Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Image 11

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    ... ■ ■ ■ - \ ■. v , • ■ . . -
•" , , ' W1 ""V * V 1 i ' : ' . /»sjl
SVQs How Father John's Medi
cine Brought Health to Her
Little Boy.
*T am grateful for Fathar John's
Vadlcln*, says Mrs. Margarette Mur-
Bhy of Chicago, in a recent letter. "My
little boy was two years old when he
(was first taken sick and I took him to
pnany doctors, but not one did him any
Sood. He is past live years old now.
; - <3a3B
He is all better now, thanks to Father
'ohn'a Medicine. He had pneumonia
twice and whooping cough. Soon after
he began to take Father John's Medi
cine I knew he was mending. I am
very thankful for Father John's Medi
cine. We all take it now. It is a bless
ing In my home. I will never be with
out it." (Signed) MRS. MARGA
RETTE MURPHY, 8010 Quinn St,
Chicago, 111.
Careful mothers have no fear In us
ing Father John's Medicine, because
it. is safe for the littlo ones as well
RS the older members of the family,
and because it is free from alcohol
or dangerous drugs in any form. It
treats colds by building up the body
and giving now strength to ward oft
the disease. Get a bottle to-day.—Ad
t\m ' cu - ow and HAO
111 SORE
A otriefc, Mfa, goottiing, haailng, antiseptic relief
for SorsThran, briefly describee TONmluwt. A
emu bottle of Tonelllne leete longer then moet any
cmea of Sere TWaal. To:i»lUM* rrll«Te<i Sore
Mouth end Hoaneeeei end prevents Qulniy.
Uc. enj Mc. Hoepltel Site SI.M. All Dniuhti.
Makes It Lifeless, Dull, Dry,
Brittle and Thin.
GHrls —if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff Is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gen
tly with the finger tips.
By morning, most If not all, of
j our dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it. I
You will find, too, that all Itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will be silky, fluffy, lus
trous, soft, and look and feel a hun
dred times better. You can get liquid
arvon at any drug store. It is in
expensive and four ounces is all you
will need, no matter how much dan
druff you have. This simple remedy
never falls. —AdverUsement
The Cosk Likes
Kelley's Coal
She likes it because it is uni
formly sized and burns evenly—
the kind of heat that makes the
oven right for baking. There are
various sizes and kinds of coal
suitable for the oven, but what
ever kind your range needs will
be supplied by Kelley on short
Kelley's Coal is at your service
it will keep your cook on
friendly terms with the range.
1 N. Third St
10th and State Streets,
Cards aeatly and attractively
printed! eaa be areured at
the TELEGRAPH business
-10 Federal Squure
(Continued From Page IS) -
W. R. SHRINER, Registrar
ed Id several places and the number
iargely reduced In others. It now
looks as though the 'booze business'
is doomed, and we soon shall have a
saloonless State and nation."
Charges reporting twenty-flve or
more conversions. Dr. Stein reported
as follows:
Beach Haven, 124; Benton, 37;
Berwick, Calvary, 115; Berwick, First
Church, 266; Bloomingdale, 130;
Bloomsburg, 451; Centralia, 45; Dan
ville, Trinity, 60; Espy and Um»
Ridge, 125; Freeland, SO; Harveyville,
28; Ilazleton, Diamond, 84; Jamison
City, 29; Jeddo, LatUmer and Mllnes
vllle, 59; Jonestown, 62; Mlffllnburg,
50; Mlflllnvllle, 60; Milvllle and Jer
seytown, 45; Nescopeck, 65; North
umberland, 53; Orangevtlle and Light
Street, 26; Kiverside, 35; Selinsgrove,
72; Shamokin, Chestnut Street, 225;
Shamokin, Lincoln Street, 156; Shlck
shinny, 228; Snydertown, 35; Sunbury,
Catawlssa Avenue, 96; Sunbury, St.
John's 111; Town Hill, 106; Wapwal
lopen, 113.
The report shows that two churches
were erected during the year, one at
Flysburg and another at Hazleton, the
Holy Trinity and Slavic Methodist
Episcopal Church.
aiornlns Sernloa
After a fifteen-minute devotional
i service, led by the bishop, and the
I reading and approval of the minutes of
I the sessions of yesterday, the confer
i ence proceeded with its usual busi
ness this morning.
I It was announced that there are 131
subscribers to the "Methodist Review"
1 among the preachers in this conference
and Alexander Scott was elected to
seek new subscribers for the same
The Rev. George G. Eckinan, D. D..
editor of the "Christian Advocate," was
then Introduced. In the corporate
session which followed three trustees
were elected. These having been elect
ed and sworn In according to law, pro
ceeded to conduct the vote of the con
The report of the trustees for the
foncerence year of 1913-14 was read by
H. L Jacobs, president of the corporate
session, and It was accepted and ap
proved. An adjourned meeting of the
corporate session was ordered for this
afternoon at the close of the memorial
Question fourteen of the Disciplin
ary business of the annual conference
was announced, namely, "Was the char
acter of each preached examined?"
under this question the several district
superintendents read their reports and
the character of the same, together
with that of each effective preacher
serving under them was passed. The
reports read were by J. B. Stein, who
announced 3,340 conversions on the
I Danville district during the year; S. B.
'Evans, who reported for the Altoona
district, more than 2,500. Dr. George P.
| Mains, of the Methodist Book concern
|of«New York City, was given five mln-
I utes to represent that institution.
Availing himself of the privilege, and
among other things stated that the
dividend for this year In favor of this
conference amounts to $3,640, and of
the Chartered Fund for S3O. Checks
for these amounts were ordered made
payable to the conference treasurer.
.At 11.20 o'clock the members of the
Ministerial Association of Harrisburg
entered the conference room and were
Introduced to the conference, the pres
ident of the association, the Rev. Ellis
M. Cramer, D. D., making the address,
which was one of great warmth and
cordiality to which Bishop Cranston re
sponded with equal feelings of fra
ternity. Following these formalities
the visiting brethren were individually
introduced and was welcomed by tho
The Rev. James M. Hoover, a re
turned missionary from Barnes, and
Mrs. Hoover, were introduced to the
conference and invited to seats with
the conference as its guests.
The conference authorized the sale
of the church properties at Rock
£P r «t 0 ?rM e Ple *?ant Gap charge, and
at Oak Hill, on the Karthans charge.
The Rev. J. B. Hlngeley, D. D.. sec
retary of the Board of Conference
Claimants, was permitted and accept
ed the opportunity to represent this
important interest, making a forcible
address. The Rev. Dr. W. F Sheri
dan, general secretary of the Fnworth
League also spoke briefly on that or
ganlzation. The conference adjourned
to meet at 8.30 for the memorial ser-
"Gets-It" For Corns On
Your Piggy-Wiggies!
Quit Puttering With Corns. Use This
Sure, New-Plan Corn Core
A few drops of "GETS-IT," the big
gest seller in the world to-day of any
com remedy, is enough to spell posU
tlve doom to the fiercest corn that ever
i cemented itself to a toe. It's good-by,
Theee little toe* These little Ini
fcad "GETS4T" had none.
Johnnie. You apply "GETS-IT" In
two seconds—no fussing with plasters
that don't stay put, with salves that
make corns "pull" and make the toe
beefy and raw, with knives, scissors,
razors and diggers that make corns
grow faster and that inay cause blood
poiaon from corn-cutting and corn
bleeding. "GETS-IT" shrivels up
corns, they come right off. That's
the new principle. It's just common
sense. No more corn-pains. "GETS
IT" is safe, and never hurts the flesh.
Get rid of corns and callouses.
"GETS-IT" Is sold at 2uc a bottle
by all druggists, or sent direct if you
wish, from E. Lawrence & Co.. Chi
■I f Handsome Expensive Souvenirs For Ladies Absolutely MB
® \ The Newest Modes Brought Forth By Foremost n
French and American Designers ■■
Si llfrn HI in i Vlrf f'SJ - Our large New York buying office not only purchases the newest and most authentic JJ®
X \]jf | nC I( ' oIM * mo<^e^s i but a^so secures SPECIAL LOW PRICES for buying in large quantities to sup- BB
■ V®!' \ m IYp s L m • ply all our stores. Why delay buying? Spring is here—be well dressed and in time for
/ "PayAs You £
/f lmtw rif * We call particular attention to the /•* % SB
gl hb fmbi ,■ Women's Spring Suits JOL
•> I f ' 1 J ' Which ye prettier and more dainty in their lines than in yj*. J W'*
ttH \ I / //link II many years. New short fancy trimmed coat, with the new A
y * tratteur, peplum and draped skirts which can only be described * /
JUj Spring C0at5..7.50 to 30.00 Wash Dresses. 1.98 to 15.00 Ml
W *** r ' • •••*"* Spring Dresses 7.50 to 30.00 Spring Millin- »_j|^^ Ss S|^|E lff J IfJSl®
Skirts 4.00 to 10.00 ery 5.00 to 15.00 8 f hk ■
jj!! Are Absolutely Without Equal; Prices .. . • ACA <£ffe4V • M : J ." \fi ■% I \
° manufacture our own Men's clothing and therefore gave you the vl ~W»9U 4/v $ ffl ■ % ,A \ \
middleman's profit In other words you can buy clothing as good her® I I" All I . ■ mHU FIj a /\ 1 t fllHi
tor credit as you can elsewhere for cash. \r % ■ s / 111 I I\\ \
■' — Also complete Spring Lines of « l| Aif I I !'■
PS Men's Hats, Shoes, Raincoats \mi K|| I\ 1 m
art cordially invited to investigate oar \ot^ BI j! j jjfej \ |
Credit Plan and inspect our new Spring stocks /f* J II BHi
flB j ' f whether you intend buying or not. '
«■—n—WMIfrMIIfHBnHWBMBHBMIITfri I lillllli. sii i n iiwi«h n—■ - '
I? *<• \
Waiting ronni rind _ in.lnal •>{' th <> Knrkville lint l of tho Harrisburg Railways Company which was onenc-ri to
use yesterday. Added convenience to the people of the Upper End community was given by the extension of the line.
Jury Didn't Believe
Witness Who Turned
Against His Chum
The story William Todd told In
March criminal court yesterday In
turning State's evidence against his
companions, Sol Emanuel and Harvey
Ylngst, wasn't believed by the Dau
phin county Jury .
The trio was arrested for holding
up and robbing aged Charles O'Neil.
Emanel escaped and Todd and Ylngst
weer caught. Todd pleaded guilty
and he was the Commonwealth's chief
wltnss against Ylngst. And yesterday
the Jury acquitted Ylngst.
Other setences disposed of before
President Judge Kunkel Included
Yondo Zonkevlcs and James Graham,
burglary, $5 fine and ten to eighteen
months In the Eastern Penitentiary;
James Duncan, carrying concealed
deadly weapons, $lO fine. Tho re
malner of the day was taken up with
the trial of W. Hayes Snyder, charged
wth embezzlement from a piano music
dealer. Snyder's plan, it developed,
according to testimony, had been to
accept SIOO on closing a contract, and
then an additional $25 on account of
instalment payments. The other party
t othe contract was to have paid $lO
a month, and in the event of her fail
ure to pay, the receipts Snyder gave
her for the $25 were to serve as pay
ments. Th<- $25 was never turned In
to the firm by Snyder, is was charged.
Mrs. James Fisher, of 711 North
Second street, was hostess to the la
dies of the Idylwhlle Club this after
noon. The decorations for a bulTet
bupper were of Spring flowers. Eight
members were in attendance.
== The Danger
iSr ous Business of
Being a Baby
iwIB J t * ny es men
mgrn Nn J jf $ aced by dirty dairies,
•JlffififiSr \ by sick cows, by dis-
JuaHr \--_y ease; one baby out of
/ \ v si*—last year—died.
JLI_ A But the danger grows
r* l e ss Doctors and
mothers have learned
■Bo' Mothers now know
oik V that their bab y' a food
is of most im p° rtanc »
' w —of the dangers for
little babies in cows'
milk that the Gov
— n | emment inspectors found only eight clean
dairies in every hundred and that in one State
alone—under strict laws—there are 200,000 sick cows.
Mothers now know that even when cows' milk is pure it is
too heavy in curd for little babies.
Nestles Food
is nearer to mother'* milk than any other food. In NESTLfe'S the
curd of the milk is soft and fleecy as in mother's milk. The best cows'
milk is the basis of NESTLfe'S '
-the milk from clean healthy NESTLE'S FOOD COMPANY
cows, in sanitary inspected dairies. Walworth Bid,. New Y%rk
Then to it are added other food
elements your baby needs, and trial p«Vag«- m *' Jour k * nd
that cows' milk does not contain.
Send the Coupon for a Free JVmm *
Trial Package of 12 feedingsand Addrut
oar 72-page book for Mathers.
Busch Leaves Personal
Property to Family
Special to The Te'.egrafh '
St. Louis, Mo., March 19. —Adolphus •
Busch, the late millionaire St. Louis |
brewer, left personal property, ex- i
elusive of his real estate holdings, val
ued at $17,254,154, according to- the
inventory of the estate filed to-day. :
The value of the 191 pieces of realty
Ladies! Men! Here's the quick
est, surest dandruff cure
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff —that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of is lustre, its strength and Jts very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen . and die—then the
<; When you spend 10c for a cigar you demand a \l
I ► ' quality smoke. All the more reason you should
ask for ;!
3; All Havana so perfectly blended that it satisfies
any taste. The Moja aroma is distinctively 3;
J > pleasing. !;
i| Made by JOHN G HERMAN & CO.
D. B . oi? eV&rg drop j|
/ : i ' I
owned Is conservatively estimated at
$17,000,000 more, making the value of
the fortune by Mr. Busch approxi
mately $35,000,000.
Washington, Pa., March 19.—Stan
ley F. Wright, school teacher and cir
cus performer and said to be the tall
est man in Pennsylvania, died at his
home near here following a long ill
ness. Me was 7 feet 3 inches In height
and eighed more than 300 pounds be
fore he was taken ill.
hair falls out fast. A litUe Danderlns
to-night—now—anytime—will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderlne from any drug store or
toilet counter, and after the first ap
plication your hair will take on that
life, lustre and luxuriance which is so
beautiful. It will become wavy and
fluffy and have the appearance of
abundance; on incomparable gloss and
softness, but what will please you most
will be after just a few weeks' use,
when you < will actually see a lot of
fine, downy hair—new hair— growing
all over the scalp.—Advertisement.