Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 28, 1914, Image 1

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    Harrisburg rB v '
Susquehanna River on RampadtThroughout Course; May Be Flood Here
I a ** M
Susquehanna Will Go
to 19, or Perhaps to 20
Foot Mark Is Forecast
River Rises 6 Feet in Twenty-four Hours; Stream Was
Rising Rapidly Exactly One Year Ago Today; State
Water Commission Issued Flood Warnings
r ———————— —H
Past Performances
of Susquehanna
IS.»(} I nkiiimn 22.2
18(15 March 17 24. It
1878 I'nknuwa " 15.6
1H8« Vnkuunn 21.4
1889 Jauiniry 2 27.1
18111 February 10 li»
I MM. . March 22 2ft.2
11H11 December 10 21.4
1002 Mnrrll S 23.0
1003 ..March 2 17.1
I!MM . March -1 28 3
IIWKS. March 22 15. H
1 QUO . . M arch 30 10.5
IIMI7 March 10 13.3
100* March 20 15.0
I00!> May 2 15.6
101 llarch 3 17.2
101 March 30 0.8
101 Mnrrll 4 14.8
1013. . . March 2K.Katlinatr<l, 10
i ————J
With the river now (2 p. in.) Ht
3 2 feet S' = inches and rising an inch
every two hours with a prediction
issued this morning by Weather Fore-,
caster Demain that a (lood stage of at
lenst 1!1 and possibly 20 feet would
be reached before another twenty
tour hours, the situation in the Sus
quehanna Ynlley is extremely alarm
At 9 o'clock this morning the river
was !• feet, rushing down under a
surly gray mist which did not conceal
Tolls Row in Congress Indicates
Hard Fight Over Democratic
Nomination in 1916
Washington. I). C., March 28.—The
fight over the Panama tolls question
has bred a spirit of factionalism in
the Democratic party which has filled
the leaders with alarm.
The prophecy was made to-day that
if Woodrow Wilson ignores the one
term principal tn the Baltimore plat
form he will hard a hard fight on his
hands for renomination.
On the other hand administration
spokesmen declare that If the Demo
crats win the next House Champ
r'lark of Missouri will probably forfeit
the speakership as a penalty for his
temerity in showing Ills teeth to the
;Kinilnlstration over the tolls question.
They believe the administration forces
will bend their energies from this
time forth to undo Mr. Clark.
Anger fills the hearts of the oppos
ing leaders on the tolls question. For
a year or more now the Democrats
have given a superb exhibition of
party solidarity. From time to time
radicals have shown signs of restless
ness over the restraints imposed by
the man In the White House but on
alt such occasions they have been
held in check by the influence of
Leader Underwood and Mr. Clark.
On the tolls question Messrs. Un
derwood and Clark were followed off
the party reservation by tifty-five of
their colleagues. Most of these men
were influenced by the platform dec
laration on the tolls question and one
of them, Representative Murray, of
Oklahoma, predicted party disaster if
the pending measure became a law.
Fear Harmony Is Ended
Among Democrats It is realized on
nil sides that anything approaching
failure by the Wilson administration
would doubtless result in party defeat.
[Continued on Page 10.]
Late News Bulletins
Washington, March 28. \ftpr striking out tlie amendment legaliz-
Inir pooling, the Senate to-«la> re-pa.s»cd the bill to regulate trading in
cotton futures.
I.exington. Ky., March 28—.After one thousand students had cau
trlbuted fifty cents each toward tlie basebnll fund, the alhletie commit -
tee of the faculty of Kentucky state University to-du> re-established
the original baseball schedule of twenty-fonr games and the striko of
the ba&ebull team which hab been on for several days, ended.
Pittsburgh, Pa.. March 28.—Flood stages were reported from the up
per Allegheny river to-day because oX melting snows and la»t night's
rain. At Warren, Pa., it was rising rapidly and much damage
had been done. Trolley and railroad trains were reported In trouble
and a number of factories had shut down.
Bhtgharnton, X. Y., March 28. —A steady down|>onr of rain all night
Increased the gravity of the flood situation here. Early this morning
the Chenango rtver broke over its hanks, flooding the residential sec
tion of tlie city. Tlie Susquehanna rose to a point at daylight which im
periled the entire central section of tlie city. A heavy rain continued
Holliday&bnrg, Pa.. March 28.—The Blair county court at midnight
granted sixty hotel licenses and three brewery licenses. Fight houses
were refused licenses. This action of tlie court means a net reduction
of olx hotUiM In the county.
i '
Uniontown, Pa. March 28.—-Xathanlel Ewlng, chairman of the
Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania, and ex-Common Pleas
Judge of Fayette county, was reported near death to-day.
- *
the unexpected burst of speed of the
current, and persons throughout the
city, and especially in the south end,
began to make inquiries as to what
would be the outcome.
Weather Forecaster Demain up to
11 o'clock, while anticipating a rise
above the flood stage, had not yet.
received complete data from up State.
Loiter when reports came in from
Binghamton and Wilkes-Earre he an
nounced that the river would go at
least two and possibly three feet above
flood stage.
Tons of Water Come Down
The warm weather of last night ami
yesterday and the rain, which was
general, and fairly severe throughout
the valley, were the contributing
causes. The warm spell melted the
ice and snow in the mountains of the
Binghamton region, and poured tons
[Continupcl on Page V)
Special to The T*Ugraph
Sunbury, Pa., March 28.—Congress
man John V. T-iesher has announced
the appointment of James V. McAn
drew. of Locust Gap, as deputy United
States revenue collector for the coun
ties of Lycoming, Sullivan, Montour,
Columbia and Northuml>orla.nd. He
succeeds Henry W. Schoffstall, of Sun
bury, who was ten years in the office.
Bulletin Announcing the Increase
Urges Men to Be Courteous
at All Times
Conductors and motormen of the
Harrisburg Hallways Company w*re
pleasantly surprised this morning by
the announcement of an increase of
1 cent an hour in their wages, taking
effect April 1. This increase will be
according to the following scale of
Employes one year in service, 21
cents an hour: two and three years'
service, 23 cents; four and Ave years'
service, 24 cents; all above Ave years,
25 cents an hour.
Tn view of the dropping of hundreds
of men by the railroad companies, the
advance in wages is regarded by em
ployes as a fortunate circumstance.
In a bulletin advising the men of
the increase President Frank B. Mus
sel- calls attention to the importance
of courtesy in the running of the oars
and the exercising of care to avoid all
This year the company will expend
about SfiO.OOO in street paving and re
construction of tracks and more than
$85,000 in the purchase of new cars
and other equipment.
Sleuth White Moves
Cat and Cushions to
His New Home Today
Detective Harry White had the day
off. due to the fact that It was moving
day in the White home. Detective
White with a suit of striped overalls
began his duties early this morning.
At noon to-day it was reported that
the detective had succeeded in get
ting the family cat, four parlor cush
ions and the bread box to his new
ihome, at 1215 North Second street.
I The rest of the household furniture
was hauled in a moving van.
Commissioner Bowman Says Of
ficial Isn't Giving Taxpayers
Square Deal
Council Will Urge Pennsy Officials
to Build Division Street
City Commissioner Harry F. Bow
man, department of public safety, on
the floor of Council late yesterdav
afternoon sharply criticised the action
of City Treasurer O. M. Copelin in re
maining away from his office for so
lenghtv a period. Mr. Copelin has
been cruising in the tropics for the
last couple of months. Commissioner
Bowman raised the point when Mayer
Koyal and Commissioner Gorgas ob
jected to final passage of the ordi
nance outhorizing the abolishing of
the office of chief clerk and assistant
chief clerk in the treasury. Both the
Mayor and Mr. Gorgas said they
thought that Council should await
Mr. Copelin's return so he may be
given a chance to explain his side of
the case.
Mr. Bowman promptly replied that
he had had action postponed for two
weeks solely in order to accommodate
Mr. Copelin and his two clerks, but
that definite action was necessary a'
once if Council didn't wish to
threaten the chances of the budget
ordinance for passage on time. Com
missioner Gorgas continued to keep
things lively for a quarter cf an hour
[Continued on l*ag< - 10.]
Unconfirmed Report Says Consti
tutionalists Have Taken Im
portant Hill
»S Associated Press
Juarez. Ilex., March 28.—With the
expectation that Torreon would crum
ble under the rebel attack to-day. of- |
fleers in Juarez awaited news from I
the battlefield.
The iast reports yesterday were that j
General Monclovio Herrera had cut'
his way from the eastern side of Tor
reon through the business quarter to
the bull ring on the north; that Gen
eral Villa had set out with more troops
from Gomez Palacio to join him and
take command, and that the federals
were making a final stand in the de
fenses on the west side.
An unconfirmed rumor at nidnight
had it that the rebels had the hill
known as Cerro De La Cruz, an im
portant defense, but verification was
lacking to-day.
Latest advices from both Villa and
newspaper correspondents indicated
that the rebels had carried their as
sault into the very heart of Torreon
and that the federals were hard {
pressed. At that time it was General
Herrera's forces of 4.000 men who
were reported to have entered the
town from the east, and the counter
march of General Villa into Torreon
from the north was expected to throw
the federals under General Refugio
Velasco into utter rout.
Villa Had 12,000 Men
No military official in Juarez to-day I
doubts that the battle which General 1
Villa has waged against Gomez
Palacio, now his, and Torreon, has
been the most desperate of any en
gagement of this or any other revolu
tionary movement in Mexico. Gen
eral Villa went to the front with 12,-
000 seasoned men, well equipped for
a vigorous, smashing assault against
any resistance the federals might of
fer. News dispatches indicate that the
| federals fought fiercely and that the
loss in dead and wounded on both
sides was enormous. Lack of hos
pital facilities, the heat and the desert
wind and the four days of strenuous,
■ practically constant fighting under the
virile and tenacious leadership of
"Pancho" Villa were believed to have
; amassed a large casualty list.
Viiln a Hero
Villa, himself has become a hero.
Everywhere In Juarez his praises were
being sung to,day. By Maderlsts and
constitutionalists he is looked upon as
.the greatest military genius in the
southern republic and great confi
dence is expressed that he will push
his triumphant way with his rebel
army to the very doors of the na-
J tioiiß 1 palace in Mexico City.
With "vivas" for Villa and "vivas"
'for Carranza. the supreme chief of
! the revolution, rebel sympathizers
| gathered about the streets of Juarez
I early to-day to welcome Carranza
' when he ended his long overland
i march from Nogales to this city, en
j route to Chihuahua. And none could
I tell whether "viva Villa'' or "viva Car-
I ranza" was shouted with more fervor.
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md.,March 28. —Luther
Whetzel, 28 years old, a resident of
1 Williamsport, this county, drank over
an ounce of carbolic acid in the pres
, ence of his wife and mother-in-law,
; Mrs. William Young, at his home and
! died two hours later after two physi
-1 clans made desperate efforts to save
his life.
Special to The Telegraph
j Washington, D. C., March 28.—The
Post Office Department yesterday an
' nounred the appointment of Horace
"J. Moyer as postmaster at Kichland,
i Lebanon county. Pa., succeeding J.
i Bleckor, resigned.
I Premier Asqaith and Prominent Britons Who Figure in the Ulster Crisis
Police Looking For Firebugs;
Firemen Have Hard Time
Fighting Blaze
Fire believed to have been of an
incendiary origin gutted the foundry i
and machine plant of E. N. Cooper & j
Co., 130 Short street, last night, and |
destroyed valuable patterns, entailing ;
a loss of $3,500. The police are in- i
vestlgating .
Members of the firm stated this
morning that there had been no fire
in the building from 5 p. m. until 11
I>. m.„ when the flames were discov
ered. Two weeks ago, say the com
pany officials, employes were dis
charged, one of whom made a threat
that the building soon might ''go up in
smoke." This employe, the police say,
could not be found last night or to
The blaze had gathered considerable
headway before men in a nearby cigar
store gave the alarm from Box No. 5,
State and Cowden streets.
Wedged between the Wesley Union
African Methodist Episcopal Church
and the steam heat plant, the burning
building presented a serious problem
to the firemen, but they succeeded in
keeping the flames within the foundry
walls. After the firemen had returned
home a second alarm was sent in.
Fire had broken out in the pile of
charred patterns.
M. H. Wolf. 153ti Wallace street, a
member of tho Citizen company,
grasped a piece of casting and burned
his left hand. He was breaking
thiough the side of the building for a
line of hose and reached in to shove
the casting out of the way. The hand
was not seriously burned.
The Washington and Friendship en
gines avoided a crash at Third and
Walnut streets by presence of mind
of both drivers.
Society For Prevention
of Easter Desecration
Latest in Washington
By Associated■ I J ress
\ Washington. D. C.. March 28.—De
signed to check what is declared to be
a growing tendency on the part of
American people, to- make the Easter
season the occasion • for displaying
fashionable clothes, a moMeinent was
launched here to-day to form the
"society for ihe prevention of Easter
i desecration." The members, of this
I society would pledge themselves not to
wear new articles ol clothing begin
ning with Palm Sunday until after
Easter Sunday. In nroposlng the new
society the District of Columbia Chris
tian Endeavor Union declares that the
real neaning of Easter Is often lost
sight o.' nowadays because of tho
popular craze for new and fashionable
clothing and predicts that the move
ment will vastly Increase the calm de
votional spirit of that season.
Special to The Telegraph
Linglestown, Pa., March 28.—John
Rabuck, who had been sick but one
week, died on Tuesday afternoon Fu
neral services will be held at Wen
j rich's Church on Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock by the Rev. Bassler, of Har
rlsburg. I. O. O. F. will also assist
I with the services. Mr. Rabuck was a
I lifelong resident of Lower Paxton
township, a member of Wenrich's Re
formed Church and a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Liverpool, March 28.—John Wesley
De Kay, of New York, ex-president of
the Mexican National Banking Com
pany, nailed for New York to-day
after successfully negotiating In Eu
rope on behalf of Provisional Presi
dent Hu»rta for 240 ereusot guns and
1O,QOO,(H>0 rounds of ammunition.'
Ordinance Necessary to Compell
Western Union to Remove
Those in Third St.
From fifty to seventy-five more of
the unsightly poles that have helped
pnpport the network of wires will be
removed from the city streets during:
the ensuing year, according to City
Electrician t'lark E. Diehl to-day. The
cutting down of these poles is part of
the plan for improvement which Elec
trician Diehl had in mind when he
asked City Council for an appro
priation of $3,000 for further work.
The item was allowed in the budget.
"The item will allow us to go ahead
in the near future with the work of
removing these additional poles," said
Mr. Diehl, "and we will first take
down the pole in Court street and then
in Market to .Cameron: when that is
tlnished we will try to extend the
poleless territory at least to Thir
teenth and Market streets. North
wardly we hope to get the street
cleared us far as ttriggs street.
"With the exception of a few poles
in Market and Third streets the busi
ness district is being well cleared. I've
noticed in the papers that the Western
Union company means to remove its
poles. To compel this to be done
would rfquire a general ordinance. I
should suppose, which will have to be
passed by City Council."
Poles to Come Down
All the cable that will be iiteded to
complete the installation of the citv's
new underground fire and police alarm
system has been received and the city
electrician will begin the alterations
as soon as the weather permits. The
completion of this job alone will mean
the elimination of about thirteen poles.
The string of shafts in question
extends down Court street to Third
and Market, where a great pole now
stands diagonally opposite tho Colo
nial Theater. A short distance be
tween Market in Third is another, on
opposite sites of Third street at the
intersection of Strawberry are two
more, one is standing in Third half
way between Walnut and Strawberry
streets, and another towers at the
corner of Third,and Walnut.
Most of the poles still standing are
owned by the Western Union com
pany. Company officials who could
discuss the matter were out of town
Tokio, March 28.—The superdread
nought Fuso was launched at Kure
to-day. The vessel Is of 31,000 tons
displacement and of 45,000 horse
power. She will carry twelve 14-inch
and sixt en 6-inch guns and will have
four submerged torpedo tubes. Her
estimated speed is twenty-two knots
an hour.
New York, March 28.—With a smile
parting his lips, Frank Tannenbaum,
the 21-year-old I. W. W. leader, stood
In court last evening and heard the
verdict of guilty of participating in an
unlawful assemblage and the conse
quent sentence of a year in the peni
tentiary. and |SOO fine.
! .
Sir John French Will Likely Be
Transferred to Some Other
Field of Activity
j By Associated Press
i London, March 28. No solution
. had been found up to a late hour to-
F day of the situation caused by the
| resignation of Field Marshal Sir John
I French and Adjutant General Sir John
Ewart from their positions at the head
of the British army. The cabinet,
however, was still hopeful that its dif
ficulties would be overcome before it
again meets the House of Commons
Should the chief of the general staff
and the adjutant general to the forces
j persist in their attitude, it is generally
thought that Colonel John Seeley, Sec
retary of State for War, will leave the
In case the government should be
able to placate the field marshal and
the adjutant general, the transfer of
Colonel Seely to some other field of
activity probably will satisfy the Lib
'eral and Labor malcontents.
Miss Wilson's Wedding
Either April 29 or 30
Washington, March 28. From a
source close to the White House it was
learned to-day that the marriage of
Miss Kleanor Wilson and William G.
McAdoo, Secretary. oIS the Treasury,
wIH take place the last week In April.
The important event is expected to
take place Wednesday, April 29, or
Thursday, April 30.
Either day will tlnd the bride ready,
lor all orders placed in New York or
Washington carry with them the de
mand that hats, gowns, hoots, shoes
and parasols, as well as the wealth of
dainty lingerie, is to be signed, sealed
and delivered at the White House
April 22.
That the President's daughter is
placing not only her trousseau order,
but that for the wedding cake as well,
in New York, Instead of in Washing
ton, is the occasion of much disap
pointment to local trades people.
According to the present informa
tion filtering through the usual chan-
Inels, the present plans of Miss Elea
nor Wilson and Mr. McAdoo are for a
jnoon cew-mony and an early departure
from Washington for some unknown
honeymoon retreat.
The wedding gown will be white sat
in, along the conventional lines, even
though it should bo decided to have
no one witness the ceremony beyond
the immediate relatives of bride and
bridegroom, and the latter's associates
of the Cabinet and their families. It Is
not expected that Mr. McAdoo's eldest
daughter, Mrs. Charles Martin, will
come on for the wedding, as she Is In
California for her health, and is said
to be advised against the transconti
nental Journey.
Easton Bible Scholar
to Address Hill Men
George L. Alrlch, of Easton, will be
the speaker at to-morrow's "Pleasant
Sunday Afternoon" meeting of the Al
lison Hill Men's Christian Association.
His subject will be "On the Way to
Mr. Alrich, who Is the instructor of
the monthly Harrisburg Bible confer
ence. Is coming to Harrisburg a day
ahead of the time for next week's con
ference in the First Baptist Church lrt
order to address the "Pleasant Sunday
Afternoon" meeting. He is already
well known In Harrisburg because of
his monthly instruction, but this will
be the first time he has addressed the
Hill meeting.
To-morrow's meeting will be held
in Lenney's Theater, 5 South Thir
teenth street, from 3.45 to 4.45 o'clock.
llt will be preceded by the uslial
fifteeu-mlnute SOUK service, starting at
18.30 o'clock.
Declares That Is the Most Charit
able Thing That Can Be Said
About Him
Supporters Believe Administration
Measure Will Be Passed
By Associated Press
Washington, March 28.— Debate on
tlie repeal of the Panama tolls exemp
tion continued to-day in the House and
•Senate. The House was procoeded on
the Sims bill under twenty hours' de
bate as provided In the hard fought
battle of yesterday. The Senate was
debating the subject generally.
In the House, Representative Know
land. controlling the time for the Re
publican.", assailed the repeal In un
measured terms, "as surrendlng to
tircat Britain without a struggle."
"Is the Panama canal now the price
of the elimination of lluerta?" he de
In the Senate resolutions by Sena
tor Lewis and Senator Galllnger were
laid aside until Monday. Mr. Lewis'
resolution was supplementary to one
now pending, declaring for equal tolls
and would empower the President to
suspend tolls in his discretion.
Administration supporters are confi
dent the repeal bill will pass the House
by Tuesday night or early Wednes
Says He Is Imposed Upon
Yesterday's victory for the adminis
tration in the House has aroused ex
pectations of champions of repeal in
the Senate that a favorable report
will be forthcoming from the canal's
committee, notwithstanding the influ
ence of Its chairman, Senator O'Gor
"Disguise the situation or becloud
the Issue as you may, thero is no es
caping from the naked truth for the
first time the people of this great na
tion are urged to surrender under
foreign pressure," declared Mr. Know
laud in the House. "I entertain a high
regard for the President of the United
! States. His patriotism and honesty
|of purpose I would not attempt to
j question. However, like all members
I of the human family he Is apt to err.
j In this Instance an apparent error of
judgment in handling the Mexican
situation has necessitated the latest
move at least his message so hints.
The most charitable thing to say is
that he has been imposed upon."
; Believe Wife Deserters
Have Diseased Brains
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., March 28.—0n the
theory that they may have diseased
brains and that they may require
mental treatment as a substitute for
punishment, Chicago husbands who do
not recognize their obligations to sup
| port their wives hereafter may be
t sent to a laboratory instead of to Jail.
Those arrested on other charges may
receive the same treatment.
Chicago's new psychopathic labora
tory, the first of its kind in the United
, States, will be established in the near
future as an auxiliary to the municipal
j court, it was announced to-day. Judges
I of the municipal court yesterday com
: pleted their plans for the establish-
I ment and maintenance of tha
I Dr. William J. Hickson, of Vlne
! land, N. J., who studied in the court
laboratory at Berlin, will be the head
| of the Chicago laboratory.
When Tony Maltuck stole |l2O
from his boarding boss at 1315 Wal
! lace street, on Wednesday, to prevent
direction he blotted out his picture
' from a group photograph in the par
j lor.
j After pulling off this clever piecei
1 of work, Tony took the next train for
: Lynn, Mass. There, however, yester
| day he was arrested. Maltuck had
overlooked one important thing. He
! forgot there was a negative of the
group picture at a local photograph
! gallery. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison
! procured a picture from this negative,
heard that Tony had gone to Massa
-1 chusetts, sent the picture to Lynn,
and the arrest followed.
Maltuck confessed to his guilt
Adam Terovltch, of Steelton, was
1 treated at the Harrlsburg Hospital tills
morning for a laceration of the scalp
caused by a fall from a street car at
Cameron and Hemlock streets.
Forilnrrlsbargnnd vicinity! Cloudy
to-night and Sunday, probably
showers | cooler to-nltfht.
For FCastern Pennsylvania t Cloudy
to-night and Sunday, probably
shonersi cooler to-night; light to
moderate, variable winds.
General and moderately heavy rata
over the Susquehanna watershed
hnN Increased the gravity of 'the
flood situation. Thla morning's
reports Indicate flood atagea for
the Lower West Branch und the
innln river and blither stages for
the North llrunch than those fore
cast yesterday. Maximum stagea
approximately as follows, are In
dlvatedi Townnda, between 20 and
21 feet | \\ Ilkes-Harre, about 29
feet i iVilllamsport, between 2ft
and 21 feet) Kellnsgrove, about 17
feet Sunday, and Ilarriaburg
about 20 fret Sunday afternoon or
Tempcraturei 8 a. m., Ko| 2 p. m., 48.
tun: Rises, SiiMl a. in. I sets, Oi2S
a. in.
Moon ■ New moon, first quarter,
April 2, 2tSO p. in.
River Stateri 11.0 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
IflKhrst temperature, 72.
I.owest lerapirnurf, 52.
Mean temperature, 02.
1 Normal temperature, 43.