Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 17, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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—&t-XL . J 1
j r ',l '' '.:.
iff®#. v \
! ° Wednesday & Thursday, March 18th & 19thi
I u C=> " Modes That Will Enjoy High Favor in Suits, Coats, Dresses, Shirt Waists, |
I i v" ,v - Millinery and Every Little Accessory of Dress 1
| sj||| i 'pHE first days of will ex-1
*IB n UT s^a<^ows * nto C JrJYljftf]l/fit eel in interest because of the many |
I ]jKh!l thesun-flushedopencomes £ (CFYFI special values we shall offer-specials, §
I *■ Spring again like a bud of JL QtlTlC ) * which for Easter wear will be commend- 1
j promise whose unfolding petas will disclose to M /# ed for their timeliness. For girls and I
cunous eyes many delightful surpnses m the / Ipj children there are quite as deserving of
£ rea mor w< man s dress. lo you who nave \ f IlvMy 11 wvsm »f / \ , . _ , 1 . g
g waited expectant she flings a cheery welcome \ * foi* mls ses and Women--a happy |
Ito the new things frcm dictatorial sources— \ _ I j. }\ blending of authoritative ideas in all de- 1
0 originals and duplicates of the season's accepted | | p HIC shapes and clever A J /fl /b\ ? partments of the Store. It is an Exhibit |
| styles. A lavish display is ready. VI /jßj j ideas reflecting the maxi- \ IMV and a Sale in one—a Spring Opening to i
| "Fashion" is the theme of the Opening, \ o f style . v T hout \ (Jfc; / which we have devoted months of cease-1
f but back of that is the resolute purpose to XX, from Paris .HdX V less endeavor. jf
Q. maintain a true standard of value so that quality inal creations from our own ex- *' WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO
| and workmanship shall always be worthy of }kr*i pert designers. F7FW IT
' fhe price / Spring hats in extreme shapes * '
with daring lines and ultra-small . 11l
Suits from kiii \ r a °,t' 3 for mo" con!crva,ivc 1 rimmed Hats at
j! $12.90 to $45.00 rvK 1 ' aS "' s —— ■ $3.90, $4.90, $5.90, $6.901
1 Coats from /? m/v? and up to $35.00 I
| $5.95 to $25.00 4Mg . JL V / Untrimmed Hats I
! Dresses from 98c, $ 1.48, $2.98, $3.98
| $5.95 to S3O | U P to $lO-00 , 1
KKH3CK:oi:CHjOifOoo<nr.j-o : r..onoou,*,oonDoftoooaoooooc«H900«»oooodooooaooooaooooaooor)ooaoo&^or.oo^QdoadooooooofldCW«ooooo«Kiodoooa.-)ooooooooooooiMioo<iaoooMO«oiMooooodoooooooo«od«odc^
Latest Additions Are Works Which
Will Be of Vast Use to
People of City
Some of the books recently added to
the collection of the Harrisburg Pub-
Itc Library are of especial Interest.
Two of the works of the East Indian
post, Rabindranath Tagore, recent re
cipient of the Nobel prize for lit
erature, are "Sadhana, or the Realiza
tion of Life," being his philosophical
leotures delivered at Harvard Univer
sity. and the "Gardener." lyrics trans
lated from the original Bengali by the
Josephine Preston Penbody's latest
book is a poetic dmma, "The Wolf of
Gubblo," the story of the play being
taken from the "Little Flowers of
St Francis of Assist."
Alfred Noyes, who has given muoh
73 1 / If not, why rest contented? Ayer's
rTOUOI O# ** a,r Vigor gives softness and
J richness to the hair, promotes its
•V r r r , r\ growth, keeps it from falling; can-
V 7 / 1* §—inir r not change the color. Ask your
A vU/ A. A kill • doctor about using it. Tut:
pleasure to American audiences in his
readings from his poems, has been In
vited to come to Princeton University
us lecturing professor. The library
has his complete poems and his poetic
play, "Sherwood," and has recently
added "Tales of the Mermaid Tavern,"
one of hla long poems, which remark
ably reproduces the spirit of the Eliz
abethan period.
One of the popular books of last
year was "Crowds," by G. S. Lee. More
recently has appeared "Crowds, Jr.,"
which also promises popularity.
A book of much Interest locally is
Dr. Thomas S. Blair's extensive work
on "Public Hygiene," which covers
very fully a subject becoming of more
and more importance with the in
crease of population and consequent
need of careful oversight of the public
Additions are being made aa rapidly
as possible to tlio children's collection,
upon which such hoavy demands have
been made. The boys will welcome
Harper's "Aircraft Book" and Sweet
sor's "Book of Indian Braves;" and
not only children, but all lovers of
Mother GOO6O and of artistic illus
trations. will enjoy Mother Goose Illus
trated by Arthur Hackham.
Wright's "Encyclopedia of Garden
ing" is a timely addition, for as Spring
opens the library hopes to supply an
Increased demand for the literature of
gardens and flower lovers.
Numbers of new titles have been
added to the Action list which will at
tract the general I reader, and the
library expects to supply extra copies
ol popular books as it becomes pos
The coming fair weather has boosted
the attendance at the library and Sat
urday's figures show how it is being
used. On that day there were 844
books circulated and there were 477
readers at the rooms. This number of
readeito is the greatest on any day
since the library has been opened and
included 266 children. The Saturday
story-telling class was attended by 74
youngsters. Thirteen questions were
answered at the reference desk on
Saturday alone.
If a merry comedy that alternates
roars, screams and yells with Gatllng
gun rapidity Is what theatergoers
want, they will crowd the Majestic
Theater to-night when the funniest
play ever written, "Baby Mine," will
make Its long-awaited appearance, and
Judging from the advance sale it is
evident that everybody Is going.
'•.L.aby Mine" is Justly entitled to the
title, "the world's funniest comedy." It
not only ran for one solid year at
Daly's Theater, New Yor, but Is now
playiiyj In London—Us second year In
the British metropolis. Aaverise
"Oh I Ohl Delnhine" Is to be offered at
the Majestic Theater, Saturday, after
noon and evening, when Klaw and Hr
langer will present their musical com
edy hit n.s It was given during Its run
or over a year fn Manhattan TTie splen
- -■ - V r - ;•
did musical hit reveals the new forces
and tndencles of the time In theatrical
entertainment. Beyond such details It
Is too well known as a marked suc
cess to require further Introduction. It
Is Interesting: to note the many hands
that have been utilized in welding it
Into a satisfactory whole. The story
originally traces Itself to ••Villa Prim- .
rose," a farce by Georges Berr and I
Marcel Gullleemaud, of the Parisian
stage. -C. M. 8. McLellan adapted It for |
the American stage, Ivan Caryll adapt
ed it for America's musical score, Klaw
and Erlanger made the production and
Herbert Gresham staged It for them,
while Julian Mitchell looked after the
Jlrl numbers and ensembles. The pro
ucers have wisely kept their big hit
Intact. The original production and
company of over 100 people remains In
every part of the same.—Advertisement.
Novelty is the keynote of the Or-'
pheum bill this week, if the bill of
variety that went on view yesterduy
Isn't replete with unusual features. It
Isn't anything. Somebody remarked
at the matinee that the bill ought to
be called a St Patrick cocktail bill on
acount of Its many rare and unusual
Ingredients. To-day that expression Is
at least appropriate and utter looking
Into the contents of that beverage, the
management may brand It that. Start
ing with the headllner, a screeching
comedy called "Wrong Prom the
Start, we have the first and biggest
novelty, Keith vaudeville has never
served up a comedy that oan be com
pared with this Irresistible laugh- 1
ringer. The playlet Is a whole;
"melodramer" In four acts, with special
sceenry for each "act. It Is a blood
thirsty sort of story, so ridiculously
thrilling that it's funny, and Is staged
!ind played along such ''rube" lines that!
