Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Image 19
Lost j LOST ln Steelton. a bunch of keys and Pennsylvania Steel Company s pay check. Finder please return same to 305 Pine street. Steelton. and receive reward. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, brindle bull dog with three white feet and white on tne head; collar bearing 1910 license, rail Bell phone 88. J. ilelp Wanted —Male COLLECTOR. *lO on i commission. Address H., 830, care of Telegraph. ELDERLY man to help w-lth garden, etc.; small wages, hut good home as sured. Address W. H. Y., P. O." Box .4, City. EXPERIENCED McKay machine heel shaver; steady work; Ap ply to Harrisburff Slioc Mig. Co., > er non street. City PAINTERS WANTED at once. Call G. M. Moore, 918 Capital street. City. RELIABLE, active boy to act as mes senger for copy and proof. Apply at once. Advertising Department, Harrls burg Telegraph. YOUNG man, about IS years of age, to learn the undertaking business. Must have good character and fair education. Answer in own hand, giving full par ticulars of yourself. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Opportunity, care of Telegraph. Help Wanted—Female BOWMAN & COMPANY require the services of experienced salesladies for their Cloak and Suit Department. Only experienced, capable salesladies neeu apply. We have several positions for those who can qualify. Excellent op portunity for advancement. * BOY I HAVE a permanent position for a bright, enertretic boy. The right boy can make from 50c to s2.uo or more a week, without interfering with his other duties. Apply to Redsecker Bruiser, 102 aouth Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. BRIGHT girls to mark and assort; also a woman to do mending. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton street. BUY Madame Gazelles (.French) Switch and Hair Dye, safe and reliable. Gives life, luster and color to the hair. Conceals gray hair and gives switch appearance and feeling of natural hair. Can be applied in a few minutes. Re tail price, 50c. Agents wanted every where. Send 25c for full size sample. G. & G. Distributors, 35 Church street, Ephrata, Pa. FIFTV experienced operators for »ewing on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. FORELADY for shirt factory. Must have reference. Address Box 811, care of Telegraph. LEARN DRESSMAKING in one of the best dressmaking schools in America, Make your own dresses while learning Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; j no experience necessary; line opport- ' nitv; no strike; write immediately for! application blank. Address K., 714, care i Of Telegraph. j SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. ! Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. STENOGRAPHER Must be accu rate rather than speedy. Salary, $6 to fctart. Address 8., 823, care of Tele graph. \\*ANTED —2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. Help Wanted—Male and Female AMBITIOUS lady or gentleman; steady employment all year 'round; a money proposition; co-operate with me; will furnish goods and divide the profits. Work in the city, be your own ooss. All we require is honesty and willingness to work. Address A., 831, care of Telegraph. HALF-GROWN girl to assist at gen eral housework. Apply 2041 North Sec ond street. Situations Wanted—Male ' AS driver for delivery wagon, in or around Harrisburg, with experience; can furnish good reference. Address Diehl, 122316 North Sixth street. CHAUFFEUR wants position; good recommendation. Apply 404 Forster street. RELIABLE young man wishes work of any kind; experienced fireman. Call, dr address, 1329 Bartlne street, Harris burg, Pa. Situation* Wanted—Female COLORED girl desires position at general housework. Call, or address, 1228 Spruce avenue. COLORED girl desires position at housework or child's nurse. Address 1409 James street. YOUNG colored girl desires position as nurse girl or help with housework etween school hours. Address M., 832, care of Telegraph. A MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes a position mending linens in private fam ily or hotel; can furnish references; will assist in sewing. Address R., 827. care of Telegraph. AN experienced dressmaker desires sewing by the day or week. Children's cjothes a specialty. Address Seamstress, care of Telegraph. / N FOR RENT 1908 Greenwood St.. 1 I. (, t r., 11l 2162 N. 7th SU 3 s. b., * r. b., .. (is 627 Brlggs, 3 s. f.. 8 r., fia 1820 Derry St., 2 t. I, i r. «i» 326 Strawberry Ave., 3 s. b„ 8 r., «U0 1527 N. Second St, 3 a b„ 10 r. b. & front porch, side entrance, . $45 APARTMENTS 128 alnnt St- Housekeeping apart ments —second floor— : 3 rooms and bath—city steam heat. The Donaldson—(No housekeeping) —Second, near Locust St., very desirable single rooms and suites of two. three and four rooms FROM APRIL 1 409 Market St., room on 3d floor aia 1104 S. Cameron St., 2% s. b ' Sin 1623 Market St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r. b* «27 •Ul 314 8. 17th St, third floor apart ment, .00 2014 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b.. 9 r. & b' IM 1024 S. 18th St., 2*4 s. b., 8 r. . ft? 412 Market St., 2 office rooms on 2d floor, (front and middle) .... jjj, STORE ROOMS 323 Broad St. 3-story brick and basement 24x125 ft. .«•>> 325 Market St.. 26x160—Apply. United State* Hotel Property— -Hi 9. 620 Market Bt. Entire or bv floors—7s rooms. 7 Mlddletovrn store room on Union « reet (35 Miller Bros. & Neefe LOCUST ISD COURT KTIIP.PT> L THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEORXPQ MARCH 19, 1914. Situations Wanted —Female BY a colored woman, three or four 1 days' ironing at home, or out, by the 1 day. Call, or write, 1425 New l'ourth street. Rachel Dolman. EXPERIENCED typist and stenog , ! rapher wants extra typewriting, even | ing work. Prompt service; moderate charges; references. Post Ofilce Box 96. • YOUNG colored woman desires gen eral housework of any kind. Address ' G., 818, care of Telegraph. Agents Wanted AGENTS Men and women o»t particulars of one of the best-paying propositions ever offered. Ho previous experience required. $2.50 & day. i Write, or call, evenings, M. Cover, . Second and Commerce streets, Hign gpire, Pa. Rooms For Rent NICELY furnished room at 262 Fors ter street, In private family; use of phone and bath; reference required. ■ Call Bell phono 14701* or to above ad dress. Four rooms In rear of store at 344 : Muench street; range in kitchen; all • conveniences; cellar and yard. Rent, $12.00. Inquire at 346 Muench street. TWO furnished rooms on first floor; all conveniences; use of phone; mod erate prices. Apply 1635 Swatara 1 street. THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; bathroom prlv- I illges. Apply 1405 North Sixth street. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, ■ if desired. Apply 1506 State street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlggs street TWO large unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping for couple. Apply 1423 Derry street. FURNISHED ROOMS, with all con veniences. Call 1700 North Third street FURNISHED rooms, desirable loca tion. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Apply 1601 Green street. __ Kooins Wanted ! TWO ladles desire three unfurnished j rooms, in private family, for light I housekeeping, on or near Market street lon the Hill. Audress X T. Y., care of | Telegraph. _ YOUNG gentleman wishes a furnlsh ,ed room on Hill. Would prefer young j people. Can furnish gooa reterences. ; Adaress M., 833, care ot Telegraph. ■ CENTRALLY LOCATED ROOMS by I young, married coup!©. State price. : References exchanged. Address K., ! 819, care of Telegraph. I ROOM —Centrally located, by young I man. Answer promptly, giving rate 1 per week. Address R., 835, care of Tele } graph. Apartments For Kent i APARTMENT, four rooms and tiled I bath; ail modern conveniences; electric i light; steam heat; locker in basement, j Possession April 1. Penna. Realty & I Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT, four rooms and bath; 30-ft. balcony; front and side entrance; possession given | April 5. Inquire 125 South Four j teenth street. _ ! THIRD lloor apartment, 5 rooms and | bath; steam heat and electric lights; ; large, light rooms. One block from J Capitol. Address P. O. Box, 385, City. I SECOND FLOOR, 4 rooms and bath, centrally located. Possession April 1. ! Apply H. W. Miller, 2210 North Third i street Bell phone 656 R. I AN apartment of five pleasant rooms, ' including kitchen and bath. Inquire on ! premises, 3o North second street. Wan tea TSREE OR FOUR unfurnished rocnls tor tight houseKeeping; tamiiy of two. Address F„ 525, care oi telegraph. TO BORROW, *5,000 on good security at ti per cent, for one year or longer. Address C., 834, care of '.telegraph cuMucst. opportunities FOR SALE, at sacrifice if taken be fore March 26, store stock and ilxtures I ot general store uoing large business in > thriving town. Win prove volume of | business to interested party. Moving to tho \s est only reason tor selling. Call | and examine stock. M. C. A. Ciouser, I uuncannon, Pa. ANV intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send for par -1 titulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock j port N. X. ■ 1 MADE $50,000 In five years in the | mail order business, began with 15. \ Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea j cock, 355 Lockport N. Y. Business Personals HAULING 11. W. LATIIcj, uoartllng Stable and • .National 'J muster Co. Movers of ' pianos, safes, boners and general haul ; nig. H. W. Lathe, Alanager, Fitth and Woodbine streets. i_>tu pnoiie .No. i 2503 R. FOR falling nalr try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apo.thecary, 119 Market i street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. BelL j 1960. , i R. H. PEFFER, LOCAL EXPtvE&S and Uellvery. Piano I and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor , age of household guods and furniture | packing. Bell phone 1684J 1119 Mont ! gomery, Harrisburg. ROOF PAINTERS : I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran ! tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal • brings me. Maxwell H. Hite. 