Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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\fc?o(Y)er) v&
God gave him passions, splendid as
tho sun:
ileant for the lordliest purposes: a
Cf nature's full and fertile mother
From which new s> stems and new
stars are spun.
And now. behold, behold, what he has
done! i'
In Folly's court ard carnal Pleas-;
urc's mart
Ho flung the weulth life gave him
at tho start. Ii
RTbis, of all mortal sins, the deadli
est one.)
At dawn he stood, potential, opulent.
■With virile manhood, and emotions
And wonderful with God's crea
tive fire.
At noon he stands with Love's 'nrg® 1
fortune spent
In petty traffic, unproductive, '
A pauper, cursed with Impotent
You have your own night Uev,
froung man, and you are your own
an aster.
No one asks you w here you are go
ing. or at what hour you will return.
You do as you please.
And if it pleases you to "sec life"
*tid "know the world." you consider
It nobody's business.
Tt is a part of every man's educa
tion, you say.
And even if you plant n crop of;
wild oats. that. too. you believe to be )
Included in your Life School Curricu- i
Every protest made you consider
But have you never observed that
life itself Is a great preacher?
Life and Father Time are two great j
When constipated, headachy, j
bilious, breath bad,
stomach sour
Get a 10-cent box.
Arc you keeping your bowels, liver,
«nd stomach clean, pure and fresh■
with Cascarets. or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with Salts, i
Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purga-j
tive Waters?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. let j
Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and reg
ulate the stomach, remove the sour
and fermenting food and foul gases, I
take the excess bile from the liver ■
and carry out of the system all the;
constipated waste matter and poisons !
In the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will make you i
feel great by morning.' They work
while you sleep—never gripe, sicken i
or cause any inconvenience, and cost j
only 10 cents a box from your drug
gist. Millions of men and women!
take a Cascaret now and then and ;
never have Headache. Biliousness, j
roated Tongue. Indigestion. Sour,
Stomach or Constipated Bowels. Cas- j
carets belong in every household, i
Children just love to take them. —Ad- j
w -
Kelley's Coal--A Known
Quality Fuel
Uurii tlic coal you know to be |
In buying any old kind of fuel
you don't know what you are get
ling for your money until you
fchovcl it on the fire.
It may be too late, then, to rec
tify the mistake. Kelley's Coal is j
u household word and a household
fuel, burned for many years and
proven long ago the highest grade
coal for furnace and range.
IN. Third St
lOtk and State Street*.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In tffect -November "0, 19!"
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Msrtinsburg <*<•
f 18, *7:52 a. m.. •3.40 p. m.
I r or Hagerstown Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanlcsburg and intermediate
|statlons> at 5:03, *7:52, *11:53 a. rn„
•3-40, 5:32, *7:40 *11:15 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 3:48 a. m., L':18, 3:27,
6:30, »:30 a. m
For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:52 and
•11:53 a. m., 2:IS. *3:40, 6:32 and 0:30
p. m.
•Dally. All other trains daily except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
J. H. TONGE. G. P. A.
Day and Night School
IS S. Market Square
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night- Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
High Grade GOOD LUCK and
«.<>oti I.nck, 3So lb.; 2 lbs. for 49ci 3 lbs.
for TOet 5 lbs. for •1.1.'i.
• Dandy. 28c lb.: 2 llm. for 45c| S Iba.
for SI.OO.
The best grade* for table, coolcinr
, end baking. We guarantee all goods
v e sell. Deliveries to all parts of the
I city. Bell phone.
I moralists.
Even when they seem to be laugh
ing comrades, helping you sow your
crop of "oats," they are sneering at
you secretly, and waiting the hour
when they can talk to ypu on (he J
benefits of morality, and light living.
The Great Creative Power which
made the Universe, and systems ol' j
universes. gives each human being ]
certain nervous forces and vital quali
Properly used, these qualities and
forces can inako man very close to
God-like, in his mental, physical and
spiritual strength.
Just as a large fortune, properly]
managed and saved, can accomplish
miracles in the way of usefulness when
rightly applied.
But if that fortune is dissipated day.
by day. month by month, year by year, |
its possessor eventually finds himself
a pauper.
Precisely so, the virile man tilids
himself a pauper and worse than a
pauper if he begins sowing his wild
oats and "seeing life" and "knowing
the world," according to the standards
set by the devotees of Folly.
Look about you, and take mental
notes of middle-aged men who have
led the life you are living.
You will see gray faces, or
blotched and bloated ones; eyes dull
and lifeless, or glaring with the bril
liancy of stimulants, and bodies, which
: should be in their prime, crippled with
disease, or shapeless with self-indulg
Look farther and learn something
,of the condition of the children of
| these men.
Among them you will find the crip
-1 pled, the blind, the idiotic, the deaf
and dumb, the weaklings and tho in
i And were the family physician of
i these men to tell you all he knows,
Miss Fairfax
Answers Queries
I am nineteen, and deeply in love
with a gentleman two years my
senior. He has proposed to me, but
I have not accepted him yet, be
cause he will not be able to furnish
a home like the one I have been ac
customed to. as he has to work for a
living. I wish you would tell me
whether or not you think I ought to
accept his offer of marriage.
Your question proves that you are
not fitted to be his wife. He should
marry a girl who is sensible enough to
care all the more for a man who
works for a living, and I fear you are
not that. You do not love him, or the
question of fine furniture would not
enter your head.
A girl friend of mine has her first
year wedding anniversary. What
would be a proper gift? F. P.
With marriage comes appreciation
of the useful, and I am sure anything
from a pretty towel to a china plate
or cut glass dish would be accept
You know her wants and her lik
ings and the limitations of your own
purse, and should find the buying of
a gift an easy matter.
Dr. James' Headache Powders
Give Instant Relief—lo Cents
a Package
When your head aches you simply
must have relief or you will go wild
It's needless to suffer when you cati
tako a remedy like Dr. James' Head-
I ache Powders and relieve the pain and
! neuralgia at once. Send someone to
I the drug store now for a dime package
jof Dr. James' Headache Powders.
I Don't suffer. In a few moments you
I will feel fine—headache gone—no
! more neuralgia oaiu.—Advertisement.
Dr. Hall's New and Complete Book
(llluttralej; 320 paga)
Plain Truths of Sex Life
every perton needs to know;
Safety ill matrint relation;
auuni nwi'iood & oomaoliooii;
'italtfay and robust cMUieo;
prevention of sexual abuses,
•oHal evlV'reflereal diseases.
""" " Oaly >1.09; 10c. extra.
Ot Send for lleierlpfiTe Circular.
2028 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa.
,• Specia iits in Fitting Glasses •!
j ? It takes patience, skill and 5
\ C time to determine proper f
| \ glasses. Do not make the mis-
J take of -getting glasses without t
< > lirst consulting a skilled optl- \
? cian. 'i
i We are equipped with every ]'
S modern appliance and have the i 1
S skill to fit glasses to your In- ■!
j dividual need. Try us. <!
f (Where Glasses Are Made Right) \
You Cannot Get
n. better plate or more beautiful and
natural looking teeth than I can
give you My plates fit and are sat
isfactory where others fail. Crown
and bridge work at S3 to S4. There
Is none better at any price. Get
rpy estimate and save money. High
standard Dentistry. Open evenings.
Dr. J. W. BELL, Dentist
i (I never had any connection with
so-called Bell P&lnlsss Dentista).
t .
I Funeral Director and Embalmer
SIS WsUßt St. #*ll Pheaa
you would be awake with horror,
wondering how the impression has
gono abroad that men can sin and pay
110 penalty; that woman alone pays
for her errors.
Woman does pay a big price not
only for her own sins of the senses,
but she pays also for the sins of her
lover or her husband.
Our asylums for the insane and our
homes for incurables are half filled
with women and children who have
paid the price for the men who be
lieved it was nobody's business if they
choso to "see life'' and "know the
When a woman makes a wrong step
in this direction her punishment
usually is swift, and the world knows
of it
A man's punishment is frequently
long delayed, but when it comes it de
mands interest on all the time which
has alapsed. Many young and middle
aged men you see walking with canes
and crutches, and paying large com
missions to physicians to say they have
"rheumatism" and "neuritis" and oth
er commonplace maladies, are victims
of their own vices. They have "seen
life" as you are seeing it.
Look at the faces of men in fash
ionable clubs; how many of these men
are, at forty or fifty or sixty, types
which seem admirable to you?
You are young; in the morning of
life; before you waste your splendid
youth and prepare yourself to be a
physical pauper at middle life, stop
and think of these things a bit.
And consider what qualities and
propensities, and what kind of blood
you are preparing to give your unborn
No doubt it is your Intention to give
them a pure minded and clean bodied
But what sort of a father will they
I have ?
