Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 26, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Get Rid of
Piles at Home
'Simple Home Remedy, Easily
Applied Givss Quick Relief
and Prevent? All Danger
From Operation
Send For Free trial Package and
Prove II U Your Case
Don't even thint of an operation for
piles. Remember what the old family
doctor said: Any part of the body cut
away is gone forever. One or two ap
plications of Pjramid Pile Remedy
and nil the piin, (Ire and torture
ceases. In a remarkably short time
the congested 'Gins are reduced to
normal and yoy< will soon be all right
again. Try thS remarkable remedy.
Sold everywheje at drug stores. Send
for a free trial package and prove be*
j-ond question,4t is the right remedy
for your casr even though you may
be wearing » pile truss.
Just send in the coupon below at
once for tl* free trial treatment. It
will show >/>u conclusively what Pyra
mid Pile femedy will do. Then you
can get t/e regular package for 50
cents at k.y drug store. Don't suffer
another rfedless minute. Write now.
Pyramid Drug Company, 452 Py
! ramidoldg-. Marshall, Mich. Kindly
send he a trial treatment of Py
rnniUl'Pile Remedy at once, by mail,
FRK(. In plain wrapper, so I can
! provt its splendid results.
St ret
Cljf State I
JRtWID 812!
1 ,\m One of Many Ijlylok Exnmplen
That Grey tlulr Can be HeNlnreil
to Natural Colour and Ueauty
iLet me send yo) free full informa
tion that will enible you to restore
Vour Grey Hair t» the natural colour
ind beauty of youth,
/* . no matter what your
/ inM.nrri, "Ke or the cause of
your gT'-.v ni'.ss. It
/ vjpHBI is not a dye nor a
liffif WsSfSWi stain. Its effects
/ '-J~ eommcnce after
||«W® four days' use.
LJjj l&W?' 1 ain a woman
ftfl who became pre
# Ml maturely grey and
JSm < [MI old-looking at 27, i
bu t through a
WK . 9/ scientific friend I
\ y found an easy
\. j method which ac
tually restored my
hair to the natural
colour of glrtyood in a surprisingly
short time, /nd so 1 have arranged to
give full inductions absolutely free
of charge tofiny reader of this paper
who wishes t'restore the natural shade
of youth to fny grey, bleached or fad
ed hair witnut the use of any greasy
sticky or iniirious dyes or stains, and
without detction. I pledge success no
matter how? many things have failed
Perfect suctss with both sexes and all
So cut ou the coupon below and send
me your Rme and address, (stating
whether M•. Mrs. or Miss) and enclose
two cent samp for return postage and
1 will sorl you full particulars that
will make/t unnecessary for you to ever
have a g£y hair again. Address Mrs.
Mary K. chapman. Box 823, X. Kx
change i*eet, Providence, R. l.
TKi«F#l»Pniinnn entltles an >' reader
1 of Harrlsburg Tel
egrapl; to receive free of charge
Mrs. rapnian's complete instruc
tions /> restore grey hair to natural
eolouiand beauty of youth. Cut
this if and pin to your letter. Good
for fnniediate use only: 2 cent
stamf for postage required. Address
Mrs.Mary IC. Chapman, liox 823 X
Excfnge Street. Providence, R. I.
NOTICE: Everj' reader of
this ftper, man or woman, who wishes
to hi without grey hair for the rest i
of tllir life is advised to accept above
1 Ibenl offer ut once.l Mrs. Chapman's
higl/standing proves the sincerity of
(lush syrups containing Opinm, Morphine, Chioro
frm or any Bach opiate In any quantity Is not
»anyone to take, particularly little chtl
|r<*n- Examining labels closelv is one way to
ifold them. Always buying (loffV- Cough Syrup
' the surest and best way to got cough medicine
hat is absolutely harmless and that relieves
nngha. colds, whooping cough and m.'asle* cough
rlthout any aftpr-efTects. Insist on Soft's--and
e ! a w e * or 50r - bottle to-day. Money
(Lack by the dealer If It doesn't help you.