'ihe Roof i Paint Man, Box 328, Harrisburg, Pa. I MERCANTILE ACCOUNTS of , I kinds collected anywhere. Prompt ser i vice and quick reports. Address Bond I Mercantile Agency, Dept. B, Hill Sta : tion, Harrisburg, Pa. Phone 1198 J. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING ; with best material and by expert help ! Send us your worn furniture. Our best i efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. j Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. ! WE furnish music for all social ! events. Small combination for house ! parties as low as $2.50. Address Zembra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486, Harrisburg, Pa. * HARDWOOD FLOORS OF all designs. Old floors made new. • Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219 I Brookwood street, Harrisburg. Bell I phone 1391 L ' FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113-15-17 | South Second street. 5,000 sets new sash i Bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at j $1.15 per set | CHEAP HOUSES | At Cheap Prices ( ON YOUR OWN TERMS i I 1230 to 123S Monroe Street—Four | two-story frame houses with five rooms each. Lotß 12x75 ft. Now rented at eight dollars per month apiece. i Will be sold separately or to gether. Price, each, 9400 Send for March, 1014, edi tion of Facts and Figures— a complete catalog of real estate for sale. Miller Bros. & Neefe LOCUST AND COURT STREKIS Real Estate For Sale WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Corner Indiana unci Park Ave. two-and-one half-atory frame nearly new 7 rooms, buth and fuqpacu granolithic walks cemented cellar front and rear porch lot. 50x130 located on the highest point in Washington Heights and commanding a magnificent view of the mountains river and elty. Brinten-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. DOUBLE brick house new at 1811-13 Zarker street bath gas furnace cemented cellar rented for (36 per month 8 per cent, net In vestment. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. TWO-AND-ONE-HALF-STORY brick dwelling at Bridge street ajid Fourth avenue lO rooms and bath gas and electricity lot, 60x176 price rea sonable. Apply J. A. Davis, New Cum berland. $1,300 WILL BUY a frame house on Berryhill street lot, ISHxIOO. We offer also desirable suburban lota all sties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. COTTAGE on the Susquehanna for sale plot, 75x255 within 200 yards of station frequent trains to Har risburg. Price, completely furnished, $1,650. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. DO YOU WANT a 10 per cent, net in vestment after the Taxes, Water and Insurance is paid? A desirablo prop erty in Steelton For further particu lars address 242, cure of Telegraph. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain If sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co.. 1202 North Third. PROPERTY No. 1610 Regina street; 10 rooms; steam heat; hardwood floors; side entrance, and large garage in rear, Special price If sold during March. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street IN Paxtang on Walnut St nearlv new semi-bungalow 7 rooms, bath and hot water heat lot, 60x157—large chicken house. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. HOUSES FOR SAi.E IN ENOLA NOS. 145-147-149 COLUMBIA ROAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms, inquire O. D. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma clay street. Harrisburg. I WILL sacrifice my three-story brick dwelling. 426 South Seventeenth street. Very little cash necessary. Pos session April 1. C. O. Backenstoss, Mayor's Office. TWO three-story houses, one brick and one frame, on Sixth street near Muench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North Sixth street. NO. 1512 HUNTER STREET can be bought at an attractive price; 9 rooms; bath; alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIX HOUSES In West Falrview. all frame in one row. Address Box C., 837, care of Telegraph. Real listate For Rent APARTENT, 231 N. Second St., second floor, 7 large rooms and bath. Ample storage and closet rooms, steam heat. Inquire 217 North Second street. POSSESSION April 1, a small house for a small family, on Maine Btreet, Camp Hill; rental. *l2. Also an 8- room house, with all Improvements, for sale or rent on Camp Hill Heights. Call Bell phone 3048 L 2220 NORTH SECOND STREET—2%- story brick house, one of a pair 9 rooms bath pantry and steam heat modern throughout. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. DWELLING 1946 GREEN STREET— -10 rooms and bath; all conveniences; newly papered throughout. Rent. $30.00. Chas. Adler. lteai Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 412 Hummel street, with porch and lawn front, all conveniences, house in good repair.- Rent, (21.00. Possession April L Apply 34® Muench street. NEW 6-room house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots are 30x 120. with stable. G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. City. 1527 NORTH SECOND STREET 3- storv brick : front porch side en trance lO rooms bath and furnace. Miller Bros & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. SUBURBAN property at Ldwnton; 12- room brick house, with modern im provements, and two acres of land. Rent, $25. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. THREE-STORY frame dwelling at Sixteenth and Swatara 8 rooms and bath very nice rooms big yard. Bent. $lB. Apply 1822 North Sixth street. HOUSE containing 8 rooms and bath, on Hill; all the latest Improvements, incluuing steam heat, porches, etc. Fine location. Address C., 824, care of Tele graph. 1533 North Third street, 6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102 Short street, 8 rooms and bath; store rooms 110 South Thirteenth street. Apply 430 Walnut street. NO. 1734 MARKET STREET, new brick house with steam heat Rent, S3O. 1251 Market street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manaoa Gap Road, about 4 miles from Lmglestown. Apply Commonwealtn Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. Real Estate Wanted WANTED —To rent house between now and April Ist. Rental not over $25; 8 or 9 rooms. F'referably above Peffer street. Address, Box 808, care of Tele graphy WANTED plans to prepare for any kind of building or residence. Want automobile in trade. Address M., 836, care of Telegraph. For Sale 1912 "4S" Sis-cylinder Packard seven passenger Touring car, repainted, me chanical condition very good. Tires new, fully equipped. 1912 National Touring car, good con dition. 1911 Cadillac Touring car. Excellent condition, tires new. 1910 "30" Packard Touring car, fair condition. Studebaker Touring car. Good condi tion. Inquire Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia, 107 Market street, Har risburg. Pa. PASTRY bAKING outfit, with elec tric mixer; soda fountain, 12-ft. white marble counter; three 6-ft counter cases; one cash register; 20 mission ice cream tables with chairs; seven electric chandeliers; 25 5 and 10-gallon ice cream tubs. Sold in bulk or separately. Bargain to quick buyer. Address P. O. Box 159, Harrisburg. DEALERS for Crown Car through out this territory. Standard tread, one hundred sixteen inch wheel base, four passenger car. Looks like little six. Four hundred seventy-five dollars Write, or communicate, with Mr. Hen derson at Metropolitan HoteL It's a whirlwind. Investigate. FOR SALE TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Canes, Gloves. Sole. Earness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Canes and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and CUeit tiut street* i For Salt FIXE French-plate, pier mirror; genuine gold leaf on fruint), with two | window brackets to match. Size mlr- 1 ror, 12 ft. high. Come see 11 Alio eome antique furniture. Sale March 26, 1 P. M. S. M. Wagoner, Administrator, 64 W. Main street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. GLASS window signs, Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. Ono of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. MOTORCYCLE 191» Harley-Da vldson twin cylinder, 8-H.-P., fully equipped, run less than 3,000 miles, practically good as new. Cost |337 60. Sell, $236.00. Rare bargain. E. L , Campbell, living College, Mechanlcs- I burg. Pa. | HALL Combination Lock Safe; Inside [measurement about 26x19 Inches; can I be seen at Polleck's, 11 North Fourth ! street. For price Inquire at Common i wealth Trust Co., Real Estate Depart jment, 222 Market street. ! PUBLIC SALE at 314 Chestnut [ street, Wednesday, March 25, 10 A. M„ first-class furniture, tables, side board, dressers, chairs and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. A. Berger, Auctioneer. RESTAURANT QUICK BUYER GETS BARGAIN —• Well-paying, day and night stahd, near .Market Square. lajw rent. Will bear strictest investi gation. Address Box C, 826, care of Telegraph. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain in America, SI.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per hundred. Max Lauffer, Mlddletown, Pa. SEVERAL good, latest model motor cycles, with free engine clutch, single and double cylinders, for sale very cheap and in tine condition. Call 1014 North Seventh street, Harrlsburg, Pa. CIGARS— For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana Blended 5c Cigars tree with each Box of 60 of our Per fecto Clears, at $1 per Box, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY household furnishing, consisting of three bed room suits, bookcase, couch, dining room table, chairs, etc. Call 400 Briggs street. SODA FOUNTAIN, sanitary system, good condition; quick sale, a bargain. Reason for selling, in other business. Address P. O. Box 132, Duncannon, Pa. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE doing good business; must sell on ac count of 111 health. Address S., 529, care of Telegraph. ONE font of 10 pt and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. MALE bulldog pupple, three months old; must sell on account no place to keep him. Address 1746, North Sixth street. • CITY MILK ROUTE, averaging 60 f rations a day. Good reasons for sell ng. Address H., 828, care of Telegraph. COAL RANGE In fine condition; an excellent baker; will sell reasonable. Apply 235 North Fifteenth street. FOUR-YEAR-OLD SORREL HORSE —well built—weighing 1,200 IT>s. and sound. Apply 416 Calder street. DRESS SUIT, worn only once, for slender man; gas plate, 3 burners; elec tric tlatlron. Bell phone 3056 R. ONE Buffalo metal Incubator and one Black Orpington cock. Apply 40 North Thirteenth street, Harrlsburg. ONE $35 kitchen range at bargain to quick purchaser. In use one year. In quire at 1926 Wood street AN Uprirht Chickering Piano, in fine condition. Apply 400 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. 1913 CADILLAC, four-passenger, in A-l shape. A J. Huston, Mechanics burg, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many flrst-class business houses in the same square. In center of population. Size or room, 33x100 ft 14-ft ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Rent from April 1. 1125 per month, including heat. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOH RENT Denlrable office* la the Telegraph Building, singly or en-sulte. Inquire at Business office. GARAGE, space for two automobiles. For sale. 1 rubber-tire trap (or jump- i seat buggy). Inquire 110 Evergreen' street, between 4 and 7 o'clock P. M. ROOM for one automobile In a new, I private, fire-proof garage, rear 1419- ! 19% Reglna street Rent, $5.00. Apply Hoffman & Kerns, 337 Chestnut street, j ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be! secured at the Telegruph Business' Office. | Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY ' WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan] of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, ' easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses;" built ex-1 pressly for storage. Private rooms I for household goods and unexcelled fa- i cilities for storing all kinds of mer- i chandise. Low storage rates South! St. and Penna. R. R. | STORAGE 419 Broad street for! household goods and merchandise. Prl- 1 vate rooms# II to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 4111 feroad street. Both phones. • • Card of Thanks MR. THEODORE BERRY AND CHILDREN wish to thank their rela tives and friends for kindness shown in their hour of bereavement. Died BARNES On March 18, 1914, Amanda S. Barnes, daughter of the late Sarah and George Green, aged 80 years. Funeral on Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her sis ter, Mrs. Sarah J. Cooper, 648 Boas street. Dr. D. D. Fox officiating. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. McKEE James T. McKee died on March 18, 1914, at his residence, at Lincoln avenue, Washington Heights. The services will be held Friday aft ernoon, at 3:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited without further no tice. Further services and burial at Huntingdon, Pa., the train leaving P. i R. R. Station at 11:45 A. M. Leeal Notices' CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor ' of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania I on April 2. 1914. under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn- | sylvanla, entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 1 29, 1874, and the Several supplements thereto, for the Charter of an Intended Corporation to be called "Dauphin Realty Company," the character and object of which is the holding, leasing and selling real estate, and for these purposes to have and possess and en joy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. GEORGE R HEISEY, Solicitor SUIT FOR OWNERSHIP OF OLD CIL DITCH Pennsylvania Co. Takes Steps to Eject Occupants of Aban doned Water Line Special to The Telegraph Sunbury. Pa., March 19.