'• ' . • H ; • .-■ • , ■ . . -,,. , : v*p* *• " w ."' / 1 '•'''. ', . ' ' ' • . '■• ' -: - '-it.' * ' ' ? vV P HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH f | V HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 14, 1914. few IF . I—Jj - ——■ ——L If if lll fl I HARRISBURG AUTO SHOW FOR 1914 OPENS 1 m Jlf I 1 tonightwithfin el i neoffamouscars j ill y I Sflfi " A ~" J M ' k * l ~" Iy !V« ! New York; Rex Garage Beautifully Lighted and Decorated [WW [ted - 1 — —1 n™ ' llf IrH eVCry toot ° f Bpaco utilized 1,1 the larseßt building available, the ever. "Fours" have not dropped to any appreciable extent. Several makers , served no purpose in the past arid it is „„„ I [ toTgji WW F,fth Annual Automobile Show of the Harrisburg Automobile Deal- have adopted the slogan "sixes exclusively," and iiave dropped their four- extension of the hood. Each yea/thr Tint 'Tu retfarded as an J kXj^ I j ers'Association opens this evening in the Arena-Rex building at Third cylinder models, but in their place there are a number of new "Fours," and those of the hood and witii an ad lit ' ' '"' " r " rnoro I frW I I a " d • Delaware streets and will continue every day and evening until Saturday. one maker of national prominence who one time dropped "Fotjrs" again has the older models to be appreciated ,s that lliu ' t compared with | V I iWndi ' MaFCh n ' inCIUSiVO " 1VIore! different makes of cars ar e shown at this exhibit taken U P- Some technical writers refer to this season as a "battle cowl for the fuel tank under the theory tha . Ul " 1Zl ' l ° P °* ,he >o3_PyC j thUn at any ° ther precedin S iocal ahow. Others who had signitied their in- of the 'Sixes' and •Fours'." and the prospective buyer is offered a bewild- and without pumps or pressure devices. At tT"- '"T . lUC ' Pr ° Pei ' ,y f\9 J [ | • terit * on ot exhibiting- were disappointed because Harrisburg has no building erin& array ol' reasons sustaining the advocates of both types. t( tll ' ° lh ' ( ' oul allt * close ; j sufficiently large to accommodate a display worthy of Pennsylvania's most But » unlike in the past, when every added cylinder meant more power, board u hicl •• • ° UUi tOUIId * &eculld da * h op instrument j I,Jl P ort ant raiiroad distributing point and capltol city. Representatives from the usual new Six is a small one. More cylinders but less power. Smoother both certain it .■ .md ..nnihu fittings within easy reach for j tho var ious manufacturing.concerns, wlio are here to attend the show, and running and greater reliability, but lighter weight and greater economy be- UHVS wlie' P LRATT I his is a strong contrast from the \ ' ar « not in use. Compartments W ' Prm "silities- are greatly improved by the aid of large arc lights inside and out ° f ' r ° nt Und ln the tonneau *<«" a «"« »*** to hide the OOv «n front Of Pl ., ~ v , , , ' UIWKR BODIES ON SOME CARS idle seats in several instances. Wire wheels seems to be increasiue- but ,!] CT .rtg I front of Pnzes will be awarded each day in a similar manner ... . easing, out ] | ,0 last year ' alld Updegrove's orchestra will supply the music. J. Clyde Bodies have been lowered by some or the manufacturers, and with 1 Wheelb " IU contl »ue to be made of wood while W | "Myton, director of the automobile exhibit, for the third successive time, has KaSOllne tanks and tirc ' carritra lifted to the rear of many cars, it is claimed *** ***** ° F th ° Se WUh par ° CUlarly Iar «° ore 3 will U6 » wlre " The SJLJJO' j made every possible arrangement to have this show excel any preceding one, that a sreator degree ot Readiness is obtained, especially when traveling nUmbel ' °' lttmPS 18 decreaslns Whereas once the more lamps supplied the j luld c0,,1in S « " does just before the opening of the spring season the show °° Untry roads at a Illeh Shifting to left side steering, with center * P,eMed bUyer * vulgarlty seems to be at an