Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 17, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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\fr2o(Y)en /^.inteßes
Speaking from your vast experience]
of men. Mother Dear, when Is a wo
man justified In having Implicit faith
in her husband?
When he Is blind, My Child, and
deaf and dumb, and sits crippled In
the chimney corner. Then she is Jus
tified In having supreme confidence
in him.
What, Mother Mine, is meant by
"saving for a rainy day?"
It means. Little One, that the pru
dent put by a little money for a
shower, and find It is a deluge when
It comes.
Explain, Mother, what you mean by
saying there are only two kinds of
men on earth?
The single men, Daughter, who arc
not as good as their sweethearts think
they are, and the married men who
are not as bad as their wives believe.
Is it BO wonderful, Mother Dear,
that George Washington never told a
Tush, tush, no, My Child; he never
had a cow run over by a railroad
(Their Married Lifei
Warren, his hands In his pockets; j
stood scowling out the window at the J
snow-swlrled, wind-driven street. ,
'lt's too blamed cold to go out." j
"How about a pick-up supper here?" |
asked Mr. Stevens. "Guess there's (
something In the Icebox."
'Henry, there's not. a thing!" pro-1
tested Mrs. Stevens.
"Then we'll send out for some stuff.
What do you say, Mrs. Curtis? Rath
er have something here, or go out.
The car's ordered."
Helen hesitated. She was not sure i
that Mrs. Stevens would want them;
fussing around the kitchen when the.
maid was off.
"But it's Sunday. Vou cant get.
anything, can you?" !
"Plenty of delicatessen shops open. ,
"See here, why not make that Hot j
Stuff," suggested Warren. "Did Wil- i
son give you that recipe the night j
we had it at his stag supper?"
"That's so, he did." Mr. Stevens i
looked through some papers in his
wallet. "I've got It right here."
"But Henry, that takes boiled ham
and cheese," said his wife, ;is he read
the receipt. !
"Get that at a delicatessen, can t j
"Oh. I say Stevens." interrupted .
Warren, "let's you and I make this.
Keep out the women folks till we're 1
"Now you're not going to mess up
Lizzie's kitchen, she'll be" —
But Mr. Stevens had already started t
kitchenward. "Fine idea. Come on, i
Curtis, let's find out what we'll need.
"Lizzie'll be furious- —and they'll |
not make anything fit to eat. NOA\ |
what have they done?" Mrs. Stevens;
started up as a clash of pans and j
shouts and shouts of laughter came j
l'rom the kitchen.
But they were not allowed to enter, >
Mr. Stevens barricaded the door.
"No admission till we get the job |
under way. But hold on, Emily, jus' (
tell us where you keep the eggs. '
"Why, in the icebox, of course." i
The Egg Mystery
'Nope. None there. Curtis, put j
three eggs on that list."
"Of course we've eggs, plenty of;
eggs," insisted Mrs. Stevens. "They've |
spilt or broken something in there—
that's why they won't let us in. But!
we might as well let them alone. Oh, j
I'll show you that new corset 1 was
telling you about."
There is nothing more fascinating
to women than the discussion of the I
Easy Way to Remove
Freckles and Eruptions ■
Some women have akin of such tex
ture they occasionally an? annoyed by
the sudden appearance of freckles,
slight eruptions or line lines. March
winds usually play havoc with skins
of that kind. In such cases if one will
procure an ounce of common mercol
tzed wax at any drug store, apply a
little of it before retiring like cold
• tream, she can easily overcome the
trouble. When the wax is washed oft'
next morning, flaky skin particles
come with it. The entire outer cuticle
is removed in this way in a week or
so, with all its defects. No bleach
could so effectually Remove freckles or
blemishes. The new surface ir smooth,
elear, fresh looking. No pain or in
convenience accompanies this simple
In case of wrinkles which sink be
neath the outer skin, a solution of sax
olite, I oz., dissolved In % pt. witch
hazel, makes a face bath which is won
derfully effective.—Advertisement.
