14 r — : . s Spring Kid Gloves of Rich Quality For Street and Evening Occasions Women's SI.OO kid gloves, in 2-clasp Two-clasp Navarre real kid gloves, in tan, model; white, tan, grev and black. Special, grey, white and black. Pair $1.50 ~, , . . I < " > / Centemeri's kid gloves in colors, white and D P. & 2-clasp kid gloves, m Itojk. Mack Plir #1.85 «o #2.00 white, tan and grev. Special Jpl.tK) Cavalier one-clasp kid gloves, with P. K. Kayser s washable chamoisette gloves in Stitching; in tan, white, black. Pair .. $1.25 j lobutton length. Pair 50new stvles and to buy. well-known makes as the Monardh, Wachu- Most of the shapes are in the popular Rah ' ' seU ;ilkl tlie ( llartcr - have been taken from our v , , . . , . . . , regular stock for a special clearance to-mor- Rah eftects in mixed and striped cloths, felts ; row The styles are negligees with soft in different colors and ever so many shepherd French cuffs, short plaited bosoms and stiff check weaves. bosoms. Sizes are 13 l / 2 to 17}/j. Extra Prices. 50*, 60*, 08* and #1.211. j special ({j)c Advance showing, too. of Boys' Spring straws in J o • i n , i 11 . c new shapes, a feature of which is the new English OpeClUlS TrOttl Tile rOUltil street Laddy with its high square crown and turned-down Window Oil Sale To-mOITOW brim •• • *«iou Other straws at $1.69. $2.25, $2.98, $3.50 and $3.75. Serving trays with tapestry centers. Special to- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Millinery. Second Floor, ""chl'ldrill's drawers,' in ali'slzes. Ko'on sale to-'mor- Front. row nt. pair 9,. ' FEEL MW, DIZZV. BILIOUS? CLEAN YOUR UVERH DIME A BOX Sick headaches! Always truce them to lazy liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or a slclc stomach. Poi sonous, constipated matter, gases and bile generated in the bowels, instead of being carried out of the system, Is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue It causes congestion and that dull. 10 CENT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE Mrs. Tomlinson Hostess to Mrs. Finton's Class Mrs. Annie Tomlinson entertained a Sunday School class of Fifth Street Methodist church, taught by Mrs. J. Finton at her home, 220 Briggs street, lust evening. A short business meeting was held followed by a supper. The table deco- How You Can Remove Unsightly Hair or Fuzz (Boudoir Secrets) By having a small package of dela tone handy, you can quickly banish ugly, unsightly hairs wherever they may appear. Just enough paste to cover the hairy surface is mnde with Bomc of the powdered delatone anerr MeCloskey, James Finn, William Pendergast, Cor nelius Toomey. Miss Martina Mullen, Mrs. J. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Mali on, Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodwin, Miss Edith Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cusack, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mulcaliy» Mr. and Mrs. James Kellyy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelly, Miss Katherine Moyer, Mrs. James Clark, Miss Mary Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Miss Helen Tracey, Miss Margaretta Etter, Miss Hannah Vanderloo, Miss Sara Kennedy, Miss Margaret Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Raneer, Mrs. 11. Page, Miss Gertrude Dunn, Miss Johanna Gal lagher, Miss Anna Pendergast, Mr. and | Mrs. John McGrannagan, Miss Mar ' garetta Tracy, Miss Gertrude Pender gast, Mr. and Mrs. James Haas, Miss Bess Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. James , Black, Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Weir Fallnestoek and Miss Hanna H. Kahnestoek of Bal timore, were called to the city by the death of their relative, Captain John C. ! Harvey. Miss Presby, of Boston who has ; been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Her- I bert Snow, at the Riverside will start for a trip to California, next i week. Mrs. William H. Spooner, of Eocust street, was hostess last evening to a Mission Stjjdy class of Grace Methodist l Church. tg Miss Alice Spong, of Wormleysburg, entertained the Prisellla Embroidery Club lust evening. Ten members were in attendance. Mrs. Martin H. Thomas, of 222 Maclay I street, had a meeting of the Authors' Club at her home, last evening. | Mrs. John Barnett Patrick, of North | Second street. Is giving a card party ; this evening, at her residence. John N. McCulloch, of South Third street, Is 011 a business trip to Nor ! folk and Richmond, Va. Mrs. James Clark, of 1633 North Third I stret, has returned home after a visit j to Downingtown. : Miss Mary Cnlder Mitchell, a student 'at St. Mary's' School, Poughkeepsie. N. V., is visiting lier cousin. Mrs. Edgar j Wallower, during the mid-year re , cess. i James B. Bailey, of Pine Furnace, I spent several, days with Mr. and Mrs. ! Edward Bailey, North Front street. Mrs. Robert Sayre Mercer is visiting her sister. Mrs. Henry M. Stine. after la trip to Pittsburgh. Miss Katharine Smith, of 131.fi North 'feeond street is giving a St. Patrick's party this evening, at her home. St. Patrick's Social With Miss Ruth Beitman 1 j Another St. Patrick's Day party was 1 that held last evening at the home of j Miss Ruth Beitman, of Fourteenth street, where games and singing were followed by a buffet supoer. Sham ! rocks, pipes, pigs and festoons of ] greenery adorned the house and the table in the dining room. I The guests included Miss Ida Hoyer, Miss Erma Sowers. Miss Vera Myers, I Miss Ruth Beitman. Miss Nellie Beit ' man. Miss Grace Lutz, William Straw | heeker, Wilmer Burkplle, Helmer Swomley. Harry Beitman, Luther Oslei> 1 George Osier, Raymond Beitman, Paul I Sowers. Mr. and Mrs. Beitman. ; Central High School Notes of Timely Interest Miss Katherine McNiff. a member j of the faculty, spent Saturday In Phil- I adelphia attending a convention for 1 the formation of a society for the pro j motion of liberal studies, held In : Drexel institute. An enjoyable feature of the occasion was a reception and I luncheon from 12.30 until 2 p. m. | Miss McNiff spent several hours at the | exhibition of a series of charts pre : pared under the direction of Miss i Jessie E. Allen, of the Philadelphia I High School for Girls, to Illustrate I the practical value of Latin in every- I day life. A Himilar series of charts Is | being prepared by the Latin students ' of this school under the direction of ; Miss McNiff. Professor W. SI. Fahnestock, a I member of the faculty, was absent from the scbol yesterday afternoon 1 get one ounce kardene from drug- Rl w t . al 3 d put u ,nto one-half pint al cohol (never use whiskv), then add one-half cupful of sugar and hot water to make a quart. The close is a table spoonful before meals. The kardene tonic Is excellent to clear the skin of pimples blotches and sallowneas and its bins US ° frer iuently saves doctor's Chloe: I have found the most bene ficial shampoo for the scalp and hair can be made at home by dissolving a teaspoonful canthrox in a cup hot water. This is unusually soothing and cleansing to the itchy, dandruff-laden scalp and quickly corrects over-olliness and other scalp-upsets. My shampoo ing with canthrox has restored an even color, rich gloss and soft fluff to mv hair, which was becoming dull and brit tle. It seems to have encouraged :i vigorous and luxuriant growth. ■ r. a - : „TT h " point to a contin uation of the sllin figure effects and as you show signs of an added waist line you should take steps to reduce your weight. Make this preparation at home and before each meal take a table spoonful: Get four ounces of parnotls from your druggist and dissolve In one and one-half pints of hot water. Strain nnd cool the mixture before using. This is Inexpensive and will be welcomo to the woman who does not want strenu ous diet or exercise. Lorrajne: Your faded hair Is not necessarily dying, though It Is In dang er. Here Is a home-made hair tonlq, costing little, which I know Is of great value to scalp and lialr: Into one-half pint alcohol put one ounce uuinzoln (which I get from the druggist s) then add one-half pint water. This gives you a full pint. I have found It very soothing and It banishes the dry, harsh, unhealthy condition of the scalp, Invig orating the hair roots so a beautiful growth is certain to result. . Betty .Dean's Beauty Book, to.—Ad vertisement. MARCH 17, 1914. For Your Baby. The Signature of is the only guarantee that you have this Genuine prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST MM o Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, ' ■>«.. ——— fL — j-n-g mgfmmmm _ during the burial of his brother-in law, Captain Harvey. Miss Rebecca Craighead took charge of all German classes during his absence. Financially the game between Cen tral and Tech on Friday evening was a great success. After paying all bills the team cleared sll3. All' studies ceased and the school was dismissed promptly at 4 o'clock (his afternoon on account of the me I GOLD DUS^ ija Cleans everything. It cuts the dirt r i|M_ grease ajid makes work easy, IMB fBgSgmiBMMKaWWI | !| ||* FREE LIBRARY COUPON lIH =ljj Imported Six Volume Seta |||| jjj || HAJftRISBURti TELEGRAPH If Si! Hrlnn or acnd thin coupon to our office* I together with the expenne Item of only ON renin, ffl |^H Hp '" r « aplcndlil II volume net of hooka. The Hmall I q amount we link you to pay IN to cover the coat ffi |DH nj of cnatoin ilutjra paid the Kovernment, and the | | QPFPIAI .. " >°" want thla Imported act BH Hi ft I aent hy mull or expream, all W )H| 5j prepaid, i'7e Hooka on lllaplay at Harrlahursc Telefcraph ©'PHIS is to inform my friends and * the public in general that lam a candidate to succeed myself as Representative in the Legislature 1 most respectfully solicit your Augustus Wildman ... wmmmmmmmmmmm—mJmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmJ r \ Cutting Down the Heating Cost This weather requires fuel that contains the maximum In heat value. Fuel that possesses the most heat units will give the desired re sult with the least possible consumption. You can't cut your coal bill by cheaper prices—they are uniform, but you can reduce your heating expense by using less coal. .Our coal Is the cheapest because It goea the farthest. J. B. MONTGOMERY BRANCH OFFICII,- Rnth MAIN OFFICE. 017 CAPITAL BTREKT DyUl fllOnCb. 3KU & CHESTNUT STS. morial exercises for Dr. Shimmell, held in the Technical High School audi torium at 1,15 o'clock. Miss Katli erine McNlff was requested to give ;i few remarks on the life of Dr. Shim mell. During Dr. Shimmell's term as a teacher at the school Miss McNlff wai most intimately acquainted with htm. A short meeting of the senior was held directly after the chapel ex ercises yesterday.