Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Church People of This City to Entertain Visiting Clergymen
Who Will Attend Annual Conference
One of the biggeßt evente of the
church year In Uarrisburg will be the
gathering of Methodist ministers in
this city next week tor the forty-sixth
anual conference of the Central
Pennsylvania Conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church. Hundreds of
leading lay members of the Methodist
Church In this vicinity will be among
the visitors of the week. Bishop Earl
Cranston, JUL. I)., of Washington, D. C.,
on ot the most prominent clergymen
of the United States, will be the presid
ing officer of the conference.
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
State street near Third, will be the
conference host. At tho head of the
entertainment committee is the Rev.
John D. Fox, D. D., pastor of Grace
To take care of the several hundred
ministers who will attend the week's
Hoesions lay members of the church
In this city have made arrangements
oo act as hosts to the visiting clergy
men. Many of the ministers will ar
rive here Monday evening. Others will
not reach this city before Tuesday
evening or Wednesday morning. The
hoets and the guests are published by
th» Telegraph to-day. so that people
Interested in the conference may know
where they ca,n reach any minister
during the week. The guests and hosts, i
respectively, are as follows:
Hosts and Guests
J. H. Ake, E. D. Klinepeter, 1715
Fifth street.; R. J. Allen, U J. Bum-
Jtardner, 1319 Derry street; E. M.
AUer, the Hev. A. G. Boyles, 131"
Hecond street; J. F. Anderson, Bolton
House; J. F. Andreas, John E. Core,
2127 Penn street; W. L. Armstrong,
Harry W. Miller, 2210 Third street; H.
K. Ash, Theodore Bower, Fifth and J
Relly streets: Byron Albertson, Amos
Foulk, 2023 Fifth street; F. I>. Artley,
Robert Holland, 626 Maclay street; B.
W. Auman, Robert Holland, 626 Ma
clay street; W. H. Allen, self enter
W. W. Banks, O. J. Casset, Enola;
J. E. Beard, B. G. Galbraith, 2127
Hecond street; F. T. Bell, Albert Seltz
er, 16 South Fifteenth street; J. E.
Bell, J. P. Melick, 509 North Second 1
street.; J. P. Bell, Harry W. Miller,
2210 North Third street; H. R. Bender,
Mrs. B. H. Hart, 1726 North Sixth
street; J. H. Bettens, John Berry, 1510
Hwatara street; C. A. Biddle, Hershey
House; F. W. Biddle, David Frlese, 531
Camp street; S. B. Bidlack, Alfred
Blosser, meals 1513 Sixth street; J. H.
Black, Jacob Sebourn, 225 Forster
utreet; G. F. Boggs. Dr. J. W. Ellen
berger, 924 North Third street; A. S.
Bowman, M. A. Flyod, 235 Briggs
Ktreet; L. M. Brady, Mrs. Susan Treon,
Third street, meals 801 North Sixth
utreet; J. M. Brennan, Harry Myers,
439 Harris street: J. B. Brenneman,
.Dr. J. W. Ellenberger, 924 North
Third street; J. E. Brenneman, Mrs.
Roberto. Spangler, 1533 Regina street:
Richard Brooks, John W. Finton, 1632
Sixth street; D. Y. Brouse, W. S. Stoey,
r 266 Cumberland street; F. H. Brun
jfitetter, C. M. Getst., 2041 North Fifth
iptreet; C. W. Bryner, Mrs. Carrie Mul
ligan, 635 Muench street; M. B. Bubb,
Mrs. Carrie Mulligan. 635 Muench
street; J. E. A. Buck, George W.
Hhultz, 1625 Regina street: J. W.
Buckley, C. E. Covert, 202 Stale
street; H. C. Burkholder, Richard
Sterrlnger, 1710 Penn street; H. F.
Babcock, Mrs. E. B. Hartman, 437
South Thirteenth street; ,T. E. Bossier,
Frank E. Seitz, 1602 North Sixth
street; G. C. Brachetti, J. N. H. Mon
ger, 110 North Second street; Walter
R. Beyers, Amos Foulk, 2023 North
Fifth street.
Isaac Cadman, Harry Meyers, 430
Harris street; R. C. Caldwell, Mrs.
Sarah Caldwell, 501 Calder street; 11.
F. Cares, Mrs. C. F. Spicer. 704 North
Sixth street, meals 801 North Sixth
street; S. S. Carnell, C. M. Geist, 2041
North Fifth street; W. A. Carver. Mrs.
W. O. Bishop, 1631 North Second
street; R. H. Colburn, George S. Mac-
Crone, 442 Crescent street; J. C. Col
lins. E. I. Book, 621 Emerald street;
G. I. Comp, Emory Miller, 2400 Reel
•street; B. C. Conner, B. F. Sits, 1008
North Sixth street: 11. H. Crotsley, 11.
&t. Walton, 1946 Derry street; H. E.
Crow, J. R. Rote, at 1421 North Sec
ond street: W. B. Cook, Miss Lillie
IPentz, 1606 North Sixth street, meals
1513 Sixth street; J. W. Chambers,
.Mrs. G. E. Sliertzer, 1255 Bailey street;
W. H. CUne, John E. Core, 2127 Penn
street; J. F. Cobb, W. S. Young, 218
Briggs street; C. C. Cole, J. A. Allieok,
lit. 801 North Sixth street; G. F. Con
ner, J. A. Affleck, at 801 North Sixth
Htreet; R. S. Cuddy, J. A. Affleck, at
HOl North Sixth street; George J. Col
ledge, Mrs. E. E. Abott, at 801 North
[Sixth street; F. H. Covert, W. S.
