10 Locust St. High Water Mark Breaks All Previous Records The high water mark was reached In Locust street to-day. All night, long, and during the fore noon, a flood of good vaudeville acta drifted Into town, swished and swirled with the tide of humanity until they finally caught up in the eddy that makes the Orpheum in Locust street its center, and there they are. Bach hour during the morning the flood grew greater. The high water mark was reached at noon when the last of the seven excellent acts came in on a wave of enthusiasm. This bulletin was placed In front of the Orpheum at 1.30. FLOOD DANGER OVER, WATER IS FALLING [Continued from First Page.] o'clock last night, when it registered 18.46 feet. It stayed at that point un til 4 a. m. t when It dropped a twen tieth of a foot. At 6 this morning It went to 18.3. Throughout its length the fall Is noted, the greatest being at Williams port, where the stream dropped four feet overnight. But on the North Branch conditions are different, for the water there has been yielding stubbornly, and at Wilkes-Barre the Btream had fallen only slightly up to this morning. Water In Subway Eight inches of water In the sub way made it necessary to-day to run Reservoir, Oberlin and Hill cars by way of State street, as follows: Out Thirteenth to State, then to the Square, then to State and Cameron, then down Cameron to Market, and so on with the usual route. Steelton cars are being run to the east end of the subway. The Harrisburg Gas Company took about half a hundred gas meters out of houses in low spots, less from fear that the water would injure the mechanism of the machines than that they might be wrested loose from their connections and so cause a leak in the pipes. Bungalow Colony Isolated The river reached its flood-crest here, and little damage Is reported from upstream. The Harrisburg bun- INDIGESTION, GAS OR SICK, SOUR SIOIUGH Time "Pape's Diapepsin!" In five minutes all stomach misery is gone. "Really does" put bad stomachs in order—"really does" overcome Indi gestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes—that—just that—makes Papes' Diapepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insides filled with bile and indigestible waste, re member the moment "Pape's Dia'pep ein" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing—almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dol lars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regu-nted. It belongs in your home —should always be kept handy In case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. iHiimaiiiiW Non-greasy Toilet Cream kaepa the skin soft and velvety in rough weather. An exquisite toilet prep aration, 25c. GORGAS DRUG STORES ie N. Third St, and P. It. R. Station Let me send you FREE PERFUME _ Write today for a testing bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC mW 1 T!]® "io«t famoul perfume, everv drop as sweet (MjfcSIII \ MQr «* the I y ina blotsom For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. . \ 7 Jyjr 1 Fine aftersnaving All the vaiue is in the ptrfume--you don't MfiaKa® Nj M\J) pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality Is wonderful The 7 miceon'y 7Sc. <6oz ). Send 4c.for the little bot tie--enough 7 V tor 50 handkerchief*. Write today. A O PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. enc I EASTER MONEY AT LEGAL RATES THE EQUITABLE is the on® company which will treat you Just right at all times. When you open an account with us you are free from worry and regrets. No one, not even the members of your own family, need know you are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver tise we will make you a loan of $lO or more at LEUAL RATES. No references, assignments, pledges, red tape or delay. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor. [ H. E. LIGHT'S Big Horse Sale Wm. Penn Stables LEBANON, PA. Tuesday, March 31st 1.00 O'clock Sharp 50 choice horses will be'> offered for sale to the high est bidders. Terms made known at time of sale. H. E. LIGHT V. -i f r > Frank R. Leib & Son Real Estate and Insurance i Office, No. 18 N. Third St. IIAKRISBCRG, PA. Offers the following property FOR SALE No. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; all improvements. No. 209 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath; all improvements. No. 1411 and 1413 N, Third i i St., 3-story brick dwelling, 7 j rooms, gas, water in kitchen. FOR RENT Fine Brick Residence facing Square, New Cumberland, Pa. Front porch, side entrance, all improvements. ■ —) j MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own name*. 1 Cheap rates, easy payments, confldea* tlal. Adams A Co., H. 804, 8 N. Market Sa,