Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    A single reading of the Public
Ledger will no more convince you
than one swallow will make summer.
Your newspaper becomes a factor
in your life. It gets from ten to
forty minutes of your day. What
is it doing for you ? Is it the best
newspaper you can buy? If it is,
then the price of it will never keep
you from knowing it. If it is not,
then no advertising can make you
keep on reading it
That awful sourness, belching of
neid and foul gases; that pain In the
pit of the stomach, the heartburn,
nervousness, nausea, bloating after
eating, feeling of fullness, dizziness
and sick headache, mearts your stom
ach is sour—your liver is torpid—your
bowels constipated. It isn't your
Itomach's fault—it isn't Indigestion—
\'!° PRICE 10 CENTS!
French Machine Gun Mo anted on a Biplane in Air
The French have carried the use of aeroplanes to such a degree that they
have actually mounted a machine gun on one of them. This gun was placed
on a Deperson biplane in tests just made at Villacoubly. The photograph
shows Captain Destouches of the French army, aiming the gun. The aviator
la Maurice Prevost, who is known Internationally as a daring airman.
"V . V r
it's biliousness and constipation. Try
Cascaretsj they sweeten the stomach,
remove the sour, fermenting food and
foul gases; take bile from the liver
and carry off the constipated waste
matter from the bowels. Then your
stomach trouble is ended. A Cascaret
to-night straightens you out by morn
Wilson May Be Asked For Names j
of All Protesting Foreign ;
Nations <
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C. t March 19.—Dis
cussion of the Panama Canal tolls
controversy was renewed in the Sen
ate to-day when Senator Jones, of
Washington, again urged the passage
of his resolution asking President Wil
son to submit to the Senate the names
of all foreign governments which have
protested against the tolls exemption
provision of the canal act, together
with copies of all communications that
have passed between them and the
United States on the subject. Senator
Jones contended it was Imperative
that the Senate, before it understood
to act upon President Wilson's request, |
should be informed as to the interests
of the foreign nations in the matter.
He pointed out that he resolution only
requested information which the Presi
dent deemed advisable to give.
An Economical Trip
Through Panama Canal
A rare treat is in store for the
people of Harrisburg on Saturday aft
ernoon and evening, when Clem
Shorter Leftwltch, of North Carolina,
who was six years civil engineer of the
United States government in tne Canal
Zone, will lecture, with the most re
cent moving pictures Just received
from New York, at the Technical high
school auditorium on the Panama Ca
nal and the people of that country.
Many people spend hundreds of dol
lars, undergo many discomforts, In or
der to see this country, and linally
come home without the knowl
edge which this splendid lecture will
give them.
Having been on the ground, Mr.
Leftwitch is well prepared to enlighten
and entertain the audience, and takes
great pleasure in answering any and
all questions.
This canal is without doubt the
greatest engineering feat of the workl
and every one who desires to be in
formed should hear this lecture.
The remarkably low price of the
tickets makes the admission within
the reach of everyone and 011 this
account no seats will be reserved. —
Fatiguing Day's Work For Pontiff j
Followed Early Mass and
* i
, By Asiociated Press
Rome, March 19.—"This la a salute '
for my name day," exclaimed Pope
Plus when ho was awakened early |
to-day by a terrific storm accompanied
by "ivid flashes of lightning and loud i[
peals of thunder.
His holiness shortly afterward cele
brated mass in the presence of several
specially invited guests, Including his ,
sister sand a niece. After the mass his
two sisters, who reside in Rome, ana |
his niece, Signorina Parolin, daughter i
of another sister, were received by the
pope in his private apartments, where
they stayed to breakfast.
The audiences then began and a
fatiguing day's work for the pontiff
ensued, although every function was
cut to as brief a period as possible.
Virginia Ford, child, heiress, whose
possession is contested, vanishes from
Chicago with her grandmother. '
President Bowles, of the Fore River I
Shipbuilding Company, admits paying
SI,OOO to a lobbyist.