Toung, 218 Brlggs street; E. ,T. Croft,
W. H. Wagner, Harrisburg. Pa.
Harry Daniels, John Carey, ISO 9
Market street;" J. H. Daugherty, home,
:i 000 North Sixth street; E. E. A. Dea
vor, J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street; J. D.
W. Weavor, R. F. Caveny, 417 Hum
mel street; at. S. Derstir.e, J. R. Rote,
fit 1421 North Second street; J. H!
Jjiebel, Mrs. Arthur W. Wagner, 1425
North street; p L. Dixon, Al. K.
Thomas, at Srfl North Sixth street;
Jamep Iwfterty, C. E. Hoffman, at 801
North Sixth street; C. V. Drake, E. I.
Book, 621 Emerald street; C. T. Dun
ning, J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street: J. E.
Dunning, Wesley Fisher. Fifteenth and
Berryhill streets; J. B. Purkee, Mrs. C.
I<\ Spicer, 704 North Sixth street.
Meals 801 North Sixth street; G. A.
5Hi vail, M. A. Floyd, 235 Brlggs street;
L. A. Dyer, Mrs. Sarah Mcßride, 52
*3 easy to say those words which do so
much harm, and can never be recalled; easy to
V KtKBiKI* blacken that fair character, that delicate lily
blooming, sweet and pure, in the Holds of morality.
■KSSiPfii 1 ® tt PHlow of white down feathers. Open the
S ®Efs|W.-Br\v W pillow, and let the four winds of heaven scatter
the feathers far and wide. The feathers are spread
» HE . iifm idy* miles apart and are defiled with inud and fllth.
K K9 , Wm ca " » Bver again Kather up the feathers, and
K ir.« - TT] them to the pillow in their former purity.
}? ML?', Hi ' . u would an easier task than to take back
f? ■l'' i? 11 " eras ' 3 from memory tlie scandalous words you
£ Hf have uttered. Stand by a deep well, arid drop down
I,lto the crystal clearness pebbles and stones. It's
R IK fsSfiggKlM eas y ""d Pleasant, but then try to get out the
8 tds SiSV.t" aßafn - ?° words slip from our lips into the
5 willing ears of a world that loves scandal, and
O flkL those words are gone from us forever, never, never
rt. recalled.
5 ~,T he scandalous tongue Is a two-edged sword.
0 ciuttllng down perhaps those nearest and dearest to
" ™™n eart - every word of a scandalous con
f* „ „ A %_ , versayon, perhaps a reputation dies No one is
t* 64fe ' ron ! the scandalous tongue, neither you nor I.
C - The Innocent girl is not spared. She Is scandalized, and In sheer
0. desperation she rushes into nn unhappy marriage, to hide herself under
fy a husband s name; to U3e a strongman as her skield. Th : reDutation
of children is blackened In all eyes, sometimes even In the eyes of their
6 parents. The man of the pulpit, the man who is striving hmiriS KI
0 more and more like his Mastfr, Is notspared °by thetongue ofscandal
Q. His fair fame is Impugned; his reputation is blasted, and he must lo
B lar away to begin his llfowork all over again; for a clergyman without
6 reputation is an instrument of little or no good. Carrylng the cross
which an unholy hand has laid on his helples? shoulder, the churchman
0 goes up to his Calvary; and the scandalous tongue wags on Lnurcl,man
By special arrangement with the Rev. W. W. Whalen assistant
rector at St. Patrick's Cathedral the Telegraph is printing extracts from
£ Ws recently published book. •Twilight Talks,' during Lent Theie
<> "talks will have a special Lenten significance.
North Eighteenth street; E. B. Davi
son, A. D. Sansom, 213 Forster street;
J. N. Diehl, Clark E. Dtehl, 225 Brlggs
T. A.Elliott, J. P. Aldinger. 429 Ma
| clay street; S. H. Engler, Mrs. B. F.
j MoClellan, Brookwood street: E.
!L. Eslinger, S. G. Eslinger, 1729 Mar
! ket street; S. B. Evans, Bolton House.
A. S. Faslck, Bolton House; L. B.
Faslck, J. A. Affleck, at 801 North
Sixth street: G. W. Faus, Amos Morri
son, 2522 Lexington street; T. S. Faus,
W. S. Stoey, 265 Cumberland street;
W. A. Faus, Colonel L. V. Rausch,
2145 North Second street; H. D. Flan
egan, J. A. Affleck, at 801 North Sixth
street: M. C. Flegal, Professor George
W. Hamilton, 1920 Park street; J. W.
Forrest, Mrs. B. F. Allen, 218 South
Thirteenth street; M. K. Foster, C. C.
Byler, 1511 North street; J. D. Fox,
home. 212 Pine street; Samuel Fox,
Professor James C. Peet, 420 South
Fourteenth street, meals 110 North
Second street; A. L. Frank, James W.
I Barker, at 801 North Sixth street: G.
!M. Frownfelter. Miss Mary Perry, at
801 North Sixth street; D. J. Frurn,
Mrs. B. F. Allen, 218 South Thirteenth
street; T. J. Fulton, Frank Heckman,
526 Maclay street.
M. L. Ganoe, Bolton House; C. K.
Gibson, F. I. Thomas, at SOI Sixth
street; R. H. Gilbert, J. P. Melick, 509
North Second street: W. F. Gilbert, J.
