OHIO. MITCHELL JUID MMIM Ensminger, Wholesale Distributor and Hvrisburg Representative Shows 1914 Models The Ensminger Auto Shew Is now to full swing, three afternoons and three evening* having been devoted to exhibiting the pleasure cars and trucks to scores of persona who have called to see the display. "We are meeting with gratifying success," said Mr. Ensminger yesterday. "We have booked more orders and made more territorial contracts so # far than we did during the first three days of last year's show. Our line this year con sists of the Ohio, Apperson and Mit chell pleasure cars and Dart trucks, modelß of all of which we have on exhibition. We are wholesale distribu tors for the Ohio in Eastern Pennsyl vania and deal direct with the Cres cent Motor Company, the manufac turer of Ohio cars, and are therefore in a position where we Can make ex ceptionally good contracts with indi viduals for one car only." The Ohio car comes in two models, a "Six," which is called the Royal, and a "Four," called the Ohio. The Royal to a six-cylinder, six-passenger car with a Lancia body, and Is an exact oounterpart of the famous Italian car that bears that name. I,t has on ap pearance of slenderness without being slender. It, as well as the "Four," is equipped with the famous Northway T-head motor, with power plant, full floating rear axle, Baker demountable rims, silk mohair top, improved Jiffy curtains, and full electrical equipment which includes, light, starter and horn. The slogan of the Ohio is: Appearance, Power and Easy Riding Qualities, and certainly the Ohio has all these, botn In the six as well as the four, the lat ter selling for tlie very low price of $1,275. The Apperson. line consists of a five passenger "Six" and a five-passenger "Four," both being medium-priced cars, and both, of course, not only electrically equipped, with lights, starter and horn, but all the other modern improvements which make for comfort in driving one's own car. The Apperson is far-famed as the "Jack Rabbit,' and its appearance easily bears out this appellation, as it has an extreme streamline body and creates the Impression of being a flyer. The Apperson cars have always been noted for their speed and durability. This Is the sixteenth year the cars have been on the market and this year's models easily uphold their well deserved repu tation. The Apperson Bros. Motor Company were the builders of the first American automobile, which is now on exhibition in the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. Alfred Toung, factory representative, has charge of the Apperson exhibit. The Mitchell exhibit Is In charge of W. A. Walton, the representative of the Mitchell-Lewis Company, of Ra cine, Wis. The Mitchell car is so well known in Harrisburg that little com ment is necessary to inform the public of its worth, as its greatest advertise ment is to be found in the number of Wait and See the TWOMBLY $395 The Twombly underslung car will arrive .the latter part of April. The car that caused the biggest sensation at the New York Auto Show. Demonstration car will arrive in a few weeks. A real auto for a small price; four cylinders, self starter; electric lights: wheelbase 100 Inches; tread 40 Inches; tandem style; weight 600 lbs.; 15 H. P.; 40 miles on a gallon of gasoline: speed 50 miles. Trostle and Mourer, dealers for Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland ajid Perry counties. Salesroom at Mehring's garage, 933-939 Rose Ave. TROSTLE & MOURER 933-939 Rose Ave. "miE"* su " *" THE HAKIUSBCRG ALTO IF YOU WANT STRENGTH, COMBINED WITH LIGHT WEIGHT, LIGHT RUNNING QUALITIES AND LOW UP-KEEP, SPEED AND POWER WITH OUT FRICTION, COMFORT, CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY, YOU WANT Jeffery The Jetfery Four - $1550 An absolutely new car—so modern and so superior that it can rub shoulders with the best cars the world produces—and profit by comparison. A strictly high-grade car, built in accordance with the latest European and American practice, but sold at an extremely low figure—slsso. In the Jeffery Four you get light weight and light running qualities without sacrificing comfort. That means less fuel consumption less vibration less re pairs—less tire expense—and real pleasure for the owner. Every improvement of tested worth is In corporated in the Jeffery oFur. To see It is to want it—to own it is to realize the true pleasure of a perfect car. The Jeffery Six - - - $2250 has all the best features of all the bestcars. Built for the man who demands Jeffery quality in a six. West End Garage 1808 Logan Street, .... Harrisburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ! MARCH 18,1914. | ENSMINGER'S AUTO SHOW I ir*- 3rd and Cumberland Sts. I FRO ' Wholesale Distributors ! - ' • OHIO I§2 flff Vy\ APPERSON AND MITCHELL CARS I IP U lf\ ALSO DART I' l\ V I r 1914 HUPMOBILES AT COST [ J *' AU cars electrically equipped; all The public is cordially invited to 1 J lines in "fours" and "sixes". Dart attend the Annual Automobile lpl\lJ W\\ Trucks a feature. Prices $875 to Show of the Ensminger Motor Co., 3 V&\ ill 1 t SIBOO. All models on display. during week beginning March 14th. m mm iim j-lffll libiii— -xini .. mi—ini ini-. .im 1 im im ■ .nEll— ini ißi : 'El'- . iBLI iBC iBC jBH üBE i!3G lEIG: iBEs=jBCU-; —iBC.