Eton Effects Seen on Most of the
New Costumes For
8197 Eton Coat, 34 to 42 bust..
Short coats make the rule of the season
and here is one of the very l .test models
with a collar hat stands awry from the
neck edge, which feature is an ail-im
portant one. The little coat is made in
Eton style but it includes vest portions
that arc new and differ:nt. Since this is
to be a season of wonderful trimming
materials, such a model is especially
valuable. Incidentally, it may be said
that there are only under-arm seams
and so little labor required for the making
that the smart little garment comes
within easy reach.
For the medium size, the coat will re
quire yds. of material 27, I J-g yds. 44
or 52 in. wide, with % yd. 27 in. wide
for the trimming.
The pattern of the coat 8197 is cut In
sires from 34 to 42 inches bust measure.
It will be mailel to any address by the
Fashion Department of this paper, on
receipt of ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
At the international egg-laying con
test at Storra, Conn., during the past
week there was a total of nineteen
pens Including WTilte Rocks, White
Wyandottee. Rhode Island Reds.
White Leghorns. Buff Leghorns, Sil
ver Campines and "Hens" in each of
which all ten birds were producing.
There were also nineteen pens, includ
ing seven different varieties each of
which laid forty eggs or more during
the week. It was pointed out In the
seventeenth week that new pens were
coming to the front and so it happens
again in the eighteenth week that
birds which have not heretofore been
heard from are making themselves
known. Some of the leading pens are
swapping places. The Leghorns as a
group have been lagging behind a lit
tle. up until this time. They are now
1 forging to the front.
For the first time since the competl
, tlon opened the three leading pens for
, week are all domiciled in Connectl
-1 cut. First honors for the feek were
1 carried off by a pen of White Ply
' mouth Rocks owned by Frederlch H.
Benton ,of Wallingford, wit!) a pro
duction of forty-eight eggs. The sec
! ond best yield was forty-six eggs,
made by a pen of "Hens," just plain
barnyard hens, belonging to Daniel
Hlne, of Eastford. Third place for
the week Is credited to E. S. Edgerton,
Rockvllle, whose White Leghorns
workfld up. to forty-five eggs.
Only Members of Local Associa
tions Are Eligible to New
The Pennsylvania. State Poultry So
ciety meeting held in this city Wed
nesday was an enthusiastic afl'alr and
It now looks as if Pennsylvania is to
have a State organisation of poultry
men such as the importance of the
poultry industry of the State warrants.
The meeting was not largely at
tended for the reason that some pre
liminary work is yet In order before
the society can organize permanently.
The by-laws which have been under
consideration for some time were dis
posed of finally. An important point
on which there was a difference of
opinion for some time, eligibility to
membership, was settled by a unani
mous vote. It was decided that only
members of local poultry organizations
shall be eligible to membership In the
State society. There are now more
than one hundred local associations
In Pennsylvania and it Is the purpose
of the society that this number shall
be much increased. Any local organi
zation having ten or more members
will be recognized by the State body,
and as many members of a local asso
ciation as wish may connect them
selves with the State Society, the fee
for such membership being twenty- i
five cents per capita. Each local as
sociation shall be represented in the
meetings of the State body by a dele
gate who shall have as many votes as
there are members of the local asso
ciation he represents, in good stand
| ing in the State society.
Prof. M. C. Kilpatrick, instructor
in poultry husbandry at Pennsylvania
State College, was placed at the head
of a committee to promote the organ
izing of poultry associations in dis
tricts and town of Pennsylvania hav
ing no such organizations. This com
mittee will set forth to those it hopes
to organize, objects such organizations
could pursue to advantage.
A contract was placed for the print
ing of one thousand copies of the by
laws. These will be mailed to poultry
associations throughout the State In a
few weeks. It will then be up to the
local associations accepting the provi
sions of rbe State Society to canvass
their membership and report to J. D.
j Koons, secivtjirj", Treichlers, Pa.
The meeting at which permanent
officers arc to be elected will not be
held for about ninety days that local
associations; m».y have plenty of time
fof consideration of the matter and
action upon it. The local associations
accepting n.emtership in the mean
time will elect these officers.
The Ilarrisburg association's mem
bers got busy rnd had a good sized
membership list before the close of the
Slate meeting.
j ''Rooster Day" to Be
New Missouri Holiday
Missouri is to have a new holiday
and there is so much to commend this
move that all the other States, terri
tories, foreign possessions, etc., should
fall in line with Missouri and make it
a national affair.
The new holiday will fall on June
6 and will be known as "Rooster
Day." It will be a very- sad day for
the rooster, thousands of him, but the
wealth of Missouri will be conserved
to the extent of a few millions, so a
seeming lack of consideration for the
barnyard aristocrat is thus justified.
