Eczema Gone! ACNE, Tetter, Rash, Pimples, Car buncles, Boils—Banished! It lg certainly remarkable how quickly the action of S. B. t>., the fa mous blood purifier, shows Itself In the skin. There is ono ingredient In S. S. S. which peculiarly stimulates cellular or glandular activity to select from the blood, or from the fine network of blood vessels in the skin, those elements which it requires for regen eration. Thus pimples, acne, eczema, lupus, or any other blood condition that at tacks the skin or seeks an outlet through the skin is met with the an tidotal effect of S. S. 8. This is why skin troubles vanish so readily and why they do not return. Under the influence of 8. 8. S. this fine network of blood vessels in the skin is constantly selecting from the blood the nutrition required for healthy tissue, and the cause of dis ease is just as constantly being re moved, scattered and rendered harm less. It is a great mistake to rely opoa cithuilcs lo enro pimples or other facial eruption H. Not only do cathartics cause chronic constipation, but they thin the blood of its Taluable and rssentlal preiervativps. You will be surprised and delighted at the quick change if you will use S. 8. S. the famous blood purifier. Its action In the skin la quite tensatlonal. Thpse fact* are most full* ezulalnpd In a book nn skin troubles sent br The Swift Npeclflc C«., 308 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. \ou will find 8. S. S» on sale at all drug stores, liet a bottle to-day and banish all skin afflictions. When you ask for S. S. S. look out for the common trick of trying to eeli joy something else. Don't be misled. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause—Take Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a lioor digestion, they are attacking the n>al cause of the ailment—clogged liver jnd disordered bowels. Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets arouse the liver In a soothing, healing way, when the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes Indi gestion and stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste In your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or one'rgy. troubled with undigested food, vou should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edward's Olive Tablet's are a purely vegetable compound inlxed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what you like. At 10c and 25c per box. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, Ohio. At all druggists.—Advertisement. MEAT CAUSE HE KM TROUBLE Take Salts to flush Kidneys if Back hurts or Bladder bothers If you r#"st have your meat every clay, eat it, but flush your kidneys with Bafts occasionally, says a noted au thority w)o tells us that meat forms uric acid, which almost paralyzes the kidneys ij their efforts to expel it from the bloo<- They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery /n the kidney region, sharp jjainß i) the back or sick headache, dizzinep. your stomach sours, tongue Is coatju and when the weather is bad you M-ve rheumatic twinges. The urine /«ts cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore ana irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three timesduring the night. Toneutraiize these irritating acids, to the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ourtcs of Jad Salts from any phar macy here: take a tablespoonful in a of water before breakfast for a fey flays, and your kidneys will then a i.t fine. This famous salts is made fiim the acid of grapes and lemon j-Jce, combined with lithia, and has used for generations to flush and simulate sluggish kidneys, also to jeutraiize the acids In urine, so it no bnger irritates, thus ending bladder Weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful effer vescent llthia-water drink.—Adv. SAGE TEA PUIS LIFE AND COLOR IN HAIR Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens Hair So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old, famous Sage Tea Recipe ore sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it dark ens the hair so naturally and evenly t hat no one can tell It has been ap plied. Those whose hair is turning gray, becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful —all dandruff goes, scalp itching and falling hair stops. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days.—Adver tisement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November 30, 1913. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martinaburir at 6:03, *7:52 a. m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambcrsburg, Car lisle. MetHianlcsburK and Intermediate stations at 6:03, *7:52, *11:63 a. m •3:40, 5:32. *7:40, *11:15 p. in. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a, m, 2:18. J'27 0:30, 9:30 a. m. ' ' For Dillsburg at 5:08, *7:62 and •11:53 a. m., 2:18. *3:40, 5:32 and 6-30 p. m. •Daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONQE, Q. P. A. Supt. Jg CHAS.H. MAUK UNDERTAKER Sixth and Kalker Streets l.arfcit establishment. Beit facilitiea. Near to you aa your phone. Will *o anywhere at 5 our call Motor aervicc. No (unrral too small. None too ripenilve. Chapelt, roumi, raull, etc., uied wick •ut Ltiarf*. MONDAY EVENING. KING HASN'T YET ! DECIDED ON CALL Will Give His Decision to Pax-, tang Congregation Within Short Time The Rev. Harry! B. Kin*, pastor of the Calvary Pres byterian Church, last nlgl.t received a call to take the pastorate of the Paxtang Presbyte rian Church. The Rev. Mr. King this morning stated that he had not yet decided whether to accept the call, ■which, he said, came as a complete I surprise to him. The Paxtang Church has not had a pastor since the Rev. Edwin McCord Mulock left to become a pastor at i Ypsllantl, Mich. At a congregational meeting yesterday morning, moder ated over by the Ret'. F. H. Laird, of the Ottvet Presbyterian Church, it was unanimously decided to call the Rev. Mr. King. PR. MITDGE TO OFFICIATE. At communion preparatory services, the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will of ficiate for the first time as pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian church Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. His address will be "Making Christ Mani fest." The regular meeting of the session will take place Thursday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. EXCHANGE! PLI.PITS The people that attended the Trin ity Lutheran, 9t. Paul's Methodist and the Calvary Presbyterian churches, yes terday morning, had a surprise when the found that the pastors of the three churches had exchanged pulpits. The Rev. Harry B. King occupied the pul pit at the Trinity Lutheran: the Rev. R. W. Runyan preached at the Calvary Presbyterian, and the Itev. R. L. Mels enhelder at the St Paul's Methodist. Charity I->ntertnliii»ent. The Junior Christian Endeavor Society, of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, will give a missionary entertainment next Thurs day evening In the lecture room of the church. The title of the entertainment Will be "Indians of the North." The proceeds will go to the San Juan Hos pital, Porto Rica. Fifty members of the socioty will participate Knights nt Service At the mass and communion held In the St. Francis' Catholic parish, yesterday morning, more than forty-five members of the Knights of St. George attended the ser vices. The mass was celebrated by the Rev. Daniel J. Carey, rector of the church. Tlrothcrhooil to Meet. A meeting of the Brotherhood of Grace Methodist Kplscopnl Church will take place to night, with the following interesting program: Talk on "Current Events," John Todd; address, "Some New Things In Electrical Science," J. G. Peet. A debate on the question, Resolved, That human achievement owes more to pov erty than to wealth, will be carried out in the affirmative by Boas Sites and Ralph Hartzell; negative, C. H. Menger and Donald Taylor- Illhle Conference. This afternoon marks the fifth monthly Bible confer ence to open In First Baptist Church, Second and Pine streets, where George B. Aldrlch, of Easton, will speak. Yes terday Mr. Aldrich appeared in Grace Methodist Sunday school, and at the Lenney Theater. The session will con tinue to-morrow. HAS APPENDICITIS After an operation to-day for ap pendicitis, Joseph Rinkenbach, North Sixteenth street, son of E. L. Rinken bach, North Third street jeweler, is recivering at the Harrisburg Hos pital. Sr.VDAY SCHOOL RALLY Mechanicsburg, Pa„ March 30. —A special program was given yesterday morning at the Spring rally of the Sunday school of the First United Brethren Church, consisting of mu sic and readings. The time occupied b th that of the Sunday school and church service. The address of the morning was made by the Rev. J. R. Hutchinson, of New Cumberland, a former pastor of the church. A large congregation was present in the even ing, when the Rev. E. C. B. Castle preached on the subject, "He Was Bound to Win." SEE IF THE CHILD'S ~ TONGUE IS COATED If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs" Look at the tongue, mother! if coated, it Is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, stomach sour" breath bad, has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs,' and in a few hours all the foul constipatod wasted, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative"' they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Pigs" which has directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Com pany." Refuse any other kind with contempt.—Advertisement. Neuralgia if not attended to, may be come acute and weaken the system. Stop it promptly with the one remedy sure to soothe the nerves and kill the pain— SLOANS LINIMENT —deadly foe to toothache, sciatica, and rheumatism. Mr. E. W. Gillespie, of Denmark, Tcnn., R.F. D. No. i, writes: "I had been suffering with neuralgia for some time. Slorvn's Liniment was recom mended to me, and I used some of It, and it stopped the pain entirely." At all dealer*. Price 25c., SOc. A SI.OO Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc, Boston, Mass. am- AN APOLOGY -m We Were Very Proud They Would Not Go Elsewhere To Have the Large Crowd Without Fail We'll Be There Was Pleased and Much Astonished On South Market Square That So Many People Promised This Tuesday If It's Fair m > At LIVINGSTON'S We Declare « « f™" ° "USmpte '"SUITS FOR men, ATT fife Some Ara Worth m —— A „ __ * AI o tis. ou, Piica, I YOUNG MEN & BOYS 300 Ladies' Are Oar Specialties. Par Pric;s Are Low Qualities the Best Suits For Thii Sae. Tie Mast MEN'S and ui New Spring Shattss, & Njvelty Glottis. YOUNG MEN'S r Q UVTNGSTON Q I CREDIT I Ml mHT E m R L Y .. 8 Have it V South Market SquareW U Want It I Chapter of Tragic Little Love Story Is Told in Court What may prove to be the next to the last chapter in the tragic little love story of Mr. and Mrs. Alden R. Meek, one-time Central high school student sweethearts, was told to Presi dent Judge Kunkel at a special session of desertion court to-day when Mrs. Meelt, nee Alice Shope, asked for an order for maintenance. Some day the chapter may be written in divorce court. Meek, who was a Central high school honor man, class of 1905, and Miss Shope were married four years ago and went to Ridgway, Pa., to live. Meek was earning $75 per month. Failure to "get along" on that sum as both groom and bride would have wished had much to do with their marital unhappiness. Mrs. Meek accused her husband of cruelty, of refusing to allow her to select her own dresses, of his rough ness, of how he held her on his lap and kissed and hugged her—and when she objected he slapped her on the door. He told of his earnest efforts to make her happy, of spending his whole income upon their home and upon her clothes, of helping her select her gowns because she "couldn't choose for herself," of her thought lessness. Her story was largely cor roborated by her diaries; his whole story was practically told In a pathetic letter to her after she had left Ridg way to return home. "You must de cide, Girl," wrote Meek, "whether your husband or your family stand first in your heart." Judge Kunkel directed Meek to pay $35 per month. Nicaraguan Tries to Assassinate Zelaya Madrid, March 30.—A dispatch re ceived here from Barcelona says that an attempt was made yesterday to as sassinate Jose Santos Zelaya, ex-Presi dent of Nicaragua, at Casa Torres, where Zelaya resides. A man who said his name was Rosas and who declared that he was a, Nica raguan, entered the residence of Ze laya, drew a revolver and fired at the astonished ex-President. Zelaya was not hit by the bullet. PIiAN ORGANIZATION OF MORE ODD FELLOW LODGES Plans to organize more lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows' In this territory will be made by a committee appointed Satur day night by the Past Guards' Asso ciation of the order which met at 321 Market street. Lodges may be organized at Pen brook. Hummelijtown and Hershey. The ninety-tilth anniversary of the founding of the order in this country will be celebrated by the members of the Southern division at Steelton, Friday, April 24. MUSICALE POSTPONED The musicale which was to have been given to-morrow evening at the home of Mrs. M. 11. Garland, State road. West Falrview. by the class j taught by Miss Sadie E. Kslinger, has | been postponed on account of the i serious Illness of John P. Ripper, of I Columbia. Mr. Ripper is Mrs. Gar land's brother. TO OPEN STOREROOM The Empire Theater, 1103 North Third street, owned by Isaac Marcus, is being remodeled Into a storeroom. Several weeks ago Mr. Marcus tried to xeoiiro ;i license to open a liquor store Mt that place but failed, ekhkesburg tSJtSv TELEGKAPH News Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro John T. Stausbury was stricken with paralysis while 'it work in the Waynesboro metal and brass foundry and is in a critical con dition. Waynesboro—Norman Barnes, aged 17, son of John W. Barnes, is in a critical condition at his home near Smithsburg, Md., as the result of being thrown to the ground by a colt. Hazleton—The police have declared war on speeding autoists here and ar rests are being made and lines im posed. Bethlehem —Kenneth Hamilton has been awarded a prize of SSO for be ing the best student in the theological class at the Moravian college and Theological seminary. Lebanon—Expert builders have con demned the spire of the First Re formed church here and it is to be torn down at once as the result of dry rot having seriously affected the heavy timbers at its base. The spire was constructed 83 years ago by a master builder and has been regarded as one of the finest pieces of architecture of its kind In the eastern part of the United States. Hazleton —Preparations are being made by the Hazleton Elks for an Old Home Week in connection with the State convention of the order that is to be held here in August next. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Dillsburg—On Friday, the day fol lowing her removal from her farm In Franklin township to Franklintown and three months after the death of her husband, Mrs. Jacob Helkes die.l after a lingering illness of asthma and hear* trouble. She was 70 years old and Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Alice Reeser, of Franklintowu; Mrs. W' C. Heikes, of near Dillsburg; and five sons, John, of Franklintown; Russel, Calvin, Clarence and Ervin, all at home. The funeral was held this morning. Bair's Station—Benjamin F. Kline dinst, 57 years old, died after an ill ness of several months. Conoy—Mrs. Mary Hackenberger, widow of . George Hackenberger, 63 years old, died suddenly yesterday from heart disease. Three sons and one daughter survive. New Holland Mrs. Mary A. Schnupp, 82 years old, died from In firmities incident to her age. Two sons and one daughter and three grand children survive. Waynesboro—H. E. Kuhner, Ox ford, Talbot county, Md., president of the Kuhner Engine Company, died at his country home near that town. He was 43 years old. Burial was at Davenport, lowa, the home of his late parents and his youth. He Is survived by his wife, five sisters and two brothers. QUICK RELULTS ASTCNISH HARRISBURG There is nstonishment In Harrisbflrg at the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-1-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple mixture drains such great amounts of foul matter from the body that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipation, sour stomach and gas on the stomach almost IMMEDI ATELY. The speedy action of Adler i-ka is surprising. G. A. Gorgas Drug gist.—Advertisement. ' New Headquarters of Chamber of Commerce Will Be Open Tomorrow New headquarters of the Harrls burg Chamber of Commerce will be j open for business to-morrow In the i Kunkel Building. Furniture was in-1 stulled to-day. The books, papers and' safe were moved early this morning. It is probable that no meetings will lie held in the new rooms before next week. The new quarters are rooms Nos. 906-908. Meetings of the directors and committees fill be held in room No. 908. The new telephone number is 3641 Bell. Dr. Cook Will Hear Peary in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, March 30. Dr. Fred erick A. Cook, of North Pole notoriety, upon hearing that he was booked for a lecture at Bellevue, a suburb, April 4, the night following Commander Rob ert E. Peary, immediately wired his manager from Chicago to reserve a seat at Peary's lecture for him. He also directed that Peary be invited to his lecture. > IF YOU WANT A NEW PIANO For S2OO on payment plan you wi)l get the best quality and real piano value at the J. H. TroUp Music House, because they nre able to buy in quan tities, and with spot cash, which en ables them to get and give the best value to their customers. —Advertise- ment. GET BIG CONTRACT Richmond, Va., has awarded the Central Construction and Supply Com pany, of this city, the contract to pave 35,000 yards of streets in the Virginia capital. Sheet asphalt will be used for the Improvement. The job will cost approximately $60,000. POSLAM PCK TO IMPROVE P.MPLY SKIX i When you see a pimply, eczema-cov- ' ered face, you may conclude that its owner doesn't know anything about Poslam —the remedy that benefits ail ing skin so greatly and so quickly. Overnight treatment with Poslam will show a startling Improvement; complexions are cleared; blemishes dis appear. Itching stops at once; irritated skin Is soothed, the trouble Is soon eradi cated. Poslam is harmless. Nothing in it can injure the most delicate skin. 1 Your druggist sells Poslam. For free sample write the Emergency Labora tories 32 West 25th St., New York. Poslam Soap is best for the skin, be cause medicated with Poslam. New Toilet Size, 15 Cents.—Adver tisement. EDUCATION.VI, | SPRING TERM Begins Monday. March 30. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq. Harrlsbtirg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, j Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. j 329 Market St. ' Harrisburg, Pa. MARCH 30,1914. One Killed, 3 Wounded, 6 Robbed by Highwaymen Ebensburg, Pa., March 30. One man was shot and killed, three were injured so hadly that they are In the hospital and a half-dozen miners were robbed of their pay last night at Barnesboro, when a number of high waymen waylaid pedestrians on a lonely road. Tony Cavillo yaa killed and Patsy When Run Down in physical condition it is usually because the action of the organs of digestion has become irregular or defective. there is need for a safe and speedy medicine to relieve the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and strongest The one remedy you may take and feel safe with is BEECHAM'S PILLS (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) The first dose gives speedy relief in sick-headache, bilious ness, constipation, lack of appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this fa vorite and reliable home remedy. You wiPI become healthier and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beechara's Pills Pick You Up Sold everywhere. In boxen, 10c., 25c. Direction* with every box point the way to health and ire especially T. ln.hie to womea. ' ' n Coal Prices Reduced 50c « All sizes of Anthracite Coal, except Pea and Buckwheat will be reduced 50c per 2,000 lbs. on April 1. You should place your order now for the Coal you will need next winter. The prices will not be this low again, for another year. , We are very careful of 'phone and mail or ders. They receive the same attention as if you call in person at our office. 0 United Ice & Coal Co. Pnrater * Candri Third A BUM Utb * Cheataat Hummel * MiltoKf ALSO STEELTON, PA. k 5 and Giuseppi Comfortina and Frank Isky were wounded. BABY ATE SIX ORANGES; DIES After finishing eating the sixth orange yesterday shortly before noon Mary Tean, 18-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Peter Tean, 1218 North Seventh street, was seized with con vulsions and died shortly after. After examining the child Coroner Eckinger and Dr. Jesse Lenker pronounced that the child's death was due to convuU sions.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers