———— II ' 1 ——— Lost LOST Scotch Collie, 1 year old. lost or strayed from 58 North Thirteenth street. Bernard Schmidt name-on col lar. Reward If returned to above ad dress. ______ AUTOMOBILE GLOVE on road be tween Llnglestown and Harrisburg and Karrisburgand Steelton. Finder, please return to Telegraph Oftlce. LOST— Delta Phi fraternity pin, with rtme on back. Saturday afternoon or evening. Reward if returned to Tele graph Office. LOST Masonic charm, initials J.J. H. on back. Reward if returned to 2204 North Third street. Help Wanted—Male BOY to work In Jewelry store. Ad dress A., 813, care of "telegraph. COLLECTOR. $lO «"*d commission. Address H.. 830. care of Telegraph. ELDERLY man to help with garden, etc.; small wages, but good home as sured. Address W. H. Y., P. O. Box /a*, City. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet. Y-872, tells liow. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington. D. C. LOCAL REPRESENTATI\L WANT ED. Splendid Income assured rlgnt man to act as our representative after learning our business th° r °ufshly by mail. S'ormer experience All we require is honesty, übilitj. axa lltlon and willingness to learn a lucra tive business. No soliciting or Ua\cl ing. All or spare time only. exceptional opportunity for ■» your section to get into a big P®* l "* liuslness without capital and Independent for life. Write a * full particulars. National Co-Operative Kealty Company. L-SlO, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. PAINTERS WANTED at once. Call G. M. Moore, 918 Capital street, Cit>. PAPERHANGERS and decorators wanted at once. None but experienced mechanics need apply- Permanent em ployment to the rrght men. H. A Boo mer, 813 North Third street. SECOND HAND BAKER to bake bread and cakes. Apply New ulnd Steam Bakery, New Cumberland, Pa. YOUNG man, about 18 years of age, to learn the undertaking business. "V'st have good character and fair education. Answer in own hand, giving full P®T~ tlculars of yourself. Enclose stamp lor reply. Address Opportunity, care of Telegraph. YOUNG men to learn driving and re pairing. Oldest school. Low Niteß. Classes limited. Positions. Academy Automobile Engineers, ut.- neva, N. Y. $75.00 MONTH paid Government Rail way Mai! Clerks. Parcel Post means many appointments, llarrisburg exami nations coining. "Pull" Sample questions free. 1' ranklin Insti tute, Dept. 361-L, Rochester, N. i. Help Wanted —Female A LADY to employ children to sell chewing gum for us for handsome pies ents; work easy and profitable, must )»e able to furnish reference for hon esty. For particulars address \\ inusor Supply Company, P. O. Box >o. o Heading, Pa. BOWMAN & COMPANY require the services of experienced Balesiadies for their Cloak and Suit Department. Only experienced, capable salesladies need apply. We have several positions for those who can qualify. Kxcellent op portunity for advancement. BRIGHT girls to mark and assort: also a woman to do mending. Apply 'JTroy JUmndry, 1620-2G Fulton street. BUY Madame Gazelles (French) Bwitch and Hair Dye, safe and reliable. Gives life, luster and color to the hair. Conceals gray hair and gives switch itpp*:aranc9 and feeling of natural hair. Can be applied in a few minutes. He tail price, 6uc. Agents wanted every where. »Send 25c for full size sample. G. & G. Distributors, 35 Church street* ISphrata, Pa. FIFTY experienced operators for firewing on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. bilver. Forster and Cowden streets. FORELADY for shirt factory. Must have reference. Address Box 811, caro of Telegraph. LEARN DRESSMAKING in one of the best dressmaking schools in America. Make your own dresses while learning Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over Citj Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. STENOGRAPHER Must be accu rate rather than speedy. Salary, $6 to start. Address 8., 823, care of Tele graph. WANTED - Lady solicitors; salary and commission. Apply Collins Co., 29 N. 2nd St. WANTED —2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. r ■ i ■ Help Wanted—Male and Female AMBITIOUS lady or gentleman; Bteady employment all year 'round; u money proposition; co-operate with me; will furnish goods and divide the profits. Work in the city, bo your own boss. All we require is honesty and willingness to work. Address A., 831, '■arc of Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Male CHAUFFEUR wants position; good recommendation. Apply 404 Forster wtreft. Situations Wanted—Female COLORED girl desires position at general housework. Call, or address, 3 228 Spruce avenue. FOR RENT 1908 Greenwood St., 3 s. f„ 8 r., 911 2154 N. 7th St.. 3s. b., 8 r. b„ .. *l3 2162 N. 7th SU 3 s. b., 8 r. b.. .. *l3 638 Pelfer St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. & b„ *l!s 627 Briggs, 3 s. f., 8 r *lO 1820 Derry St.. 2 s. f„ 6 r. b.. *io 326 Strawberry Ave., 3 s. b., 8 r„ *2O 1409 N 6th St., 9 r. & b *33 1527 N. Second St.. 3 s b. 10 r. b. s front porch, side entrance *45 APAHTJIENTS 128 Walnut St., Housekeeping apart ments —second floor—3 rooms and bath—city steam heat. The Donaldson—(No housekeeping; —Second, near Locust St.. very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four roomi PROM APRIL 1 409 Market St., room on 3d floor, *lO 1104 S. Cameron St., 2% s. b., ...