S. B. GOFF & SONS CO., Camden. N. J.
Hiuh Grade GOOD I.IICK and
Good l uck, i!sc lb.; « llim. fur 4i)c; 3 lbs,
for 70Ci H lb». for $1.13.
Dandy, 23c 111.1 2 lbs. tor 45ci ft lb*,
for 81.00.
The best grades for table, cooking
and baking. We guarantee all goods
»■» eell. Deliveries to all parts of the
city Bell phone.
Breaks a Cold Over Night
ariCK RtMKOT FOR amp
Rmall Tnhlel.-.rH«y to Tuhr sf, Cents
H Wartli Thlr<) St. Pima «tntto>
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Laying Plant to Have at Least
1,000 Attendance on
Easter Day
__________ With an attendance
at Sunday school on
Easter Sunday of
1,000 and a total col
. lection of S2OO in
.. view, workers of the
•'.iljlft F - Stevens Memo-
LFg rial Methodist Epls
copal Church began
special efforts to-day.
| Every department in
My} I" the church will join
'fflS ▲ In n canvass for new
siwL 4 'l a K members and to bring
[ back members who
l have not been present
■ 1 r- 1 r ■ I for a long time. The
plans were announced last night bj
the pastor, the Rev. Clayton Albert
Smucker, D. D., at the midweek
prayer service.
The plans call for a meeting every
night at the church during holy week.
Special sermons and music will be in
order. The Epworth League leaders j
met at the close of the service and
discussed plans tor taking up special
work in that branch. The ushers'
association also held a meeting and
will be a factor in boosting the Easter
membership plans.
The men's Bible class and the Men's
flub, along with other organizations
and classes, will discuss the plans Sun
W ill Tell of Kabbi Wise. Rabbi
Charles J. Freund will preach a spe
cial sermon at Ohev Shoiom Temple
Friday night on the life of Uabbi Isaac
M. Wise, founder of Hebrew Union
College. The educator about whom he 1
will speak Friday died the year Rabbi I
Freund was graduated.
Man From Borneo to Preach. —The j
Rev. James M. Hoover, who comes I
from the Island of Borneo, will occupy l
the pulpit of the Fifth Street Metho-!
dlst Episcopal Church Sunday during
the absence of the pastor, the Rev. B.
H. Hart, who to-day, with Mrs. Hart,
went to New York, where they will be
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harr>
Shoemaker, which couple the Rev.
Hart married in that city in May.
Bishop James Henry Darlington on
Tuesday night confirmed a class of
thirty-two at Trinity Episcopal Church,
Y. M. C. A. Service. —The Associa
tion Quartet will have charge of the
men's gospel meeting to be held un
der the auspices of the Young Men's
Christian Association Sunday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock.
London Paper Says
Carranza and Villa
Outmaneuvered U. S.
The London Times of March 0 says:
"The abandonment by the Anglo-
American commission at El Paso of
all hope of viewing Mr. Benton's body
and of conducting a satisfactory in
vestigation on the Mexican soil into his
death and the death of Mr. Bauch Is
interpreted by most newspapers to im
ply the failure of Washington to se
cure anything like an adequate investi
gation into the fate of Messrs. Benton
and Bauch or the recovery of Mr. Ben- i
ton's body. Impartial opinion is re
luctantly inclined to take the same
"It is felt that, either jointly or in
dependently. Generals Villa and Car
ranza have out-maneuvered Washing
ton. First General Villa wasted val- :
uablc days in procrastinating about j
Mr. Benton's body. Then, presum- |
ably after assuring himself that the
United States had no intention of'
using force, General Carranza vetoed ;
General Vi 1 . a tardy concession. Gen
eral Carranza is now reported to be on !
his way to visit General Villa at
Juarez. He is said to be accompanied
by 2,000 men, but whether he and
General Villa quarrel or embrace the
result is likely to be unsatisfactory. I
"Either the United States will be!
more or less openly defied, or the Con- i
stitutionallsts will come to terms about
the investigation after arranging for i
the absence of damaging testimony. |
In either case Washington is likely to ,
remain passive.
"Mr. Bryan Is stated to have ex
pressed himself yesterday before the
House committee on foreign relations
optmistically, if vaguely, about an au
tomatic salution of the Mexican mud
dle. He repeated the stock opinion
that President Huerta was losing
ground and that he revolutionaries
are gaining ground."
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., March 2G. —-The
stockholders of the Waynesboro Trust
Company will meet in the Star audi
torium at 2 o'clock this afternoon to
elect its tirst new directors. The char
ter provide:- that the company shall
have not less than sixteen nor more
[than twenty-one directors. The di
rectors will meet Immediately after i
their election and perfect an organ
ization by the election of officers.
Joy or Girt?
Great Question!
This brings to many minds an old an
-led family remedy—an external a
r-lication known as "Mother's Prion;.
During the period o" expectancy it '
•.polled to the abdominal muscles and i
"esigned to soothe the intricate netwo:
.if nerves Involved. In this manner 1
'ias such a splendid influence as to Justlf
its ijso in all cases of coming mother
hood. It has been generally recom
mended for years and years and tho?
who have used it speak in highest prate
of the immense relief it affords. Partic
ularly do these knowing mothers speal:
of the absence of morning sickness
absence of strain on the ligaments an.'
freedom from those many other dig
resses which are usually looked forwar.
.o with so much concern.
There I=3 no question but whr:
'Mother's Friend" has a marked tendenc
o relieve the mind and this of itself 1.
.ddition to the physical relief has give,
.t a very wide popularity among women.
It is absolutely safe to use, render*
the skin pliable, is penetrating in its
nature and is composed of those embro
cations best suited to thoroughly lubri
cate the nerves, muscles, tendons and
ligaments involved.
You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at
almost any drug store.
It is prepared only by Bradfleld Reg
ulator Co, 401 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
~ ——l————l—— — amm^ l mg&_
FOR FRIDAY ONLY _ _ _ _ _ _
F u\ DAY^hjs
I I\l 11 I •■»»»•. 'E
and toe, nil siies, 25c ■ I;'; '.j". . #-Vl i 11H fill! j&g V ■ colors, with pock«U, JOo
"Vrfl n
ea oh l* l A$
Women'sP.aidDressSkirts Women's and M:»se«' Spring qc Women's Serge Dresses One Table of Women's
Values to $2.50, for CoaU valafS t0 B ' s0 ' for Values to $3.50, for & Misses' Serge & Crepe
qq Choice of plain Serges— $1.50 Dresses, Values to $5,
Jpl.fev/ Fancy Mixtures and Plaids— T „ . or . , ~ . JjJ2 7S
Only 40 Skirts in this lot. All New Models including the ends—Not all colors—Not all Assorted colors and sizes
Assorted plaids and sizes. New Balmacaan—All sizes. sizes—Come early. are here.
1112 Ur63165l 13r>6ty 01 FRIDAY TiT" > n H/f' >. U I Women's Gowns; r Q
_ , BARGAINS . Women s & SI.OO value, for «>"c
ooys faster buits & Coats
aS f er BUY NOW AND SAVE rOR friday
Suits lA NOBBY EASTER SUITS > <tl OOA rofva™ t5 :.51.29
~. Wrirb Values to sl6 50 for . til i || BO women's White China Silk Shirt ]
Af A jfnnicri'lrtfr Waists! new Spring models; all si zee;
m HsioniMLng Assorted colors and sizes - s2 ' oo va,ue ' Frlday on,y ' sl - 29
Low Prices THE BES T EVER—WOMEN'S p* for friday only
fH ov ,' !V%,r AND MISSES' EASTER SUITS, Mn Ivies' Union Suits; OA
ooys pji '1 VALUES, SIB.OO TO 922.50 FOR JL 50C Value, fd" vi/V
1 All Wool »-f|/ Handsome models to choose from. All the new materials
B'ue \ 1 F a co ' ors an( i Sizes. only 39^
Serge 'l% M| STUNNING EASTER SUITS <h f\ f\
.nib, 13 VAL '" !S T " r °" Values to SS, 10r... 1Z.19
<£Q QQ t:'A . Every new model—Every new material—All colors and on. t.bi. oi h„j,„.