United States Court decision gives
control of wireless to Marconi Com
B. F. Yoakum, ex-chairman of the
Frisco system, advocates government
regulation of railroad securities.
Secretary Redfield tells Los Angeles
business men market of whole world
is most advantageous.
Department of Agriculture bulletin
says Chicago packers control Argen-,
tine meat exports to United States.
Wisconsin revolts at taxation due to
educational propaganda and State may
go over to Democrats.
Delaware College plans list of free
lectures to be delivered by teachers.
State Treasurer Grosscup, of New J
Jersey, to marry his secretary.
Detective Burns says he has found
the track of Mary Phagan's murderer.
Lehigh Valley stock is /reely sold
as George F. Baer leaves directorate. I
William O'Brien, All-for-Ireland
leader, says Premier Asquith's pro
posals, if carried out, will wreck home
The Swiss police forbid gambling on f
horse races.
U. S. Steel Profits
Increase $26,976,936
Special to The Telegraph
New York, 'March 19.—The annual
I report of the United States Steel Cor
| poration for the year ended Decem
ber 31, 1913, shows earnings available
| for dividends on the common and
preferred stocks amounting to $Bl,-
216,985, an Increase of .26,976,936
over the previous year.
After dividend payments :-nd the de
duction of $15,000,000 used for addi
tional property and construction and
capital obligations, a surplus for the
year amounting to $15,582,183 was
added to profit and loss account. This
was an increase of $11,976,936 over
the previous year, in which th :re was
no special deduction from earnings.
The total surplus of the c mpany
was $151,798,428, at the end of the
Methodist Church Loses
Control of Ocean Grove
Special to The Telegraph
Trenton, N. J., March 19. —The
' Ocean Grove borough bill, fought by
I the Methodlts church of the country
, for years, was signed by G rvernor
j Fielder. The purpose of the measure
. which contains a referendum Is to
i wrest the control of Ocean Grove from
- the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Asso
ciation, which owns all the irround,
and to establish a municipality in
whose affairs the lessees of the asso
ciation, who are also resisdents, shall
| have a voice.
B Hotel Clerk Held Up
i and Robbed of $350
By Associated Press
Detroit, Mich., 19.—An armed rob-
J ber held up W. H. Burns, night clerk
j in the office of the hotel Metropole,
nearly opposite the City Hall, early to
day and compelled the clerg to hand
him $350 In cash. The robber then
leaped into a waiting limousine, press
' ed a revolver against the head of the
driver and ordered lit mto speed to
j ward the suburbs. 1-Ie left the ma
chine about three miles from' the
downtown district and escaped.
: The bandit who was dressed in a
, fur-lined overcoat and soft hat as he
! left the automobile, said to the driver:
"I just missed a $5,000 job in Chicago,
> but this will help to make up for it."
Another Member of French
' Cabinet Resigned Today
By Associated Press
Paris, March 19. —Mine. Caillaux's
assassination of Gaston Calmette, edi
tor o ftlie Figaro, brought about an
other change in the French Cabinet
to-day, when Ernest Monis, Minister
of DMarlne, added his resignation to
that of Joseph Cailleaux, Mnister of
A meeting of the Cabinet Council I
accepted the resignation. For the
present, Albert F. Lebrun, minister of
Colonies, will act also as Minister of
Mme. Calllaux is still the object of
deep popular sympathy.
The late Captain John C. Harvey was
the subject of an Interesting and Im
pressive memorial service at the Mar
ket Square Presbyterian Churi'h, last
evening. Those who paid tribute to the
lamented ruling elder and Sunday
school teacher were: The Rev. Dr j
Ritchie Smith, J. Henry Splcer, Edward
Bailey and Homer C. Black, general
secretary of the Young Men's Christian
Association, with which institution
Captain Harvey was so long identified.
Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris sang an appro
priate solo.
By Associated Press
New York, March 19.—The steam
ship Imperator arrived from Hamburg
to-day after the roughest voyage of
her career. The port wing of her
giant eagle figurehead was gone and i
four life boats were missing, having
been carried away by an enormous
By Associated Press
Albany, N, Y., March 18.—Another
consignment of unemployed men will I
be shipped up-State from New York
In about two weeks.
Vae Dlaewvered Far Boiled Cnhbaae
[From the Toledo Blade.!
Onions will not be used as fertilizer
tills Spring- One would think that
boiled cabbage'would make better fer
ttlUflT*. anyway.
DBSDbttllßGfe Bar km <6t Bloae tcnnw prteer arc lower not Became qnaMttra are b«ltus)Q^BQl3Bn
1 Extra Friday Specials and Other
| Interesting
| Week-End Buyers of
| Present Day Needs
Embroideries Friday Morning We Shall Place on Sale a New Lot of
1 Special 27-lncb Shallow I>BCC T j- > TT_.„ __ A oW> .
□ Fiouaciac, half yard i»c Ladies Hats and shapes
j Shadow Lucca, different wldtb«i Including the nniall Tnrlian rlffi'tn and tlie flaring atylra with
I „ 10c -jc turn-up aide nnd buck. Colors are black, nary, brown, iirern und other
Shadow Handing to match 10c Tanhlonnblt- »lih<l<n.
All-over Shadow l.ucen -,> c Alao new lot of Trimmings In Imitation AleretleN In white, black,
(3 New Shadow Coraet Cover l.oc«i and eolora; DalxleM, Wl»|t», Wheat, Flowera, Fruit, Wreath*, Oatrlch
125 c Fancies, etc. We lire UINO showing a eoiuplete line of the newest eol-
Venlae l.aeen lOe to 2"»- ora nnd effects In Rlbbona.
Cluny I.nccs *e
Oriental I.UCeS 12% c to 25c —————
□ Point de Paria i."< <■«, 10c andi i2V4o China and Glassware Specials _ . * >
fit Shadow aud Oriental All-over r Fridav Snerial
l.ucea, white and ecru, half yard, • ' opcciai
25c in the Household Department 84-lnch Illaek nnd \VLIte Shril
ly New Plata Xetaj white, cream nad herd Cheeka, 50c value; apeelal
□ ecru 25c I'»r«:c aaaortment of llrat quality fop Friday only 2Bc
ri 10-Inch Cambric Embroidery . . 10c chlnawarc in cupa nnd aaficera,
I 18-Inch Coraet Cover Embroidery, tinkers ninOrn .n.!,,.* _
12% c. 15e, 20c and 25c hakera, platters. v. getable dishes, NOTIONS IN WIDE
jj 18-lnch Swlaa unil \alunook Flonne- bow la, platea and pltehera, all
0 ' n * 20c sizes In plain white and decorated A CCnDTMUMT
ri 27-Inch St. Uall Swlaa Flouncing al „ c an<l , 0c each MkNT
All-over Embroidery 25c Complete line of water glasses, Thread. Spool lc and 5c
If New llaby Embroidery, plain aad deeornted .. 5c and 10c . Darning Cotton, 3c> 2 for 5c
| Stlckerel ea, »U ° Ia "" ®" ke ™ nt " ■ " 2 "' Bc •»« 10c
| colora 10e, 15c, 10c and 25c '-"Re Size Water Pltehera ... 25c Safety Plna, card 2c, 5c aad 10c
1 Aa. TLT J, . „ . , _ Olive, Plcklc and Fruit Dlahea, Snap faatenera, dozen Bo
'L Art Needlework Specials For 10v and 25c Inalde heltlnK, yard .... 10c aad 25c
;|l FRIDAY ONLY Sherbet Glasses, with and without Fenther bonluK .... se, 10c niM 2Bc
lIUI -2K., =...» an •> „ . . handlea 5c and 10c Collar Supporter* ... 3c, Be and 10c
| Glass Vaaea ...... 15c and 25c Hooks and Eyes card,
_ SOc llurlnp Table llunnera in green Dreaa Shields 10c and "»Bo
I "ly "Peclnl tor Friday f—~ B»t"a®, h a»
25c and 30c Stamped Voile ' and TwO-PieCe Prices New Tango Hair Pin-.
| 20c ,, "7m^d l "Whl?c F Viae» "cJilJf, ,He foUow,n * ar " Shell Good., new styles, Barretts
13 apeelal for Fridav n'n?» Collaji tlclea whleh cannot be aup- aad eomba 10c and 25c
fil 2Bc value 27-Inch Tan UolUeaV ape- plied wlthla our price limit H.!*." s C °!f U'' 'if I# S
cl.l tor Frldny only ~ ... m* * «K'-ffiiSj
g MEN'S AND BOYS' »«" *•;*„*•£• „ a 2 „ t iSS? M ohm. ....
| FURNISHINGS """ ■aiUam; 'A" **
Men's and Boya' Dreaa Shlrta, 25c 15c, 10c and 25c 10c aad 25c
S Bo >'"' W»rk Shlrta, 2So New Emhroldcrlea, half yard. 2Bc P«ckelhooka and Handbag apeelal,
n SiI?E ■YSSf.'Vr 10c Combination Suits and Prlnceaa
(T) "« « StocklaKH in Male Thread, all Sllpa.
111 m'.'.'t."'?. l'J'/jc New l.adlca' Neckwear. 'jo . . '
2™" co 1 , ? r «"» ■tocklnua, Be New Wool Drraa Gooda. rriday Special
UJ Men's Silk Stocklnga 25« Drrai Sllka . . .. . _
g MC "'' an,, B ° 5 -' SU IVZ?\% and 25c lIZ A " M "" KTi
I M In". 3- n „V ,,^'e„ C 7.r,.„r. :• • • . »w Houaehold Article.. on^*:..
lu Men'a Handkerchief., > "■ J
jjj lot of 2Bc white and cream frill- Every Dfvy Is Bftrgftllt Day
|t iuki Friday only, yard ioc | 215 MARKET ST. Opp. Courthouse
Sdfy &Practieal fgJJSMffI
Mome dress AaKing^^ llp||j
Prepared Especially For This Newspaper yW"
by Pictorial Review
Pink and whit* daintiness embodied
In dimity. This Is an Ideal summer
frock for rrowing girls and Is very In
An attractive little dress Is this, car
ried out In printed dimity and trlm
i ned with plain lawn and embroidery.
To make the dress requires:
I yards of 36-lnch dimity at 2&c. yard. sO.ll
t yard plnh lawn M inches wide at
40c. yard »
To cat out the dress, first fold the
naterlal and lay the back and front
Coleman J. Joyce Is
Chief of Accounts of
Public Service Board
Coleman J. Joyce, of Pittsburgh, wn
to-day appointed by the Public Sorvlci
Commission as chief of the Bureau of
Accounts. Mr. Joyce 1B auditor of th<
Montour Railroad Company, and for
mefly was assistant to the controlU
of th<> Pittsburgh Coal Company, and a
one time traveling auditor In chart;
of the examination of the accounts o
that company. He has had consider
able experience with matters of this
kind >wlth the Interstate Comtnerci
Commission, and comes to the commis
sion hlfhly recommended.
Not Mnch Chance of Leaving
[From the Houston Post.]
If truth is ever able to leave the hos-1
pltal and consents to show her scars, I
we suspect ah* could point to many a j
I one and »»y, "Hobson made that"
ton. marked by "TTT" perforation,'
on a lengthwise fold. The belt and
•tay are arranged on a crosswise fold,
but the remaining pieces of the ma
terial are laid on a lengthwise thread
of dimity. Now open the material and
upon this place the front and back j
yoke and sleeve, the collar and cuff.
Tuck waist front and front yoke,
creasing on slot perforations; stitch %
Inch from folded edges. Center-front
Indicated by large "O" perforations.
Close center-back seam of yoke indi
cated by single large "O" perforation.
Gather upper edges of front and back
between double "TT" perforations.
Sew front and back to front and back
yoke, notches and centers even. Closa
under-arm and sleeve seams as notch*
ed. Close cuff seam as notched to
small "o" perforation, sew to sleeve as
notched. If made high neck, sew
standing collar to neck edge as notch
ed. If made open neck, sew round col
lar to neck edge, center-backs even.
Gather front and back on cross! Ines of
small "o" perforations: adjust stay
to position underneath gathers, center
backs even, small "o" perforation at
under-arm seam. Stitch a strap of
material to position at' under-arm
seam between small "o" perforations in
front (above and below gathers) to
pass belt through.
Lining and Skirt.—Close under-arm
seam of lining as notched, close shoul
der seam. Turn hem In back at notch
es. Join gores as notched. Close back
•earn from large "O" perforation to
lower edge. Form Inverted pleat at
center-back, creasing on slot perfora
tions, bring folded edge to center-back
and press. Turn hem at lower edge of
skirt on small "o" perforations. Sew
to lower edge of lining, centers even.
If the embroidery Is done by hand It
will greatly enhance the beauty\ and
value of the dress.
eowMjcnos out* »»
No. 5572. Sizes «. S, 10. 12 and 14
years. Price of pattern. 15 cents.
Scallop, design No. 11693. Embroid
ery design No. 11976. Transfer pat
terns. 16 cents each.
■I ______ <>/ am an o id man—and many of my troubles
never happened."-*-ELBERT HUBBARD ■
r[E white hair and wrinkled facea of our buey men and women tell
of doubt, fear and anxiety—more than disease or age. W< ry playa
havoc with the nervous svstem—so that digestion is ruineu and aleep
banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine—
ftoldeß l/Tedic&l discovery
lis to the delicate organs of the body. It's a tonic and body builder—because It
stimulates tlie liver to vig-nrous action, assists the stomach to .-issimilate food—thus
enriching the blood, and the nerves and heart in turn are fed on pure rich blood.
Neuralgia "is the cry of starved nerves for food." For forty years "Golden
Medloal Discovery" in liquid form has given great satisfaction as a tonic wd
blood maker.
Now It can be obtained in tablet form—from dealers in medicln•
or sendso one-cent stamps for trial box. Write R. V.Pierce, BufTalo.
■ RRMMi Relieve constipation, remlate <■>( Uver, ■■■■■■ I
and bowels. Buy to take a» candy. J
SFLirae ncHE
Get a 10 cent package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders
and don't suffer
You can clear your head and relievo
a dull splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with a Df,
James' Headache Powder. This cld
i time headache, relief acts almost
I magically. Senß someone to the drug
,! store now for a dime package and a
, | few moments after you take a powder
. 1 you will wonder what became of the
'headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop
! suffering—lt's needless. Be sure you
j get what you ask for.—Advertisement.
[company to Spend $150,000 Dur
ing Year For Improvements
and New Equipment
President Frank B. Musser's recom
mendations for important improve
ments and betterments were approved
to-day by the directors of the Harris"
' burg Railways Company. These im
iprovements involve an expenditure at
> jut least $150,000 and mean changes
lor the hotter in the service of tho
i company.
Ten new pay-as-you-enter caro will
at once be ordered and these will af
" ford additional cars and more fre
|<iuent service on the Third and Sixth
', street lines and other routes of the
t | system.
> | Other items in the budget include
I the reconstruction of the Derry street
j line, which is in bad condition, be
, tween Thirteenth street and Twenty
third street in East Harrlsbura 1 and
. the rebuilding "~o£ some up-town
• stretches. It will also be necessary
I to repave that portion of the highway
for which the company is respons
ible in Front and Second streets in
The activities upon the part of the
Harrisburg Railways Company will
still further improve the labor condi
tions In view of the big South Second
street improvements of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, the re
building of the C. V. R. R. bridge'
ove rthe Susquehanna and the city's
public work.
[From the Philadelphia Press.J
Outside interference—no matter what
\ designation may be given it is not
wanted in this State either before the
primaries or after the primaries. It is
. a reflection on the capacity of the peo
, pie for self-government and on their
Judgment and intelligence to Invite it.