Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 27, 1914, Page 18, Image 19

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sls Worth of "Wear Eternal" d**7 QO
Aluminum Cooking Utensils.. Y■ •
Note these great values on Guaranteed Pure Spun
Aluminum. The ware that lasts a generation.
This is an opportunity of your lifetime to replace
cooking utensils that "wear out" with "wear eternal."
This Outfit consists of
I—6-qt. covered Berlin Kettle, regular department store price $2.50
I—4-qt. Lipped Stew Kettle, regular department store pripe $1.50
I—2-qt. Coffee Pot, regular department store price $3.00
I—6-qt. Preserving Kettle, regular department store price $1.50
I—6-qt. Tea Kettle, regular department store price $4.50
I—Combination Rice Cooker and Boiler,each compartment holds 2 quarts, $2.00
Total Regular Price $15.00
Saved $7.02
This $7.98 can be paid SI.OO cash and 50c per week if you want it that way.
Aluminum ware delivered at once. No Discount for Cash. This Combination is
just like picture and no pieces sold separate.
This is only an example of the THOUSANDS of other great Values unadvertised
in this Great Store.
Home Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. I Family I
Furnishers 29-31-33 & 35 S. Second Street Clothiers
Taylor to Ask Bids
For Auto Fire Apparatus
M. Harvey Taylor, superintendent!
«f Parks and Public Property, an-1
nounced to-day that within ten days
he will advertise for two combination j
auto chemical and hose trucks.
It is understood that one of the new
auto fire apparatus will be placed at
the Hope fireliouse and the other at
the Good Will house. The hose and
chemical wagon now used by the
Delicious "Fruit Laxative"
can't harm stomach, liver
and bowels
Every mother realizes, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs," that that this is their ideal
laxative, because they love its pleas
ant taste and it thoroughly cleanses
the tender little stomach, liver and
bowels without griping.
When cross, irritable, feverish or
breath is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother! If coated, give
a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and in a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of the
bowels, and you ha\ i well, playful
child again. When its little system Is
full of cold, throat sore, has stomach
ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic —re-
member, a good "inside cleaning"
should always be the first treatment
Millions of mothers keep "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs" handy; they
know a teaspoonful to-day saves a
sick child to-morrow. Ask your drug
grist for a 60-eent bottle of "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs." which has di
rections for babies, children of all
Kges and grown-ups printed on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here, so don't be fooled. Get the gen
uine. made by "California F*ig Syrup
I Hope company will be remodeled and player piano in our Big Removal Sale
| sent to the Camp Curtln company. at ridiculously low prices. Investi
gjjy \ piANO CHEAP ' Bate. Spangler's, Sixth above Maclay.,
! You can buy a high grade piano or —Advertisement.
tyE W
|B —
I Lieutenant A. E. Harbord, R. N'., has Just been made commander of the
ship Discover!', which was the 111-fated Captain Scott's old ship In the J.
i Foster Stackhouse expedition 10 the South Pole, lieutenant Harbord was
an executive navigating officer on the Shaclcleton expeditions of 1907-09.
SB,OOO Reward Offered
For Kidnaped Boy
Philadelphia, March 27. —The rela
tives and friends of Warren McCar
rick, the 7-year-old lad who has been
missing from his home since March
12, have raised the reward offered for
his return to SB,OOO. It is believed
that the youngster was kidnaped by-
Italian peddlers.
19 mm LONG
Steelton Foreigner Gets Release on
Habeas Corpus Pro
ceeding Today
1 TI; I - ».'l After serving a
y/Vjl-MJji jail sentence of
nlne * een more
morning was re-
Tfileased from prison
*J I Eh 1:0831 hy President Judge
' ——t" 1 specially presiding
in Dauphin County Court, following
a habeas corpus proceeding.
Milovic was arrested for trespassing
on the Pennsylvania Railroad and ar
raigned before Squire William Ken
nard, Middletown. The justice of the
peace committed him to jail for sixty
days and the prison doors closed on
Milovic February 27.
Attorney W. B. Boyd to-day brought
the foreigner Into court on a habeas
corpus writ, contending that his client
was unlawfully and illegally detained
for these reasons. The only act un
der which Milovic could have been
committed for trespass is the act of
1905; this act prescribes a penalty of
$lO fine and in default of payment, I
$1 per day in jail may be imposed'
until the fine is paid. This would,
have given Milovic at the most but a
ten-day sentence.
Amend Emanuel License Applica
tion.—President Judge Kunkel to-day j
allowed E. E. Beldleman, counsel for I
Joseph Emanuel, proprietor of the'
hotel at Washington and Second
streets, to amend his application for
a re-licensing of the hostelry. In the
original application the name of the
Fink Brewing Company was inserted
instead of B. Leslie Potter. Potter
acquired the property since the 1913
application was made. The hotel has
been closed since license court. Pot
ter himself has asked to transfer his
hotel from the Eighth Ward to the
South Harrisburg property.
City Policemen Paid. The city
cops to-day got their vouchers for
the first half of March. Approximate
ly $2,500 was paid out.
Additional Time in Eiisiningcr Cuse. I
—President Judge Kunkel has allow- ;
ed John Fox Weiss and J. G. Hatz, |
counsel for John T. Ensminger and;
Martha Osten additional time In which j
to file reasons for a new trial. Ens- ]
mlnger and Martha Osten were con- j
victed in March quarter sessions of i
the crimes growing out of Ensmlnger's j
marital infidelity. The usual four-day
time limit exjjired to-day.
Realty Transactions. —Uealty trans- |
fers to-day included the following: i
Helen V. Vare to Willam O. Tyson,
Lower Pa.xton, $4,000; E. C. Hender
son to Anna E. Yost, $1; R. V. Lou
dermilch to Mark Mumma, $10; Anna
Yost to Mark Mumma, $1; H. A. Kel
kcr to Mark Mumma, $750, and R. N.
Loudermllch to E. C. Henderson, sl,
all of Steelton; W. L. Gorgas to James
F. Brooke, 1822 Regina street, $3,200;
John B. Measley to Ell H. Crum, Con
ewago township, $3,300; H. E. Mc-
Causler to Charles E. Reberick, Riv
erside, $1,850.
At the Register's Ofllce. —Letters on
the estates of Henry I. Hartman and
John F. Welker were issued respec
tively to Thomas M. and March C.
Hartman and Hannah M. Welker.
Three boys from Lebanon, who were
en route to Marysville to get employ
ment, were held up at the police sta
tion this morning until they were
searched. A number of potty robberies
have been reported in Lebanon recent
ly and Chief of Police Zimmerman
learned that three boys who had been
showing pawn tickets weer en route
to Harrisburg by trolley. The boys
had very little money oi them w hen
searched and said they Intended to
walk to Marysville. They gave their
names as Adam Swartz, 17 years old;
Charles Heckert, 17, and Frank
Mickey, 16.
The new repeater for the Are alarm
system arrived yesterday afternoon.
A force of workmen will he sent from
the Gamewcll Fire Alarm Company's
plant in New Tork to Harrisburg next
week to put the new apparatus In
positlou- The repeater cost $1,750.
YOU and Your HOME
Is your home where you want it? In these days of approach of the robins
and the bluebirds don't your thoughts wander to the great outdoors? Think of
the citified home in the country. Think of having all the conveniences of city
life at your beck and call, and yet to be lost in all the beauty of nature. Think
of your children having spacious grass-covered plots for unrestrained romp and
Bellevue Park is the ideal homeland—a garden spot within city limits—with all the con
veniences and comforts which the municipality affords to its citizens in other sections—
with something that money cannot buy in practically any other part of Harrisburg— nature
adorned beauty. And the spacious, open, quiet setting for a home in
BELLEVUE PARK Costs Less Per Foot Front
than in any other of the desirable residence sections of the city.
You have city water where you live—you may But you don't have sunlight and fresh air on all
have it in Bellevue Park. You have gas electrl- sk,es — }ou don t I,avc beautiful trees—you don't
city—city schools-city fire and police protection ha , V ° B °» t " d^ u restful
nature nooks <o which to te treat—you don't have
trolley service to your door you may have „H that majestic beauty of the great outdoors,
them all in Bellevue Park. which is yours at Bellevue Park.
Choose Bellevue Park for your Saturday afternoon or Sunday walk. Take the Reservoir
Park Car direct to the Park, and stroll along its stone walks, wander through Locust Lane,
1 see a brt °* Old Japan, and the other reservations that have been set
aside for the permanent enjoyment of its residents. Take the family
with you—let them vote on the questions as to whether they would
rather live in the stuffy city or have you do as many others contem
pt; plate doing this Spring—build a HOME in Bellevue Park.
f If you want, we'll take you and the family to Bellevue Park by auto. No
obligation. Simply phone 3551 Bell phone for appointment.
By Associated Press
New York. The old songs that
Harrigan and Hart made famous a gen
eration ago, were revived last night,
when the Ned. Harrigan Club was
formed and held its first dinner. Two
hundred men, including actors, poli
ticians, judges, lawyers and other ad
mirers of the dead comedian, attended
and enrolled themselves in the club's
Albany, N. Y. Differences between
the two houses of the State Legislature
over the annual appropriation bills
were far from settlement this morning,
' although "official noon" was the hour
' fixed for final adjournment of the Legis
lature. Members of the two houses
Were in conference all night endeavor
ing to agree upon many contested
Paterson, N. J. —Silk workers last
night adopted a resolution agreeing to
i strike for a nine-hour day whenever
the central committee of the Industrial
Workers of the World issued the order.
The meeting was attended by about 700
of the 20,000 workers.
New York. Despite the refusal of
the Board of Estimate to appropriate
$250,000 for the celebration of the ter
centenary of the establishment of com
merce at this port, offering instead
$25,000, the first event on the program
will be held to-night as planned.
~ Spoons
While you are eating luscious, juicy, tangy,
seedless "Sunkist" oranges, you are delighted with the
magnificent silverware you are getting for your table.
You always order "Sunkist" oranges and lemons because
they are the finest, richest, selected fruit grown in
the world. ' •
Picked and packed by gloved hands—the cleanest x>t all fruits.
Thin-skinned, fibreless.
Not a Seed in "Sunkist"
Cut the trademarks from the wrappers around "Sunkist"
oranges and lemons and send them to us. Select silver pieces
from our 27 different premiums. Every piece the famous
Rogers Standard A-l guaranteed silver plate.
The Rogers orange spoon shown above is sent to you for
12 trademarks from "Sunkist" oranges 01 lemons and six 2-cent
stamps (to pay cost of mailing, etc.). Trademarks from "Red
Ball" orange and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist."
Buy "Sunkist" oranges by the box, hall-box or dozen—from
your dealer.
California Fruit Groweri Exchange
WnNiihiffton, What is regarded as
a model employes liability law is em
bodied in an executive order, made pub
lic to-day, providing for the adjust
ment of claims arising out of personal
injuries to employes on the Panama
Canal and the Panama Railroad.
New York. The French liner
Touraine, whose four days tardiness in
reaching this port caused apprehension
for a time, was reported 110 miles east
of Sandy Hook by a wireless dispatch
at 6:30 a. m. to-day. She should reach
her dock late to-day.
WUkes-Barre. The warm weather
of the past few days has caused the
snow on the mountains to melt rapidly
and as a result the Susquehanna river
is rising rapidly. At noon it partly
overflowed its west bank, causing par
tial suspension of traffic.
New York. The Appellate Division
of the Supreme Court to-day affirmed
the order of the lower court which in
effect prohibits Robert, Fitzslmmons
from boxing in public in New York
New York. Robert M. Friedman,
a civil engineer, fell or jumped from
the twenty-fourth floor of the new mu
nicipal building, landed on the cornice
of the twelfth floor and was instantly
Trenton. N. J. Governor Fielder
to-d"y signed the bill to increase the
operations of the collateral inheritance
tax laws. The bill provides for a gradu
ated scale of taxing the estates of non
resident decedants holding stock in
New Jersey corporations.
\Vnnhlns?ton. Secretary Daniels fa
vors Senator Weeks' proposal to have
a line ot fast naval cru .<ers carry
mails, passengers and freight between
the United States and South American
ports. The two men conferred to-day
on the preliminary investigation to de
termine the feasibility and cost of such
a plan.
At the Friendship Fire Company
building yesterday one of the most
prominent and faithful members of
the fire company died. It was the
mascot, "Bill," a gray maltese cat.
When the mascot died the bell above
the fire company was tapped once.
You can buy a high grade piano or
play or piano In our Big Removal Sale
at ridiculously low prices. Investi
gate. Spangler's, Sixth above Maclay.
Why Papgr
your walls when you can get
a wall finish that Is not only more
attractive and beautiful than wall
paper, but one that has the added
feature of being sanitary and
washable. Twenty-four beautiful
shades. Ask ua to demonstrate It.
44 North Third St., Harrisbnrg
*• '
THE EQUITA-Btiß Is the one
company which will treat you
just right at all times. When you
open an account with us you are
free from worry and regrets. No
one, not even the members of
your own family, need know you
are borrowing.
Our Guarantee
No matter what others adver
tise we will make you a loan of
$lO or more at LEGAI. RATES.
No references, assignment*
pledges, red tape or delay.
Room 21 4th Floor.
Riverside Aparhaent
A very desirable apartment, 1915
North Front Street, having seven
rooms and bath.
Union Real Estate
Investment Co.
Rtom 403 Franklin Building
—— ii
/ /
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