Join Bowman's Sewing Machine Club NOW- CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.*** Be sure to see the new line of Ribbons— 4| $2.00 sends a machine to your home at once. Just FOUNDED 1871 ft largest we've ever had. Ribbons are all the rage < half agents' price, best machines made. Demon- now. See the new Roman effects. Moderate 4 strations of features of machines by expert. & JfJfmrfp prices. BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor. HARRIS BUBO'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S ' Not Long Till Easter GENTLEMEN! ~ t]Tls Time Fora ' For Saturday—a Host of New Arrivals in Women's Droits OfaJd'on "S?'i°C f an }? " Look ; and Misses' New Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses - Saturday, Choice IP • " m e • K • HERE IS THE STORY: JN| ew Spring i VjK fTCI I Ttle Spring season has opened early and Suit 1 / A *• .. I 1 | • , I • • • I . £.• £ J shirts were delivered to that man he became I / our Clientele IS preparing in plenty Ot time tor financially embarrassed and could not accept >T-| r • f ll r the goods. Naturally the goods were thrown I hp first Slrrnc r»T 4 <#u '/ f y r" act*r \ back on the hands of the manufacturer, who 1 v»I \\» (Vm 'A sJ wT rv « L-italCl# \\\M\\\fc|v>W/S tn turn wanted to dispose of them as quickly „ L 4 _JV V* Slri ir a——L. Ml H iMI us Possible. We were on the spot at that par- spring mane a man J J A I UiluliH/ ticular moment and obtained the entire pur- £ I I'l • ST L VwiTm L our makers of women ' s e arments seem to have out- fflr/ IXSulgt. £S£ ' eel llke putting on « /fsj\ 4fWvlii\ \r=7 do "° themselves this season—their products surpassing in ""xi," .hm. «V, WV.i 'mid,'.«i.Wii.lV, 6 his new Spring 1 \--A f° <S y / style, workmanship and materials those of former seasons W l\W clothine . \ 0„ ® i gmg ! ,7Tirrri lA\ —it is a step forward in garment making. Men's 25c Half Ho«e 15c pr. " »„J I v ~ i II 111 1 111 , This Is a lot of samples which we procured /"\nCl Wliy nOt V 4 e a hoß?er U y\ ar doubie soies," high A man should i \j. I I ll\ fv* ,1 1 . | f 11 .• f ..... * heels, black and all the leading-colors. \ •-—\H i^ — the largest and finest collection of garments the store has . . .. . «« *' .1 4 H / V—y) —\ II \( " " ° & On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. gO Wlttl the Se3- \ V / \ " 1 >I \ ever presented. 0 , , . . . 4 \U \ / \ I 1 0 son—so should his < >.\ nl\ Suits, SIO.OO to $45.00 The Real Thing—Tango Beads clothes. Hence the j V \ Dresses, $5.00 to $35.00 Bv " e f< Tlem k \ I \ W/V/-—\ The classiest conception in neck q , 1 \j \ p <t*7CA. (toe rvrv jewelry in many a day. A Paris fad Detter than eVW be- / A v L>OatS, to X \ much in vogue in New York and £ <\ x f % \ Philadelphia and all fashion cen- IC ' i 1 I 'S ' \ ters - s h° w a variety of Tango | We Charge for Alterations on Women's Garments j I 1 jThen there are styles with combin- \ J and Make the Prices LOWER ' V l l| f/S" Wtts " ,st,rM v < - y At the Jewelry Section on the Main Floor \ * Suits priced $25.00 under the (Free?) alteration plan are marked $23.50 and a similar lessening of all BOWMAN'S. *• prices. Thus if your suit needs altering you may have it done at home or we will do it for you and charge you 4 at cost. If your suit needs no altering