*lB 1623 Market St.. 3 s. b., 8 r. b., *27.50 814 S. 17th St, third floor apart ment *a« 2014 N. 3d St., 3 s. b.. 9 r. & b., *3O 1024 S. 18th St.. 2% s. b.. 8 r. .. *5." 412 Market St., 2 office rooms on 2d floor, (front and middle) ..... 140 2220 N. 2d St., 8 8. b ..t!...»45 STORE ROOMS 323 Broad St., 3-story brick and basement 24x125 ft *1"1 825 Market St., 26x160—Apply. Mlddletowa store room on Union ■treat *35 United States Hotel Entlif or by floors—-sevevty , five rooms. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Street* * r WEDNESDAY EVENING HXKEUSBURG *&&& TELEORXEH >MARCH 18,1914. Situations Wanted—Female A MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes a position mending linens in private fam ily or hotel; can furnish references; will assist in sewing. Address R., 827, care of Telegraph. AN experienced dressmaker desires sewing by the day or week. Children's clothes a specialty. Address Seamstress, care of Telegraph. BY a colored woman, three or four days' ironing at home, or out, by the day. Call, or write, 1425 New Fourth street. Rachel Dolman. EXPERIENCED typist and stenog rapher wants extra typewriting, even ing work. Prompt service; moderate charges; references. Post Oftlce Box 96. TOUNG colored woman desires gen eral housework of any kind. Address G„ 818, care of Telegraph. YOUNG woman wishes position as housekeeper for young widower; no ob jections to one or two children. Ad dress B„ Sls, care of Telegraph. Agents Wanted Wanted—lnsurance Men SMALL as well as larger towns Penn sylvania; all or spare time, sell our combined accident, health and NA TURAL DEATH policy. Most liberal of tq-day. Energetic men desiring an agency, liberal commission and collect ing interest given. To insure reply ad dress. with particulars. Secretary, P. O. Box 3455, Boston, Mass. AGENTS Men and women Get particulars of one of the best-paying propositions ever offered. No previous experience required. $2.50 a day. Write, or call, evenings, M. V. Cover, Second and Commerce streets, High spire. Pa. Rooms For Rent TWO communicating: front rooms on second floor; use of bath; electric and gas; small, private family; morning and evening meals if desired. Apply 613 North Fifteenth street. UNFURNISHED, one'or two rooms on first floor, one on second floor next to bath, and use of kitchen. Large brick on Allison Hill. Address X., 814, care of Telegraph. SECOND FLOOR, furnished, front suite, consisting of large llvlngroom, bedroom and private bathroom, modern In every way. Reference required. 218 Pine street. NICELY furnished room at 262 Fors ter street, in private family; use of phone and bath; reference required. Call Bell phone 1470 L or to above ad dress. Four rooms In rear of store at 344 Muench street; range in kitchen; all conveniences; cellar and yard. Rent, $12.00. Inquire at 346 Muench street. NICELY furnished room for gentle man In private family; all conveni ences. Apply Fifth and Market streets, Hoffman Apartments, third floe.'. FOOM3, furnished or unfurnished, single or en suite. Modern conveni ences. Ten minutes' walk to Square. Apply 721 North Sixth street. TWO furnished rooms on first floor; all conveniences; use of phone; mod erate prices. Apply 1633 Swatara street. THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; bathroom priv iliges. Apply 140 D North SixPU street. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, if desired. Apply 1506 State street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath, Apply 272 Briggs street. FURNISHED ROOMS, with all con veniences. Call 1700 North Thirc street. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Apply 1601 Green street. Rooms Wanted I CENTRALLY LOCATED ROOMS Ry | young, married couple. State price. References exchanged. Address K., 819, care of Telegraph. Apartments For Kent | APARTMENT, four rooms and tiled ibath; all modern conveniences; electric 1 light; steam heat; locker in basement. Possession April 1. Penna. Realty & 1 Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. | SECOND FLOOR, 4 rooms and bath, ■ centrally located. Possession April 1. Apply H* W. Miller, 2210 North Third | street. Bell phone 655 K. V\ anteu SMALL APARTMENT, or part of 1 house, by man and wite, on Sixth street, I or west of Jsixtn north of Petter; refer . ence exchanged. Address X., 812, care ot Telegraph. I THREE OR FOUR unfurnished ! rooms tor light housekeeping; family of ! tv '"- Adaress F., 826, care 01 Telegraph. iiUMiiCas OppOl'lUUltie* ! FOR SALE, at sacrifice If taken be fore March 26, store stock and iixtures 01 general store doing large business