Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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How Do You Cook
and Bake?
Vou can't do gopd work with poor tools. Are you
trying to cook on a Range that is played out —that is
no longer efficient—that wastes fuel and spoils food.
Then you are losing money and causing yourself a lot
of worry.
You must have a good Range to be able to bake
or cook and save anything in food and fuel.
Home Com $35.00
A Range large enough for most families has 8-inch lids and large
aire lire box, plain castings and removable nickel bands. A beautiful
Range as well as a guaranteed baker.
Our Prince Range, at $25.00
Our Home Comfort Range at .$35.00
Our Happy Home Range, at $42.00
Our Garland Steel Range at $48.00
Tou can have them with either pipe shelf or high warming closet;
also reservoir, if desired.. Every Range set up, including pipe and fully
j guaranteed.
Our charge account privileges are for you and our
terms are made to suit you. Open an account now.
Furniture Hi A.W J? Sewing
c 3"
Draperies 312 MARKET ST. Jewelry
Present Mrs. Thos. Yost O. Miller, Mrs. .1. Kaultmon! o'^n' S'AlU
leri Emory Miller, Mrs. Holtry and son,
With Cut Glass Fernery I Harriet; Mrs. E. . 1 "'
C. Miller and daughters, Man' and Mar-
Mrs. Thomas Yost, of 437 Muench *" s ®, L '' sartt5 art t
street, was surprised Monday evening- K'nlin \vikSn vtVoa TVV ranl J
by the ladles' Society No. 60, B. of U J.' \nil v?,, pv MX .«« M-
T. & E., and presented with a beauti- vlt Mrs T
fnl out fomprv Albert Yost, Mrs. 1. llabbarde and
prTato fh!f a £^r D ' aPPr °' MIS* 8 Mary C 'vost,^Mr.'
The following guests partook of a Huffman" Mrß '
bufTet supper at a late hour: H. Yoder, &' r and Mrs ThomaJ Y„»t Hickman,
Mrs. and Mrs. John Bless, Mr. and Mrs. M and s. 1 nomas Yost.
J. Reynolds, Mrs. Felix, Mrs. ICuhn, n/iltnrnn aw n
Miss Gladys Kuhn, Mrs. O. Blizzard. WINJjFRIjAJ p
Mrs. G. Willis and son. Stanley, Mrs. „ inLSUI\LrnL,L.
W. Raysor, Miss Fannie Sellers. Mrs. ! Kilgore s Band and Miller's Orches-
H. May, Mrs. Robert Wadsworth, Mrs. ' tra this evening.
! i It
I The Most Modern Homes I
| Use Electrical Appliances I
\ Even homes enjoying the advantages of fl
i Electric Light have not reached the highest a
j point of domestic efficiency, unless they are |f
■ equipped with one or more of tlie handy elec- §1
| trical appliances. Besides a saving of time and 9
! labor, tasks are performed better and with an ||
; indescribable feeling of satisfaction. ||
Lessen the Household Labors
? An Electric Vacuum Cleaner cleans tlior- ||
\ oughly and quickly. It does not stir up the H
; germ-laden dust as a broom does, and it avoids 1
[ the back-breaking labor of sweeping. U
| Harrisburg Light & 1
Power Company j
Oilier personals ou page 7.
Mrs. Lawsoris Guests
I 1 Receive Little Flags
Hrs. Bellett Lawson, of Paxtang, |
entertained the 1900 Embroidery Club I
at her home yesterday afternoon. The;
house was decorated with green plants
and Irish flags in honor of St. Pat
rick's Day.
The dining table was artistically ar
ranged with festoonings of green rib
bon; a geniuine "green" Irish liner
tablecloth from the "ould country," j
and in the.center of the table was a:
huge plant of shamrocks.
Refreshments were served and each
guest received as a favor a silk Irish
and American flag.
Those present were Mrs. R. L.
Pleam, Mrs. Fred Herman Marsh,
Miss Lois York, Miss Maria York.
Mrs. H. Godschalk, Mrs. Harry Uhler,
Mrs. John G. Young, Mrs. C. Willis,
Mrs. C. Day Ruudy, Mrs. George
Foerster, Miss Elsie McCormick, of
Harrisburg; Mrs. Sdward Kirby Law
son, Jenbrook; Mrs. Downing, Blng
hamton, N. Y., and Mrs. Bellett Law
son, Paxtang.
Mrs. Samuel Olaybaugh Toddj of tho
Ktter Apartments, left to-day fr St.
Clair, Michigan, to visit her aunt, Mrs.
Mark Hapkins.
Mrs. Robert McKelvy, of Ttitusville,
who has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Henry C. Orth. of State street, has gone
to Philadelphia for a little trip.
Mrs. Charles Strong Snyder, of Chi
cago, who was the guest of Mrs. Isaiah
Snyder, 1008 North Second street, went
to Carlisle yesterday for a stap with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laur
ence Butler.