Stop Falling Hair and Itching
Scalp—At Once
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve It, then
you destroy it entirely, w To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need) ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
lour more applications will completely
dissolve, and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of It, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching and digging
of the scalp will stop instantly and
your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy,
silky and soft, and look and feel u
hundred times better.
If you value your hair, you should
get rid of dandruff at once, for noth
ing destroys the hair so quickly, it
not only starves the hair and makes
it fall out, but It makes it stHngy,
straggly, dull, dry, brittle, and lifeless,
und everybody notices it.—Advertise
Funeral Director and Embalmer
OS Walnut St. Bell I'hnn*
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Why do men say with such author
ity, Mother Dear, that women can't,
keep a secret?
Because, Child, when a man is told
a secret downtown, he goes home and
tells his wife, and she tells some one
else, and when he hears that she has
told some one else that which he
never should have told her, it proves
to him that no woman can keep a
What, Mother, Is a woman's ideal
One, My Child, who makes her feel
when he addresses her that she be
longs* to the royal family.
Why, Mother, since worrying is so
bad for the human race, do you insist
that we should all worry?
Because, Child, some one has to
worry In order to raise the money to
pay the taxes to provide a poor farm
for those who don't worry.
What, Mother, is meant when it Is
I lines of a new corset, and it was fully
| a half haur before they thought of
■ returning to the kitchen,
j This time they were allowed to
i enter, for both Warren and Mr.
j Stevens were busy trying to fasten
the meat chopper to the table.
| They were both in their shirt
I sleeves. Warren, with a long roller
| towel pinned up on his shoulders and
j hanging almost to his feet, while Mr.
I Stevens had a white cloth pinned
around his generous waist line,
j "Why, Henry." indignantly, "that's
; the bread cloth."
; But Mr. Stevens was absorbed in
an inspection of the three blades that
| went with the meat, chopper,
j Use finest cutter," read Warren,
from the receipt. "How in thunder
jean you tell which Is the finest? Here,
I this must be it."
I Then they opened the packages the
j hall boy had just brought. There was
boiled ham, cheese, eggs and a box of
' crackers.
; With a gleeful chuckle. Warren cut
up the cheese and began grinding it
through the chopper In eloquent imi
tation of the hand organ man.
• "Hold on there!" expostulated Mr.
I Stevens. "That stuff's got to be
j weighed. You can't guess at this
j thing, we want to have it right"
j "But, Henry,,we haven's any scales.
; Lizzie broke ours last month."
A Way Out
"How about the postage scales?"
.suggested Warren "Didn't I see some
on your desk? They'll weigh a quar
ter of a pound."
| Mrs. Stevens brought out the post
| age scales, and while they weighed
i the ham and cheese Helen read the
| receipt.
| '■i lb. cheese,
j Vi lb. ftoiled ham.
i 3 eggs.
iVi box (six ordinary square soda
| Vi pint milk.
j 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce.
! H teaspoon baking powder.
Use finest cutter of any meat
j chopper. Run cheese through
j first, then the ham and then the
crackers. Empty all in a mixing
I bowl, add Worcestershire Sauce,
j red pepper and salt. Salt freely.
! Then add milk and mix thorough
ly. Should be the consistency of
a thick batter—if not, add more
i milk. Beat the eggs until very
light, then mix in with batter.
Sprinkle baking powder over the
' top and 'stir In lightly. Bake
I slowly in buttered earthen baking
j dish until brown.
I "Phew, this thing's getting all
I stuck up," complained Warren, for
j the chopper was now clogged with
; the ham and cheese.
"Run a couple of crackers through
■| —that'll clean it out."
"There, don't that look tine?" when
it was all run through the chopper,
II cleaned with a final cracker. "Now
I what's the next thing?"
"Half pint of milk."
■ "Just about that much here," pro-'
! ducing a bottle from the icebox.
"That's all the milk we've got for
breakfast," demurred Mrs Stevens. 1
Unheeding this protest Mr. Stevens {
poured the milk, while Warren stirred
!it in vigorously with a long wooden j
| spoon. •
Helen, who had always dotibted the !
tidiness of Mrs. Stevens' much-lauded'
I maid, could not resist a critical glance I
j about the kitchen. The stove was I
not clean. The burners and dripping,
| pan were coated with greasei and a j
| smoke-stained newspaper lined the
I warming pan.
