Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    >EW SPRING COAfiTS|~JkJ§ A JL ±±- L ▼ JL A JL 1. X?TT| Nobby Separate Dress Skirts
iT BIG SAVINGS ■ W m V ■ ■ aCP U BT W M ■ Ml ALL AT underselling PRICES I ;
C_ M apartment now compl... W.h .b* „.»« ■ Ml I I tllSlT M |"f f T. SOS '° f«25
rtf «tvii«h rnntK p ,he newest materials and every new color; every A Poplin Skirts irom $.5.9 i) to $6.95
new style is here; J» n for * lrls years - Every Coat >s rea " H m Handsome Plaid Skirts from $1.95 to' $5.95
aonably priced. II 11 |1 J a T*j H M df 11 f 1 Silk Moire Skirts, special at $4.95
<t»l AC (O Qf% $Q Qf\ onn 5R4 QFI ■ T ILwllulh J! Extra Size Skirts from. $2.95 to $(>.95
ipl.t/O, (X-'vU, ipu.v/u Clliu HAVE * ou SEEN THE NEW pantaloon skirt—on show in our
The PRErEASTER Underselling Sale Continues All This Week
Over 800 Easter Suits—4oo Easter Coats, 300 Easter Dresses From the Best Makers
Broight Together in All Their Beauty and Freshness And Offered at the Lowest of Low Prices
Special Prices Always Come After the Season Is Over. i ~,,„„ ,
In This Sale They Come Ahead of the Season, for the Purpose to Prove ..
to You That Kaufman Always Undersells. \yjep -/
Hgh Grade Easter Suits Pretty $1 Q .90 Handsome Easter Suits
Values to $35.00 for • Easter Suits, * = $lB to $22.50 Values for / , jfjV
VALUES TO $16.50 (|/l [ UP" 1 fll
ft\ f \ K** *ood assortment of new Spring models in assorted colors {fo *1 f\ Cjv(
Stunning $
A tru* wonderful collection of the very finest suits from j EoSteT StlttS, = The b ' gSeSt aSSOrtment ° { neW S P" n S
the best makers. The styles reflect the best feature, demon- J VALUES to s°7 so Models ever shown anywhere at this price. Every ' / JM SfflfFA ll'' , u J^'^Tk
zxi sr t K. jmiwTl/M ml/M
pretty tans, tango, etc. All the new materials including silk. Every new material; all the new colors including black and ua e cl, » 1 dII K u < green, wistaria, etc. All sizes lor mmj\U \Jj |\
poplin and new silk moires; all sizes for women and missesj navy blue; all sizes for women and misses. women and misses; also extra sizes up to 51.
Nobby Easter Colts For For the Extra Large Women, the Hard to Fit 1 /Jjf jJ
\\7 nmar\ Dn rl We speclalize on Suits, Coats and Dresses, showing a varied assortment, in just the V^3»< nil/!/I i f f
V V UlllCll ailu I'lOOw styles and models you want. Handsome Sui s nobby Coat and pretty Dresses. Suits in
Coats in medium and three-quarter length, Plaf or fancy trimmed. Loose and B '^ B^ 3 !!aii Suits size s, 38 to 4ti%. Coats in sizes 37 to 51. Dresses in
lemi-backs, unlined and full lined with fancy silks. The materials — wool eponge, ' are erate '- v priced. / r\ /
I pheviots, crepes, diagonal*, crepe poplins, Bedford rd s, shepherd checks, taffeta silk. Suits from $15.00 to $30.00 Coats fr °ni SIO.OO to $20.00 r"> Ato ■
| /moire silks and staple serges in all the new desirab} colors, including the staple blacks ... n - * * /f«. Hi uV\
! and navys; all sizes for women and misses. The prices are ! »""»•"""«»• SIO.OO to $20.00 ll\\
$5.95, $7.95, $lO, $12.90 sls, $lB and S2O <
The New Balma<aan Coats at You Ca E^tlr'Drel! ct Your fi mWill (I Ira nl
T From the big assortment shown here. Hundreds of the new- jl JofW/A ll ' I 1 Y\Z ffllllt
U 1 lICOS . mode , dresses ; mad e Of finest silks; taffetas. fll ul
crepe meteor, poplins, crepe de chine, messaline and char- t I I 11/ • I Iffllll lllilJW
Pretty English Tweeds in Grays and taf Novelty plaids.. Wool eponges in tari a S6 t anf V C openha' b 'e " aVy bIUe ' res<?da ' wis- • / MpWig|/ I I
j plain colors, white, Copenhigen, tan and also chinchilla in white and colors. Taffeta 'and° Messlfllne SUk Dresses; values to o**7 rvr- I I - fj* ®
Prices are SIO.OO. Special for !p< .t/U * ICr Ij( jfiv*
$3.95, $5.95, $7.5 C SIO.OO to $15.00 | | ./ .®||j
# Uvely Easter Millinery in This Underselling Sale \ ■ / (
\ /ife Good style without extravagant cost is the strong point of { I
j l ' W ™| he Kaufman Millinery—New creations from our own designs
« J idded-In all this week's showing is more attractive than ever, i f
W*J\ fHundreds of new styles for yoiir choice. ] v <>■'
Jlii 'Beautiful New Easter Newest and Best Styles 4> & msjk
I ! «™t," at L in Untrimmed HatS ! Remember All Allerations I '
I r - in jf\S s °' 95c ' sl j 9s ' $2 - 95 ' $3 - 90 I Free of Charge and a
i jj;::'- . s . 6 : 9 . oandup to $25 , and U P to $ 7 " 50 | Per'ect Fit Guaranteed.
38South 4th. Street
Our (triple Stock of Rugs in All Sizes Must Be
Sold Befr A*il Ist. Regardless of Cost.
Tene'l* 79 j?
TV, Rg. 27x54 mug
Vp?t>russels Rugs 27x54 JQJJ
A/iijiter Rugs 27x54....
ym Rugs 27x60 $| gq
ZHiWer Rugs 36x72 $2.98
xminster Hugs 27x60. ...
Jest Grade Axminster Rugs 9x12 ... .$14.98
Tapestry Brussels, 10 Wire Seamless
m .TTTTTTT $10.98
9x12 Seven Wire Tap
/ ... . . ,
fy Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph Want Ads.
iniyiE GIVES I
Army Officer Discusses the Excel
lent Plans For Gettysburg's
Officials of the State of Pennsylva
nia are paid a high tribute for their
work in handling the reunion of Civil |
War veterans at Gettysburg in the re- j
port of Major James E. Normoyle the
quartermaster who had charge of the!
encampment, made public at Wash-i
ington to-day.
In connection with the report of the
Gettysburg celebration, the following
letter from Secretary of War Garrison
of the War Department, to Major Nor
moyle is significant of the govern
ment's appreciation of the way in
K. TWIN scnew.o.ooo Ton, R.g 14.120 oi» P .(For NORWAY]]
IHk * uit,S dfc Lu *« w,th Pri »»tl Bath* Swimming( Summ.r Crwi.o. J(
WlP* Gymnasium. Orctwttr* *nd Oth«r feature*. A "
"is -M
f»o« IK* Maw 9 ' HMH
NEWYORK "AY fc l|!T|j||j|||lU
1 HrX -# o*®moru v%T
If jh
Ilk The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company flj|| 111] |( II
|WHL SANDKKSON* SON, Geaeral Afratt, 22 Htmte H|| Ira D I
JM St- New York, or P. Loru llummrll, 108 Wl IIIIHII ■
Market Street, Hintobirg. jl jjj||j|| II
which the encampment was handled.
"I desire to express my appreciation
of the-very successful manner in which
you discharged the responsibilities im
posed upon you at Gettysburg. Re
ports at hand indicate that the camp
was admirably established and han
i.i ' t ' le Quarters were comfort
able, and that messing facilities, ar
rangements for bathing, sanitation,
etc., were very satisfactory. The suc
cess of this great encampment of vet
erans, which, at one time, reached a
total of approximately 65,000, com
posed almost entirely of men far ad
vanced In years, was very largely due
to your efforts. A copy of this letter
has been filed with your efficiency rec
I Major Normoyle, In his report, gives
.great credit to Lieutenant Colonel
Lewis E. Beitler, who, he says, was
I "one of the few Indispensable men
who not only managed things at Get
| tysburg, but before Gettvsburg. For
| two years prior to the celebration he
gave his entire time and unsurpassed
ability, undaunted by difficulties and
discouragements, to the success of the
reunion, and it is not too much to say
| that his services could not have been
I dispensed with.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
York.—Charles Neser, 19 years old,
went to bed as usual Sunday night
and awakened to And himself lying
in a concrete alleyway with a broken
leg, he having fallen out of his third
story bedroom window and landed
thirty feet below. He is in the hos
Williamsport.—Mrs. Minnie S. Lay
man, aged 70 years, was found dead
In her home yesterday. She lived
alone and had i.ot been seen by the
neighbors for days.
Shenandoah. —The bodies of George
Isgate, 55 years old, and John Decrish,
18 years old, who were swallowed up
by the old workings of the Thomas
Colliery here last Friday, were re
covered yesterday.
\Y likes-Barre. Refused a renewal
of his license to sell liquor at the re
cent term of license court, Frank Ru
dolph, aged 48 years, of Swoyersville,.
became despondent and committed
Wilkes-Barre.— Dropping into the
mines of the Kingston Coal Company
at Courtdale when a cave occurred
yesterday, a small locomotive was en
gulfed and John W. Wier, a brake
man, of Edwardsville, narrowly es
caped death by jumping.
Slatlngton.—Triplets, all boys, were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin,
here, Sunday morning. The young
sters are healthy and weigh four
pounds each. Mr. and Mra Martin
have been married fifteen years and
arc the parents of ten children, all
Pottsville.—Setting off a pocket of
gas In the mine of the St. Clair Coal
Company at St. Clair yesterday, Peter
Caterno and Andrew Stevage were
seriously burned and are In the local
Special to Tht Teltgraph
Marietta, Pa., March 24.—Clau day
exercises of the Paradise township
High School were held to-day In the
I. O. O. F. Hall at Paradise and were
largely attended. The orator of the
day waa Chester A. DUler, of Lan
"MARCH 24,1914.
Special to The Telegraph
v Lewistown, Pa., March 24. —Cleon,
9-year-old son of William Rodkey, is
lying in a serious condition at his
home here from the effects of being
bitten by a dog. The lad was crossing
an apple orchard to his home on
Stratford's hill, when the dog, a large
species, attacked the lad and hit him
on one hipe, badly tearing the flesh
I Passers by drove the brute away and
I assisted the lad to his home where
. he Is in a state of coma. .
hien Welcome
Mother's Friend
A Duty that Every Man Owe* to Those
who Perpetuate the Race.
| It is Just as important that men should
| know of progressive methods in advance of
motherhood. The suffering, pain anil dis
tress Incident to child-bearing can be eas>ily
a-olded by having at hand a bottle of
Mother's Friend.
This Is a wonderful, penetrating, exter
nal application that relieves all tension
Upon themuncles and! enables them to expand
without the painful strain upon the liga
ments. Thus there Is avoided all those ner
vous spells; the tendency to nausea or morn
ing sickness Is counteracted, and a bright,
•unny, happv disposition Is preserv»d that
reflects wonderfully upon the character and
temperament of the little one soon to open
•ts eyee tn bewilderment at the Joy of his
arrival. You can obtain a bottle of
"Mother's Friend" at any drug store at
11.00, and It will be the best dollar's worth
yon ever obtained. It preserves the moth
er's health, enables her to make a quick
and complete recovery, and thus with re
newed strength she will eagerly devote
herself to the care and attention which
mean so much to the welfare of the child.
Write to the Bradfleld Regulator Co., 129
Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, da, for their valu
able and Instructive book of guidance for
expectant mothers. Get a bottle of Moth
er's Eii cod to-djur.
Try This Treatment for
Removing Ugly Hairs
(Helps to Beauty)
No pain, and very little expense, is
attached to this home-treatment for
removing unsightly hair or tutz from,
the face, neck or arms: Make a thick
paste with some powdered delatone
• and water. Spread this on the hairy
surface and after 2 or 3 minutes, re
move, wash the skin and the hairs will
have vanished. It is well to keep a
small package of delatone handy to
use whenever superfluous hairs make
their appearance.
| Oil and I
| Grease
Easily Removed
Oil and grease spota
and arty other soil or
stains are difficult prob
lems for you to handle,
but our improved methods
of doing this kind of
work makes it easy for us.
We call for and deliver
Both Phones
Clearing and
1245 Market Street
Try Telegraph Want Ads,