t kofeps the audrenoe In constant laugh- !
er. Then there is a Chinese baritone
singer, offering a budget of tuneful 1
ballads. He is programed as Prince I
Lai Yon Kim, ana Is the only Chinese |
baritone trlller over seen here. Ed Vin
ton and "Buster" Is another of the de- I
olded bits of novelty, "Buster" is really
a wonderful dog. He plays the piano
and prays and does all sorts of stunts
without any apparent cues. Much origi
nality is also injected in a comedy
musical act presented by Kline, Abe
and Nicholson; as \yell as a musical
skit, "Traveling," with Hopkins, Ax
tell and company. Several acts of merit
I round out the bill.—Advertisement.
I Hodge and Lowell, an eccentric duo,
In a good comedy and singing turn, are
the bright lights of the variety bill
that was Introduced at the Colonial
yesterday. Grouped 'on the same bill
Is Alberta Whitman and her Picks in a
song, dance and comedy turn; and Josh
Dreano and company In a skit of songs
and patter. "The Intrigue," a splendid
Kalem moving picture feature, In two
Barts,8 arts, will be a special attraction to
1 At this theater to-day the master
piece of Henry Arthur Jones, "Hood
man Blind," In Ave acts, will be shown.
This picture Is recommended by the
largest motion theater In the country
as being one of the best ever produced
"A Stronger Hand" Is a two-act Ma
jestic picture which holds Its audience
from start to finish. "Kid Love" Is a
Keystone picture, showing the child
artists of this company In tneir blggeßt
hit. Special music at this theater all
the time.—Advertisement.
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
| Mechanlcsburg. —Mr*. D. H. West
fall, of Churchtown, died yesterday
lat her home in thit place, at the age
•of 80 years. She la survived by her
' husband, several children and grand
children. The funeral services will be
[held to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock,
at her tate residence.
| Waynesboro. —Mrs. Benjamin Nau
gle, Ilvlug near HouzorvllU, died Sua
MARCH 17,1914.
day morning of blood poisoning. She
was 40 years old. Surviving are her
husband and these children: Percy,
Lloyd, Benjamin, Alice and Omar Nau
gle, all at home. The last child was
born a few days ago.
Northumberland. —Mrs. Mary Star
lck, widow of the late William Starlck,
Is dead, as the result of a stroke of
apoplexy suffered last week. She was
74 years old. She is survived by one
adopted daughter, Mrs. John Vincent
and three brothers. Albert. Porter and
Robert Dunham, all of this pl^ce.
he Cheerful Life
It Is the right of everyone to live and enjoy the cheerful life. We ewe
—| It to ourselves and those who live wilh us to live the cheerful life. W*.
cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us.
The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervouaoMU
headache, bsckache, ri ragging-down feeling, or any other weakness doe to disorders
or. irregularities of the delicate female organs—is not only a burden to herself,
but to her loved ones.
Thar* U m rmmmdy. Forty years experience has proven unmistakably "■**
Favorite Prescription
will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 ytmn It has survival
prejudice, envy and malice. Sold lnr dealers in medicine In Hquid or tablet (m.
Dr. Piarce s Favorite Prescription Txblets can be had of druggist or mailed am
recHpt of one-oent stamps—for 11.00 or SOe size. Address R. v. Pieroe. M. IX.
Buffalo. N. Y. **•
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Inrlaorate
, rtwiicti liver and bowels, Sugar-coated* tta| grmm&m*
Leola.—lsaac D. Dyer, 66 years old,
one of the leading business men of
this section, and for many year* a
school teacher, died yesterday, Ho Is
survived by his wife, one son, ona
daughter and one brother.
Blrd-in-Hand. —Mrs. Margaret Ra
cey, daughter of the late H. Herr, of
near here, and one of the pioneers of
the county, died from the effects of
pneumonia. She was 75 years old and
was a lifelong member of the Metho
dist Church. Three children and ona
brother survive.