Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 24, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 Fourth Street Window Special -v- k rCWQjt \ Fourth Street Window Special ) .1 omen^~^ c C o^ oo ribbed Union Suits; low neck rA \ Women's 50c Cambric Drawers, with lace or embroidery Dives, Poiu«roy & Stewart. Street Floor. • ■—■ ruffle. W ednesda) " -^ T Y aewnd Floor. Spring Suits for Men I Ginghams and Madras y*r<tL Some suits have iust a touch of _ fU/o, Cn«vi/N440 rj[ daring in pattern and cut These ! 1 CdVCb UII IIIC I aillUUb ?»*y are for young men. Others have A J T jfefcav what might be called a conserva " +*r MMKsasssmr" Anderson Looms tivc j a « nti » ess — for ,nen who ar€ V JmM v * , .. , . ... . . . . bv no means old. Still other stvles Every woman knows the style, quality and beauty of D. are thoroughly dignified and none _ and J- Anderson Ginghams-fabrics that have been coming (Htm Hoßlui thc le,;s eminently ittrictive T from Glasgow, Scotland, close to a century. So fine are these IM » All have this in _-.hev cottons that they are recognized as the world's standard dress u wi/Ps they all sound the clear bugle call We show them in more than a hundred styles In fancy ■ i®BmL plaids, and solid shades, the colors of which are absolutely I ie?tion now. Ul Even if'you preferto TVT O ' T ' L T™ 1 William Anderson Ginghams in stripes, checks and solid I ImIMmI wait, let the pleasure of anticipation I I O | £1 TDTt 1 shades. i ard 25$ I 'nrm! mtm start to-day. Come in to-day and -*■ ' ▼▼ £ Iffm ilflH™]/ 1 get acquainted with the suit or light 25* f f-ijfJ InSff i 3' r weight overcoat you are going to \T\ • , <\ TT™\ ~. ._ _ , . / ilm fi« lIU bu - v later - \/\/ I I I M fll lit Wherever you stand on this ▼ ▼ IllllClll lYllgO of checks, stripes, fancy plaids and solid shades. J \m I M question, come in! We'll be glad to «-«.• Dress Linens, 36 inches wide, 19 different shades, yd., 500 I ll I 'W//i see you. We know you wilt be glad Y\ hittall rugs are woven from yards imported direct from the Orient—the longest wool fibre 9f . PI . Q „ r „ n(1 w fw-,1 uv a I II X Jf/l! to see our clothes for Spring. possible to hnd is the only one suitable for Whittall quality, and Whittall paterns are machless in - 00 Pllsse Crepe, inches, floral designs on white ground, I Jt Spring Suits at SIO.OO, 912.00, execution and coloring. yard 16 * ff IHUrltr 4jj"l \ iwi y*i w iv) I»«>A iw\ i ITr . . ... . __ Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart, Street Floor# i Ariw /• , o°' an d \\ hittall s Anglo-Persian Rugs— WhittalFs Tepric Wilton Rugs— WjL-C*: " v rht. Whittall's Anglo-Indian Rugs— Rugs— New Fiction for —i W vr :^ :::::::::SS w-, Weaves Specially Priced QUEED ta S °^ a Worcester \\ tlton Whittall's Peerless Brussels Rugs— . np< ♦ * oi 50r JUl± RI, S~ w « la $45.00 10.6x10.6 feet *34.50 J " Everv one of the titles is a good one M '"lts and if you are a reader of present day fic- WW Pomeroy & SteWtirt ~ Third F,oor - of white weaves for summer dresses and skirts, and at no time tion the following list needs no introduc- m-Jmtmm ~~ during former Spring seasons have we had so strong a list of tion. gfci Kennedy Squan- The Blue Flower . or , . r , . . _ , , Within the L«« The Little Sheuiiard of Kiiwiiom i • • | TOM.L.G. Come vJOWfl OTTI HI fl F\ 1"t on wide. Reduced to, yard white goods. Reduced to 25^ The iianrttoa Quw „ Ol 11U1I Id IIUII I ICUCO \7c sheer white voile; 40 Sheer figured white weaves The Pia<-e of iione>ni<M>n The Ketuni of ivter t.rimm » . inches wide. Reduced to, yard, t , , The Winning of Barbara Worth J The Connie. For the DeJZ. A A 4-1 ~ \ 1 U A Re , dUCed t0 namsteci Quarries The Trail of the Axe xxl G ftC\X\T\Q Vl 11C M AA The Mystery of the Bau.e CaW- The Co„Un K of the U,,, MHUV/llllg 1▼ J. The one Day Trail J" the t.arden of equity -Made of soft nainsook and trimmed with \ al. lace and lace insertion the new envelope chemise w Vt''-/!■ 'ReHi rt \he^ce° Ugt t^l^lQ Jennie Gerhar.it Yii" Iviui olive «i , has come ,n tor man . v favors. Every woman who has seen this new garment is charmed with fee Reduced to, yard, to the piece ... b.)O to $1.19 ! ionesome Laud Dive" Pomer" '7W Stre et US Sira P llC,t - V and excellent adjustable feature 6 *I.OO and #1.50 w . • . . , .J C h,te . ,le ' , 40 The Manager of the B. &A. i. 1l(or n ' stPeet j White check crepe, yard, wide. Special, yard .... ' 1 Crepe Undermuslins Infants' Toggery ' 13J/2 0 D - p - & s -» street Floor. Night gowns and combinations, trimmed Infants' long coats and capes, /£ - - . X I with lace insertion and lace picot edge or ' $2.95 to SIO.OO ' I embroidery edge St.OO Infants' Caps 50? to $2.95 Dlv* e , Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Infants' Short Coats $2.95 to $5.95 Spring r X Spring Draperies \ J Curtains The true harbingers of Spring are the activities that are commencing in many homes—prep arations for housecleaning. All this will mean changes that include the hanging of new sash curtains, draperies and summer curtains. We have gathered a wealth of new Spring and Sum- ' mer Hangings, and call attention to these offerings gleaned from our complete stocks. Curtain Scrims In colored designs 38 to 40 inches, Flat Edge Muslin Curtains, 2 4 yards lone ui.ir yard 15t\ !»<• and 25c ' -P. . a. - A Fine Curtain Ktanilne, heavy colored border with E-I„„ I.- . v , _ , • Uo,, ,:> white and cream grounds, 40 inches, yard 3»c , „ (1 f >et Curtains, 2% yards long, sill Plain Soriin and Voile, in white, cream and ecru; length, pair $1.50, $1.98 to $4.00 40 Inches, yard 15e, 19c and 25c l ight Weight Draperies in beautiful shades of Bcuutiful IVinted Cretonnes in rich dark shades, green, brown and mixed colorings, pair, yard 25c and 39c $3.75, 555.00 to $7.50 Floral Cretonnes for Draperies, upholstering and Window Shades in oil and cambric all color* cushions, yard 39c to 50c ' ..5,, , n 7 r.., I Scrim Curtains in white, cream and ecru, pair. • Let us estimate on furnishing your home with new 85c. 98c, $1.25 to $3.00 shades. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. J) Roosevelt Will Receive Gun Used by Schrank Milwaukee, Wis.. March 24. The revolver with which John Schrank at tempted to kill Theodore Roosevelt in Milwaukee In October. 195 2. will be presented to Mr. Hoosevtlt, together with live cartridges which remained in the weapon when it was seized. K. E. SI inter, who asserts he wrested the revolver from Schrank. to-day asked Judge A. C. Backus, of the mu nicipal court in which Schrank WM tried, for possession of the firearm. Judge Backus granted the request after obtaining a promise from Mln ter that he would hand the weapon to Mr. Roosevelt. ENTERTAINS BOYS SCOUTS Twenty-one members of Troop 4. Boy Scouts of Harrisburg, last nigV were guests of Admiral Thomas L. ; Montgomery, State Librarian, in the' Htate Museum. After explaining the System in force in connection with handling the volumes that come to the library, the Admiral eutertained the boys with a lecture on nature study, during which lantern slides on sub jects in botany, zoology and geology were shown. LOOK FOR BANK BAN DIT ' Officers of the Pennsylvania Rail road worked overtime last night watching freight and passenger trains, from the west yesterday afternoon and night, hoping to land the Altoona bandit Colonel Joseph IJ. Hutchison received a request from James X. Til lanl. chief of police of Altoona, to look out for the fugitive, as it was lie- j lieved he was headed for Harrisburg. i la a Moment of Depression [From the Sioux City Journal.] Xo sooner is the backbone of winter eliminated from the occasion than it becomes necessary to take into con sideration the backbone of March. ; H A Salesman | If mailed an important I order to his house. The m letter was delayed. | II The goods arrived 48 I m hours too late. A § If!- Western Union Day or - 1 If Night Letter would f; m have saved this sales- p || man a customer. The | 31 cost would have been | m THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. I Tmlephont or call at any office far rata* TUESDAY EVENING, SONS OF VETERANS FROM NINE COUNTIES COMING Members of the order of Sons of v eterans from nine counties will at tend the meeting of the Susquehanna Association to-morrow night. It is expected that 200 will attend. The meeting will be held in the rooms of General John F. Hartranft Camp, >o 16. The big feature of the meeting will be an illustrated lecture on "The In vasion of Pennsylvania and the First Day s Battle at Gettysburg," bv Harry Long son of the late battlefield guide, Captain H. D. Long. FIREMAN SIDESWIPED James Wilder, aged 43, of 1000 Cumberland street, a fireman em ployed by the Philadelphia and Read ing Railway, was Injured last evening while riding on his engine when side swiped by a passing locomotive. The ■"C •--•-• nt occurred in the Rutherford > ards. He was picked up in a serious condition and was rushed to the Har risburg Hospital. His injuries consist of cuts and bruises about his face and body. POLICE CHIEF GETS READY TO STATION NEW MEN When assured that the measure pro viding for five additional patrolmen and one captain of police will pass, Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison will ar range for additional traffic officers Permanent stations will be es i tablished at Thirteenth and Derrv Cameron and Market. Third and Wal nut and Fourth and Chestnut streets. MACHINIST HELPER HTRT | Joseph Sliawt, a Hungarian, of 726 (Mohn street, Steelton, was admitted • this morning to the Harrisburg Hos pital, suffering with internal injuries received while at work at the Pennsyl vania Steel Worws. Shawt is a ma chinist helper. He was knocked down , by a flying weight. Boy of 15 Holds Police at Bay in Terre Haute Torre Haute, Ind., .March 24.—Af ter a battle with the police, during which more than fifty shots were ex-; changed, Ernest McWilliams, aged 15 MONUMENTS j 1 lie granite or marble used in a monument expresses the senti ment desired by the person employing it to mark the last rest- : ing place of a relative. Quality of the stone, artistry of design and cutting are the three i Luckenbill qualities which produce memorial stones of the! highest grade. Luckenbill stones are works of satisfaction, but cost no more than others. A post card brings representative or catalog. A. H. LUCKENBILL UNITED PHONE North Union Street KOUUBBURG <6BB TELEGKXPH isurrendered, when his clothing WUJB soaked with blood from many wounds. The boy was caught early to-day in ! i the gun shop of Edward Tetzel and i when called upon to surrender, re plied with a fusilade of shots. , When the police armed themselves I with riot guns, McWilliams barricaded Ihimself 'i an automobile in the rear 5,0f a store and kept up a continuous | fire. All the window panes in the ■ store were broken and the automo bile was riddled with bullets from the Policemen's guns. ; Carnegie on Hands and Knees, Recovers Dime New York. March "4.—Andrew Car nogle lost a dime yesterday in the Hotel Astor. He was attending a luncheon given by the National Civic Federation and when he pulled a handful of silver out of his pocket to take an inventory a 10-cent piece slipped through his fingers and rolled under the speake's table. When the I meeting adjourned Mr. Carnegie got | down on his knees and searched for the elusive dime until he found It. "Yes, Mr. Carnegie fdund the dime," i said one of the guests seated near him. j "As a matter of fact, I believe he had . the good fortune to also find an extra nickel as a reward for his trouble," he added laughingly. ACCOUNT OF SPEECH RECEIVED By Associated Pr.-ss Washington, March 24.—Ambassa dor Page's own complete account of his London speech on the Monroe Doc trine and tho Panamu canal which caused the Senate to demand an ex planation by the State Department,' was reoeived to-day by Secretary; Bryan. He took the speech with him J to the Cabinet meeting and planned to transmit it to the Senate later. MARCH 24,1914. 'FIRST SIGLER Pill i PiIICOMPLETED New Harrisborg Industry Will Be Success in Opinion of Experts C. M. Sigler to-day placed the first Sigler piano player on exhibition in his store rooms in North Second street. In jthe opinion of local musical authori ! ties and several mechanical experts :Who saw the instrument and heard its j work, the Sigler house has carved a | lasting step in the world's ladder of | musical progress. Nothing quite like the Sigler player j has ever been invented in any part of Europe or the United States, it is ' said. When not in use the player is 1 absolutely invisible and the piano In ■ which the action may be installed ap | pears exactly like any ordinary lnstru | ment. The player can be placed in . any instrument at a price that makes 1 the action of great economic value in the musical trade. The action is nearly f "fool proof," few parts of the mechan . ism being placed where people can ! try to change or readjust it, as is the case in many player pianos. The ac tion can be placed in any piano that a customer may have in the home which he wants to convert into a me chaiical instrument. The sample ac tion was installed in one of the very smallest sized pianos, proving that it can be placed in any instrument made for the trade. Already Mr. Sigler un nounces the receipt of several orders for the new plan player and his fac tory force of fifteen men will be kept at full working time from to-day on. The player is the invention of C. M. Bard, head of the Sigler house me chancal department. The Sigler fac tory is located at 42G-42S Market street. | TRANSFER INDIAN TEACHER [ Carlisle, Pa.. March 24.—John Whit- I well, principal teacher in charge of academic education at Carlisle Indian School, to-day received word of his ; transfer to the assistant superintend ency at the Cushman Trade School at ' Cashman, Wash. The Cushman school j has several hundred students. i SICK HEADACHE. COSTIVE, BILIOUS. . IF UVER IS TORPID—DIME A BOX You men and women who can't get feeling right—who have headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are nerv ous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy stomach. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascaretß—or merely dosing yourself every few days with salts, pills, castor oil and other harsh Irri tants? Cascarets immediately cleanse 10 CENT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE HOUSING PROBLEMS TO BE TAKEN OP [Continued from First Page.J vironment arise most of the evils of social life to-day. In the last two years more than one hundred cities and towns have awakened to the fact that the people must not - be permitted to be huddled together in insanitary dwellings surrounded by filth and stench and other Improper conditions. Every town and city has its own peculiar conditions to meet. Seldom are two alike and the pur pose of a Housing Association is to act as a clearing house for in formation and experience in com bating the various evils where they are already recognized and to set on foot a State-wide cru sade against conditions which are responsible for the high death rate in many communities. In this work the need for co-operation Is just as great as for any other pro gressive movement In the world and it is the duty of every organi zation and every individual who realizes his responsibility to his fellow man, to join hands with those who are working together for the common weal. Tours very truly, LOGAN McKEE, See. The Program Monday, April 6—2 p. m., registrar tion commences; 7.30 p. m., general meeting, to be addressed by John K. Royal, mayor of Harrisburg, and oth ers; papers will be read on "Housing Conditions in the State," and "What Other Housing Associations Are Do ing," etc. Tuesday, April 7 — lo a. m., organi zation meeting, followed by paperß on. practical methods and right housing standards, publicity methods, etc,, and an address by Governor John K. Ten er; 12.30 p. m., luncheon followed by paper on "Waste Disposal For Small Towns"; 2.30 p. m. t "A City Planning; Program," various papers; ,7.30 p. m.. "The Business of Building Houses, "Industrial Villages," etc. Wednesday, April B—lo a. m., "Fac tors That Affect Costs in Building: ! ifouses, Legislative Standards, Flnanc i ing, Taxation," etc.; 12.30 p. m., lunch- I eon, followed by addresses on social I rent c ollecting and other topics. . and sweeten the stomach, remove the sour undigested and fermented food , and foul gases; lake the excess bile from the liver and carry oft the consti pated waste matter and poison from the bowels. A Cascaret to-ntght straightens you out by morning—a 10-cont box keeps your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and you feel bully i f>r months. Don't forget the children.