sizes. Hlouses; odd and end silk and laces;
. values to $5.00. Choice Friday (or
to - Nobby Easter Coats For Women and Misses s2 ' l9
D i Coats in medium and three-quarter length. Plain or fancy trimmed. Loose and semi-hacks, un-
Doys new lined and full lined with fancy silks. The materials—wool eponge, cheviots, crepes, diagonals, crepe FOR FRIDAY ONLY
/ >?' "1 T7 . poplins. Bedford cords, shepherd checks, taffeta silk, moire silks and staple serges in all the new desir- 0 .„
i master able colors including the staple blacks and navys; all sizes for women and misses. The Underselling Ollk CjIOVeSJ SI.OO CC
| at 1,1 $595, $7.95, $lO, sl2 90, sls, $lB and S2O liJL
«DUC ——— ————length Silk Gloves; double finger tip
Boys , Norfolk Suits, Buy while the assortment is big and before the Easter rush is on *
—Then again during our PRE-EASTER SALE you buy for less FOR FRIDAT ONLY
$ 1.95 J Children's Drawers; r
| ~. .'On fkiday ONLY j Value, for vC
« Rouser or a Girl*?' Dr#><s«s<»c* ■« i 100 P airs <j f Children's good quality
Boys' Norfolk Suits, |f|;| pANT « ~ 25c ....15c
Values to $6 at JJJjn r;><s M. .w IGirls' Percale Dresses; fast colors;!
VdIUCSIU ai I /II M all sizes; 2to 6 years old; new spring
Cif\ ml H ror Men and Youths sty,eß - choice Friday om y ....25^1
============================ r||j || EVER ASSEMBLED FOR A SPECIAL SALE. FOR FRIDAY ONLY W 1 f 59c
M on | If Will Pav if i 1,500 Pairs of "Odd Pants; d»1 r/\ Women's Neckwear; ia/' a ue, or
Men. It Will ray U Values to $3.50, at Values to 50c, for iifC J:VZ
Yrfcll to I nnlf at fill Look at these styles—Blue Serges, Fancy Wor- One lot of Women's Neckwear, all entirely new styles; all sizes. Choice
1 iiU Ivj Ol iM steds, all-wool Cassimeres, all-wool Cheviots. manufacturer's sample line; values to „ ... . * °
w Every waist measure, 29 to 44. 50c. Choice Friday only, each, 1 r rluay only yOVID
These $lB to
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro.—Mrs. Kate Brower Uied
I yesterday at the home of her son-in
law, J. Winger Draper, at Hagerstown. :
Mrs. Brewer was born in Franklin j
county, November 1, 1832. and was j
in her eighty-second year at the time
of her death. She is survived by three j
sons and two daughters.
Ephrata.—Daniel Bucher, *2 years
old, a retired farmer and gardener,
ditd yesterday. His wife, three chil
dren and two grandchildren survive.
Paradise.—rMrs. Elizabeth Bong, 92
years old, widow of John Bong, died
yesterday. She was the. oldest resident
of this section of the. county. Nine
children and several grandchildren I
Marietta. —M rs. Elmyra Ernst, daugh
ter of the late George Stackhouse, the
oldest woman in Maytown, died yes
terday in the Columbia Hospital fol
lowing a fall which she sustained
seven weeks ago at her home. She
was 82 years old.
Dlllsburg.—Mrs. Nancy A. Moore. 8i
years old, of Monaghan township, died
very suddenly at the home of her son,
John C. Moore, near Filey's Church,
on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Moore
seemed in her usual health during the
day and while at the supper table she ]
suddenly sank back in her chain, dying
in a short time. Mrs. Moore is sur
vived by two daughters. Mrs. E. V.
