Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1914, Page 7, Image 14

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„ • . ... , , Iteo: Ilaynes; National
Harrtsburg Automobile Co . ..{ an( ,' Ch^se Trucks
Keystone Motor Car Co Chalmers; Studcbaker, Saxon
I. w, I>Hl Hudson; Krtt
(jrtipen Motor Car Co Cadillac
Andrew Redmond Overland; Autocar Truck
West End Garage JelTcry; Marathon
Bowman & Co ■ Cole
Paul D. Meuner Stanley
Abbott Motor Car Co Abbott-Detroit
Oakland Motor Co Oakland
W. F. Grove Pullman
Ford Sales Co Ford
Miller & Alter Maxwell
E. M. Hottensteln Buick; Cheverlot
J. I. Case Threshing' Machine Co Case
Monn Bros Mete
Morton Truck and Tractor Co Morton Truck
West End Electric & Cycle Co. .. .Indian and Henderson Motor Cycles
Atlantic Refining C<i Oils and Greases
Sterling Auto Tire Co Miller Tires and Tire Kepalrs
Keystone Lubricating Co Oils and Greases
Eureka Wagon Works Simplex Shock Absorber
Quartette Sales Co Quartette Automobile Signal; S. & M. Ignltor
Heagy Bros llarley-Davldson Motor Cycles
C. H. Uhler Tlior and Yale Motor Cycles
Wm. S. liXsick Insurance; Pyrene tire Extinguisher
m->- i 'v. s
The Neighbors Motor Company is j
having a complete display of the
mobiie models at the local show j
rooms, 120 Market street. This is a ;
permanent office for demonstrations :
and selling the Hupniobile in this ter- I
ritory. H. C. Em rich, well known'
to the people of Harrisburg and vicln- i
Ity, is in charge of the local offices for j
the Neighbors Motor Company who j
ure large distributors for the Cleve-1
land, Toungstown, Pittsburgh and ]
Harrisburg district. The models shown i
at the salesroom are the two-passen- j
ger roadster, four-passenger touringJ
und sjx-passenger touring. The Hup- !
mobile is also made with commercial I
body for light delivery purposes.
Mr. EmrlcU will be assisted by T. B. |
Wildemuth during show week and !
thereafter act as salesman on the ter- ;
ritory controlled by this local office, j
Besides selling to Harrisburg and vi-1
cinlty direct, this office has charge of
twenty counties in which are local
agents who buy through this office. I
Therefore the service at the local llup- i
mobile office is equal to that of a di- [
rect factory branch.
The new 1911 models show manyj
improvements and refinements over I
the typea of last year. There is the |
electric starting and lighting system, I
Gipple, Well-known Real
Estate and Insurance Man
Among the leading insurance men
writing the various automobile insur
ances stands J. E. Gipple who for the
past 14 years has followed this line
of business, continuing with it the real
The Weßt End Garage at 1808 Logan street has the agency for the new
Jeffery four and six-cylinder cars. The Jeffrey will be among the inter
esting models at the show. In the above model are J. A. Bentz, C. H. Con
rad and Charles Beshore. who control the local agency.
Wait and See the
The Twombxy underelung ear will arrive the latter part of April
The car that, caused the biggest sensation at the New Yorlt Auto
. Demonstration car will arrive In a few weeks
A real auto for a small price; four cylinders, self starter: e'ectric
H*ht«; wheelbase 100 Inches; tread 10 Inches; tandem style; weig it 600
lbs.; 15 H. P.; 40 miles on a gallon of gasoline; speed 50 miles
Troatle and Mourer, dealers for Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland and
tr+rrv counties.
Salesroom at Mohring's garage, 933-939 Rose Ave.
Y B .°." **'
new-fashioned rain vision windshield,
a specially designed tire carrier, which
carries the tire the same way as it
rests on the wheel and does away with
the bother of strapping down, which
necessarily eliminates the wear and
tear thus caused, over-size tires and
better upholstering.
Those mechanically inclined will be
able to note throughout the entire
chassis and various parts of the mech
anism many minor improvements
which will tend to make for better
mechanical harmony in the working
parts. The addition of the self-starter
does not change to ahy great extent
the exterior appearance of the motor
and adds but very little in weight.
The distinguished exterior appear
ance of the Hupmobile is still contin
ued in the new models. Streamline
body design with gasoline tank under
the cowl dashfcwhich was incorporated
in this country by the Hupmobile, is
still continued.. The gasoline tank is
larger and liolds enough for approxi
mately 200 miles of touring.
'The cars are ail fully equipped and
with the new color scheme of blapjc
with scarlet lake running gear, the
different types make a very distin
guished appearance, which is uncom
mon in the low price field.
; estate. To-day he is representing sev
ieral of the standard auto insurance
I The necessity of the various kinds
I of automobile insurance is rapidly be
coming appreciated by owners, forth
with numerous daily records of acci
dents and injuries to cars. The pro
tection offered by insurance is being
forced upon owners as a vital issue.
jjjj See the 0
Cole five passenger, four-cylinder touring ear, 120-ine!- wheel base, com* ■ I 1
pletely equipped, Delco electric self-cranking and all, $1925. Also see I I
the Cole Six with its wheel base of 136 inches, completely equipped, tJMi
T | .$2600. People generally describe It as "The greatest automobile I ever BK
! rode in at any price."
SB HpHE success of the Cole Motor Car Company thing has been done in other things," you asked—
["l X proves that the principal upon which they "why not in a motor car ?" Si
£■ DuiJt was correct that the people were ". It; can be done >" replied the Cole organization, and—the Cole
H ready for better motor cars at less money, that you dld s
LJ and all the rest felt that the best of everything was Ihe StCLTldciY dlZed CctT ®
H none too good, and that if the right sort of business / i. ;
[ 1 methods were employed the brst of everything K , , . ... mm
1 I ,| J |__ „ WTL L\ei) mile you drive your Cole makes you a stronger believer in Mil
gg COlild DC obtdined dt. reasonable prices. The same complete standardization. Get a demonstration at once j —i
y BOWMAN & CO., 312-20 Market St., Distributors Central Pa I
□ ■nßnfWTTWTnwißHea
Is Leading Feature of Crispen Mo
tor Car Company Exhibit
This Year
When the Cadillac system of com
bining ignition, lighting and engine
starting in one electrical system was
introduced two years ago, it was very
properly regarded as a bold step, and
it was certainly the most interesting
| innovation which had been made for a
long time, while experience has shown
it to be as successful as it. was bold.
To day the Cadillac designers have
made another innovation, which is re
garded by many as even a greater im
provement than the very important
one of two years ago. As a basis, they
have taken the old idea of two pairs of
bevel gears, either pair working alter
nately and giving the car two different
gear ratios, but the way in which the
Cadillac designers have adopted it is
new, and the working results are not
merely satisfactory; they are so good
that they mark a distinct forward step
towards the long sought ideal of direct
and noiseless gears on all speeds. This
improvement is the leading feature of
the Crispen Motor Car Company's ex
All Cadillac models are of the right
hand drive type, as the designers rec
ognize that this is the natural side
from which to drive, steer and control
a vehicle and that it gives the driver
at all times the best viewpoint for
clearance, particularly in country driv
ing. There is also an advantage in
approaching the club where a stop is
to be made. As the right side is the
natural-side from which most people
operate, the control levers are also
on that side.
The Cadillac company has paid es
pecial attention to the subject of sci
entific carburetion and the carbure
tors used on their motor cars are made
by the company according to their
own standards. On the 1914 Cadillac
will be found a new feature that adds
materially to the efficiency of the car
buretor. This is an electrical heating
device which vaporizes the gasoline
before the engine is started. This
makes it possible to start on lower
grades of fuel that heretofore and will
prove a great boon, particularly in cold
The 1914 Cadillac has an automatic
spark advance. Without this device
the driver must manipulate his spark
lever according to his own best judg
ment pf the engi. e's requirements. It
is not alone a question of speed. Some
times heavy going puts a drag on the
engine that necessitates manipulation
of the spark lever. With the novice
this is frequently nothing more than
good guessing. The Cadillac's auto
matic spark advance takes this task of
guessing from the driver and makes
the action positive, automatic, accord
ing to the engines needs.
The Cadillac enjoys the distinction
of having won the Dewar trophy on
two different occasions, and being the
only American car ever having receiv
ed this honor. The Cadillac is the
only car in the world that his won
this trophy t ice. This trophy is
awarded annually to the motor car
or the greatest achievement demon
strating the advancement of the in
ustry. The first time, three Cadillac
cars were completely dismantled and
the parts thereof thoroughly mixed so
that identification was imtossible.
Eighty-nine parts were withdrawn
from the heap and duplicates taken
lrom the stock of spares. Three cars
were then rebuilt from the haphazard
heap. Wrenches and screw-drivere
were the only tools employed. Neither
flies nor emery cloth were permitted—
nor were 2 they necessary; yet every
piece fitted as perfectly as in the car
from which it was taken. A variation
of the one-thousandth part of an inch
in dimensions would have meant
The second victory for the Cadillac
was based on a test, ever mol;e com
prehensive than that, of complete
standardization. It involved the driv
ing of 1,000 miles over give and take
roads, as phrased In the
the thorough testing of fuel and oil
consumption, the recording of the
number of times the electric cranking
device was used, the duration of the
current for lights during and after the
run and numerous other practical
matters that have to do with efficiency |
and service.
The contest was conducted with a j
compulsory average speed of 19.6 j
miles perhour. Several facts in the'
Cadillacs record stand out dominant-1
l.v. The gasoline consumption, for ex- I
ample, was 17.17 miles per gallon; the
oil consumption was 7.4 pints (more!
than 1,000 miles per gallon), which,
any motorist would recognize as ex
traordinary. Although the electric I
cranking device was used 130 times
during the trial, the engine was turned I
over 1,000 compression strokes at the i
end of the trial; and, although all the
electric lights were in continuously
during the road trial for 66 hours and
17 minutes, yet after the 1,000 com
pression test at the conclusion of the
road run, the side, rear-and speedome
ter lights continued to hum for twenty
hours. It was observed and noted that
the ignition was perfect throughout
the trial.
From Thirty-Five to Fifty Per Cent. Discount
" lie,. Our PMO °-
Tool Boxes- Prlce . Prlce . L(quid Soap 2& ' , 8
Size, 14-in.xS-in.xti-in ?4.20 $2.10 F ° r <l Spark Plugs $ .50 * .21
Ford Spark Plugs 75 .35 Auto Soap, 5-lb. pail 1.00 .30
Size, 22xin.x9-i11.x9-in 5.6U -.SO Fmvl Hnnrlr pi„,r U i or: -sr
i ora bpark
Size, 14-in.xß-in.x-10 %-in.4.50 2.25 Ford Priming Spark Plugs.. 1.25
Ford Oil Gauge 50 .10 -Marvel Steam Vuleanizer for
Size. 24-in.xlo-in.xlo-ir!. ... 0.35 3.00 „ . _ ... ..
1 ord Tool Box 5.00 2.10 Tube and Casing 3.75 2.50
Hercules Combination Ford Magneto Horn 4.00 2.75
r Ford Steering Rod Anti-Rat- Combination Pliers, u-in 50 .25
Wrenches .. L.uo .o tiers, per pair 2.00 1.15 Combination Pliers, U-in 60 .30
Mayo Spark Plug Pump 12.50 5.05 Runningboard Tire Narco Tire Cut Filler 1.00 .05
W lsi o Grease Gun 1.50 ,i 0 p or( j Robe Rails 1.00 .30 Tube Patching Cement 10 . .07
Tire Repair priers 1.00 .65 Ford License Brackets 75 .29 Bicycle Wrenches 30 .15
Tall Lanins 3.50 225 Ford Cut-out Outfit 2.25 .95
Ford Pedal Rubber 60 .<ls Inside Blowout Patches, 2*ix
Cementlese patches 40 .20 Ford Hub Caps 50 .15 3 _ in 00
Cementless Patches 60 .10 I'ord Top Covers 5.00 2.70 _
Ford Radiator Covers 3.00 1.50 Inside Blowout Patches, J MjX
Tire Powder, 1-lb. can 25 .08 F ord H ood Covers 5.00 2.25 4 _ ln S5 , SJ
Metal Polish, gal $1.25 .75 Ford Cylinder Head Wrench. .50 .30 ~
Ford Valve Grinders 1.00 .-10 Single Action Pump 1.50 ~0
Metal Polish, qte 50 .30 Fora Floor Mats 8-60 1.20 Two-Cylinder Pump 2.50 1.29
Metal Polish, pts 30 .20 Ford Hot Air Attachments .. 3.00 1.95
„„ v , . , „ ... . Ford Top Radiator Hose 30 .18 Three-cylinder Pump b.OO 3.50
o u can zng u er - 0 • 5 Ford Bottom Radiator Hose. .30 .15 Dash Lamps, per pair 6.00 2.95
Windshields, nickel 25.00 9.00 Ford Cylinder Head Gasket.. .80 .45 Bumpers, nickel, 2-inch 12.00 739
Ball Carbon Remover 1.00 .50 Ford Painting Outfit 6.50 1.00
Ford Ignition Assemblies ... 1.50 .95 Oil Lamp c.lO 1.19
Tire Covers Ford Fan Belts, leather 60 .20, .21 Bumpers, nickel, 1%-inch... 10.00 0.75
All sizes. 30-ln. to S6-in. .(1.75,1.50 90c, 1.15 .'.'.'."l tS IS Bumpers. b rs.s. 1. 0. 0.T5
Valve Grinding Compound , M »»« .. ; Jg Gn , „e.a L»,s, 11 Inches. . «... ~,0
Valve Grinding Compound... .50 .30 Ford Seat Covers Roadster... 15.00 4.00 Gas Head Lights, 8 inches ... 13.00 |.«5
rT , „ „ „„ Ford Wheel Puller .. j> 75 .19
Hand Soap 10 .08 v Electric Head Lights 20.00 9.95
Visit our store and get The largest stock of | f Every article purchased in
acquainted with our stock AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES our store can be returned if
and prices. in the state. | not satisfactory.
y * v ' *■ *
Get Our Prices Before Buying Tires; We Can Save You Money
/ s&iZSSSt 'Ion" made nuil repaired. Solid rubber tlrlim for commercial truck* nnil
(|%I Truck Bodies Built fPlj