Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 02, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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( Special to The Telegraph
Wormleysburg, Pa., April 2. —Th e Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wormleysburg Fire Company will open a fair in
the Town Hall this evening to assist in getting a new borough building. F or several weeks the members of the
organization have been at work making fancy articles for sale and soliciting donations. This week booths were
erected and to-day these were decora ted. It is said prettier decorations have never been seen in the town.
The ladies, too, will serve supper during the fair, which continues fro m to-night until Saturday night. Plans
were made to-day to receive an exceptionally big crowd of citizens to-night.
Among the members of the auxiliary who are working hard for the success of the fair are those shown in
the etching. They are, front row, left to right. Miss Florence Bruce, Mrs. C. Vernon Keister, Mrs. Harry E.
Knler. Mrs. Ralph O. Schrack, Mrs. Arthur Day, Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. Herbert R. Boose; back row, Mrs.
Groft' Ehaffer, Mrs. J. J. Hemmer; in oval. Miss Edna Eekert.
She Represents Parisian Sage An
Invigorating Hair Tonic.
Quickly Removes
Tou can use nothing better thanj
Parisian Sage, as sold at drug counters '
even-where, to make the hair soft, j
fluffy and abundant. It stops itching!
head. Invigorates the scalp, and re
moves dandruff with one application.
If your hair Is getting thin, or Is
harsh, dull and lifeless, do not despair |
—give it attention. Frequent applica- |
tions of Parisian Sage well rubbed intoj
the scalp will do wonders.
When the hair is falling out, splits, i
or is too dry and streaky, surely use!
Parisian Sage—it supplies hair and
pcalp needs. Get aSO cent bottle from
H. C. Kennedy at once. It certainly
makes your head feel fine and gives
the hair that enviable gloss and beautv
you desire.—Advertisement.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
j at the Factory Price and on Easy Terms |
| Our Refrigerator Business Has Grown So Large That We Now Must Get |
Them by the Carload. Two Carloads Just Received; Others to Follow
B —^
Don't buv a cheap refrigerator merely ber.ause you have not |
| Eg! ;|l the "spot cash" in hand to buv a gcod one. Buy the best |
I /lfopl Hi a have your bill charged if you wish. |
ill ness y° ur f° * s absolutely de- |
I 4 i 9wl pendent upon the efficiency of your refrigerator. It is of vital 3
t mportance to the health of your family that your refrigerator |
S s^a " keep our sweet > wholesome and untainted. |
f Three Special Refrigerators Just to Start Spring Business j
j: • 1 t| B A hardwood Refrigerator, just like picture, 3 doors, a side icer, 31
t A I inches wide, 18 inches deep, 44 inches high, holds 75 lbs. of ice and 3
| V/I'VVHAI * IV# • weighs 200 lbs.—worth $25.00. Special $14.98. 3
t Same style, white enamel lined, $16.98. 3
*E C*_ tkf A hardwood Refrigerator, 22 inches wide, 15 inches deep, 38 inches 3
t 111 high, weighs 90 lbs. and holds 40 lbs. of ice—s4.9B. 3
sE Same style, white enamel lined, $(5.98. 3
Cvv^Tee Chest, made of hardwood, perfect insulation, 22 inches long, 17 zj
E 1 inches deep, 25 inches high and holds 50 lbs. of ice—s3.9B.
~ 75 different patterns of Cold Storage Boxes on display. The "White Mountain," "Tile Arlington," "The 3
t North Pole and "The Berkshire' —the four BEST-KNOWN makes of Refrigerators manufactured. 3
£ - 3
| Specials in All Kinds of Furn ture & Spring Floor Coverings 1
H.me Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. Fami| y |
I Furnishers 29-31-33 &35 South Second Street Clothiers j
Lancaster County Man
Drops Dead in Church
Special to The Telegraph
MastersonviUe. Pa., April 2.—Satu
uel A. Kulp, contractor and painter,
and a lifelong resident of Kapho town
ship, fell over dead while at church
last evening from an attack of heart
disease. He was GO years of age and
seldom sick and was of excellent phv
slque. He is survived by his widow
and one son, two brothers and five
sisters. For many years he was a
member of the River Brethren Church
and grave a groat deal of time to
church work.
