10 Imported Street Gloves for Women in All of Best Shades for Spring A showing of gloves that is incomparable in point of quality and perfection of detail workmanship. Now most in demand are — 16-button length kid gloves, in white. Special, pair, #2.50 Women's kid gloves in white, tan, grey and black, SI.OO quality. Special 75<S D., P. &S. 2-clasp gloves. Pair #I.OO Cavalier, 1-clasp gloves. Pair #1.25 Navarre 2-clasp gloves. Pair #1.50 Centemeri's kid gloves. Pair #l. 25 to #2.00 Perrin's kid gloves. Pair #1.75 and #2.00 Washable chamoisette gloves 250 to #I.OO Dlvee, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. i Colored Wash Fabrics in Rich Ratines and Crepes Ratine in black and white checks and mixtures; 40 to 45 inches wide. Yard 89£ and #I.OO Nub Ratines, 42 inches wide. Yard #1.25 42-inch ratine and combination designs and invisible plaids. Yard 89# Fancy weave Ratines, in solid shades. Yard .... #I.OO Silk and cotton Ratine: 36 inches wide. Yard .... 690 Imperial Crepe, in solid shades, with a ratine self-color stripe. Yard /. 35$ Crepe Voiles, 38 inches wide. Yard 25$ Cotton de Chine, 38 inches wide. Yard 79$ Silks That Are the Vogue First to be mentioned is Chiffon Taffeta because it is a favorite this Spring. We have a beautiful quality 36 inches wide at #1.15 Changeable Taffeta, 27 inches at #I.OO and 36 inches at #1.50 Black Taffeta, 24 inches at #I.OO, 30 inches at #1.50, and 40 inches at #2.00 Pussy Willow Taffetas in quaint old-fashioned designs, 40 inches, yard #2.50 Crepe de Chine, 25 shades • #1.50, #1.09 and #2.00 Crepe Meteor, 20 shades #1.75, #2.00 and #2.25 Pretty crepe meteors and crepe de chine with floral printings, everv modish shade, 40 inches #3.00 Crepe de chine, all colors, with beautiful printings, yard, #2.25 and"#2.so Canton crepes, 40 inches #1.(59 Cascadeau, rough silk crepe, 40 inches, yard #2.00 Silk Poplin, 40 inches, 15 styles, yard #1.59 Evening silks in crepe chiffons, plain chiffon and Broche Crepe, yard #5.00 Flowered Crepes, dainty blossom design, yard, #1.25, #1.50 and #2.00 Embroidered chiffon, exclusive patterns, yard ... #4.00 Black Crepe Corduroy, 40 inches, yard #2.50 Black Crepe de Chine, 40 inches, vard, #1.89, #2.00 and #2.50 Black Crepe Meteor, 40 inches, #2.00, #2.25, #2.50 and #3.00 Pebbled back Charmeuse and Crepe, latest French weaves, yard #2.50 and #3.00 Dtves, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. Men's Educator Shoes We have added this make of high grade shoes, famous for its quality and comfortable lasts, to our lines of Men's Spring Shoes. The styles include tan willow calf, gun metal calf and black kidskin. Educator lasts never go out of fashion. | Price #1.50 Men's Spring Oxfords Gun metal oxfords, low English heels, blind eyelets and hand-welted oak leather soles #I,OO Dark tan blucher oxfords, new English last with red rubber soles and heels, Goodyear welts #I.OO Black kidskin blucher oxfords, new straight last, fine stitching over tips and camp seams, white oak leather hand stitched soles #I.OO Patent colt button shoes, full toe last with hand-welted jj oak leather soles #I.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. • _ HUERTA HONORS GUARDS OF NATION AL PALACE Vlctoriano Huerta, Provisional President of Mexico (dotting hat), and Minister of War Blanquet, photo graphed in Mexico City on the occaai on of Huerta'a decorating the members of the Twonty-ninth Regiment, for Jielr loj'al service during the first year of his administration. The Twenty-ninth Regiment le stationed at the M«t tonal Palace and is virtually Huerta'a bodyguard. ' 1 ".IW - i ...^ : -.....„ .-. FRIDAY EVENING. , BARBISBURG jjfigjiljg TELEGRAPH MARCH 20,1914 There's a Decided Advantage in Having Close to a Thousand Models | from Which to Select Your Spring Hat Every Smart Style Featured by the Paris Artists and Talked About is Represented in This Opening Display i '/O We have brought the ! (?&)■ f j leading hat modes ot j M&K Paris, London and New V'- j York to Harrisburg, ] a TK - j giving them in their • i ,'vnJK original shape and It' 1' V \ J clever adaptation-and "' Jc \ 4 our * s s Whit man /j \ tf"" J* spent a fortnight in . 