8 Xfcfofflen rismreßes The Man Who is Hard to Please ■ Frank writes me: "I am keeping company with a girl of nineteen. I am twenty-one. Recent theater and* to sup per. and spent seven dollars 011 lier, and I got one kiss good night, and now she has thrown me down. Answer soon." But what may one answer to such a wail as this? lie had the pleasure of the girl's company at a cost of seven dollars to himself, and she kissed Uim good-night. After ■which she threw him down. He feels injured, the thought rinding no room 5n his little brain that the man who spends money on a girl, and counts what he spends and demands a return in such payment as he may see fit to exact, is too contemptible to merit For Freckled, Rough or Spotty Complexions j The freckling, discoloring or rough- j ening to which delicate skins are sub-, ject after exposure to wind or sun,, often appearing in early spring, may readily be gotten rid ot. Mercollzed wax, spread lightly over the lore retiring and removed in the morn ing with soap and water, complete!, peels ofT the disfigured skin. Get an | ounce of the wax at any druggists.. There's no more effective way of ban-, jailing freckles or other cutaneous de-. s'ects. Little .skin particles come oft ; • ach day, so the process doesn t even | temporarily mar the completion, aiiu ( one soon acquires a brand new, spot less, girlishly beautiful face. Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or illness, are best treated by a simple solution of powdered saxolite, 1 p 2 -; dissolved in 1 pt. witch hazel. Bathing the face in this produces a truly mar- j velous transformation. | Need Coal? Most coal arc low at this season of the year and replenish ing must be done to tide you over till warm weather. \\ hy not Ret— KELLEY'S COAL? The coal that makes the furnace easy to manage —that keeps the house comfortable with lasting heat, and the ash pile down to aj minimum. That's Kelley's Coal! Ask the people who have been using it for years. BL M.KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Thini St. 10th and Stale Streets. I A.B.(MSE j j :• ■j Grand \ Upright ij •! and 5; \ # i j Player Pianos i\ it s : : YOHN BROS. 8 North Market Square \ * Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Lffect November 30, 11)13. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and .Martinsburg at 6 03, *7:52 a. in., *3:4 Up ni. For Hagerstown. Chamttersburg, Car lisle, Meehanicsbu>-f and intermediate Citations at 3:03, ~ :32. *11:63 a. tn„ •3:40, 5:32, *1:40. *11:16 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at i):4i a. m. 3:18. 3:27, 6:30, 9:30 n. in. For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:52 and •11:53 tu m.. 2:18, *3:4U, 5:32 and G:3O p. ni. •Daily. All other trains daily except Kunday. H. A. KIDDLE, , J. 11. TONGi: U. P. A Supi. KDL'CATIONAI. ' SPRING TERM Begins Monday, March SO. PAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq. Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa. UNDIdKTA KICKS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer US Walaui St. Bell Pliun TUESDAY EVENING. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX anything save a "throwing down." It is a pity that all such men do not re ceive their Just dues as promptly. He feels that he did not get his money's worth, not knowing that the society of a nice, decent girl is not for sale, and that if the pleasure a nian finds in such a woman's com pany is not recompense for the outlay of cash then the sooner they part com pany the better for both, and particu larly for her. Better that she provide her own amusements than be the guest of a man who accusingly counts up what every hour in her company has cost him. Better go through life "un beauxed" than be In the debt of a love-Shylock for a few dances or thea ter tickets. , Better live aad die an old maid, than drift through an engagement i with a niggardly lover into the mar riage to a more niggardly man, waiv ing the doubt that a man who de mands returns for his cash outlays Reformed Church Synod to Meet at Lancaster Sp-cial to The Te'cgrapk Columbia, Pa., March 2 4.