you have none to pay for. OJnwM 4 ■ ' Floor. Qf Vital lITtCrCSt tO HOUSeWIVCS ' 4Q Styles in Demonstration and Special Seliing of f Always New Arrivals in 1914*S Cheney Bros. Weaver Utensils Snrto Hak 7lc 7d * XCALO Regularly 85c Under the personal direction of Mrs. Yerkes mm WIJ All this week women have been coming from all sections of the city UV Ifl C on »»»• A \T* Q A,. to witness the demonstration of Wearever Aluminum Ware. Mrs. Yerkes shk ■Hj lilC INcW I.lingS ai Dv/ W O All new street and evening' ls explaining the features of this famous ware and her little talks have S 'iffl cod; 4 J /• 5 greatly aided women In using kitchen ware to the best advantage. Mrs. BM fKt JlfSt. shades excellent quality Af rk l S demonstrates several methods of cooking and baking in Wearever gg i \ LTHOUGH the Spring Millinery Season has had a good P ~ start, many of the very newest arrivals await those who ,!r " |j^ r 9 Worth $1.60 yOw V lcif fkp (Inriß on n ch Silk Canton Crepe, IN ever saw hner 1 Copenhagen, 1-qt Lipped Saucepan and jA Q su if s —more snappy, It is proper to bring to your notice at this time the premier exhibit of novel '^^det^aTy 6 ' - < I creations that make their first appearance to-morrow. $139 yard-wide Black I-_ L /2"H l « rreservmg iveuie. j • 1 L 4 SM9 yTrd^wide^'blJck* 1 " f All Wearever Aluminum, Tlie Three pieces for 98c ter materials, better < , These charming hats are embued with the attributes of distinctive millinery ® at,n Messaiine. Yard 69c imported aluminum sauce- SATURDAY SOAP SPECIALS all-round clothincr 4 —new, novel, becoming and different—characteristics for which well dressed 2 Taffeta. bla Yard hl . f ." 85c pa <9c 2 ttn^dafry extra' io cakes swift's pride soap for 2»e . i women constantlv look and which stamn the ha.ts nuthentir in stvle <o-inch Moire Meteor; taupe, co- io-qt. sizes, for 29c cakes i\or. Soap for ....... Value, than in these j WUIIICII uuilSLclll Ll3< lUUK ailU \\ llltll siclliip lilt. IlcllS) aullieniic in btyie. penhagen, wistaria, 40 en 39c spice sets, consisting of 2 10 cakes P. &G. Naphtha Soap for . _ 4 glass jars and nickel-plated holder, sßc at tr* 4 T3 • 11 iU £ n- 4COK /W\ \ J , . ~ BOWMAN'S—-Main Floor 19c 10 cakes Fels Naphtha Soap for 38c suua al M 7 '•' J l »-' Prices are all the way trom $2.90 to $35.00. And a most entreating as- Floor - on sale m the Basement-BOWMAN-s. < sortment. i • ~ Bowman's First 1914 Refrigerator ji'""" ® lu " ' Special SHOES I Waif Paper? AO , lub °P ens To-morrow Pil"' b"L I savings in A Carload of Refrigerators Just Received Plain. Mauve - For All the Familv And Will Be Placed On Sale Saturday Morning J"' • « ror /All me r amiiy the exceptional buying advantages _ All ST7FSI 4 c * a u*. * v u- a • i. cu t> tion C f"r tl dispiaying ie the p goods make Buy your refrigerator on the cub nlan and have the use of it * Saturday ought to be a big day in the Shoe Depart- wan m paper a loElcal plac » e t0 buy r " 1 UII luc plan anu imvc uie use ui 11 Comi» in and hv ment. Here's a list of items selected from our great p apei . P f or ev room • " om n °W on. This gives you longer Use of your refrigerator r f < stocks in shoes that are best suited for this time of the 'fk. h m __ J 1 •. . _ nru:. " *1- a COats year. In some lots the size range is broken but the 60 New Patterns T , .j D £ . VC L ° nCe# L , , , just to see that they < values are so good it will pay you to come in and see foc Va°uo thene # 4 1 hird Refrigerator Club we have had and arc a || we c | a j m 1 what these are. _ the plan has been successful. We have ( ot them. « Lot No. 1 Lot No. 4 Straight or cut-out borders to 'I uuu .)I*l f*l* > it • i i "wSTtJmS Boys ' J3 E0 Shoee—samples of match " Grades to 26c, at Supplied many ramillCS m Hamsburg and BOWMAN'S—Third Floor " style with kidney heel,' kid or chrome tan shoes, blucher style, 3c, 5c and 10c Roll 'i VL I ' . 1 • II SSUJaacr-tSI w SS'.nr 4 . *° a "o- »«-«,«« Viamty with Idngeraton and .in all cases , ■ $4.00/ * W- 9 ® . liteFP'W thev have been satisfied The New Colored • ixrtNo. a ix»t No. s I Prir#*<* For y Women's SB.OO Shoes—patent Youths' |2.50 Shoes—gun metal L-iUWCI 1 IICCS lOr . T _ „ 4 Grav Hair Goods We direct your particular attention to our special UICSS LUieOS , mL. A \ If C entury Refrigerator on account of its extremely great Specially Priced J patent colt, gun metal and tan patent colt and tan calf, blucher assorted line of |l i Ce sa vmg features. The three-door front With the Side 'wLrT't.n" VZJT 4 calf, button style; all sizes and button styles; sizes Ito 6. gray hair good, in ... ... , . ~ , P?Sne, ha S grlVf OS? $2.00 $2.00 Harrisburg. our fa- icing style and adjustable tinned wire shelves at the i aaP er. «JoC \wj ♦ Ol *t nn special club price of $18.50. Women s Shoes at SI.OO i \\ 39c; likely be matched l| ) 1 /~\ I X f • A\ f Af\ Xr\ f~\ Ar\ 46-Inch Ramie Dre«» l.lorna wIS , *B-00 and »3.80. The lot consists of tan calf, gun metal, anywhere else In the Jfl / ' I •IV V*! f TS IMH fr\ Il| I e P e°n" rote! 50r ' vlcl kid, patent colt and black velvet, also suede, button and blucher city. For Saturday « S V-/111CI 1 \CI 1 lz<Cl dIUIJ _/ •S Vy lO U? J S •\J\J Yard iJVrC i rZl e ?"e r°A W o. ' 8,ze . 8 ln 016 ,ot but not ,n «very style. Were >3.00 we otter the follow- WJr ZD 48-lneh French Drnu I.lncn—brown, . and Iji.eO. Saturday, pair SIOO lng: Jr T A A A X 1 r f* Copenhagen, wistaria, black, pink, 4 N/i > <1 „ to en ci . lnr n sy.r-»"!"»'"a ice Chests $4.4 V to $ 5.95 59 c < Mens 53 & $3.50 Shoes at $1.95 '"-Sy ! °!"""'.rs ■ $4.00 Gray Switches, 22 Inches long. HTL L. CAJ 1 IT Iflll* wistaria, pigeon, dark fjjyC < ' Every man who wants a pair of shoes for daily wear * s^educef y to w,tch< ' !, ' inches ffng, Ihe opens Saturday and yOl' may select from the full line 4*-ineh Nab Ramie French Linen— 4 —good serviceable shoes—will find this a big opportun- of Sizes and models. Let U8 show VOU the features of these w7sP'iaf openhatfen ' $1.25 " lty. The lot contains gun metal, patent colt, vici kid 18-00 aray'Tranßformation,; reduced r JiakL Tar4-Wlde PI.I. DreH Lln- 1 £ < and tan calf shoes, all sizes but not in every stvle. Experts in attendanoa"to insure iCUaUIC iCingeraiorSe Tftrd" eht b,ue ' cadet- iOC 4 On the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' On the Second^Fl'oor—BOWMAN'S. On Sale on the Plfth Flooi l BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S—Mia'ln' Fioor. i FRIDAY EVENING. &ARRISDURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 20,1914. 3
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