end and single W I I Should prove profitable to the exhibitors in the sale of motor vehicles and C ° ntrol, haS recelved aim,JSt Senemi recognition. The prevailing stream- sea J ch " Khts - or no side llghts but searchlights supplied with dimmers are |i£f i y accessories, us well ns Interesting and entertaining to the general public and lme Cff6Ct b ° dy desigu ls alau neatly in evidence. The theoretical re- tU ! ' eer '' | prospective buyer. qulrement of this type is that the form shall cause the pressure at the back POWER TIRE PUMPS IX GENERAL USE \ CARS TO meet MIUI OI IRIU. V . practically to balance the head resistance. It can be said for these new SUCh thlngS M P ° Wer V 6 PUmp8 ' one " man tops ' e,ectrlc head »®ht dim- VjUjV i ' stream-line bodies that they emulate the entering-wedge principle. Though a " d qUickly ad j ustat 'le rain curtains are typical of what is being done V<-R iheio are cars there to please the owner of almost any sized purse, from their fronts are not any narrower, their backs are in the majority of cases l ° makt! the new automobile more habitable. Where once demountable rims j the modest priced little roadster to the powerful six-cylinder models and slightly wider, and the wedge principle has been carried out by taperhig flgurbd aB extru et > ui P'nent, they are now the rule. Instead of having to I ferill " ° lUXUrIOUa llmollsineß and coupes. And those who prefer a motorcycle engine hoods ln a manner that is unmistakable. Sloping hoods are Aot new cany an alr b0 "le or else go to the great effort of pumping tires by hand, kMIPy convertible for one or two. or u package delivery, will find a number of of course, but there is a vast difference between the old sloping en*lnJ lldded ma ' 1 equirement. The smoothing up process continues and has resulted in a number of motor trucks as contrasted with hand-operated devices: "I can't see the i Those who attend the show will find the 1914 car superior in many Bte Ps forward. The unsightly littering of dashes and running boards by lo S ic of letting 30 to 60 horse-power stand idle in a trui* power plant while i I^sj polnl of oonstrucLlon. appearance and equipment. Surely, bojt «" " nJ «'d sewgaa. ot all kinds 1„ the loudest ot yellow br "" ch,u ' t ' s " r " o, ' ka ° dumping or l.ol.tihs device by hand." That Is the niSfl V "~ toE ,he •' '«»»<"' cheap and «. M* •»»«««. Spare tires are now carried 1„ draw, made for them or ot T" "*"■ 7"." """ T T"~, •JTO ' I ll ~ .. , . i • 'em or at- they come in to do back-breaking pumping when there is a great big hulk V I f&SI j aPPears that buyers this year are to get their money's worth as tached at the rear, where tliey do not impede entrance. A beautiful cowl of a lazy motor standing by. MV) l" "o\er befo. With naidlj, an exci jition, new cars involve all the latest de- novv covers the dash and protects many levers and fittings from the weather These points together with a tendency to lower prices slightly, or else u ees, SUC ], as self-starters of various sorts, electric-lighting apparatus, and and from sight. With tiie smoothing up and simplifying of the mechanism to giVe more value for the same money as before, constitute the outstanding lho like - Tlu ' medium-priced light six-cylinder cars ar. among the special there lias been found in the body of the vehicle ample room for the box, M ! " eW teiltures for and no doubt but what thousands of people through- features at this year's exhibition. Many companies have gone in for them, ! for which the running board was first largely created ° WUt Cfcntrul Penns> ' lvan,a wUI ava " themselves of this opportunity to see I fei—l and thn ■„■!> .■.xtrnmf.lv Htrn.-H, I anti compare the modern vehicles that u.re gathered here under one roof IfejSJ 1 b AWraClho - Wlth lhe ,MCreaSe m Slxes " hoW - The cowl extended backward farther, making use of room that I for their convenience. :