—On May 12 the General Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States will con vene In triennial session in the First Reformed Church, Lancaster. This' synod convened in Lancaster in 1579. ' The synod represents a confirmed and | unconfirmed membership of 4 31,000 j persons. There will be about 350 min- j isterial and authorized lay delegates j and about the same number of vis- j itors. ■ ■ | I A Cheap Ticket and a Free Map and Pictures All About, the Big West and Northwest Country j | It used to cost a lot of money to go out West on the railroad, but it doesn't any more—not on the C. B. & Q. Rail road, anyway. You can get a special cheap ticket to most any place in the far West or Northwest. Just write me and 1 will tell you how. I will send you a map of the coun try. too, and interesting printed stuff; with pictures that tells just exactly! what you want to know about the i country. The railroad pays me to do this and ' it don't cost you a cent. You'll be glad i to get this information anyway i whether you decide to go or not. So get busy and write me to-day and tell j me where you want to go. Wm. Austin, General Agent, Paasen-! per Depts., C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., 830 ! Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Adver tisement. I Superfluous Hair Disappears Like Magic i -New Wonder Makes It I'll necessary to l«e Dangerous, Disfiguring Kleetrlo Needle or Hurniug Pastes, Powder* or l iquids Every woman in this vicinity who sufters the deep humiliation and em uarrassnient of superfluous hair and who has used any or all of the worth-! less advertised depilatories in a fran- i tic search for lasting relief, will rejoice to learu that an entirely new method ! has been found which uuickly and pain- 1 lesslv eradicates all signs of uglv re -isod twanpoad puu squvoaS jiwtj s.v'isind tive, complete- and certain results in every Instance This remarkable mas ter-stroke of modern chemistry can now be obtained by sufferers through tlie enterprise of a well-known woman who succei-ded In permanently removing every trace of her own lialry growths after al) «*lse had failed In her honor it is called Mrs. Osgood's Wonder, it is the only effective eradicator that never fails to remove all signs of su perfluous hair smoothly and painlessly and without Injury to the skin or com plexion. In a surprisingly large num ber of cases it has succeeded in kill ing the hair roots source of all growth so that it has never returned. Kennedy's Medicine Store hatf b»en fortunate in securing a supplv of Mrs Osgood's Wonder which you can secure on the guarantee of money-back If u fails: or any other-up-to-date DYug or Department Store can supply vou or eet it for vou Ask for it l'y name. Mrs. Osgood's Wonder. A signed guarantee comes with every package, but do not forget that while there is lu , danger of applying this amazing discovery to even the most sensitive skin, it should not be us<-d except where total destruc tion of the hair wherever applied is de sired.—Advertisement. Ladies Delighted With Q.d French Recipe to Surely Darken Gray Hair Thousands have waited long for this wonderful preparation that brings I '»ncl< youth, beauty and natural color to gray and faded hair without the l use of poisonous lead or any dye. I.rMoj 's Cream of Sage and Quinine |is guaranteed to perfectly color gray lor faded hair, and restore it to its youthful color. It promptly eradicates dandruff, banishes scalp Itch over night, stops falling hair, and causes the hair to grow abundantly and luxuriantly, and for a small sum one can secure a large bottle. Druggists everywhere are pleas ed with this old French recipe.—Ad- vertisement. C. W. TOWSON'S HlKb tirade lilion 1.1 CK and DAM) I lilt AND j BUTTERINE : uloud l uck. Me lis.t - lbs. for 4lK'i 3 lbs. I for TOci 3 Iba. fur 11,15. Dandy. Ib.i 2 lbs. for 4Sci S Iba. lor »I.OU. 1 The best grades for table, cooking and baking We guarantee all goods I we sell Deliveries to all parts of tb« , city Bell phone. K-Jll MAUIvKT STHKET i 1C SOUTH THIUI|.;I \TH ST. fgggyiETSj bJbmJI ilj easts 4 Cold Over Night •ItilCK KKMEDV r«»R ORIP ! *wall Tablets—Easy lo Take— M C'eai> : GORGAS' DRUG 3TORBS s« Wart* Third »t. Pavsa. has anything honorable as marriage in view. The companionship of the young woman for one evening cost liim $7, and his regrets do not mean that her society was not worth that much, but, rather, that he spent $7 more than he could afford in justice to himself. Pew young men of twenty one are earning wages that justify an expenditure of %7 for one evening's amusement, but when they are pro fligate they have only themselves to blame. No nice girl goes around begging a young man to spend money on her, and there are too many nice girla in the world to afford the excuse of escape from loneliness for the young man who goes with the other j kind. If a young man spends so much | that he is handicapped in his re | sources he has only himself to blame. 1 The companionship of the right sort of a girl is worth tenfold the financial cost. The companionship of the wrong kind costs too much if it costs nothing. FOOD INSPECTION | MEASURE PUSSES [Continued from First Page.] rr . - Action of Council In To-day's Session New food inspection ordinance, inciuuing provision 101- appointment oi LWu «tl annum aarnes and Joseph liom gaianer appointed sewer inspectors. Ordinance to pave uerry street, twenty-second to Twenty-tmru, passeu Anally. Harrisburg Hallways Company to start changing tracn.6 on Monuay. Application for position of special license tax ofticer from William F. Hurley. uruinances passed finally: l'aving Seventh street, Kmeraid to Woou oine; reguiating construction oi siuewallts; constructing sewers in twentieth street, Spencer to Swat ara; bwatara, Twentieth to Twenty - urst. Discussion of 11)14 budget; oppo sition to provision of for as sistant health otticer. sioner Taylor promptly informed the president of Council that "Air. Taylor not only serves as the City Solicitor s clerk, but really is his assistant now. The solicitor couldn't get along with out a man of his caliber." When the vote was called for Mr. Gorgas voted "no," because, as lie said, "he didn't understand enough about the position and whether or not the new one was necessary." The same tactics were tried by the Mayor when the rood inspection or dinance was read. "Now this provides for two or three offices " he began, when Commis sioner Bowman interrupted: "Now why not say two, Mr. Mayor, when you know it provides for only two ?" "Two? Well, 1 beg your pardon," returned the president. Bowman KaiaCb Question Mr. Bowman questioned now the samples of foodstuffs were to be col lected unless there were officers pro- ; I \ ided for tne purpose. If the samples ' were collected and inspected, the city I couldn't hope to collect tne license] taxes, he pointed out. "Couldn't the license tax officer do j it?" the Mayor wanted to know. "Why, where will be get tne time?" shurpiy returned the commissioner of public safety. It is necessary, lie in | sisted, to have the necessary officers ' to make tne collections if the tines ; lor violations are to be imposed and | ihe ordinance enforced. Them's the Orders! And when Mr. Gorgas and the Mayor also voted "no" on that meas ure Commissioner Taylor smilingly called out: | " 'Them's the orders'!" The Mayor's objection to the ap. pointment of an assistant health offi cer was based on the ground that it isn't necessary when there is no small pox to be taken care of. Mr. Bowman pointed out that the new officer will tuke charge of all contagious diseases. For smallpox the city has paid $420 at the rate of $lO per day and the whole bill will total about $9lO. "But," protested the Mayor, "we're not obligated to pay $lO per day." "You've got to pay," returned Com missioner Bowman, "what you can get a competent man to work for. Of course you could get a man 1 suppose who will do this work for $4 or $5 a day, but I doubt if you can get a com petent man for less t'.*an 510." Thresh Out I.i« ense Measure For more than an hour Council threshed out the license tax ordinance, and some proposed amendments. Among these was u change to lower the rate for Insurance agents from $lO to $5 per year. The Chamber of Commerce and other business interests and merchants were represented by Attorney John T. Olmsted and George I B. Tripp, president of the Chamber of Commerce. Some residents of Tenth street in the vicinity of the Ninth street plant of the Harrisburg I.lght and Power Company, protested against the smoke nuisance. Mr. Tripp, vice-president and general manager of the company, said that the matter had been refer red to the company and that the nec essary steps to comply with the wishes of the petitioners were now being taken How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Bew«rd for any ease of Catarrh tbit cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. bate known P. J. Cheney for tbe laut IS jears. and bellere bin) perfectly honorable In all bußlni'H.i transactions and Unancially able to carry ont any obligation* made by bis firm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. Ohio. Hall'H Catarrh Cur* la taken Internally, 'ictlnc ! directly upon th blood and mucous surface* of i the ryatem. Testimonials scut free. Price U > cents per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. ' | Tilt* Hall's lamiij Fills for cuiMtiyatio* temnsßtmo fßfigtTEUsmxpa DISCUSS CITY-WIDE REVIVAL TOnfIGHI | Proposed to Build Tabernacle at Seventeenth and Chestnut Sts. to Seat 8,000 Pastors and lay men interested in a city-wide evangelis tic campaign will meet to-night in the Fourth Street I,* Church of God. The meeting will bo an jttffL open one, and every "A /TO*! pastor in the city I _ has received an in- MHllaltf vitation to be pres ent, together with as many men of his congregation as he |R> . . desires to bring with , The Rov. F. T. Cartwright, asso ciate of the Stough evangelistic cam paign party, now working in Mc Car mel, will be present, to explain fully the details of the projected campaign. The proposed campaign is well un der way on Allison Hill, and it is proposed to build a big tabernacle, seating S,OOO, somewhere in the neigh borhood of Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. The "call" for the campaign party has been' signed by a majority of the pastors on the hill and the llrst meeting of the campaign will be held on Sunday, November 1. Although efforts will be made to begin the cam paign about two weeks earlier. Une meeting of to-morrow evening is the direct result of a suggestion made at a meeting of the Civic Coun cil of Churches held last Tuesday evening. liiblc Conference March 30.—The fifth monthly Bible conference, to take i place March 30 and 31 in the First Baptist church, Second and Pine streets, will be conducted by George i-,. Airich, Eascon, who a:so will ap pear in Grace Methodist Sunday School Sunday, March 29, and in ad dition will speak to the Allison Hill Men's Christian Association in the I-enney theater on the same date, Sunday, March 29, at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Alrich's address will bo "On the Jericho Road." At the Bible confer ence Mr. Airich will take these sub jects: Monday, March 30, 3:30 p. m., "Our ieasona-le Service"; 7:45 p. m., "Our full Citizenship." Tuesday. March 31, 3:30 p. m„ "Our Life in the Family of God"; 7:45 p. m., Our Walk Among Men." PERSONAL [Other Personals on Page 4] MR. AND MRS. TYSON WEDDED FIFTY YEARS Receive Congratulations and Beau tiful Gifts on Their Golden Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tyson cele brated their golden wedding Satur day, Alarch 21, at their home, 214 3 Jef ferson street. A color scheme of white and gold prevailed in the decorations of the house, with daffodils, ferns and Spring blossoms used in profusion. The bride and bridegroom of flfty years ago received many beautiful and valuable gifts and had the pleasure of entertaining guests from Altoona, Blairsville, Pittsburgh and. this city. After a simple anniversary "cere mony, refreshments were served to the following people: Miss Hulda Tyson, Miss Margaret Tyson, Miss Emma Gault, Stewart D. Tyson, John Tyson, Joseph Living stone, Charles Messersmith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Adi son Seiber, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koons, Mr. and Airs. William Ney, Mrs. McClellan Hench, Mrs. Ida Gault, Sir. and Sirs. C. E. Tyson, Sir. and Sirs. Howard Gingrich, Sir. and Sirs. Hugh Ayle, Sir. and Sirs. John Ross, ' .Mr. and Sirs. Edwin Feeze, Sir. and I Sirs. Mervin Cook, Mr. and Sirs. John [Gault, Sir. and Sirs. Ambrose Sloist, Sir. and Sirs. George A. Werner, Jr., the Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Klaer, Dr. jand Sirs. David S. Funk. I LADIES OF WALKING CLUB HOLD A CAItD BKXLFIT Another in a series of benefit en tertainments arranged by members of the Harrlsburg Walking Club, was held yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Sirs. Lawrence L. Ferree, 1830 Regina street, with Sirs. Ferree, iMrs. Waimer, Sirs. Bacon and Sirs. Seibert, hostesses. | Supper was served after games of 'five hundred to Mrs. Louis Drumheller, i Sirs. J. C. Scattergood, Sirs. John D, jPugh, Mrs. J. Geiger Ingram, Sirs. Vallerchamp, Sirs. Nicodemus, Sirs. V. ' Hummel Slaeyer, Mrs. William Seidei, | Mrs. Knouse, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Anna j Bacon, Mrs. J. C. Orr, Sirs. Seibert, I Sirs. Holman. Mrs. Turner, Sirs. Ging rich, Mrs. William Hawley, Mrs. E. L. Waimer, Sirs. J. A. Underwood, Sirs. R. W. Dowdell, Sirs. Conley,-Mrs. S. D. Harding, Sirs. Baker, Sirs. Beard, Mrs. William Brennan, Mrs. L. G. Var ney, Mrs. Borman, Sirs. Cordery, Sirs. |llershey, Sirs. McCreedy, Sirs. Cromie, ! Mrs. H. G. Keffer, Sirs. F'rank La- Chance, Sirs. William Edmondson, [Mrs. Boyd, Sirs. Samuel Weidenmyer, I Mrs. H. C. Ross, Mrs. Lutz, Sirs. C. E. !L. Kene, Sirs. E. Z. Shope, Sirs. H. |G. Crane, Sirs. David Cadwallader, ! Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, Sliss I Forney, Sirs. Luther Walzer, Sirs. Per ry, Sirs. Strode. Municipal Band Gives Annual Spring Concert The annual Spring concert by the Municipal Band, Frank Blumensteln, director, will be given Thursday even ling, March 2fi, at the Arena Theater, : Third and Delaware streets! The pro igram will include: Part I—March, .'"Semper Fidelis," Sousa; selection. ."Echoes From the Metropolitan Opera | House," Theo. Moses dance, ["Dance of the Hours," Ponchielll; no* Ivelette, "Tete-a-Tete," Thompson, i Part II —March, "Whip," Abe Holtz- I mann; selection, "Merry Countess," ijohann Strauss; Idylle (a) "Stolen |Moments," Leo Friedman, TV>) "Hu ' moreske," Dvorak; descriptive, "A ; Hunting Scene," P. Bucabossi. The officers ol the, band are: Presi dent, George W. Adams; vice-presi dent, W. W. Burris; treasurer, H. C. iHartzell; secretary, Frank D. Kersh 'ner; trustees, W. O. Williamson, H. B. Brown, M. Crawford; conductor and manager, Frank Blumensteln. WILL SPEAK ABOUT JVFITKR "The Giant Planet Jupiter and the ' Asteroid Family" will bu Iho topic elcudated to-night before the astrotio mical H'ction of Uie N'aturul History Society by M. W. Jacobs, wlvv Is i.ljaii - I man, at 8 in the Wllliard School bund ling. Study of the principal coiis'ol ' lationa of the will be begun. ONLY SEVEN BEFORE JUVENILE COURT BAR Five Youthful Defendants Just "Bagged It"; Session on Friday Before Kunkel lat I » J!, Only seven small /JT\& defendants, new Jjf ones, that Is, will jfcj' > face President Judge Kunkel at > the March quarter 2fi|j sessions term of juvenile court Fri- F ?|?®S you ngs te r s will have to answer to ing; iue otner live comprise the quintet I who "bagged it" from school not wisely but too well. The number of new cases thus far listed is unusually small as a rule; there are nearly a score of cases to. place before the juvenile court judge. In addition to the new defendants however, there are half a dozen or more cases that had been continued from previous terms. These, too, will be passed upon. While It has not yet been decided as to just when John Thomas, the murderer of a fellow-waiter in an Eighth ward hotel, will be called for sentence on the charge of manslaugh ter. it is generally expected that he will be arraigned at Friday's session of sentence court. Realty Transfers.—Realty transfers include the following: Addie A. Doel ker to Elizabeth Enterline, 1420 North street, $1; F. JI. Trombino to N. DeSantls. 1016 Hemlock street, $1; Daniel Strouse to R. Runkle, $475; William Kline to R. E. Runkle, sl, both in East Hanover; Clara Ii Small to S. R. Baker. Susquehanna township, $6,150; C .A- Crook to K. Delucca, Lower Faxton township, $1; W. H. Cumbler to P. Zlogan, Steelton, sl. At the Register's Ofllee.—Letters on the estates of James Gregory and Clat ence H. Motter were granted respec tively to-day to Al. K. Thomas and I. E. Motter. March Argument ami Orphans' Court —Half a dozen cases were argued fol lowing a brief session of March or phans' court this morning. Both Presi dent Judge Kunkel and Judge Henry. Lebanon, specially presiding, were on the bench. Twenty three guardians', trustees', executors' and adminis trators' accounts were presented for confirmation in orphans' court, excep tions having been filed to but two. March Desertion Court Finished.—A few hold-over cases of desertion and surety court were heard by Judge Henry. Among the cases was that of Harvey Rowe, whose pretty 19-year old girl-wife had him before Judge Henry on a charge of failure to sup port her. Harvey, who is barely 21. declared that he made several efforts to call upon 'his wife after she had gone home to her mother, but that every time he went to call his wife's mother promptly sent her daughter and his wife to bed. To Build at Cameron and Mat-lay.— A permit to build a 2%-story brick house at Cameron and Maclay streets was issued to-day to Joseph Bradley. The dwelling will cost SI,BOO. D. Frank Lebo 111.—D. Frank Lebo, | chief clerk to the County Commission ers, was too ill to-day to come to this 1 city. Large Audiences Hear Miss Grayce at Majestic Large audiences greeted Helen Grayce at the Majestic theater yes terday where she opened a week's en gagement. "The Lion and the Slouse," one of the best of the late successes, was given both afternoon and even ing In a way that won much favor. Sliss Grayce renewed her popularity and as Shirley Rossmore who fights the money king single handed, she gave a delightful portrayal of the role. Lawrence Brooke made an excellent Jefferson Ryder and showed that he is a leading man of merit. Rodger Barker who for many years has been identified with the Appell attractions scored a hit as Ryder, the million aire. Others in the c.".3t deserving mention are Thomas Burrough, Earle Ritchie, Frank O'Brien, Earl Howell, Helen Robinson, Antoinette Hochte and Hurberta Mack. Sliss Grayce has many of the best plays of several seasons in her re pertoire scheduled for this week. — Slax Robertson. HAS APPENDICITIS Harvey Bricker, of 1520 Walnut street, was operated upon this after non at the Harrisburg Hospital for appendicitis. ESTABLISHES XEW RECORD Johannistlial, Germany, Slarch 24. i—Linnekogel, a German aviator, to day established a world'-! altitude i record for a flight with one passenger in an aeroplane by attaining a height of 18,050 feet In his monoplane from the aerorome here. HAVE PRETTY M Soft, Fluffy Abundant—Use Par isian Sage. It Stops Falling Hair and Itching Scalp. If your hair is not as soft and heavy as that of some friend, do not despair—do as she does—give it daily attention. Beautiful hair is largely a matter of care. If it is too thin, make it grow. If it is harsh and brittle, soften it up—lubricate it. If you have dandruff it is because the scalp Is too dry and flakes off. Freshen up the scalp with Parisian Sage and all dandruff disappears. Parisian .Sage, sold in flfty cent bot tles at drug and toilet counters, is Just what you need. It quickly stops itch ing head, cleanses the hair of dust and excessive oil; takes away the dryness and brittlencss, makes it seem twice us abundant, and beautifies It until it Is soft, fluffy and lustrous. You cannot be disappointed in Pa risian Sage. Always sold by H. C. Kennedy on money back if not satis fied plan.—Advertisement. A J Aao Co-Einol«nt Strength t» 1 " Carbolic Acid /Disinfectant | ~,0. uiciut & Kconomlcai. A I/\ Destroys all Disease Germj f: In Bill* Parkngt-K 10c, 25c 50c and iI.OO. „ I Any Grocer, DnigcUt W or Dept. Store Destroys Odors I r i KgV B M «Og| are curable. All ktl*la ! KB ■ ■ W ■ W mean aufTertnK and BJf ■ I k danger. The CAUSE % IW- <" alway. internal JK I EinkSA Dr. Leonhardt'l * """^HENI.ROID taU"U pruduo* am Mm* rosults by attacking the 1 INTERNAL CAUSE. The pilot are ririod up and j |>t»rinafi«nilv cured. 24 days' treatment. 11.00, , bit. LEONHA HOT CO., Buffalo. N. Y. (froo book' ] ttvld by Ivonaody MedlcUo Stores. UarrlafctUS ■ J. A. McCurdy, KUaltoji. and tlaaltra. MARCH 24,1914. Children Cry for Fletcher's "* 11 ,' t l nr?i I fnm 0 « U Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. 11 .Iletcher, and. has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one I ™*r,, in t K ,s ; Counterfeits, Imitation ° and 1 aro T , but experiments, and endanger th« health of Children-Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTORIA . t/astorla,ls a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It containsniltimi. I Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, ft de vllrTt ? allays Fevcrlslmess. For more tlian thirty^ years it has been In constant use for the relief ol Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It regn lates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. I The Children s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Bn Use For Over 30 Years I INVITE CARLISLE PRESBYTERY Waynesboro, Pa., March 24.—At a special meeting of the Ladies' Mission ary Society of the Presbyterian Church, the secretary was instructed to invite the Presbyterian Foreign Mis sionary convention of Carlisle Presby tery to convene here next year. The annual session this year will be held In Carlisle, April 1 and 2. iQgl/ m e Beaut.j PartoTj June: The "French complexion fad" you inquire about is probably the craze for liquid powders. They are thought to be more wholesome for the skin as well as more beautifying and less likely to show, than ordinary powder. The following preparation can be made at home from ingredients to be purchased from any druggist. Get 4 ounces spur max from your druggist, dissolve in | one-half pint hot water and add two . teaspoons glycerine. It Is splendid In j effect, looks very natural and clings j as if it belonged to your skin. Lilly:, You will find shampooing with : a teaspoonful canthrox dissolved in a • cup hat water is a quick and pleasing way to free the scalp of dust, dandrult' and excess oil. This is a cleanser and invlgorator most appreciated by one whose scalp is either dry. scaly and ' itchy or profusely oily. Its use re- i stored healthful vigor to my scalp and induced the hair to come in plentifully, with a gloss, agd greatly enriched col or. Bess: Tfio best blood-cleanser I know is kardene because it ucts on the liver and kidneys and if as you say, you are troubled with severe and con stant headaches, it is an indication that! your kidneys and blood need attention. I To prepare, put one ounce kardene I (from the drug store) into one-half pint alcohol (whiskey should not •bo I used) then add one-half cupful sugar! and hot water to make a full quart. A tablespoonful bfore meals is the dose This kardene tonic gently expels pois onous waste from the body and tones up the internal organs so they can do! their work. You will find this .tonic' good for lost appetite failing strength, I and to clear up th——.—i—————■—i ii ———■ ' WILLIAM REACHES VENICE Associated Press Venice, Italy, March 24. —Emperor William arrived here to-day from Ger many and was officially received by the authorises while he was cordially greeted by a large crowd. »Hls majes ty at once went on boa.d the Imperial yacht Hohenzollern. ♦ down and who can blame her, now that present styles demand slimness'' I always recommended parnotls (which 1 I mix up at home) as the safest, cheap- 1 est and best flesh-reducer. Oet four 1 anlv C <. eS |n Pan '° tis . at dru KB | st's and dis solve In one and one-half pints hot water. Cool, strain, and take a table- 1 spoonful before each meal. Dieting or ' I exercise Is not necessary with this. • Mrs. S.: My own experience with wrinkles was three years ago when I | removed them with a very Simple, n- I expensive preparation which I made by mixing an ounce of almozoin (from my druggist s) In one-half pint cold water and adding two teaspoonfuls glycerine This, by contracting the n . slow 'y. restores healthy ftFmness and keeps the surface circulation of tho blood so good that a perfect natural | glow develops In tho cheeks, I havo used It ever since. Madge: No, you need not have lots of money in order to give your hair and scalp perfect care. I often recom mend many made-at-home items which be " fe , r t h ?n high-priced patents. As a hair tonic I get an ounce ] of qulnzoin at the druggist's, dissolve I it In one-half pint of alcohol and add , one-half pint of water. Rub a little at a time well into the scalp and your I dandruff will disappear and you will I keep your scalp healthy. I Exie: T brighten my eyes and rest them when tired by putting a few drops I of crystos solution Into each and bath i lng the lids with the same. I make the | tonic by getting an ounce of crystos from the drug store and dissolving it in a pint of clear water. It will not | smart and Is soothing and healing it ,is the safest way of making the eyea | sparkling and expressive. Betty Dean's Beauty Book, $5. (Adv.) r^, an,i sift a " tlle poisons from the blood, and drive it out of the sys tem. f So sure, so positive, so quick and lasting, are the results obtained from the use of Croxone, that throe doses a day for a few days are often all that Is required to cure the worst case of backache, regulate the most annoying bladder disorders, and over come the numerous other similar conditions. It is the most wonden il prepara tion ever made for the purpose. It Is entirely different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth to compare with it. It is so prepared that it is practically impos sible to take It into the human sys tem without results. You can obtain an original package of croxone at trifling cost from any first-cla-? drug store. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Croxone falls to give desired results; regardless of how old you are, how long you havo suffered, or what else has failed to cure you.—Advertisement.