in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to interested party. Moving to the VI est only reason lor selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Ciouser, Duncannon, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pai ticulars. Press Syndicate, \ 98, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in Ave years in the mail order business, began with 15. Send for free booklet. Tells how. lieu cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. Business Personals HAULING 11. W. LATHE, Ijuardlug Stable and National Trunsicr Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lalhe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. .ben phone .no 2503 R. Harrisburg Paste Works 120 K. Cameron Street PAPERHANGEKS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt ! shipment. All paste guaranteed. Ueli | phone 1186 L FEATHER RENOVATING WE are now Renovating Feathers, Making Pillows and Folding Feather Mattresses at the corner ot l'enth and Paxton street, near Cameron. B. J. Campbell. FOR failing nalr try Gross' Quinine iiai> Tonic, prepared by Gross. the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market Hreet, Harrisburg. Pa Telephone rders given prompt attention. BeiL 1960 R. U. PUFFHIt, LOCAL EAFxvfc.os and delivery. Piano I end l' urniture.moving a specialty. Stor- I age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684J 1119 Aiont &umui>, Harrisourg. ROOF PAINTERS I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertignt job. All colors. Postal brings me. Maxwell H. Hlte, the rtoof I'aint Man, Box 328, Harrißburg, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help Send us your worn furniture. Our best I efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. WE furnish niUHic for all social events. Small combination for house ; parties as low as 12.00. Address Zembra Mandolin Club, P. o. Box 486 Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, HS-16-17 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash ; Bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at j $1.15 per set. Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE IK KNOLA ; NOS 146-147-14'.) COLUMBIA ROAD. 1 Moat desirable location. Liberal lerms. I Inquire C. D. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma I clay street. Harrisburg Real Estate For Sale TWO fine homes, will be finished March 16. Nine 'rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath reom. Steam heated; large front and back porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber with south side exposure, slse 18x8; 13 minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further Information call P. Vander loo, Masonic Temple Building, Third and ■State streets. SUNBURY (Danville) Bloomsburg in the Susquehanna Valley means (60,000) people, tine markets, (100) railroad trains dally and good (Trolley) service. Notice Temptation (180) acres only quarter mile to Trolley (mile) to Phila delphia and Reading railroad Just out side of (City Limits) with all (new) buildings painted except new roof large bank barn with Stock Yard. Peach orchard valued ($1,000), buildings (83,000), Spring House ($600), oak, chestnut, pine. ($1,400) land alone l$S,- 000) and means over (18,000) valuation (no mistake) at only ($4,500). Winter grain (hay), straw and cornfodder In cluded. Reason low price wish to avoid (Sheriff Sale). Must sell at once. Notice (easy) payments (.$1,000) cash, balance to suit Buyer. To avoid missing (Bar gain) » remember special telephone nourß (7 to 8) mornings and evenings. Bell 11-R. and United 140-E. Photo graphs. GEO. B. OSTRANDER, Danville, Pa. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Corner Indiana and Park Ave. two-and-one half-story frame nearly new 7 rooms, bath and furnace granolithic walks cemented cellar front and rear porch lot, 50x130 located on the highest point in Washington Heights and commanding a magnificent view of the mountains river and city. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 517 EMERALL STREET. J-story brick, lot, 17.5x130, steam heat, Bmall kitchen, diningroom, llvingroom, open Btairway, 2 sleeping rooms, bath, sew ing-room, gas, sunlight in all rooms, side alleyway. Henry E. Fox, owner. No. 2 North Court street. City. DOUBLE brick house new at 1811-13 Zarker street bath gas furnace cemented cellar rented for $36 per month 8 per cent, net in vestment. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SI,BOO WILL BUY a frame house on Berryhill street lot, 1814x100. We offer also desirable suburban lots all sizes at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. COTTAGE on the Susquehanna for sale plot, 76x285 within 200 yards of station frequent trains to Har risburg. Price, completely furnished, $1,650. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. DO YOU WANT a 10 per cent, net In vestment after the Taxes. Water and Insurance is paid? A desirable prop erty in Steelton. For further particu lars address 242, care of Telegraph. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bnrgaln if sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co., 1202 North Third. IN Paxtang on Walnut St. nearly new semi-bungalow 7 rooms, bath and hot water heat lot, 60x157—large chicken house. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and W'alnut streets. I WILL sacrifice my three-story brick dwelling, 426 South Seventeenth street. Very little cash necessary. Pos session April 1. C. O. Backenstoss, Mayor's Office. 1539 NORTH SIXTH STREET S story brick dwelling lO rooms and bath cemented cellar furnace cemented alley in rear. Apply above number. TWO three-story houses, one brick and one frame, on Sljtfth street near Muench. Will Bell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North Sixth street. NO. 1512 HUNTER STREET can be bought at an attractive price; 9 rooms; bath; alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 2104 NORTH FOURTH STREETi 8- room house; all conveniences; price very reasonable if sold at once. Apply 2046 Green street. Real Estate For Kent 1609 North Second St., 3-story brick, all modern improvements. Desitable location. Possession April Ist. Inquire of C. L. Long, Green and Woodbine streets. APARTENT, 231 N. Second St., second floor, 7 large rooms and bath. Ample storage and closet rooms, steam heat. Inquire 217 North Second street. POSSESSION April 1, a small house for a small family, on Maine street, Camp Hill; rental, sl2. Also an 8- room house, with all improvements, for sale or rent on Camp Hill Heights. Call Bell phone 3048 L* HUSTON'S SUMMER HOME, along the Conodoguinet creek, one mile from Hogestown; large house with conveni ences and pleasant rooms; stable; fine boating, bathing and fishing. Apply A. J. Huston, Mechanicsburg. 2220 NORTH SECOND STREET —2%- story brick house, one of a pair 9 rooms bath pantry and steam heat modern throughout. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 412 Hummel street, with porch and lawn front, all conveniences, house in good repair. Rent. $21.00. Possession April 1. Apply 346 Muench street. NEW 6-roorn house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots are 30x 120, with stable. G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. City. 1527 NORTH SECOND STREET 3- story brick front porch side en trance lO rooms bath and furnace. Miller Bros & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. THREE-STORY frame dwelling at Sixteenth and Swatara 8 rooms and bath very nice rooms big yard. Rent, $lB. Apply 182? North Sixth street. HOUSE containing 8 rooms and bath, on Hill; all the latest improvements, including steam heat, porches, etc. Fine location. Addrefs C., 824, care of Tele graph. Real Estate For Sale or Rent 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm'' In West Hanover Township, L>auphin County, on the Manaua bap Koad, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Common weailii trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. 1 1 Real Estate Wanted WANTED —To rent house between now and April Ist. Rental not over $25; Bor 9 rooms. Preferably above Peffer street. Address, Box 808, care of Tele graph. . I DESIRE to rent, April 1, three story house, with all conveniences, north side of Hill between Fifteenth and Reservoir Park. Rent about s2fi. Address P. O. Box 522. Beil phone 3680. For Sale SEVERAL good, latest model motor cycles, with free engine clutch, single and double cylinders, for sale very cheap and in tine condition. Call 1014 North Seventh street, Harrisburg, Pa. CKIARS—For a limited lime, we are flvlng 13 Havana Blended 5c Cigars ree with each Bo* of 80 of our Per fecto Ciprars, at $1 per Bo*, postpaid. Snell ft Co , Red Lion, Pa. For Sale FOB SALE THE Board of Commissioner* of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at gubllc sale, in front or State Capitol ulldlng, at entrance Fourth and State Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., ut 10 o'clock A. M., April 4, lit 14, the follow ing buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of tho proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eignth Ward, City of Harrisburg: South Street, 410, 410 (rear), 608, 609, 513, 516, 619. 521, 604. Fourth Street, 126, 129, 140, 167, 50#. 511. 513. North Alley, 411, 413, 415. 417, 419, 434 436 438 Fifth Street, 507, 509, 510. 511. 512. Filbert Street, 400, 612, 514, 531, 632. Cranberry Street, 404, 418. Cowden Street, 502. 504, 511. Walnut Street, 414, 418, 604, 618. State Street. 602, 004, 606, 608, 610, 611, 612, 613. South Alley, 612, 614. Tanners Street. 