Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 27, 1914, Page 10, Image 11

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Fourth Street Window Special (JV \ f Fourth Street Window Special
«r r Sat 111 IT ° f Uie i' OUrth S . r t, et 01/v\) tjCJ Vlj\\\AJrCS\\ \ Cof\ r\ For Saturday only-displayed in one of the Fourth Street
Windows—sl.9s hemmed crochet bed spreads. Specially V IV lIVVI VV\ % L/VWIVM/\ V Windows women's 25c silk seamless hos C Specially
priced' . 1«)*
Chiffon Taffetas: Colors fa, Black * w " ftjjZ i, ' r The New Styles in Pumps
Rich Weaves for Dresses &Ls K r Spring pumps are smarter than they have
v ( •?£-> ever been, primarily because the styles of
This week's arrivals of chiffon taffetas is\. Cj : gowns being narrow at tlie ankles and draped
possesses the same rich qualities of weaving fcllflllrnih j to show the feet have brought a demand for
and lustre as those on which we had so strong 1/ ._» MM \\ jR footwear styles that must be modish and add
a demand earlier in the season. *° beauty °* *he £° wn or sl »f- Colonial
The blacks are 36, 40 and 44 inches wide, fax*
at $2 25 $2 50 and $3 00 reSDectivelv. f» I \ UlMUvf Women's Newßite Pumps of light weight black calfskin with suede
V rnt ? , « * V IM . n \V \ H / ifM ,\ -.; A, .I'lJ : quarter lining and finished with newest buckles, heart shaped leather
The colors are 36 inches, at $1.75. wf A* /,, \w \ N M\\ a4lm Hh. m I hee, « c ( !Tr. lt S? B ° l « s ; 1 ; •••••••;••, ...w.OO
<S / !l y\ \ I \Uffl I
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. / / xCa I I|A ' V lth French leather heels, light weight
( j I 1 fjD I ■ ■)'\\'!'fvl\ ML- Women's white Nu-buck Colored Pumps with new silver slide, short
-■ w y J J 1 | \ / A' 11 IF#/ I ' \ \' >v '^ir^lKumf''Jsjl'{jrl tongue, narrow toe last, high leather Cuban heels, light weight wolted
Men s Underwear and (r//—| /i' v y^/ v l^/y^
C_ __ W Wili; '# MV \ — T 1 //Srrrl Hl'' ■ iMPi W/ pump last, military leather heels SS.SO
jOX lOr jOnny v\ / V n AM T\ I \H7\ hf-y U:lr women's Patent Colt ami dun Molal Calf Puinps. Rood fittiiiK ln«t
O iW /\ \ US I \ L__J if.! 'l'l * rl bbon hows, light weight welted soles, leather Cuban heels,
- weight Egyptian cotton ribbed
Men's Spring weight lisle union suits; white and Egyptian, Mf / jUtT *£/V a __ _ ,
Men's Spring weight Egyptian balbriggan shirts and draw- DlStinCfU-lShed ExaiTipleS of the Season's Latest ee in
ert. Shirts long or short sleeves. Each .»!)<• ✓ •J? * _ _ ' I"* -
Men s gauze hsie seamless sox spliced heei s and toes; Style Developments in Suits, Coats and Dresses rurmture
double soles; in black, tan navv and slate. Pair v 1 • 1 i • 1 • • •
Mens intenvoven silk lisle sox; black, tan. navy and . The lllOSt desirable feature in the production ot a suit, and the most As a fitting celebration oi the week in which we first
white 23<! difficult feature to put into it, is real, distinctive, unmistakable style. whMe'm.riitt f' as a;[uiniture department
r I* , I*l , . I, • . l-rr; i. . *ii •, rri , • i i where quality and littleness of price work together, we an-
Men\s thread silk sox: fashioned feet; lisle soles; black It IS not dltTlCUlt to Simply make a SUlt. I liat involves merely SO many bounce these specials for to-morrow—
and navy 50* yar ds of material and trimmings, cut to patterns and put together by sewers. | Thre e-piece P anor suite, with sh. s « sifk n, JB « ...attresscs os
Women's Hosiery and Underwear . But style, that indefinable something which gives character and distinc- usMon seats - '' a,ue pair'::;.*^
Wonirai's thread silk boot how; fashioned feet: spliced heels and j tioil, is lllUcll IllOrC difficult to aCCOllipllsll. Three-piece bedroom suite in j Box 'spring' outn't cling* box
stik ho«;: Msic black Just as Paris has its Pairet, add Cheruit and Bernard, so in New York fye d mVie k and feU " ad , ° mat '' l \,« p »r,
the real style interpreters may be picked out from among the several thou- k a n a d n \r h L^" 7dVaV
sand makers. '
: In every section of our outergarrnent Hoor you will find examples of the K!:S„f I T'U„WA,V 'S
Dives, Pomeroy & stewart street Floor. finest tailoring and the latest style developments of the season. In each ,7 - 95 <"ioo.
<m ~l "" ~~Z garment there is style, individuality, character. You have only to see the C~~ ————— >
'R.cgahste Corsets Are Faultlessly showing to-morrow to convince you. And our prices are admitedly lower tr\i~
Fashioned of Dainty Fabrics than you'll find in any other Harrisburg store. Ivf UUUIIo 10l C/Vcry j
towhust and long ? o .™"*: Orrflsion nf DrMS
types of RegahstC Corsets are really in- V x,.w rononiuumi olive and tan suits of oreue novel- Kage green, navy, Copenhagen and old blue wool ben- V/V/UCIOIUII U1 LyIUOO
' y . J / V 'X. «a»y, Copeniia«en, ouve ana tan suits or trcpe no\ei galine suits; coat Mnlshed with circular flounces, tassels
comparable m designing, expressing as / ty cloth, bengatlne Silk rcvers and Medici collar; peasant umt buttons. Skirt in tiers $25.00 ti mi r i • c ■
thev do the latest style tendencies of / /MSXSS '1 jacket and double tiered skirts $18..>0 Navy, CopcmiaK'cn, tan and black suits: in whipcord licit aie 1 1blions roi hut making, ioi girdles anu sashes
Fashionable Paris. (MtihJ M &"»X''«aK STJSH \SMtJgT7. TT «"»■ a " J (ur 1»Wk>«»- and the color selection, that have jnst
Have yon ever worn a Hegaliste model, ftf oiduU.,' M blavk arriveU *" «? make as P rctl > a sh " wi "K as "»v« ever had.
madam? ' I I' charming fancy styles with printed silk collar ....$20.00 $30.00 Black Moire ribbon is in great demand, but our display Includes
There are scores of well-dressed pa- Jli NeW Coat AmVals at Moderate Cost " ribbun^in"riJ-ll 'Ya'nl, I»I-to
trons of our corset section who are en- J |fl al IVIUUCIdIC Byadcre ribinms. Yard . r SI.OO and $1.50
thusiastic devotees of the Regaliste. | j 0 Navy, Copenhagen and tango cloth coats; silk Corduroy golfine coats in all leading shades; pa Urnse > rns - Y « r<l - •
There is something in the construction of f Iffl collar and cuffs, belted front $12.50 rope belt; lined with figured silk crepe, sl.).<>o Velvet ribbons. Yard «<! to $i!Io
these various styles that makes for lithe jL_Jjj|] Navy, old blue and tango, three-quarter coats, Black moire silk coats; circular flounce or flare EASTER NECKWHAK in EXCLUSIVE style
and willowv lines fiPTuim moire collar and cuffs, fancy back #15.00 backs; satin lined throughout,
«tuu vmhuwv Jiucs. ni nHrTJ • 1,;,, im„»ii, . o -a us.jiwwv , „„ h The styles are as varied as they are lieautiful and the new Itn-
You 11 like tlic Regaliste the instant W /% t I ang*o, navy and Copenhagen coats, hip length, Jhlo.oO, and ported eoiiceitw arc espeidaJly full of noiahio charms.
