THREE CUP DEFENDERS U COMPLETION Bristol Boat Will Be Pushed Into the Water About April 15 - • Special to The Telegraph Boston, Mass., March 23. Reports from the New England shipyards that y»re building the three aspirants for the defense of the America's cup against the fourth Lipton invasion next Fall show the Bristol yacht to be 75 per cent., the Bath yacht 50 per cent, and the Neponset yacht 33 per cent, completed. The launching of the Bristol boat, under construction for six present and former Hag' officers of the New York Yacht Club, lias been lixed for the week of April, and will probably be on April 17. This yacht is said to be fully planked and decked in, so that It could go overboard at any time. The planking ts of metal. The deck is aluminum, coverewd ith canvas and cork. Foremast hands on cup defend ers obey orders on the run and any surface that will insure a footing on deck is welcome. The Defiance, which a syndicate of Boston, New York and Philadelphia: yachtsmen is building at Bath, is be- j Ing planked with great care by expert handlers. She is expected to go over- j board during the week of May 10, j With May 12 as a tentative date. Although it was announced recently i that the yacht building at Neponset j for A. S. Cochran, of New York, would ; probaly be launched about April 25, it is now thought that this boat will j lie the last uf the trio to go into the | water. The three yachts will have more than eleven weeks In which to demon strate their individual claims to thb honor of defending the cup against the Shamrock IY. The preliminary ' racing season will be the hardest that aspiring cup defenders have ever had, with races every few days from June 2 to August 22. This spring you can find in our boys' department the cream of the best New York ideas for juvenile dress. . All the innovations in style of colors, pockets, belts, cuffs and pleats. All the novel cloths, pat terns, models and weaves are now waiting for your approval. TBe#HOB 320 Market St. EASTER isn't far distant, and anyway, it's time to be thinking of M ,'j jS Vy / I the new Spring Suit. Y/ 1 V There's a fabric here to i llg 0 q fJM £>/ the popular shades, but we MM m M ' mLJj B have many patterns of mix- *] ffr\ & - e tures as well. f h jj Domestic Fabrics at / 'j; I sls, $lB & s2oYfjn Imported Fabrics at f $25, S3O to SSO ,J I George F. Shope j k The Hill Tailor jj \ J 1241 Market St. Jp \p «■ fevreiu §>clgars?> IHE IASTE lELLS IHE I ALE. MONDAY EVENING, If JeH Had Mutt's Brains He'd Be a Wonder SES&.] ' r th™ s «.« A( SA y .„O 1 r --—rr\ « ~"1 I VL t«»U 60 IN-T6 "THe TH«S tEAR. "ruey / BGLieVS I p 4V ' - ' SV*6, II &AS£&M.L. /-OOK UKe A CINCH, WITH / B / —==== I _ , * W * YoO **>| T"J^ ATTEItV £TC - J ■■■■■■: tWR „ C THB felfcUTS H*V€ \ MWOH THAT 8A56.&M.1. WfiU., \MH*Tt& AI.O T 6 e K66« IT'S A P»pe» I f t |M|= ,l A r(? ™ A Bum WAS oust