—T0 deter mine ownership of the old Pennsylva nia canal ditch, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company ha* started three eject ment suits In the Northumberland county courts here. One is against Bertram Galbraith. a Milton merchant, and two against D. A. Shade, of Dela ware township. Both are occupying strips of land of considerable value which were said to be parts of the original canal property. The railroad claims possession by right of its hav ing bought tho property when It was abandoned for canal purposes. It is understood that the present holders will contend that it reverts to the State, ,the original holder, because it was granted for "canal purposes," and that the present holders are entitled to it by right of their having occupied it for more than twenty successive years. SHIPS WILL PASS THROrr.H CANAL WITHIN THREE MONTHS By Associated Press Washington, March 19. —Though merchant ships are expected to be passing through the Panama Canal in the course of trade within the next three months the canal makers still have much work ahead of them. Nearly all of what is known as the permanent dam and lock construction has been finished, but owing to the earth slides in the Culebra cut many hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of earth must be removed therein to broaden the channel to its full width. DR. DI'TTON HIES SUDDENLY• By Atsociated Press Meadvtlle, Pa.. March 19. Dr. W. T. Dutton, aged 82, professor of mathe matics and civil engineering at Alle gheny College here, fell dead to-day in the street from heart disease. Dr. Dutton served as president of Alle gheny College in 1909-10. WILSON SWAYS INDIANA DEMO CRATS By Associated Press Indianapolis. Ind., March 19. l ndiana Democrats in the State conven tion here to-day, heeding the wishes of President Wilson and Secretary Bryan, declared in favor of a State-wide direct primary law when they adopted, unani mously, the platform presented bv the committee on resolutions, containing a plank endorsing the plan. WILSON A PROVES ACTION By Associated Press Washington, March 19. President Wilson to-day approved the resolution of Congress conveying thanks to the captain and crew of the American steamer Kroonland for the rescue of eighty-nine lives from the burning steamer Volturno. The officers and men will aJso get medals. Rooms Wanted ROOM AND BOARD with private family in central section of the cltv, by young man. References, If requested. Write Box 838, care of Telegraph. Legal Notices CLERK'S NOTICE NO 2602 IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, Charles 3. Fohl of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, a bankrupt under the Act ot Congress of July 1, 1898, having ap plied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said court at Scranton, In said District, on the 20th day of April, 1914, at 10 o'clock . in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted GEORGE C. SCHEUER, |_ Clerk. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County on Monday, March 30, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House, at Harris burg, Pennsylvania, or as soon there after as the said Court shall be in Ses sion, for the transfer of the Retail Liquor License now held by John N Weaver at the "Leßoy Hotel." situate at the corner of State and Cowden streets, in the Eighth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Benja min A. Strip Tin. E. E. BEIDLEMAN, Attorney for, Transferee. March 19. 1914. _ Notice NOTICE OWING to necessary repairs the BRIDGE over the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD at MACLAY STREET will be closed to both vehicles and pedestri ans on Monday morning. March 23, and remain so for the balance of the week. W. H. LYNCH, Superintendent. 1 Have your 1 > favorite mag- 5 J azine bounc in ) (attractive 2 iform by the 1 cTelegraph j I Bindery. ( I ** | r cratch Pads ! I. . .1E have a lot of scratch pads IWI put up ' "bout 100 to a pack ■ » age, that we are selling for sOr per package. Just the ! thing for office work, and you'd better order NOW if you want j any as they won't last long at that price. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing, Binding, Dealgnlng, Photo Engraving I HARRISBURG, PA. DEMAND FOR STOCKS NOT HEAVY TODAY Suit Against Lehigh Valley Appeared to Have Been Dis continued in Yesterday's Decline By Associated Press New York. March 19. Steadiness of the early market and the absence of outside selling orders, despite the In- Jectton of news of unfavorable Influ ences Into the speculative situation, prompted operations for the long ac count, and prices were advanced. The : Government's suit against Lehigh Val- 1 ley appeared to have been discounted In j yesterday's decline, and the anthracite , stocks betrayed no weakness. Reports from the steel trade told of decreasing new orders and the possi bility of contraction of operations In some mills. These reports were parti- | ally offset by the favorable character of United States Steel's annual report. ' Tho demand for stocks was not heavy, but at noon the general level showed i' fractional improvement. I Bonds were irregular. Furnished by 11. W. SNAVELY ' Arrade Rulldlng New York, March 19. I Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines .23 23 V* Ainal. Copper ...... 