Xfcfowen rgJnTeßfe-su£ THE "GREEN STOCKING" GIRL I A great many years ago when there was a lad for for every lassie, girls began in the playtime of their youth to prepare a store of household linen, for no girl was left uncourted after she had reached sixteen. One after the other of the daugh ters in a family stepped forward in mathematical preci sion, and was promptly matched and dispatched, and it almost never happened that the swain who caine a-courtlng looked beyond the oldest 'laughter of the house at her younger sister. Bhe was kept in the background un til her elder sister was married off, because her oldest sister always mar ried first. There was no doubt it would happen; it was as assured she would marry first as that the oldest tree In the forest is the first to fall. | The Quick Secret of a Lily-1 | Like Complexion Formulas § .Stcreta of Beauty That No Woman Should B« Without, Made Public • by Valeaka Snrntt, the Brilliant Actress, Famed For Her Self-Mude Beauty. By Valeska Suratt THERE Is a garden In every wom an's face where roses and lilies can grow in all their purity and loveliness. Th« trouble is most of us do not realize how marvelously beauti ful the skin nuy become by the proper method pursued and how quickly It may become 60. Years of time and effort are s»enfc with low-powered creams so extensively advertised, and with only one result, hope constantly deferred. The simpl'«ity and ease of the proper method or beautifying the skin are really astonishing. There are no half dozen things, steaming and rubbing and the wearing of masks, and what not, to be done. An example of what may be dose to the skin is shown by the results of the following formula. This quickly turns a skin, previously muddy, sallow or spotty Into one of exquisite loveliness, pure in Its tint, spotless at a lily, soft as velvet, and nothing tr it the generous use of this fdrmula /s necessary. Slmplv mix two tablespoonfuls of glycerini In half a pint of hot water The Skin Quickly \ ■mimes a Purity Which Rivals the Immaculate Lily." and add one ounce of zintone, which will cost not more than fifty cents at the drug store. Stir until cooled. It is then ready to apply. This should be used on the hands, arms, face and •shoulders; liberally, every day. • # * MISS F. G. S.—There is no wrinkle eradicator ever known "that has such prompt, visible results as the formula given below. It makes the skin youth ful and plump, and all lines of age, wrinkles and crows' feet disappear in a very remarkable way. Add two tea spoonfuls of glycerine and two ounces or eptol to a half pint of hot water. Stir constantly until cold. Use very liberally. The eptol you can obtain for not more than fifty cents at the drug store. Mix the formula yourself at home and you will have a quantity of wrinkle cream which would cost a good many dollars were you to be able to buy it In the stores. ■ ■ BEFORE HOUSECLEANING Time flies rapidly. A few days more and Spring will be here. Yet during these few days we can do a lot for you and for your comfort for the coming Summer. It is because we want every gas consumer to j get full value from the gas used that wc maintain i a free inspection and adjustment service. Now, there are undoubtedly many Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters in Harrisburg which need inspec tion and adjustment, because in time any me chanical appliance will get out of adjustment. Send for an inspector if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the service your Gas Range and Gas Water Heater are giving. HARRISBURG GAS COMPANY ■' j : I jlii I WEDNESDAY EVENING By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Conditions have changed. There may still be a lad for every lassie, but lads have grown more wary in the disposition of their precious per sonages, and lassies have grown more skeptical that the mascullno person age is precious, and also more inde pendent. Under the new dispensation, the man who comes courting picks out the girl he loves, and there Is no gainsaying him, though there may be ten older sisters left hanging on the parent tree. He Knows He knows, and his sweetheart knows, that if they sit down and wait till every older daughter is married off, they may be waiting when their locks are whitened, and the charms of youth which attracted each to tho other have forever fled. They know, the parents know, and, alas, even the older sisters know, that marriage is no longer the common lot; but is be coming every day more uncommon. He knows and she knows and the old gray world knows that Love is to precious to be put aside because, perchance, there remains an older sister to whom the story has never MISS HEADY—You will be surprised to see how vastly superior eggol Is to soap, as a shampoo. It removes the scurf, grit and greasy film from the scalp and hair as nothing else can, and leaves the hair glossy and shlm mery as no soap could do. Dissolve a teaspoonful of eggol In half a cup of hot water. This makes a shampoo that cannot be excelled, for its lather and cleansing properties. For twenty five cents at your drug store you can get enough eggol to last you several months. • • • MISS FANNY T.—Your hair will very soon stop coming out on your comb or brush, and you will notice a tre mendous difference In the lustre of your hair, in Its fast Increasing length, and its fiufflness, If you will make up the following formula yourself and use it liberally. Mix half a pint of water with half a pint of alcohol (or take a full pint of imported bay rum, | if you prefer it) and add to this one ounce of beta-quinol, which you can obtain for not more than fifty cents | at any drug store. This makes up I over a pint of the best hair grower ever known, and a quantity whtch would cost you mnnv dollars if you could buy it at the stores. MISS SPECKLKL>—i I I.,, realize that it is possible to rid the face of black heads in a few minutes' time by sim ply sprinkling some neroxln on a •sponge l made wet with hot water, and rubbing this on the face on the parts •affected with blackheads. There is no use pinching out these persistent blem ishes. as this spots the skin. You can get the neroxin for not more than fifty cents at the drug storo. * • • MISS R. G. M. By using many of the superfluous hair burners adver tised, one can easily detect the fact that you are afflicted with wild hair. They leave a red spot or burn, or irritate the skin, and sometimes re move the hair unevenly. Use instead, simple sulfo solution, which magically dissolves the hair, leaving no mark or injury. The simple sun . solution can be secured for one dol lar at drug stores. Apply it with the fingers. The work Is done in a few minutes perfectly FRIENDLESS—Try this for develop ing the bust It is admitted to be the most effective for the purpose, though you understand it is at best a difficult matter to produce such development. Avoid mechanical instruments. Mix together two ounces of ruetone. half a cup of sugar and half a pint of cold water. This makes a safe mixture, of which two teaspoonfuls after each meal and at bedtime. The ruetone will cost one dollar at the drug store. * # • MRS. T. R. W.—You certainly can get rid of pimples In a hurry. I would not advise you to continue the blood tonic you mention. Use the following which is a powerful blood cleanser. Dissolve twelve ounces of sugar and one ounce of sarseno In a pint of wa ter. Of tills, take one or two teaspoon fuls meals. Get the sarseno In the original package, by the ounce, at any drug store.—Advertisement. been told, or whose ears have been sealed by fashionable skepticism to the sweetness of the tale. And so, when Love comes to them, they wel come It, and the parents welcome It, and the older sisters will welcome it if their hearts are still sweet, and no one remembers that many years ago if such a thing happened all the older sisters would have to wear green stockings as a mark of dis grace. A Strange Objection Knowing all this, how surprising the predicament of a young man of twenty-eight who writes me that he has been keeping company for five years with a girl four years his Junior; that he is in position finan cially to marry; they love each other, and th'e girl's mother obbjects because an older sister Is left unwed! If this is the only objection, marry and make no delay In getting mar ried. You will show little apprecia tion of the happiness that has been put within your reach If you let an obstacle like this stand In your way. Green stockings, my dear, young man, are no longer worn. Madame Ise'bell Warns Blonds Against an Oily Scalp THE HAIR AND SCALP—PART IV. My experience shows me that while an oily scalp Is not so detrimental to hair health as one over-dry It is a condition difficult to remedy. Once the oil glands have got Into the habit of over-secreting, It seems very difficult to cure them. We can, however, do a great deal towards mitigating the 111 effects of excessive oill ness while we are trying to get at tha root of the trouble. For the Oily Scalp. An oily scalp should be shampooed as often as once a week. Be sure the sham poo mixture Is thoroughly rinsed from hair and scalp, and when the scalp is I dry rub with eau de Cologne or a tonic I especially prepared for an oily scalp. ! Dry the hair In the sun when possible. Let the hair hang every day, brushing the hair by separating it Into strands, and airing the scalp. Massage the scalp every night. Have no fear that this will Increase the over-supply of oil or excite the oil glands to greater effort: on the contrary massage will tend towards get ting the scalp Into a normal condition and correcting this fault. Cleanllneaa, Sunlight and Air. Remember that cleanliness, sunlight and air will do much towards remedying this condition. Don't wear your hair In close braids, but dress it so the air will get to the scalp. Blond hair suffers the most from an oily condition of the scalp for this Is certain to darken It and take away :he pretty fiufflness that we associate with light hair, To correspondents who write me asking what can be done to pre vent the Ijalr from becoming darker I offer as the first bit of advice: "Keep the •calp In good condition, and, above all. do not allow the scalp to become oily." The >«me Is true of gray hair; If the scalp Is oily It Is Impossible to make It look at tractive. To be continued. BOHOIIGH SOLICITOR AT HEAR ING Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 25.—John P. Carpenter, Sunbury's borough solici tor, went to Harrisburg to-day to be present at the argument of the first move to test the constitutionality of the new anthracite coal tax law there to-day, when the State will attack the suit of the coal companies. The new law provides for a two-and -1 a-half cents per ton tax on all coal , mined, the boroughs to get a fourth, | townships a fourth, and county and [Stato each a fourth. It will net Sun burg SIO,OOO and Northumberland I county $40,000 annually, In case it Is upheld. NEEDLE PENETRATES FINGER Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., March 25. —Miss Marietta Menear, teacher of the Dills burg grammar school. Is suffering i from a very sore linger on the left hand. Miss Menear was operating a sewing machine, when she accident ally ran the needle into the finger, and the point of it broke oft and remained :in the bone. The doctors thus far have been unable to remove the part iof the needle. An X-ray picture will i be taken of the finger to locate the bit of steel. TO VOTE ON NEW MINISTER Special to The Telegraph ! Waynesboro, Pa., March 25.—The ! consistories of the St. Paul and Har j baugh Reformed churches met yes terday in the St Paul Church to vote on a minister for the pastorate of the charge. All members of both con jslstorles, with the exception of two, ! were present and nominated the Rev. Joseph E. Guy, of Mechanlcsburg. His name will be presented to the congre gation next Sunday and voted on in two weeks. GOOD DRAWING CARD Special to The Telegraph , Waynesboro, Pa.. March 25.—A 'spelling bee for the benefit of the I Waynesboro Relief Association, will be 'held in the auditorium of the high (school on Friday evening, April 3. This seems to be one of the best draw ing cards of the season. ' HARRISBURG {*§!& TELEGRAPH EVEN THE-GIRLS IVIUST HAVE VESTS Fashionable Costume For the Younger Set With Jaunty Waistcoat 6177 Girl's Dress with Vest, 10 to 14 years. WITH FOUR-PIECE SKIRT, EL3OW OH LONG SLEEVES. Every costume that gives the bolero suggestion is fashionable for spring. Here 16 a girl's frock that is as pretty as can ba yet perfectly simple. The blouse portion is cut away to reveal the under portion that gives the effect of a waistcoat. The sleeves that are joined at the drooping line mean kimono effect. The skirt is just a simple four-piece one laid in plaits and the plaits, while they take straight lines, mean irredom for all the activi ties that girls love. Fabrics this season are unusually beautiful and unusually! varied and tnere are many chat are ap propriate for this model, but nothing -ould be prettier than the wool crepe illustrated with waistcoat and trimming of charmeuse satin. Later, however, washable materials can be made in this way with perfect success. For the 12 year size, the dress will require \ l /i yds. of material 27, 3 yds. ,36 or 44 in. wide, with 1 yd. 27 in. wide for vest, collar and cuffs or yds. of belt is made of .trimming material. The pattern 8177 is cut in sizes for R'rls lrom 10 to 14 years of age. It will 5 mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt of ten centa. Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. Grandnieces and Nephews Get Rich Man's Estate Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 25.—With $53,- 000 in cash in a Watsontown bank and another $50,000 in real estate, Abram Benner, a Dewart, Pa., mer chant died without making a will. Diligent search has been made ever since his death two weeks ago, but no trace of any disposing instrument can be found. _ Benner was a bachelor and was in the general store business for a half century. Fourteen grandnieces and nephe - vs, some of whom never saw him, will share the estate to the extent of SB,- 000 each, as the debts are small. F7I.ES account harm Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 25.—George Rupp, of Marion Heights, a Republi can candidate for borough committee man, surprised the office of Edgar Summers, prothonotary and clerk of the courts for Northumberland county here to-day, when he filed his expense account for the present campaign, al though he has not yet filed his peti tion as a candidate, with the commis sioners. He certifies that he spent less than SSO. The account is dated May 19, 1914, or a day after the primary. It is believed that he anticipated that he would not spend any money and sent the account in a little ahead of time. INCREASED TAX RATE Special to The Telegrcph Sunbury, Pa., March 25.—Northum berland county commissioners at their annual meeting at Sunbury yesterday increased the county tax rate one half of a mill. Last year's rate was four mills operating and a mill for retire ment of bonds expense. A half mill has now been added to the bond tax. Strength For Old People A Simple Remedy Which Favors Longevity. You act as though you Just won dered how you are going to get through this trying season and do your work. You may be overworked or have had a bad cold which has left you without strength, ambition or much interest in life; in fact you are all run-down. Let us tell you that Vlnol, our de licious cod liver and iron tonic, is just the remedy you need to rebuild wast ing tissues and replace weakness with strength. A prominent Boston lawyer says: "My mother, who is 76 years of age, owes her good health to Vinol, as since taking it she can walk farther and do more than she has for years. I con sider it a wonderful blood-making and strength-creating tonic." We have such faith In Vlnol that if It does not quickly build you up, re store your strength and make you feel well again, we will return your money. Try Vinol on our guarantee. George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harrlsburg, Penna. Vinol is sold In Steelton by T. Prowell. P. S.—lf you have Eczema try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it.—Adver tisement. pAn Invitation to Women^j No Buffering woman should seek the treatment of any unskilled person who has not had special training in the care of the delicate feminine constitution. J therefore invite every invalid woman to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists at the Invalids' Hotel ana Surgical Institute, Buffalo, New York, by letter or personally at our expense. V.M. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, New York. Remember your daughters it the same sufferings—to the headaches, backaches, hot flashes, dizziness, extreme nervousness, low spirits, lassitude—which afflict so many women at times. But the condition indicated by these symptoms may be reme died if the proper help is sought promptly. DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription flu Tablet or Liquid Form) is prepared under the direction and according to the directions of a physi- Ik cian of long and varied experience in the treatment of the troubles of the organs peculiar to women. It is soothing and strengthening. It is, in deed, a restorative, invigorating tonic which has lasting good effect upon the health and strength of women. Weak women are made stronger; sick women healthier by use of 7 „ " —m Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Two Daughters Given Health "It is with pleasure that I write you a testimonial of For over forty yean Dr. Pierce's Favor whtt jrourTavorite Preoption'ha, don. Cor ; te Prescription ha, given univer.al writes Mra. Ola Kxrkman. of faction. Now it may be cCtained in either Attoono, Wilson County, liquid or tablet form from all dealers in / \ medicines—or send 50 one-cent stamps / \ on, y "°y had not br€n t .. * ■ * *t_ . «i » . r% «• / for Dr. Pierce s Favorite for a trial box of the tablets to Dr. Pierce. I W \ Prescription and 'Pleasant ——i m iLrwrww——a—> I \ Pellets.' 1 also recommend Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets help and \ ™ 4-n JJ v regulate stomach, liver and bowels. On ® to thre x e tlr IY granules to a dose. wm^ww?^m d ™nd"u.h feasant to take as candy. y remedy to my friends and to all who suffer from female complaints." Mrs. Klrkmnn —————————■* Leonard Johnston Made Burgess of Waynesboro | Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., March 25.—Judge W. Rush Gillan, in court in Chambers burg yesterday, appointed Leonard Johnston, of the Third ward, burgess of Waynesboro, to fill the unexpired term of Harvey T. Routson, who died last week. Mr. Johnston is a Repub lican and was a member of council for several years. Mr. Johnston will serve until the tirst Monday of Janu ary, 1918. He is considered one of the most capable men place in Waynesboro. PARADISE SCHOOL COMMENCE MENT Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., March 25.—T0-day the ninth annual commencement exer cises of the Paradise township high school was held in the I. O. O. P. hall and very largely attended., The vale jdictorian was Arthur D. Park, and the salutatorian Hiram G. Troop. For I the first time in the history of the [school was both honors awarded to young men. The class numbered nine —four girls and live boys. TRAINING TALENT FOR PLAY Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., March 25. —Miss E. May Bookwalter, of Harrisburg, arrived in Waynesboro yesterday to begin training the people in the home talent play to be given here April 16 and 17, under the auspices of the Girls' Circle of the Lutheran Church. Miss Bookwalter conferred with the society last evening in regard to the play. HII-O-NA QUiGKLY ENDS END GESTIOI Do not continue to suffer with indi gestion or dyspepsia causing heart burn, dizziness, after-dinner distress, headache, biliousness, pain in the bowels, or sour and gassy stomach. Get effective and lasting relief at once. Buy from any druggist—to-day—a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets. They quickly and surely end indigestion and stomach distress—are pleasant to take and perfectly harmless. lYli-o-na is one of the most depend able remedies for disordered stomachs. It heals the sore and inflamed mem branes and is not only a digestive and antacid giving prompt and effective relief, but is a tonic that tones up and strengthens the entire digestive sys tem —the flow of gastric juices is in j creased, then the food Is properly di gested and assimilated—you enjoy ro bust health. Why suffer stomaoh distress another hour? It is not only needless but may be dangerous—many serious diseases are the result of neglected stomach ills. Do not delay—get a box of Mi-o-na from H. C. Kennedy, take them as directed, and If you are not entirely satisfied with results money re funded.—Advertisement. •VW.VSWAVASVWWWVWVM I A.B.(HASE Grand Upright ;! N and |! Player Pianos jj YOHN BROS. !; 8 North Market Square !; EDUCATIONAL SPRING^TERM Begins Monday, March 30. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq. Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College I Day and Night Business, I Shorthand and Civil Service. In i dividual Instruction. 28th year, j 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. MARCH 25,1914. | "*~Yes, and after I'd bean laid up all winter, bad jj\*£ | doctovtd, and tried everything I could think of, I and was just about ready to give up the light, Sloan's Liniment did for me. And it'll 1 Sloan's Liniment never fails. It's penetrating —goes straight to the sore spot —lulls the pain. All you have to Kljffigfflr j do is to lay it on lightly —110 rubbing ifflai : '4HßH STOPPED SHOUUIER PAINS ROItVEO SCIATIC RHEUMATISM '£ Mrs. J. H. Blcckwcdek, of Groton-cn- Mr. Pcrigo,of 647 W. 25 th St., Des Moines, H Hudson, N.Y., writes: "I had rheumatic lowa, writes: "We have used Sloan's Lini- H pains in *ny shoulders and bark so bad I inent for over six years and found it the ■ could not move without se ream in?.:. We best we ever used. When my wife had W 1 happened to a half bottle of Sloan's sciatic rheumatism, the only thing that B Liniment from a neighbor and it worked did her any good was Sloan's Liniment, ft like magic; the second Application relieved We cannot praise ii highly enough. ig my «ufi'erio£ entirely," aiOAN S LINIMENT is splendid for sprains, bruises, neuralgia, lumbago, lame muscles and stiff joints. Afocays keep a buttle in the house. At ail dealers. Price 25c., 50c. and SI.OO | OR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., BOSTON, MASS tAt the Great "Paquin" Paris Model Exhibition held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York City, from March third to eighth, the one great fashion novelty shown I on almost everv dress and blouse was THE JAPANESE COLLAR. This smart fashion innovation was first described and illustrated by Pic torial Review in the March number issued February 15th, and continued in the April number. Once again, as usual. Pictorial Re view was the first American publica tion to present the new style. Before you decide on your Spring and Summer dresses, visit our pattern department and ask to see the follow- 1 wg patterns illustrating the Japanese ' FOR LADIES FOR MISSES 5553 5570 5542 5598 5531 5588 5604 5582 5609 5596 5599 FOR GIRLS— S6I4 W»i»t 5570 Skirt 5601 F ° r M,e n at ictori . al RevieW 1 5c for each number Pattern Agencies Dives, Pomeroy OD. Stewart At OWE! CLOGGED KOSIR.LS OPEN AND COLO-MHO OB MRU VANISHES Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head, Tliroat—You Breathe Freely—Dull Headache Goes—Na»t> Dlscliurge Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try It—Apply a 11.' tie In the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the ■mall bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, frag . a—M I . : —.. J_ —I muunaMMM Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads. rant balm dissolves by the heat of th« nortrlls; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which llnea the nose, head and throat; clears th« air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake to-night struggling for breath, with head stuffed; noßtrlla closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith—Just once—in "Bly'g Cream Balm" and your cold or ca tarrh will surety disappear.—Adv. 5