Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 17, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Home Cure
for Piles
trial Package Absolutely Free—
Will You Spend a Post-
Card For It?
If you are a sufferer from piles, In
stant relief Is yours for tho asking, and
a speedy, permanent cure will follow.
The Pyramid Drug Co., 471 Pyramid
Bldg., Marshall, Mich., will send you
free. In a plain wrapper, a trial pack
age of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the won
derful. aure and certain oure for the
torture* of this dread disease. Thou
sands have already taken advantago
of this offer, thousands know for tho
first time In years what it is to be free
from the pains, the itching, the awful
agony of piles.
Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves th©
pain and itching immediately. The in
flammation goes down, the swelling is
reduced and soon the disease is gono
No matter how desperate you think
rour case is, write In to-day for the
free trial treatment. Then, when you
have used It in the privacy of your
own home and found out for yourself
how efficacious it is, you can get the
full-sise package at any drug store for
60 cents. Every day you suffer after
reading this notice you suffer need
lessly. Simply fill out free coupon and
mail to-day.
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a sample of Py
ramid Pile Remedy, at once by mall,
FREE, In plain wrapper.
City.;,. State
F "0"E~0"0~O-O~0"0"0«S0-F0"0">»»E"0-»"0»«O-O~»-O-O-O~^
t Aliments of Men {
j Happily Overcome j
5' Undoubtedly the following pre- f
scription will work wonders for j
that great class of men who, i
j through dissipation of their nat- i
i ural strength, llnd themselves in J
I their "second childhood" long be- T
I fore the three score and ten al- T
I lotted to life's pleasures and en- T
1 joyments are reached. •
T It is presumed to be infallible, •
j and highly efficient In quickly J
i restoring in "nervous exhaus- j
~ tion," weak vitality, melancholia I
and the functions. I
(l first get fifty cents' worth of i
~ compound fluid balmwort in a 1
, one-ounee package, and three J
ounces syrup sarsaparllla com- I
pound; take home, mix and let J
stand two hours; then get one i
ounce compound essence cardiol '
and one ounce tincture cadomene .
j compound tnot cardamom.) Mix i
, all in a six or eight ounce bottle, I
, shake well, and take one tea- i
spoonful after each meal and one 1
when retiring followed by a •
drink of water. I
By mixing It at home no man I
need be the wiser as to another's 2
shortcomings ,and expensive fees I
are avoided. i
Lack of poise and equilibrium t
in men is a constant source of i
embarrassment oven when the i
public least suspects it. For tho •
benefit of those who want a re- i
storation to full bounding health, 4
and all tho happiness aooomparty- i
lng It, the above homo treatment •
is given. It contains no opiates •
i or habit-forming drugs what- |
i ever. Mix It at home and no one *
~ will be the wiser as to your af- j
.. fliction.—Advertisement. " •
I i
Thin Folks Who
Would Be Fat
Increase In Weight Ten Pound* or More
A Fbyslelnn'a Advice
"I'd certainly give most anything to
be able tJ fat up a few pounds and
stay that way," declares every exces
sively thin man or woman. Such a re
sult is not impossible, despite past
failures. Thin people are victims of
mal-nutrition, a condition which pre
vents the fatty elements of food from
being taken up by the blood as they
are when the powers of nutrition are
normal. Instead of getting into the
blood, all the fat and llesh producing
elements stay in the intestines until
they pass from the body as waste.
To correct this condition and to pro
duce a healthy normal, amount of fat
the nutritive processes must be arti
ficially supplied with the power which
nature has denied them. This can best
be accomplished by eating a Sargol
tablet with every meal, fc'argol is a
scientific combination of six of the best
strength-giving fat-producing elements
known to the medical profession.
Taken with meals, it mixes with the
food and turns the sugars and starches
into rich, ripe nourishment for the tis
sues and blood and its rapid effect is
remarkable. Reported gains of from'
ten to twenty-five pounds in a single
month are by no means infrequent. Yet
its action is perfectly natural and ab
solutely harmless. Sargol is sold by
G. A. Qorgas and other good druggists
everywhere, and every package con
tains a guaranteo of weight increase
or money back.
Cautioni —Willie Sargol has produced
remarkable results In the treatment of
nervous indigestion and general stom
ach disorders, it should not, owing to its
remarkable flesh producing effect bo
used by those who are not willing to
increase their weight ten pounds or
Loosen the congestion in your throat,
raise the phlegm and get rid of that
bothersome cold. Do It by taking
Qofl's Cough Syrup. This herb cough
medicine is the old-fashioned kind
that gives quick relief without harm.
No opiates; no "dope"—just harm
less, healthful herbs. Get a 2oc. or
50c. bottle today. Money back by the
Sealer if it doesnt help you.
8.8. QOFF k SONS CO., Camden, If. J.
c. w. TOWSON T S
Hlgl Grade GOOD I.UCK nod
Good I.ack, 25c Ib.| 2 lb*, for 40ci 3 Iba.
lor TOet B Iba. for $1.15.
Dandy, 23c lb.i 2 lbs. for 45c | a Iba.
for SI.OO.
The best grades for table, cooltlng
and baking. We guarantee all goods
we sell. Deliveries to all parts of the
city. Bell phone.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
[Continued from First Page.]
Brumbaugh, when he had finished
reading. "No one but myself had a
hand in its preparation. It speaks my
own views, and In the event of my
election every pledge made therein
will be conscientiously and sacredly
kept. I do not now contemplate any
further appeal to the voters. I shall
be at my desk to-morrow performing
my official duties as usual. In the
event of my nomination by the people,
however, I shall enter upon a cam
paign to make effective tho will of the
voters expressed at uniform primary."
Strong in Tills Section
Coming as he does from the Juniata
valley, Dr. Brumbaugh Is very strong
among Republicans in Dauphin, Cum
berland and Perry counties and there
are many men who have been aligned
with the Democratic and Washington
parties who will vote for him. These
people who have been expressing their
confidence in him ever since his name
has been mentioned were highly
pleased to-day at the straightforward
ness and the progresslveness of the
platform of the candidate.
In the opinion of men who have
been observing conditions Dr. Brum-,
baugh is far and away the strongest
man in the field to-day and his plat
form has placed him far in the lead
for the gubernatorial chair.
"In response to the call of the
ri,, OI ?. e f 1 0lks " ,n ">y native county,
Huntingdon, and in answer to the re
quests of thousands of other good citi
zens, i have decided to submit my
name to tho voters as a candidate for
Governor on the Republican ticket at
the May primaries.
"I have not been an ofHce seeker
nor an office holder in any political
or partisan sense. My life has been
devoted to the educational interests
or this Commonwealth and of the
country at large. I have endeavored
to serve all the people and to be just
and helpful to the pupils and teachers
for whom so much of my life has been
given. My life's work must be my
platform and my pledge. I have no
different gift of service for my fellow
citizens. What I have honestly la-
I «t v * S^a " continue to do.
L„ nave no entangling alliances of
any sort. lam under no promise, no
agreement, made or implied. I shall
never be a party to any such thing.
If elected, it must be with the definite
understanding that I shall be entirely
free to perform my official duties
solely and steadily for the people as
a whole. I shall reverently and huin
bly endeavor to do my duty in liar
mony with my conscience and under
the guidance of the Divine
"I shall say nothing to get a vote
that I will not do after the vote is
given. He is blind, indeed, who does
not see everywhere in wider intelli
gence aroused citizenship, quickened
conscience and greater devotion to
civic righteousness, tho signs of an
increasingly virtuous quality In our
people. Officials of all stations must
conform to this great awakening or
meet the consequences. Only those
should serve the people who will lead
® m *° the best in social, Industrial
and educational progress. I submit
my candidacy unreservedly upon this
high plane and assure the people that
I shall give my tull strength to its ac
"I hold to the wise division ol' KOV
ernmental functions as provided in our
Constitution. It is not right to prom
ise what one cannot do. My sense of
the right prevents me from declaring
wJ? SUeS ° !"° nu ' ut when such dec-
I.irations are intended solely to aeeuro
votes. The Legislature enacts
laws. The judiciary interprets our
aws. The executive administers our
laws. The quality of administration
is the first concern and duty of the
Governor. It will be my fixed pur
pose to apply with certainty and im
partiality the laws of our Common
wealth. I recognize also the binding
obligation imposed by law to advise
the Legislature upon all wise and
beneficient enactments and firmly to
resist any attempt to foist any other
sort upon the people. The veto power
is a legal regulator and conservator
I shall not hesitate to encourage leg
islation of the most advanced practical
kind. We grow rapidly into new so
cial and economic conditions. Theso
must be met by wise and effective
'"(1) The most precious asset of
the Commonwealth is its people. Their
dally duty Is to toil. I shall gladly
welcome any laws that make proper
provision for the protection of our la
borers, whether men or women or
children. The child above fourteen
should be in school or at work. He
should never be allowed to loaf upon
the street as he now does. I also be
lieve in an advanced worklngmen's
compensation act and in an employ
ers' liability act hat includes large In
dustrial and corporate activity but not
the farm and the household.
"(2) Our people should have easy
access to the markets with their prod
ucts. It Is vital that we have good
roads, honestly and economically con
structed. The State should build good
roads wherever traiflc demands the
same. The roads so constructed
should be placed under competent men
whose duty it will be to keep these
roads constantly in good condition.
The roads already taken over bv the
State and not yet rebuilt should at
once bo made passable. It Is a dis
grace to allow them to remain as they
now are. The State has an impera
tive obligation to make ample provi
sion for the complete realization of
act 440 of the last Legislature. This
act gave assurance to tho several
townships of a 50 per cent, sunoort
to supplement local initiative 111 road
building. The funds have not been
provided to meet the very proper re
quests of the townships. Thero should
be great reaches of good dirt roads
well crowned, properly graded and
amply drained: Large appropriations
must be made to carry out these
g Atly needed Improvements. Every
toll road in this Commonwealth should
be abolished.
"(3) The problem of the liquor
trafHe is a vital one facing the people
and the Legislature to-day. In har
mony with many thoughtful persons, I
submit that local option is a practical
solution. Any legislative me sure
looking to an improvement of the con
ditions regulating this trafllc will re
ceive my approval.
"(4) The public service should be
as efficient as private service. I be-
Sore Throat or Mouth.
You must keep the throat and month
clean and healthy. Any disease that
attacks the canal through which must
pass the food <ve eat, the beverages we
drink and the very air we breathe is
a serious matter. Why neglect Sore
Throat or Soio Mouth when TONSILINE
makes it so easy for you to get relief?
TONSILINB it the remedy speci
ally prepared for that purpose, rt *
TONSILINE does its full duty— &A
vou can depend upon it. Keep a 3
bottle iu the house where you can /'J
get it. quick when needed. 25c. !j
and 50c. Hospital Size SI.OO. 1)3
Ail Druggists. 1 +
lleve in an administration of scientific
efficiency and would approve a sane
and practical State civil service act.
My experience in administering such
a law In the selection of teachers con
firms this opinion.
"(5) The last Legislature passed a
resolution submitting to the people
an amendment to the Constitution
providing for woman suffrage. The
next Legislature should also pass this
wise resolution and give the people
the opportunity to vote upon this Im
portant measure.
"(6) The natural resources of our
State are a heritage of which we are
the responsible guardians. We shall
be false to the succeeding generations
If we do not pass these as nearly un
impaired as possible to our posterity.
The public control of our water pow
ers and the reforestratlon of our hills
ana mountains are obligations of com
manding importance.
"(7) The enduring source of good
to our people is the soil. It should
be cared for in the most effective
way. The Legislature cannot make
too liberal provision for active co-op
eration with all agencies at work to
enlighten the people, to conserve their
health, to promote their happiness and
to increase the rewards of labor
whether expenaed upon the soil or
elsewhere. Every effort that makes
for prosperous, contented tollers is
wholly commendable and permanently
worth while. A training for vocation
that does not include training in agri
culture is inadequate training.
"(8) The right education of our
youth is a paramount obligation.
There should be Increasing appropria
tions for education as tho number of
pupils to be educated Increases. We
should expend enough for education
to guarantee under wise regulation
and supervision tho return in cap-
I able citizens we long for and should
[attain. Wherever the funds of the
'Commonwealth go its supervision
should follow. So long as a single
child is born into a home that does
not front a school we shall need more
and better educational facilities. Pro
vision for a greatly enlarged perma
nent school fund should be made by
the Legislature. The education of our
! youth ought not to rest wholly upon
the Insecure foundations of current
taxes and annual appropriations.
"(9) There is neither sense nor
justice in unstudied appropriations to
our many charitable institutions and
I agencies.. These constitute Important
land wholly worthy objects of public
concern and support. The Legisla
ture should know from competent au
thority their real needs and should
follow such knowledge in making ts
appropriations. Moreover, the bounty
of the State should never exceed the
assured Income of the State. It should
not again occur that the obligation of
lessening this bounty should be placed
upon the executive. It is a definite
duty of the Legislature and to that
body I shall turn to insist that its gifts
shall not exceed its resources. \
"(10) I would welcome legislation
providing a thoroughly effective and
just regulation of corporate activities,
providing increased power of local
development of our great municipali
ties, providing improved and extended
commercial facilities by land and by
water, providing a modern and equit
able system of taxation, providing in
creased protection to lifo and prop
erty, and providing such additional
legislation as will meet the reasonable
needs of our people.
"I reserve the privilege of discuss
ing other issues of moment as they
may aj-lse.
"I have neither sympathy nor re
spect for those who exploit the peo
ple for their personal gain. I have
never done this. I have never coun
tenanced it. I will never allow it to
be jclone if I can prevent it. '
' The decision to 'become a candi-'
date was taken only after mature
thought and in the sincere conviction
that It is my duty to do so. I desire
to promote the highest good of all
the people. Every race, sex, creed
"and condition must be considered alike
and- treated alike in this Common
wealth. My love for my native State
is largely due to the fact that from
the days of the great Penn we have
steadily held to these ideals. It will
be my pleasure to help make these
ideals increasingly substantial accom
"I Invite and welcome the support
ijf all citizesn, regardless 01 partisan
alignment, who believe with me tlu.t
the clay has come when only capacity
and character and their expression in
conduct should be considered in se
lecting public officials. I agree that
we need a moral standard in all pub
lic service. I welcome a campaign
upon the great moral issues of the
day. Let us be honestly frank and
frankly honest with the people.
"I appeal to all to unite in giving
this great Commonwealth an Execu
tive without pledge or promise, save
to God and the common-weal, that he
will conscientiously labor to deal just
ly, honestly and righteously by all.
"It is my understanding that the
open primary was enacted to enable
the voters to exercise the utmost free
dom in selecting candidates for office.
This is the true spijit of representa
tive government based upon a pure
democracy. For this reason, I trust
we may have a wide open primary
with many candidates, that the people
may choose after full inquiry those
whom they would have to serve
Hen Lays Egg in Court;
Justice Confiscates It
Special to The Telegraph
Pittsburgh, March 17.—Whether an
egg laid in the court belongs to the
defendant, accused of stealing the
chicken, or to the accuser, both of
whom claim ownership of the fowl,
was settled by Justice of the Peace
oJhn G. Richards, of North Braddock,
Delia Garrity, of North Braddock,
was accused of having stolen two
chickens. The information was made
by Michael Kitohetech, of Bell avenue.
North Braddock.
The chickens were exhibited in a
box. During the discussion one of the
hens began to cackle. She had laid an
egg and discusion as to the ownership
"The court will confiscate the egg,"
the justice announced sternly.
This ended the argument.
The woman was released on S3OO
bail. The chcikens were placed in
charge of a constable pending a settle
ment of the case.
Letters May Now Be
Mailed With Parcels
Special to The Telegraph
Washington, D. C„ March 17.—Post
master General Burleson signed an or
der to-day providing that tho sender
of a parcel post package on which
postage at the fourth class, or parcel
poet rate, is fully prepaid may place
a communication in an envelope pre
paid at the first class, or letter rate,
anil attach it to the parcel, the en
velope being addressed to correspond
with the address ou the parcel.
The envelope must be tied or other
wise securely fastened to the outside
of the parcel in such manner as to
present its separation from the parcel i
- ■; " - v \ -% ■
5 * WE INVITE co
Come into our store, get ©ur prices on anything in our enormous and complete
jH stock. I hen compare our values with any other store in the city and convince vflL
"w- yourself that our prices are always the lowest.
(I| # Advertised Articles Are But Examples of the Thousands of Remarkable <•%
'Bargains to Be Found in Every Department of Our Store 1
M, A Buffet For $12.98 IA S2O Brass Bed For £j ?
This is a Solid Oak Buffet with Credit Here /!% i r
French P. at e 50, per . $9.7 O
75 other styles of Buffets. Requires No >■?%
m $9.75 to $140.00 1 Q .
* Club Fees, No
IMI N ° E r*" arße BP S
ffg; 1 in Any Shape
I or Form This Bed is guaranteed, 2-iich «lfl
a 1> post. fi ve H-inch fillers. A S2O Bed
-T~- '=» 1 in many Stores. Bed, Spring aid #J§-
<SjE US. Mattress $16.7$
Y That Only Stores Like This Can Offer
A foldin 6 collapsible Go-cart. Carts.
worth $6, for $2.98. like picture. '
IS 690 for a rubber tire Sulky Other styles, $5.98 to $40.00
like picure folding handle. A NONE DELIVERED OR NO C. O. D MAIL OR TET FPHOMP m
9U $2 Sulky in many Stores. ORDERS FILLED ON THIS QNE
0 Wt Are £ure, y Headquarters Fw Values and Selling 1914 Children's Vehicles 0
'(j % i. i i 11 A 6-qt. Pure Seamless "Wear Eternal"
pA Aluminum Tea Kettle for $1.98. This J|j|
Tea Kettle has a Cereal Cooker attachment gW
(( \\ * s guaranteed to be Pure Aluminum.
W? \\ II Is a regular $4.75 article for i <:f
The Queen Cooker. Broiler^and Bake
ftf | I ii Pan combination, made of famous "Old
fa ' English Gray Ware." A 75c cooking value
? : f ° r 24C f
We are ready for EASTER in our Clothing & Millinery Departments
H#me Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. y J
Furnishers 29-31-33 &35 South Second Street Clothiers i
[Continued from First Page.]
time in Fifth Street Church, 1894,
Hlshop Hurst presiding, the Rev. O.
W. Stevens pastor; the fourth time in
Ridge Avenue Church, 1899, Bishop
Fowler presiding, the Rev. A. R. Lam
bert pastor; the fifth time in Fifth
Street Church, 1904, Bishop McCa.be
presiding, the Rev. B. H. Hart pastor;
the sixth time again in the Fifth Street
Church, 1909, Bishop Hamilton pre
siding, the Rev. B. H. Hart pastor.
Bishop Cranston will preside over this
Fooet of Fat Things
A rich program has been built up
this year by the conference host, the
Rev. Dr. John I). Fox, and the local
pastors of the city, who have .spared
neither time nor effort to provide a
feast of fat thins* for ihe pt>oplf.i
Eminent leaders of the church will)
■ deliver addresses at the various anni
versaries and a lecture of rare elo
. uence and scholarship will be one of
the Exceptional privileges of this ses
The bourd of examiners is now hold
ing its session in the Ridge Avenue
Church, where the undergraduates of
the conference are taking examina
tions in various subjects of a prescrib
ed course of study. Every candidate
for tho Methodist ministry must pur
sue and satisfactorily complete a four
years' course of study, no matter from
what Institution he has graduated and
such studies must bo covered and com
pleted while he Is In the active work
of the ministry before he can be elect
ed or ordained to either deacon's or
elder's orders.
The board of examiners Is composed
of the following ministers: J. H.
Morgan, Carlisle; H. R. Bender, Clear
field; W. P. Shrlner, Altoona; J. W.
Glover, Hanover; D. N. Miller, Mon
toursvllle; M. E. 8-wartz, York; J. M.
Relley, College; G. M. Glenn,
Phlllpsburg; J. E. Skllllngton, Renovo;
15. R. Heckman, Bloomsburg; "VV. W.
Hartmon, Tyrone; J. U. Price, Lewis
town; B. O. Conner, Williamaport; C.
IT. Dunning, Mt. Oarmel; B. H. Tlart.
jHarrisburg; J. ifi. Bell, L'hambercburg; j
MARCH 17, 1914. ' x
G. 8. Womer, Mt. Union; R. C. Peters.
Beaver Meadow; A. S. Williams, Har
' rlsburg, and J. E. A. Bucke, Newberry.
Men Entering Ministry
A class of eight young men will
come up as candidates for admission
i on trial. This is a comparatively large
' class for entrance into the conference,
proving that young men are still dedi
cating themselves to the work of the
: ministry.
The preliminary service at the con
-1 ference will be the anniversary of the
How's This?
We offer One Hundnd Dollars Bewaril (or any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's
Oatarrii Cure.
• r. J. CHBNET * CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known P. J.
Cheney (or the laat IS Jean, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and OnaaciaUy able to carry out any obligations
Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Com Is taken Interna)]?-, acting
I directly nyou i fir blood and raucous surfaces «f
the system. 'fMilmontam sept free. Pries IS
cent* per bottle. Sold b.r all uragglsts.
j lake HalT* Family Pills (or cootUpatlflb ;
Conference Hohio Missionary Society
in the Grace Church this evening n't
7.50 o'clock, the Rev. Frank Bell pre
siding. The speakers are the Rev.
E. H. Yocum, Bellefonte, and James
W. Barker, a Harrlsburg layman.
To-morrow morning the regular
conference session be opened with
the sacrament of the Lord's supper,
conducted by ip Cranston, assist
ed by the dls superintendent. This
We Can Hatch
40,000 Hen Eggs
In lota of 150 cadi or more.
Send eggs to
Stouffer Poultry Farm
or write to
Box Hi! I, Harrlsburg. I'a.
i v