7&V4 75% American Can 30V6 30 U Am. C. & F 51% 51% American Cotton OU 44% 45 I Am. Ice Securities .. 31 % 31% Am. Locomotive ... 35% 35% American Smelting . 69 C 9% ' American Sugar ... 101% 101% American T. & T. . . 123% 12R%| Anaconda 75% 75% Atchison 97 97% Baltimore & Ohio . , 8£ % 89 % Bethlehem Steel ... 42% 43% Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% California Petroleum 28 28% Canadian Pacific ... 206% 307 Central Leather ... 34% 35% Chesapeake & Ohio. 62% 53 C.. M. & St. P 98% 98% Chlno Con Copper. 42 42 | Col. Fuel and Iron. 32% 32% Erie 28% 29 Great Northern pfd. 127% 127 % Great Nor. Ore subs. 36% 36% Interboro-Met 14% 14% Lehigh Valley 145% 145% Mex. Petroleum ... 68% 69% Mo., Kan. & Texas .17% 17 Missouri Pacific ... 24 24% Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% New York Central .91 91% N. Y.. N. Y. &H. .. 69% 68% Norfolk & Western. 103% 103 Northern Pacific .. 112% 112% Penna. R. R 11l 111 Pressed Steel Car .. 43% 43% Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21% Reading 164 164% Ret). Iron & Steel .. 25% 25% Rock Island 4 % 4 % Rock Island pfd ... 6 6% Southern Pacific .. 94% 94% Southern Railway . 25% 25% xTexas Company .. 146% 146% Union Pacific 157% 158 U. S. Rubber 61% 61% U. S. Steel 64 64% U. S. Steel pfd .... 110 110 Utah Copper 55 54% \'a. Caro. Chem. ... 33 33% Western Maryland .30% 30% Western Union Tel.. 63% 63% Westinghouse Mfg.. 76% 76% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 19. Hogs—Re ceipts, 18,000; strong. Bulk of sales, iS. 708.80: light, $5.60©8.87%; mixed, 8.60 C<f 8.87 hi ; heavy, $8.35 ©8.85; rough, 8.35@8.50; pigs, J7.00@8.65. Cattle Receipts, 3,500; steady to strong. Beeves, $7.00@9.55; Texas steers, $7.15(®8.15; western steers, $6.85 ®8.10; stockera and feeders, ♦n.6s© 8.10; cows and. heifers, $3.75@8.50; calves, $6.00@».00. } Sh6ep Receipts, 15,000, strong. Na tive, $4.75@6.35; western, $4.90@6.40; yearlings, $5.80@7.00; lambs, native, $6.75@7.75; western, $6.76@7.85. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 19. Wheat —• Steady; No. 2, red, export, sl.oo# I.00%; No. 1, Northern. Duluth, export. 11.0501.06. Corn Higher; new, No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 72@72%c; do., kiln dried, lOcal, 74® 75c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 46@ 46 %c. Bran Market firm; winter, per ton, $30.00@30.50; spring, per ton, $29.50@30.00. Refined Sugars Market higher; powdered, 4.00 c; fine granulated, 3.90 c; confectioners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone A, 3.65 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints, fancy. 30c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby tlrsts. | free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.45 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.75 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.45 per case. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, 18® 18% c; young chickens, 15@20c; broiling chickens, ers, 12@13c; ducks. 18@20c; spring ducks, 18@20c; geese, 16®17c; turkeys. 19 0 20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18@18%c; do., medium sizes, 16@17c; do., light weights t idi |sc: old roosters.loc; Ing chickens, fancy, 19@20c; broil- , ing chickens, fancy, 24®35c; do., fair, I i&idlifi:, capors, iarg«. 23<S>26c, d 0... j small, 18(S>20c; turkeys, fancy, 21@26c; do., fair, 20023 c; ducks. 11® 18c; geese. 11® 16c. Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 75@83c; Western, per bushel, 75@83c; Jersey, per basket, 20® 50c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, | clear. $3.85®4 10; straights. Penn-i sylvania, $4.15®4.30; western, $4.25® 1 4.40; patents, $4.50®4.»0; Kansaj Btraight. jute sacks, $4.20®4.40; spring, firsts, clear, $4.10@4.30: straights. $4.35 I @4.50; patents, $4.60@4.76. Hay The market is weak; tim- j othy. No. 1, large bales, slß.so@lu.u(l; No. 1, medium bales, $18.00@18.50; No. j 2, $16.60@ 17.50; No. 3, $14.00@15.00. I Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.50® ! 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.60@17.00; No. 2, do., , $15.00016.00. ' EX-SHERIFF C.HAS. L. JOHNSON'S BIG SAL%J|M«CH 28, at 8.30 A. SHARP, ON HIS FARM, MILES EAST jff' BLOOMFIELD and 3 mile* (outhncal o( Newport and % mile from .Hoffman'* Station, on S. & N. W. It. R., where train* arrive golug east at «T». m., and from Dan cannon off the main line arriving at Hoffman Station on the S. A N. W. It. R. at 0.80 a. m., and within % anile of leave* In evening; going ea«t 4.20, mid went 6 |>. m. 275 HEAD OF 1.1 VE STOCK—3O HOUSES ANI) 4 SPAN S CHOICE WELL-MATED MULES, 10 DRAFT BROOD MARE*—farm chunk*, road- Ktera, line trotter* and pacera t*peed>, all Hold on positive guarantee to lit- Hound and »centle. 