Here after in Missouri, the first Satur
day of each June will mean simply
j this, that on that day, when the breed
ing season will be over .every last"
mother's son of a rooster will be killed
or banished to some sort of St. Helena
to remain in exile until the advent of
another breeding season. Millions of
dollars' worth of eggs are lost every
summer because of the presence of
male birds in the flock.
Golden Wyandotts
If you want plenty of eggs In
winter raise Golden Wyandotts, the
most beautiful and all around pur
pose fowl of them all. See my free
range raised thoroughbred stock.
Ekkn. «MH> per 15; >5.00 per 100.
>■ .
Hatching eggs from prize-win
ning stock; first and second S. C. B.
Minorca cockerel at llarrisburg
show. Barred Rocks from leading
prize-winners at Madison Square
Garden and other Now York shows.
Selected cockerels for sale.
11. BPEECE, Speeeevllle, Hn.
Eggs for hatching. Winners at
j twelve leading shows.
HAimiSßlltU, HA.
1 Breeder of White Wyandottes, ii.
| C. W. Leghorns, S. C. B Leghorns*
j S. C. R. I- Reds. Eggs SI.OO per 15,
! or $6.00 per 100. Also a few breed
iirtmsriKE, PA.
A Complete Poultry Plant for $25
Prices of Peep-O'-Day Complete Poultry Plant Outfits
Regular Comb.
Price Pries
Combination No. I—lncubator, Hover, House, Run, Fount and
Hopper $30.55 $25.00
Combination No. 3—lncubator, Hover, House, Fount and
Hopper 24.55 21. BO
Combination No. B—House, Hover, Run, Fount and Hopper.... 23.0n 19.n0
Combination No. 4 —House, Hover. Fount and Hopper 17.03 15.00
Combination No. s—House. Run, Fount and Hopper 15.15 12.00
We carry a complete line of Mandy Lee: Prairie State; Essex Model; Queen;
and Simplicity Incubators and, Brooders. All may be seen at this store in oper
ation. Hatching eggs and day-old chicks for sale.
Elkview Poultry Supply House
MUCH 111 Hi
Big Sale For Fowl in Markets To
day; Brooding Difficul
ties Are Found
Each year more poultrymen and
farmers aro becoming interested in the
guinea fowl; each year sees a greater
demand for the guinea carcass as a
table delicacy and this means a cor
responding increase from year to year
In the demand for the birds and their
egg 3 for breeding purposes.
Guineas make rapid growth and are
salable any time after weighing one
half pound. Prices range from 60,
cents to $1.25 per pair and farmers |
especially can produce them profitably
at these prices.
There are two distinct varieties,
known as the "pearle" and White Af
rican. A cross of the two breeds will
produce a larger bird than either of
the varieties used in making the cross,
but the market for breeders demand
pure bred stock. Many breeders mate
the fowls in pairs but it will be found
just as satisfactory to mate one male
with five or six females.
The guinea fowl is not fully do
mesticated and their natural inclina
tion to wildness is a source of much
ttouble on the farm. This character
istic Is responsible for their going into
the fields to lay their eggs and incu-
I bate them. Frequently large broods
I aro hatched without the knowletlge or
consent of the farmer and invariably
the guinea hen makes a better job
of hatching when able to keep her
owner in ignorance of what is going
on, and thus avoid any unnatural re
jStricucis he would be apt to inter
pose. If all the eggs are removed
from a guinea's nest that nest will be
| abandoned and a new one built, so it
j is advisable to allow five <jr six eggs to
J remain in the nest at all times.
On account of the many enemies
young guineas have in the fields and
| their inability to withstand early
j morning jaunts through wet grass, the
i guinea hen frequently is not permit-
I ted to indulge her motherly instincts,
i This function many poultrymen be
• lieve may be more safely entrusted to
■ her more domesticated and phleg
j matic coworker, the chicken hen. The
j little guineas with their foster mother
j should be confined for two weeks in
! a place proof against moisture of any
kind. Young guineas have the nature
of partridges and if frightened will
run off into the grass and get lost. A
guinea hen with a bt-ood cannot be
confined in this way; it means disas
ter to the brood every time it is tried.
The best food for the first three weeks for
newly hatched chicks is
PrUits, Baby Chick Food
f 25e, 50c and tl.oo
. Reduces mortality, prevents bowel trouble,
insures quick maturity—producing? strong,
I sturdy, rapid-developing young birds.
Kefuse substitutes; insist on I'ratts.
<m Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back
A Get Prutts ICO page Poultry Booh
(IMIln or Powder)
A sure preventive and cure for this
dreaded disease. Sold on Money Back
Guarantee by Seed, Poultry Supply and
Feed Dealers in Harrisburg and vicin
ity. 3195.
<7* Y
Food for
X Is a reidv prepared food that supplies
the right elements for proper nourish
| ment and vigor. Its u:>e
Makes Chicks Sturdy
! Prepares and strengthens them for reg
| ular ration. Saves trouble and worry.
Lessens Leg Weakness
I Guaranteed to satisfy or money hack.
25 lbs. 51.65, 50 Ihs. $3, 100 lbs. 55.75.
' Smal' sizes 10c, 25c, 50c and SI.
Conkey's Lice Powder
i • Dusted on sitting hens rids them of lice
j|9 and keeps chicks free from these disease
I If 9 breeding pests. 10c.25c.50candSl pkgs.
[i Walter S. Sehell, 1307 Market St.i E.
<>ru», 111) Market St., Elk View
Poultry it Supply House, 1701 Logan St.
ft. 11. Holmes, Enola, Pa.
K. C. Brown Leghorns, winners
Steelton and Harrisburg 1912-1913.
White Wyandots, from winners
; Steelton, I.ebanon and Williamsport
! Kggß, $1 for 15. Chicks, 10c each.
325 Lincoln St., Steelton, Pa.
j V,
MIIC f lj germs of disease—spreads them over
our food and poisons ns with typhoid.
The Hosauito^b its b ' u in^cts into I
\A7E ARE all exposed to such dangers—our only armor is 0oo«? red
* ■ blood! Let your stomach be of good digestion, your liver active
and yonr lungs full of good pure air and you don't surrender to any of the disease
bearing germs. The best known tonic and alterative, that corrects a torpid liver,
and helps digestion so that good blood is manufactured and the system nourished, is
Pierce's G®ls®D Medical Discovery
This famous medicine has been sold by medicine dealers in its liquid form for
over forty years, giving great satisfaction. If you prefer you can now obtain Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tablets of your druggist at SI.OO, also in 800 size
or by mail—send 50 one-cent stamps, R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y., for trial box.
Questions of Life ;[ s Vr u bV y K^
m»n or woman, wifa or daughter should have. Is contained In this bin Home Doctor Book
containing 1008 panel with engravings bound in cloth, sent free to anyone sending 81 one
oent stamps to prepay coat of wrapping and postage.
f To settle an important matter out-of-hand—tell it ||
to the telephone,
p To jam a big deal through—tell it to the telephone. i
p To move that surplus stock—tell it to the telephone. p
To rush a shipment; to put the factory on the double
quick—tell it to the telephone.
If To run your whole business economically and profit- ||
ably—tell it to the telephone.
r- Don't you know that you must have a Bell Telephone . J
in your business to be really up-to-date and pro- p
gressive ? ,
Telephone or post-a-card to the Bell Business Office
immediately and ask about rates.
When You Telephone, Smile !
- vp
f' a The Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. #j
f ESS p S. B. WATTS, Local Mgr.
Im&lj 210 Walnut St.,
m Harrisburg, Pa. ||
P p
( JT | Bronchial Coughs
J Quickly Relieved with
Cough Syrup
A cough in the Bronchial Tubes can be relieved and completely cured
in a short time by taking Goff's Cough Syrup regularly. Nothing in
Goff's to upset the stomach. No Opium, Morphine, Chloroform or
other harmful drug. Made entirely from native herbs that have a
curative effect on the cause of the cough and that bring quick relief
from all inflammation of the respiratory organs.
And take Goff's promptly for Bronchitis; when severe Colds threaten;
for inflamed Throat, Hoarseness and Asthma and as s preventive for
Pneumonia Goff's is the remedy used in
your great-grandmother's day —and steadily
Keep Goff's Cough Syyrup handy. / jwym T
25-cent and 50-cent bottles —at all I \
dealers. Money Back by the dealer if I 1
you say it
ro rr
In order to get in touch with all those owning
Winter & Co. and Rudolf Pianos, which were bought
prior to the opening of this Store, December 11, 1911,
we will give one free tuning.
This applies only to people in Harrisburg. Car
fare will be charged to those living in nearby sur- j
rounding towns.
Send in your name and number of your piano at
23 N. Fourth Street
Cutting Down the Heating Cost
This weather requires fuel that contains the maximum In heat
value. Fuel that potmenses the most heat units will give the desired re
sult with the least possible consumption. You can't cut your coal bill
by cheaper prices—they are uniform, but you can reduce your heating
expense by using lesa coal. Our coal la the cheapeat becauae it goes the