Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 02, 1914, Page 11, Image 9

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Tells How She Was Made
Well by LydiaE. Pinkham'*
Vegetable Compound.
New Orleans, La.—"l take pleasure
eHgejeammffissßfimß in writing these lines
i*to express my grati
tude to you. lam
only 16 years old and
I'M work in a tobacco
factory. I have
gran jglfl " >een a ver y sicl< g' rl
wonderfully since
taking Lydia E.
I 'fliJmiJn Pinkham'B Vegeta-
I A I I'm I Compound and
« am now looking fine
and feeling a thousand times better."
houpitoulas St, New Orleans, La.
St. Clair, Pa.— "My mother was
alarmed because I was troubled with
suppression and had pains in my back
and side, and severe headaches. I had
pimples on my face, my complexion was
callow, my sleep was disturbed, I had
nervous spells, was very tired and had
no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound has worked like a
charm in my case and has regulated me.
3 worked in a mill among hundreds of
girls and have recommended your medi
cine to many of them."—Miss ESTELLA
MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St, St. Clair, Pa.
There is nothing that teaches more
than experience. Therefore, such let
ters from girls who have suffered and
were restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should
be a lesson to others. The same remedy
is within reach of all.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential; Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, rend and answered by a
woman and held in strict conildence.
t t
| Precious Health For
I If a valuable secret of health '
: was revealed to some men would
? they profit by it'.' Thousands
: fruitlessly pursue pleasure, be
j cause their recuperative powers
v > and endurance are not in the
same condition as in youth.
; There comes a time in every
: man's life when help is required
j if he would enjoy life's greatest
: functions keenly and feel the
: rich, red blood surging through
> his being and radiating his pow
j er and vitality through the flash
' and fire in his eye, the smile of
J confidence and strength in his
! face and the vigor and vitality
/ in his manly walk and carriage.
: The help required in the vast
I majority of cases may be said
I to consist of an artificial aid to
j nature in the form of medical
• treatment for the specific pur
• poses of transforming, through
• the vital organs, such as the
I { stomach, liver, kidneys, heart,
etc., the food and drink partaken
• of so that the blood receives an
| increased proportion of those (
i elerrtents necessary to the ful-
J iillment of man's duties in the
J intensity of spirit as manifested
I in those of perfect health, bo it
j work, recreation or pleasure. ,
= Nothing more valuable and cer
l tain for such a purpose is the
J formula much prescribed by a
• famed physician, but which can
j be prepared by anyone at home,
' or by a well-stocked pharmacy,
i Mix three ounces of compound
i syrup of sarsaparilla with one
i ounce of compound fluid balm
i wort and let stand two hours,
j Then add one ounce each of com
i pound essence cardiol and one
i ounce tincture of cadomene com
i pound (not cardamom). Shake
i before using and take teaspoon
i ful before or after meals and one
i when retiring. Anyone can mix
i this and the results from its use
i are truly astonishing.
To Put On Flesh
And Increase Weighl
\ rii.vNicinn'M Advice
Most thin people eat from four to six
pounds of good solid fat-making l'oou
day and still do not increase In
■weight -one ounce, while on the other
W hand many of the plump, chunky folks
eat very lightly and keep gaining all
the time. It's all bosh to say that this
is the nature of the individual. It Isn't
.Nature's way at all.
Thin folks stay thin because their
powers of assimilation are defective.
They absorb just enough of the food
they eat to maintain life and a sem
blance of health and strength. Stufling
won't help them. A dozen meals a day
won't make them gain a single "stav
there" pound. All the fat-pr.oducing
elements of their food just stay in the
intestines until they pass from the
body as waste. What such people need
is something that will prepare these
fatty food elements so that their blood
can absorb them and deposit them all
about the body—something, too, that
will multiply their red bliood corpuscles
and increase their blood's carrying
For such a condition I alwavs recom
mend eating a Sargol tablet with every
meal. Sargol is not. as some believe a
patented drug, but is a sclentilic com
bination of six of the most effective
and powerful flesh building elements
known to chemistry, rt is absolutely
harmless, yet wonderfully effective anil
a single tablet eaten with each meal
often has the effect of increasing the
weight of a thin man or woman from
three to five pounds a week. Sargol is
sold by Geo. A, Gorgas and other "good
druggists everywhere on a positive
guarantee of weight Increase or money
* Carpet Co.
has moved in their new
room, and is prepared to
show a large and choice
line of Floor Coverings of
all kinds.
k Harrisburg
Carpet Co.
32 N, 2nd St.
State Authorities Place Restrictions
on Animals in Union
Sfccial to The Telegraph
I l.ewisburg. Pa., April 2.—At the
! instance of Dr. Barker, veterinary
; surgeon, of Ingeby, a dog quarantine
j has been established in Hartley town
| ship, Union county. Several weeks
I ago a dog, supposed to have been
| afllicted with rabies, bit a cow belong
! ing to W. A. Longer. The animal went
| mad and at the direction of Dr. Marker
iit was killed. The dog was later shot
and the head of the animal sent tw
oflh'lals at Harrisburg, where an ex
amination proved it to be afflicted
with rabies. The quarantine which
was established in Hartley township
will be in force for 100 days. Other
dogs which were bitten by the one
| afflicted with rabies have been killed,
l.ewisburg borough, White Deer and
Kelly townships of the county were
quarantined March 13.
[Continued from First Page.]
mill rate for the coming year—and
the busiest session in months is pre
Some lOssentlal Increases
The budget last year called for an
expenditure of $448,128.05. In the
neighborhood of $15,000, it is iigured,
can be cut from this amount in items
which will not need to be taken care
of. This sum is offset, however, by
new expenditures approximating be
tween $20,000 and $2 5,000.
About $13,000 additional will have
to be set aside for the teachers' sal
ary increase item, an increase author
ized by the rotation rule and which
must be taken care of each year. An
other $7,000 —$6,970, to be exact —
must also be set aside in the budget
for sinking .fund, interest and State
taxes on the proposed bond issue of
s{'4,ooo to be floated to build the new
Allison Hill school building at Six
teenth and Catherine streets. The
Harrisburg Public Library has asked
for an additional $2,000 appropriation
for maintenance.
To Adopt New Books
Another item that will help run up
the expenditure will be the cost of
substituting new reader textbooks in
all the grades. This last item will
cost anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000.
it is said.
The teaching payroll will be aug
mented this year by the fact that from
ten to a dozen new teachers and
supervisors will have to be provided
for. Four or five teachers at both
Central and Technical high schools
should be taken on and additional
teachers will be needed in the grades.
If the plan is adopted of moving the
principals of four buildings to fill the
proposed three new supervisorships as
well as the vacancy caused by the
leath of Dr. L. S. Shimmell, certain
teachers will have to be moved up.
Probable Bidding
All the reading texbooks in the
arrades will be changed this year, it is
said, although Dr. F. E. Downes, citv
superintendent, said he cannot say
whether the recommendation to that
■ffect will be r.etfdy for consideration
by to-morrow evening.
The placing of the readers will be a
radical change in view of the fact
that the contract will be made for a
period of five instead of three years,
't is said. The American Book Com
pany, it is believed, will put in the
new books, inasmuch as this com
pany is said to be doing most of the
"sampling" among the schools. The
teachers suggest the style of book to
'<e adopted, basing their opinion, as a
"ule, on the samples of books put into
'he schools for use by the pupils by
the company or companies hoping to
secure the contract. The opinions ot
the teachers are then compiled by the
mperintendent and submitted by him
'o the board as a recommendation
Then bids are asked for and the award
~>t the contract is usually based upon
this recommendation.
To Lot Contracts
Contracts for printing, general
school and janitors' supplies for Har
risburg's school district for the en
suing year will be let at to-morrow
evening's meeting of the School Board
Several hundred items are on the
schedule. At the meeting of April 17
a schedule of several thousand items
will be bid upon, when the contracts
"or shop and laboratory supplies at
Technical and Central high schools I
arc let.
School bonds of several issues to the i
iniount of $11,700 were redeemed yes
'erday in accordance with the pro
ision that the proceeds from the sale
if the Day building to the State Capi- I
ol Park Extension Commission be (le
oted to this purpose.
To-night—"Zieg-feld Follies."
-a.turday, Matinee and Night, April 4
' —"Seven Hours in New York."
Tuesday, Matinee and Night, April 7
"Mutt an'd Jeff in Panama."
Wednesday, Matinee and Night, April
S—Neil O'Brien Minstrels.
Leon Errol, said to be the funniest
comedian on the American stage, will
be seen here for the first time with the
famous "Ziegfeld Follies" at the Ma
jestic Theater to-night. In addition
to Mr. Errol the big cast, which num-
On the Bath-Room Shelf
It's relieved pain for nearly everyone
in the family. When little Susie had
the croup, when Johnny got his feet
wet and caught cold, when father
sprained his knee, when Granny's
rheumatism bothered her—
That jar of MUSTEBOLI3 was right
there to give relief and comfort.
MUSTEBOLI3 is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. It
will not blister like a mustard plaster.
Quick relief for Sore Throat, Bron
chitis, Tonsilltis, Croup, Stiff Neck,
Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Conges
tion, Pleurisy. Bheumatlsm, Lumbago,
Pains and Aches of the Back or
Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds on the
Chest (it prevents Pneumonia). Noth
ing like MUSTEBOLE for croupy chil
In 25c and 50c jars, and a special
large hospital size for $2.50.
Accept no substitute.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send 25c or 50c to the MUSTEROLE
Company. Cleveland, Ohio, and we will
mall you a jar, postage prepaid. (60)
B. .1. BUCHANAN, Lowcllville, Ohio,
t-ayf '■
"We have been using Musterole lor
two or three years past and find it
very good. It is always in our medi
cine cupboard.'
' "State Seal" Watch Charm
JMII lljjPif Warranted 14-K Gold Plated
I(I 'ISt J Rose Finish Medallion '
IJB ? To Every Purchaser of a Sc Pouch of TUXEDO
!l\ 1 Every patriotic citizen of Pennsylvania will want one of
Rlf ||\ vi MM these Watch Charms. It stands fdt his state pride and loyalty.
lA u\\Av JHHY Ever}- detail of this State Seal is brought out by heavy
[ \ y \, embossing . Rich, lustrous, rose finish. Ready to attach
A to watc h-f°b or chain. A splendid example of the jeweler's
V/ M art—an elegant, dignified, ornate decoration of symbolic
\ Mil va ' ue » will appeal to every citizen of. this State and
\ ! a induce him to try ' Tuxedo.
I | That is the object of this remarkable offer—the reason we have gladly
J J\ gone t0 trouble and expense to have this State Seal Medallion
iKfT produced for us from specially made dies. We know from experience that
the majority of men who try Tuxedo become permanent smokers of this
superbly mild, delightful, healthful tobacco.
EVm "" E
H 81/ JkIT JL 11 J Convenient pouch/ £
WB £j innerlined with
The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette moisture-proof paper vV,
| i Tuxedo is the favorite tobacco of Process" that makes Tuxedo absolutely with 1
critical American smokers—a refined non-biting and decidedly throat-sooth- curved to fit pocket
tobacco for men of refined taste. No ing—and develops the wonderful mild- In Tin Humidors 40c and 80 C
\ other tobacco has ever received the ness, fragrance and flavor of the Burley j n Claas humidors
endorsement of so many famous leaf in a way no other tobacco has ever 50cand90c
Americans —leaders in their different successfully imitated.
spheres of activity , whose judgment The handy 5c Cloth Pouch of Tuxedo if
carries weight and commands con- £ ts snu gly j n ves t pocket, and J®
eration. keeps the tobacco fresh and delicious |g
Tuxedo is made from the very by its inner wrapping of moisture- oMP3A frdlH
mildest, ripest Kentucky Burley to- proof paper. Especially popular with
bacco—aged until perfectly mellow. smokers who make their own fragrant
Then treated by the original "Tuxedo Burley cigarettes from Tuxedo.
CD IT* "C Free "State Seal" Watch Charm is offered by the enter-
JT IXEjH prising merchants whose names appear below. Their supply
of Watch Charms is limited and they cannot obtain more
—so call on the nearest of these up-to-date dealers right away. Get asc
pouch of TUXEDO and ask for the "State Seal 1 ' Watch Charm, FREE.
> j 823 Market St. 22 N. Third St. lltli and Derry Sts. STORE, STORE, 418 S. Cameron St.
S 3 I>. I). HARRY. H. M. BATIItiRST, O. CHALLENGER, 1323 Ma,kct st - J. H. Kobler, Prop., S. C. REED.
Third and Walnut Sts. 107 S. Second St. 1213 Market St. E. HORSTICK , 1430 N. Sixth St. 1151 Market St. t
C, H. KOCH. I. F. BOWMAN. C. W. DAVIS. 1902 State St. ] C. D. KRAMER, C. G. STEVENS, t
85 N. Second St. 1911 N. Sixth St. 1305 N. Third St. H HESS 1429 N. Third St. 1031 Market St.
, 11. M. TAYLOR. S. BYREM C. A. FISHER, Market St. Ai • ®* H. SECHRIST,
5 S. Market Square. 501 N. Third St. 2120 N. Sixth St. 1815 N. 3 Third St. 1412 Swatara St.
411H Market St. *2# Broad St. 1169 Market St. 1301 N. Sixth St. 13th and Walnut Sts.
111 Market St. 1111 Retina St. 13tli and Derry Sts. 1021 N. Third St. 1256 Market St. 2301 N. Sixth St.
bers 150 entertainers, will include Jose
Collins, Frank Tlnney, Nat Wills, Eliz
abeth Brice, Stella Chatelaine, Ethel
Amorita Kelley. Anna Pennington.
Peter. Swift, Max Scheck, Charles
Purdy, Florence Gardner, Lottie Ver
non, Bessie Gross, Itose Wertz, May
Hennesy, Dorothy Godfrey, Val Dayne,
Dorothy Newell, Aimee Grant, Addi
son Young. Beta Spear, Lillian Tasch
man, Charles Mitchell, Fawn Conway,
Charles Schrlbner, Flo Hart, Arthur
Bose and Eleanor Dell. In addition
to the above there will be exhibited a
chorus said to be the handsomest in
the world. —Advertisement.
Not many of our amusement-loving
citizens will miss the opportunity of
seeing the musical comedy success,
"Seven Hours in New York," which
comes to the Majestic Theater Sat
urday, matinee and evening. A num
ber of inquiries for seats have come
from out-of-town parties and all indi
cations point to a packed house. It
will be wise to secure seats early.
Really good entertainments have been
scarce this "season.—Advertisement.
Gtiss Hill's third season's offering
of the irrepressible cartoon character
play. Mutt and Jeff, called "In Pan
ama." has been framed up on a more
elaborate and costly scale than the
original production. Undoubtedly this
is due to the confidence naturally in
spired by the extraordinary success
which has been his since the premier
offering of the Bud Fisher conceit of
like title. "Mutt and Jeff in Panama"
represents a new school of musical
comedy production. The show will be
presented at the Majestic Theater next
Tuesday afternoon and evening.—Ad-
One of the most pleasing turns that
supports "The Green Beetle," the
thrilling Chinese fantasy at the Or
pheum this week, Is a dainty song,
dance and patter skit called "My Lady
of the Bungalow," as It is presented
by Paul Morton and Naomi Glass.
This team won popularity herV a sea
son or two ago and this week they
are proving that they have lost none
of their grip on local favor. Mr. Mor
ton is one of the famous Four Mor
tons and dainty Miss Glass is pretty,
clever and the possessor of a rich
mezzo-soprano voice. A special scene
that is both attractive and novel shows
Miss Glass at the window of a bunga
low, while her sweetheart converses
with her from the outside. The dia
logue is exceedingly witty and these
clever people make the most of every
point. Mr. Morton sustains the Morton
reputation. He is still the same dap
per, well-groomed youth he has always
been and shows the lightness and
grace in dancing that characterizes his
family. Miss Glass shareß equal
honors with him as a dancer and hei
full ranged mezzo-soprano voice is of;
very sympathetic timber. There are i
any number of good comedy turns on I
the same offering, of which Hickman
Brothers and company and Whitfield ;
and Ireland are especially noteworthy.
But "The Green Beetle" is easily the
cream of the offering, for it is novel,
gripping and splendidly presented.—
Advertisement,, ... . . ,
Chief of the array of new variety
features that greet Colonial patrons
for the first time to-day will be the
Clipper Trio, three young men in a
rattling song, dance and bright patter
skit. The thrills of the bill will be
supplied by .the Carrays, novelty wire
walkers and globe walkers, while Cap
tain R. H. Moore will entertain with
some interesting stunts in magic.
"Shadows," a splendid Essanay fea
ture film in two pkrts, will also be a
special attraction for to-day.—Adver
Book lovers! Everyone who reads
at all should turn to Page 2 and read
the Telegraph coupon offer of Hugo's
Romances." Do not put this matter off
a day longer. The offer is to be with
drawn Saturday. This is the most
liberal offer a newspaper has ever
made to its readers.
Camp Hill Injunction Is
Continued Until April 7
Carlisle, Pa., April 2. —Hearing in
the injunction case of the Riverton
Water Company against the borough
of Camp Hill to prevent interference
with employes of the water company
\ in certain work in that town was held
I by the Cumberland county court have
this morning. A. M. Bowman repre
sented the borough of Camp Hill and
C. F. Brinton and E. M. Blddle. Jr.,
the Riverton Water Company. The
court, after hearing evidence, con
tinued the injunction until the regular
, session of the court on April 7. ,
APRIL 2. 1014.
Three people, Including a well
known out-of-town physician, were
bniought to the Harrisburg Hospital,
last evening, suffering with appendi
citis. The sufferers are. Dr. William L
Crawford, of Dlllsburg; Miss Jean Dun
can, aged 19, of Duncannon, and Fran
cis Deverter, aged 13, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Derverter, of 305 South
Front street.
Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of
the blood, or anaemia, is common in young folks as well as old. Especially is it
the case with those who work In Illy ventilated factories—or those who are shut
up induors In winter time with a coal stove burning up the oxygen or emitting
carbonic (oxide) gas. This blood, or blood' Which lacks the red blood corpuscles,
in anaemic people may have been caused by lack of good fresh air breathed into
lungs, or by poor digestion or dyspepsia. Sometimes people suffer Intense
pain over the heart which is not heart disease at all, but caused by Indigestion.
Whatever the cause, there's just one remedy that you can turn to—knowing
that It has given satisfaction for over 40 years.
is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. U thus assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds th«
heart— nerves—brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly Ilk*
machinery running In oil. You feel clean, strong and strenuous Instead of tired,
weak and faint Nowadays you can obtain Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery Tablets, as well" 4s the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or tablets
by mall, prepaid in $1 or SOc size. Adress R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.
A lodge of the Order oi Golden
Links, with headquarters in Wheeling,
W. Va., is organizing in Harrisburg.
J. R. Nichols is the deputy in charge
here. A lodge has been instituted in