Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Image 8

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Ate Newest Conceit/ iii Lift^cf ie B^.
AND now comes the trousers!
Men have predicted them. Women have seer them coming. And
now they're actually here.
But you do wear them on the Inside. And there won't he very much be
tween them and your skirt. For lo! they're designed to take tho place
or a petticoat In a number of Instances.
Tor example. If you want to tango, and your r,k!rt la narrow except
for the silt, you just omit your petticoat, and wear your trousers under
neath your skirt. It's perfectly proper. Fashion rays s&.
Stage beauties have adopted It. Ultra society has given Itn sanction.
And before you know It, everybody will be substituting trousers for petti
At nny rate, they're the very newest thing. And you may get them In
any gnr* of style you choose. Ton can have them long, plain ovsr tho hips
ind full at tho bottom, the whole joined to the corset cover, similar to
the mode Uhistratefi In the central figure. Or If you prefer, you may havo
them shirred close about the ankles, and full at the waist.
And It's nil on account of the tango, the mr.dness of which has sent lt<
Influence Into every line of woman's garb.
. One of very newest conceits of Faehlon m lingerie llnea Is th«
combination chemise nwrt drawers, similar to the pnrment Illustrated on
this pacrp. Tt's wonderfully attractive, made ,->f soft materials. Tt falla
in eracofnl folds rind Is confined at the knees hy soft slitrrinj,' held by
elast!? hands which allows of freedom of movement.
It's one of the particularly attractive designs for the new serin*
okfrts. y *
Clever and Unique Valentine Party for Little Folks
Simplicity, attractiveness, fun.
These are the requirements for tho
Buccessful children's Valentine party.
And if you're resourceful you may
arrange the most delightful chil
dren's party of th 9 year for St. Val
entine's Day If you choose.
Sena out cunning little heart
shaped Invitations of dainty pink.
One cunning 'little hostess Is sending
out Invitations after thin fashion with
the following little message:
Come and hunt hearts with me,
Saturday afternoon at three.
With th" Invitations cut, the next
problem Is the decorations. And for
Valentine decorations no color
scheme Is more attractive than pink.
And of course, with hearts and Cup-
Ids many original and unique effects
are possible.
And then when It comes to a mat
ter of games, there are numerous di
versions appropriate and enjoyablo
which you may plan. Of course you
must havo a heart hunt.. It may last
for fifteen or twenty minutes, and a
suitable prize would be a heart box
of plpk filled with candy.
Another diversion which would
please the children would be a con
test to find how many words they
could make from the letters In "St.
. v «lentlne." Tor this a suitable prize
would be a pink covered memoran
dum book with pencil. And then,
lust before supper let the little peo
,ple have a little romp In the open
Table decorations should be most
attractive of all. Fink flowers should
bp no'-d Hoiipl-shmioil nlnce cards
of pink with tiny Valentines in pink
and white for favors would he ap
propriate nnd occur>vl"cr a conspicu
ous place there should be a heart
shaped cake Iced In pink. Sand
wiches. salads. meats, cakes and can
dies all may be served In heart-shape
effects, completing a most charming
And as a climax to the fun there
might bo a Valentine shower, ar
rangej so that by pulling a ribbon
above the table there would fall a
showed of Valentines.
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Easy Sponge Cake—Beat three
■eggs one minute, then ad' one and
one-half cups of sufjar and beat for
five minutes. Add a cup of sifted
flour an<f beat one minute; then a
cup of cold water and another cup
of flour In which you have mixed
a teaspoonful of baking powder.
Beat all together for u minute and
balco In e slow ovon.
• • •
Creamed Pish In Shells.—Melt two
tablespoonfuls butter, add two td.-
blespoonfuis flour, one cup of milk,
salt, pepper and paprika to taste.
Cook, stirring constantly, until the
mixture bolls. Remove from flre,
add one cup fish (any leftover fish)
free from skin and bones, and one
finely chopped hard cooked egg. Fill
buttered shells with the mixture,
cover with fine cracker crumbs and
grated cheese, and bake until deli
cately browned. Well seasoned
mashed potato, piped through a pas
try bag and tube, around the edge
of the shell makes the dish very
much more attractive.
• • •
Frozen Pudding with Hot Maple
Syrup—Three cups milk, one cup
chopped mixed fruit, three eggs, ono
cup sugar, one tablespoon corn
starch, vanilla to taste, ice and salt.
Put the milk in top of double boil
er. Mix tha cornstarch with a little
cold milk; add the well-beaten egg,
sugar and a few grains of salt; mix
Household Helps
When using dates for des. art, w It
and drain them, they will be juicier
and more palatable.
• • •
If the boy gets his rubbtr boots
wet Inside, a good way tr dry them
is to fill them with hot yellow corn
• • •
Never allow the flrebix of your
range to be more than three-fourt-.a
tilled. When full the draft Is
• • •
When next serving lemon with tea,
add a little orange marmalade to
each cup; the flavor is delicious.
well and add slowly to the boiling
milk, stirring until It thickens. Re
move fro mthe fire and add the fruit,
which has been put through the
meat chopper. Te fruit is a matter
of taote or what one has in the
house. It can be two tablespoons
raisins, oen tablespoon citron, one
tablespoon cherries, ne tablespoon
candled pineapple, a few currants
or other conserved fruits. Put into
freezer, pack with ice and salt;
freeze, but not too stiff; put into
mold and pack in ice and salt.
Serve plain or with hot syrup.
• • •
Oyster Macaroni.—Boll the maca
roni. Into a baking dish put a lay
er of it seasoned with butter, pep
per and salt, then a layer of oys
ters; alternate until the dish is full.
If there Is very little ,of the oyster
juice, there should be poured over
the scallop enough milk to moisten
thoroughly. lix some grated bread
with a beaten egg, spread It over the
top and bake. Many consider a
sprinkling of grated cheese over the
macaroni an Improvement to this
WHATEVER lingerie style you adopt. It must be exquisite In fabrle.
Fashion has determined this beyond question. Either It must be
of chiffon, of shadow lace, of tulle, or else It must be of th.® soft
est silk, or the most supple of crepe de chenes.
For sheerness Is one of the prime principles of Fashion as re
gards, gowns and blouses. All of which gives an added Importance to the
daintiness of the lingerie.
No really feminine woman will And It in her heart to reprove Dame
Fashion for this latest freak, for every woman loves the dainty bit of lin
gerie, the fllmy trifles of lace and ribbon which she puts together with
many a fine stitch.
In gome of the smartest lingerie conceits, layer after layer of chiffon aro
used, while In others the most exquisite of dainty laces are employed.
Combinations of crepe de chene in light weights with shadow lace ar»
good. Where linen is employed It Is of the sheerest handkerchief fabric,
filmy In Its texture.
Fashion Is responsible for much of this. But for equally as much
of this recent trend In lingerie style, the manufacturer may be held re
sponsible. They're Just making up for lost time. The past few seasons,
during which llne-erle has been of such little Importance, has been disas
trous to the makers of these dainty conceits. So they've taken advantage
of the present modes of outer garb, to emphasize by Increased elegance
and daintiness the importance of lingerie.
And this year of all years you must wear dainty, lacy, shadowy, fllmy,
exquisitely beautiful lingerie.
Valentine's Day Has a Message for Every Home
St. Valentine's Day has a message.
It's a" message for you and for me.
It's more than the sickly sentlmen
tallsm which characterizes the mushy
verse the lovelorn youth sends his
That's not the true message of St.
Valentine's Day.
It's real
the happiness of every human be
ing. It's the Importance of the place
which sentiment should hold In our
lives, for sentiment should have a
place In the life of every man or
woman who would be happy. And
the happiest woman is she who has
the largest capacity for sane senti
In these days when there seems to
1 • nothing so Important as the race
for success, when nothing matters
if Only we reach our goal, there's a
big and Important need for senti
ment. And the man or woman who
takes time to fill that need Is the
one who most deeply drinks of life's
I know a little family, small and In
meager circumstances. But In spite
of It all they're happy. And one of
the biggest contributing factors to
their happiness Is this one little «le
Though the husband and wife have
been married f ten years now. and
have passed over many scraggy
financial rocks, not once has he ever
failed to send her some little token
on Valentine's Day.
Not only on Valentine's day, but
at other Intervals, anniversaries and
the like, hi has revived this self
same ser .ment. And It brightened
many a dark day for this little wife,
who has been brave In her part of
the struggle.
Every home needs the leavening
element of sentiment.
St. Valentine's Day brtngs the mes
sage. Tt's the message of real senti
ment, kept burning forever and anor
until the perfect day.