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanlcsburg, Pa., April 2. Fu
neral services over the body of Sam
uel Mummu will be held on Saturday
afternoon nt the home of his daugh
ter, Mr*. Ella M. Adams, 219 South
Market street, at 12.30 o"clock, con
ducted by the Rev, M. S. Sharp, pastor
of the Lutheran Church, Enola. The
body will bo conveyed to Enola, with
the funeral party, by trolley, where
service will be held in the Lutheran
i Church in that place. Burial will be
made in the adjoining cemetery.
Thief Ransacks Home of
C. D. Lingle at Hershey
Special to The Telegraph
Hershey, Pa., April 2. —On Monday
afternoon the home of C, D. Lingle. a
grocery clerk in the large department
store at this place, was ransacked
from top to bottom during the family's
absence. When the family returned
to the house In the afternoon they
found over S4O in cash missing; also
two revolvers, two gold watches, a
suit of clothes and a pair of Bhoes.
A child's safe waa broken open and
the contents, over flO, taken, The
thief escaped with the booty and no
trace has as yet been found of him.
The matter was at onee reported to
police headquarters at Harrlsburg and
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., April 2. —Cayugas
Tribe, No. 103, Improved Order of
Red Men. at its weekly meeting on
Wednesday evening, initiated a class
of twenty-two palefaces, the three de
grees being conferred upon the mem
bers. The tribe,which Is making stren
uous efforts to raise the membership
of the order, is meeting with success.
Hounds Catch Fox After
Hour's Chase at Marysville
MaryavUle. Pa., April B.—At pre
cisely 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
a blsr red fox was let loose In Seidel's
field, and twenty minutes later several
dozen hounds were loosened and took
his trail. Over a dozen sportsmen fol
lowed on horseback. The fox headed
for the mountains, but before 3 o'clock
he had been caught. It Is Impossible
to say which do* caught him. as all
the dogs were bunched together when
they came upon their prey.
Committee Named For
Lemoyne's Union Picnic:
Special to The Telegraph
Lemoyne, Pa., April 2.—Committees!
of three representing the Evangelical.
Lutheran. Christian and United Breth- j
ren Churches of Lemoyne will meet I
in the Lutheran Church this evening
at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of se- j
lectlng a place and time for the an
nual union Sunday school picnic.
Those who represent the Evangelical
Church are Mi'es Rice. James Pryor
and Raymond Sawyer; Lutheran, J. A.
Kunkei, Roy Plank and William Hagg: !
United Brethren, T. J. Bower, D. Esh- '
elman and W. H. Cruise, and the
Christian. G. H. Renecker, 11. B. Wit- !
man and Professor W. C. Bowman.
Special to The Telegraph
Lemoyne, Pa., April 2.—The Rev.
W. F. Redlion. of California, will
preach both morning and evening in
the Christian Church at Lemoyne on
Special to The Telegraph
New Cumberland, Pa., April 2.—-Al
bert Struck, principal of the New
Cumberland schools, has been ap
pointed to instruct the minstrels who
will give an entertainment under the
auspices of the baseball association.
Special to The Telegraph
New Cumberland, Pa., April 2. —On
Monday evening the regular meeting
of the teachers of the public schools
was held in the school house. Matters
pertaining to school work were dis
Lemoyne. Pa., April 2.—A meeting
of the junior class of the Lemoyne
high school will be held at the home
of Miss Margaret Kunkle this evening.
Special to The Telegraph
Camp Hill, Pa., April 2.—Carl
Drawbaugh, aged 2 years, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Drawbaugh, Jr., died
at his home in Chestnut street yes
terday morning of pneumonia after a
short illness. Funeral services will
be held at the home on Saturday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock.
Camp Hill, Pa., April 2. —Members
of the congregation of the Camp Hill
Methodist Church tendered the Rev.
H. W. Hartsock, the pastor, a recep
tion on Tuesday evening in honor of
his return to the local charge for an
other year. More than fifty persons
were present. Addresses for the con
gregation were made by Mrs. H. S.
