Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    IN SUIiH Mid
Suffered Everything Until Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Florence, So. Dakota.—"l used to be
•wy sick every month with bearing
pains and
backache, and had
headache a good
deal of the time and
MWU- SHHji very little appetite.
The pains were BO
mflm J used to
ME --yflflfll B ' t right down on the
cause it hurt me so
and I could not do
wfffljfu fr* work at those
VILI/iui 1 I I times. An old wo
man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and I got a
bottle. I felt better the next month so
I took three more bottles of it and got
well so I could woik all the time. I
hope every woman who suffers like I did
will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. P. W. LANSENG,
Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota.
Why will women continue to suffer day
In and day out or drag out a sickly, half
hearted existence,missing three-fourths
of the joy of living, when they can find
health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty years it has been the stand
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and beld in strict confidence.
Many cough syrups contain
Opium, Chloroform, Morphine,
Codein and such opiates. They are
harmful to the system. Avoid
them. Use Goff's Cough Syrup al
ways. No "dope" of any kind.
Made from native herbs. Goff's ia
the safe cough syrup that gives
permanent relief. Get a 25c or
50c bottle to-day. Money back by
the dealer if it doesn't help you.
_ No "DOPE"
Get A Bottle Today
Money Refunded
if not Satisfactory.
I Breaks the Fetters That
Bind Men
Hundreds Here Know It.
I "Break away from that ailment
i or complaint that unfits you for
♦ business or pleasure. You ean
♦ not expect the fullest enjoyment
♦ or pleasure in life fettered to a
♦ "drag,' " says an eminent physi
♦ clan, writing to a prominent busi
♦ ness man in this city. "Break the
♦ fetters that bind you! Throw
♦ them off. Begin a new life to
♦ day—now. Regulate tho hours
♦ of sleep. Choose carefully your
♦ food. Read cheerful Inspiring
♦ papers or books. Let the follow-
J Ing prescription be used regular
t ly for several weeks or months
f and all such symptoms as these
t will vanish: Dull, sunken eyes;
f cold extremities, backache, head
? ache, sleeplessness, thinness (or
♦ over fat), weakness In the spine,
J twitching, spots before tho eyes,
J pains in back o* head, trembling,
t fatigue, despondency, Impaired
| memory, loss of appetite, tlabby
J muscles, shrinking skin, consti-
I pation, kidney disorders and a
t general restlessness and Inability
j to do Important duties when they
J should be done."
For the benefit of those who
i want a restoration to full, bound
| Ing health and all the happiness
I accompanying It, the following
I home treatment Is given. It con-
I tains no opiates or habit-forming
I drugs whatever. Mix it at home
T and no one will be the wiser as
i to your affliction.
♦ The treatment is simple, thor-
J ough and correct. Leading drug-
I gists supply the main tinctures,
1 extracts and essences in one
) ounce bottles, ready to mix. Get
1 three ounces syrup sarsaparilla
1 compound fluid balmwort, and
1 stand two hours. Add one ounce
I compound essence cardlol, and
I one ounce tincture cadomane
1 compound (not cardamom). Shake
1 well and take a teaspoonful after
I each meal and one at bedtime.
For Sore Threat
and Chest Colds
chest colds, aore throat, tonsllltls,
pleurisy, deep seated coughs over
night, and a great big box costs but
25 cents at your druggist's.
Quinsy and croup go at once, and
colic or stomach cramps are easily
It's so easy, too; Just rub It on.
that's all; it's deeply penetrating and
will not blister. Use It freely.
inal; it draws out all pain and agony
wherever located. For Rheumatic
Pains and Swellings, Sprains, Bruises,
Stiff Neck and Cramps In Leg it. Is
most wonderful.
It's far better than hot water bot
tles, liniments, plasters or poultices,
and a box is equal to 00 old-fashioned
mustard plasters. Mail orders filled,
♦ •harsett prepaid by Begy Medicine
Co. t KocUoeter, N. Y. —Advertisement.