The shelves were not over-orderly, |
and the top of the icebox was piled
with bags and boxes. And yet she!
had every convenience. There was an I
{ expensive kitchen cabinet, with its
j blue and white cereal and spice jars, I
jthe kind Helen had always wanted. i
"Those beaten enough?" demanded I
; Warren, who was frothing the eggs'
! with a patent beater.
I ast Touches
| "Fine. Pitch 'em In. Now, Emily,
| whcre's your baking bowder?"
The eggs and baking powder were
| stirred in and the batter poured into
ia baking dish.
"Oh, turn* off some of those foot
: lights." as Warren opened the oven
and found that Mr. Stevens had lit
| up both rows of burners.
"No, we'll want the whole show on I
in the beginning—need a good hot!
j oven to start her off."
I "All right, here she goes." and
[ Warren slipped the dish In, slammed
Ito the oven door, and wiped his hands
on his roller-towel bib. "You're go
| ing to have a real treat That'll be
Ithe best stufT you ever tasted. Now
j you two hurry and set the table."
I "But what'll we have with it?" ask
ied Mrs. Stevens.
"Nothing. It's a whole meal in it-
Iseif. Got a few bottles of beer,
haven't you?" glancing in the Ice-;
I box. "Well, that's all we'll want."
When Helen and Mrs. Stevens had
finished setting the table, Warren ap
peared with a fork In one hand and
a dish towel in the other.
I "Just come in here and have a
i sniff."
I "If it'll only taste as good as It
!smells." laughed Mrs. Stevens, sniff
ing the delicious odor that came from
the oven.
"Take a look at that, Emily," and
Mr. Stevens opened the oven door.
"See if you don't think that's done."
"Why, yes, I should think so," said
Mrs. Stevens.
"Let's take it out. Everything in
said of a man that he Is promising:?
There are different kinds, My Dear,
but the promising man with whom
most women are familiar is the man
who promises in November a new
house for his wife in Spring. In Jan
uary it becomes an addlton to the old
one; dwindles In March to a porch
and materializes In May In a new
Why, Mother, do you object to a
woman referring to her husband as
her choice.
Come nearer, Child, so the neigh
bors won't hear: So often the man a
woman takes is more of a necessity.
What, Mother, Is meant by "being
In hard lines?"
Tt is the condition of a man when
you have to tell who he married to
identify him.
Why, Mother, do they call Mr.
Jinks "Professor?"
1 do not know, Little One, unless it
i Is because he is a professor of re-
I llglon.
lit is cooked, anyway." and shoving
Mr. Stevens aside Warren lifted out
the pan.
Oh, wait, you'll bum my tea
towel!" cried Mrs. Stevens.
"Gee Wllllkens, that's hot!" drop
ping it on the table.
They put the baking dish on a tray
j and Mr. Stephens carried it trlumph
| antly into the dining doom,
j Warren Insisted on serving it, which
he did with an arrogant air of ef
A Success
| "How about It? Ever taste any
j thing better in your life? Now, here's
a dish that's Invented by a man.
Square meal in Itself. Don't need a lot
i ol' side frills to help out."
i "That's so," agreed Mr. Stevens. "If
| men did more of the cooking there'd
:be more dishes like it. A woman can
Ibe in the kitchen all her life and
| never make up a dish of her own.
(Women lack initiative. Their minds
j aren't inventive."
j That s right," broke in Warren.
"All the labor saving devices for
| housework are men's ideas. Every
j kitchen convenience was invented by
a man. A woman never"—
"Oh, you two are Insufferable," ban
! tered Mrs. Stevens. "Just because
j j you made one dish and messed up the
j whole kitchen! Now stop bragging
| about it and give us some more," pass
: Ing her plate.
| "Humph, you don't say a word about
it being good—but you stow it away
all right. How about you, Helen?
Want some more?"
"Yes, dear, it's very nice."
i "Very nice?" with a snort. "Make
it stronger than that or you don't get
"Well then it's DELICIOUS!"
"That's better"
"Next time we'll double that re
! ceipt," mused Mr Stevens "Hardly
enough here for four."
A few moments later Warren lit a
cigar with a sigh of full content.
"Well that was some dish! Now
j Helen, since Stevens and I've done all
! the work, suppose you and Mrs.
Stevens pitch in and clean things up."
I _ ~
For First Time in Years Permission
Is Asked of Judge Kunkel
j D m Mn -y ears i . he
i—J .Many jurors had
been excused "sub
ject to call" or for the entire week,
when the roll was called at the open
ing of March quarter sessions yester
day. This, and the fact that several
Juries were deliberating cases to-day,
made it impossible to get together
more than ten talesmen for the trial
of Edward Kaiser, charged with steal
ing a bicycle. Finally another Juror
dropped in and he was snapped up.
Kobert Stucker, counsel for the de
fense, expressed his willingness to
proced with eleven Jurors then, but
Assistant District Attorney Frank B.
Wickersham asked for permission to
select a venire from the audience. Be
fore this was necessary, however, an
other jury reported with a verdict and
the necessary twelfth man was drawn.
Scaler Home From Pittsburgh.— j
Harry D. Keel, city sealer of weights
and measures, has returned from
Pittsburgh, where he attended a con
vention of inspectors and sealers of
the State.
Ex-Sergeant Uodgers a Watchman.
I —The Dauphin county court to-day.
1 appointed Thomas Kodgers, ex-ser
geant of police, a night watchman.
1 Realty Transfers.—Kealty transfers
yesterday included eight property
transactions in East Hanover town
ship as follows: Adam Swoyer to
John Boyer, $54; William Swoyer to
Lydia Boyer, $355; Eliza Nye to John
Boyer', $2; John Kapp to John Boyer,
S2O; Mary Kapp to John Kapp, $26;
W. Ferst to V. Ferst, Jr., $560; Wil
111am Kline to V. Ferst, Jr., $140; V.
i Ferst to John Kapp, S2O; Abraham
Grant to State, 509 Cowden street.
$2,400; Hufus McCree to State, 10#
Filbert, $1,750.
To Close Maclay Street Bridge.—
Beginning Monday, March 23, the Ma
clay street bridge will be closed to
traffic upon order of W. H. Lynch,
commissioner of streets and public
improvements, pending some general
i repairing of the iron superstructure
|by the Pennsylvania railroad.
| Inspecting Sealers Coming.—G. A.
Raffensberger and F. A. Foreman,
county Inspectors of weights and meas
ures of Adams and Franklin counties,
respectively, will ' visit this city to
morrow to look over and investigate
the city sealing department.
Ex-Mayor Klrsehler's Bond Re
duced. —The bond of ex-Mayor Chas.
F. Kirschler, Pittsburgh, receiver for
the Traders and Mechanics bank, waa
reduced from $400,000 to SIOO,OOO.
Reduce Farmers' Produce Co. Re
reivers' Bond.—ln an order handed
down yesterday President Judge Kun
kel reduced the<bond of C. A. Kramer,
W. H. Sloat and C. R. Neff, receivers
for the Farmers' Produce Company,
from $25,000 to $3,000.
Presented to HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Readers\
I And a few cents a volume additional, to pay import duty, delivery and handling charges. B
I The ONLY way you can get this Standard Library is to clip from this paper at ONCE A LIBRARY COUPON ■
published on another page. By acting immediately you get this beautiful, ■
Containing "Les Miserables," in Two Volumes, "Ninety Three," "Notre Dame," "The Laughing Man," and "The
Toilers of the Sea."
These Books are fine examples of the bookmaker's art, substantially Bound in Red English Cloth, Printed from
Clear, Large Type on Bible Paper, Illustrated with Duotone Pictures and embellished with Real Gold Titles.
They have
Which are a delight to eyes of every age.
There are no morte touching scenes in literature than the rescue of the condemned girl in "Notre Daine." The
struggle in the storm in "Toilers of the Sea," —the execution in "Ninety Three," —the great House of Lords speech
by Gwynplaine in the "Laughing Man," —are the most intense and stirring of all the wonderful writings of this
singularly gifted French author.
, \
| Expenditures Will Require Reten
tion of Present
Citv budget ordinance for \
carrying $510,084 97 read tlrst
time; to be passed Anally a _ larijl ' r .r'{' 1
City millage ordinance for 1914, j
fixing rate at 9Va mills, offered.
Contract for Dock street bridge ,
awarded to Central Construction
and Supply Company at bid or »<■<!, j
I ""b'ood inspection ordinance offered, I
providing for appointment of two
I inspectors and fixing Itcense fees.
Otiier new ordinances: Providing
I new regulations for laying side
walks fronting unimproved proper
tie's; placing sewer Twentieth
I street from Spencer to Swatara, In
Swatara from Twentieth to Twenty -
I first; paving roadway and alley
I Delaware to Kelker; abolishing of
! fice of clerk to City Solicitor and
establishing office of assistant at
$1 SOO annually; E. Bruce laylor,
j present clerk, to be assistant to
' City Solicitor.
i Authorizing creation of office of
assistant health officer, at S9OO an
nually, Dr. Allen T. Ultzinan, pres
ent smallpox physician, understood
to he new incumbent.
Changing jurisdiction of fire driv
ers from companies to Commissioner
of Parks and Public Property.
Abolishing office of chief and as
sistant chief clerk, to City Treasur
er, postponed.
Ordinances passed finally; Water
and manufacturer's sliding scale
rate; raising pay of police station
janitor; providing new typewriters
and filing case for City Clerk and
Mayor's Office; paving Fifth from
Curtin to Camp.
Application of C. C. Flamer to be
a motorcycle officer received.
, V .
I Harrisburg's first budget ordinance
' under the commission form of govern
| ment —the annual appropriation pro
viding for the expenses of all the city
departments for the nniemonth year
of 1914—was Introduced In City Coun
cil this afternoon and passed first
reading. Action on final passage will
be taken next Tuesday.
The budget provides for the ex
penditure of $510,084.97. The total
last year was $529,129.12.
The expenditure will require the re
tention of the present millage of 9Vfc
mills !n view of the fact that more
than $50,000 must be provided for the
payment of paving In front of non
assessable properties .
The Fire Department appropriations
to the various companies are less than
heretofore, although the same sum Is
provided as a whole. The sum for
each company appropriation is les
sened somewhat, however, as the sal
aries of the drivers will, hereafter be
paid by the city Instead of by the com
panies. Incidentally the salary of each
driver will be S6O Instead of SSO. By
this provision the drivers will be under
the direct supervision of the commis
sioner of parks and public property
instead of the jurisdiction of the com
Following are departmental items;
Public affairs, $51,487; law, $59,-
922.75; city clerk, $3,572; sealer of
weights and measures, $1,575; print
ing. $5,600.
Finance and accounts, $3,165; treas
ury, $6,983.50; board of tax revision
and appeals, $1,770; miscellaneous, in
terest on bonds, etc., $114,663.62.
Streets and public improvements, 1
$90,591.25; city engineer, $8,884.50. :
Public safety, $32,520.75; food in
spection, $1,82 5; building Inspection, I
$1,350; plumbing inspection, $1,415;
street lighting, $42,698.10; police and
tire alarm. $10,990; parks, $35,804.50;
fire, $33,322.
Food Inspection Measure
Annual license fees of from $5 to
$25 may be levied upon milk, meat
and ice cream dealers and manufac
turers, bakeries and restaurants by
the new food Inspection ordinance of
fered this afternoon in City Council by
Commissioner Harry F. Bowman, De
partment of Public Safety.
The measure provides for the fol
lowing license fees: Milk dealers, $5; i
wholesalers, S7O; fresh meat, $25; Ice
cream manufacturers, $10; dealers,
$5; bakeries, $5, and restaurants, $5.
Two inspectors at S9OO per year are
The ordinance providing for the ap
pointment of an assistant health of
ficer may cause a row when the budget
ordinance is considered finally. Dr.
Allen T. Rltzman is the prospective
appointee. The salary will be S9OO,
j but this item, it Is understood, has
been lopped from the budget ordi
j nance by a vote of 3 to 2.
Patrolman Joseph Van Camp, who
has been off duty for a week on ac
count of illness returned to work to
day. "Joe" was a victim of the
i "I have the greatest trouble with
! correspondents who insist on using
1 common, worthless depilatories or want
; the torturing barbarous electrical
i needle applied for killing their super
• fluous hair," says Mme. Chaminade in
i Milady's Boudoir. "More mental and
physical suffering is caused by these
abominable methods than you can Im
• aglne I have carefully Investigated
I and tried a now and simple method
! that never fails to remove all signs of
hair completely and painlessly and
without Injury to the skin or complex
i lon. In a surprisingly large number
of cases It has destroyed all trace of
hair so that It has never returned. In
fact I must caution my readers that It
must not be applied to hair that they
do not wish totally destroyed. It is
called "Mrs. Osgood's Wonder," being
named for a well known woman who
arranged for It to be put on the mar
ket after It had succeeded In entirely
eradicating all trace of her own very
distressing growth of hair on chin, lip
and arms, which everything else had
failed to touch.
Mrs. Osgood's Won.der Is quite Inex
pensive; you can obtain It from Ken
nedy's Medicine Store, or any up-to
date druggist or department store, on
the guarantiee of your money b&ck, If
It falls. Ask for It by name. "Mrs.
Osgood's Wonder": a signed ffuarant««
comes with every package.—Advariißts
t ment.
MARCH 17, 1914.
Let me send you FREE PERFUME
Write today for t testing bottle of
ed. pinaud's lilac
■/' V Wr J / The world's most famous perfume, everv <lrop as sweet
«WS-Su \ ImSti 85 e living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and hath.
irWfcEjSlf v \ / l'ine after shaving. All the value is in theperfume -vou don't
\r M I pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality Is wonderful The
V /rata P rice on| y 75c - (6 oz ) Send 4c. for the Utile bottle-enough
,7 for 50 handkerchiefs. Write today.
Drives Rheumatic Pains Away,
Relieves Backache and Blad
der Disorders After A
Few Doses Are
Sleep disturbing bladder weak
nesses, backache, rheumatism, and
the many other kindred ailments
which so commonly come with declin
ing years, need no longer- be a source
of dread and misery to those who are
past the middle age of life.
The new discovery, Croxone, over
comes all such disorders because it re
moves the very cause of the trouble. It
soaks right Into the kidneys, through
the walls and linings; cleans out the
little filtering glands and cells, and
gives the kidneys new strength to do
their work properly. It neutralizes
and dissolves the poisonous uric acid
substances that lodge In the Joints
and Muscles, causing rheumatism;
and makes the kidneys filter and sift
1 FR.EE 1
In order to get in touch with all those owning
Winter & Co. and Rudolf Pianos, which were bought
prior to the opening of this Store, December 11,1911,
we will give one free tuning.
This applies only to people in Harrisburg. Car
fare will be charged to those living in nearby sur
rounding towns.
Send in your name and number of your piano at
23 N. Fourth Street
out all the poisonous waste matter
from the blood and drive It out of the
It matters not how old you are o:
how long you have suffered, Croxone
is so prepared that it Is practicallj
impossible to take it into the human
system without results. You will find
it different from all other remedies.
There Is nothing else on earth like
it. It starts to work Immediately
and more than a few doses are sel
dom required to relieve even the most
chronic, obstinate eases.
It is the most wonderful remedj
ever made for restoring the lifeless
organs to health and strength and
r'iding the system of every particle
of uric acid, and you can take It with
the utmost confidence that nothing
on earth will so quickly cure such
You can obtain an original pack
age of Croxone at trifling cost from
any first-class druggist. All drugglstf
are authorized to personally return
the purchase price If Criwcone should
fall In a single case.—Advertisement