Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Passion and Easter Music on the
Program For First of
A program of "Passion and Easter
Music" has been arranged for the
working mustcale of the Wednesday
Club, Wednesday morning, April 1,
at Falinestock Hall.
The numbers will include: "Intro
duction to Tod Jesti," Graun: "Grief
and Pain." "St. Matthew Passion,"
Bach, Miss Middaugh; (a) Largo e
mestro opus No. S, Beethoven, (b)
Andante Trieste lament, MacDowell,
Miss Snavely; "Jnflammatus," Dvorak;
Miss Seaman; "Good Friday Spell,"
"Parsifal." Wagner, Mrs. Hamilton,
Mrs. Keller; "Adoration." Borowoski,
Mrs. Gilbert; "As Sleep Takes Flight,"
Shelley. Mtss Kendig; "The Lord Is
Risen," "The Redemption," Gounod,
Mrs. Btrmbaugh, Mrs. Hull, Miss Mid
daugh: Introd. and Aria, "All Ye Peo
ple," "Seven Last Words of Christ,"
Dubois, Miss Conkling and Mrs. De
cevee; chorus (at "Hark the Easter
Bells are Ringing." (b) "The Risen
Lord," Nevin; "Le Grajide Paque
Russe," Rimsky - Korsakow, Mrs.
Rhodes; "Resurrection Day," Huhn,
Mrs. Hertzler: "t Know That My Re
deemer Ldveth," "Messiah," Handel,
Mrs. Cox; Hallelujah Chorus. Handel,
Miss Wittenmyer, Mrs. Harnish, Miss
Bennethum, Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton.
Max Compfcon and Ellis Compton
Started this morning for a Western
trip, including stops at Chicago and
Out-Door Photos
of your CHHJPREN, your HOUSE,
your AUTOMOBILE or your STORE.
Photo Ihiishing for amateurs.
20 !\. Srronil Mreet, Moom 10.
1 '
All Artists
Paderewski will play the piano here the second time
in six years.
Wouldn't it be a source of delight it you were privi
leged to hear him any time you wish?
And the same of all of the world's artists?
The Victrola is the magician which brings to you all
of the world's music at any time you want it.
It is time you have a Victrola in you'r home.
C A\ 3l&ler*
£.Z. 30 NorlX 2nd St "I^7
ig jp Spring Millinery Display lir
•§1 Wednesday, April the First F
l»\ Thursday, April the Second E
*ggy\ Sole Agents 17 S. Third Street JMJh
■HU Imported Six Volume Sets Hp" ■&&!
TELEGRAPH |j||||Effl
HS 1 Brlai or aend thla coupon to onr office HSC BhH
Bi El together with the expenae Item of only »8 cent*' U&
■ E toT ■ aplendld 6 volume aet of liooka. The amnll' pHsl
■ n| amount we aak you to pay la to cover the coat KHm
H K d "<j!r" l>B tbc lcover,,n, cnt, and the nßltffl|M
HP SPECIAL iU"",. "«»«<>»•» Imported act IH
■HI acnt hy mall or exprcM, nil Hnr^^ESl
■Hn chargea prepaid, add 27c or *1.25 In all. NOT 8&HB1
K| Boo, " ° n °" p &I IH
Fourteen Little Folks
Play Games and Dance
The 6-year-old granddaughter of
Levi Shealer, 1321 Howard Btreet,
celebrated her birthday by giving a
party to fourteen of her little friends.
Games, music and dancing were en
joyed by the children and refresh
ments were served to the following
Elizabeth Challenger, Entma Smith.
Irene Malseed, Elizabeth Shope, Edna
Testi, Agnes Ritter. lx>ulsa Lutz, Vir
ginia Lutz. Mildred Smith. Margaret
Magnanl, John Smith, Donald Gramm,
Christ Smith. Robert Hess. Mrs. Car
rie Eckard. Mr. and Mrs. John Chal
lenger. Mrs. Testi, Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Magnani. Mrs. Coulson, Mrs. Oil
ver Shealer and son Warren ,of Le
moyne, Mrs. James Lutz. Miss Chis
liolm and Levi Shealer.
More Pennsylvanians
Wedded at Hagerstown
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown. Md.. March 28.—Miss
Pearl Black and Russell E. Sherley,
both of Newburg, Pa., were married
yesterday at the parsonage of St.
Paul's United Brethren Church by the
Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton.
Miss Martha L. Llppman and
Joshua W. Bendet, both of Harrls
burg, were united in marriage on
Thursday at the parsonage of the
First Baptist Church in this city by
the Rev. E. K. Thomas, the pastor.
Miss Blanche Stevens and Ray Balr,
both of Mercersburg. Pa., were mar
ried here on Thursday by the Rev. Dr.
C. L. Pate, pastor of St. Paul's Metho
dist Episcopal Church.
Noted Women to Speak
at Mrs. Darlington's Tea
Mrs. .Tames Henry Darlington has
issued invitations for an afternoon re
ception at the See Jlouse, 321 North
Front street, Easter Monday, April
13, at 4 o'clock, to meet Mrs. Stanley
McCormick and Mrs. Henry Wise
Miller, both of Boston. Both the vis
itors, who are widely known as suf
fragists and society leaders, will speak
of "Political Equality for Women."
Mrs. McCormick is a member of the
board of managers of the National
Woman Suffrage Association.
Miss Cora Drager, of Chicago, who
spent the past several weeks with Mrs.
William D. Craig, 2212 North Sixth
street, was given a farewell luncheon
yesterday by her hostess.
First Indoor Event the Club Has
Given a Pronounced
The Iroquois Club held the first in
door event in its history last evening
at Hansliaw's Hall, when twenty-two
couples danced to the music of the
Updegrove Orchestra.
Those enjoying the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wildman, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mammaker, Miss
Katharine Hood, of Duneannon: Miss
Katherlne Sutton, Miss Helen Klester,
Giss Charlotte Klster, Miss Caroline
Patschke, Miss Elizabeth Kline, of
Duneannon; Miss Ada L. Beaufcer, Misjs
Fannie Johnston, Clearfield, Pa.; Miss
Margaret Wiltftnan, Miss Margaret
Pomeroy, Miss Edna Cartwright, Miss
Anna Bacon, Miss Helen Rodgers, Miss
i Mabel Orr, Miss Louise Crozier, Miss
Mabel Wolbert, Miss Nan Crist, Colum
bia, Pa.; Miss Florence Foose, Miss
Lydla Major.
S- S. pomeroy, Dr. P. E. Deckard,
New York city; Walter Johnston, W.
H. Johnston, Charles T. Simmers, Sam
uel Spencer. Roger Stewart, Dr.
Thomas E. Bowman, Thomas Boyd,
Martin M. Keet, Charles Orr, Edward
Moore, Elmer Ehler, James Q. Hand
shaw, Jr., Paul Caton, J. W. Drase,
P. E. Grubb, William J. Rynick, Bal
timore; George Windsor, James P.
Gas Co. Demonstrates
Use of the Broiler
. Seventy-five employes and visitors
gathered at the rooms of the Harris
burg Gas Company. South Second
street, last evening for an interesting
demonstration of the workings of the
gas range and the use of the broiler,
particularly valued by housewives.
The demonstrators prepared sam
ples of their cooking and cakes, bis
cuits and other delicacies were served.
Afterward some of the guests
danced, while others smoked in the
first-floor rooms.
Mrs. Criswell Hostess
For Embroidery Club
Mrs. George Criswell, of 1606 Mar
ket street, cntertuined an embroidery
club of which slie is a member Thurs
day afternoon at her home.
Refreshments were served after
sewing and social chat, to the follow
ing ladies:
Mrs. William Hetrlck, Mrs. George
Widder, Mrs. Matt Loucks, Mrs. Wil
liam Bolton, Mrs. Oscar Kines, Dr.
Grace Wintersteen, Mrs. J. B. Fast,
Mrs. George Criswell.
Miss Maude Stamm is visiting Miss
Dorothy Pondennis White at Buffalo.
This evening Mrs. Pendcnnis White
is Riving an informal dance in honor
I of Miss Stamm, who will remain in
[ Buffalo as Miss White's guest for a
| week.
Dr. Conrad Berens, who is known
to many In this city and for some time
past a chief operating surgeon In the
Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia,
has fixed his residence there perma
nently at 2004 Chestnut street.
Miss Caroline Pearson and Miss
Mary Harris Pearson, of 503 North
Front street, leave Monday for a trip
to New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Benne
thum, of Cottage Ridre. returned last
evening from New York city, where
they spent several days.
Mrs. Charles Kllgore, of 351 Harris
street, was hostess this week for the
J. B. Club meeting.
T.eland Johnson, a La.wrericeville
student, is spending the Spring recess
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
.E. Johnson, in Steelton.
Dr. and Mrs. William Blair, of Ann
Arbor, Mich., are visiting their rela
tives, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Blair,
403 North Second street, on the way
home from Brevard, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. T>. Bailey Brandt and
children are home from Wernersville,
where they -were guests at The Grand
Miss Julia E. Graydon and Miss
Mary Kelker are spending the week
end at Atlantic City.
Meade and Hoffer Detweiler have
resumed their studies at Mercersburg
Academy, after a short vacation spent
at their home In this city.
Mrs. A. T. Hubley, Jr., is at her
home, 202 Herr street, after visiting
Miss Etta Miller, at Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath have
gone home to Cincinnati after a brief
•stay among relatives and old friends in
this vicinity.
Edward E. Goodwillie, of Pitts
burgh, is enjoying a stay with friends
Miss Eleanor Neal Clark, a student
at the Baldwin School, Bryyn Mawr, la
home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur A. Clark. 109 Reily street, for
the midyear vacation.
Mrs. William Ross, of Sixth street,
and her sister. Mrs. Albert Wagner, of
Fifth street, havo gone to Grand
Rapids. Mich., to attend the funeral of
an uncle.
Miss Caroline Lynch is home from
the Baldwin School, Bryu Mawr, for
the Spring vacation.
Miss Maude Sherwood, of 1107 Capi
tol street, is giving a dinner this even
ing in honor of Miss Blanche Miller,
of Upper Strasburg.
How's This?
We offer On# Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Cstarrb that cannot be cured by Ball's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo 0.
We, the undersigned, hare known P. J.
Cheney tor the last 16 years, and belle™ him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm.
Toledo. Ohio.
Rail's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, sctlnc
directly upon tlj" blood and mucous surfscea of
the system. Testimonials aent free. Prlc* 7#
cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's family Pills foe constipation
I "That's Exactly What I I
I Wanted to Know" I
|j| When you have seen and felt the influence of the new trend of | 11
i|J fashion and style, where do you find out how to get what you want? 1 B
p| | Of course, if you have plenty of time and money there are many I B
gft | ways. But the quickest, most economical and simplest way, unfail- 1 H
I ing in smartness and freshness, is the Sunday Public Ledger. I I
IBi Whether the modes originate in Paris or New York, you will find I B
them in the Sunday Ledger beautifully illustrated and graphically | |||
described by expert fashion writers and artists. Very often they | SB
originate in the Ledger. IB
Do you know Peggy Shippen, whose sparkling comments and I B
gossip have been entertaining thousands every Sunday in this news- | EK
paper? You ought to. Get acquainted. IB
The Woman's Interest Section of the Public Ledger gives that I B
broad viewpoint and detailed information that every woman seeks. I J
It is brimming with new suggestions—for the family, the house, the I B
garden, the club, gowns, millinery—every intimate phase of home | B
Tomorrow the Public Ledger will interest men, women and J 1
children by its stories gathered from all parts of the world, with I B
stress upon two great centres of today's news—lreland and Mexico. I ft
j E. Alexander Pbwell draws with vividness and power a pen pic- f *
ture of Villa's camp of rebels —an Englishman just back from Bel- • *
fast describes the Irish situation. I B
The Pictorial Section is especially catchy in its views. The f '
sporting writers are restless for the cry of the umpire, "Play ball." I B
A huge news magazine for 5 cents — I B
Announce the Marriage
of Miss Rose Shade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Shade, of
68 North Thirteenth street, announce
the wedding of their daughter, Miss
Rose Shade, to Edison R. Henry, at
Baltimore, Md., -by the Rev. W. F.
May at the North Caroline Street Lu
theran parsonage, Saturday, March 21.
Mrs. Henry was a former employe
of the Harrisburg Silk Mill and is con
sidered one of the best weavers In this
part of the State, as well a.s being an
accomplished musician.
Mr. Henry is connected with the
Adjutant General's Department at the
Pennsylvania State Arsenal.
After a short wedding trip to Wash
ington, Norfolk and Roanoke, the
newlyweds returned to their home at
6 8 North Thirteenth street, where they
will be "at home" to their majiy
Harper—Kerr Wedding
Ceremony at Elkton, Md.
Mrs. Louisa Kerr, 828 Cowden
street, announces the marriage of her
daughter. Miss Beatrice Louisa Kerr,
tg Russell Sage Harper, 1942 Fifth
street, March 26, by the Rev. J. M.
Elmoyle, at Elkton, Md.
After the ceremony the young cou
ple were given a reception at the
home of the bridegroom's sister, Mrs.
H. E. Staib, at Camden, N. J.
Guests of Miss Rice
on Her 19th Birthday
Miss Catherine Rice celebrated her
nineteenth birthday last evening with
an informal party at her home, 1329
James street. Pink roses and carna
tions with ferns, decorated the rooms
and table a supper was served.
Twelve guests spent a pleasant even
ing with games and contests before
partaking of a chicken supper.
(Other Personal* oil Pmxe 7J
Little Jennie Zeiders
Has Children's Party
Little Miss JennJe Zeiders, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Zei
ders, 143G Derry street, had a chil
dren's party last evening from 7 to 9
o'clock in celebration of her ninth
The house was gay with Spring
Ilowers and the guests had a happy
time with music and games, followed
Qjfo is Pure a
ffl IMA Its delicious flavor and perfect digestibility make
EH )>( I la i* a drink of exceptionally great value.
To avoid inferior imitations, consumers should be sure
to t^ie S enu^ne with our trade*mark on the package.
MARCH 28, 1914
by refreshments. The birthday cake
bore nine lighted candles, and every
one had a large piece of it.
In attendance weer the Misses Mar
tha Strausncr, Marie Thompson,
Marie Wolford, Katharine Hilton,
Elizabeth Ensminger, Katharine
Brown alter, Elsie Dare, Mildred
Flower, Veda Hannan, Jennie Zei
ders, Sara Duncan, Laura Heitz, Annie
Forney, Erma Fox and Clare Shader;
Edwin Zeiders, Mr. and Mrs. John
Zeiders, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zeiders.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. M. Davis, of
1926 North Second street, are enter
taining at dinner this evening in honor
of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
! Sidney D. Furst, of Lock Haven. The
party will include Dr. and Mrs. George
B. Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William B.
McCaleb. Mr. and Mis. J. Norman
Sherer, Mr. and Mrs. Furst and Mr.
and Mrs. Davis.