Phone Your WANT AD to the Telegraph To-day, For by Tc -morrow To-day Will Be Yesterday I i * SUNS MINE MOVING The first sunshiny days of March brought the fever which will reach its height the first of May. Any symptoms of it out at your house yet? Here's the best prescription: "Read Telegraph Want Ads to find the sort of a house you want in the location you prefer —then read the ads of the really "Care ful Movers" who use the Telegraph WANT AD page and make your arrangements to have one of them move you to your new home. DIED DAVIS lsrael C. Davis on March 31, 1014, at the home of his son, Benja min F. Davis, Summit street ana Jonestown Road, aged 79 years. Funeral on Friday morning, nt 10 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Mary fechuler, UOb Chestnut street. The relattves and friends are invited t;o attend without further notice. LOST I DOST The person who picked up the white Poodle dog. with tan, clipped ears, Wednesday evening, can have re ward by returning to Photo T e, rt. op posite Philadelphia and Reading Depot. | DOST On March 26. a brown and white puppie by the name of Prince.- Finder return to 406 Cranberry street. j 11ELP WANTED—MaIe COLORED boy t>o work about house. State age. Address X, 515, care of Telegraph. j C.ENERAL~AGENT, by Philadelphia | house. Ideal proposition for profes- . sional man or any responsible man or | selling ability who can use all or part of his time. Goods sold through local storeß. Duty consists of forwarding orders secured by stores, make collec tions and call on big concerns only for direct orders. Small initial inyest ■ tnent required. State age,experience and reference. K. R. K.. 609 Bulletin Building, Philadelphia. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motorraen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; no experience necessary; fine opportu nity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Box 820, care of Telegraph. PAPERHANGERS. Apply at once, 103 North Second street. PAPERHANGER, at once; steady ) employment. 326 Reily street. I PAPERHANGERS WANTED, at one©. Apply 1500 Regina street, C. M. Fells. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, something entirely new; | just out; liaß not been worked to death; profits very large. Write quick for particulars. Address H., 520, care of Telegraph. SALESMEN" WANTED COUNTY MANAGER for a new model patented household article sailing for $3.50. Half profit. $8 to sl2 a day Life job. Sells over and over again to the same people. Samples loaned. Sales , Manager, 122 Sycamore street, Mil- . waukee. Wis. • HELP WANTED —Female COMPETENT white cook in small family; will not dispute wage if a good cook; housemaid for two in family; $6.00 a week; no washing; reference. 517 North Second street. EXPERIENCED girls, also learners, for fitting room. Apply Harrisburg Shoo Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harris burg, Pa. FIFTY experienced operators for tewing on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver. Forster and Cowden streets. DADIES Fascinating home busi ness; tinting postcards, pictures etc., spare time; make sl2 weekly; no can vassing; samples, 10c.; particulars free. Artlnt, 710, 130 Manhattan street, New York. IADY Fair education, t>o travel In Pennsylvania. Salary, SSO month and expenses. State present employment and address E., 517, care of Telegraph. PROTESTANT lady to devote few hours each day. one interested in church or educational work. Salary, $1.50 per day. Address R., 518, care of Telegraph. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learnerß, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparol Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. TWO experienced waitresses at 28 South Fourth street, Harrisburg. Call between 3 and 4 o'clock, 28 South F'ourth street, Philadelphia Cafe. WANTED Woman for companion and to assist with work on farm, or man and wife to work on farm. Good i h>ome. Call, or address, 1614 North ! Third street. 1 I Must Be Sold WHAT IS YOUR OFFER? 621 North Sixteenth St. A 2!4-»tory bronnttont and uhlngle dwelling with ten room*—bath ■■A •teaiu heat. Houne and lot ftMxDO ft., or h»u«e and lot 100 by 00 ft. Thin property Is located on the aoutheaat corner of Sixteenth and North street*—in a very desirable neighborhood. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE Locust and Court Streets - • Harrisburg THURSDAY EVENING, SITUATIONS WANTED —Male BY white man, position as private watchman or elevator man. Address S., 511, care of Telegraph. RESPONSIBLE position by young, murried man, 28 years old; ten years experience building, operating and sell ing machinery and engines. Address M„ 503, care of Telegraph. AVANTED By young white man, . position as chauffeur, in private family. | Address 106 Hanna street. WANTED By young white man, position as traveling salesman, or cleri cal work; references. Address S., 516, I care of Telegraph. I WANTED A colored boy, 16*4 ' years old, would like to have a position driving a team; experienced around [ horses. Address X., 514, care of Tele graph. WANTED Two young men desire work as plumber's helpers, or any kind of w»ork. Address 1311 Cowden.street. j YOUNG boy desires p'osition as er rand boy. Apply to Wm. Krebs, 558 I Woodbine street. I YOUNG man would llge to have work I of any kind; can furnish reference. Ad dress Milton Crawshaw, Box 715, Har risburg, Pa. Young, married man desires work of any kind. Address P.. 001, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe COLORED girl desires to assist with general housework or day's work. Call, or address, 218 Prune avenue. COLORED girl desires to assist with general housework, or nurse girl. Call, or address, 505 South street. GENERAL housework or day's work. Address 1412 North Seventh street l HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, with | a 9-year-old girl, wants position. Ad i dress E. M. K-. B*ox 28, Marysville, Pa. LADY desires confinement nursing. Apply 1254 Derry street, or call Bell phone J465W. ' MIDDLE-AGED white woman would I like to have dusting or ironing by the ' hour. BJJX G, 502, care of Telegraph. SEWING WANTED to do at homo. 712 Race street. WANTED Colored woman wants fancy ironing to do at h»ome. Apply 1334 New Fourth street. WHITE woman wants washing to do at home. Call, or address, 1633 Logan street. | YOUNG white woman would like day's work or office cleaning, etc. Ad- I dress M.. 510, care of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE New Houses Reaciy New fteml-buiiKaloTV style houses, Green and Woodbine Streets, now ready fur occupancy. Excellent lo cation. Modern throughout. Indi vidual porches Menm Heat Hardwood Floors Open Fire place Tile lintliroum l,sundry lu Cellar Combination Vat and Electric Fixtures excellent finish throughout. Sample house open for Inspection. Representative al ways on ground. For prices and terms consult C. L. I.oiitf, Green and Woodbine streets, WILBUR LAND SALE House lota, $79 to $179, five and ten dollars down, oOc week; 15 per cent, discount for cash. No interest or taxes for two years. FREE lot in case of death. Guarantee against loss on account of sickness or loss of work. TITLE GUAR ANTEED. Wc are OWNERS, not agents. We buy for cash. Have agencies in 71 cities. Address Agent Wilbur Land Co.. P. O. Box 364, Har risburg. Make appointment, quick, to secure these lots. PINE STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Large house —l3 rooms and three bathrooms vacant suitable fior lodging house recently painted and papered throughout. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE This place for you at $2,850; plot, 75x150, with chicken house ; 10x45; Improved dwelling; porches; i seven varieties of fruit; inspect it. Bell ' Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs street, between Second and Third; 8 rooms and bath. Will be Hold at sacri fice if sold this Spring. AddreSß S. 0., No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 27 acres nearly new 7-noom houso good bank barn sand soil nearly level ll miles from Harrisburg 3 miles from sta tion possession at once. Price, sl,- 900.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. BUSINESS PROPERTIES and prop erties that can be remodeled for busi ness, In central locations —several cor ner properties. Price and all particu lars at our ofilces. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1829 NORTH STREET; 3-story frame; 9 rooms and bath; all improvements; front and back porches; grass plots; side entrance. Price. $2,000, on easy terms. Charles Barnhart, 1821 White hall street. FOR SALE 52,300 will buy a Pen brook property; seven rooms, bath; gas; furnace; porches; cemented cellar; chicken house 7x18; lot, 18x180; Dc fare. Apply Bell Realty Cio., Bergner Build ing. SEVERAL, NEW BRICK HOUSES for Kale all Improvements now yield ing 8 per cent, net on the investment. Prices, $1,750 to $2,350. Ask for our list. Bell Realty 00., Bergner Building. 41 NORTH FOUUTEENTH STREET; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; will sell at a bargain to any one Inter ested. Inquire .la red Lenker, 39 North Fourteenth street. HOUSiOS Full SALE IX GNOL.I NOS. 145-147-149 COLUMBIA HOAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms. inquire c. D. Bowman, Owner. 227 Ma clay street. Harrisburg. SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very attractive homes; several very good in vestments. Terms to suit. D. E. Bright bill. 2 North Court street. Both phones. GET OUR "FOR SALE" LIST. Bell Realty Co. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steam heated, Vapor system. Inquire Pine Street. Phone 3687. FOR RENT 431 Market street, at entrance of Subway l3 rotoins 2 baths all conveniences suitable for rooming house rent, $60.00, in cluding steam heat. Apply Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. 1841 Zarker street C 20.00 Suburban homestead 25.00 1500 Walnut street . 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market street. GARFIELD AND DERRY STS.— Seven rooms and bath all conveni ences brand new house heat fur nished above Geo, Kichman & Son s Grocery Store. Apply above address. FURNISHED HOUSE, whole or part, 11 rooms. Will rent to desirable ten ant until October or November. All con veniences. Central location. See Dr. B. S. Behney, 202 Locust street. FOR RENT House and store room; i suitable for jeweler or milliner; n>o | other business of the kind in the town. Location central. Apply Good's Phar macy, New Cumberland, Pa. 1815 NORTH SECOND STREET. 3- story brick; 10 rooms, bath and porches; modern home; possession at once. Ap ply S. W. Fitzgerald, 317 Walnut street. HOUSE AND BARN, with or without farm land, about live miles east of Hali fax; plenty of fruit. Apply J. W. Et tinger, Halifax, R. F. D., 2. HOUSE 2215 Atlas street; practically new; all improvements; rent, $16.00 per month. Call 910 Bergner Building, Frank B. Wlckersham. ; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 38 [ acres mountain land, known as the I "Squire Miller Farm" In West Hanover | Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Koad, about 4 miles from | Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Real Estate Department. 222 Market street, Harrisburg. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment, Ave rooms, bath and pantry. Every up-to-data equipment. In perfect condition. Cen trally located. Rent reasonable. Im mediate possession. Address A-12, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FIVE ROOMS and bath; city steam heat; continuous hot water; back porch; centrally l-ocated. Address G., 60U, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT APARTMENT. S rooms, with improvements, desirable for man and wife, SIO.OO. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. ONE APARTMENT FOR RENT, sec ond floor front. No children or clogs. Apply 1542 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOH KENT FURNISHED second floor front suite, consisting of large livingroom, bed room and private bath. Also separate room with stationary washstand; bath to every two rooms; gas and electric lighting; city steam and hardwood floors; references. 218 Pine street. FIFTY furnished rooms. In private families, all parts of city improve ments sl.-0 week many - othnr rooms. Send for list. "Wo deliver the goods." Address X., 508, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Lady roomers wanted on the Hill; only girls of good charac ter need apply, or married couple with out children. Apply X. Y. Z., care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, with use of bath and phone, with or with<out board. Call Bell phone 1428J, or apply 107 South Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond and third floor rooms, for gentle men, in private family. All modern conveniences. 259 North street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1016 North Front street. • ONE nicely furnished front room; use of phone and bath; reference required. Call Bell phone 1470 L, or 262 Forster street. GOOD ROOM, furnished, Crescent street, close to Mulberry Street Bridge. Address L. 507. care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS in the Shope Building. Market and Evergreen streets. J. E. Gipple, 1261 Market street. TWu nicely furnishes rooms, for gen ilemen, with rity heat and übb of bath. Apply 272 Brtggs street. NEWLY FURNISHED and unfurnlsh ed rooms; all conveniences; good loca tion. 103 Locust street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite; all conveniences; use of phone. 209 State street. TWO unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, on third floor. 409 Herr street. : i TWO communicating rooms, second ' floor front. 222 Pine street. ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS, with or with i out board. Apply 1507 North Sixth street. HARRISBURG TELEGKSPH ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED BY office man, located between Ham ilton and Matlav streets; best of refer- I once. Address Maclay Street P. 0., Box > 24. I BOARDERS WANTED NICELY furnished rooms, with board; steam heat; use of phone. Apply 1518 i NorV» Sixth street. TWO g&ntlemen boarders, nice, large second floor front room. 1227 Bailey street. FURNISHED rooms, desirable loca tion. Apply 719 North Sixth street WANTED A REPUTABLE white family to oc cupy a farm home, with or without land, four miles east of York. Very low rent and plenty of work in the neighborhood. Also a middle-aged man to assist on a farm. Reference requir ed. Address D. C. Kauffman, R. No. 12, York, Pa. MAN to rent l'arm house, having privilege of garden, truck patch, fruit, etc., near railroad; $50.00 per year rent; near Liosli's Run. Apply 2133 Moore street. WANT to rent a suburban home —not too far from Harrisburg. Write or phone to Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. DRESSMAKING WANTED by a fash ionable dressmaker; excellent work; reasonable rates. Inquire at 1507 North Sixth street. WANTED To rent space in private garage vicinity Eighteenth and Mar ket. Address G., 519, care of Telegraph. ONE gasoline outfit, 100 or 150 gal lons, for garage use. Address James Roddy, West Fairview, Pa. FOR SALE ,In the District Court of the United States For the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2664 ln the Matter of Mercurio Brothers, Bankrupt. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on MONDAY', APRIL 20. 1914, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M., ] tile following described real estate: No. I—Ail that certain two-story | brick house and lot of ground, situate i on the southeast aide of Washington [street In the City of Harrisburg, known as No. 123 Washington Street, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be- j ginning at the northeast corner of e lot 1 formerly of George Beyer's heirs, now other land of S. Mercurio et al.. on said ! street; thence northwardly along said j street about 15 feet to a 3 feet alley; thence along said alley 78 feet 9 inches across a 4 feet alley to lot belonging to estate of William H. Cleckner; thence along the line of the lot of Estate of < William H. Cleckner towards River Al- ! ley (now Avenue) about 15 feet to lot j formerly of said George Boyer's heirs, j now other land of S. Mercurio et al.; thence by lot of the said George Boyer's heirs 78 feet 9 Inches to the place of i beginning. With the right and prtvi- I lege in common with others to the use of said private alleys. No. 2—All that lot of ground, situ ate on Washington Street, in the City ! of Harrisburg, known as No. 121 Wash-| I ington Street, bounded as follows. Be- j ginning at a point on Washington I Street at line of the property rormerly i lof J. Record, now other property of S. ! • Mercurio et al.; thence along Washing ton Street towards Front Street 11 feet' |9',£ inches to line of lot known as No. i 119 Washington Street; thence along 1 said last mentioned line 78 feet 9 inches i to a 4 feet widD private alley; tlieneo i ! along line of said alley 14 feet 9 j Inches to property formerly of J. I Record, now other property of S. Mer curio et al.; thence along' the line of I same 78 feet 9 inches to the place of be- ' [ ginning. Being lot No. 12, as l»ld down I : on Plan of lots of the heirs ot' George j ! Boyer, deceased, recorded In Orphans' i Court Docket "V," page 263. Having I ! thereon erected a two-and-one-haif- I j story brick house with a two-storV j back building. : No. 3—All that certain lot Or, piece I of ground, situate on Washington l 'Street, In the City of Harrisburg,! | Pennsylvania, known as No. 119 Wash ington Street, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Washington Street at lot formerly of Caroline Dressier, now other lot of b. Mercurio et al., known as No. 121: Washington Street; thence along Wash- > Ington Street toward Front Street 14 1 feet 9% inches to lot, now or formerly, I of the Reckord Estate; thence by line I of said lot 78 feet 9 Inches to a 4 feet! wide private alley; thence along the I ine of said alley 14 feet 9',4 inches to lot formerly of Caroline Dressier, now other lot of S. Mercurio et al., known as No. 121 Washington Street; thence j along the line of said property 78 feet '< 9 Inches to Washington Street, the ' place of beginning. Being lot No. 13 In plan of lots of heirs of George Boyer ' deceased, recorded In Orphans' Court! Docket "B, page 2C3, and having erect- ! ed thereon a two-and-one-half-story I brick house with a two-story brick l back building. r The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all encum brances. TERMS—IO per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation bv the Court. MERCER B. TATE, Trustee. FIVE-PASSENGER Mitchell Automo bile, 1911 Model, fully equipped, in running condition; new tires 35x4; dem onstration upon request. This is a bar gain. Apply Bowman Garage, rear of Bowman's Department Store. 