Charles K, Wise, of 1335 Howard
street, is spending several days at
Stamford, Conn., and New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Palmer, of
Green street, gave a party for Miss
Katharine Jacoby, who is removing to
Miss Ethel Fair, of the City Library,
told stories to fifty girls in the club
room of the Young Women's Chris
tian Association on Tuesday evening.
The members of the T. M. T. M. Club
were the hostesses and Miss Ruth
Brownewell, of West Chester Normal
School, gave several solos. There were
pinno solos by Miss Madeline Rltter
and Miss Mary Beistline.
j The decorations were suitable to St.
I Patrick's Day and homemade candy
was served.
Miss Ethel K. Baldwin of 127 South
Fourteenth street, entertained the
members of the J. S. 500 club last
evening. A color scheme of green
and white was carried out in the table
appointments and dining room decora
The guests included Miss Carolyn
Patschke, Miss Hattie Lebo, Miss
j Nellie Reigle, Miss Mary Patschke,
I Miss Celia Homan, Miss Marjorie Lutz,
j Miss Grace Daniels and Miss Baldwin.
- Messrs. C. H. Reed, H. E. Moyer, Dr.
Coleman. Lester Mcllhenny, Dr. R. J.
| Reigle, W. Heckert, C. N. Hartman
| and A. Shaull.
Fine Musicians Appear
at Tonight's Concert
j The Wednesday Club, in its "Artists'
Concert" this evening, at Fahnestock
Hall, will present three noted musi
cians: Florence Hinkle, "America's
Premier Soprano"; Paul Kefer, 'cello
list of the New York Symphony Or
ichestra and Horatio Connell, baritone,
| famous in oratorio and soloist with the
j Philadelphia Orchestra.
| The program, which is most inter-'
eating, will begin at 8.15 o'clock. All I
i classes of members of the Wednesday 1
Club are privileged to attend the con-I
cert on presentation of their member
ship tickets. Others desiring to take
advantage of this great musical event,
may purchase tickets at the door for
one dollar.
St. Patrick's Social
With Mr. and Mrs. Santo
The St. Patrick's social held by the j
Christian Endeavor Society of the
Nagle Street Church of God, at the j
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Santo, was
most enjoyable.
Music and games were featured and
the decorations and supper menu were
carried out in green and white.
In attendance were Mr. and Mrs.
Santo, Mrs. Deiseroth, Mr. and Mrs.
Wise, Miss Richert, Mrs. Shuster, Mrs.
Smith and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. R.
Smith, Mrs. McNear and son Evan, Mr.
and Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Bubs, Miss
Mary Deiseroth, Miss Ruth Rhinehart
and Miss Florence Peace.
i )f ► >j
<,5 79
She overheard her father say that ,
labor had taken up arms against capi
tal, but she didn't see that the resi
dents of Washington were alarmed.
Or weak blood governs for good or i
ill every part of the body. The 1
medicine that makea weak blood J
pure and strong ia HOOD'S i
third of a century It has been tha J
leading blood purifier. '
H>w Your Favorite Magazine*
Bound in Attractive Form By
~ Telegraph Bindery
The J, H. Troup Music House
Headquarters For the Best Musical Instruments
This store is the recognized home of the best musical instruments- -
the best place to come to for the best goods at lowest prices, consistent with good
quality. Quality is everything in a musical instrument. An instrument which
falls short in musical quality would prove a disappointment. ev;n as * gift. The
object of the purchaser should be to be sure of quality first of all, then condi
tions, price.
reason in itself for buying here, but ij '
ments each year than all the other j! ||j /£&
city stores combined, is evidence of" I Jjl JtjM H
the superiority of the instruments I fipjfe'Y iHa m^SSSSmI
sold here. Then, too, the enormous V y- J f
output of this store means economy
direct and gives you a guarantee that
Your Choice All the Victrolas, Nine Different Makes of
of the Wor Id s Best Graf anolas, Player-Pianos
T .u- j > * anos _ Edison Diamond-Disc With prices ranging all the
J^t*V^Z° U *Z e This store offers advantages way from $455 to $1,050. If
SJH#. hv xrrMi xntw thp * n selection of Talking Ma- you are undecided about which
wnrlH'«" nianoc Vr.ll chines and Records not to be make of player-piano to choose,
worlds leading pianos. You found elsewhere . Besides com- you can secure.the ideal instru
can compare em in ® v . el ~y plete stocks you can compare ment by making side-by-side
etcf' V COm ™
CHICKERING Victrolas, Grafanolas and Angelus
EVERETT HARDMAN Edison Diamond-Discs Autotone-Autopiano
SHONINGER Side-by-side you hear these Playotone
ESTEY POOLE instruments demonstrated in and others shown here. Each
BUSH & LANE private tone-testing parlors, un- we believe to be the best in its
KIMBALL MERRILL der con ditions same as in class; each has its advantages
OTFRT IMP, yo il r °. wn " ome - . and improvements.
And Manv Others G ° f * U dlffere . nt w° od In addition, this store offers
Ana Many utners finishes at prices ranging from Player-piano purchasers FREE
all to select from; in every to SLoO. membership to a circulating
hnish of wood and latest case- Perfect record service. Get Librarv of 5 000 music rolk
d6Si # n - !t * C ° StS n ° thing eXtra ' but Ea( * roll 'exchangeable for
Prices, to S»SO. means so much more. the small fee of 10c.
Very fair t and liberal terms. Most satisfactory service. Demonstrations every morning and aft
ernoon. You are cordially invited to visit this store. No obligation whatever.
The J. H. Troup Music House
Troup Building 15 S. Market Square
The Saturday Sale of Used Pianos-at $125 up—will be held Sat
urday as usual-without further notice. Attend..
Witness Tells Court Dr. Ensminger
Was Frequent Caller at
How Dr. John T. Ensminger, Jr.,
frequently caled at the apartments of
Martha Austin, a trained nurse, with
boxes of pills, newspapers, magazines
and the ice—and extended these lit
tle professional calls Into social visits
' —was the feature of the testimony of
pretty Mrs. Fred Long, witness for
the Commonwealth to-day at the trial
of Ensminger and Miss Austin be
fore John Johnson in March Criminal
Dr. Ensminger Is charged with the
crime growing out of alleged marital
Infidelity and Miss Austin is facing the
jury on the lesser charge.
During the trial the pretty wife of
the defendant sat with her counsel,
Senator E .E. Beldleman, and Mrs.
Long, her principal wtness. Ens
minger and Miss Austin are being de
fended by ex-Dlstrlct Attorney John
Fox Weiss and James G. Hatz, a for
mer student attorney In Senator Bei
dleman's law Mrs. Long told
how she had occupied apartments
with Miss Austin and of how the
nurse frequently asked her to remain
away from the apartment as much
time as possible on certain occasions
when she hoped to entertain "her
Often Mrs. Long said she overheard
Miss Austin call a certain number on
the telephone and address the voice at
the other end of the wire as "Jack."
In course of time Mrs. Long said Dr.
Ensminger called at the apartment,
frequently bringing medicine, maga
zines and newspapers to Miss Austin.
Once he brought the Ice, she said.
Pleasantly Entertain
With Music and Games
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Looker spent a pleasant evening with
music and games, at their home in
North Summit street, laat evening. A
real St. Patrick's supper was served
with decorations and favors of green
and white.
The party included Miss Blanche
Etnoyer, Miss Alva E. Shearer, Miss
Irene Little, Miss Elizabeth Coleman,
Miss Mary Forney, Miss Marlon Davis,
Miss Sarah Kugle, Miss Fdera Daler,
Mlas Alice Daler, Miss Ruth Neal,
Dlntiman, James Dahr, Paul Relchert,
Frederick Suter, Russel Etmoyer, Lu
ther Breach, Harry Lqoker, William
Hlmes, Albert Looker, Mr. and Mrs.
Tttinger, Mrs. Himea, Mrs. Mlnchey,
Mrs. Dahr, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Look
Miss Lohgenecker Weds
• Walter Daub, of Seattle
Misa Caroline Kosina Haldeman
i Longeneoker, ,y.punr»r daughter'' of
Rear Admiral and Mrs. Edwin Long
enecker, formerly of this city, waa
married yesterday at the home of her
parents, at Wernersvllle, to Walter
Henry Daub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Daub, of Pottsville.
The ceremony, was performed by the
Rev. Dr. H. J. Senecker, pastor of the
ntheran Church of the Transfiguration,
Pottstown, in the presence of the im
mediate families, at 1 o'clock, and a
luncheon followed the service. The
bride, who was unattended, wore a
going away sown of dark blue cloth
with hat to harmonize, and a corsage
bouquet of lilies of the valley and or
Following a southern wedding Jour
ney, Mr. and Mrs. Daud will reside at
Seattle Mr. Daub Is located for
the present.
The bride is a well konwn member
I was badly ruptured while lifting a]
trunk several years ago. Doctors said
my only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got'
hold of something that quickly and
completely cured me. Years have pass
ed and the rupture has never returned,
although 1 am <lotng hard work as a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
lost time, no trouble. I have nothing
to sell, but, will give full lnformutlon
about how you may find a complete
cure without operation, if you write to
me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 850
M&rcftllus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J
Better cut out this notice and show
It to any others who are ruptured—
you may save a life or at least stop
the mlsety of .fupture and the Worrv
and 1 danger of an operation. Adve
rtli«m«n</s . • .. i
of the younger society and frequently
visits Harrisburg relatives. Mr. Daub
is a graduate of the Hill school, Potts
town and Princeton University.
' i
More ValuaLh Than
What is more necessary than to con
serve your eyesight, the most precious
of all senses?-
He who does one thing well is one
who does not attempt to do 100 things.
We live In an nge of specialism. My
specialty for over 20 years haa been
the proper correction and fitting of
glasses. Enough sa4d.
WHh ■, .C. OlMtet, MS - Market ML,