Barber, of Crosby, Pa., and Mrs. Anna
Hyers. of York, and four sons, James,
of Texas; George, of Waynesboro;
Samuel, of Slddonsburg, and John C.,
of near Dillsburg. The funeral serv
ices will be held at the home on Friday
Wholesale Liquor License
Granted After Refusal
Special to The Telegraph
Chamhersburg, Pa., March 2G. —
Judge Glllan yesterday granted Wil
liam S. Ensmlnger a license for a
wholesale liquor store In Chaiubers
burg. When the seven liquor licenses
were refused in Franklin county two
weeks ago, Ensmlnger was one of the
losers. His attorneys got up other
petitions because Judge Gillan said
that as 2,000 m< i and 3,000 women
signed the dem* lstrance and only
twenty-one men signed his application
it was plain that there seemed no nec
essity. The new petition with 1,400
names attached was presented to the
c ourt.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Blrdshoro.—County Superintendent
E. M. Rapp examined thirty-one boys
and girls who expect to enter town
ship high schools, and twenty-one
passed. The highest average was
made by Miss Dora DeLong, 84.9 per
cent., and Miss E. Mae Welch, of Un
ion township, and Sam :el Troutman,
01 Robcgon township, tied for second
honors at 79.3 per cent.
Mahniioy City.—Kicked by a horse,
John KUble, of Centralia, ia dying.
His wife found him lying unconscious
in a stable.
Malianoy City.—-John Peacock was
rescued lost night in tlie. Park Place
mine after being held prisoner for five
hours by a fall of rock. His legs were
Lancaster. Chester A. Dlnsmore.
asserting that he was made an invol
untary passenger on a Pennsylvania
Railroad train, to-day refused to pay
his fare and was arrested by Conduc
tor Haines. Locked in a car, he es
caped by a window when the train
reached Paoli, but was caught and
j.I-I . - < - »i ■
Rash Washe d
Away By D.D.D.
Skin Kept Healthy With D. D. D. Soap
We want all »kln sufferers who have
Jufferod for many years the torture of
laeaae and who have sought medical
Hid In vain to read this.
We, as old established druggists of
this community, wish to recommend
to you a product that has given many
relief and may moan the end of your
agony. The product Is a mild, simple
waih—not a patent medicine concoct
ed of various worthless drugs, but a
scientific compound made or well
known anttseptia Ingredients. It Is
made In the D. D. D. laboratories of
Chicago and Is called the D. D. D. Pre
scription for Enema.
This Is a doctor's special prescrip
tion—one that has affected many won
derful cures.
1 D.D.D.—for 15 Years—the Standard Skin Remedy I
brought here. He is held for illegal
train riding.
AJlcntown. Out of work, John
Dean, painter, 50 years old, took laud
nuin, declaring he wanted to follow
his wife in death. He is in a serious
AUcntown. —The will of Mrs. Cath
arine lleller, of Heidelberg, probated
here, leaves her estate to Mrs. Mary
Semmel, a daughter who nursed her,
and cuts off all Other relatives.
Pottsvlllc.—One of the li.iane wo
| men in the Schuylkill county asylum
at Schuylkill Haven collided with Mrs.
Mary Murray, another inmate. The
latter was thrown to the floor, sustain
ing a fracture of the skull. Death en
AUentown. —Former Senator Web
ster Grim, of Doylestown, was elected
■president of the board of trustees of
AUentown College for Women yes
Last evening the Rutherford Relief
Association held a turkey dinner at
the Keystone hot »1, Hummelstown.
More than thirty-five people were
present. William H. Earnest waa the
principal speaker.
——TT 1 1
The erect of D. V. D. Is to soothe
Instantly, as soon as applied; then It
Senetrates the pores, destroys and
tirowc off all disease germs and
leaves the skin clean and healthy.
We are so confident of the marvel
ous power of .l). D. D. that we have
taken advantage of the manufactur
er's guarantee to offer you a full-size
bottle on trial. You are to judge the
merl s of the remedy In your own
particular ease. If It aoesn'tiielp 70a
It costs you nothing.
D. D. D. Soap la made of the same
healing Ingredient*. Ask us about It
MARCH 26,1914.
" I
D.B. oi> ey&rg-drop j|
!If you like Havanna tobacco you
will like
i| They are all Havana cigars and
i; have that worth - the - price
;► quality.
• ; The aroma is rich enough for
any taste.
;! Worth the d me every time.
Made by JOHN C. HERMAN & CO.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.