M. Rebuclt, at 801 North Sixth street;
J.' F. Glass, William Ebersole. 724
South Twenty-first street; G. M. Glenn,
Mrs. J. L. Seitz, 914 North Sixth
street, meais 801 North Sixth street;
J. W. Glover, W. G. Satzler, 505 Em
erald street; TV. A. Graham, the Rev.
S. F. Rounsley, Enola, meals 801
North Sixth street; Joseph Gray, Her
shey House: D. M. Grover, F. J. Reiff,
at 52C Maclay street; Jonathan Guldin.
Mrs. J. L. Seitz, meals 801 North Sixth
street; T. R. Gibson, Cyrus Billett, 438
Peffer street, meals 110 North Second
street; J. A. Garver, E. Frank Hall,
2303 North Sixth street; E. L. Geis
singer, M. R. Coss, 28 South Sixteenth
street; Charles Griffin, E. Frank Hall,
2303 North Sixth street: VV. P. Griffith,
Cyrus Billet, 438 Pefter street, meals
110 North Second street; P. S. Gros
cup, Mrs. Charles Martz, 507 Emerald
street; J. H. Greenwalt, Harry Sailor,
613 Dauphin street; Philip T. Gorman,
Mrs. Charles Martz, 507 Emerald
B. H. Hart, home, 1726 North Sixth
street; E. E. Harter, Mrs. Bessie Rie
neer, 1533 Wallace street; M. E. Hart
man, Mrs. J. L. Seitz, 914 North Sixth
street, meals 801 North Sixth street;
W. H. Hartman, D. F. Young, 1102
North Second street; W. W. Hartman,
E. Z. Wallower, '2lOl North Front
street; H. W. Hartsock, home, Camp
Hill, Pa.; C. V. Hartzel, home, Gl2
North Sixteenth street; E. R. Heck
man, Bolton House; Isaac Heckman,
C. E. Covert, 202 State street; Owen
Hicks, Mrs. J. L. Seitz, 914 North Sixth
street, meals 801 North Sixth street;
H. C. Hinkle, J\ Horace McFarland,
2101 Bellevue Road; Richard Hinkle,
.T. Horace McFurland, 2101 Bellevue
Road; John Horning, \V. W. Vandyke,
1609 Forster street; W. A. Houck, Dr.
H. M. Stine, 21 South Front street;
Bruce Hughes, the Misses Bratton, 308
North street; 1. S. Hodgson, Miss Eillie
Pentz, 16U6 Sixth street, meals 1513
North Sixth street; C. F. Himes, J. H.
Schreftler, 1904 North Third street;
J. P. Ilurlbert, Clarence Zorger," 2033
Swatara street; B. E, tlilbish, Albert
McKelvay, 2058 Derry street.
E. F. iigenfritz, M. R. Coss, 28 South
Thirteenth street.
H. L Jacobs, John Baldwin, 1513
North Sixth street; .1. M. Johnston,
Mrs. A. W. Black, at 801 North Sixth
street; TI. L. Jerrett, George F. Lumb,
2111 Walnut street: J. E. Jacobs,
George F. Buinb, 2111 Walnut street;
Edward Jackson, C. E. Hoffman, at
801 North Sixth street; G. E. Johnson,
Mrs. E. Brink, 317 Hummel street.
J. E. Kahler, W. H. Yocum, 1721
Green street; C. W. Ivarns, Hershey
House; W. E. ICarns, Julius Young,
meals 113 -Market street; D. D. Kauff
man, Hershey House; E. C. Keboch,
Mrs. J. L. Soitz, 1914 North Sixth
street; George E. King, Camp Hall;
G. M. Klepfer, Hershey House; J. K.
Knisely, Mrs. J. R. Hartman, "00
Boas street; R. J. Knox, W. H. Keller,
1712 Susquehanna street; R. W. Knit
tie, Mrs. Sarah Macßride, 52 North
Eigliteenth street; H. C. Knox, W. H.
Keller, 1712 Susquehanna street; Da
vid M. Kerr, Professor C. A. Ellen
berger, 3207 North Front street, meals
113 Market street.
A. R. Lamberson, Mrs. Ilenry Fisb
el, 216 South Thirteenth street; J. M.
Lantz, Bolton House; C. E. Lealiman,
Mrs. J. C. liarlacher, 809 North Sec
ond street; F. W. Leldy, home, 914
South Twenty-first street: George Lel
dy, the Rev. Frank Leldy, 914 South
Twenty-first street; W. A. Lepley, Mrs.
Harry Seitz, 825 North Sixth street; J.
K. Lloyd, Hersliey House; A. C. Lo
gan, D. F. Young, 3102 North Second
street; J. W. Long, Mrs. J, C. liar
lacher, 809 North Second street; A. S.
Luring, Amos Morrison, 2522 Lexing
ton street; F. A. Lawson, Clorence
Zorger, 2033 Swatara street; H. H. Lip
pincott, Charles W. Wallace, 1638
North Fifth street.
Richard Mallalieu, Mrs. C. F. Spi
cer, 704 North Sixth street; J. B.
Mann, Airs. Elizabeth Kraber, 627
South Front street; J. A. Mattern, H.