1913 Regal roadster, under slung; good as new. Will sell at a sacrifice to quick buyer. A 4>aFgaiiL—Apply to C. M. Hoffer, care of Hoffer & Garman, 230 S. 18th St. E. M. F., 1912, five-passenger touring car; 30-H.-P.; tires new; one extra tire -3 extra Inner tubes; Q. D. demountable rims; top and windshield; Prestolite car like new; Al running order; cost $1,300. Must be sold at once, at a sac rifice. No reasonable offer refused. Ad dress W. S., Box 44. Mifiiinburg, Pa. FOR RALE, AT SACRIFICE, IF taken at once, store stock and fixtures of general store doing large business in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to interested party. Moving to the West only reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Cbouser Duncannon, Pa. TRUNKS. Traveling Bags. Suit Ca*es, Gloves. Sole, harness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Dc gula. Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest nut streets GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25r each One of these signs will be given with each six-tlma order for a classified ad If paid In advance Inquire at Office of Telegraph ONE PAIR OF MARES weighing 2,400 lbs., one heavy with colt. Both good wind and work anywhere they are hitched. Sound. Will sell team for S2OO to a quick buyer. Both good single-line leaders. Apply 2004 State street. ONE Schaeffer Piano, like new; wal nut bedroom suit, walnut hall rack, marble-top table, oak extension table, set oak dinlngroom chairs, hall, stair and purlor carpets, like new; rugs and other articles. 454 Cumberland street. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White leg horns. from the best egg-laying strain In America, SI.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per hundred. Max Lauffer. Middletown, Pa REFRIGERATOR and Brussel Rug —very cheap. Apply 119 Herr street , FOR SALE FOR SALE Horse; seven years old; good worker and good driver; could be seen at Hoffer and Garman, Eighteenth and Holly streets. Call, or address, Irvin Johnston, 2052 Swatara street. ONE Mitchell and Hudson Roadster, late model; one Cadillac and Overland, live-passenger; all in good condition. Cheap t-o quick buyer. Monn Bros., Seventeenth and Swatara. SEED POTATOES Our stock of po tatoes are New York grown, the best that can be had. We carry the leading varieties. Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. SHINGLES AND LUMBER direct from mill the kind I have sold to satisfied customers for the past ten years. Address J. W. Ettlnger, Halifax, Pa., R. D., 2. USED motorcycles; all make ; over hauled and in line condition, guaran teed to be us represented; call for dem onstration. lleugy Bros., 1204 North Third street. THOR MOTORCYCLE 4-horse power first-class condition price, $65.00 must be sold. Call Excelsior Motorcycle Co., 1007-1009 North Third street. 1913 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE; fully equipped; full set of tools; in first-class condition. Call evenings between 6 and 9, at Rear of 275 Cumberland street. EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY. $2 per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon, delivered by parcel post. Sample, 10c. L. K. Hostatter, Route 6, Lltitz, Pa. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK 1 ton capacity large covered body good as new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co., South Cameron street. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S.. with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. PONY, harness, carriage and driving wagon, formerly owned by George W. Reed. Apply to Raymond E. Reed, 1306 Third street. GENERAL STORE, doing a good business; must sell on account 'Of ill health. Address R., 506, care of Tele graph. I SINGLE set of express harness. Will i sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 2004 | State street. CHEAP, thin driving horse, with heaves, sound otherwise, $40.00. Call A. M., Nineteenth and State streets. 1 FOR SALE Five-H.-P. MOTOR for sale. Apply 536 Forrest street. i FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the I Telegraph Business Office. j FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Olt EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS In tile Tenth Ward; nome of them on pnved utreet. j Will exchange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for • builder. Cull nnd Inspect blue print. F. . It. Oyster, Trustee, care or Teleici'auh 1 lluMlneMM Office. ~ FOR RENT STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland ! streets. No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best markrt ! house, two of the best banks and many first-class business houses in the same square. In center of population, Size or room, 33x100 ft. 14-ft ceiling Up to-date in every particular. Kent from April 1, $125 per month, Including heat. IJ. S. Slble. 256 Herr street. , ! FOR RENT Desirable office* In the | Tcleurnpb llulldlng, a.ncl) or en-aulte. ; Inquire at Uuatlneits office. I I VERY DESIRABLE SUMMER RESI- I DENCE MARSHALL PROPERTY I JfURNISHED HOUSE stable and two : ai>fes of ground % mile east of P. | R. il. Station, Newport. Perry County. , i Photographs and full particulars at our office. jvl!]ler Bros. & Neefe, Har risburg. _ ■■ '"*•»" WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x6tS, also small room, 12x30, suitable for ; barber shop or small business, on West ; High street, Ellzabethtown, Pa. Pos | session immediately. Inquire J. H. j Levenight. Elizabethtown, Pa. I — ——< | TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. j FOR RENT Furnished offices nf the late Dr. Paul A. Hartman. Apply i 514 North Third street. j NO. 1734 MARKET STREET, new brick house with steam heat. Rent. S3O. | 1251 Market street. i ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding- for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also tho full line 'of tho Acme make. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5 I Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea | cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS PIPE ©MANS Rebuilt, Repaired, Tunes! E 1 CARR 214! Peflti Street Harrisburg Formerly with the W. W. Kim bad organ Co., Chicago. HAULING H. W. LATHE, llonrillnK Stable and National Trnusfer Co. Movers of J ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine j Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 M rket ! street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone I orders given prompt attention Bell I I W. J. WENRICH, .139 Hamilton street' —Furniture, china and piano parking. Shipments looked alter at both ends i Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. It. H. PiSFFEIt. LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery Piano and Furniture moving a specl-.lty. Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684J 1118 Mont gomery, Harrisburg HOOF PAINTERS 1 WILL paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertight Job. All colors. Postal brings mo. Maxwell H. Hlte, The Roof Paint Man, Box 328, Harrisburg, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Oluck, 320 Woodbine street. APRIL 2,1914. CONFIDENT OPERATIONS RESUMED IN MARKETS Increased Buying Confirmed Assertions of Bullish Trad ers; Bonds Reported Steady By Associated Press New York, April 2. Confident op erations on the lone aide of the market were resumed to-day, after an early period of hesitation. The ready re sponse of the market to Increased buy ing confirmed assertions of bullish traders that no considerable demand could be satisfied except at higher prices, owing to the meager floating supply of stocKS. Hope of an early adjustment of the railroad rate prob lem was the predominating Influence. Union Pacific was strengthened by the ruling of the courts that the pre ferred stock should not participate in the extra dividend disbursement. The general rise ran up to a point in vari- | ous instances, with larger gains among the specialties. A few stocks were heavy. Baltimore and Ohio sagged two points. Buying slackened toward noon, BUSINESS PERSONALS WE furnish music for all social events. Small combination for house parties as low as $2.50 Add res.- Zembra Mandolin Club. P. O. Box 486 Harrlsburg. Pa. NOTICE TO RITILDKRS C. HENRY. Architect and Builder wtll save you money Bur.galows a specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth street. Bell phone 1675 J. HARDUOOD FLOORS OF all designs. Old floors made new Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith. 2219 Brookwood street, Harrlsburg. Bell phone 1391 L GARDEN SEEDS The best; none better; they grow everything for the garden. Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second street. I SPRAY PUMPS —We carry a full line of spraying pumps and Insecticides. , Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Second | street. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan In amounts of SI,OOO and up on first i mortgage on city property, repayable | monthly or installments. Debt cancel i ed and mortgage satisfied on death of ■ borrower. W. C. Rowland, Room 405, Telegraph Building. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WK HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms j 6-7, 9 North Market square. STORAGE HAHUISBURG STORAGE CO. Two I largo brick warehouses, built ex ! pressly for storage. Private rooms! i for household goods and unexcelled fa- ' cllitles for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South I St. and Penna. R. R. i STORAGE 419 Broad street, for i household goods and merchandise. Prl- I vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents ' per month Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 i Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGE SEALED proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing, Harrlsburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 14. 