Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 26, 1914, Image 1

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Herrisburg Pa
Fate of General Villa and His Army in Doubt; Rebel Hopes Are Wavering
Postal Appointees Compelled to
Assign Portion of Salary For
Political Purposes
Is Fiscal Agent For Palmer-Mc-
Cormick Organization in
Wilson Bailey, said to be the flnan
> lal representative of the Democratic
State committee, is connected with al
leged demanding of pledges of finan
cial support from post office ap
pointees In the York-Adam? congres
sional district in the Philadelphia
ledger's expose to-day. The l»edger
attracted widespread attention in this
section by yesterday's publication re
garding: certain developments and last
night cognizance was taken by Post
master General Burleson.
The Ledger says to-day: "Follow
ing the exposure by the Public Ledger
of the barter and sale of postmaster
ships in the Twentieth Pennsylvania
Congressional District, comprising
York and Adams counties, Postmaster
General Burleson to-night dismissed
James F. Singer, postmaster at New
Freedom, Pa. This action followed the
revelation that Singer had signed an
agreement to pay $75 annually to the
county committee as the pur
chase price of his office. Mi
nority members of the House
post office committee, after read
ing of the startling practices -in
Pennsylvania, frumed a resolution for
Introduction in the House, providing
lor an investigation of conditions in
Tork county. The resolution wan
ready for presentation to-day, but
upon the advice of some of the Repub
lican leaders, was delayed until the
Postmaster General has had tinio to
conclude his Inquiry.
Machine Involved
'Further disclosures to-day involved
the Democratic State organization in
Pennsylvania. It developed that an
emissary of the State Democratic
committee had obtained a signed con
tract from W. B. Relsinger, the post
master at Wrightsville, Pa., in which
Relsinger, appointed under the Wilson
Administration upon the recommenda
tion of Congressman A. R. Brodbeck,
of York, had agreed to pay 5 per cent,
of his salary to th« State commOteo
"Representative A. Mitchell Palmer,
Tecognized leader of Democracy un
der the present Administration in
Pennsylvania, and a candidate for the
United States Senate, promptly issued
a statement declaring that a full and
rigid Investigation should be made,
and any found guilty of wrongdoing
Another Postmaster Pays
"It develops that an accredited rep
t Continued on Page 141
Police Search For
an Escaped Leper
By Associated Press
Oil City. Pa.. March 26.—Local po
lice and health authorities continued
their search to-day for Frank Syra
cuse, a leper, who escaped from a
quarantined house early yesterday.
Syracusa had been in quarantine In
an Italian boarding house for two
months while state and county au
thorities were debating what to do
with him. The fellow-boarders dis
claim any knowledge of how Syracusa
escaped. The countryside is stirred
rind farmers arc watching for the
Earthquake and Storm
Cause Panic in Sicily
Messina, Sicily, March 2tl.—A shock
of earthquake accompanied by a vio
lent storm caused a panic to-day
among the inhabitants of this district,
most of whom (led to the open coun
try. When the storm subsided it was
found that the damage had been in
significant and that nobody had been
& .
Late News Bulletins
Buffalo, X. Y., March 26.—At the office of the superintendent of the
Pennsylvania Ila 11 road here It was stated that 300 men would be laid
off April 1 as a result of the poller of retrenchment. The noon train to
llttsburgh will be discontinued April 1.
Tlonolulu. March 26.—Tlie Ulter-Island steamship Maui, reported
to have gone down lajJt night with all liands after an explosion, reported
to-day from Kauai by wireless that she had arrived there safely after
an uneventful voyage.
U Paso, Texas. March 26.—General Luis Terrains received a tele
nam from Chihuahua to-day stating that his son. I.uls, Jr., was in no
immediate danger.
Washington. March 26.—President Wilson declared to-da.v that
with the exception of the united protest of the South American press,
the opinion of the entire world was unanimously in favor of the repeal
of the Panama tolls exemption.
Tokio, Japan, March 26.—-Strong efforts are l>elng made to induce
the Kmperor to designate Count Shlgcnobu Okuma as head of the new
Japanese cabinet. It has been urged on His Majesty that Count
Okuma, who was formerly foreign minister is a powerful and popular
Host on, Mass., March 26.—The jury in the so-called "l)e Luxe" book
case to-day returned a verdict of guilty against the three defendants,
Glenn H. Parmer and James Powers, of Xew York, and Samuel Rosen
field, of Chicago.
Sioux City, S. I)., March 26.—A number of persons were narrowly
rescued by firemen early to-day when Are burned a quarter of a block
containing Frank's Hotel. The damage to several llrms burned out was
$250,000. Frank Fulton and Cyril Lawton, llremcn, were crushed to
death under a falling wail.
Closing Minutes in Wall Street
Xew York, March 26.—The market closed Arm. Prices retraced
their courne slowly in the final hour, full recoveries occurring In Steel,
Vnlon Pacific and Reading. Hoom shorts were the chief buyers.
Wall Street Closing.—Chesapeake & Ohio. 52%; Lehigh Valley
148 J4; Xortheni Pacific, 114y 3 : Southern I'acilic, !>1»6; Union Pacific'
C„ M. & St. P., »»%; P. R. It., til; Heading. 165% ; Canadian
f-adflc. 206%: Amu I. Copper, 7ft'i; I". S. Steel. 68^.
No Definite Word Received at
Jaarez From the Front
in Two Days
No Explanation Offered by Rebel
Officers in Northern
By Associated Press
Juarez, Mexico. March "6. —Au at
mosphere of pessimistic anxiety en
veloped Constitutionalist sympathizers
to-day over the possible fate of Gen
eral Francisco Villa, and his 12,000
rebel soldiers, who at last reports were
engaged in desperate fighting at
Gomez Palacio, a suburb of Torreon.
For two days no definite word came
from the front.
• Not even u courier has penetrated
the desert between Torreon and Chi
News dispatches from Mexico City
received last night declaring that the
war department liad issued a bulletin
to the effect that Villa was in full re
treat are not believed generally in
Juarez, but the report caused rebel
officers to make further inquiries for
news from the battlefield.
Chao Seeks Xcns
Manuel Chao, military governor of
Chihuahua, haunts the military tele
graph operator day and night in ,the
hope of a message from Villa telling
of the fortunes of war.
Xo explanation was offered by rebel
I Continued .oil Pago 0]
Three Arrested at Orders of Police
Chief Under Policy of Keep
ing on the Lid
Following up his clean-up policy
Inaugurated some time ago when he
determined to drive scarlet women
from the City and clean up the houses
of ill repute, Col. Joseph B. Hutchi
son, chief of police, at high noon to
day ordered a raid on 1218 Wallace
street. Beatrice Clarke, alleged pro
prietress of the place; Mrs. Gertrude
Smith and ICdward -Martin were ar
Detectives White and Iback with
Patrolman Shelhass, a motorcycle of
ficer, made the raid. Both Mrs. Smith
and Martin are married. They live
near Camp Hill. Both have families.
The trio plead guilty before Mayor
Royal at a hearing this afternoon. All
were held for court under ball.
The Clarke woman whose place was
r ' *ed is well known to the police.
She at one time lived at 602 South
street in the heart of one section of
the tenderloin. Some time ago she
was acquitted on a c;harge of keeping
la disorderly housed Her place in
South street was closed when the lid
went on the tenderloin some lime ago.
By Associated Frets
New York, March 26.—Declaring
that some teachers In the public
schools are apathetic when it comes
to respect for the American flag and
that sooner or later unpatriotic teach
ings are bound to creep into the course
of study, Ernest W. Ellert Introduced
a resolution at the meeting of the
Board of Education yesterday mak
ing It mandatory for pupils and teaeh
lers to salute the flag, either imme
diately before or after the reading
of the Bible.
Mammal of Alice in Wonderland
Fame Never Dreamed Better
Than City's Engineer
Calendar, College Catalogs, Girls,
Fruits and Flowers Used as
The time has come, the Walrus
To talk of many things .
The ordinance providing for the
changing of names of eighty or more
streets was completed to-day, and
while it may be a question as to
whether City Engineer Cowden drew
Inspiration from the tale of Mr.
Caroll's loquacious mammal, the
choice of names indicates that the
Engineer had In mind a number of
things the walrus never even dreamed
Fruits and flowers, trees and birds,
the weather, ice cream, that which
the leopard cannot change, a few herbs
and roots of homemade medical
worth, travel, religion, education, the
taxpayers and the home
All of these things, and more, oc
curred to Mr. Cowden.
The ordinance ae perfected may be
offered at to-morrow's special meet
ing of Council, although the chances
nre that the measure will not be- Intro
duced until the regular meeting Tues
day. Commissioner of Streets and
(Continued on Pago 0]
Field Marshal Sir John French
Tenders His Resignation Be
cause of Trouble
By Associated Press
London, March 26.—Field Marshal
Sir John French, chief of the imper
ial general staff of the British army,
resigned his commission to-day.
The field marshal who was one of
the signatories of the memorandum
ilo Brigadier General Hubert Gough
| giving guarantees to the army officers
that they would not be ordered to
I fight the Ulster Unionists regarded the
repudiation of the document, by the
government as a slight on himself.
For this reason he resigned.
Although it was generally conceded
to-day that Premier Asquith had re
gained the upper hand In parliament,
[the government is by no means alto
jgether out. of trouble. It haa still to
I deal with the army officers in Ireland
under the new conditions established
by the premier's speech in the House
of Commons yesterday. Brigadier
General Gough declares that this will
| mean wholesale resignations and the
disruption of the army.
It is now asserted that as soon as
the government formally withdraws
the guarantees given by Colonel Seely,
secretary for war and Field Marshal
Sir John French, the officers will
again resign their commisions and as
one of them said, "this time in earn
There is aiso to be settled the ques
tion of what the army council will
Comment Aroused
Much comment was aroused to-day
at a conference at the war office of
all the principal commanding gen
erals of the British army. Those pres
ent included Field Marshal French,
Lieut. General Ewart, General Sir
Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien.
aide-de-camp general to the king, and
Lieut. General Sir James MoncriefT
Grierson, general In command of the
eastern district of England with head
quarters in London.
Colonel Seely and Winston Spencer
Churchill, first lord of the Admiralty,
also had a long conference with Pre
mier Asquith.
"Premier Asquith." according to a
statement by David Lloyd George,
chancellor of the exchequer, "will
make an announcement to-night on
the subject of the reported resigna
tions of Field Marshal French and
Adjutant General Ewart."
The statement of Mr. Lloyd George
was taken generally by members as a
confirmation of the report that both
generals had tendered their resigna
tions. One evening newspaper says
definitely that they have resigned.
Use Lighted Lantern
to See if Oil Is
Low; Two Are Burned
Going into the store of Oscar Wol
fensberger at Lemoyne this morning,
C. Bott and Laurence Witter, em
ployes of the Indiana Refining Com
pany. lit a lantern to And out if the
supply of oil was low in a large tank
In the store. They found out when the
oil ignited and went up, burning both
men but neither seriously.
One hand of C. Bott was burned,
and the flash singed his face, while
Witter's arm and hand was burned.
The lire smoldered among the Joists,
but the alarm was given by Catherine
Woifensberger, a daughter of the own
er of the store, and was extinguished
without difficulty.
El Poso, Texas. March 26. —General
Luis Terrazas, Sr., was anxious to-day
over the fate of his son Luis, who, It.
was reported, was condemned to ille
yesterday at Chihuahua unless he paid
f>oo, ooo pesos to the rebels. No direct
word of the fate of the prisoner was
received to-day.
. X :> ——
if Harrisburg had women cops and they could hit a mark,
'Twould be a time of terror for the prowler In the dark;
Policewomen with revolvers would not be known to fail;
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
—Apologies to Kip.
So sang Col. Hutchison this morning—no, wait, the colonel is not guilty when it comes to warbling. Let us
say, he. asserted, backing up the nrument that women with brains and nerve—not nerves—remember —would
bo valuable to the Harrisburg police force. Col. Hutchison said;
"There are times when a woman would be able to get evidence more quickly than a man. Women who can
shoot, accurately and would shoot if necessary, would be hard to find, but there are undoubtedly some women
who would fill the bill, and in the performance of certain duties they would be invaluable. It would take some
time to train a woman to the requirements in detective work and police duties."
Above nre seen some women recently added to the Chicago police force. The authorities there are watch
ing the experiment and think the police-ladles will make good with a whoop. Maybe some day you'll see the like
In Harrisburg.
Dawg Falls Into Emergency
Job at City Post Office
Friend of Late "Buck" Minn is Teaching Substitute Car
riers the Mail Route
A dawy—no, not a dog—a dawg
with gray bristles and an intelligent
eye, has fallen into an emergency Job
at the Post < >fflce. Licking stamps'.'
N'ope. Guess again. He is teaching
the substitute carriers who follow the
route of the late "Buck" Miunis. He
was, more or less, "Buck's" dog. but
"Buck" was one. of those large souls
who share their property in general.
Anyway the dawg followed "Buck"
around for several years. ,
Then, when the big, genial carrier
died, the dawg waited and waited. But
the next day he decided that he would
follow out his usual custom of helping
to deliver the mall. And so he started
j Several Prominent Harrisburgers
Become Identified With Man
agement of Big Concern •
Several prominent Harrisburgers to
day became prominently identified
with the management of the Harris
burp Foundry and Machine Works and
at the annual meeting new names ap
peared on the board of directors.
Christian W. Lynch, for years con
nected with the Hlckok company as
president and one of the best known
business men In the city, was elected
president and general manager; W. I'.
Mackenzie, vice-president and sales
manager: B. E. Taylor, secretary and
treasurer, and George A. Ilall, super
intendent. The directors elected arti
C. W. Lynch, David Fleming, William
Jennings, George W. Belly, W. P,
Mackenzie, James Brady and W. O.
IlicUok, 3d.
The company has a considerable
amount, of business on its books for
delivery this year, including orders for
its direct connected engines for oltlco
Portion of Kelley's
Army Is Near Pueblo
By Associated Pre;:
Pueblo, Colo., March 26. —A portion
of "General" Kelley's army of unem
ployed which is headed toward Wash
ington, D. C., is expected here to-day.
In possession of a refrigerator car 150
men left Sallda shortly after mid
night. A detail of police and detectives
will meet the train on its arrival here
and orders have been given not to per
mit a man to leave the railroad yards.
The army will be given its choice of
•going east or west and arrangements
have been made with the railroads to
furnish a car in which they will be
taken to some point but just how far
is not designated. ,
By Associated Press
Charleston, W. Va., March 26. —Coai
operators and miners of the Kanawha
Held, outside the Cabin Creek district,
will meet here tomorrow to consider
a working scale for the coining year.
* Seized with, an attack of acute Indi
gestion shortly before 7 o'clock last
evening, Loren A. Wolfe, 358 South
Eighteenth street, was taken to the
Harrlsburg Hospital last night in the
ambulance. It was thought at llrst
that Wolfe had attempted suicide, but
It later was found lie merely had in
out. The various substitute carriers
who have been on the Job since Mr.
Minnls passed on, know where to stop
by hatching the canine guide, who
knows all the spots where never a day
passes without the delivery of mail,
and he heads In at all the high spots
on the highway of the mall.
Whether Postmaster Seitz will ask
for a regular salary for One Gray
Dawg is at. best only conjectural. This
opens up an interesting field for specu
lation, in which it is possible to pic
ture Uncle Sam's auditing department
checking off an item, say, such as
For "Buck" Minnis' dawg—363
mutton chops.
Hindu, With an Independent In
come, Is Being Held For
i !
By Associated Press I
San Francisco, March 26 — Har Dyal,
former lecturer on Hindu philosophy
at Leland Stanford University, was ar-
I rested hero last night by the lmmlgra-
I tlon authorities charged with being
| illegally a resident of the United
States. He is held for deportation.
It was said on high authority that
Dyal's deportation is desired by the
British government. While in tills
country, it is alleged, he has advo
cated sedition in India and reports re
ceived here within a day or two were
that an' Indian malcontent was arrest
ed with papers from Dyal, urging sum
mary action.
College Men Surprised
Because of Dyal's culture, Htanding
I Continued on Page 61
Three Killed and Three
Injured When Automobile
Plunges Into Ravine
- j
By Associated Press
Dallas, Texas, March 26. Three |
persons were killed and three were
Seriously injured when an automobile i
swerved, left the road and plunged I
forty feet Into a ravine near here early |
to-day. Dr. Samuel P. Tipton, driver
of the car, and Mrs. Katie M. Loving
were crushed to death. Mrs. Loving's
son, William, was so badly Injured he
died soon after reaching a hospital.
All were residents of Dallas.
By Associated Press
Vancouver, B. C., March 2C.—Twen- j
ty-two miners, sentenced to varying
terms of imprisonment after riots at
Nanaimo, B. C., several months ago
have been ordered released by the
Duke of Connaught, governor general'
of Canada, according to advices receiv- j
ed here.
By Associated Press
Newport News, Va., March 26. j
Besolutions urging Congress to inves-'
tigate Secretary Daniels' recent award |
of a contract for building a supply,
ship and transport to the Boston and
Philadelphia navy yards, respectively'
«ere adopted at a mass meeting here'
last night. (
Franklin, Schuylkill, Montour and
Perry Counties Will Give Him
Large Vote For Nomination
Petitions were received to-day by
the nonpartisan committee having In
charge the campaign of President
Judge George Kunkel for the Supreme
Court bench from towns in Franklin,
Schuylkill, Montour and Perry coun
The Frankiirt county petition is the
third to be received from that dis
trict and contains the names of a large
number of prominent voters of
Waynesboro and vicinity, including
H. C. Goodman, postmaster; C. E.
Basore, merchant; R. C. Gordon,
publisher; Walter C. Todd, circulation
manager; W. J. Howman, merchant;
Jacob C. Funk, contractor, and B. F.
Hartman, principal of schools at.
Waynesboro. The petition was cir
culated by J. F. Newman.
Ira of Newport, who
sent in a petition from that town to
day, says that he finds lots of sentj
n ent throughout Perry county in fa
vor of the nomination of Judge Kun
kel and that he had no trouble get-
[Continued on Page fl]
Believe Depew Strike
Will Soon Be Ended
By Associated Press
Depew, N. Y., March 26.—The
State Board of Mediation was confi
dent to-day of arranging a basis for
settlement of the strike at the Gould
Coupler Works, where a regiment of
militia is on guard.
Several shots were fired in the
neighborhood of the plant early to
day. No one was Injured and the mili
tiamen did not return tne tire.
The funeral of Stanilaus Skolonski,
who was fatally shot during the at
tack on a work train Monday, was
held to-day from the Polish Catholic
Church. Five hundred strikers
marched in the funeral procession
carrying flags. The men were or
Dr. Little Will Speak
at Charities' Session
More than 500 are expected to at
tend the. annual meeting of the Asso
ciated Charities of Harrisburg at the
Board of Trade to-night, beginning at
8 o'clock. The chief speaker will be
Dr. Riley M. Little, Philadelphia, who
will talk on modern charity organiza
Seven new members of the board of
governors will be elected.
To Remove "Death Trap"
at Highspire at Once
The Highspire borough council held
a special meeting last evening and de
cided to remove the two-story frame
house and barn owned by Postmaster
K. F. Mathias, of Highspire. The two
story frame building is located at
Second and Roop streets and is known
as the "death trap." It extends into
a dangerous section of the street near
the trolley tracks.
The house is occupied by J. C.
Hocker, who conducts a general store.
The borough filed a bond of 13,500 to
cover the damages. Work for re
moving' of the building will begin next
Portland, Me., March 26.—The for
mulation of a platform upon which
the candidate for governor, to be
nominated o.t the primaries in June,
will stand, was the principal task of
the Democratic State convention to
day. .State, Thstrlct and county com
liuittees also were selected.
Leaders in House Abandon Idea
of Only Fifteen Honrs' Debate;
Agree on Twenty
Senator Owens Delivers Address
Supporting President's
By Associated Press
Washington, March 26.—Demo
j eratic House leaders abandoned the
j idea of only fifteen hours' debate on
I the Panama tolls exemption repeal
! to-day and agreed to twenty. This
I would bring a vote probably Satur
i Such a provision In a special rule
] brought 011 soon after the House as
sembled at 11 a. m. to-day, divided
the time so as to give ten hours for
' those supporting the repeal, to be.
i controlled by Chairman Adamson, of
' the Commerce Committee, Ave hour*
for the Democrats opposed, to be con
i I rolled by Representative Dortmui, of
'Michigan; four hours for the Republl
j cans, to be controlled by Represen
tative Knowland, of California, and
one hour for the Progressives, to be
controlled by Representative Lafterty,
of Oregon.
There was a tacit understanding
that the debate on adopting the spe
cial rule would be more limited than
was first proposed and probably
would be held to two hours or less.
Arrangement Clears Way
The arrangements cleared tho way
for the launching of the actual fight
in to-day's session. Nearly 100
speeches have been prepared on both
[Continued on Page 6]
| Women Who Talk Too
Much Will Lose Job*
Bv Associated Press
Chicago. 111.. March 26. Because
women assessors have been talking" too
much, the Board of Assessors yesterday
issued an order stating that deputies
will be discharged from the service If
they make public information regard
ing their work.
I Chicago newspapers yesterday prlnt
|ed stories regarding the work of wo
-1 men assessors In several fashionable
i homes in l-ake Shore Drive. The stories
told of onyx bath tubs, expensive
I lapestrles, hydro-aeroplanes ttnd rare
paintings. Numerous coinplalnas were
made to the board by families, a de
tailed description of whose household
1 effects had been tnade public.
By Associated Press
Buenos Aires. March 26. The
stato of siege at Rio Janeiro which
was proclaimed March 6 has beon
For Hun-lnburg and viclnityl
settled weather to-niisht and Fn.
day. probably thowerat not much
! change In temperature! lowest
temperature to-night about 45
degrees. . _, .
For Eastern Pennsylvania t Cloudy
to-night and Friday, probably
showers; not mneh change In
temperature; moderate, southerly
The Susquehanna river and its prin
cipal tributaries will rise to-
I night and Friday, except the up
! per portion of the Weil Branch
i and probably the Juniata will be
uln to tall to-night or Friday.
Kalnfall. If any, will probably be
llglit, and while there Is atlll
i much snow In the basin of the
Upper North Branch It has be
come aolldllled and will melt
1 rather alowly under the Inflnenee
of the prevailing high tempera
! ture 'that promises to continue for
at least thirty-six hoars, causing;
only a moderate freshet in that
General Conditions
I The extensive warm high pressor*
area In the East is separated
from a cold, high pressure area
In the Northwest by a barometric
depression central In the Sooth
west with It* front reaching
northeastward Into the Lake re
I Temperature! Ka. m., 52» Sp. m., M.
Sum Hises, «iOl a. m.| sets, tttXJ
; p. m.
] Moon i New moon, March 30, 1 iOO
' p. m.
Hlver »teget 4.8 feet aboTe low
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest temperature, at,
l.owest temperature, 33.
Mean temperature, 4T.
Normal temperature, 41.
I "
Working For
Your Pocketbook
It is the duty of all of us to
use every fair means to protect
our own pocketbooks.
That is thrift in its best sense.
When we spend money we
should be sure that we are get
ting something of substantial
value for it.
We should buy with knowl
The advertising In this news
paper assists you to this knowl
edge—lt plays an important part
) in your well being.
It Is tho news of the market
filace; and by reading and weigh
ug It you are enuipped to buy to
| the best advantage.
Women long ago learned the
value of advertising because they
have the largo part of the familv
Income to spend and must make
the dollars go ns far as posslblo.
They realize that It pays to
know—and to buy—when and
where the opportunity is best for
them. And they realize, too, that
they can gain this knowledge
from the advertising columns of
good newspapers like the Tele