RECEPTIONS; PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES OFFICE FORCE WILL ITTEI WEDDING Fellow Employes Will Come to Harrisburg in Body For Ceremony MINSTREL SHOW AT HERSHEY The Rev. 0. G. Romig Will Ad dress "Speedaway" Club on Sunday By Special Correspondence Hershey, Ptu, March 14. —The quick lunch, which has recently been opened at this place, is doing au extensive business. The consumption of cocoa at two cents per cup averages 300 cups daily.—The Hershey Store Com pany filled Its ice house with the prod uct from Manada Creek, near Union Deposit.—The Rev, O. G. Romig is assisting the Rev. W. R. Ridington, the Methodist Episcopal pastor at Middletown, in special evangelistic ser vices this week.—The Rev. N. L. Line baugh and George Epplv have been ill. —Emmet Page, of Derry Church, and Miss Sylvia Arnold, of Mt. Holly Springs, were married at Hagerstown on Saturday.—Miss Mazie M., daugh ter of Samuel J. Feese, leader of the Hershey Band, will be married to Le roy Wagner, of Lebanon.—Misses Ed na Landis and Pauline Clark accom panied the Lebanon Valley College Girls - Glee Club on their tour to Ha gerstown, Md„ and other places.— The Rev. John M. Worden, of Harris burg, will preach in the Derry Pres bvterian Church this evening. The Rev. A. N. Hagerty, of Carlisle, preached on Thursday and Friday evening.—A minstrel show, to be given by local talent, will be given on Friday evening, April 17.—Invitations ' have been issued for the marriage of' Linn Hoch Hawbecker, an employe in the factory office, to Miss Sara Nob let Rouch. The wedding will take place in Stevens Memorial Methodist .Episcopal Church, Harrisburg. Thurs day evening. Murch 19. The factory office force will attend in a body.—Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kohr visited relatives at Oberlin.—Charles Stauffer and family moved from Union Deposit to Derry Church.—Mrs. L. Baxter, matron of the Hershey Inn, spent a few days with her daughter in Philadelphia.— The Rev. O. G. Romig, pastor of Union Circuit, will conduct the second ! •luarterlv communion service at Stoverdale on Sunday forenoon. In the afternoon he will deliver an ad dress to the Speedaway Club, near Swatara station and in the evening he will preach the first of a series of sermons on "The Lord's Prayer" at Fishburn's Church. Halifax Ball Players Sign With Steelton Team Halifax. Pa., March 14.—Charles Fry, of Dauphin, was in totvn on Tues day.—C. M. Rlchter was at Harrisburg on Monday.—The Rev. C. B. Felton was at Harrisburg on Monday.—Frank Snyder, of Duncannon, was in town on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Abram Snavely, of Elizabethtown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Potter on Tues day. Mrs. G. T. spent Wednesday at the home of her sister. Mrs. J. J. Rouch, at Harrisburg.—H. C. Wagner and daughter Khoda, of Harrisburg. spent Saturday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wagner. —Mrs. S. R. Xoblet and her son-in taw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Powley. are all confined to their home In Market street by illness.— Miss Charlotte Hiester is spending sev eral weeks with the Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Esbensliade at Cressona. —El- mer E. Daugherty spent Thursday at Millersburg on business.—Mrs. J. M. Wolfgang, of Harrisburg, spent Tues day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Wolfgang.—Harry Biever, the crack baseball pitcher, and Ducky Rhoads, a catcher, have been signed to do the battery work of the Steel ton Athletic Club in the Central Penn sylvania League this season.—Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bogar and son Robert spent Sunday at Port Trevorton —Miss Sa lome Sheetz. of Philadelphia, is visit ing in town. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoneroad, of Millersburg. spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. Stoneroad's father. John Pottieger.—Mrs. George Bowman was at Harrisburg on Mon day. the guest of friends.—Mrs. O. E. Seagrist spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. —Mrs. G. A. Fetterhoff was at Har risburg on Monday.—Miss Edna Crat zer. of Harrisburg. was in town on Saturday. Student Preaches in Hummelstown Church Humnielstown, Pa.. March 14. — Joseph Burkholder, E. Z. Etter, 8. C. Stecher, Robert T. Fox and W. H. .Earnest spent Sunday at Ncwville, Pa. —Ralph Walters moved in one of George Ehiffler's new houses on West High street. —The Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Sloyer, of Reading, spent several days with Mrs. Moyer's father, J. J. Xissley.—J. Paul Nissley, cashier of the National Bank, left on Thursday for Atlantic City, where he expects to spend several weeks. —Cameron L. Baer, manager of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company transacted business In town on Thursday.—Lewis Biever bought a 1914 Buick automo bile.