45 head of cattle, 20 fresh COM* and nprlnger*. All delivered big part of «ay free at risk of purcliaMer*. 4 choice bull*, tine HuKteln cone imil heifer* entitled to reg.stry und heavy with calf to full bull, the big framed kind Full bred t.uernne;*, Durham* and Craaae*. 2110 head of tile choicest lioii:c-rnlsed hogs one farm found to-day In Centrnl Pennsylvania. Hog* that had the run of my farm on the snow all winter and delivered big part of ay free at rl*k of purehaaer*. 20 brood HOW*.. 20 open Berk*. Sow* entitled to the paper*, a* yon will agree when you nee them. 2S full blood Cheater* open, a* Hue a* In the land. All clean and white a* In the State. It) tine young boar* and two large boar*, one a Berk and the other n I'oluuii, both choice and entitled to papera. If I fool you on the condition and brooding of my hoxa I will pay your expenae* to and front my big Clearance Sale. Ton of npllnter new farm and driving barnes* *old first at A.M a. m. If I do not Htart thla hIK aale at 0.30 on the minute I will make yon a present of a full lired Berk Gilt. ISO bushels icooil potatoes. Farm Im plement* of all deKcriptton*. I.one credit mid renewals In part to thoae who pay If they cannot meet note* at maturity. 0 per cent, per annum off for ca«h. Come and see ua handle thla big aule at lightning speed. All horse* and mule* hitched and ipiHranterd. EX-SHKRIFF CHAS. 1.. JOHNSON. New Rloomtleld. Pa. CHICAGO BOARD OF TOADS mralahrd by H. W. SItAVBI,?. Arrnrlr Rn|lill*(. Chicago, 111., March 19. Open. liixn. -uvk cio* Whm- Mn.v 93 ' i 93'» 92% 93% July 84% 89 Vi 89% 89 ■ urn— Muy 69U 69?;, 68%'- 69% July 01> Tta 09% 68%' 69% n r« — Muy July 40 40% 40 40% {|l|BßEft STAMQP >f II SEALS & STENCILS UV jj ■ " MFG. BYHBG STENCIL WORKS ■ || \ I 130 LOCUSTS! HBG,PA. II FOR SALE 2029 o»reen St., 3-story brick. 1806 Green St., 3-story brik. 261: Delaware Ave., 2-story brick. 441 S. 16th St., 3-story frame. 1520 Berry hill St.. 3-story brick. 3009 Main St., Penbrook, 3-story frame. Plots of Ground 6th and Emerald Sts., 88%x187 ft. 4th at., and Giger Aye., 125x92 ft. THREE FARMS 40—93—and 100 ACRES EACH. The above can be purchased at a bargain If sold quickly. Apply to H. M. BIRD UNION TRUST MI.DU. " MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE] and others upon their own namea. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adam* .* Co., R. 304. 8 N. Market Sq. THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at 3 P. M., at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. FOR SALE One of the best located grocery stores in the city— good opportunity for the right man—financial require ments about $4,000. BELL REALTY CO. Bergner Building Store Room For Rent No. 1213 N. Third street, between Ilruad nuil Cuuibcrlnud NtrcetN. One of the bent buMincHH blocks In the city. Would be u good locution for h confectionery atorc, or would suit any buNlncNa. Hun* through to Jnnien atreet. Poaaeaalon April lat. Apply to owner, Chas. C. Schriver I FOR SALE No. 1348 North street, frame house with Improvements, porch and side entrance 92200 No. 116 Hoerner street, brick and frame> all Improvements, porch and side entrance 92350 No. 1837 Berryhlll street, large frame house; all improvements; porch and side entrance 92350 No. 177 N. Fifteenth street, 8-room brick and frame house, new steam heat plant, all improvements, 92550 No. 230 N. Fifteenth street, 9-roora brick and frame house; all im provements and front porch, 92050 No. 1525 Regrina street, 8-room frame house; all improvements, and steam heat 92000 No. 1412 Berryhlll street, 8-room brick house; all Improvements, porch and side entrance, (a bar gain) 92650 No. 1729 Park street, brick house • with all modern Improvements, porch and paved street .... 92500 No. 231 N. Fourteenth street, g story brick; modern Improve ments 92850 No. 350 Hummel street 3-story brick house, with all improve ments 93000 No. 1731 Regina street, 8-room brick house, ail improvements, porch and side entrance 93100 No. 1853 Park street, new brick house, modern In every respect, 93200 No. 1821 Market street, 9-room brick house, modern Improvements, porch and rental at $25 per month. (A rare bargain) 98600 No. 1627 Derry street, large frame house; all modern improvements, porch and side entrance, drive al ley in rear 94000 No. 25 N. Nineteenth street, new corner brick house, steam heatedL hardwood floors. Lot 19% feet by 95 feel 94650 No. 54 N. Seventeenth street, new corner brick house and garage* all Improvements, steam heat and Ideal location ? CTOo J. E. GIPPLE