1914, for fur nishing all the necessary labor and materials as called for In plan; and specification prepared by Edward K. Morse, Engineer. Commonwealth Build ing, Pitts burgh. Pa- _fQL-tft.jL.Cpn strue ; tion of a bpUJgP (known as the Wasser UFWgfr)""*acrosß the Shenango River, Ifbout one mile below Shenango, M j.cer I county, Pa. I Prospective bidders may secure plans 1 and specifications by applying to the I offi-e of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Building, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bidders desiring information not con tained in the plans and , specifications may apply either to the Engineer, Ed win K Morse, or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings in writing. .... Proposals shall be in sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out side with the name and location of bridge ar.d naniie of bidder. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent Public Grounds and Buildings. rROPOSAI. FOR BUILDING Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, Harris burg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed'until 12 o clock noon, of Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for furnishing all labor and material necessarv to erect a new i fireproof main building on the State I Arsenal Grounds, at. Eighteenth and ] Herr Streets, Harrlsburg, Penna., as ■ cailed for In specifications and draw- j Ings prepared by the Board of Public j Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings may be: i secured by prospective bidders by ap plying to the Superintendent of Public ! Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build- I tng, Harrlsburg, Pa. Proposals shall be in sealed envelope, ! marked "Proposals tor State Arsenal I Building," addressed. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and | Buildings, Capitol Building, Harrlsburg, Pa. In the Estate of Alvln I. Miller, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary have been duly granted by the Register of Wills, of Dauphin County, Commonwealth *>f Pennsylva nia, upon the estate of Alvln I. Miller, late of Harrlsburg, said county, deceas ed, to Elizabeth J. Miller, of Harrls burg, said county ana Commonwealth, and all persons who are Indebted to said estate are requested to make pay- | ment without delay, and all persons i who have lawful claims against the | same are required to make the same I kn'own without delay to the under- j signed. ELIZABETH J. MILLER, 15 South Third Street, Executrix. Or to her attorney, JOHN A. HERMAN, 333 .Market Street. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS for the construction of water works and ' sewerage systems for the State Sana- i torlum for Tuberculosis near Hamburg, Berks County.'Pa., will be received by Dr. Samuel G. Dixnn, Commissioner »of j Health, at his office. In Harrlsburg, un- i til 2 P. M., Wednesday. April 22, 1914. Plans and specifications may be ob- ; talned at the office of the State Depart- I ment of Health in Harrlsburg or at the 1 Ph'ladelphln Office (1900 Race St.) upon j dt posit of $25 00, which will be return ed -n trcelpt -"f plans and specifications In good condition The right is reserv ed t>o reject any anil all bids SAMUEL DTXON, Commissioner of Health SEA LRU PROPOSAL# COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Harrlsburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department, in the Capitol Building, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock on the morning of April 7, 1914, for furnishing the State Highway De partment with Indeterminate quantities Of bituminous material according to specifications. Specifications and bid ding blanks can be obtained upon ap plication to this Department. EDWARD M. BIGELOW, £tate Highway Commissioner. and the list eased oil from Its best prices. Bonds were steady. Furnished by 11. W. SNAVELY Arcude Building New York, April 2. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 23*4 23% Anml. Copper 77 77 & American Heet Sugar 23% 23 % American Can 30 29% American Can pfd., 91% 91% Am. Ice Securities.. 31% 31 Am. Locomotive ... 34% 34% American Smelting . 70% 69% I American Sugar ... 100% 100% American T. <fe T... 122% 122% Anaconda ex div 70c 35% 35% Atchison 97% 97% Baltimore & Ohio ..91% 91% Bethlehem Steel ... 41 % 42 Brooklyn R. T.. .... 92% 92% Canadian Pacific ... 208% 208% Central Leather ... 36 36 Chesapeake & Ohio. 53% 53% C.. M. & St. P 101 100% C. & N. W 134 131% Chlno Con. Copper . 42% 42% Corn Products .... 9 9 Distilling Securities .18% 19 Erie 30 80% General Electric Co. 147 147 Goodrich, B. F 24% 25% Great Northern pfd. 127% 127% Interboro-Met 14% 15% Interboro-Met. fd.. 60% 60% Lehigh Valley 145 144% Mo., Kan. & Texas . 18 18 Missouri Pacific ... 27% 26% Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% New York Central . 90% 90% N. Y„ N. H. & H. . 69% 70 Northern Pacific ... 114% 114% Penna. R. R 110% 110% People's Gas & Coke 124 124 Pittsburgh Coal ... 21 21 Pittsburgh Coal pfd 92% 92% Pressed Steel Car ..4 4 44 Ray Con. Copper .. 22% 22% Reading 165% 166% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 24% 24% Southern Pacific ... 95 95 Southern Railway .26% 26% Tennessee Copper .. 35% 35% Texas & Pacific ... 17% 17 Texas Company ... 146% 147% Union Pacific 159% 160% \ U. S. Rubber 62% 62% t U. S. Steel 63% 63% i U. S. Steel pfd .... 110% 110% Utah Copper 57 57 y. Western Union Tel.. 62% 63 Westinghouse Mfg.. 75% 75% Woolworth 99 9914 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE 1: Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Areuile IIiill<lln«c .... . Chicago, 111., April 2. I Wheat— May 91 % 91% 91 .... J uly 86 % 97% 86% .... Corn— ■ May 67% 67% 67% .... i Ju >y 68% 68% 68 .... Oats— My 38% 38*4 38% .... July 39Vi 39% 39% .... CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 2. H«ogs Re ceipts, 12,000; strong. Bulk of salps is'S?os'7K : J isht ' mixed', h favy, $8 rough. $8.35(708.45; pigs, $7.4008.65. I Cattle Receipts, 3,500; steady. Beeves. $6.95©9.50; Texas steers. $7.200 8.20; stockers and feeders, $5.5007 90; heifers ' *3.65@i.40; calves. *0.5 oca) y.r»o. Receipts, 12,000; steady. Na tive, ~'e?tfttfi«gi $6.50@7.60; lambs, native, $7.35T«8.257^~»-"' PHILADELI'i. 1 1 PRODUCE --y Associates press Philadelphia, April 2. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 98%© N °rthei'n, Dulutli, $1.03% (GM.O'P/fc. Corn Steady; No. 3, yellow K a ]6^fiAc 7e ® 7BHc; d °- kUn drled '. @?6 l 4 S c.~ Steady: No ' 2 ' wh,te ' «% - Market quiet; winter, per »29:50|; 3 30. 0 0 0 0® 30 - 50: PeF t0n ' 3 65c ' : Ke y st °no A. Butter The market Is weak; ° XtrUS> 26c; nearby ' The market is steady; f eni*.«.\ IvaniH and otnor nearby >i free cases, $5.85 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70 per case western, extras, firsts, free cases, $5.85 i per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.70 i per case. »»•■>» Ira ufi? Poultry Lowor; fowls. 18 01Jc, young chickens, 14020 c* ""•nj- "hickeiis. • old j ers 12013 c; ducks, 17019 c; spring I 18020 c * UC ' Keei " !- ib&lSc - tumt,*. j Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls. western, fancy, heavy, 20c; do | fair to good. 16018 c; do.. llght- I weights, 12 0 15c; unattractive, 13 aplbc; old roasters, 15c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 14020 c; broil | ing chickens, fancy, 24036 c: do fair l*ol9c, capora, large, 23 0 26c*' dn.' j imall, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, H®2»o: | 20@23c|' ducks, 11 ©lB c; geeaa? [ Potatoes Firm; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 80©85 c; Western, per bushel, 80 085 c; Jersey, per basket 20050 c; Florida, per barrel. s.>.oo<u, oo' Flour Tile market Is weak; winter". lt-ul. I.t.So'u 4 10, Btra 'Kills. ioi.ll sylvania, $4.1604.30; western. $4,250 4 40, patents. $4,500 1.90; Kansas traight lute sacks, $4.20 04.40; arrlng. firsts, clear. $4.1004 30; stralghta. $4 15 ■Jj'4 50; patents, $4 6004,75. Hay The marKet is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00018.51: No. 7, medium bales, $17.50018.00; No . $!« iur« IV 50. No. .1. $ I 4.1M1 'ti 16 uu j Clover mixed: Light mixed, $16.60® I 17.00; No. 1, do., $15.50016.00; No. 2 do. j $ 13. r, ' ' PUBLIC SALE ' OF CITY PROPERTY Will sell at public sale on Fri day, April 3, 1914, at Court House, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following described property. A house and lot of ground, situ ated on Muench street. No. 810, hav ing a frontage of 16 ft., extending I back 75 ft., more or less, to a 3-ft wide private alley; thereon erected a 2-story frame with mansard roof i dwelling, containing 9 rooms with i conveniences. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. J. T. ENSMINGER AUCTION KER .— j jr\ LOST keys Ee }) Sei.d 25c In silver r&btmL or call for Safety m'l.r'tV Key Protector £i% KiPflrtflilk. with your name *at I " n<J addresa stamp n\ I ed on - including //I I large key ring. all Made from pure e%// German silver, e/ V I 11ARRISBURG v STENCH. WORKS 130 Locaat Street Harrlsburg, Pa. QIIBBER STAMfip >f|| SEALS & STENCILS |#V j||• MFG.BYHBG.STENCILW9RKS ■ al 11 130 LOCUSI-ST. HBGjPA. II 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers