FRIOIOS ENDORSE JUDGE KUNKEL [Continued from First Page.] v ' ' i|m SM3>i mWm mm Nflr t' HON. B. F. MEYERB Im> nit«n|rtlmfd by the elevation to thHt brnrh of one who as coun nelor, puhllc proHecutor, lrfflHlntor, •ml Ju 1? 1i *JI ' * t Special Showing of New s irl f ™ho want something en- Wr \ 01 iLHI DrOIQCnCS R . XT« I tirely ditterent. \ .... i Spring Cfepe Nlgnt e Wish to emphasize the I ' ' ie ver y nnest patterns of the season are repre- < - _ fact that our millinery busi- SJ Uj ] sented in this collection of new 1914 Embroideries in < Dresses at /JC ness is being conducted along \ (T / which began this morning. We re- < \ completely new lines from any \ s\. j peat the good values: •< Crepe Gowns are more popular than past season and the idea has N / Manufacturers' Ends of 45-inch FlouAcings-2 tO " ever and we are showing an excellent met with unqualifying success. /// / c v „ r j. t . v „ i„ ti- • *,, , * assortment of the newest styles. There Before yon buy a hit be sure to 4 the A !,n " to see this remarkable display. to vV.oU —in the Annual March Sale at, are 10 different styles to select from in Trimmed Hats are modestly (F y ard ' 59 y arf l •• * ii'jijbon. They have round neck and kimono BOWMANS second Floor. broideries.'Yard .... 39c Hemstitched Flounc- m sleeves; some have hand machine em- r~——————_ SI.OO Allovers, 22 inches, ings 27 inches wide—swell broidered finished edge, or yoke and ~. , „ .. , neat patterns for waists and patterns. Choice at, sleeves finished with crepe of contrasting SpeClal FoT QuldlOl Yard' I '!*'. 75c '"524 yards 39c'Swiss Flounc- ' . New Middy Blouses , ; ► / » Wp are also showing an excellent as- _ Middy Blouses are going to be the thing for children this yards in the lot. g c terns, yard •••••• •• < ► ( sortment of other gowns at various bpring and summer. We have just received the new Spring Yal "y •• •••• . l ' in e Swiss Ruffled Flounc- i ► prices which will prove attractive to you. showing. These are white with sailor collar and pocket and 19c and 2ac Swiss Galloons mgs, for aprons and infants on the second FIoor— BOWMAN'S turn-over cuffs; the edges are piped with either Copenhagen yards in all, fine new dress, S7 inches y ■ 1 re d- Some have Copenhagen collar, pocket and cuffs. patterns. 1 OJ/gn wide, yard ► a\ges Bto 14 years. Special prici 500 Yard 129 - vards sl-95 Swiss ► BOWMAN S— second Floor. 215 yards 25c to 39c Seal- Flouncings, Irish Crochet < ► T?eonn+l New Wall Paper 5c &6c ; ► vvlavl ' ticketed; worth 12Hio Iregular good 28c r rAMT?AT)T vSr:JSU bleached, full pieces, and 15c. remnants Tor sheets There arc 35 different designs, consisting of plain satin stripes j ► JL / Cumberland, and pillow cases fruit and Oriental tapestries, florals, gilts and shadow figured effects; -i A rt -j rv _ ' suitable for dining rooms, living rooms, bed rooms, halls and parlors. i ► every woman Wishes to tC xUC / /.C. Sold only with match borders or binders at 2c to 4c yard. •be fashionable, but she also j|H |, v W ——— 1 25c to 60c Wall Paper, \ \ longs to be comfortable. fag \\ y Women who once wear J : A , \ N H T T H I\T QAT 17 -< . Warner S a]Jpreciate the '' V Vj A* A J,/ Two more shadow stripes, tapestry papers, Burlap effect 4 ► feeling of comfortable sup- 'Jrilj- h|L Special Purchase as Sale of 15c, 1 /\ Bring measurements. I ► Port that Warner's scienti- Infh 1 19c and 25c Stickerei Edges For I | l|/> BQWMANS Fourth Floor. , ► fically designed corset 111 Trimming—White and All Colors— | * Wm. * i t gives. I J jjjrt] 5 and 6 Yard Pieces—The Piece . < * WEAR 1 W Heavy inside belting for skirt-s; White, yard. 2c, 3c, 4c, Be and 8c IVIrS. I GfKCS y „ 1 black and white; all widths, yd.. Red, yard ... . i ■ '■ ° -° u " <, r ,« c 5o value brass iioo'ks' and eyes Will be pleased to meet Harrisburg women and show tliein i ► c ( >) to wear V oil rannot srjfLl*" 3c asbestos iron holders, 3 for 10c 2 cards 1 1 set to wea . XOU cannot (JQW* «-yard piece bias seam tape... ,5c A new line fancy irlass'aiid ler the features of < be bothered bv continually Rust ic P ttek wlre hnlr P ins -packs ic buttons; an colors; aii stvies«»? ► purchasing new corsets. ' ' x z^s e^ r . . shade: Wearever Aluminum 1 ► r .ir Wist Electric Hair Curlers, card, Small white peans dozen " in, vvVl VV VA AXX lililiZl HA si. livery part of Warner s Corsets is made in our own fac- lOc and 25c 10c value colored glasTdozen 5c ~ t , ■ , 4 tories. The quality is the best that can be made from the ?V f i rubbe , p curlers, card, 25 c 5c pearl buttons, 2 dozen ...... 3 c ' a eC ► >, it ui | i» , Ll c k. . i . Plain wash braid lor children's 10c shoe trees, 3 pairs i ' Security Rubber Button Hose SuppurterS that will not tear dresses, BOWMAN'S— Main Vi 1 the stocking, to the fabrics that cannot tear; and the thin " " " j ► double boning that cannot break, though you' twist it around IZ ~ , ! TZ " " ~1 - \ ► .vo»r finger. Lvety House Wife Should Own One ff . W € ► Every Warner Corset, however extreme or light in te\- . . >; g§j VR X& y lure is so designed as to stand the wear of time. So confident PLOORSHINE /P Floor Shine Oil of Cedar Mop . «■■ ■-& y are we of this, that CEDAR MOP /jf and Can of Floor Shine Oil of jM/ \ | 4 ► Every Pair Is Guaranteed Cedar — s^ cial Price - ; y Warner's. Keep two pairs going—it's an economy. can be washed and re-treated, cleans 1-qt. Lipped Saucepan [ A * i /H,»% A/\ and polishes all kinds of woodwork. Fair- 11/ Challnw Stew Pan QQ « Hkl HA f A nn lyeataupthedlrt. Note the shape .of the l/2-qt. Shallow Mew fan &OC i «|PX*vl/ l»vr *lv v mop to get into all the comers. 2 r /2-qt. Preserve Kettle i ► BOWMAN'S Second Floor (PWTTOTO ©«T IN COHNUS BOWMAN'S Basement. • In the Basement—BOWMAN'S. j < , -J 1 L A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAA AA ■ A * * A A A A A A. A. A. A -A. A. A -A. A. A A A A A A -A- A. A A ' tion by fine service, and while his elevation to the higher court would be i a great loss to the citizens of Dau- ' pliin county, it would be a credit to i his constituents to see him elevated to that exalted position. Mr. O'Shaughnessy said: "I am not i a resident of llarrisburg. I know it I to be a fact that the lawyers all over this State are obliged to come here j occasionally before Judge Kunkel, and the fair treatment they have received | from him has ingratiated lilm in their j hearts, so much so that you must not forget that he lias friends in all parts of this Commonwealth, and you will not have any trouble, if you Issue a 1 circular letter, that you will And majiy ! pe public reasons, and to that end I will i do anything in my power to assist in • what may be decided upon at the meeting. i Sincerely yours, t SPENCER C. GILBERT. > Dr. John D. Fox's Endorsement My dear Mr. Jennings: Your favor I at hand. It will hn imnnmihle for me MARCH 17, 1914. to be present at the meeting Monday March 16. 8 p. m. But you have my cordial endorse ment of Judge Kunkel as to his char acter and eminent fitness for the Su preme Court position. Yours sincerely, JOHN D. FOX. From MillerslmrK Dear Mr. Jennings: I will not be able to be at the meeting on the 1 tith, but be assured that I and all the vot ers of this section, Irrespective of party, will be only too glad to favor Judge Kunkel for any office or posi tion in the State. Respectfully yours, J. S. GILBERT, Mlllersburg, Pa. A. K. Walton's Telegram Allen K. Walton, of Brownstone, sent the following telegram: "Regret cannot meet with you this evening. Heartily endorse Judge Kunkel. Emi nentlv qualified for Supreme Court. Glad to assist in any way. Allen K. Walton." • I Fred P. Margeruin, of Elizabeth ville, wrote: "Will be happy to see Judge Kunkel thus honored, but cannot arrange to be present at the meeting Monday night. Sorry. Will do all possible to help cause." There were voters present from all parts of the city and county. NEW BANK FOR COL. GOETIIALS Washington, D. C., March 17. —A bill to give Colonel George W. Goeth als, builder of the Panama Canal, the rank of major-general was introduced yesterday by Chairman Hay, of the House committee on military affairs. The measure provides for one addi tional number In the grade of major general "for the officer who has most distinguished himself in the construc tion of the Panama Canal." IIAKIiAN ELECTED CHAIRMAN By Associated Press Wusliington, D. C., March ' 17.—The Interstate Commerce Commission to day elected Commissioner James S. Harlan as chairman, in succession 1O Commissioner Edward D. Clark. Commissioner Harlan assumed the du ties of chairman to-day. THREE DEAD IN HOTEL FIRE Brechin, Ont., March 17. Thre« persons lost their lives to-day when the Brechin Hotel was destroyed, caused by a defective furnace. Th« » dead are Mrs. Thomas McCauley, hor son. John McCauley, and Miss Joseph, lne Callaghan. PENSION FUND PLANNED Boston, Mass., March 17. Every employe of State, county, city or town in Massachusetts will contribute 5 per. cent, of his salary toward a pension fund, if the report of the Legislative Pension Commission, annouy <1 to da, is enacted into law. 7 MAR LEY ARRbJJi COLLAR " CLUETT PEABODY &CO.TRCVMY 3