Musser and W. H. Bricker. The pas
tor responded and expressed his de
light at being returned to Camp Hill.
Music was furnished by the men's
I ' buy here nut alone brrauar prices are lower, but because qualities are
oDainty0 Dainty New Dress Novelties
Every day marks the arrival of many new Spring dress accessories,
the quality of which is good enough for the unlimited purse, the prices low I
enough for the most limited.
' EASTER MILLINERY ' Easter Wid < ]
Brand New Arrivals in Everything Needed arietji
mW.?nMbT;. TThrn l«r*e*t—Buy here, where price, are ui« , 'Xr'o' a t l»°\nle*"
IN THE U TaT?st O Jh KPES J \"IV rm "? c ,Y tlrt 'l y m '" v '"I"' } l )' VS t IlunllVy'" k.hmlh. 'Ti!' lot" t here
THB HIGH luoln.ll..* New York'* latent .Ire llunnlc* -. chick*
Aou will also Ami ready for you to-morrow an entirely new line of H« ons Lggj etc.
».?m ' otc " ,n ■" th «' newest colors, ami a complete stock of , , ,
Millinery Ribbon*. Including the lllack luiqiiai il Kibhou nil llaskcts In ill* shapes anil color*.
*- y
lliittoiiM, in nil *l*ch nn«l colors, Itit-
Every Woman Will Want New Glover For Easter Wear
Easter Neckwear New stock (tr I.IhIC Glove* for Wo- ' l,r price*.
Our new atock embracea 'the moat '"CU anil Children In black, white. New Ribbons in Wide AsSOrt
up-to-date Idea". Including Tanico tan, M.inV n ud ehn.nolMette, all
Ci rds Crepe Tie* Shadow I.ace aliea 23c ment
Collar*—Oriental, Madeira and Hutch l.ndle*' I.odk lllnck and White I.l*le Taffeta and Nat I u (tlbbon*, in all col.
Cul.ara l* lachu Jabot* anil Cheml- Gloves 25c or* anil width* lie lo 25c
fCtte* In white, ecru and black Ken Mo.rc Itililinn* 20c and 25c
anil a full assortment of Frilling*, T arfc in Prnfucinn Hnlr How Taffeta. In all colters. . .23e
Ituching* Pleating*, etc. J-aceS in frOIUSIOn \\a*h Itlbbon*, all color* aail width*,
At v ery Low Prices. Complete atock of the lnte*t Idea* ;{<•, 7,., sc anil 10c
tt« . T 1 I acca in white, ecru and Xew Persian ttlbbona. . .2<lc nail 25c ,
faster Jewelry Gift black In different width* F.dgcs— New I'lalil Illblion* 25e
"Jnorrpttinnc Hands All-Over* Vcnl*e New ttoiuni. Stripe million* 25c i
ou 56 cs,uons Cluuy Oriental Point de Paris Colored Velvet Illblion* . . Ittc to 25c i
New Heads, all color* 25c Net* In white, eern and black New lllnck Velvet Itlbbon..sc to 25c I
I ong Jet nud Dnll Finish Mentis, 25c All-Over Laces Silk Tassels
Novelty Pendant* ,25c B ®"da and Orniiiucnt* In all color*— MuS'.in Underwear Always a
New Cameo Pin* 25c ull Bt our P"pnlur price*. -it.-.. tt
New Veil i'ln* 25c xt *• m , p o • Special feature Here
Tearl Necklaces, .'I slie* 25c INlOtlOn Needs rOr Spring We devote special attention to till* I
liar and llenirty Pin*... . 10c nnil 2nc New I.allien' licit*, all c010r*....25c merchandise at all time*, a* a remit I
New Moui'ulng Good* . . lt»e and 25e New Cblldren'* licit*, all color* ,25c of whlcl. you will always tlud n ;
Men's Scarf I'ln* 25c New Uraiil and TniiKo Hair Pin*, complete atock of l.adlc*'. Ml*****'
Cuff Links lGc and 25e 10c to 25c and Children'* Muslin I aderwear
New Reailcd ling* 25c New Tango Bur with .ulrror, spe- Garment* made up of the best quitl-
New Mesh and Coin Purses at t>peclal clal 25c Ity aad In the latest style* and trim
prices. New choice line of Shell Goods In minus at
__ Side Combs anil llarrettes, etc., Very Low Prices
Hosiery—Always a Needed . 10c to 250 Men's; Wear Fnr Faster
T» A New I, allies' Pad Gnrters, all colors, IVien S wear rOT iiaster
JJreSS Accessory special 25c New All-Silk Tie* 25c
At thl* time you have at your New Fancy Webbing, all c010r*..25c Men's l)re*s Shirt*, all sice*....2sc
command a Nclectlon of Hosiery of New Ladle*' Pocketbooks 25c New Silk Stockings 25c
excellent i:unlltv for Ladles, en.- New Guaranteed Hair Hrushes, spec- New Lisle Stocking* 2,"e
bracing Silk Lisle aad Cotton llnlsh. Inl 25c New Colored Stocking* »c
as well ns a complete stock of New German 4>late Hand Mirrors. Suspenders ISVjC, llle anil 25c
Misses* noil Children** Stockings, -5c New licit* 25c
embracing a full line 'of colors and New Hair Nets, In all colors. New Caps 25c
sices. 3c and 10c New Underwear, all sizes 25c
Man Lol%"pa«m , ent Dry | lc to 25c DEPARTMENT STORE
Attractive piece Goods in cotton. Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
Wool anil Silk for Easter Gowns in o j
All Color* at Very Low Prices. 2 15 MARKET ST. Opp. CoUrthoUSe
chorus of the church, after which
those in attendance indulged in a so
cial hour.
Pastor of Sunbury Church
Is Delegate to General
Synod of United States
~~~ ~T""
|ffi| ,
Sfecial to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., April 2.—The Rev.
'tobert O'Boyle, §f the First Reformed
Church, has been elected a delegate
to the eighteenth triennial session of
the General Synod of the Reformed
Church in the United States', which
will be held at Lancaster, Pa., starting
May 12.
The synod represents a confirmed
and unconfirmed membership of
431,000 persons. At the meeting of
the synod 60 classes, 1,193 ministers,
1,756 congregations, 1,726 Sunday
schools, 27,930 Sunday school officers
and teachers, 226,844 Sunday school
students and 26 students for the min
istry will be represented.
The golden jubilee of the synod's
organization will be celebrated ahd
the three hundred and fiftieth annU
versary of the Heidelberg catechism
will be observed.
This year the Synod of the Sus
quehanna Classis, comprising thirty
four eastern counties' churches, was
held in Pastor O'Boyle's church and
more than 200 preachers were in at
Special to The Telegraph
Blain. Pa., April 2.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Snyder was the
scene of a pretty wedding quietly
solemnized on Sunday, when their
daughter, Miss Ida Snyder, was united
in marriage to James McConnell,
son of John McConnell. The cere
mony was performed by the Rev.
W. H. Miller, of Hanover, Pa.
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., April 2.—On Tues
day evening Wayne Fissel, 16-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fissel, of
Monaghan towns'iip, died after a short
illness from typhoid fever. On ac
count of the home being quarantined
the body was buried last evening pri
vately in the Mount Pleasant Ceme
tery in Monaghan township. Two
other members of the same family are
critically ill with the same disease,
a daughter IS years of age and a son
14. No cause can be definitely given
as to the source of the sickness.
Special to The Telegraph
Lewlsburg, Pa., April 2. "Aunt
Jerusha's Quilting Party," which was
given in the Christian Church here
i several weeks ago, will be repeated by
request to-morrow evening at the re
quest of a large number of people.
Blaln, Pa., April 2. On Monday
evening the regular monthly meeting
of the Women's Christian Temperance
Union will be held in the Sunday
I schooi room of the Methodist Episco-
I pay Church.
APRIL 2, 1914.
Captain Frederick Waller Piloted
More Than 2,000 Rafts and
Eoats Down Susquehanna
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., April 2. Captain
Frederick Waller, 80 years old, died I
suddenly yesterday morning from
heart disease. He had been in failing
health for about a year, but was not
considered dangerously ill. He was
born in Marietta and at the age of 15
ran the. tirst raft down the Susque
hanna river to the Chesapeake and i
during his time piloted more than
2,000 of them. He run the only steam- I
boat without oars, using rudders, from j
Lock Haven to Port Deposit, at the |
age of 30. He cast his tirst vote for j
President Buchanan and ever since'
voted the Democratic ticket, served i
in the Marietta school board for!
twenty-four yeras, was a past officer I
of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias
and was the oldest Mason in this sec- !
tion of the State. His father, John |
Waller, was the first man buried in i
the Marietta Cemetery. Mr. Waller I
piloted the last raft down the Sus- |
quehanna river before the McCall dam [
was built, a number of year sago. He j
was twice married. His second wife, !
one daughter and one son survive. j
Special to The Telegraph
Blain, Pa., April 2. —On Saturday
and Sunday the pulpits of the Blain
Zion Keformed charge will be filled by
the Rev. John Keener, a senior stu
dent of the Seminary at Dayton, Ohio,
with the view of becoming pastor.
Services will be held at Ickesburg on
Saturday at 7. p. m., on Sunday at Buf
falo at 10 a. m., at Sandy Hill at 2 p.m.
and at Blain at 7 p. m.
Waynesboro. Pa., April 2.—David
R. Miller and Edward Shilito, wl.o
were paralyzed a few days ago, are in !
a serious condition.
The renders of this paper will be pleased to )
learn that there Is at bhiist one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its i
stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure J
Is the only positive cure nuw known to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
dlsesise, requires n constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting ,
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of |
the system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, snd giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting na
ture In doing its work. The proprietors have I
so much faith in its curative powers that they '
offer 1 One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. |
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 750.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Ogiir Imported Six Volume Seta | jkl I
|jgs£ 'E3| Urine «r *en«l thin coupon to our office. P A Hp?
ESS fcdl together with the expedite Item of only !>H cents. BaAi
HffW! «i for n aplendld « volume net of hooka. The ■■■■nil i S fitffc'
HQj it--! 1 nrnonnt we nak you to pay In to -over the coat (K
ESS E3 of cuatoin dutlca paid the government, and the U IT Hr :
EM in packing, bundling, etc. I |n
KM & SPFCIAI " >°" want thin Imported Met I IH
HI 5 artUHL aent by mall or expreaa. »|| H
RR ft chargea prepaid, add 27c or IU.I In all. NOT EDH
F*l fgf GOOD AFTER Al'ltlL 1. 1014. '
ffiHff : Hooka on Dlaplny at Ifarrlabnric Tcleirrimh t KHra
IBS > Unalueaa Office I BflH
' Epidemic in Lancaster County Said
to Be Over; 500
Special to The Telegraph
| Marietta, Pa., April 2. —Dr. J. 1,.
• Mowery, of Lancaster, State medical
inspector for Lancaster county, re
ported yesterday that the smallpox
situation at Balnbridge and Billmyer
is well under control,'two cases hav
ing been released, and before long the
j balance will be out of quarantine.
• There were seven patients released
in Bainbridge, which was the total
I number there, and two at Billmyer.
I The Timberlake family, where the
[disease originated are free and none
; the worse for the experience. More
j than live hundred persons of all na
tionalities were vaccinated by the
! State medical authorities, and with
| the exception of about ten cases all
i were effective, and many of the for
| eigners cannot understand the "sore
l arm" which they are going through.
The next trip the medical inspector
takes to this locality will be to release
| everyone and declare the "scare"
i over.
j ——~ i
Certain Relief
from headaches, dull feelings, and
fatigue of biliousness, comes quickly
—and permanent improvement in
bodily condition follows—after your
stomach, liver and bowels nave
been toned and regulated by
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c. # 28c.
The Reliable House For
j Pianos
;V l /
jTry Telegraph Want Ads.