" ' 1 - ' > < . . ' <rr< '* .* 4 .- - \ "*: ' ' < >' ,** * • '
\ • >
County Commissioners Sit in Spe
cial Session to Pay
„ Assessors
assessors through
out/the county and
pay. The enrolling officers sat In |
every precinct of the county outside |
the city during tho last two days and |
the books were presented to the com
missioners' office to-day. By noon i
sixty had reported" and the others 1
drifted In during the afternoon. A :
few late ones may not get in before
The appropriation to cover the ex
penses Is $2,500. Each assessor is
allowed $3 per day and mileage for'
the purpose and each one presented a
bill for three days, an extra day being
allowed for making the returns.
Arbitrators in Council Chamber.—
The board of arbitration which is try
ing to settle the dispute between the
city and the W. H. Opperman Com
pany over some "extra" items of ma
terial for the river wall, met yester
day in the council chamber because
No. 2 was occupied with criminal court
Building Permits Issued To-day.—
Dr. E. H. James to-day got a permit
to remodel 608 North Third street, for
the purpose of converting the resi
dence Into three apartments. The im
provement will cost $2,000. Charles
D. Stucker got a permit to build a
brick garage in the rear of 206 Reily
street at a cost S2OO.
86,1 Stock.—Two certificates for
1-5 shares of United Water and Guar
antee Company stock each, will go un
der the hammer at public sale in front
of the courthouse at 10 o'clock Satur
day morning, April 4. The stock had
been given as collateral security for
notes which have been unpaid and are
overdue. Edwin W. Gerhart will sell
the stock.
No Change in Jail Windows Before
Spring.—Until the weather becomes
milder it is doubtful if any of the pro
posed changes of windows in the lower
floors of the county Jail will be at
tempted by the county commissioners.
Almshouse Inmate Attacks Direc
tor.—Poor Director Charles L. Boyer
was attacked and struck over the head
by an insane inmate at the county
almshouse yesterday. The imbecile |
aimed a couple of whacks at Mr. I
Boyer's head, but the latter's agility
and soft hat saved him from harm.
No Jury Wheel Before December.
—Because there will be no need of a
new jury wheel before December, it is
doubtful If the recommendation of
the jury commissioners for a new
wheel will be considered by the
county commisslmners before Fall. The
present jury wheel cannot be refilled
any more this yeaf, but in December
the names for the vear of 1915 will
have to be empaneled. The county
expects to furnish a new wheel by
that time.
Helping Hand Holds
Birthday Anniversary
With elaborate exercises, the Help
ing Hand for Men, 205 South street,
celebrated its twenty-first anniversary
to-day. The celebration was In charge
of James K. P. Demars, superinten
dent of the institution.
An organ recital was given by Pro
fessor Nathan Johnson this morning
shortly before 7 o'clock. Following
the recital refreshments were served.
The noonday services were attended
by nearly one hundred people. Vic
trola selections, including operatic
and orchestral numbers, were given.
At 7:30 o'clock this evening the
Rev. John M. Warden will conduct de
votional services and will be followed
by an address. The reports for the
past year will be read by the superin
tendent. Reports show that 9,567
people were given meals and lodging
over night during the last year. Since
the organization of the Helping Hand
for Men 24K,205 people have been
given shelter. The death roll for the
past year of the members of the in
stitution is as follows: Morgan B.
Crissman, Joseph Breneman, David
Reese, Aquilla Shearer, George Shoop,
Jacob Wilt, Frank Blessing and
George Faerster.
Deaths and Funerals
Mrs. Amanda J. Barnes, aged 81,
one of tho oldest trained nurses in the
city, died yesterday morning at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Coop
er, 648 Boas street. Mrs. Barnes was
born at Sharpsburg, Washington coun
ty, Md., in 1§33. She came to this
city in 1859 and until a few years ago
practiced nursing. Mrs. Barnes has
worked with leading physicians In the
city. She was a member of the Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church and waa
a teacher in the primary Sunday
school In the Old Locust Street Church
which preceded Grace Church. She
is survived by one sister, Mrs. Sarah
Cooper. Funeral services will be held
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from
the home of her sister. The Rev. John
D. Fox, pastor of the Grace Methodist
Episcopal Church, will officiate. Bur
ial will be made in the Harrlsburg
Miss Viola IC. Williams, 'aged 26,
died last evening at her home, 906
Capital street. She is survived by her
mother, Mrs. Sarah Williams, two sis
ters and two brothers. Funeral servi
ces will be held to-morrow evening at
8 o'clock at her home. The body
will be taken to Shamokin, Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth
Horstick, aged 81, who died Tuesday i
morning at her home In Paxtang, will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 1
o'clock from her late residence. The
Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of the
Reformed Salem Church, will officiate.
Burial will be made in the Shoop's
Church Cemetery.
James McKee, aged 76, a retired
passenger engineer, who was employed
on the middle division for 46 years,
died at his home near Washington
Heights last night. The funeral will
be held at Huntingdon Saturday aft
ernoon. Services will be conducted
at the home to-morrow tvening at
7:30 o'clock by the Rev. Dr. J. D.
Fox, pastor of Grace Methodist
church. k
► Men's 25c
* Neckwear
Cut silk and knit four-in
. hands. Regular 25c quality.
Friday Bargain price, each
► 12^*
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► Women's 25c
" Hosiery
* Plain black silk lisle hose,
double heels and toes, wide gar
ter top. Friday's price Is 3 pairs
, ► for 50*, or palr ' 18*
, . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► Women's 39c
* Hosiery
i Silk lisle hose; black, white or
j l tan plain only; double soles,
high spliced heels, wide garter
l top. Friday's price, 3 pairs for
SI.OO, or pair 354.
j ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
I 25c Shadow
► Laces
Also Insertions. These laces
► and Insertions are 4 to 9 Inches
wide. Regular 25c quality. Frl
j ► day Bargain price, yard... •150
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► ———————
* 25c to 39c
f Lace Bands
if All new patterns. These bands
are suitable for trimming llnen»
ratine, voile or crepe gowns. Spe
, clal for Friday at, yard ... 100
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
15c Corset Cover
[ All new and pretty patterns.
y Special for Friday at, yard, 100
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► ————^—l
y 5c Unbleached
" Sheeting
In small webs only; 27 Inches
. wide. Friday Bargain price, the
> ,ard 3 y 2 f
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► ________
' 50c Initial
► Pillow Cases
Made of good quality of tub
► ing. Not all Initials In the lot
but yours might be here. While
► they last, Friday's price will be,
► each 20<S
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► lOc Seersucker
► Ginghams
► Blue and white stripes. Friday
Bargain price is, the yard, 6.^0
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► 15c Pillow
► Cases
► Unbleached pillow cases. Size
45x36 Inches. Friday Bargain
r price, each 100
j ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
I 110 c Shaker
J ► Flannel
I . Unbleached. 27 Inches wide.
Friday's price Is, yard .. . 0
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
; ► ________
I 65c Sheets
1 Bleached or unbleached. Size
r 76x90 Inches. Made of good qual
ity of muslin. Friday's price is
! ► each 500
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► —————
; Boys' $2.50
„ and $3.00 Shoes
Patent colt and vicl kid shoes,
► button and blucher styles, sizes 3,
3%, 4 and 4%. Friday Bargain
► Price, pair SI.OO
► BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
1 ► ,
1 * Youths'
! ; $1.69 Shoes
I Gun metal shoes in button and
► blucher styles, sizes 8 to 13.
Friday Bargain price, the pair,
$1 00
j ► BOWMAN'S—Third Floor."
j ►
| * Women's 50c
! , Underwear
i r
! Medium and heavy weight
► vests and pants In white and
I peeler color. Friday Bargain
j ► price Is, each 23<S
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► 1
' Infants' 17c
► Wrappers
. Fleece lined wrappers—bleach
* ed; pearl buttons. Regular 17c
. quality, special for Friday at,
each 12^0
j ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► ■
\ Boys' 50c
, Dress Shirts
Made of percale In neat pat
r terns, coat style. Seconds of 50c
. quality. Friday Bargain prtc«
each 290
► BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
The Rev. J. J. Resh, of York, one
of the leading clergymen In attendance
upon the Central Pennsylvania Con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, which Is convening In this
city during the week, will address the
men's mass meeting to be held under
the auspices of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association next Sunday afternoon
at 5.30 o'clock. Doors will open at
3 o'clock.
The meeting will be evangelistic.
There will be an interesting praise
Egg Beater and Women's $2.50, $3
Cream Whip 11 SI '
Combination || llfß Kik. jyXTHii .TO.
The Simplex egg beater and Villi jl fl J 1 ft | ikgf u 'c n h e er k^vrel i oe8 A, , I n a ,S2
cream whip combination, oper- A | JjOI J ||| Ifl i | l| Ira J| |Wi|V ot hut ml? «ii
ates in small jar. Special tor/n\\\ JM I k I[,[j j Sl§l J I§i M 111 Ibk rvi- ii! ? ? w l ?* every
Friday at, each 1U u ■ | 8881 HI 1 I||l
10c Patent Leather Purses, | 1 Jjl JII ii ill Si jjjr A special lot of brassierrs
25c and 50c Leather Belts,
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S-Second Floot^
49c Stoneware
These combinetts have wire
bale handle. Friday's price is
BOWMAN'S —Basement
89c Bowl
and Pitcher
White porcelain wash bowl and
pitcher. Special for Friday at
This is homespun toweling and
Is very easy to wash. Friday the
price will be, yard
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Friday Bargains
in Neckwear
One lot of 20c Jubey Trimming
In black and combination of
black and white, yard .... 5«!
One lot of Beaded Scarfs for
evening wear, were SI.OO. Fri
day's price .. . . 50$
One lot of 50c Pique Vests,
splendid with Spring sultii,
One lot of 39c Venise Collars.
One lot of 39c and 60c fancy
Belting, yard 100
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Men's SI.OO
Under wear
Medium and heavy weight; nat
ural and white colors; wool and
cotton ribbed. Shirts only. Fri
day Bargain price, each ... rj(
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
29c Rough
Also Brocaded Silk Pongees.
All the popular colors are repre
sented. Special for Friday at,
yard 18^0
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
29c Cotton
Satin striped cotton voiles In
black, white and all the leading
shades sheer quality. Friday
Bargain price, yard 130
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
15c Dress
Natural color dress linens. Fri
day Bargain price, the yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Plain green and figured lawns.
special for Friday at, yd., 31^0
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
10c and 12 l-2c
Dark patterns only. We will
cut any amount you desire from
the full piece. Just the thing for
comfort lining and dresses. Fri
day Bargain price, the yard,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Women's $1.98
Patent colt and gun metal
Shoes, blucher style, sizes 2%, 3
and 3%. Friday Bargain price,
P air 500
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Women's $3.00
Gun metal and patent colt
shoes with the popular Kidney
heela, all sizes In the lot. Friday.
the P alr $1.95
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
15c and 25c
A fine assortment consisting of
covered sugar bowls, cream
pitchers, celery trays, 9-lnch
rrult dishes, covered butter
dishes, 2-quart water Jugs, and
oval dishes. Friday Bargain
prices each 100
service under the direction of the i
association's chorister, W. H. Kautz. ,
Teams for the final debate between
the Greeks and Romans at the Harrls
burg Academy were selected yeßterday
In a preliminary debate The subject .
debated yesterday was, "Resolved,
That the Benefits Derived From La
bor* Unions Are Greater Than the
The members of the teams are:
Greeks, J. C. Kunkel, R. W. Settz, J.
E. Stewart, captain; J. H. Wicker- i
' . ' ' Jflfcj 1- ' . - ' '/■' ' ' '.*■ . '
1,200 yds. Congoleum Remnants
Regularly 50c, Friday 23c Sq. Yd.
Congoleum takes the place of linoleum. It Is a new kind of floor
covering. You'll see It extensively advertised In all the big maga
zines. The manufacturer allowed us a liberal discount on these
remnant lengths, which are from 3 to 15 feet- long and 2 yards wide.
Please bring your room measurements. Square yard, 23c.
39c Ingrain Carpets, 24c Yd.
Splendid patterns. A limited quantity to sell at this price on
BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor.
Men's Overcoats, Were $6 to $9.90
Choice $2.95
This price is too small to talk very much about the overcoats.
The price won't pay for the materials. Three-quarter and full
length models. Sizes for men and youths. Not all sizes. Be early.
$5.50 Corduroy Work Coats, sheepskin lining,
beaver collar. Friday's price is $3.50
Men's $2.00 Soft Hats; blue, brown, gray
and green. Good styles. Friday SI.OO
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Boys' $6.50 and $7.50 Suits, $3.45
Just a little lot of suits to close out for Friday. Winter suits but
good styles for Spring wear. Norfolk style. All wool casslmeres
and homespuns.
Boys' Wash Suits, 33c
These are great values that we sell In the regular way at 50c.
Sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Russian blouse style.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
2,000 yds. Fine Voile for Cur
tains, Regularly 25c, Friday
12i/ 2 c Yard
This rtiaterlal is just the thing for summer curtains and would not
be priced 12 MiC a yard if it were not for slight imperfections in the
weave. But these little hurts are barely noticeable and will not
affect the wear in any way. 2,000 yards of choice materials to select
from to-morl'ow.
12' Ac and 15c Silkolines, 9c yd.
For Friday we give you the choice of our entire line. This gives
you a splendid range of styles to choose from. Figured and plain
silkolines in the best quality we have. 36 Inches wide.
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor.
Men's $3.00
and $3.50 Shoes
Black and tan shoes. ,a f®
and button All sizes In
the lot. Friday Bargain price is.
pair jpl.yo
BOWMAN'S —Third Floor.
Men's $3.00
Patent colt and tan calf work
and dress shoes Sizes », a, i"
and 11. Special for at,
pair Jpr.UU
BOWMAN'S —Third Floor.
Enough Wall Paper
to Paper a Room
Now Is the time to paper your
house at small cost. Enough wall
paper to paper a room l«xis ft.
consisting of sldewall paper, bor
der and celling. Friday the lot
will be $1.12
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor
Wall Papers
Consisting of two tone papers
and fruit tapestry, also a nice as
sortment of floral designs for
bedrooms. Friday, roll
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor.
Friday Bargain
Sale of Notions
10c Girdle Foundations ... 81
Be White and' Colored Finish
ing Braids, 2 pieces for ...
16c White Gallatin Skirt Yokes,
5 f
Be Linen finish Thread, black
and white, 2 spools ... 5#
10c and 12% c Dress Shields, 3
pair for 25*
18c Pearl Buttons, the dozen,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
sham, alternate; Romans, A. E. Bu
chanan, William Smiley, A H. Stack
pole, captain; Wllllard Oenslager, al
A baby girl was born at the Harrls
burg hospital last night The mother[
was Mrs. Harry Jones, who was car-.
rled four miles from her home to
Duncannon yesterday and brought to
the hospital. Her condition to-day is
serious, but the child is doing well.
Sporting Goods
in the Friday
Bargain Sale
$2.69 Porch Gates at $2,25
$1.98 Velocipede at .. $1.05
♦ 12.98 Broti'n and Natural Reed
Baby Carriages $11,45
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
49c Food
The Union food chopper, three
cutters. Friday Bargain price is
98c Coffee
Nickel plated coffee pots, spe
cial for Friday at, each .. 49^
1,000 Yards 25c
Silk Striped
Black and all the different col
ored stripes in white. This Is a
beautiful lustrous fabric for
women's waists, men's shirts and
women's and children's dresses.
Extra special for Friday, at
yttrd 12^*
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
89c to $1.50
Wash Dresses
Children's colored wash dresses
made of percale, chambray and
gingham, In stripes, checks,
fancy figured or plain colors and
effectively trimmed In self or
contrasting materials. A fine- as
sortment to select from. Special
for Friday at, each 69*
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
A A A A A A ->•
The fundamental requirements for
the production of strong healthy
chicks is healthy breeding stock. It
cannot be expected that fowls will
produce eggs with strong embryos un
less they are full of health and vigor.
Unless a hen is In splendid health, she
cannot devote her best energies to the
production of vigorous chicks.
Breeding stock lacking strong vital
ity and vigor produce eggs with weak
embryos, which in turn produce poor
hatches of weak, puny chicks. Con- i
stltutionally vigorpus breeding stock
"*■ list of Friday i
Bargains consists of *
extraordinary value's '
in new seasonable '*
merchandise. In some *
cases quantities are 4
small, therefore the i
prices are extremely 4
low. We suggest that "
you shop as early as *
possible and take ad- ' 1
vantage of the big 4 ;
values. Please re- *j
member there are *
many more bargains *
not advertised. These ]
are marked with <
Green Tickets and you i
will see them when i
you come to the store. <
~ 4
39c Garbage "
Cans •<
on!reaih ,0 . r . Pr,d . ay '
BOWMAN'S— Basement. 4
59c ;
Tabs 4 ■
These are galvanized tub* and <
are special for Friday only, at
39* <
BOWMAN'S—Basement. 4
Friday Bargain *
Sale of Art Goods \
25c and 60c BUmped Cushions, 4
12 yij ,
B9c Lace Edge Scarfs at 4Q*
BOc Work Bag-s at 25* *
BOWMAN'S Second Floor. *
Women's 98c <
Night Dresses 4
Made of nainsook, -with round
neck, short sleeves, Empire yoke .
models —in two styles effec-
tlvely trimmed with Insertions A
and edge of Val. lace, beading
and ribbon and embroidered me- >
dalllons. Friday's price Is 67*
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 4
•• 4
Women's SI.OO <
$1.25 and $1.50
Gloves I
These are Cape, Mocha and .
Overseam Gloves In black, white
and gray. Friday Bargain price >
,a » P alr 69* i ,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 4
Women's 10c *
Handkerchiefs <
Plain linen handkerchief* ape- 4
clal for Friday at 4 for
25*, or each . 7* 4
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. 4
—————— 4
2,000 Yards
25c Voile <
This voile Is 40 Inches wid« 4
and If sold In the regular way
would be 25c a yard, iho pieces 4 *
are only 2 to 6 yards In length
and we expect to close the en- 4
tire lot out Friday at, yard,
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. *
_________ 4
$1.25 Crochet <
Quilts ' 4
These quilts are hemmed! and 4
ready for use, and are special for .
Friday at 98* 1
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
1 4
33c Table *
Linen 4
Linen finish table oloth. Tbl* 4
is excellent quality and as there
are only 100 yards in the lot you 4
better come early if you wish to
secure any of it. Friday the 4
price will be, yard 25* J
BOWMAN'S —Main Floor.
——-——- <
$1.19 Table
Cloth Patterns '
These are round patterns, glee 4
Bxß ft. There are only 150 In th«
lot and we are golngr to sell them *
Friday at, each 65* J
BOWMAN'S —Main Floor.
Women't $3.50, $3.60 •
and $4.00 Shoes *
Black and tan button shoe*,
high and low heels. All sizes In 4
the lot. Friday the price Is, pair,
$3.00 4
BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. 4
________ 4
4 '
10c Caps 4
and Saacers 4
Decorated china after dinner 4
cups and saucers. Friday Bar- .
gain price, 3 for s*l
BOWMAN'S Basement 4
|is bound to lay eggs with strong
germs, and such eggs cannot help, U
given half a chance, hatching robust
healthy chicks. Healthy chicks art
easy to rear with ordinarily good carat
because their very vigor and health
act as a buffer against disease and
dietary troubles.
Old Lady (reading her everilng paper)
—Japanese Turn Agnostics.
Second Old Lady What wond«rfo|
things those Japanese acrobats can dat
—Buffalo Express.
Try Telegraph Want Ada,
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