■ V . • ■ . ■ ■ - ■ 1 «' «||j Golden Opportunities Are Offered in These Small Advertisements Lost LOST from an automobile on Satur day evening, March 2i, In Harrlsburg, B, black onorocco valise with nickel trimmings. Reasonable reward Is con tents, or If valise and contents, are re turned to Bell Realty Company,- 208 Bergner Building, Third and Market streets, Harrlsburg. Pa. l/OBT On Thursday evening, on Front. Locust, Second or Pine streets, large martin neckpiece. Reward If re turned to sl4 Pine street. GENTLEMAN eeen picking up mesh bag In front L A. Faunce's Jewelry fitore please return to L. A. Faunce and receivejrewaxd^_______________ mmm Help Wanted—Male r CARPENTERS WANTED Apply General Works Office, Central Iron and Steel Co. EXPERIENCED McKay machine heel shaver and heel scourer; steady work; Soud wages. Apply to Harrlsburg Shoe ifg. Co., Vernon street. City. MEN WANTED l,OOO positions open. Learn the barber trade. Only seven weeks required. New system, diploma. Costello & Wise, Barber Bcnool, 3 Rlvlngton street. New lork. PA*>ERHANGERS WANTED at once. Piece-work. Apply 418 North Ihlrd etreet RELIABLE experience automobile salesman, also experience man for man ager and automobile repairing. Good proposition. Reference requires. Ad dress, G., 843, care of Telegraph. WANTED—A "Live Wire' 1 ' to repre sent a large New Vork and Philadelphia Realty Corporation In Harrisburg and vicinity. An eiegent Shore Resort pro position at popuiar prices. An excep tional opportunity for the right man. Abundant fresh leads. Call 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.. Jamos W. Ritchie, 120 South Fourteenth street, Harrisburg. WANTED SALES MANAGER BY u, uocnester, iN. corporation. Line of automooiie polishers and clean ers. Proposition permanent, profitable and worch invesugat'ng. Must be linanciaily able to carry atock required. For Interview • see our Mr. Giuesple, Room 44, Hotel Dauphin. $76.00 MoN'iH paid Government Rail way Mall Clerks. Parcel Post meanß many appointments. Harrlsburg exami nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary. Sample questions free. Franklin insti tute. Dept. 361-L, Rochester. iN. Y. Help Wanted —Female BRIGHT girl for marking and sort ing. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Ful ton street. BUY Madame Gazelles (French! Switch and Hair Dye, safe and reliable. Gives life, luster and color to the hair. Conceals gray hair and gives switch appearance and teellng of natural half Can be applied In a tew minutes, Ke tail price, 60c. Agents wanted every where. Send 25c for full size sample. G. & G. Distributors, 36 Church street, Ephrata, Pa. EXPERIENCED shoo cutters on wo men s, misses' and children's outsldcs. Apply Harrisburg Shoo Manufacturing Co., Vernon street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FIFTY experienced operators for cewlng on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. j FORELADY for shirt factory. Must liave reference. Address Box 811, care j of Telegraph. ! GIRL for general housework and an ; upstairs girl. Aupply 26 South Second j street. lEARN DRESSMAKING in one of tlio best dressmaking schools In America. Make your own dresses while learning Nlglit and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. NURSE WANTED for confinement case. Family, one child. Address Box G., 841, care of Telegraph. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over Citj Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance, i WANTED at once, experienced patent leather tip repairers. Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Company. WANTED—GirI to hire with small family. Good wages to right party. Apply 1908 Market street, City. WANTED—Two girls, one for gen eral housework and one for dining room. Apply 403 Walnut street. WANTED 2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. Waited-100 Girts I IKAI MAKERS . Suction Table Work, Rollers atl j Bunch Makers. Steady Work Guaranteed. Appiy Royal Havana Clfcar Mfg. Co. so? and 109 Bast Saratoga St. Baltimore, Md. WOMAN AGENT for H. P. Coles in every town to handle a nice, respect able facial cream. Work spare hours. Make $2.70 on every dozen. Coles Bros., Wlconisco. Pa. Help Wanted—Male and Female LADY or Gentleman, honest, capable person will find good paying position. Chance for advancement. Also road job. Address Box M, 846, care Telegraph. WANTED—Men and women solici tors. Apply Room No. 4 Spooner Building. 9 North Second street, after 10 o'clock. • Situations V\ anted—Male A YOUNG man wishes a position as butler or houseman; can give reference. Call, or address, 132 Liberty street, City. BOOKKEEPER and general office man of ability and experience desires position. Address Reliable, care of Telegraph. COLORED man desires position as coachman, or any kind of work. Call, or address. 1413 Currant avenue. COLORED man wishes position; can w , or H lanch bar, waiter and labor. Ap ply J. C„ 616 Primrose avenue. FOR SALE Poultry Farm 2 acres of ground. IB miles from Harrlsburg. At Cly on the N. C. Ry. 4 squares west of the railroad station. g-room new frame house. New frame stable and wagon shed. Chicken house about 80 ft. long. Full particulars upon Inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust Md Court Streets. . 1 MONDAY EVENING, Situations Wanted—Male MAN desires position as traveling salesman or solicitor; 37 years of age; can give best of reference. Employed at present. Address M„ S4B care of Telegraph. WANTED—By a colored man. house cleaning and yards and cellar white washing. Can give reference. Apply to H. F. Kyle, 1949 Brlggs street. Situations Wanted—Female BY colored woman, position as cook, boardinghouse or restaurant. Apply 1417 Marlon street. City. BY experienced nurse, care of elderly person, or companion to man or woman, by refined middle-aged woman; will take obstetrical cases. Address L., 842,. care of Telegraph. COLORED girl wants general house work In private family, or days' work. 1813 Apricot avenue. City. J COLORED girl, 18 years of age, de sires a position to assist with general housework. 1409 New Fourth street. COLORED woman desires day work of any kind or nursing old people. 510 South street. j COLORED womah desires dishwash ing. Call, or address, 1404 Fulton street. COLORED woman wishes position as chambermaid. Apply 1316 New Fourth street. MIDDLE-AGED lady with child 9 years old desires position M-ith small family as housekeeper. Write or In quire of F. H. Coble, West Falrview, Third street. Can furnish references. WANTED—Nursing of any kind by experienced nurse. Address "Nurse,'« care of Telegraph. WANTED—Washing to do at home. Call or address, 1616 Zarker. Salesmen Wanted FOR the Help-a-phone; almost every telephone user buys one to three; sells for $3; earn SIOB a week; send for com plete set of Instructions in salesman ship, free. Co-operative Sales Co., Waverly, N. Y. NEW YORK house olters'an excep tional opportunity for high grade spe cialty salesman; specified territory. Phone 818R, or call 701 North Sixth street, inquire Mr. Barron. » i Rooms For Rent FOR RENT—One large front room, ; furnished, with use of bath and phone, reference required. Three minutes' walk from Market Square. 402 Briggs street. FURNISHED second floor front suite, consisting of large living room, bed room anu private bath, modern in every way, rel'erenco required. 218 Pino Street. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with every modern convenience, including steam heat, for rent. Apply 7 Nortli Thirteenth street, Sunday or evenings. ... RGE furnished front room with i steam heat, all conveniences; centrally located; lor gentleman only. Apply 211 Locust street. i FURNISHED ROOMS on Sylvan Ter ] race; private family; all conveniences. i Address 0., 791, care of Telegraph. ' TWO large furnished rooms for light housekeeping; young couplo preferred, j Apply 266 Herr street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs street. FURNISHED rooms, second floor, all conveniences. Call S. Freedman, 1700 | North Third street. TWO large unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping tor couple. Apply 1423 Derry street. SECOND FLOOR front room for rent, with board; all improvements. 811 Capital street. FOR RENT—Furnished front room, suitable tor one or two. Apply 216 Pine street. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms Apply itiol Green street. Rooms Wanted WAiViLD—By young man, a large, pleasant, outside room, with all con veniences and board, in reuned private latiuiy. Must be centrally located, AU uress C., 84 it, care ot Teiegraph. MAN wants permanent lodging in private family. iNot over $1.26 week or unturm&ned room $4 month in ad- I vance. Iso omers need repiy. Address m., 845, care of teiegiaph. Apartments For Kent APARTMENT Second floor apart ment, laia North Front street; seven rooms and bath. Rent, $60.00 a month. Union tteal instate Investment Com pany, Room 403 Franklin Building, 212 Locust street. APARTMENT, 6 rooms and bath; all mouern conveniences. Apply on prem ises, 1118 North Sixth. Wanted i ! WANTED—Tho names of parties Wining to entertain ueiegates to tue No-iicense Leuguo convention to be held in Harrisburg April 2 and 3. In replying give number you can accom mouate, stating it you desire to turnisii meaia or rooms only, anu state terms. Audi ess N. L., No. 84 1, care of Tele graph. WANTED TO RENT—In the country, near a trolley line or a R. it. station, an old style stone or brick house with seven or eight large rooms anu at least two acres ot ground. An elevated lo cation near u stream preferred. Ad dress R. 844. MARRIED farmer with lifetime ex perience wants farm on thirds or would work by month. Adureas Farmer, caru of 'telegraph. WANTED An Ice chest, capacity about 200 pounds. Inquire Logan urug Co., 1802 N. Fourth. Bell phone 206 K. OLD GEESE FEATHER BEDS. Best casn prices paid. Address C. F. Dick inson, General Delivery, ilairisourg. SMALL hand or toot power printing press, not over 6x9. Andreas Box 84u, care of Ueiegiaph TO RENT—Garage room in private garage in heart of city. Audress P. o. dux di, City. Business Opportunities WANTED—An Idea. Who can think *of some simple thing to patent? Pro tect your lucas; they may bring you wealth. Write to-day and get our tree books, "Millions in Patents," "jNeeded Inventions ' and "Patent Buy ers." Address Randolph & Co., Dept. 2210,. Patent Attorneys, Washington! FOR SALE, at sacrifice if taken be fure March 26, store stock and fixtures oi general store uolns large business in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to interested party. Moving to the West only reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Ciouser Duncannon, Pa. ' ANY intelligent person can earn good income* for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press syndicate. JM, Lock port. N. T. 1 MADE $60,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with IS Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 866 Lock port, v - Buemetb Personals ' HAULING H. W. LATlib, u minting Stable and .National Itaamcr Co. Movers of planus, Bates, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Lame, Manager, Filth and Woodbine streets. i»u uh one -so. 2&USK. FOR falling nalr try Gross - uuinlne Hali Tonic, prepared by Gross, the I'ruggist and Apothecary, tin Market street. Harrlsburg. Fa. Telephone rdura given prompt attention. Bell. 1960. K. U. PUFFER, LOCAL EXPhiioS and Delivery* Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684J Illy Mont gomery, Harrlsburg. FEATHER RENOVATING WE are now Renovating Feathers, Making Pillows and Folding Feather Mattresses at the corner of Tenth and Paxton street, near Cameron. B. J. Campbell. HOOF PAINTERS I WILL* paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertight job. Ail colors. Postal brings me. Maxwell H. Hite, The Koof Paint Man, Box 228, Harrlsburg, Pa. REPAIRING) AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help, send us your worn furniture. Our beat efforts insure your satisfaction b. N. Cluck, S-o woouoine street. WE furnish music for all social events, Small combination for house parties as low as $2.60. Aduresu membra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486, Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE TO BUILDERS C. HEN Hi', Architect and Builder, will save you monoy. Bungalows a specialty. 704 south Twenty-fourth street. Bell plione IC7&J. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 118-16-17 South Second street, 6,000 seta new sash t>xlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at «1.16 per set. IF you have any Job Carpenter Work Just call, or addresß, E. VV. Spangier, Carpenter and Contractor. Bell pnone 1620 W. Real Estate For Sale TWO line homes, will bo finished March 16. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath loom. Sttam heated; large front and uack porches; ornamental fixtures inrou -hout; reception hall; open stair : ca.se; laundry room and stationary ! wa.sh tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber i with south side exposure, size 16x8; 12 I minutes by trolley to Market Square. J Kor further information call P. Vander i iou, Masonic Temple Building, Third and tate streets. HOUSES FOR SALE Three two and-one-half-story brick houses, on Penn street, In the 2100 block, 8 rooms and bath. Nine two-and-one-lialf-story frame houses on Schuylkill street, near Jeffer son, 8 rooms and bath. One two-story frame bungalow, new j and all improvements, 6 rooms and bath. A bargain, neat design, only one left. Call on, or address, Wlttenmyer Lum ber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill streets. 1512 NORTH ST. Two-and-one half-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porch single property cemented cellar lot, 30x110 excellent con dition. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. 319 BURCHFIELD STREET. 8 rooms, laundry and bath; front porch; hot. air furnace; largo lot; In elegant condition. A quick buyer can make money. C. Ver non Kettew Co., 1000 North Third street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FURNISHUD COTTAGE at Stover daie; also small fruit farm of four acres with new house and good spring of water two miles from city. A. W. swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. I>ERKY S'iREET COTTAOE. seven rooms and bath; all improvements, porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain If sold at once, imperial . lardwai e Co.. 1202 North Third. HOUSES FUR SALE IN ENOLA NOS. 146-147-149 COLUMBIA hOAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms, •.quire u. ciuwnian, owner, 227 Ma > lay street. Harrlsburg. 410 BRIGGS ST. Three-story brick ll rooms, bath and furnace lot, 20x111 side entrance price attrac tive. Brinton-Packer Co., second and Walnut streets. TWO threo-story houses, one brick ! and one frame, on Sixth street near iviuench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North Sixth street. A NICE country home right at rail road station, with all Improvements; 22 minutes from city. A. W. Swengel, 219 south Thirteenth street. Real hbiaie For Rent Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steam heated, Vapor system. Inquire 210 Pine Street. Phone 3687. FOR RENT 4TH FLOOR APARTMENT, No. 108 N. Second Street reception hall 6 rooms bath city steam heat gas and electricity Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell Phono—ls96. DWELLING 1946 GREEN STREET— -10 rooms and bath; all conveniences; newly papered throughout. Rent, f30.00. Clias. Adler, Heal Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. NEW 6-ruom house, at Edgemont, one-naif mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, SBOO. Lots are 30x 120, with stable. G. S. Hartman, £8 North Tweltth street. City. 319 BURCHFIELD STREET, 8 rooms, laundry and bath; front porch; hot air heat; largo yard. Rent, $20.00. C. Ver non Rettew Co., 1000 North Third street, Harrlsburg, Pa . FOR. RENT —In Elkwood, 6-room bungalow, all conveniences. Interior freshly papers and varnished. Rent $12.50. Keeney & Simmons, New Cum berland. PRACTICALLY new house, 221- At las street, all modern improvements, $16.00 a month. Apply Room 409-10 Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Alanaua Gap Road, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonweaitn Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street. Harrisburg. Real Estate Wanted WANTED —To rent house between now and April Ist. i-iental not over $25; Bor 9 rooms. Preferably above Peffer street. Address, Box 808, care of Tele graph. . WANTED plans to prepare for any kind of building or residence. Want automobile in trade. Address M., 836, care of Telegraph. For Sale D. COOPER & CO. will sell at public sale, at Broad Street Market House, on Saturday. March 28, for storage, the following roods, unless called for be fore that date: Buggy, Sam. K. Urlch: box of carpenter's tools, A. E. Shradley; furniture, J. Lerew; cart, R. Royster. 1 HXRRISBURG TELEGKXPK For Salt THUNKS, Traveling Bags, butt Ca«r», Glovea Sole, (.trness and Strap Leather Calfskin, Kip. Dr goto. Waaed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest nut street* GLASS window signs. b urnisbed Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Booms and Board and Table Board, at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad If paid In advance, inquire at Office of Telegraph MOTORCYCLE 1913 Harley-Da vldson twin cylinder, 8-H.-P., fully equipped, run less than 3,000 miles, practically good as new. Cost $337 60. Sell, $236.00. Rare bargain. E. L Campbell. Irving College. Mechanics burg, Pa. AUTOMOBILE a few days only, some 4%x36 straight side, rlain Fisk new factory second cases, 22.26 each. Speak quick. Order at once. Myers, The Tire Man, 226 Hum mel street. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain In America, SI.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per hundred. Max Lauffer, Middletown, Pa. PRINTING OFFICE for sale, cylinder press, jobber, job and body type, cutter also paper cutter, staples, etc. Inquire E. H. Wright, Merchant Tailor, n,ast Third street. New Cumberland, Pa. EGGS for hatching rrom Single Comb White Leghorns. Two first prizes at Harrisburg's last Poultry Show. 76c per setting of 16, or $4 a hundred. Ap ply S. M. Benlon, West Falrview. FOR SALE—Approximately 3,000 feet of 3-lnch vitrified tile conduit, suitable for drainage purposes. May be Inspect ed at Cec.nr street plant, Harrisburg Light and x'ower Company. FOR SALE—Oak sideboard, oak hall rack, oak Btana, washing machine, lamps and go-cart. Will be solo cneap on account of moving. Call at 319 Burchfield street, this week. CIUAHa—- For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana biended 6c Ciguru tree with each Box of 60 of our Per i tecto Clears, at $1 per Box, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion. Pa. PRIZE WINNING S. C. Butt Orping ton and White Rocks hatching SI.OO per 16 straight. Thos. Roberts, No. 1314 South Cameron street, Harris burg, Pa. FOR SALE—China closet, bookcase and desk, beds, gas stove, gas heater, couch, sideboard, carpenter's bench and other articles. Call at 342 Crescent street. FOR SALE One pair big work horses, weighing 2,80- pounda. Both good wind and good workers anywhere. Will sail for $l2O the pair. 2004 State street. BICYCLES II rebuilt bicycles in fine shape. Some good as new. Special prices for to-day and to-morrow's sale. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street GREEN GROCERY, doing fine busi ness. Will self very reasonable. Good reasons for selling. tor full details address L., 839, care of Telegraph. EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY. $2 per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon, delivered by parcel post. Sample, 10c. L. K. Hostetter, Route 6, Lltitz, Fa. COMBINATION parlor pool ahd bil liard table, In excellent condition, Dxix 4. Cues and wall case for same. In quire 1310 North Third street. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE, 'GUl soti Model B, Ft. Wayne Compensarc, electric sign, 2 exit signs. Very cheap. Majestic, JUlizabethtown, Pa. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK 1 ton capacity large covered body good as new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co., South Cameron street. HORSES Three cheap horses. Will sell on account ot getting auto truck. Curtis Marks & Broß., Grocers, 1600 North Sixth street. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. Tho Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. KITCHEN cabinet, gus range, refrig erator, kitchen table, etc. only in use a short time. Apply 1111 North Third street. EGGS for hatching from my prize winning Black Minorcas. $2.00 for thirteen. Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 negina street. FOR SALE—Mare heavy with colt, weighing 1,260 pounds. Can be seen at 2100 State street. Lew stober Dairy- Farm. A SQUARE PIANO. Cheap to quick buyer. To be seen at the Lock Houso, South Cameron street. 1913 CADILLAC, four-passenger, in A-l shape. A. J. Huston, Mechanics burg, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STOKE ROOM FOR IUCNT the corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of tne best banks and mauy I first-class business houses in the same square. In center of population, size or room, 33x100 ft. 14-ft ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, including heat. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT—A desirable 23-foot front business room or convertible into two nice office rooms, on first story, i with" improvements, with adjustable (electric sign, good cellar, etc.; close I to Kelker street market, on east corner 1 of Fourth and Kelker streets; an ae- I tive business center. Rates moderate. I Inquire of George Brinton, 1735 North ! Fourth street, Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR RENT Uealrable offlc-ea to the Teleicraph Building, •.nil)' or en-suite. Inquire nt Uualneea offlcu. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Financial MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in ony amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174 Harrisburg. Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms | 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Money Wanted WANTED TO BORROW $5000.00 or any amount up to $45,000. Market Square Real Estate Security usual rate inter est. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own namea. Cheap rates, easy payments, oonftdaii ttaL Attains * Co, n. DM, 6 X. Market S«. t CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET ..Chicago, March 23.—Hogs—Receipts, 40,000; steady. Bulk of sales. $8.70® 8.8Q; light, $8.60®8.85: mixed, $8.60 ■ 8.85; heavy, J8.40%8.85; rough, $8.40® 8.60; pigs, $7™0®8.66. Cattle Receipts, 14 oOO; higher. Beeves, $7.60@9.60; Texas steers, $7.16 ©8.26; Western steers, $6.90@8.20; Stockers and feeders, $6.66@6.20; cows and heifers, $3.75@8.50; calves, $6.00 C» 9.00. ...Sheep—Receipts, 26,000; higher. Na tive, $4.85®6.40; Western. $5.00(3)6.50; i'farllngs, $5 90@7.16; lambs, native, $6.80@7.90; Western, $6.85®8.00. Died GOCHENOUR—On March 21, 1914, James Albert Gochenour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gochenour, aged 8 years, 4 months and 8 days. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock from residence of his parents, 1826 Briggs street. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Burial in Harrlsburg Cemetery. HOT.MES —On Saturday morning. March 21, 1914, Harry Holmes 3rd, aged two months, at Brisbane avenue. Paxtang. 2 Funeral Tuesday, March 24, 1914, at MINNIS On Saturday, March 21. 1914 Mr. Vernon R. Minnis, at his late resi dence, 922 Penn street, aged 53 years, 10 months and 18 days. Funeral on Wednesday, March 25, at 2:30 P. M„ from his late residence. The relatives and friends are Invited to at tend without further notice. Burial in East Harrlsburg Cemetery. SLENTZ—On March 22, 1914, at 8 p m, Sara Katharine, daughter ol' Mr. and Mrs. William M. Slentz, Jr., aged 5 years, 5 months and 22 davs. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o clock from residence of her parents, 517 South Fourteenth street. Funeral private. Burial in Paxtang Cemetery. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer cliandlse. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. R. R STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household good* In clean, private rooms. Kessonnble rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE'— 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Legal Notices NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION" IN accordance with law, particularly with the Acts of Assembly approved July 12th and July 24th, 1913, respec tively, notice is hereby given that the following officers are to be voted fjr at the Primary Election to he held Tues day, May 19th, 1914. Petitions of can didates for party officers must be filed before 6 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, April 28th, 1914, In the office of the County Commissioners. Following is a list of officers to be nominated at the Primary Election and to be voted for at the General Election to be held November 3rd, 1914: United States Senator. Governor. Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Judge of the Supreme Court. Judge of the Supc . lor Court. Four Representatives in Congress at-large. .One Representative ill Congress (Eighteenth District). Two Representatives in the General Assembly (First District). Two Representatives in the General Assembly (Second District). Following Is a list of party officers to be elected at the ensuing Primary Election: Two persons by each Political Party for State Committee. One person in each Election District for Democratic County Committee. Two persons in each Election District for Washington Party County Commit tee. One person in each Election District for Republican County Committee. Three persons in each Election Dis trict in the city of Harrisburg for City Republican Committee. One person for Countv Chairman. One person for Recording Se retary. One person for Financial Secretary. One person for Treasurer of the So cialist Party. I. S. HOFFMAN, S. S. MTLLER. JOHN H. EBY, Commissioners of Dauphin County. D. FRANK LEBO. Clerk. LEGAL. NOTICE NOTICE to the Legal Representatives of Elizabeth Gerber, late of the City of Harrisburg, Daupliln County, Pennsyl vania, deceased. Take notice that Alma Ellenberger presented her petition to i the Court of Common Pleas, of Dau iphln County, entered to No. 323 March Term, 1914. for a decree directing the satisfaction of mortgage given by John Miller, Jr., of said city, to Eliza beth Gerber, dated the Ist day of April A. D. 1864, and recorded In the office for ' the recording! of deeds, in and for the I County of Dauphin, in Mortgage Book i "P," Vol. 1, Paf?o 639, In the sum of six hundred (BOO) dollars, payable in | Instalment of one hundred and i fifty (160) dollars on the Ist day of April of each suc ceeding year upon a part of the ! premises numbered 143 N. High Street now Fourth Street, having a frontage ! of twelve (12) feet nine (9) inches and a depth of one hundred and eleven (111) feet, more or less, to Tanners Alley. Harrisburg, Pa. That the petitioner is the owner of the premises described in said mortgage and that she prays that satisfaction be decreed on said mort gage according to an Act of Assemble of the Bth day of May, A. D. 1895 You are hereby notified and required to ap pear In said Court, at Harrisburg, p a on Monday, the 11th day of May, 1914* at 10 o'clock A. M., to answer said pe tition, at which time the said Court will hear said petition for any causk that may be shown why satisfaction should not be decreed. HARRY C. WELLS. Sheriff. PROPOSAL FOn BIDS SEALED proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon. Tuesday, April 14, 1914, f or f ur „ nlshing all the necessary labor and materials as called for In plant, and specification prepared by Edward K Morse, Engineer, Commonwealth Build j ing, Pittsburgh, Pa., for the construc tion of a bridge (known as the Wasser Bridge) across the Shenango River, about one mile below Shenango, Mjrcer county, Pa. Prospective bidders may secure plans and specifications by applying to the office of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Bidders desiring information not con tained In the plans and specifications may apply either to the Engineer, Ed win K. Morse, or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings in writing. Proposals shall be in sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out side with the name and location of bridge and name of bidder. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds and CORPORATE NOTICE THE annual meeting of the stock holders ol the Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works will be held at the general office of the Company, Seventh and Curtln Streets, in the Cif.\ of Har risburg, Pennsylvania, Thursday, the 26th day of March 1914, at 10:30 A. M° for the election of five directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before It A E. TAYLOR, Secretary \ MARCH 23,1914. SUBSEQUENT REACTION IQLLOWS EARLY RISE Trading Came Almost to a Standstill and Prices Barely Changed From Last Week's Close By Associated Press New York, March 23.—Trading came almost to a standstill to-day ana prices barely changed from last week's close, after an early rise and subsequent re action. Settlement of the New Haven negotiations, the decrease In lule freight cars shown In the fortnightly report and an increase in freight move ment on Western lines supplied am munition to the bulls for operations at 1 "® °,P en 'ng, but the Inquiry was not I sufficiently broad to maintain prices. Copper shares made relatively a better showing than other stocks, owing to the Increased demand and higher prices E. ? metal both here and abroad. Bonds were irregular. Furnished by H. W. SJJAVELY Arcade Batldlag New York, March 23. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 23% 23% Amal. Copper 76% 77% American Beet Sugar 23 Vs 23 V. American Can 30% 30% Am. C. & F 62% 62% American Cotton Oil 44% 16 Am. Ice Securities . . 31% 31% Am. Locomotive .36 35 American Smelting . 70% 70% American T. & T... 122% 122% Anaconda 36% 36% Atchison 97% 98% Baltimore & Ohio .. 91 92% Bethlehem Steel ... 44 43% Brooklyn R. T 92 % 92 y* , California Petroleum 37% 27% Canadian Pacific .. . 208% 209% Central Leather ... 36% 36% Chesapeake & Ohio. 54 54 C.. M. & St. P. 99% 101 Chlno Con. Copper . 42% 42% Col. F. & 1 33% 33% Consolidated Gas .. 134% 134 Distilling Securities. 19 19% Erie 30% 30% Erie Ist pfd 46% W% Goodrich, B. F. .. . . 23% 23% Gt. Nor. pfd x r. 1 % 126% 128% Gt. North. Ore subs. 37 8 7 Illinois Central .... 11l ill Inter boro-Met 15 15 lnterboro-Met. pfd .60 00% Lehigh Valley 147% 149 I Louisville & Nashv'e 138 138%. Mex. Petroleum ... 69 69% j Mo., Kan. & Texas . IS 18% Missouri Pacific ... 24% 25% I Nev. Consol. Copper 15 % i 5%; New York Central . 90% 91% N. Y., N. H. & H. .. 71 70 % I Norfolk & Western. 103% 104 I | D. B. Kieffer & Co. 's lj t ANNUAL SPRING SALE j; 200 HEAD OF ACCLIMATED •: Horses and Mules !On Friday, Mar. 27, AT 12.30 O'CLOCK 3; AT THE FARMERS HOTEL, MIDDLETOWN, PA. i; We will sell the following live stock: 40 head of home-bought horses, bought by D. B. <► Kieffer, a lot of good smooth finished horses, consist- 3; ;► ing of mated teams, single wagon horses, all purpose 3> and business horses. A good lot of young sound 3 ► {I horses. 3;^ 30 head of horses from E. S. Weaver our Lancas- 3; ter county man, and will promise you that he will have 3; ;t them as good as they grow. Consisting of mated ;: teams, farm chunks, single line leaders and some extra ; ► good driving horses. . J I J I 25 head of horses bought by J. E. Martin who has 3; taken great care in selecting a great bunch of good 3> 3> young sound horses, consisting of wagon horses, farm * chunks, all purpose horses and some extra good driv -3> ers and speedy roadsters. 3> ;► J. B. Furhinan will have a mixed carload of horses 3; \* bought in Snyder county. A bunch of good big rugged 3; 3; feeders, livery horses and some few high Dallas horses 3; 3; and mules. 1 carload of Franklin county horses bought by W. 3» 3; M. Grove, who advises us that he has some of the best 3; 3; big finished draft horses he ever shipped out of the 3; 3; county, consisting of mated teams, wagon and all pur- 3; 3; pose horses." 3; 3; 30 head of good big mules, one of each team, a sin- 3; 3; gle line leader, some extra good mated teams, single 3; mules and a few good big work slaves. 3; 3; 35 head or more of commission and all kind of 3; 3; horses, some-good young sound thin horses, suitable ;! 3; for general hauling or liverv purposes. The balance a; [ 3; lot of the 57 variety kind. A liberal credit will be given. < I } D. B. KIEFFER & CO. | FOR SALE LARGE BRICK DWELLING, 221 FORSTER ST. ' With roomy front porch, on lot 40 feet wide, has an un usual equipment. For instance, it has more closets than rooms, lavatory on first floor, open wood fire grate on second floor and bath room on third floor. On certain Front St. blocks would be a $28,000 house. Can be bought for $6,000 cash and mortgage. Inquire, Room 6, Cameron Bldg., Second and Walnut Sta., Harrisburg, Pa. ' Northern Pacific ... 113% 116 Pacific Mall 26 % 25% Penna. Railroad ... 112 112% People's Gas & Coke 124% 124% Pittsburgh Coal ... 21% 21% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 93 93 Pressed Steel Car .. 45 44% Ray. Con. Copper ..21% 22 Reading 166% 167% I Rep. Iron & Steel . 25% 25% i Rep. Iron &S. pfd. 89 89 Rock Island 4% 4% Rock Island pfd ... 6% 6% Southern Pacific 95% 96% Southern Railway . 26% 26% Southern Ry. pfd... 84 84 Tennessee Copper .. 35% 35% Texas & Pacific .... 16% . 16% Texas Company ... 147% 147% Union Pacific 159% 160% U. S. Rubber 02 62% U. S. Steel 64% 65% L T . S. Steel pfd 110% 110% Utah Copper 55% 55% Va. Car. Chem .... 34% 34% Western Maryland . 80% 30% Western Union Tel.. 63% 63% Westlnghouse Mfg.. 77% 76% Woohvorth 99% 99% rmrtKo BO«rd OP TR«DB Furnished by H. W, Sl* A VELV. Arrade PnlMlni. Chicago, 111., March 23. Open Mi 4it ■ -,«> ioa. w ay 93% 93% 93% 93% July 88% 89VI 88% 89% • • "1 May .... .... 68% 70% «8% 69% July 68% 70% . 68% 69% t*— May 39 % 40% 39% 40% July 39% 38% 39% 40% THE Harrlsburg Polycltnle Dispen sary will be open daily except Sunday at 3 P. M.. at Its new location. 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor > C-'OK SAI.K •••OR RF.NT I IKMSHIiD HOOMB I I\l l ItItISHRI) IIOOM9 I Cardu null) and attractively t nrlutrd) ran br urcured at I THE TELEUHAPH ULBINBSS OFFICE 216 Federal Square IV 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers