Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 19, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Interesting Friday Specials Featured In the Spring Fashion News
No Friday Specials Sent
C. O. !>.. or Mail or Phone
Orders Filled.
Silk Specials
$1.25 brocade silks, 40 inches wide,
in light blue and deep pink. Spe
cial Friday only, yard 59<
$1.25 canton crepe, in royal, rose,
brown and black. Special Friday
only, yard, 59^
49c polka dot foulard. Special
Friday onlj r , 25£
89c blaek mescaline, 36 inches
wide. Special Friday only. 69^
**T)ives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor.
76c Alarm Clocks, 59^
Nickel-plated alarm clocks; regu
larly 75c. Speeial Friday only,
<®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Mesh Bags, Beads, Etc.
$2.75 silver mesh bags, silk lined.
Special Friday only, $1.49
25c turquoise beads. Special Fri
day only 10£
25c cloisoine bar pins. Special
Friday only, 10^
50c gold and silver picture frames.
Special Friday only 39tf
SI.OO oxidized silver lavalier sets.
Special Friday only 59<?
t-r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Men's $2.00 Shoes, $1.50
Boys' Shoes
Men's $2.00 gun metal calf shoes,
blucher, lace styles, on medium high
toe lasts. Special Friday only, $1.50
Boys SI.OO and $1.25 shoes; sizes
81/2 to 11. Special Friday only, 75£
tardives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Women's Shoes
Children's Shoes
Women's $3.00 tan calf and tan
suede calf shoes. Special Fridav
only, $2.25
Girls' $2.00 black kid skin lace
shoes, sizes 2 1 /o to 5. Special Fridav
onl y> si.od
Misses' $2.00 black kid skin lace
shoes: sizes lli/ 2 to 2. Special Fri
day only, 95<
Children's SI.OO and $1.25 button
and -lace shoes. Special Fridav only,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Women's Umbrellas
Silk piece-dyed taffeta umbrellas;
value $1.40. Special Friday only
$2.50 Vesting, 49^
$2.50 fancy velour vesting, 20
inches wide. Speeial Friday only,
Men's Suspenders
Men's and youths' suspenders, 25c
and 50c lisle webbing. Special Fri
day only, 9^
Men's heavy Police suspenders.
Special Friday only, 16£
Women's Gloves
$3.00 value: $1.98
Women's $3.00 long gloves, 16-
button length; slightly soiled. Fri
day only, $1.98
Ribbon Specials
All silk ribbon in taffeta, satin taf
feta and moire ; 4i/£> to 6 inches wide •
values to 25c. Special Friday onlj%
yard ieV
*®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
[Continued from First l'a«e.]
• 1
tfor consideration before the beginning
Kf the new llscal year, should council
■esire to postpone action until certain
are made. The chances are
■at a little tilt may develop at the
■ssion next Tuesday.
f The Assistant Health Officer
The one item that may cause debate
is that for the assistant health officer.
Commissioner H. F. Bowman, depart
ment of public safety, in offering the
ordinance creating tills office and
i.-hanglng the position of "assistant
health officer" now on duty to "sani
tary officer," Mr. Bowman said he In
.l ended the change from an economic
Dr. Allen T. Rltzmaii,
Friday Specials
In the Basement
19c pastry boards. Special for
Friday 14^
$2.98 copper wash boilers. Spe
cial for Friday, $2.19
75c bread boxes. Special for Fri
day, 49<*
$2.00 aluminum omelet pans. Spe
cial for Friday .$1.39
$1.98 aluminum 8-quart Berlin ket
tles. Special for Friday, . .. .$1.59
Brush mop combination—set in
cludes one handle, 1 mop-head for
wet mopping, 1 mop-head for dust
ing, 1 scrubbing attachment; all
made to fit the same handle; if
bought separately would cost $1.55.
Friday special, set *. 79f*
30c colonial water tumblers. Doz
en, 25<
Friday Specials
In Men's Overcoats
Any heavy or medium weight
overcoat, $20.00, $24.00 and $30.00
coats. IViday special, SIO.OO
Blue chinchilla, brown storm cloth
cheviot, camel's hair and melton
grey Scotch mixtures; all models;
regular overeoat from $20.00 to
$30.00. Friday special, SIO.OO
Our Stock of Medium and
Heavy Weight Boys'
Winter Suits
Friday Special, $3.50
Broken sizes, 11 to 17 years.
Boys' $0.50 to SIO.OO suits, Nor
folk and double breasted; some ex
tra pair trousers. Friday only,
Art. Needlework
59c stamped night gowns with
round and square necks, ready to be
embroidered. Friday only, . . ,39<
20c stamped Turkish bath towels,
good size and quality. Friday onlv,
15 c
50c stamped pillow tops and
backs, good designs and assortments
of materials. Friday only, .... ,25£
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor—Three Elevators.
Wash Fabric
SI.OO Bagdad suiting, 50 inches
wide. Special Friday only, . ., 49f*
75c ratine, 40 inches wide. Spe
cial Friday only; 49^
50c ratine, 36 inches wide. Spe
cial Friday only, 39f^
15c black and white checks. Spe
cial Fridav onlv, 11*
12Vsjc dress ginghams. Special
Friday only,
17c crepe. Special Friday onlv,
12Vac cretonnes in floral designs.
Special Friday only,
10c challis. Special Friday only,
ey 4 <
12V£c crepe. Special Fridav only,
t»'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Men's Furnishings
In the Sale
Men's and boys' 25c and 35c golf
caps. Special for Friday only, 15£
Men's 50c golf band caps. Special
for Friday only, 35^
Boys' 50c white negligee and white
plaited shirts. Special for Friday
only, 25^
Boys' 39c negligee shirts, size
121/2- Special Friday only, 15^
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
who will be the assistant health offi
cer should the office be created, is
serving as smallpox physician at $lO
per day for some months. To date in
the last six weeks Harrisburg has paid
Dr. Ritzman in the neighborhood of
$-400, and from all indications $9lO
will be paid out before the quarantine
is lifted. When there are no small
pox matters to require the assistant
health physician's attention, Mr. Bow
man figures that he may help Dr. Kau
nlek with other contagious diseases.
The New Positions
Councilman M. Harvey Taylor raised
the question it is understood about the
creation of the new office, and the
S9OO item was accordingly snipped
from the budget when Mayor Royal
and Mr. Gorgas also opposed the
It is probable .however, that the
item will be put back in the budget.
In this event, nine new offices will have
been provided for. These include a
captain of police and five new police
men, an assistant city assessor, and
two food inspectors.
Tlie former positions which need not
If J Formal Exposition
I# of Spring Millinery
M Suits, Dresses and Wraps .'jSL
J !' Featuring the latest modes from IK
JX J | the ateliers of the world's fore- |||»
®!| "La Promenade des Toilettes" IIP
|i Continued Friday f §B
" E DiV6S ' Pomer °. v & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators.' B||
Colored Dress Goods
75c Shepherd checks, five styles.
Friday only, yard, 55^
SI.OO Canton crepe, 40 inches, all
colors. Friday only, yard, 75£
SI.OO wool poplin, 42 inches, good
shades. Friday only, yard, .... 79£
$1.25 serge in navy, 52 inches. Fri
day only, yard, 95£
$1.50 serge in brown, 56 inches.
Friday only, yard, 95^
$1.25 silk and wool crepe, good
shades. Friday only, yard, .... 89^
$1.69 and $2.00 silk and wool bro
cade, 15 shades. Fridav only, yard,
SI.OO Scintilla, 40 inches, five
shades. Friday only, yard, ... 79^
Black Dress Goods
50c serge, 36 inches. Friday only,
yard, 35^
75c minstral crepe, 42 inches. Fri
day only, yard, 39^
SI.OO black serge, 50 inches. Fri
day only, yard. 69<S
75c black Panama, 50 inches. Fri
day only, yard, 59^
$1.25 bla'ck serge, 52 inches. Fri
day only, yard, 95^
$1.25 black diagonal, 52 inches.
Friday only, yard, 95^
SI.OO black serge lining, 54 inches.
Friday only, yard, 45£
25c foundation silk, 36 inches. Fri
day only, yard, .15^
25c black satine, 36 inches. Fri
day only, yard 14^
<S"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
necessarily be provided for this year
include the city controller, two asses
sors, the superintendent of parks and
the highway commissioner, and the
milk and meat inspector, and two
clerks in the city treasury.
The police captain measure will
likely be presented Tuesday of next
week, although the meeting of March
31 will be ample time. His salary will
be $1,200 annually, although the five
additional cops will get just what they
do now.
And New Salaries
Of course the salary of $2,000 for
city controller Is necessary this year.
Superintendent of Finance Gorgas
looking after the city's purse, and only
one instead of three assessors need
be provided for by the budget. The
assessors by the way will get less
money than the new assistant. The
former will bo paid $76 monthly. The
assistant who will be required to put
In a full day, each day, will be paid
at the rate of a thousand a year. The
new food Inspectors will get S9OO
apiece, and an increase of S3OO Is pro
ivided for the assistant superintendent
Dr. Maude L. Dunn
A Noted New York Physician
Will Give a Public Talk on the Third
Floor at 3 O'clock To-morrow
Dr. Dunn is an authority on Corset Hygiene, has traveled extensively through
America and Europe in the interest of the proper mode of corseting.
Recently Dr. Dunn gave a series of talks in London in one of which she made
the statement that "during my practice as a physician and as the result of hun
dreds of lectures I have given in all parts of the States on this subject, I have come
to know that most of the physical woes of women come from careless or pernicious
Dr. Dunn will be glad to meet you to-morrow afternoon.
tS" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
$3.75 white enamel beds. Friday
only $2.19
$5.50 felt mattresses. Friday only,
$2.95 woven wire springs. Friday
only $2.69
$1.95 magazine racks. Fridav only,
$5.50 sliding couches. Friday only,
$16.50 Turkish rockers. Friday
Dnly, $10.95
50c Shadow Lace, 12%^
50c shadow lace and net plaitings.
Special Friday only, 12^^
Women's Collars
50c'collars in silk and net. Special
Friday only*
of parks. H° will get $1,600 a year
Instead of $1,200.
With the exception of a few minor
changes the various departmental pro
visions this year axe the same as be
fore. In the law department $56,000
Is provided to pay for paving In front
of nonassessable properties. In the
city treasury however, the salaries to
taling $2,200 for clerk hire, are
stricken out and an appropriation of
$5,500 Is t aside to cover Treasurer
Copelln's commissions.
In the miscellaneous department
SI,OOO Is set aside for the Firemen's
Beneficial Association, and the 1914
income on foreign Insurance policies
paid to the State will be turned back
to the city. This will go to the Fire
men's Relief Association. In the
streets department Commissioner
Lynch asks among other things for
SI,OOO for a now sprinkler and street
sweeper, $47,000 for street sweeping
and $4,000 for Inspectors. To this
fund will be paid the city's share of
the retail liquor license l'ees for 1914.
In th»> department of public safety
fore UIILQ $26,000 is set aside for col
tS" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor —Three Elevators.
lection of garbage and ashes. In the
bureau of lighting an appropriation of
$1,092 is sfct aside for sixteen addi
tional standard cluster lights.
Following is a comparison of the
principal departmental items asked for
1914 and appropriated for 1913:
Departments. 1914 1913
Police (p üb
lic afTairs). $51,487.00 $62,976.00
Law 69,992.75 6,681.00
City clerk ... 3,572.00 4,089.50
Sealer of
weights and
measures .. 1,675.00 1,690.00
Printing .. 6,600.00 7,600.00
Accounts and
finance, for
merly con
troller 983.60 4,178.00
Treasury 3,165.00 3,670.00
Re v 1 sion of
taxes and
appeals ... 1,770.00 6,040.00
Miscellaneous 114,663.62 134,244.67
Streets and
public Im
provements 90,591.26 101,206.00
City engineer 8.884.60 11,340.00
Children's Sweaters
Boys' and girls' 79c sweaters,
sizes 6 to 12. Special Friday only,
Men's SI.OO pajamas. Special Fri
day only, 50£
Boys' 50c muslin night shirts;
sizes 6to 16 years. Special, .. ,35<£
3 for SI.OO.