E. Todd, 327 J|ous street; J. R. Mel
roy, Mrs. C.
street: O. S. Metzler, Commonwealth
Hotel; A. 1.. Miller, Bolton House; D.
N. Miller, Dr. F. E. Downen, 1811
.North Second street; O. C. Miller, John
Baldwin, 1513 North Sixth street; J.
H. Morgan, Charles A. Kunkel, 221
North Front street; George Martin, A.
C. Hllner, 2212 Jefferson street; J. H.
Morgart, Jacob A. (iramm, 1825 Der
ry street; J. H. Mortimer, Mrs. Henry
SJf.V,® 1 216 South Thirteenth street;
William Moses, H. E. Moses, 717
North Second street; B. H. Mosser,
Bolton House; C. A. Mentzer, Julius
Young, 44 3 Harris street, meals 113
Market street; Francis Mtka, John
Baldwin, 1513 North Sixth street; R.
E. Marshall, Grant Jamison, 1637
Wallace street; A. E. Maekie, J. T.
Ensminger, 100 South Second street;
ho ™ McGarvey, George P. Garman,
629 Forrest slreet; G. AV. Mcllnav,
Mrs. McCue, Berryhill street; E. E.
McKelvey, Albert McKelvey, 205S
Berry street; J. AV. McAlarney, John
Baldwin, 1513 North Sixth street; J.
H. McKechnie, D. E. Glazier, 1724
North l-'ourth street; AV. It. McKin
ney, D. E. Glazier, 1724 North Fourth
H. "VV. Newman, Colonel IJ. V.
Rausch, 2145 North Second street; E.
A. Noble, the Rev. J. t). Fox, 212 Pine
street; TA . F. D. Noblo, Mrs. J. R.
Hartman, 300 Boas street; W. H. Xor
eross, George 1,. Reed. 23 39 North
Second street: Adam Nagay, Harry
Roiss, 631 Camp street.
a . ott > A. H. Stover, 2035 North
Sixth street; R. S . Oyler. Charles
Sheaffer, 431 Hamilton street,, meals
• 'paries Sunday, 432 Hamilton street;
fieorge Olejar, John Baldwin, 1013
North Sixth street.
Joseph Paciarelli, J. X. H. Menger,
,110 North Second street; H. C. Par-
Joe, home, 2126 North Fourth street;
R. C. Peters, Charles Sheaffer, 431
Hamilton street; W. R. picken, Her
shey House; M. O. Piper, Grant Jami
son, 1637 Wallace street; O. B Poul
son, Mrs. Henry Fishel, 216 South
thirteenth street; J. B. Polsgrove, Jo
seph Davis, 404 North street; J. H.
Price, J. Austin Brandt, 603 North
r„ r ° nt « tre . et '- E " A - Pvles . H. M. Bretz,
19.il rsorth Second street; J. S. Phil
lips, Mrs. Prank Musser, at 801 North
Sixth street; R. H. Pierson, Harry
Reiss, 631 Camp street; S. J. Pitten
ger, R. M Taylor, at 801 North Sixth
street; Albert A. Price, Mrs. G. E.
Shertzer, 1255 Bailey street
W. W. Reese, Thomas E. Meyers,
» w een st / eet: T - J - Heeser, Harry
H. Walton, 1946 Derry street; J. McK.
Reiley, E. Z. Wallower, 2101 North
Front street; G. M. Remley. William
Dennison, Camp Hill; J. J. Resh, the
Rev. C. A. Smucker, at 801 North
Sixth street; T. F. Ripple, W. W. Van
Dyke, 1609 Forster street; C. W. Rish
ell, Mrs. W. Sutton, at 801 North Sixth
street; 'W. C. Robbins, Hershey House;
I'. W. Roller, E. Z. Wallower, 2101
North Front street; W. S. Rose, H. E.
Todd, 237 Boas street; W. W. Roth
rock, the Misses Bratton, 308 North
street; S. F. Rounsley, home. Enolu,
meals Sol North Sixth street; J V
Royer, Frank E. Steitz, ICO2 North
Sixth street; R. F. Ruch, John C.
Johnston, 1612 Briggs street; V. T.
Rue, the Rev. W. R. Swartz, 1156 Mul
berry street; M. J. Runyan, the Rev.
R. W.. Runyan, 116 »ine street; R. W;
Runyan, home, 116 Vine street; W. E
Ruth, Charles Hartzell, 119 Peffer
street; L. A. Remley, Mrs. Sarah
Himes, 503 VJ Muench street; J. H.
Rhea, Mrs. Sarah Himes, 503'/-
Muench street; PJ. L. Ritzman, Harrv
balltor, 613 Dauphin street.
B. A. Salter, Mrs. W. O. Bishop,
1631 North Second street; 11. J. Schu
ohurt, E. D. Kllnepeter, 1713 Fifth
street; Alexander Scott, T. G. Calder,
319 North Front street; W. J. Sheaffer,
T. G. Calder, 319 North Front street;
H. VI. Sherman, John C. Beck, 433
South Fifteenth street; G. M. Shinier,
J. A. McMinn, 117 Cumberland road,
Enola; J. R. Shipe, Mechanicsburg;
W. W. Sholl, John Dull, 224 Four
teenth street; W. P. Schriner, Charles
A. Kunkel, 221 North Front street;
A. C. Sbue, home, meals ll£ Market
street; J. E. Skillington, Fred
Rowe, 57 North Eighteenth street; J.
W. Skillington. D. U. Caldwallder, at
801 North Sixth street; F. G. Sleep, E.
E Fry, at 801 North Sixth street;
N. I!. Smith, Walter Fishel, at 801
North Sixth street; N. 11. Smith, C. C.
Gastrock, 1188 Bailey street; Clayton
A. Smueker, home, 1311 Vernon street;
C. C. Snavely, C. H. Mauk, 1741 North
Sixth street; J. S. Souser, Bolton
House; D. A. Sower, Jr., Mrs. W. H.
Spooner, 117 Locust street; E. E.
Sponsler, Charles Hartzell, meals 427
Mucnch street; T. S. Stanslleld, Daniel
Roller, 123 Paxton; W. G. Steel,
Charles Singer, 412 Hummel street;
J. D. Stein, Bolton House; \V. A. Ste
phens, Bolton House; E. M. Stevens,
801 l on House; W. H. Stevens, William
Ebersole, 744 South Twenty-first
street; R. H. Stine, Joseph Davis, 404
North street; Hugh Strain, the Rev.
A. S. Williams, 223 7 North Sixth
street; Henry Straub, Earl E. Graefl,
1841 Berryhill street; P. P. Strawinski,
self entertainment; S. C. Swallow!
home, Camp Hill; M. E. Swartz, H. C.
Ross, 219 Pine street; E. J. Simons
John C. Beck, 433 South Fifteenth
street; C. A. Sauter, C. H. Mauk, 1741
North Sixth street; H. T. Stong, Mrs.
E B. Hartman, 437 South Thirteenth
street, G. P. Sarvis, J. H. Schreffler,
1904 North Third street; Williard
Shannon, E. Z. Wallower, 2101 North
Front street.
R. S. Taylor, Mrs. W. 11. Spooner,
117 Locust street, meals 113 Market
street: T. L. Totnpkinson, Miss Martha
Tompklnson, 604 Boas street; W. M.
Taylor, J. T. Ensminger, luO South
Second street; Ariel R. Turner, Mrs.
Wolf, 500 South Thirteenth street;
Philip Thomas, E. E. Haegner, 14 4 0
Berryhill street.
C. W. Wasson, Hersliey House; W.
E. Watkins, Bolton House; J. B
Weeks, Dr. C. E. L. Keeno, 1849 Ber
ry hill street; C. F. Welse. John Carey,
1809 Market street; Zaccheus Weston
Professor C. A. Ellenberger, 3207
North Front street; A. P. Wharton, J.
A. McMoehan, Cumberland road,
lEnola; L. Elbert Wilson, Professor c!
A. Ellenberger, 3207 North Front
street; R. T. Whitley, Mrs. M. Wash
burn, 228 North Fourteenth street;
W. R. Whitney, M. A. Shetter. 713
North Sixth street; T. S. Wilcox, T. F.
Towsen, 016 North Second street; W.
W. Wllliard, Mrs. J. L. Seitz, 914
North Sixth street; J. T. Williammee.
W. H. Yocum, 1721 Green street; A.
S. Williams, home, 2237 North Sixth
street; G. A. Williams, C. J. Hunt.
2220 .North Second street; J. M. Wil
liams, Frank H. McCorrrilck. 2340
North Sixth street; E. H. Witman, H.
C. Ross, 219 Pine street; G. S. Womer
Mrs. B. H. Hart, 1726 North Sixth
street; J. W. Worley, Miss Llllie Pentz,
1606 Sixth street; V. L. Wagner, C. J.
Hunt, 2220 North Second street; w!
H. Williams, John W. Finton, 1632
| North Sixth street; R. G. Whitley
■ Mrs. Wolf, 500 South Thirteenth
First Church of Christ, Scientist—
Board of Trade hall: Sunday, 11 a.
ni. and 7:30 p. m., subject, "Sub
stance"; testimonial meeting. Wednes
day, 8 p. in.; free reading rooms, 103
North Second street, 1:30 to 5 p. in.
dally, also Monday and Saturday even
Church of Today Takes
Active Interest in All
Social Uplift Problems
That the church is answering
critics who say it is not entering into
modern affairs in a way strong enough
to continue the influence it has held
for twenty centuries seems to be
shown in the activity of the city
churches in promoting good Influences
In politics.
Sermons on topics of the day with
the view taken by the church <?n the
question discussed are frequent. The
I formation of organiations whose pur
jpose is the furthering of righteous-
I ncss by political measures if necessary
and the inlluence the church is exert
ing in bringing the liquor tralflc into
politics, are all answers to the accusa
tion that the church is out of touch
with modern life.
Among the sermons to be preached
to-morrow is one which shows the
tendency of the time. At the Luth
eran Church of the Redeemer to-mor
row, the Rev. E. Victor Roland will
preach to-morrow evening on ''lhe
Relation of Christianity to Social and
Political Evils." It is just one of a
number that can be heard any Sunday
in the city churches.
To Address Men. —The Rev. J. AVal
! lace Green, pastor of the Tabernacle
Baptist Church, will deliver an acl- j
idress Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock;
'at the Pennsylvania Railroad Younj,-;
Men's Christian Association. His sub- ;
ject will be "In the Sign of the Coss." ;
Augsburg—The Rev. Amos Maxwell
Stamets. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
Men's league, 9.30 a. m.; Sunday
school, 2 p. in.; Christian Endeavor,
6.30 p. hi. .. , ,
Christ The Rev. Thomas Relsch,
Ph. D. 10.30 a. m„ "A Belter Blessed
ness;" 7.30 p. ni,, "The Family;'' Sun
day school, 2 p. ni.; men's "Bible class, ,
2 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. j
Holy Communion- —-The Re\. John
Henry Miller. 10.45 a. m., "Dumb
Devil;" 7.30 p. m., "Pilate's Ecco |
i Homo;" Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; j
Luther League, G. 30 p. m.
Bethlehem —The Rev J. Bradley
Markward, D .D. 10.30 a. m., "Does |
God Laugh at Us?" 7.30 p. m., "A
Woman's Bad Advice," sermon repeat- •
ed by request; Sunday school, 1.45 j
p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. <
Redeemer—The Rev. E. Victor Ro- ]
land. 10.30 a. m., "The Religion that i
Makes Worse;" 7.30 p .m„ "The Rela- j
tion of Christianity to Social and Po- I
litlcal Evils;" Sunday school, 9.30 |
а. m.; junior Christian Endeavor, 3.15 ;
p. m.; senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30 j
j p. ni. I
[ Trinity The Rev. R. L. Aleisen-j
I helder. 10.30 a. m., "When the ,
I Stronger One Comes;" 7.30 p. m.. "The ]
I Third Temptation;" Sunday school, li
and '£ p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30
p. m.
Zion, Dauphin—The Rev. Dr. H. C. |
Holloway. 10.30 a. m., "Pilate's Great,
Perplexity;" Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.;
I Luther league, 6.15 p. m.
Trinity, Camp Hill —The Rev. E. D.
| Weigle. 10.30 a. in., "No Neutrality
[ With Respect to Christ;" 7.30 p. 111.,
"The Effectual Working of God's ,
word;'' Sunday school, 9.15 u. m.
Memorial —The Kev. L. C. Manges,
D. D. 10.30 a. m., "Abraham's Sur
render"; 7.30 p. m., "The Power of |
His Word"; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; i
Jr. Luther League, 5.30 p. m.; Sr. Lu-;
;ther League, 6.30 p. m.
! Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar. j
II a... ,in., "'Followers of God"; 7.30,
p. m., "Christ Before Pilate"; Sunday;
school, 10 a. m.
I Zion—The Rev. S. Winfleld Herman, i
10.30 a. m., "Loving as Christ Loved"; |
7.30 p. in., "Death Gloriiied"; Sunday;
school, 1.45 p. m.; men's class, 1.50:
Ip. m.; Senior Catechetical class, 6.30;
| p. in.
j Market Square—The pastor will
[preach at 11 and 7.30; at the evening
sermon the choir will sing the can
jtatn, "Gallia," by Gounod.
I Calvary—The Rev. Harry B. King.
! Preaching, 10.15 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.;
|Sunday school, 9 a. lq.; C. E., 6.30]
p. rn.
Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis. 10.30 a. in., "Every Need Sup-j
!plied"; Sunday school, 145 p. m.; C.<
jE., 6.45 p. m.; 7.30 p. m., "Misuse of
the Sabbath."
Pine Street —The Rev. Robert Mac
kenzie, D. D., of New York city, will
preach at both morning and evening,
services, 10.30 and 7.30.; Sunday
Ischool, junior department, 1.30 p. m.;!
senior department, 1.45 p. m.; C. E„
б.45 p. m.
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War
den. 7.30 p. in.. "Pilate and Jesus";
Sunday school, 9 a. m.; C. E., 0.45
p. m.
olivet —The Rev. Francis H. Laird.
Preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.;
Sunday school, 2 p. in.; C. E., 6.30
p. m.
Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer.:
10.30 a. m., the first of a course of i
three sermons of the holy spirit, "The
Flesh and the Spirit"; 7.30 p. m.,
"That New Cart"; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30 i
p. m.; Sabbath school, 2 p. m.
Immanuel —The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. Preaching, 10 a. m. and 7.30 |
p. m.; Sunday school, 11.15 a. ni.
Maclay Street—The Rev. Jay C.
Forncrook. Preaching, 11 a. m. and
7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.;
C .E., 6.30 p. m.
Fourth Street—The Rev. William N.
Yates. 10.30 a. m., "Righteous Danc
ing"; 7.30 p. m., "The Vestibule of
Lust"; Sunday school, 1.40 p. m.; Ju
nior C. E.. 3 p. m.; Senior and Inter
mediate C. E., 6.30 p.'m.
Progress—The Rev. George Sigler,
D. D. Sunday school, 9.30 a. in.; C.
E., 6 p. m.; preaching at 7.30 p. m., a
special sermon to the young people.
The Rev. J. W. Thompson, D. D.,
will preach to-morrow morning and
evening in the Penbrook Church of
God; at 3 o'clock a public mass meet
ing will be held and the Rev. J. C.
Forncrook, pastor of the Maclay Street
Church of God, will deliver an ad
Pleasant View —The Rev. George W.
Harper. Sunday school, 10 a. in.;
preaching, 11 a. m., "God's Prop
erty in Man"; Jr. C. E., 3.30 p. m.;
Sr. C. E., 6.30 p. m.; 7.30 p. m., "A Bad
Green Street—The Rev. C. H. Grove.
10.30 a. m., "Steps to Influence"; 7.30
p. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; C. E.,
6.30 p. ni.
Nagle Street —The Rev. C. S. Rice.
Preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 1.30 p. m.
Fifth Street —The Rev. B. H. Hart.
Preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 2 p. in.
Grace —The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D.
9.30 a. m.. class meeting; 10.30 a. m.,
"After a Pattern"; 1.45 p. m., Sun
day school and men's Bible class; 6.45
p. m., Epworth League; 7.30 p. in.,
"The Trysting Ptyce of the Soul."
Wesley Union—The Rev. J. Francis
Lee. 10.45 a. in., "Hunpan Salvation";
7.4£> p. ill., "The Fall of Jericho"; Sun-j
day school, 12.45 p. m ; C. E., 6-30 j
p m. I
Market Street—The Rev. W. H. ]
Dallman. 10.30 a. m„ "Doing Big
Things"; 7.30 p. m., "X J resent Day Pas
sions"; Sunaay school, 11.30 a. m.; Y. .
P. S. C. E., 6.30 p. m.
West End—The Rev. W. W. Clip-I
pinger. 7.30 p. m., revival services;
Sunday school, 10.30 a. m.; Young
People's meeting, 6.45 p. m. I
St. Paul—The Kev. E. L. Cunning- 1
ham. 10.30 a. m., "Certain Deliver
ance ; ~30 p. m., "Life of Abraham,"
illustrated; Sunday school, 12.30 p. m.:l
B. Y. P. U., 6.30 p. m. i
First—The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10.30
a. m., "The Baptist Vision and Task"; |
■ .30 p. m., "The Power That Wins"; 1
Sunday school, 11.30 a. m.
Tabernacle—The Rev. J. Wallace'
Green. 10.30 a. m., "Reverence Fori
the Father's Name"; 7.30 p. m., "A |
j Skeptics Bible"; Sunday school, 11.80
a. m.; Young People's Society, 6.30
|p. m.
j Tabernacle Chapel—The Rev. Geo.
Ginelow. 10.30 a. in., preaching in
(Hungarian; 3.30, in Roumanian; 7.30,
|in Hungarian; Sunday school, 2.30
P. m.,classes in Hungarian, Rouman
j ian and German.
Church of Christ—L. V. McGary,
speaker. Worship, 10.30 a. m.; 7.30
>'• m-. "Following Afar Off"; Bible
study 1 hursday evening" at 7.45.
(Church of the Brethren—Preach
ing, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; Christian Workers,
«' P. m ; mission Sunday school. Fourth I
and Maclay streets, 3.15 p. m .
A meeting for worship will be held
to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock
by the members of the Society of
I'riends at their headquarters, 31 a
\orth Second street.
-C- Swallow will preach at the
hristian Church, Lemoyne, on Sun-!
. at 3 0- His theme will
be The Songs of the Bible With Vocal
illustrations. '
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin Alger
Sawyer. Ba. m., holy communion; 11 ,
a. m., morning prayer and sermon; !
£ p. m„ Sunday school; 7.30 p. m„ •
evening prayer and sermon !
St. Augustine's—The Rev. W. Bur- '
ton Suthern. Jr. u a . m„ morning'
prayer and sermon; 12.30 p. m., Sun-I
day school.
tJ?*' nf"' B — The Rev - Floyd Apple- I
ton will preach. Morning prayer at 1
11, Sunday school at 2.30; evening
orayer at 7.30. ,
Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Clav- 1
ton Albert Smucker, D. D„ pastor, will
preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m •
class meeting, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday
School, 2 p. m.; Epwortli League, 6:30
p. m.
' ABbury—The Rev. Dr. C. A. Left
ur jo l;>aslor ' w 'll preach at 11 a. m.
and Bp. Ill.; Sunday School, 2 p. m *
at 3 p. m. the Rev. Dr. J. Francis Lee
will preach for the Annie Braxton
Rally Club.
Epworth—The Rev. Frank W.
in oa' } " P astol ' will preach at;
10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p.m.; class meet- |
lug, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. '
m.; Jr. Epworth League, 3 p. in.; Ep
worth League, 6:30 p. ni. 1
St. Paul s——The Kev. Robert W. |
Kun.Van, pastor, ;\vMl preach at 10:30
a. in. and 7:30 p. ui. J Sunday School,
l:4u p. ni.
Harris A. M E.—The Rev. I. B.
Turner, pastor, will preach at 10:45
a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday School, 1:30
P. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. ni.
Curtin Heights—The Rev. A. S.'
Williams, pastor, will preach at 10:30.
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; class meeting,!
9:30 p. m.; Epworth service, 6:30 p.:
ni.: Sunday School, 2 p. ni.
St. Andrew's—The Rev. Jaines F.!
Bullitt. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; I
morning prayer, litany and sermon, j
10.30: Sunday school, 12 m.; evening
nrayer and sermon, 7.30.
Mt. Calvary. Camp Hill—The Rev. |
O. H. Bridgman. Sunday school, 9.15 1
a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, I
J 10.30.
St. Chrysostom's, New Market—The I
Rev. O. H. Bridgman. Sunday school, j
2 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, I
3.30 p. m.
Salem-—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer,
pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. in. Audi
7:30 p. m.; Sunday School, 1:30 p. m.;
Young Peoples' service, 6:45 p. m.
Second—The Rev. Harry Nelson j
Bassler, pastor, will preach at 10:30 '
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School,!
1:45 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:30 p. m.
Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles I
May, pastor, will preach at 10:45 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School, 9:30'
a. m.; Heidelberg C. E., 6:30 p. m.
Don't Gofo Bed
The Eight Williams Jubilee Singers
Fifth Street Methodist Church
You can also hear them when the year's balance sheet is pre
sented at 10.30 A. ML, and at Sunday School at 2 P. M.
Also a Sermon on "One of the Nobodies" at 7.30 P.M.
Folks paid 50 cent* to hear these famous singers, who have
sung in every capital city of Europe, at the concert in Technical
High School to-night. They are worth it—and more too.
You can hear them to-morrow for whatever you choose to put
on the plate.
k • & v -
By David 11. Kiddle
That clergymen should not seek po
litical honors, but should accept a call
to public office if in their opinion they
can do good by such acceptance is the
belief of the Rev. Dr. William N.
Yates, pastor of Fourth Street Church
of God, the only minister of the city
holding a public office. Dr. Yates was
elected a member of the Harrisburg
school board last Fall on the Wash
ington party ticket, polling the high
est vote among the candidates for that
Dr. Yates is pastor of the largest
and oldest church of his denomina
tion. His church is the mother of the
Churches of God, having been estab
lished in 1825 by the Rev. John Wine
brenner, founder of the denomination.
Political office came to Dr. Yates
unsolicited. He says he didn't ask a
man to vote for him during the cam
paign and told the committee that
asked him to run for the office of
school director that he would not ask
for votes. He was carrying out his
own principle, believing that if the
people want a man to hold office they
will show such desire.
Dr. Y.ites as Director
As a school director, Dr. Yates has
interested himself in carrying out
what he believes his constituents de
sire. He is a good talker and at the
board meetings is a leader in the dis
In his church work lie lias made
remarkable success. Last summer
when the mi .ling of the General El
dership of the Church of God was
held in the Fourth Street church, lie
was offered the presidency "pf Findlay
College, the church educational in
stitution. So strong was the. pressure
brought by the members of his con
gregation to retain him in the church
here that he llnally declined the posi
During his pastorate of four years,
tl a membership ,of the church has
been increased from 325 to 527. The
Sunday School has been increased by
four hundred members, and the at
"The Cr me of Gambling"
will be the subject of a sermon in the
Ridge Avenue Methodist
Episcopal Church
Corner Sixth and Herr Streets
at 7.30 o'clock to-morrow evening by the pastor, Rev.
John H. Daugherty.
Love feast at 9.30 A. M.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 10,30 A. M.
All seats in this church are free. Strangers and
traveling men are especially welcome to all of the ser
Until You Have Heard
In the
tendance at the church services haw
been doubled.
In the pulpit. Dr. Yates is an oratoi
of ability, presents the old-fashioned
gospel in convincing style, and dls
cusses modern questions and local
problems with the übility of a keen
student of affairs. He is a "live" man
in his dealings with his people and in
constantly in demand as a speaker
at special services in the churches o/
his own denomination at commence
ment day,exercises and at special af
He Hhn a Good Jaw
Personally lie is a man of much
force. He lias a good jaw and backf
up the impression one gets from his
appearance by his activities. Ho ha*
preached thirty-two years, having en
tered the ministry when he was sev
enteen years old.
Dr. Yates came to this city from
Ida Grove, lowa, where he spent five
years. Before that he had been pas
tor of the only church of his denomi
nation in Philadelphia for ten years.
He went to Philadelphia from Findlay
where he had been president of the
college for two year*. He was gradu
ated from this institution in 1891 anti
became an instructor there until he
|was made president in 1893. He was
made a Doctor of Divinity by Findlay
College. Dr. Yates is a western Penn
sylvania man having been born in
West Moreland county. He started
to preach near hU homo April 29.
; 1882.
In his own denomination Dr. Yate.-
is one of Its leading figu.-es. He is
member of the board of missions o!
the general eldership, a body of five
men in charge of all the missionar*
work of the church; is a member oi"
the board of trustees of Findlay Col
lege; and Is president of the standing
executive committee of the East Penn -
sylvania eldership of the church. Dr.
Yates has contributed to the church
periodicals for twenty years. He was
president of the State Christian En
deavor Society one term.
Simple in Ills Tastes
Dr. Yates is one of the most demo
cratic of men. He is simple in his
tastes, and kindly in his manner.
When he is fighting for some right
eous object, he is a formidable oppo
nent and a valiant colleague. He
arouses tire in his followers, and is a
hard man to down.
\ He is not a partisan in politics, be
ing an absolute independent, he says.
!"A minister should not be partisan,
and should make no effort«to draw
, the church into politics. As a rep
: resentative of the moral influence of
the community, the minister lias a
'right to enter politics so that those
influences may be given the proper
' protection as all other businesses and
i interests are cared for by their repre
. sentatlves, but no minister should
island as the representative of the
I church alone, for this means the
, union of church and State, —and that
|is impossible."
| Harris Street—The Rev. Geo. p.
iSchaum, pastor, will preach at 10:30
|a. in. and 7:30 p. m.; praise service, 10
ja. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; K. 1,.
C. E., ti:4o p. ni.
I Park Street—The Kev. J. A. Sellers.
Preaching, 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. m.:
'Sunday school, 9.30 a. in.; Jr. U. IC.,
'5.45 p. in.; C. E., 6.30 p. m.
i [Other Church News on Paso 10]