—Quite a number of town peo ple enjoyed a musical treat last Satur day evening at Hershey given by the famous Hershey Band, under the leadership of Samuel T. Feese. An elaborate program had been prepared for the occasion. These concerts will continue twice a month until the opening of the park.—S. H. Ney, of Middletown, and George W. Jacobs, Harrisburg, transacted business in town Tuesday afternoon. —The Rev. Rasamussen, a Btudent of Gettysburg Seminary, preacher in the Lutheran Church Sunday to a large audience.— The Rev. D. Burt Smith, of Easton, Pa., Called on friends In town on friends in town on Tuesday.—Borough council and school board held regu lar monthly business meetings on Monday evening.—Joseph Urlch, of Penbroolc, called on friends In town this week. Not a Bit of Rain in Entire Country Not a bit of lam fell anywhere In the United States to-day. Thfs Is a phe nnpienum seldom recorded by the "Weather Department In this land of many climes. The weather map has a clean sheet to-day. The present weather will have little ■ ffect on- the breaking: up (ft the river. In the opinion of K. K. Demain. local weather forecaster. unless nOTIti 1 rain ■ along roon. , > , , v • • "... IF? SATURDAY EVENING, * HAF RISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 14, 1914 SPELLING BEE FOR ! CLUB ID LIBRARY Teams Will Be Captained by Prominent Waynesboro Business Men I By Special Correspondence Waynesboro. Pa., March 14. —Mr. j and Mrs. Charles B. Clayton spent the latter part of this week with Mr. and ;Mrs. R. K. West, Baltimore. — There promises to be a big amount of pleas ant entertainment In the "Spelling bee" to be held In the high school au ditorium, Friday evening, March 20, under the auspices of the Civic club and the Circulating Library. The cap tains of the two teams will be J. H. Stoner, cashier of the People's Na tional Bank, and John B. Long, presi dent of Waynesboro Ice Company.— -Mr. and Mrs. John H. Neal have re turned from a trip of several weeks spent in St. Augustine, Miami. Deland and Dayton, Fla. —The Waynesboro Suffrage League has secured Mrs. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale, New York City, to deliver a lecture here on "Suffrage," on Thursday evening, May 7.—Miss Laßue Warehouse haa recovered from a severe illness. — Jesse Beeler residing near Waynes boro, caught two young opossums this week in a hollow log. Thirty mem ; bers of Greencastle Lodge of Odd Fel lows spent Tuesday evening as the guests of Waynesboro Lodge, No. 219, j Independent Order of Odd Fellows.— Fifty Boys and Girls at Hufferd Ward's Party By Special Correspondence Mllleratown, Pa., March 14: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner spent Sunday at Lemoyne with their daughter, Mrs. | David Sternberger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Franklin, of Harrisburg, were : the guests of D. L Farner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Slatterback, of J.Lewlstown, spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Josiah Rowe. Miss Pearl Roush ' was a Harrisburg visitor on Saturday. I —G. D. Taylor visited friends at Ickes burg over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ! Charley Bernheisel. of Green Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kistler, of El liot tsburg, were the guests of Mrs. J. C. Hall, Tuesday. Fred Heffner, of Pittsburgh, was the guest of his aunt, Miss Nan Hough, on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Carter and Miss Helen Rounsley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Rumple, at Mifflin, .on Sunday. i Mrs. Howard Ward entertained about fifty little boys and girls in honor of the seventh birthday of their son, Huf ferd. Mrs. Mary Bratton and son, Logan, were in Altoona, Sunday, at i tending the funeral ol their uncle, I North Bratton. The two plays, "Ex- I amination Day at Fairview and "The Man From Brandon." will be rendered by t lie New Hloonitield Academy Dramatic Club in Riekabaugh Hall, this evening. Mrs. J. C. Brinton re turned home on Saturday after visit- I ing ill Harrisburg for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Weaver Entertain Friends at 500 Annvllle, Pa., March 14. Professor H. H. Shenk served as a judge at the inter-colleglate debate held at Dickin son. Miss Helen Smith was confined to her home this last week on account of Illness. She is head clerk at the book store of Harnish and Smith. —• The Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Shifter cele brated tlieir twenty-fifth wedding an niversary on Sunday. There was a gathering of the children and grand chidren. also the brothers and sisters of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Shifter.—Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Weaver entertained at live hundred on Saturday evening. The guests were: Misses Louise and Anna Kreider and Elizabeth Marshall, Messrs. Kinney, of Hazleton; Reese, of Scran ton. and Davis, of Pittsburgh. Miss Elizabeth -Marshall entertained a num ber of her Lebanon friends at bridge, on Wednesday night. Miss Anna Kreider entertained the Auf Welder Sehen Club at her home, on Tuesday evening. The Rev. A. A. Kock was appointed as pastor of the Zion I'nited Evangelical Church by the Conference in session at Bangor. " Consuls to Look After Foreigners Washington, D. C.. March 14.—Gen oral Carranza has consented to have American consuls look after the inter ests of foreigners in parts of Mexico under control of the Constitutionalists where their own governments have no consular representatives. Where there are such representa tives he suggests that, even where their governments have recognized Huerta, these consuls may unofficially communicate with him without involv ing their governments. Also, he sug gests his willingness to listen and heed any applications made to him directlv by the friends and relatives of for eigners whose lives or property may be threatened and to make investigation of every case and to punish anv of his followers who may be culpable. This is the substance of a tele graphic report made to Secretary Bryan to-day by Mexican Consul Sini pich, at Nogales. Villa Wants Presidency "Villa, the one-time bandit, will be the next president of Mexico. That is his ambition, and despite all reports to the contrary ft will remain his am bition until he either is dead or presi dent.'' This declaration was made to-day by a friend so close to General Villa as to give authority to the assertion. It was prompted by reports that the go ing to Chihuahua of General Carranza, recognized as the civil head of the revolution, was to bring about con ditions more satisfactory to foreign governments. It was stated em phatically that the coming of Car ranza is not to lessen in any way the power now wielded by Villa, who for months has been a dictator. "Facts and Figures" Show Big Realty Opportunities Facts and Figures, the twice-a-year publication of the real estate firm of Miller Bros. & Neefe, of Federal Square, is just out. The booklet con tains sixty-four pages of unusual op portunities in houses, lots, farms, sub urban homes and investments. The attractive little magazine has on its cover a picture of the nearly completed Kunkel building, which is to be occupied by the Merchanlcs Bank Company on April 1. A brief of the banking institution is given and an idea of the way in which the bank has been built up. Announcement Is made of the with drawal of W. Harry Baker from the firm and that L. F. Neefe. former chief clerk in the State Highway Depart ment. is his successor. In each of the departments of the firm the opportuni ties for investment are explained. Photographs of properties either for rent or for sale are liberally dis tributed throughout the book. Interesting among the illustrations are pictures of some of the' old land marks on farms in Cumberland, Dau phin, Adams and York counties which ire offered for *ale by the firm. New Pastor of Dallastown U. B. Church Meeting With Success in His Work * Hi s iSpf^, THE REV. C. C. MILLER By Special Correspondence Dallastown. Pa.. March 14. For eight weeks the borough has been stirred with evangelistic work such as has not been the case since the days of the Rev. John Young, over twenty years ago, and it has all been due to the Rev. C. C. Miller, the new pastor of Bethlehem United- Brethren Church. While not an evangelist in the full acceptation of the term, as he has sim ply been a pastor since he entered the ministry twenty-three years ago, the Rev. Mr. Miller's Sunday evening ser mons to his own congregation are evangelistic in character, and on ac count of his plain, unvarnished talks he carries a personality and force for the greatest possible good. The eight weeks' service, with triple sermons on Sunday, were never equaled here. They .closed this week with decisions for a better life from eighty-two per sons, twenty-six of whom were men of years, mostly married and heads of families. A like number were women —wives of the men —and the balance young folks, few under the age of 15 years. At a men's special service over 1,000 were present and at a like meet ing for women over 1.500 —never such gatherings in the history of Dallastown. Most of those converted have asso ciated themselves with the United Brethren Church, though no influence was used by the pastor, church affiliation being left to themselves. He has established an "instructive Bible class" for every Friday night with seventy-five members, largely of the converted, and a mens personal work ers' league has been formed to work among the unsaved and follow up the -esult of the revival meetings. The Rev. Mr. Miller came here from Coue maugh, Cambria county, last Fall, suc ceeding the Rev. L. Walter Lutz, now at Chambersburg. Deaths and Funerals BRING ILVEHXLEN HOME The body of J. Luther Hahnlen, formerly ol" Hummelstown, who was burned to death in the fire which destroyed the Missouri Athletic Club building at St. Louis. Mo., Monday morning, will be brought to this city to-morrow morning at 9.33 o'clock. The body will be taken to the home of his father. Christian P. Haehnlen, in Hummelstown. where private funeral services will be held to-mor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will he made in the Hummelstown Cemetery. MRS. HUMMEL BURIED Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza I. Bucher Hummel, aged 80, who died Wednesday evening at her home, 107 South Front street, were held this afternoon from her late residence. The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, pastor of the St. Stephen's Episcopal church conducted the services. Burial was made in the Bucher plot in the . Har risburg Cemetery. FUNERAL OF MRS. SCHELLEN BERG Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Schellenberg, who died Tuesday evening from a stroke of apoplexy, were htld this afternoon from her home, 547 Race street. The Rev. Reinhold Schmidt, pastor of the St. Michael's German Lutheran church, officiated. Burial was mad® in the Harrisburg Cemetery. MURRAY W. LAYTON Murray Webster Layton, aged 22. son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lay ton, 922 South Twenty-first street, died last evening at the home of the parents. Funeral sel-vlces will, be held Monday afternooh at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Frank W. teidy, pastor of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be made in the East Harrisburg Ceme tery. MRS. KUTZ IS DEAD Mrs. Lizzie Kutz, aged 84, died last evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frederick Lauver, 1364 May flower street. She is survived by the following sons and daughters: Alfred Kutz, Mrs. Lizzie Burgard, of Car lisle; Edward Kutz, of Enola; Mrs. Genetta Sunday. Mrs. Ida Lauver and Miss Lydia Kutz, of this city. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Lutheran church, at Enola. Burial will be made in the Enola Cemetery. MRS. RUTH BROWN* DIES Mrs. Ruth Brown, aged C 4, wife of J. Frederick Brown, who conducts a cigar store at Fourth and Kelker streets, died last evening at her home, 34& Kelker street. She is survived by her husband and three children: Mrs. Oscar Neumeyer, of Penbrook; Miss. Edith Brown and William Brown, of this city. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home. The Rev. Amos M. Stamets, pastor of the Augsburg Lutheran church of which Mrs. Brown was a member, will officiate. Burial will be made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. GEORGE BANKS George Banks, aged 46, died last evening at his home, 1327 North Fourth street. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Harris African Methodist Episcopal Zion church. The Rev. Harry B. Turner assisted by the Rev. William Marshall will officiate. Burial will be made in the Llncolrf Cemetery. JAMES COLLINS James Collins, aged 66, of Steelton, died this afternoon at the Harrisburg Hospital. No arrangement for the funeral have yet been made. "WHO DID II?" BY HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Play on Life in Girls' Private School to Be Presented by Class ' By Special Correspondence Wloonisco, Pa.. March 14. The monthly social of George B. M. Shure's school class was held at the home of Miss Beulah Pontius on Tues day evening.—Dr. Ira Keiter ami son Ira spent Sunday with the doctor's mother at Harrisburg.— On Monday evening the Rev. Mr. Barnes, of the Willlamstown Methodist Episcopal Church, and forty of the members attended the evangelistic services held in the Methodist Episcopal Church. On Tuesday evening the Rev. Mr. Bo.ver, of the Evangelical Church of Willlamstown. and several of his con gregation attended the services.—The Rev. E. E. Dixon, of the Methodist Church, will leave for the annual conference on Tuesday.—The Rev. E. L. Ramer, of the Evangelical Church, returned from the church conference last week to assume his duties as pas tor for another year.—The Excelsior Literary Society of the Wiconisco high j school will render its fortnightly pro gram on Friday. March 20. The pro gram will consist of music by the girls and boys separately, recitations, instrumental solos and a debate on ; "Resolved, That the colonies were jus tified in breaking away from England." The affirmative side will be upheld by Martha Trowt and Harold Higgins and the negative by John Kinsinger and Mpbelle White. In connection with the program thirteen of the high j school girls will render a two-scene I play of school life in a girls' private school entitled "Who Did It?" L afayette Davis is confined to his home with a seriously sore limb, occasioned by a carbuncle. —Mrs. Andrew A. Dodd spent several days at Millersburg.— The cooking class of the high school served luncheon to the school directors in the school basement and the di rectors were greatly surprise and com plimented the girls very highly on their cooking. The class is composed of senior girls. They are Irene Ester (line. Mary Byerly, Margaret Thompson and Florence Bateman. Mrs. Earl Dieter, of Harrisburg, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Acaley. Formal Announcement of Engagement Relieves Tension in Washington By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ March 14. —For- mal announcement of the engagement of Miss Eleanor Randolph Wilson, daughter of the President and Mrs Wilson, to William Gibbs McAdoo, made last night, relieved to-day the suspense Washington's official ana society circles has been under for some days. Prospects for another White House wedding had been the all-absorbing topic of conversation in social pircles here and formal an nouncement was awaited with keen interest. With all doubt as to the engagement removed, gossip in society circles, nat urally turned to the probable date of the next White House wedding. Wash ington expects it to occur in June, but the date has not been announced. At | least twice in its history have wed dings taken place in the White House in the late Spring and early summer. Mollie Grant was a May bride there and Frances Folsom became the bride of President Cleveland early June. Armed Robbers Open Safe and Get Away With $15,000 in Cash By Associated Press Chicago, March 14.—Five armed robbers broke into the mail order branch of the Hartman furniture com pany here early to-day, blew open the office safe, threw aside valuable se curities, discarded $40,000 in money orders and escaped with $15,000 cash, the weekly payroll of the company. Leaving a guard outside the four attacked, bound and gagged a watch man in the basement. A second and third employe of the furniture were surprised and bound and gagged. The robbers then blew off the safe door with nitroglycerine. Failure of the watchmen to make their hourly report on the burglar alarm service wires led a telegraph company to send one of its special watchmen to the building. The outside guard covered him with a revolver and escorted him within the building where he was bound and gagged and left with the three Hart man watchmen. General Killed Wlien His Own Men Mutinied I Mexico City, March 14. General Florencio Alatriste, commanding a thousand men at Jejutla, State of Morelos, was killed yesterday by his own men who mutinied. The uprising was led by four lieutenants. Most of the higher officers of Gen eral Alaristes command escaped mas sacre and went to neighboring villages where they mobilized a punitive force and returned to Alatriste. Meanwhile followers of the rebel general, Zapata, joined the mutineers, but despite this reinforcement the mutineers we-e whipped by the loyal force. The War Department says that a majority of the mutineers captured were Imme diately executed. Charred Bones Removed From Burned Building St. Louis, Mo., March 14.—A num ber of charred bones but no whole bodies taken from the ruins of the Missouri Athletic morn ign. Twenty-three victims of the fire which destroyed the club and the Boatman's bank building last Monday had been recovered last night. The exact number of dead probably never will be known as the number and condition of the human bones found among the ruins indicate that several of the dead were almost com pletely cremated. Of the twenty-three recovered, seventeen bodies have been identified. FELL, FROM SCAFFOLD Eynon T. Rowland, of West Fair view. an electrician at the Pennsylva nia Steel Company plant, fell twenty five feet from a scaffolding at the plant and broke his left arm near the shoulder. CAMBRIA STEEL, MAN COMBS HERE J. W. Sheperdson, assistant chief en fineer of the Cambria Steel Company, ohnstown, has been appointed assist ant general superintendent of the Cen- I tral Iron and Steel Company, jti this' city. He will come here April J. RIBBONS FOR NEWPORT ■ k . . . < Newport, Pa., March 14. —Mrs. EJward E. Marshall, of this place, had on exhibition at the dog show in Phi.adelphia last week her field spaniel. Edsall Rowland. The dog was entered with others from various parts of the country and came oft' winner in a number of classes, getting a blue rib bon, first prize In the novice and limit classes, a red ribbon, second prize, in the onen class, and a purple ribbon, second prize, for the reserve winner. The dog that won out in the open class and winner was imported from England two months ago at a cost of $1,500 and had already won three championships in that country. POOR DUD ARE SUED AS TRESPASSERS Action For Damages Because of Elevator Fall Begun by E. A. Enders TJtITTUn D.auphin coun - ' M r was namei ' « as d a m a ges caused ' - by injuries the piaim.u a,.itfcta he received at the almshouse last September. The state ment has not yet been filed aud the poor directors were not notified as to what amount will be asked. End ers was injured by a fall down the elevator shaft. The plaintiff declares this came about through negligence on the part of almshouse authorities and the failure of the elevator to operate properly. The poor directors contend that'En ders stepped off the elevator before it hail drawn tiush with the floor and so fell a distance of ten or twelve feet. Should the county authorities be held to be liable, a Baltimore company which insured the hoist will likely be proceeded against by the poor board. Appointed Election Judge.—Presi dent Judge Kunkel to-day appointed Robert WooJs a judge of election for the second precinct, Third ward to succeed George W. Davis, who died several months ago. XTo Keniodel Dwelling—A permit to remodel 1014 North Seventh street , was granted to-day to Joseph Chlcan. Ut will cost §175. City Departments Get $3,000 — All ihe city departments with the excep tion of the highway bureau, were paid j off to-day. About $3,000 was paid out. At Register's Office —Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Augusta Rudan, Swatara township, and Emma J. Gotta, city, to Dr. D. W. Shaftner and Mary Elizabeth Gotta, respec tively. Realty Transa< tions —Realty trans actions yesterday included the follow ing: B. F. Langlotz to John G. Stouf fer, Thirteenth near Sales street, $1; B. H. Engle to James J. Lynch, Peffer near Green, $2,500; G. C. Foster to P. H. Rudolph, 221 Emerald street, $3,800; A. W ildman to C. A. Weibly, 506 Curtin, $2,650; Investment Realty Company to James Devin, 2142 Green, $4,200; J. J. Lynch to S. Katzman, Peffer near Green, $1; S. Katzman to J. J. Lynch, Moore and Caider, $1; A. Zimmerman to H. F. Battery, Hali fax, $1; and Jackson, $2,200; J. M. Ensminger to M. A. Brinton, Swatara township, $lO. Bids For County Books — Bids for furnishing various books for the coun ty controller's oftice were opened yes terday afternoon. The Telegraph got the contract to supply the general led ger, A. J. Thompson for the return tax and the appropriation book, and the Keystone Printing Company won the contract for the tax ledger. The Telegraph, A. J. Thompson and the Keystone Company bid as follows, re spectively, on the various gooks: Gen eral ledger, $13.50, $14.70 and $15.75; return tax, $18.50, $17.20 and $19.25; appropriations, $27.50, $21.70 and $21.75; tax ledged, $42.50, $32.90 and $29.50. March Criminal Tipstaves. Tip staves who will serve at the March session ot criminal court, beginning Monday morning, will be as follows: John Pottorf, Jacob C. Weyant, R. W. Green, Harry Fulchner, Robert Hen derson, John S. Bryan. George Harden, George A. Knighton, Edward Burrs, James Gosney, Wier Bradley, Julius Clawson, Robert Young, John R. Scott, Benjamin Shank, Elmer Daugherty, >l. F. Graham and Martin Wise. Two Small Building Permits.—Two small building pe'mits were issued yesterday. Russ Bros., the ice dealers, got permission to make some alter ations to the two-story brick building in Walnut street near Sixteenth at a cost of S2OO and Joseph Chicara got a permit to make certain changes to 1014 North Seventh street at a cost of $175. Attorney Hain a Director.—Attorney William M. Hain has been chosen a director in the Commonwealth Trust Company. Militant Suffragettes Get Two Months in Jail By Associated Press London, March 14.—A detachment of militant suffragettes, armed with hatchets and hammers, smashed every pane of glass on the ground floor of the residence of Reginald McKenna, Home Secretary, in Smith Square, Westminster, to-day. The six women arrived in the square in an automobile and took by surprise the policemen who keep continual guard over the homes of the state ministers. All of those who took part in the attack were arrested, however, as they were leaving. Mr. McKenna left town for the week-end yesterday. The women went to jail for two| month?. • EDSALL ROWLAND By Special Correspondence BICHLORIDE "CURE" USED AT HOSPITAL MAY SAVE VICTIM New Method Used Here Ten Days Before Chicago Physician Told World of It Ten days before announcement was made by a Chicago physician that he had discovered an antidote for bi chloride of mercury poisoning, Dr. William E. Curtin, a resident. physi cian at the Harrisburg Hospital, used the same method In saving the life of Mrs. Mary Sweitzer. who tried to end her life by taking sixty-eight grains of the poison. Mrs. Sweitzer was brought to the hospital on March 4. She was uncon scious. Attempt was made to wash the poison from her stomach with the stomach pump. The usual test indi cated that the stomach was freed from poison. But Dr. Curtin was not sat isfied, and got two quarts of milk. When he tried to wash the stomach out with the milk, something that had never been done before, he obtained results which indicated that much 01 the poison was not removed from the stomach by the first pumping. Milk was used in washing out the stomach until it was cleared of the poison. The woman regained .consciousness. In addition to the use of milk in washing out the stomach, Dr. Curtin used sodium phosphate and has con tinued to use it daily as a purgative to eliminate any poison from the sys tem. He used soda benzoate of cafein to stimulate the action of the kidneys so that the poison that had gotten out of the stomach into the kidneys would be thrown off at once. This prevented degeneration of that organ. To-day Mrs. Sweitzer sat up for four hours. Yesterday she sat up two hours, and is growing stronger each day. She will recover unless unex pected complications result. The poi son symptoms have been eliminated. Yesterday the statement of Dr. Thomas A. Carter, of Chicago, was made public that he had discovered a cure for mercurial poisoning. The "cure" as given in the announcement is practically the same as that used by Dr. Curtin ten days ago.. Dr. Carter says he has cured four out of six pa tients by his method. Fire Protection Cost Here Is Second Lowest in Whole United States Only one city In the United States had a smaller per capita fire protec tion cost during 1912 than Harrisburg. It cost 52 cents per capita for fire protection in this city during 1912. In Newport. Ky., the cost was 45 cents. York, with a much smaller area to protect, has approximately the same cost per capita as Harrisburg. These figures are given In the Fire men's Herald for March 14 in an ar ticle in which the per capita and total cost of fire and police protection for the 195 cities of 30,000 inhabitants and over in the United States Is given. Pennsylvania has nine cities in which the per capita cost is l°ss than sl. Philadelphia spends 91 cents per head for fire protection. The total cost in cities of between 50,000 and 100.000 inhabitants is given as, fire, *6,002,*41; police, $5,138,387. The grand total for cities of all sizes In both kinds of protection is $107,- 162,168. AT THE VICTOHT* THEATER MONDAY The management of this theater will give ur scenario, depicting a war as it mieht occur with its naval and land battle*. Is carried out 'n a very realistic manner and au thentic In its details of shins and men, and should be the caube of further in teresting the public in the United State Navy as it is In peace and a« it might act in time of war. Very res nectfully. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Acting Secretary of the Navy. This picture Is In Ave parts and will be here sure Monday mnrnlni as the reels were shipped to-day.—Advertise ment. FEAR VICTI" OV n«HT MAY DIE AT HOSPITAL I Samuel First, of West Falrview, was arrested yesterday morning bv Con stable Grove, of this city, and Constable IGlveler, of West Fairvlew, charged with seriously wounding Samuel Ren der, of 6 Sheramn's Row, during an altercation at the latter's home, last Thursday night. It is alleged that Bender received a deep wound on top of his head during the fight. Bender had his inlurles dressed at the Harrisburg Hospital that night and left for his home. Last even i Ing he was brought to his home in a serious condition First wus remanded. FAMILY DIB OK MS SIST ITEM Relatives Help John C. Baker Celebrate Anniversary at His Dillsburg Home ST. PATRICK'S DAY SOCIAL Horses, Mules and Cows Selling at High Prices Throughout York County By Special Corrrspondcnct Plllsburg, Pa., March 14.—0n Sun day John C. Baker celebrated his tifty tirst birthday by giving a family din ner at his home in South Baltimore street. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker, -Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bak< r, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baker, Mra. Rebecca Deurdorlf, Kev. O. E. Krena, Misses Sarah Baker, Adaline Baker, Rebecca Baker and Samuel Baker.— On Tuesday evening the Christian En deavor Society of tiie Monaghan Pres byterian Church will hold a St. Pat rick's day social in the J. A. Lerew jßui'ling. —Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ben der. of Canoe Township, announce tha marriage of their youngest daughter. Miss Rachel Bender, to Scott Klugh, of Dillsburg.—Mr. and Mrs. George Cassel, of Lancaster, were the guesta ,of Mr. and Mrs.,Levi Cassel over Sun d'ty.—Mrs. Mary Gardner is seriously I ill with dropsy at her home in South i Baltimore street. Mrs. Gardner is I more than SO years old.—Miss Lottie Dick returned to her home after spending twelve weeks in York for hep health. J. F. Evans was elect ed president of the York County Su pervisors' Association at the meeting ,held in York on Friday.—Prices real ! ized at public sales of farm stock In 'this section thus far are higher than lever known, it being no unusual oe | currence for milk cows to sell for S9O, horses $225 and mules $250. —William Dull, who was recently married, has leased Peter Sidle's homo on the cor ner of Second and York streets, where he will begin housekeeping.—Mrs. I* L. Bentz spent this week with her pa rents, Mr. and Airs. A. M. Zeigler at East Berlin. The Rev. E. D. Keen Is Returned to Lemoyne By Special Correspondence Lemoyne, Pa., March 14. John Bentzel is conlined to his home with illness. —■ George Manchey, uf Balti more, visited friends here this week.—• John Vernon, of Corry, Pa., was the I week-end visitor of his parents, Mr. lanc.'I anc .' Mrs. T. U. Vernon, Sr. Dana Griffin, a student at Conway Hall, Car ] lisle, spent Sunday with his parents. I ')! 1 , u « Mrs. H. L. Grit fin. Lewis . Alarkley spent several days with i friends In Baltimore, thi.s week. Mrs. J Deck, of Bethel, is spending some time w 'tn her daughter, Airs. Harry Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Ktooss, of Lemoyne, entertained the following guests at . their home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. J. i~; VValck, Mrs. Flora Snyder, S here 11 I Allen, of Steelton; Georre Ellis and (Ruth Orner, of Harrisburg. May • Zellers, of Mt. Joy, spent several daygf with Bessie Eby this week. LeroV . L.ghtner, of Lancaster, spent Sundav with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. I Lightner. John Thomas, of Clear I Springs, York county, spent several I days with his daughter, Airs. Kusell iKinter, this week. The Kev. E. D Keen, pastor of the Evangelical • Church, returned home from the Evan -1 gelical Conference, which was held at | Berwick, being appointed to the charge l here for another year. Mrs. Wilson | Slothower entertained the Woman's | Missionary Society, of the Evangelical j Church, at her home, on Tuesday even* | ing. Refreshments were served. I Cabin Club Entertained by Parents of Members By Special Correspondence MIII.TNIHIIU, Pa., March 14. Tha j scarlet fever epddemic, which prevail# .in Upper Paxton township, east of Mil | lersburg, remains about the same. Tha disease has attacked children In tha familes of Philip Noll, William F\ Straw, Charles htoneroad. William F*. Snyder and others. It is of a mild form and all thus far ill with the dis ease are recovering. The disease It said to have been brought to tha stricken section from Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. John Metzger and Mr. and Mrs. Herold and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Welser attended the funeral of Mr. Metzger's father, A. N. Metzger, at Lan caster, on Wednesday. Berkley Frank caught two crows in a trap last I week, which ho Is endeavoring to | tame. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cooper en tertained the Pioneer Cabin Club In honor of their son, Clark, Jr., who Is » I member of the club, at a 6 o'clock din ner at the Hotel Koppenhaver. Tha following were present: Clark Cooper. Roswell Day. George Biiffington, Alfred Hoffman, Allen Gilbert, Russell Nov. inger and Lambert Franke. The sama party of young men were entertained Friday evening by Mr. and Mrsi C. E. Frank at a 6 o'clock dinner at their home, in Walnut street. In honor of their son. Lambert. The Rev. C. Ow V hite has returned from Baltimore where he had gone last week for an other radium treatment. Mr. Whits is apparently steadily improving. Will Raise SI,OOO Fund For Lewistown Hospital Tjewlstown, Pa., March 14. —Andrew Finl- will leave for a trip to California, - —Miss Ruth Snyder has been seriously ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. George Nipple celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary.—Walter Fosnot, of the Daily Sentinel staff, ill with i rheumatism in a Philadelphia hos- I pital. is improving. Miss Mauds ! of Perry county, is visiting her | brother. E. K. Auker.—Lewistown citi- I zens will make an effort to raise $1,009 I to present to the hospital hei;e. —Mr. i and Mrs. David Ca v el!l have cele- I brated their twenty-fifth wedding an ' niversary.—Howard Stiffen and brida, lof Perry county, have been enter tained by friends here. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Hundreds of Arabs were slain In tha ■ battb with Italians at Tripoli. : Signor Salandra Is IntruFted with tha task of forming the new Italian Cabi- ' net. German War Minister defends army ' duels In speech In Reichstag •Tnnanese raval budget reduced $16,- I 000.000 by House of Peers. Charges of financial shortcoming® were broup-ht against the International Correspondence Schools In Massachu setts Evangelist Stough draws great crowds nightly to evangelistic meetings In Mt. Carmel, Pa, Herman H. Hohlsaat, president of tha Chicago Inter-Ocean Company, • has been appointed receiver for that news paper. i M Governor Glynn recommended estab lishment of market commission t® cheapen food In New York State. Directors of the United States Ex press Company voted unanmously to go out of business. Oovernor Walsh, of Massachusetts, removed from office all members of th# Stare's 7Abor Board. 5