Men's 25c white and black stripe
aprons, with bib. Special Friday
only, 19^
3 for 50^.
OT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Men's Store, Street Floor.
Corset Reductions
$2.00 Rengo Belt corsets, sizes 30
to 36. Special Friday only, $1.50
75c and SI.OO shirred silk ribbon
hose supporters: Special Friday
only . 50^
tfir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor—Three Elevators.
Public safety,
(health bu
reau) 32,520.75 88,670.00
Food inspec
tion (for
merly milk
and meat
Inspection) 1,825.00 1,948.00
Building 1n -
apectlon ... 1,350.00 1,800.00
Plumbing in
spection ... 1,»'15.00 1,550.00
St reet light- •
lng 42,098.10 50,509.59
Police and Are
alarm 10,990.00 6,440.00
Fire depart
ment 33,322.00 36,810.00
Salary of su
per! nten
dent 1,875.00
Parks 35,804.50 34,666.73
*510,084.97 $629,129.12 1
Wright—Have you a puzzle depart
ment in your paper now?
Penman—Why, yes; we're publishing
a lot of stuff about the Income tax mud
dle. —Yonkera Statesman. <
Curtains and Draperies
35c ecru and white scrim, 38 inches
wide, slightly damaged edge. IViday
only, yard, 15^
$2.00 heavy oriental oonch covers,
50 inches wide, 3 yards long, fringed
all around. Friday only, . . .$1.75
12%e white ourtain muslin, figured
and striped, 36 inches wide. Friday
only, yard lO*
50c ecru and white panel net,
heavily braided; lace or braid edge,
27 inches wide, soiled edge. Friday
only, yard 29*
Remnants of 25c to 39c drapery
materials, scrim, lace, satine and cre
tonne, at, Friday only, yard, •
12V 2 * and 20*
ttr rHne«, Pomeroy ft Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevator*.
Rugs and Carpet
"Wilton rugs, 18x27 inches, 60c
value. Friday only 39*
Wilton rugs, 12x27 inches, 39c
value. Friday only, 19*
Short lengths Brussels and velvet
carpet. Friday only, yard,
Ringwalt linoleum, 50c value. Fri
day only, yard, 37*
Cork linoleum, short lengths, 55c
and 60c value*. Friday only, yard,
Cork linoleum, short lengths, $1.50
to $1.25 values. Friday only, yard,
Heavy rubber door mats, 18x30
inches, 75c value. Friday only, 59c
tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
t *
Collar supports, card of 8. Friday
only, .3*
Mercerized dress shields, sizes 2,
3 and 4. Friday only, pair 9*
.T. J. Clark's 3-cord soft finish spool
cotton, 200 yards. Friday only, 2*
Tomato pin-cushions. Friday only,
Imperial black tape, all widths.
Friday only, bolt, 3*
Card of 2 dozen hooks and eyes.
Friday only, 2*
25c stop-run hose loops. Friday
only 19*
50c detachable sanitary belts. Fri
day only, 39*
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Hair Goods
The new Tango wave, sets of three.
Friday only, set, $2.19
24-inch wavy hair switches. Fri
day only, set, 75*
$2.98 wavy switches. Friday only,
$3.98 wavy switches. IViday only,
$4.50 wavy switches. Friday only,
OTDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor.
Belts and Bags
50c velvet belts with velvet cov
ered buckles. Friday only, ...39*
Moire silk hand bags in many col
ors. Friday only, 29*
$1.95 and $2.50 leather variety
cases. Friday only, 79*
50c imitation patent leather strap
books and hand bags. Friday only,
$1.50 to $2.25 hand bags in assort
ed leathers, colors and shapes. Fri
day only, 59*
*»" Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor.
Women's Handkerchiefs
Women's pure linen initial hand
kerchiefs, full line of initials, 7c
value. IViday only, 6 for . .. .25*
fcirDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor.
The Telegraph Printing Co.