you get into one. _<7r v plaid collar and cuffs lined with silk mt(i.,>o Balmacaans in brown, tan and grey mixed coat'sets'for' 11410 coUars ure 1,1 the sh " wln » for ar,< " t0 ( 52.50 and
$5.00 to SIO.OO Navy and black serge And liepe coats, ianc\ cloth and $1,>.00 The new (iladstone collar of organdy is effective ut 25c to $1.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Second Floor V Collar and cuffs; lined AN itll silk, black si lk figured COat'S; three-quarter length; Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. *
. $15.00 and $1(5.50 | Silk lined; button trimmed
There's a Note of Newness and Rich New Trimmed Hats for Saturday at $4.95, $5.95 $6.50
Novelty in the Blouses at $ 1.00 to $ 3.95
rpi i, ■ i. liiii i i
Countless variety of styles are ready tor your choosing in the Blouse . S* f l\ ))
section and despite the note of novelty which each style brings there isn't ' H We have just received more than a hundred Tew'trimmed hats \\ .
one in the entire showing that is not full ot charm, tor instance there are . bought specially for sale Saturday at $4.95. $5.95, and $6.50. M /Jm*';
Voile blouses, with ragian on blue, corn or lavender; batiste These piquant hats lend themselves to an ideal trimming ot flowers v
/ \ drop shoulder and trimming of | embroidery vestec and collar, and ribbons, and the makers have copied and adapted the latest styles Jjjj V i
/ \ Wet. shadow Irish crochet or: pec j a i SI.OO jot the Paris milliners. In the showing, too, are clever creations lrom L' ' '*!
/• . %jk . . \ „d up««. ; our workroom. A
I / medallions; organdv or net col-i Messaline petticoats with ( A on <l e rful TT ' 7T T / 7T T ri~f • . ,'' fa li
I L \ lar - st.so, $1.05, tailored or pleated flounce; in 'o» / LJntrimmecL llats and liat 1 rimmiTiQS V<Vs> Z\
iVM *t $55.95 and $3,05. grey, rose, brown, mahogany, ; r , n 9 °
\ 1 S '~"/ •'* Dresden figure colored or-, emerald, navy, King's blue, j . ' ' ie display of ribbons is repiesentative of every modish pattern, including vivid Roman f
\ J A I gandv blouses in pink, light | wistaria, plum and black. ' stripes, fashionable moires and black waxen satin effects popularly called "stove polish 1
\ 'i r\ * / ! ribbon on account of its high lustre. The flowers are in almost unlimited variety, including \] |)\\
\ Mmm . / A Showing of Easter Finerv for Infants , the new tall flower trimmings wreaths and single blooms with foliage. The fancies are all f fa
V v/fl I/I iliViA /A/ ! new a,icl the styles include the fountain stick-ups and pompons. All these trim I ~~~WTi B'L
gtatdy "cap^dimmed S^tth° r pin and e ?a£*!*". ?!. n 6 s a '" e new and many have arrived during the past two or three days, so it will be'T*jp V/ //
W tucks pnd organdy embroidery ,to : your'advantage to make early selections. V\ V
W Jlll/lm '""infants' wash ' hats' 2 of" 0 Xne, : Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Seond Floor, Front. , j- **>
Quality Gloves in All
Required Lengths
These gloves come from makers whose products we have
tested year after year. Briefly told arc some of the latest
arrivals for Easter outfitting.
Trefousse two-clasp suede gloves, best quality French kid, pique
stitching, grey $2.25
Centemerl two-clasp kid gloves, black, white and colors
$1.25 to $2.25
Perrin two-clasp kid gloves in black, white and colors,
$1.75 and $2.00
Navarre two-clasp kid gloves in black, white and tan $1.50
Cavalier one-clasp kid gloves, pique stitching, white black and tan,
"D.. P. & S." two-clasp kid gloves in white, tan and grev $l!oO
Two-clasp kid gloves In black, white, tan and grey; SI.OO value, 75c
Kayser washable chanrcoisette and lisle gloves, two-clasps; white,
tan, grey, natural and biscuit 25c and 50c
Kayser washable cliamolsette, 16-button length gloves in white
natural and biscuit 75c and SI.OO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor.
"Blue Bell" and "K and E"
Blouse Waists for Boys
New Spring styles in striped madras and percale, plain
blue and striped chambray, some have attached military
collar ' 50$
White blouse waists for boys at ... and SI.OO
Boys' Spring Neckwear
Boys' silk four-in-hand ties in reversible and French
styles 230
Boys' reversible two-tone silk four-in-hand ties 14^
Boys' knitted plain and fancy cross stripe four-in-hand
ties '•
An Important Week - End Sale of
Groceries—Prices Are Temptingly
Low: Qualities of the Highest
Every home-provider will be tempted by the unusually good list of grocery savings that have
been marked for to-morrow's important sale, if you have not visited the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
grocery within the past two weeks you'll be charmed to-morrow at its spaciousness and the appetizing
arrangement of its pure food shows. Should you be unable to come to the sale we'll be glad to receive
your order by telephone.
. - ' ' ' . : ... '
Fat anil meaty fancy Norway mack
erel. each 5c
Horseshoe Karluck salmon, the ■
fancy Alaska red salmon, in tall tins.
Can, 15c; dozen $1.70 ,
Alaska pink salmon in tall tins. Can, ■
!lc: dozen SI.OO '
Skipper sardines. Special, 2 cans, ,
>h fl-lives. Can Do
Temple garden tea, Ceylon, India or
black and green; packed in cartons
and regularly sold at BOc a lb. Spe- i
cial to-morrow 45c
Regular 40c tea. Special to-morrow, i
Banquet blend coffee, deliciously :
rich In body and aroma; packed in
pound parchment bags. Special, lb.,
Record bletiil coffee, of a high qual
ity. Pound 25c
Flutter, a strictly fresh creamery
product; guaranteed to be of the finest
quality obtainable. Pound S2r i
Selected Spanish olives, In 26 % oz.
Jars. Special 25c
Fancy Manzanllla olives, stuffed
with Spanish sweet peppers. Large
Jar 23c
Cylinder Jftrs of Spanish Royal
olives 19c
Sour pickles in bulk. Dozen... 12c
Fancy sweet pickles, in bulk. Dozen,
Grape fruit of choice variety, each,
Fancy Florida oranges, Juicy and
sweet. Dozen 19c
Homemade orange marmalade,
guaranteed to be absolutely pure and
the finest procurable. Glass, 13c; 2
for . 25c
Palmetto molasses, can 9c
Fancy hand packed tomatoes, large
can, 10c; 3 for 25c
Shoepeg corn, can 10c; 3 f0r...25c
Wisconsin select peas, can, 10c;
3 for 25c
lives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement.
16c New York State cherries. Spe
cial -.loc
25c Hawaiian Pineapple, large cans.
Special 22c
California evaporated peaches, 3
lbs 25c
California prunes, 40's; 2 lbs., 25c
Soup beaus. Special, lb., 6c; 5 for
10c Jell-O in all flavors. Special, 9c
10c fruit puddine. Special 8c
10c Indian Cornstarch. Special, 7c
Kellogg's cornflakes. Special, 9c;
3 for 25c
Washington Crisps. Special, 9c; 3
for 25c
Postum Cereal; large pkgs .....21c
Quaker corn meal, pkg, 9c; 3 for 25c
Orapenuts, with one pkg. of Post
Toasties free . i J2c
1.0 pieces Ivory soap 89c
10 pieces Fels' Naptha soap ...39c
10 pieces P. & G. Naphtha soap, 39c
10 pieces Babbitt's soap 39c
3 tins Dutch Cleanser 25c
3 pkgs. Wool chips 25c
, Colored Ratine Dress
Weaves in Great Demand
for Skirts and Dresses
Ratine in fancy white and black checks and mixtures; 40
to 45 inches wide. Yard 89# to $2.00
Ratine in Nub weaves; 42 inches wide. Yard .... $1.25
Ratine in 42-inch width; combination effects for coats and
skirts, semi-invisible plaids with solid shades to match. Yd., 89#
Ratine in fancy weaves and solid shades, 42 and 44 inches
wide. Yard SI.OO
Imperial crepe in white corded grounds with colored floral
designs; also twelve good plain shades; 36 ins. wide. Yd., 35#
Silk stripe crepe in solid shades with a fancy self-color
stripe; evening and dark shades. Yard 39#
Crepe voile, 38 inches wide; in white ground with colored
silk stripes. Yard 50#
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
A Watch With Fob of Lodge
or Society: Special, $1.25
A sale of watches for men that will inter
est hundreds of buyers to-morrow. With each
watch is given a fob carrying your initials or
an emblem of your favorite lodge or society.
Price complete, $1.25.