-j... )'Tlt=rrr=-jHE = br = =ißl^^EßG3iiZ3iliar aa cars running in the streets, all of, which are giving perfect satisfaction to their owners. "Miles for dollars, said Mr. Walton; "that's what we sell. In the last analysis the man who starts out to buy an automobile is really actuated by a desire to buy mileage. Therefore the car that will gi\e him the greatest number of miles for tho least number of dollars is the most. economical car for that man to buy. 11 heard to-day," continued Mr. Walton, I "of a Mitchell car down in Florida I that has 125,000 miles to Its credit, and ) this mileage was made in Florida, where the roads are notoriously bad. But that is nothing unusual for a Mit chell car, as we have records of a number of Mitchells with 100,000 miles to their credit. In fact there is a Mitchell car right here in Harris burg owned by a man named Saltz- , giver which has bfen run over 80,000 miles, so you see we are justified in claiming to give a greater number of miles for a less number of dollars than any other American car." The Ensminger show has now been under way and is exceeding the fond est expectations of the officials of the company, as large crowds are attend ing at each exhibition. The admission is free and the public is cordially in- 1 | vited to attend and examine the cars, j I Demonstration in all cars may be had j upon request.. MqTQfe _ fg I HimHUHM-IIH-Jtil or WBtiIIIUKHIItfHIIBHII HARRIS BURG MOTOR CLUB NOTES j Keep to tho right. Observe the traffic laws. It means I safety to you and to the pedestrian, i Observe tho Golden ltule always. Copies of the traffic laws, as far as they relate to motoring, can be had on application at the club rooms. Do you not desire to assume your share of the burden of assuring a con tinuance of these benefits? Do you realize that but for the activi ties of the Pennsylvania Motor Federa tion, you would now be paying regis tration fees of $25, SSO and $75? When starting on a trip it is as im portant to know that your brakes are in proper adjustment as it is to know that you have a supply of gasoline and | oil. i Sound horn at all Intersections, es- I pecially where there may be any dan ger; sound horn on approaching sharp curves and keep your car under con trol. I Do you realize that every time you I cross the local river bridges you en • Joy a reduced rate of toll secured I through the effort of the local Motor ■ Club? I Do you know that the local Motor Club offers a standing reward of SSO I for the arrest and conviction of any I one stealing a car owned by a member I of the club? | This Is your club, use It. Maps, tour- I ing books, publications, etc., always on | file in the club rooms in the Patriot I Building, open daily 9 to 12 and 1 to u p. m. The club will notify all Supervisors In I Dauphin and Cumberland counties that 1 the acts of Assembly relative to road ' signs and removing loose stones from ] highways will be expected to bo ob- I served in the future. I The club office will appreciate re i ports from all members and others as ito good and bad roads, signs needed lat specified points, etc. Such lnforma -1 tion as this will be published as fast as it is received, for the benefit of all. Do , your share to help the others, others ■LA M H EXPOSITION CHIEF BUYS HAYNES CAR EXPOSITION CHIEF BUYS HAYNES CAR | 9 CHM. C. MOOU. PWB»IO«NT. PANAMA-PACI HATNM COUH EQUIPPED WITH TM Charles C. Moore, president oi uic Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion, has purchased from the Haynes 1 Auto.Sales Company a Haynes model 1 28 coupe, equipped with the new elec tric gear shift. Mr. Moore is said to 1 be so well pleased with his car that he ' drives in it, more than he had been in 1 the habit of doing in his former cars, < . owing to the simplicity of operation of i the electric gear shift, and finds more < pleasure in motoring than ever before. '• "I knew that Mr. Moore would find ' 1 the Haynes coupe a revelation in many I ways," said W. B. Cochran, president • ami general manager of the Haynes j Auto Sales Company, "and his satis- 1 ' faction, expressed to me, over his , new car voices the opinion of scores . of other Haynes owners. The adop- 1 tion of this eminently simple electric j gear shift, one of the most Important | advances in motor car construction will do their share for your benefit. t Bell phone 982. I How do you like the cut at the head 1 of this column? Look over the motor pages of the city papers weekly for it. • Club notes will always be under It and ? will often contain news of interest to . all members, as well as to motorists in s general. ' Do you know tliat ©very time you go 3 up the River Road you travel over a . piece of improved highway that would • not bo there except for the action of the Motor Club of Harrisburg in father ing a guarantee to the State against the payment of damages? Surely a good reason here for you to Join the club If not already a member. Now is the time to Join the Motor Club of Harrisburg If you are no' a member. No Initiation fee. I>ues oily $» per year, which provides concurrent membership in the A. A. A. as well as the Pennsylvania Motor Federation with membership card in the national and State organizations. Free sub scription to the American Motorist, the official organ of the A. A. A. Free road map of Pennsylvania annually, the regular price of the Journal and map being half the annual dues. The club has Invited representatives of neighboring clubs such as Sunbury, Palmyra, Mlddletown. Lancaster, York, Chumbersburg, Waynesboro and Hag erstown to a luncheon and conference during Auto Show week. The under lying Idea being to agree on concerted action on a number of matters having to do with the general welfare of all motorists. This conference Is set for Wednesday noon and It Is expected to have most of the clube mentioned rep resented. The committees for 1914, as appoint ed by the board of governors at their Meeting March 3, are as follows: House, A. W. Andrews, J. L. Lutz, Jr., Q. S. Vogt; membership, C. E. Penny, H. C, Wright, Emanuel Jenkyn. J. W. Few, I Jr., L. H. Lamb, Dr. M. W. Hershner; I contests, H. W. Baker, G. S. Vogt, B. E. i Wright, A. Benson. W. R. Douglas, M. J. O Toole; signs, J. Paul Jones, Dr. A. I L. Shearer, D. M. Dull, George S. Corn stock; routes, W. O. Hlckok 3rd, R. C. i Haldeman, F. A Stees; roads, W. S. Hurlock, Robert McCormlck, C. C. Cock lln, V. C. McCormick, William Jen nings, J. Paul Jones, George W. Owen, H. C. Wright, H. H. Hefkln, D. M. Dull, N. E. Salslch; laws and ordinances, C. E, Penny, S. S. Rupp, J. Fox Weiss. UNRENEWABLE PATENT A lawyer who make* a specialty of patent cases wag once engaged In a case before a country Justice. "Who are you, anyway?" demanded the Justice. "Well," replied the lawyer, 'Tm an attorney." "P'raps you are, but X never heard one talk like you do. What kind of a one are you?" "I'm a patent attorney." The magistrate rubbed his chin in thought. "Well, all I've got to say ts," he said slowly, "that when the patent expires, I dont believe you can ever get It r~«w«i4-ed »Jto Tn Vntlonal Monthly' :irte INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, AND HTA VULCAN ELECTRIC OBAN SHIFT during 1913, emphasized the leader ship of the Haynes factory in the auto mobile industry. "Every year witnessed some mark ed improvement In the construction of motor vehicles, tending toward great er safety, greater comfort and greater economyin upkeep. "In all these advances, the Haynes car has either been the pioneer or abreast of every Important Improve ment that has marked the rapid growth of the automobile Industry. "The fact that Mr. Moore, in his ma ture Judgment, selected a Haynes is In itself a compliment to the sterling worth of the car." This gear shifting device is a fea ture of the Harrisburg Automobile Company's exhibit at the auto show. (RftEHlfll 1-ton gasoline commercial cars. Suitable for any business $750 Stanley Steam Cars Pleasure and Commercial. 11,350.00 to 92,500.00, fully equipped. Equipped to burn kerosene. Paul D. Messner 1118 JAMES RTIIKET Dell Phone. j ' —' »■ See It al the Show Most Completely Equipped Car Ever Offered Owe T Head Motor, Bore, 894 Inches; Stroke, 4% inches; Boech Magneto; Bayfield Carburetor; West* lnghou.se Electric Starter; Weatlnghouse Dynamo Electric Lighting, 110-inch Wheel base; Demountable Rims; Electric Horn; Warner Speedometer; 8-day Clock; Eiectric lamp on Long Wire; Set Weed Tire Chains; Extra Rim; 2 Extra Tubes; One Extra Tire; Cover for Spare Tire; Rain Vision Wind Shield; Top; Curtains; Boot. NO EXTRAS TO BUY, FULLY WARRANTED; COMPANY'S OWN BRANCH IN HARRISBURG. J. I. CASE T. M. CO. 429 South Second St. Maxwell $750 An Engineering Iriumph T A High Class, Five Passenger Touring Car, Fully Equipped The Car Without a Competitor See This Wonderful Value at the Harrisburg Show MILLER & ALTER, Distributors , New Bloomfield, Pa. WE take pleasure in announcing to the motoring public that we have assumed the agency for the Partin-Palmer Automo biles. Demonstrator will be here April Ist. Phone 2423 for further particulars, or write to Universal Garage 1826 Wood Ave. Harrisburg, Pa. N 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers