new
bridge is in course of construction
all freight for the Cumberland Val
ley will be taken by way of Rockville.
Delay Station Work
This work is the only work that
will be taken up this year, according
to a statement made this morning.
The freight station improvement In
South Harrlsburg has been abandoned
for the present In accordance with re
cent retrenchment orders.
Toklo, April 3. —The condition of
health of the Dowager Empress Ha
ruko, of Japan, has become worse.
She has been ill at the imperial villa
at Numazu, a watering place south
west of Yokohama for some time, suf
fering from angina pectoris.
For Harrlsburg and vlcilntyi Fair
nnd colder to-night, with freezing;
temperaturei Saturday lair, con
tinued cold.
For F.astern Pennsylvania! Partly
cloudy to-night) colder In south
portion with front; Saturday fnlri
gentle northwest to north
The Juniata. Went Branch ancl thci
upper portion of the North
llranch will fall for several dnyi>|
the lower portion of the North
llranch will rise slightly this aft
ernoon nnd t'o-nlglit and begin tw
full Saturday. The main river
will fall slowly to-night, thr
lower portion continuing to fall
Saturdays the upper portion will
remain nearly stationary or rlsa
slightly Saturday and begin to
fall Saturday night or Sunday
General Condition*
The storm, central along the Maine
coast, Thursday morning, has
passed off northeastward. A.
strong high pressure area from
the Northwest haa overspread
the greater part of the country,
causing a general fall of 2 to SO
degrees in temperature In prac
tically all districts east of the
Rocky Mountains.
Temperature! H «i. m„ ao< 2 p. m„ 40.
Sum Rises, 5t48 a. m. | sets, 6ißl
P. 111.
Moon: First quarter, to-day at 2t4l
p. m.
Riveri Stsget 11 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest -temperature, 87.
lamest temperature. 44.
Mean temperature, 80.
Normal temperature, 48.
Work For Your Own
After all, a properly lined
pocketbook Is a very good friend
to have.
What you save oounts as well
as what you make.
Thrift Is spending to advan
tage and spending to advan
tage means spending with knowl
The wise man keeps posted on
the market—and the best guide
to that Is the day-to-day adver
tising In a. live newspaper like
the Telegraph.
Don't buy "haphazard." Read
the advertising and compare the
various offerings then choose
to your best advantage.
You are working for your own
pocketbook when you follow this