4s- // /! / § Paris last month visit _ : " .J.. ing the ateliers of the ' i f amous designers and studying their creations, the inspiration of which is apparent in the pre eminent styles of our Spring hats. The variety of dress, tailored and hats for other occasions is the greatest we have ever shown at an opening. In addition to the hun dreds of hats of incomparable beauty and correct style designed in our own workrooms will be shown pattern hats ot smart style and exquisite taste from these famous designers: Burgesser Halsey Phiftfts Croft Hy/and Rawak \%faters jardine Castle And the Chapeaux de Paris are clever copies of masterpieces of Evelyne Varon Suzanne Taibot Marie Louise Camille R.oger Louison georgette JVLary and A nnie Formal opening continued to-morrow--Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Shepherd Checks and Chalk Stripes Are the Leading Styles in Men's Spring Suits Soft finished worsteds, eassimeres, home- C > spuns, tweeds, cheviots and serges are the fab lies, unusually attractive are the patterns, the V"*/ leaders of which are shepherd checks and chalk A' stripes. L \ If you enjoy being first with the new, come lUb\ I * Py»\ in and make your selection to-morrow. __V£>\ Two and three-piece navy Cheviot,, homespun, tweed, V|\\ blue serge suits, two and three- cassimere and worsted suits in \ button sacks, patch and regular brown, grey and blue grey> J • J. pockets, full and skeleton lined , , . . , v. '«Jwl coats, $13.00, $15.00, P-str.p«, patch or ,3!** IJM SIB.OO, SBO.OO and $85.00. regular pockets, English soft , Tartan plaids, shepherd lapels, #IB.OO, #550.00 I jjl \iwj \l checks and chalk stripes in fine and #35.00. I /jjl L| v,' {J | quality soft finish worsteds and ' Neat patterns in pin striped "j!l' lilU ju/lf 1 I eassimeres, coats lined with black worsted suits, three-but- jfrJß| jjjf I silk or mohair, cuffs on sleeves, ton sack lined with mohair, jr' jj|_ if i six-button vest, #15.00, #15.00 Jrmj #lB.(K>, #20.00 and #25.00. D - p - &s - Seco,ld Floor > lieur - I j Candy Specials for To-morrow Delatour chocolates in butter SOc Bryn Mawr liquid cream i colates and fruits, 40c quality, at scotch, charlotte rusqe, cherries in chocolates, vanilla, mint, orange, 25c cocounut, cherry, roast almonils anil Fresh salted peanuts, lb. . . . 15c syrup, molasses chips, peppermint English walnuts, lb. ..., ftOc Special mixtures, lb 10c patties, caramels, orange and lemon Blizzard chocolate coated al- iv»TTxrrp. T »y tart, chocolate sponge, ndugatines, monda, lb 29c nin. I'UtNraiN etc., 60c quality at, lb 35c I Pound box Meadow Brook cho- A new one—"Billy Sundae," 10c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. SWU M'CHICKI LOST LIFE IN RIVER [Continued from First Page.] tor of a hotel on the grounds of the j Suffolk Driving Park, In the extreme southern section of the city, volun teered the Information that last Thursday two men and a 7-year-old boy entered the hotel. Wallace de clared that the bo yanswered War ren's description, but was apparently willing to go with the men. The boy's father and several detec tves went to the hotel and started from there on an all-day search, which revealed nothing that might serve to shed light on the mystery. The second clue was given by Sam uel P. Sharkel, a clerk in Post Office Station D, Nineteenth and Christian streets. Sharkey told the detectives that he had seen a covered wagon go ing west on Christian street a few minutes before 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The vehicle carried two Colored men and a boy, he said. The postal clerk added that the wagon had "Brldesburg" painted on one side. Acting on this information, the po lice of Port Richmond and Brldes burg Instituted a search for a wagon answering that description. Investigators spent an hour yester day searching the old buildings at Seventeenth and Catharine streets, formerly occupied as laboratories by the Powers, Wcightman & Rosengar ten Company. The structures and j grounds have not been used for a long i I time, and it was thought that Warren might have wandered into the place and perished. No trace of the boy was found, however. With the offer of a municipal re ward of $5,000 it is expected that a new impetus will be given to the search to-day. Sponsors for the city reward hope to enlist the aid of every agency not heretofore Interested in the aueat. THREE DUTCH GIRLS OFF TO SCHOOL VIA CANAL . j jr km v!v £• * -ft HnnsnniHf * ♦ • +***- w aHBPHHniV HEm jjOa T * \ jbi fut tne in si iiinu in live years tnt cunais of Holland aro completely frozen over, and as they are short-cuts, the canals have become winter highways. The picture above shows three happy Dutch girls on their way to school and carrying a charcoal flra with which to keep warm In the aohool house White Dress Weaves for Spring in Many Weaves of Distinctive Type The fabrics are altogether different than you - will find in the average store, and the showing is as distinctive of its kind, as is any feature to be found in this lovely Spring Fashion Show. White waisting linen, 36 Heavy round thread linen; inches wide. Yard, 25$ to 50$ 36 inches wide. Yard, Linen Cambric, a light to 85$ weight weave for dresses and 45-inch dress linen in many waists, 36 inches wide. Yard, weights and weaves. Yard, to T.V' .10e to 75$ Sheer linen lawn, imported Non-shrinkable linens, 45 direct from Ireland's best white inches wide. Yard, goods mill; 36 inches wide. <SOS to #I.OO Yard :«)(• to $1 .oo! Linen Sheetings for dresses,, Ratine Suiting, 43 inches waists and suits. Yard, wide. Yard $1.25 <os to $1.75 Combination Sugar Canned Goods Specials m the Enlarged Grocery Section Saturday With the purchase of SI.OO worth of the following canned goods, either of one kind or assorted, will go the privilege ol buying 25 pounds of Franklin granulated sugar at $1.05 3 cans hand pocked Tomatoes. - cans Fancy Shoe Pog Corn. 2 cans Wisconsin Early June Peas. 2 cans Wagner's Halted Beans. Other grocery offerings include— Alaska Salmon, tall tins, 3 for 25$ Fancy Creamery Butter, pound JW$ Gold Milk, 6 small cans 25$ Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, 3 for 25^ Van Camp Spaghetti, 15c cans, 2 for 25$ Pritchard's Baking Powder, 10c can at 50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Specials in Aluminum Ware Values Up to SI.BO at 98c Saturday specials in the Housefurnishings section—• 3-pint aluminum eoflee pot, SI.OO value, at .!)8c 3-pint aluminum rice boiler, $1.50 value, at .....98c <!-()iiar( alminum covered Berlin kettle, $1.60 value, at 98c 8-quart aluminum preserving kettle. .$1.60 value, at 98c 6-quart alminum lipped saucepans, $1.15 value, at 98c Barnes' electric washing ma-I $2.98 rotary ash sifters ....$1.98 chine with ball-bearing wringer, 50c square oak cake boxes, 39c SIO.OO White crepe toilet paper, 10 nc 59c 5-foot step ladders with pail! rolls for 29c shelf 45c I Sanitary paper towels, 75 towels 8-foot clothes line propers with on roll 10c metal ends, 15c, or 2 for 25c Matting traveling bags with hold 98e chair step ladders 65c fast catches, 10, 17 and 18 inches, $1.39 folding ironing board with 50c adjustable stand 98c CHINA WARE SPECIALS $3.00 pioneer clothes wringer Decorated covered dishes, orange with guaranteed rolls $2.39 bowls, pitchers, sugar bowls, cream Heavy galvanized wash boilers, pitchers, tea pots, cracker jar, salnd 98c to $1.33 values at. 83c to sl.lO bowls; values to 50c at 10c 25c round fruit press or potato Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Base- masher, He, or 2 for 25e ment. The New Cravats for Men Are of Crepe Faille Silk Many of them.are bordered on the ends with novelty centers—a soft rich fabric in many distinctive patterns. Each, 50$ 1200 four-in-hand ties in new colors. Each. 25$ and 35$ Boys' silk and knitted four-in-hand ties, in solid colors and fancy patterns 25$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Furniture from Our Own Stock Reduced for Saturday Sales $35.00 bra.4) beds, with 2-il»cli ! $3.98 golden oak hall mirrors. square posts, IY> square top rods j Saturday $1.95 and 7 one-Inch tilling rods, satin $4.98 golden oak hall mirrors. finish. One dozen only to be sold Saturday 82.50 at the special price of $25.00 $7.50 golden oak parlor tables. $10.95 fumed oak desks. Satur- ;V 1 $1.95 t lav ' $7.95 sl- s< l golde noak mahogany ».>!!-<» „ i j i ' * 0.. _ tabourettcs. Saturday 950 $24.50 mahogany desks. Satur- $1) r>o ro „ mat y tPI;S9CS- Sat t siw.au jurday $7.95 $3.95 willow chairs. Saturday, $12.50 mission clocks. Saturday, $2.951 $6.25 = V Be Sure and Visit STOUFFER'S STALL j in Broad and Chestnut Street MARKET To -morrow Morning I Meat, Country Ham, Cheese, Delicatessen and H more ex en* «E line of Hotne Baking i ■ ■ i «. ! Main Store, 202 Walnut St ■ 10 Plush and Broadcloth Street and Evening Coats— your choice, • SIO.OO Were $25.00 to $37.50. Witmer, Bair & Witmer , * r r 'JTry Telegraph Want Ada.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers