Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 02, 1914, Page 14, Image 12
14 Y ———————— Fourth Street Window Special (iVI k r A ( Fourth Street Window Special 10c Pillow Cases on sale. Fridav onlv, 3 for ;.... 25C Vj %Jry % W) pio ; r Wl V soles; sizes 9to 5y 2 . On sale Friday only $1.15 Friday Specials ' Men , s shirts , I I Frl ' da V fecials Throughout the Store and striped pleated shirts; sizes 14 Throughout tile Store Tn-mnrrnw to 17 ■ Friday only tWOs* X Ltclk rp 1 morrow Men's SI.OO French flannel shirts fHi ®\\ 10-morrOW J with attached collar, plain grey or Corsets and Brassieres striped. Friday only 790 y Men's Furnishings A lot of counter soiled corsets, Coat Sweaters s —P|&^\ v 7r*'' ,l >v . Broken lines of our 25c and 35c American Lady, "D., P. &S. Spe- I i e-->-o * * t T" sifts' f/sf 77/// I \ Sl " c four-in-hand ties; Friday only, cial" and Warner's Rust-proof cor- *•» and ™ c oat sweaters for Vf V iff l\ 14 * ;3 for *OO sets, broken sizes, values to $2.50. men, women and children. Friday \ MW//d\ \L / \ 25c heavy Police suspenders; Fri embroidered* brassieres] cn ' s 2 J )c J hite a P rons with /mW MiJ\ \\\ iinks and scarf pins'; Fri s2'k2ngol Belt'" Corsets" 1 sizes 3<Tto Men's SLOO pajamas, plain blue, Jf |W 1\ w'cb s^- 36: $2.00 value. Friday only. $1.50 tan and hello; all sizes. Friday only , \l penders; fridav only 140 Dives, romerov -t Stewart, streot Floor. , * j// I f 1 f 1 white satin stripe hcm- rrivpg. Pomeroy & Stewart. Mens store. >W\^\liwggfyT/- 1 I I stitched handkerchiefs; Friday only, Jewelry and Alarm Clocks Laces and Trimmings q I Boys'and men's 25c goif'caps^ $2..->0 fancy brass alarm clocks. ipB'.IIIWjIjKV \\ I rr 1 I Friday onlv Friday only $1.49 Venisc lace bands, 2to 4 inches \ %=■ I Dlveß -' Pom "oy & Stewart," Men's' store 75c guaranteed nickel alarm wide, white and ecru. Values up to jflffff- .4 I M\\\\ \\ IV M, \ |Ol I clocks. Friday only 590 29c. l*riday, yard \ ddl/rll '\ \|\\\\ll J I• • o 50c 3-piece cloisonne pin sets. Fri- Shadow all-over laces. 18 inches / Wlhhl il Tin IY* k IHJ 1 Lining Specials day only 250 wide in white. Values up to 39c /, *1 //////// | > A 25c black satine, lengths l/ 2 to 4 50c beads in different colors. Fri- friday only, yard 'l\\' \\ \\\ ! l J\V ffi' 'l yards; Fiiday only, yard ' 140 day only 250 Fancy velour vesting, 22 inches If /'//• 7/ IP r*T I OT 50c striped Venetian, 32 inches 25c beauty pins, bar pins and belt wide, values up to $2.00. Friday \L 1_ J// vl 111 \ wide - tan and grey; Friday only, pins. Friday only lOtf only, yard . 490 25c gold plated picture frames. Silk frin^e and ball trimmings in V \ hMMS f'W IvAffl -(/ "I • s l-25 stri P ed Farmer's satin, 54 Fridav only 190 assorted colors, values up to 50c. % \\\\ U 'MI il\\x\'^ / \NI inches wide, black; Friday only, 25c'short strings of beads in all Friday only, yard 50 «£Y ♦ a \l\\l \\ \\\\\®r il I II \\l )V/ yard 69 0 colors. Fridav only 100 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. * VU \\ \\ I jl Ii | V D'ves, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. fives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. **' /C>, * \\\ V Vtt\ WW 1,1 \ '\| \| Men's Raincoat > Hair Goods and Nets ( \\U g Linens and Napkins lined sacks, lined with mohair, large sizes only,, SIO.OO ancl $12.00 per dozen. Friday only, card, il J" *Tpg|" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street' Floor. nP. & S., Second Floor. Ui-ar. v., p. tS„ Street .Floor, Front. -si* „ /V> - * JSSSBSBBKn. WSL ra , Wnb Towels and Toweling A Q 1 , f T n | 12j4c hemmed kitchen towels, red A bale of 300 Lingerie Blouses Qur Men - S Clothing Department FriH«v 'inrl S«tiirrlfi\r 8c brown linen toweling, 16 inches * c -pi i uif Announces for To-morrow and Saturday At oavings 1 hat Average Half , . ** rmmv * e " w " t - s " e " fi °"> Ml . whfch *I A Fashion Show of Spring and Summer j white Goods ! - The lot consists of voile, batiste crepe, crepe de chine and china silk j . I if | 19c and 25c white goods, includ blouses trimmed with shadow lace, Valenciennes or Venise lace insertion lOT* ■ OllflCX V' IOTI 111 crepes, voiles and piques; Fri and lace edge, hand embroidery, lace medallions and crochet buttons. tS TiV/11 (l ay only, yard 80 The styles are high necks and long sleeves or low necks and three- D A I"' Kif _J 1 1X ri T T r o i ' m P white goods, includ quarter sleeves. , I OSeQ Oil LvlVlllg MOdelS WDO tO US Direct from bamuel in & new stripes r.nd check novelties, — U — sl AC w. Peck &, Co., Makers of the Most Fashionable Clothes open y w°o n ri:'an" d wo^fi Blouses | Blouses v j for Young Men That Can Be Found in America I j only, yard 110 Art Qr tT+ -i F* 4ia aa m* "T" " . , ... SI.OO English long cloth, 10 yards N\| Ci K QJ QQ (T This remarkably interesting living model show of clothes for young men will to a piece, good quality and weight; Blouses v 1.-C7O Blouses vO.C/O . be held at two periods during Fridav and Saturday. Friday only, piece 020 1 I 1-0 j j Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. None sent on approval or exchanged. j / n Morning In the Afternoon L ~~~~~ , Spring Blouses From Regular Stock | 10.30 to. 11.30 O'clock 2.30 to 4.30 O'clock IdPkZe^ 25 m nCW styles m the sale at «l'o2 Every young man in Harrisburg will find it to his interest to see the new 25c a,KI stamped cushion tops Dive«s "pomeroy" & stewart] "sVeonu Floor,' Front. Spring and Summer styles that have been created for him. 0,1 good qual,ty l,ne j1 A —; —; \ A new entrance to the Men's Clothing Section has been provided by the con- 50c to SI.OO stamped round"center Annual SmP of Hollflnn-virnwn struction of a magnificent new stairway opening from the Men's Furnishing Store. I P ieces » 27 and 36-inch, stamped bur- I This new stairway will be thrown open to tlie public for the first time to-morrow. ! y and heavy crash 1 t^ n 7 d^* Rose Bushes and Magnolias, j I j— ' 9 Women's Neckwear Toilet Goods Colored Dress Goods nV,'id!^"n 1" * tU . r . C . pn . nt . S ' lil hverareens and RhnnOnßnHrnnS Imported collars ill square \ b oz. bottle peroxide; Friday 50c granite cloth, 36 inches wide, Dive«, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. & and round shapes in white and on ••• • ]Vf sllafles nav y 5 Friday only, yard _ ... t r , m \ 1 ecru. Values up to 50c. Friday tch haze j ; bring bottle; Fri- .350 Gowns and Drawers O tZftn T T 7 I \ 'U* r.nK- * on 'y> quart <4«>o .iOl shepherd checks, 30 inches n , . ... . ~ 4,DVU rlardyllVO- , Vf' . r ' 'in'' white. Spearmint gun; Friday only, 2 I wide, four styles; Friday only, yard j Canibric gowns, liigli and \- v V, I vj Shadow lace pleatings ill white. packages for 50; or box 500 ' shaped neck, bunch tucks trims yr\M T> 1 W " P to y ony;Jf/i Wc rubber glov-s; Friday only 75c shepherd checks, 42 inches - v , oke ' ne at ruffle trims neck and ear - Uld Hushes Mm „ , „ „ , Wide, all wool; Friday only, yard Sleeves, 50c value; Friday only, 350 Js~ , Womeil S Handkerchiefs roilet and pumice scap; Friday 4.9 (j. 50c cambric drawers, lace or em- This annual event brings to the VK \ , i c•« onl >'- cak ?, •. sl-00 whipcord, gabardine, batiste, broidery trimmed; Friday only r, , • , e , u - .. , , Mf4> \\ Women s hemstitched Swiss 25c solid wood back hair brushes; odd lots, limited auantitv all wool- i flower-loving people of this city, hardy V handkerchiefs. Worth 3c. Friday Friday only ..150 Friday only yard S Dive,. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. two-year-old Holland-grown rose jl ■ 0n1y..../ 10 ' $1.25 silk'poplin,"wooi" filled, in A , D Ai . bushes and shrubs at positive savings: | i Women's one-cornered embroid- Cotton light shades only; Friday only, yard Aprons and x ettlCOatS Every plant was inspected bv the I 1 w ' ss handkerchiefs. 1- rid ay ] ' tn ■ \ -i i, 490 Percale aprons, kimono sleeves, government before leaving Holland n, 1..Jk% rr'* only, 4 for 250 | SI.OO ratme, 40 inches wide, blue $1.25 navy serge, 52 inches wide. bias band trimmings, 50c value; k \. ° , . 1 Dives, Po.neroy & Stewart, street Floor. a>nd rose; Friday only, yard... 490 all wool; Friday onlv, yard .950 Friday onlv 350 and is accordingly guaranteed tree ' 20c crepe, 30 inches wide, white $2.50 Spring coatings, 50 and 54 Blue and grev striped gingham from scale and plant disease. 11' Ribbons grounds, neat styles; Friday oidy, jnches wide, in shades of Copen, petticoats, tailored flounce, 50c Hpnltliv ttrw Ruchp« -il WUf i - w '' l •••••; • ]"7 golden, brown; Friday only, yard value; Friday only :..350 rlealtny Ivost nusncs at iLM Silk taffeta, moire, and satin tal- , suiting, black and white j $1.19 Dives,-Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. The assortment includes all these fe?a ribbons, 4V 2 to sx/z5 x /z inches wide; I checks, fast color; rridav only, $2.00 silk and wool ripple crepe, popular blooms— good range or colors. Values up to >' ; • 40 inches wide, all good shades; I nnrr K"im/~»r>rkc W 25c. Friday only, yard Baby Ramblers. Ball of Snow, «hit»\ Anno do Dirsbat-h. brilliant ' Friday only, yard Katherlnc Zennet, dwarf. Moile tlo Franco, (lark red. pink. Embroideries ratine in neat stripes. 36 45 inches wide • Fridiv onlv varH dotted Swiss, SI.OO to $2.95 values; Lyonnalße, yellowisli wh.tc. ; - Baron Rothschild, H K ht inches wide; Friday only, yard, 290 ® Friday only . T. 950 Jcss?o, dwarV r ' Klllarncy, pink. I" "illL." h ' tC Swiss embroidery flouncing, 27 25c woven crepe, white ground Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. j Coquette des white.: Magna c'harta, bright pink. Frau K. Druschke white inches wide; values up to 29c. Fri- vvith colored stripes; Friday only, A ~ .m . .... . Black Dress Goods Hosiery and Underwear * Grnss Teplltz, red. 1 Empress, white. Mnrgnret Dickson white Swiss and cambric embroidery in- 17c crepe, plain shades also fig- . .... • ~ . ssr.ssßjssrs-,. "ssu^sirv^f *<«»>■■ «p «• »»,«»««« *<»««*■. p*y „ n L om Lf Vmcrtoan Beauty, bright AM Carrier, pnrple erim. !w A Rioha«l«on, eoppery onlv, van! 30 only, yard 100 UKIC ' dU WOGl ' l rUla > ° nl >' V ar J " nlon SUItS, low neck, sleeveless, CPtanflon - wn ' yellow. '.™pper> Dl ; e s,'pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor 12/ 2 c dress ginghams, neat styles, .. ~, f knee length, lace trimmed; Friday Tree roses in assorted colors, they oc- Standard Blue Ornss seed, excellent checks and stripes; Fridav only, . / .^ C 1 a fan< f3[ weax ' e serge, 42 only ................ 390 cupy but little ground space and are very Il ur renewing old lawns nuar is.. \\7 » IT ji „ or H inches wide; t rida only, yard Women s 2.ic white cotton ribbed ■mposinK when p!anted among shrubbery. I Shady Spot liwn a'mlxiire Women S HandbaCfS y ar J •• • These tree rosea have sturdy roots and ]of a sufficient variety of erases to Vnnk« t_t Jt, -> jo • t i 15c cretonnes, flc rqj designs: Fri- . r „ , , vests, , wciyu, iu K ii iicck., luiig well baJanced tops «» c j.> firm and satisfactory turf, win grow Handbags, 7 and 8 inches, each . onlv vard BV,d> 75c black panama, 50 inches wide, sleeves; f-riday only 190 !L C i!, f r large cup shaped under trees and shady spots where ordi- with metal or covered frames and . f Vtlwnit wool, Friday only, yard.... 590 Men's 39c and 50c cotton ribbed flowers about 5 inches in diameter in nary (truss dies minrt on.. . • i i . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. „ _ '' . J \ J . . '7 ~ ... , , „ . April or May soo »w\ Tnniii extra purse; Friday only - Egyptian shirts and drawers; Fri ,* v Zl r Z JlT'" tl, ' s of „ R t ro "tf. I Grass sheara .... toe. i#e »9c to bop Handbags in new shapes of moire T • day only, yard 650 day only 250 beautiful for decorating the homo^."bboi ar <ien trowels, sc, B<-. 20c-to s»c silk in black and colors, with extra Fancy Linens $1.25 black serge, 52 inches wide; Men's 50c blue polka dot silk Rhododendrons ornamental ever-1 weeding" hooks 25c and s»c purse and mirror, regular $1.25 At Half Prioe Friday only,, yard 950 hose, seamless; Fridav 0n1v... 250 cofors 8 'pink, purple Oard^^ 1 ". V.*. V.'value; Friday only 500 nail rnce $1.50 black bengaline, 50 inches Women's 79c and SI.OO black , m-xT «»C Wire"gniM B raicos 2»c and 3»e RnypH rinrtprc Soiled and mussed fancy linens, wide; Friday only, vard $1,535 thread silk hose, fashioned feet; Fri- T 1 „ , xed A" arter ® iMiuding<wb«.has2.oo buct r, PP ie W, s«k and dayoni,- F l?° < L?v mrS '' ""*■ 3jc va J u _ e J »»d l'rid«y «ay, h»l( wool, 40 Friday only. Infants' 12« c Mack oashmerc . sward, pack 10c I Aisle and Basement. , A- price. yard sl.<>9 hose; Friday Only 90 i -J 50c value; bnday only ,*s.>o Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. I Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart, Street Floor. 1 Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Street Floor. II yV " THURSDAY EVENING, BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 2,1914.