Winter's Chills Spring Is Breaking; Breed Kidney Ills W.'tV Backs Are Aching / Chilly, damp, changing weather is hard on the kid- Backache is often the first sign of some form of kid / neys. Even more irritating are colds, grip, pneumonia, ney disease that has been coming on for months. Look •j tonsilitis, quinsy and other infections. The kidneys get for the other signs:—lame back, sharp pains when stoop ■ congested ond inflamed, and this causes backache and ing or lifting, dizzy spells, nervousness or despondency, | disordered action. Though serious in its latter |Bjl||k with irregular, painful or distressing action of the kid stages, kidney disease is not hard to conquer if a good 'Jk neys; if these signs exist, decide that the kidneys need kidney remedy is used when the first signs of kidney* attention ere the trouble turns to gravel, dropsy or trouble are noticed. / , Bright's disease. The best recommended kidney remedy in the world Read this home testimony and then give Doan's is Doan's Kidney Pills. You hear it everywhere. Get a box. Kidney Pills a trial. | Harrisburg People Testify" Harrisburg Cases Self-Told HUMMEL STREET Mrs. G. A. Weber, 313 Hummel St., Harritsburg, Kays: "One of the family suffered from kidney trouble and his back ached constantly. He felt tired and didn't net well. Reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply and tHev made an Improvement in every I can't speak too highly of this remedy:" Mrs. iugust Fecvy, 328 Hummel St., Hnrrlsßprt says; * 'Doan's Kidney Pills have sed In my home. One of the family/ suffered from kidney trouble and wiins and lameness through the small/ of the ' back. This person also had Headaches and dizzy spells. On a frlenl's advice, Doan's Kidney Pills yrevcf used and they brought relief at oncJ Several boxes removed the pains andlchef and made a marked improve meif- pOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS j I Sold at all druggists and general stores, 50c a box, or mailed on receipt of price by FOJTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, N. Y. |jjj flood Troubles Vanish As If By Magic Remarkable Remedy That Drives Every Particla of Poison Completely Out of Your Entire System. Strenglh, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified in S. S. S. Blood troubles often become so deeply rooted Li the glands and interstices of the tissues, that only a mosearching remedy tv ill dislodge them. There are many rea sons wiy S. S. S. is llifl remedy. To be gin with the iugredicfts of which 8. S. S. is composed are of f cgetable extraction. For tlis reason thiy are readily passed through the walls if both the stomach and tie intestines. /Thus it goes directly into the blood cirifilation and its action is relatively the s.-'/ie as that of the other blood materials. / THIS 1 1 IMPORTANT. We derive all iistenance '.' rom our food whelher solids si/h as mer.ts, grains, fats, salts and sugars/or in liquids, as the ele ments of oxyg4, hydrogen and nitrogen combined, or in/the free, or gaseous, state as in the air w/ breathe. All of these va rious food m/rerials are converted into substances are selected from the blood streruJto make up the constructive tissues and ramo work of the body. And a» fast as tpev keep building up, just as rapidly do ill of these materials turn in to body wptes to bo excreted. But with a goodly »hare of humans, these wastes are not properly thrown out and they thus rerr/in A Peril to Health. Here/s where 8. g. S. enters to assist the bloid stream to more adequately per ioral /he function of supplying pure %lood In the arteries and carrying off the wastw material through the veins. Na turajfc an assimilable remedy, S. S. S. not onWhas a prompt medicinal effect, but "OjM food, it is not changed, it is not conterted by the liver, it is not burned up inihe lungs or tissues by oxidation. On ♦E» contrary, it continues to circulate in tie myriad of cells in the interstices of *ie tissues until it gradually works its fray out through the skin or the kidneys. And all the time it is an active agent, it ' pH A»NIB« » N18 « street The Rev " J " T " SPangler, pas rWi US m Caroline Har- tor of the First United Brethren ro-moTrow afte^nnn ay '^ V i tak ® J?!*!;® Church ' wl » officiate. Burial will he iX7?r. M Iv ™w' 11 be private and will be made at Harris held at the home. 208 North Fifteenth burg Cemetery. CASTOfcIA For Infants and Children. Bears tho The KM You Nan Always Boueht ' \ WEDNESDAY EVENING BLAHRISBtJRG TELEGRAPH APRIL 1,1914. HARRIS STREET George W. Shank, 235 Harris St., Harrisburg, says: "My experience with Doan's Kidney Pills was very satis factory. I suffered from headaches and pains in my back, that I could hardly bear. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they benefited me in every way. I ad vised another of my family to use them und they did just as good work In his case. I ain -pleased to confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kid ney Pills." W. H. Gardner, 41.4% Harris St., Har risburg, says: "1 gave a statement eight or nine years ago, recommending Doan's Kidney Pills after I had re ceived great benefit from them. Kid ney complaint had caused much pain In the small of my back and sides and I had to lay off from work for several weeks. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me wonderful relief and proved bene ficial in every way. I hold a high opin ion of this remedy. "Vin HI V ««■ j. j |)iiu:u lit Ot vj. O. remains a medical influence, it keeps steadily at work preserving the natural function of the blood to give healthy ma terial for that which has broken down. KNOWN by RESULTS. This is not a theoretical essay. It it a simple statement of physiological laws und known residts. There is scarcely a community in the entire United Statee but what has its staunch supporter of S. S. S. There is a host of men and wo men who struggled for years with some form of skin trouble such as eczema, psoriasis, or acne; there is a legion of people who cured themselves of some chronic sore or ulcer. And the number ■who have overcome catarrh, poisoned blood from various causes, malaria, ane mic conditions and all forms of rheuma tism, is sufficient to convince anyone that | 8. 8. S. is a natural blood remedy and ! bound to drive out all impurities. There isn't a well stocked drug or de partment store anywhere in America but what has sold S. 8. 8. continuously year after year. It is the most generally rec ommended remedy known. Not a drop of minerals is used in this famous preparation and it is thus a re medy that anyone can safely use and can honestly and conscientiously urge his best friend to use It. For this reason when you ask for a bottle of S. 8. S. do not be talked into something "just as good,'* as you will certainly be fooled and de ceived. S. S. S. is prepared only in the labor atory of the Swift Specific Co., 468 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. And anyone who is afflicted with any form of blood trouble, may write for free advice on the best method of using S. 8. S. together with helpful advice on other matters. This department has been of incalculable benefit to a host of thank ful people during the past half century. CRESCENT STREET Mrs. Charles Fleagle, 451 Crescent St., Harrisburg, says: "For some time I suffered from pains in my back, to gether with a languid feeling. Then a friend told me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I got a supply. After using two boxes the pains and aches left me. Doan's Kidney Pills have my highest endorsement." Mrs. S. Oberholtzer, 346 Crescent St., Harrisburg, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used In my family and I can highly recommend them. The one who took this remedy suffered a great deal from backache, lameness in the loins and dull pains In the back. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills the pains and aches went away and the patient felt better In every way." PERSONAL [Other Personals on Pa ere 4] Little Girl Star - I - . 4 % > f ; * I . : ■ *;■ >. One of the very best performers in last night's concert given in the West Falrvlew Methodist Church for the benefit of the West Fairview Free Library was little Miss Wilhelmina Wohlfarth. Miss Wohlfarth is a reader of quite some note throughout Harrisburg sociai and literary circles and her work of last night was as good ! as her very best. ENTERTAINS CLASS Mrs. Guy S. Eckert, of 1423 Berry hill street, entertained Mrs. Robert Wallower's Sunday school class of the Fourth Street Church of God. Those present were wlrs. Wallower, Mrs. John Dugan, Mrs. May Reindell, Mrs. H. S. Pressler and Mrs. Guy L. Eckert, Misses Anna Dugan, Amy Good, Anna Wenger, Bessie Stoner, Ethel Showers, Dolly Knouse, Mary Gotshall, Hattie Weldenhammer, Susie Groff and Jay and Irene Eckert. There was a short business session after which the class enjoyed numerous games. A reading was given by Miss Weldenhammer. Refreshments were served. MISS YONTZ WEDS The marriage of Miss Ruth Anna Yontz to Paul Shank, of Hummels town, which took place yesterday at Altoona, was announced last evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baldwin, 1513 N'orth Sixth street. Miss Yontz is their niece. The couple will be "at home" at Paxtang after April 20. COLONIAL CLUB GOVERNORS i Next Tuesday evening the board of! governors of the Colonial Country l Club, Including the newly-electedj members of the board, will have dln-j ner at the clubhouse and reorganize! for the year. , FOliR POLICEWOMEN ARE 1 APPOINTED IN PITTSBURGH | Pittsburgh, Pa., April 1. C. H. Hurf bard. Director of Public Safety, to-day announced the appointment of four pq£- licewomen. the first In Pittsburgh. Thw are attached t'o the secret service dX •"islon, and their names are known tk none but the director and the officer to whom they will report. { SUSQUEHANNA STREET John H. Seiders, 1316 Susquehanna St,. Harrlsburg, says: "For years I suffer ed Intensely from kidney and bladder complaint. My back was In awful shape; It trot lame, weak and sore. The backache often practically put me out of commission. My work obliges me to do a great deal of riding and heavy lifting and this brought on the com plaint. I doctored and paid out a lot of money for medicine but it was Dnan's Kidney Pills that gave me re lief. 1 got them at Clark's Drug Store and I often recommend them to other people." West Haven Inventor Is ] Victim of Circumstance By Associated Press New Haven, Conn., April I.—That he is the victim of circumstance and | false accusations is the claim to-day of John J. Hogan, of West Haven, an 1 1 Inventor, widely known as an au-1 thority on marine and automobile en- e gines, who is awaiting a hearing on 1,, April 11 on a charge of attempted I m murder. It is alleged that recently while Miss I > Margaret Williams, of this city, was , I taking tea at the Hogan home the in ventor put poison in Miss Williams' tea and that of his wife and that its presence was discovered as Mrs. Ho gan began to sip the tea. Hogan's arrest followed an investigation by the authorities and he is now held under $5,000 bonds for his preliminary hear- I ing. Hogan to-day insjsted that he knew nothing about the allegations and his wife denies them. "ir BSES TIRED. j SORE, SWOLLEN FEET j So tired erf burning, sweaty, cal- { loused feet and corns? j Use "TIZ." j < When your poor, suffering feet;< sting fror.. walking, when you try to < wriggle corns away from the ' leather of your shoes, when shoes ' ljinch, and feel tight, when feet are , swollen, sore, chafed—don't experi- , rjnent —just use "TIZ." Get Instant re- < lief. "TIZ" puts peace In tired, ach- « i,ng, painful feet. Ah! how comfort- ' aible your shoes feel. Walk five miles, J feet won't hurt you, won't swell after , using "TIZ." - I Sore, tender, sweaty, smelly feet « need "TIZ" because it's the only rem- ' edy that draws out ;.ll the poison-;' j ous exudation." which puff up the feeti, : and cause foot torture. "TIZ" is the j. \ only remedy that takes pain and sore-, < ; right out of corns, callouses and I' i bunions. / Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" at any]' druggist or department store. Get a;, 5 whole year's foot comfort for only 25,. cents. Think of It!— Advertisement, i < % ' I* Ouaraat««<i £r u s« - ■ V BT4Q W ■ cALLUStta 4nd ' nimioNa r«. llevea alnioet Instantly —tju OOBOAV RKXAIX u ■- M •U—fmmmm. K. *. kIMIw || 1 • .;i s • ■ / ' ■ ~ BOAS STREET Mrs. Anna Hazzard, 601 Boas St., Harrisburg, says: "I don't know what I would do without Doan's Kidney Pills. They are the only remedy that helped me and I am glad to again recommend them. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief from kidney complaint and backache from which I had suffered for about three years. Sometimes I could not lie In bed on account of the pains and at other times I was so lame I could not move. In the morning when I first got up, it was hard for mo to get around. Doan's Kidney Pills acted promptly." Boy Locked in Box Car 3 Days Sees Food, But Is Unable to Reach It By Associated Press Cranford, N. J., April I.—ln magls- ' trate's court here yesterday Benjamin 1 Wlckham, 14 years old, told of his experiences for three days locked In a ■ refrigerator car filled with fruit that i I Be Ha ppy With Hugo 111 JUST 3 DAYS I < H ► => And No More < g H 4 H ► 4 H ► In which to take advantage of the Telegraph's great coupon offer to |3[ its readers. Grasp it, and your evenings will be fiJed With j3| pleasure. ]»\ These Six Cloth Bound Volumes i < M ► < N ► Contain Victor Hugo's great romances complete and unabridged.::: More than 3,000 pages of absorbing interest to young and old. ijjj Only 98c While THey Last SATURDAY EVENING ENDS IT | j Clip the Coupon on Page Two ; | I he could seo through a grating but I could not reach. The boy lived In New York city, where his uncle, Charles Wickham, still resides, but a year ago his parents, moved to Florida. He said he longed to be back In New York and had climbed into a refrigerator car In Jacksonville, Fla., and started north. The doors were locked and sealed upon him. He tried to get to the fruit, but found that it was locked in compart ments where It would be cooled by ice on the trip north. In that manner SHOWERS STREET R. L. Boyer. barber, 887 Showers St., Harrlsburg, says: "I have not been bothered by any of the symptoms of kidney trouble since I was cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. It gives ma pleas ure to confirm my previous statements, recommending; this good remedy." SUMMIT STREET Mrs. John Elllcker, 131 N. Summit St., Harrlsburg, says: ''l am still an en thusiastic endorser of Doan's Kidney Pills. I gladly confirm my former state ment, regarding this good remedy. I was cured of kidney trouble and have not liad any return of the symptoms. I would not be without a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills In our home. In case any of us should catch cola in the kidneys." he starved and thirsted for the Juicy fruit for three days, until the car WJS opened near here and he was found. His uncle was notified and came and got the boy. Magistrate Trimmer ' releasing him. YVEAI/THY GIRL TO NURSE Boston, Mass., April I.—Miss Helen' Cudahy, daughter of Patrick Cudahy, the wealthy Milwaukee packer, en tered the training school for nurses at the Massachusetts General Hospital to-day. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers