x - EXTRA SPECIAL Jp W"| v 1 j J _ w To-morrow a Big Sale 50 Women's & Misses' LVCryDOCIy S bomg to of Girls' Wash Dresses, New Balmacaan Coats, Values to $ 1.50 For s "' s ™ 6 iBIy iPe 4pt 9g c so*oo '4bH JBb ji-asrjss The new swagger coat, made of fc\r ■•" Cf" —. S!l „ .. fl colors; all the newest and un-to genuine cravenetted English \l\ t¥ 11 ■ ————*{l , . , , .. . 1 < , , \IW Wa m date styles, all sizes, b to 14 tweeds m handsome shades of \r V|f vears old Choice for 986 gray and tan; sizes 16 to 40. r * ) V i i■i i■ ■ —— ■ i, . J To-morrow at This Big Sale of Wom Dresses and Millinery—Easter Outfitting Will Begin in Earnest, ml WBl 800 EASTER SUITS I /I 11 tTT /I 11 * I . JT p . Coats and All at Underselling Prices Z'f* *" j! fOW is the time that we can give \ou best service in the selection of materials and in the ji actual designing and trimming. This is not said in disparagement of what we can do later J Women s Easter Gloves \ w ,von,krM feats - in n,mi,,ery ' cve " *" e " l " c ° rdc l .\X—_ - TIMriFR'SFI f INf PRIPFS There's a wealth of material from which to choose the Spring Hat. _ UnULIiJCLLIIiU I IMvEitj ? Untrimmed Hats are here in the newest shapes—Watteau sailors, berets, the new pokes with high band j - turbans, small sailors with high crowns, medium sailors, and the popular tams. J WnmonV d lon »= *» 5 A% f r\ r\ W (FiU>iS& W'MwM ' A* *-r rr\ '• 50c and SI.OO a Pair I; Up tO $25.00 up tO $7.50 \ ; A Pre-Easter Underselling Sale of BOYS' SPRING SUITS I ! That Will Yield Satisfaction to the Parents and Boy f L^nrlf S NORFOLKSUITS .\.SI.9S Mens Newest Spring Suit in this Pre-§ BALKAN «TO 17 YEARS. Handsome mixed cassimere Suits; coats with full , n i I 0 $6 X sffi atß: p an to made full; Just as good fitting as a S a [ e at RemaifKably g 4.09 F§I s '. suits : $3.00 U —T J%Wh I fhese Suits are all wool, Norfolk Suits, Kussian Blouse Suits, doutile-breust- MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS \ j J\. 'A V - the pants arcmade full and «« W OH //l I lined—they have the belt ! Jears - . / ,VU \ J/ 3 to match. The materials ! mt&fw g are neat mixtures, cheeks Boys' Reefers and Top (1?Q All-wool YV ' and stripes—certainly- the Coats CJ)tS.UU mills sun-proof Blue | best 2-pants suit bargain in I U> to \KARS. Serge Suits, handsomely 1 | Harrisburg. JUST LIKE I Just in time to take the Place of'his Winter Over- made alld lined ' with S CUT. II w«H>ii m^teriaf^han^somefylmad^wid'u'ilnm^d. ol Bl1 " genuine Venetian cloth; g || Boys' Blue ' B °y s ' Blue Serge Knickers $1.12; MEN'S NEW EASTER SUITSSI4.7S| oergc OUItS .. * " ! They come In both regular and extra stouts—every suit hand mado and handsomely § & ciii-wooi, rast colors, lined throughout; sold tailored. The new English or conservative sa k styles. A real.s2o value. 2 ° \S* O Ofi at « l7 =- All new. at 51.12. Just in time for Easter. - T ' * . , § h)0.0{7 , ten " S SUITS AT $9.7-51 ') 6 TO 1" YEARS •€ .'6 L) 0 > The largest assortment of handsome new Spring Suits in this city at $8.75. They are real 2 ■3 THE coats are the new Nor- . ' $15.00 values. Regulars and sizes for extra stout men. X ■> * folk style. The pants are AIjL VALUES TO 81.50. ' ■ - ; j O | sun ed prolf e bKeSe of A rJiu'r Just new; Balkan or p |ain Norfolk, with one o» I K.au man hxt a en 1 a:rs bt Men - Pan's 5 $ l alue - . two pairs -knickers. The material of blue serge; . i IV/T el XT J 5 g ———' fancy homespuns and cassimeres. I uits tor IVie.i i}) | in this bale at Ex i aordinary g | tu"'?- rM '^^ oung Men. = ' Low Pr.ce '> ■ r MU, n*l^ r vioH Value, to $ Men's Business Pants | I P Ever y Size Regular and Stouts in the Hand- . Mnilf n l I ; == =' ll>r< some New Spring Suits at $12.50 ; Ca "'-1 pOOOOOCK>aOOOOOO<>CHCHat>t>oCJOO<>WOOOOOOCH>CHC!CH>aoatKH3OOCH?OCH>OOOOO .. \ ? '■ ... ' >, : V ..... ' ... *' ri' - ... : . V FRIDAY EVENING, HARFtISBURG TELEGRAPHt MARCH 20, 1914. ? Girls' New Spring Coats in \\ J the Sale at $1.95, $2.95, VO\ I; $3.95 and $4.95. % Assorted colors anil styles; sizes 2 *W S|^* to 14 years. ;! i 1 Women's Newest Easter Blouses \ ARE HERE BY THE THOUSANDS | AT UN^RSEUmG^PRICES ? Women's Blouses; Values Women's Blouses; Values | te 3 : 00 '. $1.95. ta 36 : 50 ; $4.95 I Made of Crepe de Chine and Mes- Very handsome Blouso in Crepo » saline Silk, cotton Crepesand Voiles, de Chine, Shadow I-iaees and Silk > Net andSliadowLaces—all the new- Chiffon and fancy Crepe each! • est models for Spring; and Summer: waist a model; all sizes. Choice tor all sizes. Choice for $1.95 $4.95 Women's Blouses; Values Women's Blouses; Values for l4 : 00 : $2.95 for*!; 50 :; 98c Handsome Blouses made of 500 Women's white and colored Crepe de Chine, Chintz and ires- Blouses, made of cotton Voile and saline Silk, Net and Lace Chiffon Crepe, over !50 patterns to make silk In every desired color and your choice from —every waist a style; all sizes. Choice for new Spring model all sizes. Choice $2.95 for 980 M@ !■ -r- - . L = I I j Mechanicsburg Lodges . 1 Buy Pictures For Schools Special to The Telegraph. ! Mechanicsburg, Pa., March -U. — 1 Three locoes of Mechanicsburg have i selected pictures from the Elson exhi | bltlon recently held here to be plaoed | lln the public school rooms. The Inde i pendent Order of Odd Fellows chose "I Hear a Voice," by Earl. On the i committee were George W. Hershman, George C. MUlclsen and Joseph Lemon. "Signing the Declaration of Independ ence," by Trumbull, was the selection of the Patriotic Order Sons of Amer ica, with Guy H. Lucas, W. P. Kluh ' urn and Harry N. Cromleigh as a ■ommlttee. The Independent Order •f Americans selected "The Indian and lie Lily," by Brush. Harry Beitzel, '.Vl'llam Kaley and Robert Kaley com oeed the committee. The Rev. Leyoy F. Baker to Give Lecture on Missions Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., March 20. —The He v. Leroy F. Baker, of Sellnsgrovo, gen eral missionary of the diocese of Har rlsburg, will give an illustrated lecture on mission in the Church of the 'Na j tlvlty on Monday evening next at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Raker Carries his own ftereoptlcon with him and will throw ' ; on the canvas pictures of nbout. fifty' ' OL" the fhurches. rectories and parish i I houses of the missions of the diocese. * BAUMUAKDXER-BABEBECKB Waynesboro, Pa., March 20. I Charles Kussell Baumgardner and ■[ Mis« Anna Barebecke were married at the home of and by the Rev. H. i Mitchell Stover, Cleveland avenue, last | evening. BETTER IMIM Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets —the sub stltuto for calomel—are mild but sura laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost Instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish It brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tableta do the good that calomel does but have no bad after effects. The don't Injure the teeth like strong liquids or calo mel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct It. Why euro the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It Is best not to taku calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take Its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that !asy feeling come from constipation : and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tablets when vou feel ;"lugg;>" and "lies\\\" Mote how thev I "clear clouded brnin and bow the'v I "perk up" 11)0 spirits. At 10c and HB'.- per box. The Olive Tablets Company | Columbus, o. At all druggiatau—Adver ticeineuL 5