119. Short Street, 108. North Street, 709. Angle Alley, Stable (rear 504 Wal nut Street). The purchaser shall pay to the Com -1 monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by certified checks or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them is follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon th. .iih erty to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the preniisuo ,ue unoccupied, possession will ' » <r r> the purchaser Immediately. Where the premises are tenanteu, possesion be given immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will npt be responsible for any damage to property after possession Is given. Purchaser shall *t»>t • ' offer the time required to remove th* buildings ana given possession by the Common .veaith, which in no case shall be longer man 60 days. All building refuse shall be [carted away from the premises by the Eurchaser. All foundation walls must e taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be performed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE—The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL H. RAMRO, Superintendent. C. P. RODGERS, JR., Secretary. 1912 "18" Slx-cyltnder Packard seven passenger Touring car, repainted, me chanical condition very good. Tires now, fully equipped. 1912 National Touring car. good con dition. 1911 Cadillac Touring car. Excellent condition, tires new. 1910 "30" Packard Touring ear, fair condition. Studebaker Touring car. Good condi tion. Inquire Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia, 107 Market street, Har risburg, Pa. PASTRY BAKING outfit, with elec tric mixer; soda fountain, 12-ft. white marble counter; three 6-ft. counter cases; one cash register; 20 mission ice cream tables with chairs; seven electric chandeliers; 26 6 and 10-gallon ice cream tubs. Sold in bulk or separately. Bargain to quick buyer. Address P. O. Box 159, Harrisburg. DEALERS for Crown Car through out this territory. Standard tread, one hundred sixteen inch wheel base, four passenger car. Looks like little six. Four hundred seventy-five dollars. Write, or communicate, with Mr. Hen derson at Metropolitan Hotel. It's a whirlwind. Investigate. FOR SALE ; TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Bult Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Dp -.aula. Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. PRIVATE SALE THE following articles will be sold at Private Sale: 14 single beds, 2 double beds, 1 folding bed, bedding, 8 bureaus, diningroom cnalrs, piano and other household goods not mentioned. Mrs. Martha_Napicr, 123 South Second street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-tlma order for a classified ad if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. MOTORCYCLE 1913 Harley-Da vidson twin cylinder, 8-H.-P., fully equipped, run less than 3,000 miles, practically good as new. Cost $337.50. Sell, $235.00. Rare bargain. E. L Campbell, Irving College, Mechanlcs burg, Pa. HALL Combination Lock Safe; Inside measurement about 26x19 inches; can be seen at Polleck's. 11 North Fourth street. For price inquire at Common wealth Trust Co., Real Estate Depart ment, 222 Market street. RESTAURANT QUICK BUYER GETS BARGAIN Well-paying, day and night stand, near Market Square. Low rent. Will bear strictest investi gation. Address Box C, 826, care of Telegraph. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain in America, SI.OO per fifteen, $6.00 per hundred. Max Lauffer, Middletown, Pa. I BARRED ROCKS and S. C. B. Mi norcast from H. Speeee, at Speecevllle, Pa., are from leading prize winning strains at National shows. Hatching eggs and cockerels for sale. CONTENTS of Picture Theater, in cluding 250 theater chairs, piano, elec- I trie fans, scenery, asbestos booth. In-1 quire Mrs. E. E. Steele, 39 East Main street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. — J SEND 25c for a pack of nice, assorted Silk Quilt Patches. Thousands have been pleased. Valley Supply Co., Dept. 42, Shiremanstown. Pa. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE doing good business; must sell on ac count of ill health. Address S., 829, care of Telegraph. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. 8., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. FINE lot of Plymouth Rocks, Leg horns ana Wjandots, bonocutter, Incu bator and hot-air brooder. 2448 North Sixth street. MALE bulldog pupple, three months I old; must sell on account no place to keep him. Address 1745, North Sixth street. CITY MILK ROUTE, averaging 60 gallons a day. Goou reasons for dell- Hig ;^A4dTe33Hi 828^cnreofTeiegraph. COAL RANGI? in fine condition; an excellent baker; will sell ivasonaote. Apply 236 North Fifteenth street. FOUR-YEAR-OLD SORREL HORSE —well built —weighing 1,200 lbs. and sound. Apply 416 Caltter street. DRESS SUIT, worn only once, for slenoer man; gas plate, 3 bu.ners; elec tric fiatiron. Bell phone 3066 R. ONE Buffalo metal Incubator and one Black Orpington cock. Apply 40 North Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. ONE $35 kitchen range at bargain to quick purchaser. In use one year. In quire at 1926 Wood street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tho Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland Rtreets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of tne best banks and mojiy first-class business houses In tho same square. In center of population. Size or room, 33x100 ft. 14-ft celling. Up to-date In every particular. Rent from April 1, $126 per month, including heat. J. S. Stble, 2u6 Herr street. ROOMS FOR RENT n \ RDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Offic*. MARKETS' POSITION IS FAIRLY STRONG / , Coppers Benefited For Time by Higher Prices For Metal; U. S. Steel Weakened; Bonds Easy By Associated Press i New York, March 18.— Although the market's position appeared to bo lair-1 ly strong, no initiative was displayed j on the long side and the inability of: the bull to attract a following result-' ed in active soiling by room traders. ' Announcement that Colorado and Southern dividends would be suspend ed afforded a pretext for general sell ing on the ground that it was another ( Indication of the unfavorable position of the railroads. Colorado and South ern common lo<3t 1% and the iirst pre-1 ferred 3 % points. Coppers benefited for a time by high er prices for the metal, but reports from tl.e steel trade were confusing. United States Steel ultimately weak ened and the whole list gave way with it. The early advances were cancel led before noon. Bonds were easy. Furnished by H. W. SSAVBLT Arcade Building » New York, March 18. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines .22% 28% Atrial. Copper 75% 75% I American Beet Sugar 22% 23 American Can 30% 30 I Am. C. &F .-. . . 50% 51 I American Cotton Oil 45 44% \ni. Jce Securities .. 31% 31% \m. Locomotive ... 35% 35% Vtnerican Smelting. 69 68% . American Sugar ... 101% 101%' American T. &T. .. 123% 123% Anaconda 35% > 35% Baltimore & Ohio .. 89% 89% Bethlehem Steel ... 44% 44 Bethlehem Steel pfd 84% 84% Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% California Petroleum 28 "27% Canadian Pacific ... 207% \ 106% Central Leather ... 34% \ 34% Chesapeake & Ohio. 53 52% C.. M. & St. P 98% 98% For Rent FOR RUNT Desirable office* In the Telegraph Building, amgly or en-sulte. Inquire at Bnalneu office. ROOM for one automobile in a new, ; private, tire-proof garage, rear 1419- U>% Regina street. Kent, $5.00. Apply ; Hoffman & Kerns, 337 Chestnut street. _ Died HORSTICK Mrs. Elizabeth Horstlck, | wife of the late John E. Horstick, ' died at her home, at Paxtang, this | morning, at 8:10, aged 81 years. I Funeral services Friday afternoon, | at 1 o'clock, from her late home. The I Rev. Dr. Kremer and Dr. Retter will 11 officiate. Burial private in Shoop : Church Cemetery. In Memoriam MRS. ELIZABETH KUTZ died Fri day, March 13, 1914, at 7:25 P. M, (aged S4 years, 10 months, 9 days), at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Lau- | ver. No. 1364 Mayflower street, Harris burg, Pa. The -services were held yesterday , mornlfig. at 10 A. M., at Enola, by the the Rev. Gabriel, of York. Her hus band had passed over about nineteen years ago last August. She is survived by three daughters and two sons, Mr. Alfred Kutz, Carlisle, Pa.; Mr. Edward Kutz, West Fairview. Pa.; Mrs. Eliza beth Burgard, Carlisle, Pa.; Mrs. Jen- ■ etta Sunday, Mrs. Ida Lauver anil Miss i Lydia Kutz, all of Harrisburg, Pa. I Oh, how long and how fierce was the j struggle. Many times did she say, i "Why, oh Lord, why so long?" And, many times did her children say, "Why shall mother live with scarcely any i strength to breathe, yes, live in great; weakness." How oft did we say, "She is near the portal," and again a faint . measure of strength would bo added, ' and wo could hear the Father .say, "Not now my child, a little more rough 1 tossing, a little longer shall the billows i; roar." And again we would say, "Oh, Lord, why has 84 years of burden-bear- j ing and heartache of sowing so much and reaping none been enough for Thy I child?" When mother in her weakness 1 would say, "My God Is too wise to err, | and too good to be unkind, and I must I i say, 'The ways of the Lord are right,' I and I submit to His will. I know He ' cares for me, I am in the Father's hands and will say He doeth all things well." Finally the sumons came, and sweetly did she exchange the cross for the crown. The last Foe was conquered | : and she has triumphed the light, as she many times sang, "Through Grace I am determined to conquer though 1 die." I Her longing has ceased, she is safe I I at home, and how sweet is the thought to the dear ones left here to struggle amid the woes of sin, to know that I mother is now enjoying the Eternal | heaven of Rest, and'to know our loss is mother's gain, and we believe that she is happy. HER CHILDREN. Financial : i I MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate I | security in any amounts afid upon any f terms to suit borrower. Address P. 0.1 ! Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan I of loaning money by which borrowers I share profits of lenders. Legal rates, i easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms i 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex ores sly for storage. Private rooms for household goodß and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South I St. and Penna. R. R. STORACiK IN 8-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private 1 rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to p. t». Dlencr, Jeveler, 408 Market St. | STORAGE 413 Broad street, for I household goods and merchandise. Prl- I vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents I per month Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 i Broad street. Beth phones. Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In the estate of Eliza B. Hummel, de- Oeai-ed. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have IK en duly granted by the Register of Wills of -Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in the estate of 1 Eliza B. Hummel, late of the City of Harrisburg, said county, deceased, to I Eliza Hummel Macdonald, Helen Ray : ; Donaldson, V. Lome Hummel and John ', A. Herman, of Harrisburg, in said , State, and all persons who are indebted I' to said estate are requested to make , payment without delay, and all persons ' who have lawful claims against the same, are required to make the same known without delay to the under- I signed. ELIZA HUMMEL MACDONALD, 105 S. Front Street; HELEN RAY DONALDSON, V. LORNE HUMMEL 107 S. Front Street; JOHN A. HERMAN 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, Penna. March 18, 1914. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE Is hereby given that the I partnership, lately subsisting between J. M. Smarsh and T. G. PeliTer, of Har risburg, Pa., under the firm n'amc of Peifter & Smarsh, was dissolved on the I 17tli day of March, A. D, 1914, by mu- • tual consent. All debts due to said partnership are to be received by T. G. . Pelffet. £ M MARSH. , T O PEIFFTUt 1 Chlno Con. Copper . 41% 42 Col. F. & 1 38% ' 1!3% Consolidated Gas .. 134 134 Corn Products 11% 11% Distilling Securities . 18% 18% Erie 29% 28% General Electric Co. 147% 147% Goodrich, B. P. 23% 23% Greut Northerh pt'd. 127% . 127 % Great Uor. Ore subs. 37 36% lnterboro-Met 14% 14% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 59% 59% Lehigh Valley 146% 144% Louis. & Nashville .138 138 Mex. Petroleum 68% 68% Mo., Kan. & Texas .44% 44% Missouri Pacific ... 24% 23% Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% New York Central .91 91% N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 69% 68% Norfolk & Western. 103% 103% Northern Pacific .. 112% 112% Penna. R. It 110% 110% People's Gas & Coke 123 123 Pittsburgh Coay pfd 92 92 Pressed Steel Car .. 43% 43% Ray Con. Copper .. . 21U. 21% Reading 165 164 % Rep. Iron & Steel .. 26 26 Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 89% 89 Rock Island 4% 4% Rock Island pfd ... 6% 6% Southern Pacific ... 94% 94% Southern Railway . 25 % 25 % Southern Ry. pfd .. 83% 84 Tennessee Copper 35 34 Texas Company .... 149% 149% Union Pacific 158% 158% U. S. Rubber 62 61% IT. S. Steel 64% 63% U. S. Steel pfd 110 110 Utah Copper 54% 54%; |Va. Car. Chem 33 32% i Western Union Tel.. 63% 63% , Western Maryland . 30% 30% Westlngliouse Mfg.. 77% 76% CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADtS rmlahrd by H. W. smVEI" PulMlng ' Chicago, 111., March 18. Upeii Higu. ..u» i a<>■ i Wheat- May 93% 93% 93 93% |July 88% 88% 88% 88% corn— May 65% 69% 68% July 67% 68% 67% 68% ats— May 39 Hi 40% 39% 40 July 39% 40% 39% 40 CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 18. Hogs—Re ceipts, 28,000; slow. Bulk of sales. 18.60 ©8.70: light, $8.50@8.75; mixed, *B.4s®!' 8.76: heavy, $5.::0®8.72%; rough, $8.30 @8.40; pigs, »7.00@8.55. Cattle Receipts, 12,000; steady to [Strong. Beeves, $7.00@9.50; Texas steers, s7.ls<g 8.15; stockers and feeders, fii.so®B.lo; cows and lieifers, SU.7s<ji 8.50; calves, $6.00®9.00. Sheep Receipts, 22,000; steady to Native, $1.70(g>6.25; yearlings, $5.70® (.00; lambs, native, $6.70@7.70; western, $G.70fff7.75. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE B.v Associated Press Philadelphia, March 18. Wheat I No. 2, red. export, sl.oo@ i 1.00%; No. 1, Northern, Duiuth, export. ?I.ou @1.06. Corn Higher; new. No. 2. yellow, natural, local, 71®71%c; do,, kiln dried, local. 73®74c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 46® 1 72 O. Bran Market Arm; winter, per ! ton, spring, per ton, | $29.50(3 30.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; I 3.90®3.95C; fine granulated, i ~.80((i 3.85 c; confectioners' A, 3.70® 3.75 c; .Keystone A. 3.55@3.60c. | Butter The market is steady; ; western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby , prints, fancy. 30c. !Eggs The market Is . steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby rtr-its, free cases, SG.6O per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.30 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.60 i per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case. j Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17@ ISO; young chickens, 15@20c; Droiling chickens, old roost l ers. 12@13c; ducks, 18@20c; spring 1 .££?' 18®20c; geese. 15®17c; turkeys. I l H (ft 2l»c I Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18®18%c; do., medium sizes, 16@17c; do., light 15c. iilcl , oosters I oc. rn t ng chickens, fancy, 19®20c; broil ling chickens, fancy, 24®35c; do., fair, j capoj 8, Ittlge. 23«/26c, <lu fmall, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, I!@26c. I 11® 16c. I Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern, per bushel. 75®83c; Western, P®£ bushel, 75Cf)83c; Jersey, per basket. 20@50c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85®4.10; straights. Penn sylyanla, $4.15®4.30; western. $4.25® 4.40; patents, 54.G0(&'4.DU; Knnsuj straight, jute Sacks, $4.20r®4.40; s-ring firsts, clear, $4.10fn)4.30; straights, $4.35 ®4.00; patents, $4.60@4.76. i Hay The market is firm; tlm . othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.50019.00; No 1, medium bales, slß.oo® 18.50; No 1 2, $16.50®17.50; No. 3, $11.00@15.00. f Clover mixed: Light mixed. $17.50® | sl'5 0 06®?6.00. dO " ,16 ' 50 ® 17 - 00: No - 2. d«., Do You Desire J A Good Income? Regular Dividends ? j Security of Investment? j I 6% Cumolitlre Preferred Stock . of the American Public Utilities Co. Kelsey, Brewer & Co., ; Bunker* Kiiftnw-ra, Operator* i ' I Grand KapltU. Michigan I 1 1 j STANDARD Fraction* Q or purcbaKeil made m outright. Into COT pie te I Write an for »hnroN our itnrketft CARL H. PFORZHEIMER -r» broad Street, IVeu Vork U CANNOT MAKE a mistake in buying good dividend pay j !nic securities If tliev are bought con | servatlvcly. NEVER buy more than ! you can take care of without constant ly worrying, any more than you would 1 buy more real estate than" you could | consistently carry without fretting as 1 to where the money for taxes would be 'coming from. J. FRANK lIOWKI.L, 52 Broadnaj'i New York City. NOW is the time to be planning the building of your own home. The most ideal place in which to locate it is BELLEVUE PARK. FOP Prices, Terms, Etc., apply Bellevue Park Sales Office 2nd Floor Miller Bros. & Neefe Building Bell 'Phone 3551 I P IF YOUR $ $ $ are invested in aeouritiei, you need the new MOODY'S MANUAL F0R1914 Of course you went this Edition of The Corporation Service— the one that always gives the most authoritative data on all corpora tions whose securities are tf known public interest fi,ooo pages of facts in two vol umes are required to give you the latest historical data, income ac counts, balance sheets, bond de scriptions and other pertinent facts regarding the corporation* covered, about 1,000 of te'-'ch have never before been recorded in any Manual. Just the Service you require for an immediate reference, and the only one with a supplement that brings you each month the Important changes of the preced ing one—and yet the cost Is so small for so much—only S2O for I nf ormation—Safety—I nsurance Investors, Bankers, Corpora tions mail, wire or phone your order today. Don't delay, the first volume is just out—get It quick. MOODY MANUAL COMPANY S3 Broadway New York MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLJJ and others upon their own name* Cheap rates, easy payments, conlldoii. tlal. Admin & Co., It. 304, 8 N. Market S«. MONEY . to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan of fices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this • j is the place to come in time i! of need. : I Open daily 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 > p. m. , l * CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Street :i. - : EASTER MONEY AT LEGAL IIATFS i THE EQUITABLE Is the one , company which will treat vou just right at all times. When you open an account with us you are free from worry and regrets. No one. not even the members of your own family, need know you are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver- M tlso we will make you a loan of ~ , I $lO or mere at LEGAI. IIATES. i No references, assignments, , j pledges, red tape or delay. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 8 N. MARKET SQUARE] Itoom -1 4th l<*loor. FOR SALE ' Choice Building Lot j 65x321 feet, facing Front, Kelker and Second streets. High-class residence section. Host location In city for llrst class apartments—room for for ty or more. Terms reasonable. D. W. COX 222 MARKET STKIOKT ' V—i i i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmS | ' i FOR SALE One of the best located grocery stores in the city— good opportunity for the right man—financial require ments about $4,000. BELL REALTY CO. Bergner Building W. S. Dir a & Co. ESTABLISHED 1898 Members Cousolldnled Stock Exchange i 44 Broad Street, New York Specialists OED LOTS i| I'lsa I For rash or pnrtlal payment*. Send for letter "Safe Small In vesting." 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers