14 Pimples Often the! Source of Serious Blood! Trouble In thousands of instances blood troubles have been the result of com ing in contact with disease germs in public placcople. The number applying for care would be prreatly decreased If Harrisburg maintained a municipal lodging house, where tlie applicants could work for their temporary care and lutve their clothes fumigated while they slept. It would also de crease the number loafing about the city, committing small of fenses for the sake of I>elng sent to Jail to secure a warm place for the winter months. The meeting last evening was tha sixth annual gathering and the re port of Miss Clark was a revelation to many of the charity workers as to just what had been accomplished dur ing the last twelve months. Among other things the report showed that 871 local families and 144 transients had been treated. The Harrisburg Benevolent Asso ciation, the Anti-Tuberculosis Society, aided by funds raised in the 1913 Red Cross Christmas seal campaign and the many other charitable and philan thropic institutions and organizations, all worked with the Charites in bring ing about a betterment of conditions here. Attention was called to the fact that desertion officers, whose duties should be similar to those of the pro bation officer, only Insofar as the desertion and nonsupport offenders aro concerned, have not yet been ap pointed. The law providing this passed a year ago. The problem of the county work house, the establishment of a work ing quarry at the almshouse, and the importance of providing cheaper, more comfortable houses, was espec ially emphasized. In the latter con- 1 nection the general secretary's report was to this effect: Those under $lO are especially scarce and are frequently not healthful nor sanitary. The de struction of so many small houses In the Eighth Ward for the ex tension of Capitol Park has in- 1 creased the demand for them and will cause serious overcrowding in the other wards, as no provis ions have been made to meet the demand. Prior to the report of Miss Clark seven new governors were elected to serve for thr®e-ycar terms, as follows: Dr. J. TV. Kilenberger, Vance C. Me- Cormick, George W. Reily, E. Z. i Gross. Alv*. William Henderson, Mr*. M. W. Eager and Morris R. Jaoobson. "} The new board will meet Tuesday, | April 14, to organize. Another interesting report was that of Donald McCormick and John Fox Weiss on Harrisburg's unusually big 1913 Red Cross Christmas seal sale last year. Just 249,000 seals were sold. A cash balance remains of $2,611.29. Dr. Little's talk was unusually in teresting. "The Modern Charity Movement" was the subject of Mr. Little's talk. President W. B. Mc- Caleb was in the chair. "The trained worker," said Dr. Little in part, "may be compared to the physibian. Just as they diagnose cases of illness, so do the social work ers diagnose social ailments. The average trained worker must be '-een enough not to be deceived. Visits to the home are not made in the spirit of the detective but to carefuly study conditions and apply a remedy." HIS colElion OF DEPT. HEIDS [('/outinued from First Page.] It was originally intended by the Treasury Department in remodeling tho Harrisburg building to extend the working floor to tho post office forty six feet, the entire length of the build ing, and add a wing on each end as is now proposed, but the first appropria tion was found to be Inadequate. Un der the circumstances the contract in cluded (foundations, walls and steel work of sufficient strength to cafry these wings in the future. It was found when proposals for the work were received that the money available for the changes was not sufficient to do all of the proposed work as the bids received left only about $13,000 surplus which would not have been sufficient to construct the two wings. The pres ent contract provides only for the ad dition of the first story (all of which will be used by the post office) and re modeling of the Interior of the old building. Tho committee on buildings and grounds says in its report that when the building Is remodeled as now proposed it will be inadequate for present requirements. First Assistant Postmaster General Roper reporft that the space available when the extension shall have been completed will fall far short of the actual demands. Postmaster Sites in his letter on the subject, re-enforcing the recommenda tions of his predecessor, says the desig nations of the Harrisburg office as a central distribution point for a large portion of the State makes necessary the further onl&rgement. He also states that he has been advised by the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General that the Harrisburg office will be made a distribution point and collec tion office of postal supplies. To Transfer Executive Offices It is proposed in the event of the further enlargement of the building under thi Krelder bill to transfer the executive offices from the first to the second floor and the Weather Bureau I from the second to the third floor, this j bureau requiring more space. iXox* EAT NEW BREAD. CABBAGE. SAUSAGE AND DIGEST IT. "RAPE'S DM" No indigestion, no sour, gassy stomach or dyspepsia. Try it Do some foods you eat hit back— -1 taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, •sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsln digests everything, leaving . nothing to sour and upset you. No difference how badly your stomach is I disordered, you get happy rolief in I Ave minutes, but what pleases you I most is that it strengthens and regu ! lates your stomach so you can eat j space Is also needed for the Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, who now occupies quarters on the second floor. The income tax will greatly add to the business of this office and re quire one or two more clerks and ad ditional floor space. Under present conditions the second floor provides inadequate quarters for tho railway mall service. There are ; two divisions located at Harrisburg. with three chief clerks and about twenty other clerks, and also about 700 mall clerks reporting for supplies and instructions. Nearly 400 clerks aro paid their annual : alary semi monthly by the postmaster at Harrls burg. None of tho chief clerks un der present conditions has a private office and there Is no room where ex aminations can be conducted private ly; all examinations must be held where the clerks are at work. All supplies must be stored In th« work- I ■ ■ Dry Catarrh, Cold in Head, Sneezing, Stopped Up Nose Coughing, Hacking, Nose Running, Dry Nose, Coryza, Ringing Ears, Deafness, Relieved in One Minute. 1/"ONDON'S Original and Genuine Catarrhal Jelly does all thi9 quick. We caii prove it. We have thousands of unsolicited testimonials written us by grateful users in the past twenty two years. Go to any drug store, get a small tube of Kondon's (don't take a substitute), you will receive 1 more benefit than from any like rem ! edy ever used—you to be the judge. Money refunded, if wanted, and no i quibbling. Kondou's melts and penetrate? j i when placed in the nostrils. It lie- | your favorite foods without fear, Most remedies give you relief some times—they are slow, but not sure. Diapepsln Is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come back. You feel different as soon as Pape'i Diapepsln comes in contact with the stomach —distress just vanishes—you* stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clean and you feel line. Put an end to stomach trouble by getting a large lifty-cent case ol Pape's Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need« less it is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. —> Advertisement. room, no special place being provided or available. Other Possible Moves If the wings are built as contem plated under the Kreider bill, propel and sufficient quarters can be pro vlded for this service of the depart ment and in addition the executive officers of the postmaster can be lo cated on the second floor. It would also be entirely practical to removi the register, money order and postal saving departments of the post offle« to the second floor. With the change as proposed there would also be addi tional space on the third floor for th» Federal court, which now needs mor« room for the juries. Congressman Kreider's bill Is undei the head of an "emergency measure* and is strongly urged by the Hous« committee on buildings and grounds with a unanimous recommendation J that it pass. gins to do good instantly. It touches the sore spots, heals the raw places, removes the scabs, makes life worth living. Use Kondon's tonight at bedtime. You will breathe through your nose, rest well and feel fine in the morn ing. Get a 25-cent tube today or send us 10 cents for a generous sice physician's sample and book on bow to treat catarrh and colds. Sixteen million tubes have been sold; cot one hundred users have asked for money back. The proof is 99 89-100 per cent in our favor. Don't delay, write now to Kotidon Manufacturing Company, Minneap olis, Minn,—Advertisement. $