OF BEAUTIFUL Spring Millinery 1 COMB IN AND INSPECT OWN WONDERFUL. ARRAY OF DAINTY -* MILLINERY A 1 We oannot do justice to these exquisite creations York In this you to !■ KAUFMAN'S—SECOND FLOOR—REAR. II *IB IJJ |L III' | ■ II * 1 WD 1 Our Formal Opening Will Occur Shortly. Watch Daily Papers. f _j| Continuation To-morrow of Our Gigantic Advance Sale of "4 Women's and Misses' Newest Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses I Actual Present Day Values SIB.OO to $22.50 Special at ij/ X r ~ - Stldl atest Spring Models, some plain tailored, others fancy Women S & Misses li/r. ~ . trimmed; also the new Balmacaan. The materials XT O • O v Misses New are fanc y Epongee, Novelty Checks, Benga- J2- JL2tT [New spring »JUItS line, Twine Cloth, Serges and Novelty ygw^ <> ■ < «« SPRTNCx Weaves, all the Desirable Spring SslS nITJrp r? " co,ors ' all sizes U P to 51 fVf / apasfeV . ■ O|Jl 1 O bust measure. Buy r l\ Over 15 models to choose . _ our E a 'ter Suit f J from. The new materials <TI C fjfj include fancy Crepes, t|/Xt/«V/V/ MORE THAN FIFTEEN SMART NEW STYLES IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' f JIIIb /(\ lS» Women's and Misses' SPRING SUITS \ \ W * Sre"se! Pr : ng . sls MORE THAN TWELVE [l/ S I to c hoose from Low I I V\ \\ \\\ \ JT 3J Necka, Raglan Sleeves, Co- NEW SPRING STYLES OF Vv/A V\ 1 , Suits for Stout QIC feet Bodice, Double and I COATS FOR \\ Y\ Women 1 b»UU maTeHals'are Chiffon Taf \\ \ \ [A A special series of models for £fL. taß ' 15 o.*?® 6 f-S, r < ITM"»*/ICM AMI"* MTCCCC \\\/S W women, 37 to 63 bust measure, Changeable Silks and Wool WUMLN AINU Mloobo w straight front and slightly cutaway Crepes. All the new Spring models, all with newest Spring colors, including black, and V. / ftr* |f Skirts; choice of serges, bedford all * oordS a and b crepe S: colors are black D BUT VOU^EAmR Women's Gowns v Nicely made, cut full, lace or 7 5 Tk T r-. # __ _ embroidery yokes; all sizes, \V / [V I L IJ| ««.* w omen slNewopringblouses Women's Gowns Every New Shade, Every New Model in Every Made of longcloth, trimmed __ -iVT'II l~" 1 in Val. lace and Swiss em- OlZe, YOU Will rind Here broidery, cut full; all sizes; \y/ 'DI \7 1 A, 1 rS\ ~ SI.OO value. Choice for Women s blouses, Values to $1.50 . . . 98c 09C Made ° f Crc P e - Voiles » Lawns, plain and figured; also high col- ors—pink, blue and corn. All sizes from 34 to 44. Choice for 98£. Women's Gowns Women s Blouses, Values to $3 .. . $1.95 Mr Made of Nainsook and Made of China and Messaline Silks, Crepe and Cotton Voiles, Longcloth; best workman- Lace and Net; in every new style and color. Sizes 34 to 44. Choice P ship; cut full; lace and em- or jßess^Hy broidery yokes; values to Women's BIoUSeS, VaWs to $4 (t? \| W $1.50. Choice for !_ y ' » • . \J =j\_j|/ Made of Crepe de Chine, Voile, Messaline and Chiffon Silks, Net \ J r a nd Laces, in all the newest shades and styles. All sizes from 34 to \ KAUFMAN' First Floor, Kear. 44. Choice for $2.95. ' \ V_ v ] LOWEST PRICE f'il ft YET ..... . MoO ici's Suits ana dfcrcoats; Were sl® & sl2 Kanftaii's New Spring Silts for Mea aid Young Men Are iere o Ik Greatest Variety and tk Very Lowest Prices Ever Quoted. Cance Over These Prices I ss *2M° s "l4K 75 ' EVERY SUIT SNAPPY AND mw.vv WESI sens FOR BAYS : Style—2 Pairs of Knickers—Good $5.00 —They Come to Sizes 6 to >T BALKAN NORFOLK SUITS for Boys, 2 Pairs of Knickers, Good \< BOYS' FULL KNICKER BLUE SERGE NORFOLK BOYS' NEW NORFOLK PARTS, Good Tsc SUITS for <s><* SUIIS, <1 Jf 1 Values, Sizes 3to I yj/r Boys, $6.00 \\ « to $3 50, 6to Xs\\ M - I 17, for . . . . values,? to 14, at . . . <\|JJio/J) — ; V~ •• • -.-J V - ■' • •. • . ■. ' " ■" ' . \ V * • ' I• \ ♦ FRIDAY EVENING, &AREISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1914. ■> MORE THAN TEN STYLES OF THE NEW AND HANDSOME SPRING DRESSES. A SPECIAL SERIES OF MODELS OF SUITS AND COATS FOR EXTRA LARGE WOMEN. ALL ALTERATIONS MADE FREE OF CHARGE BY OUR EXPERT FORCE OF FITTERS AND ALTERATION HANDS. IN EVERY INSTANCE WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT. _j r —> |i What Fashing Has Decreed j For Little Folks This Spring i Formal Opening of Our Girls' Dresses New Styles in influite variety will be presented to-morrow They include the prettiest kinds and nicest qualities; very many of the lots purposely pur- !| chased and held in reserve for this great Opening Display and Sale. : d» 1 Q C Girls' Dresses, GIRLS' DRESSES, /[H j; -'Values to $3.00. 75c value for "yC Made in all the newest ma- Made of Pcrca i es and G ing- |l terials; in every new model. . ... ~ ~ £ rf t /Win! <! All sizes 6to 14 years old. ham ' a " slzes 2to 14 y ears - old - N GIRLS'COLORED GIRLS' DRESSES,QQ JlSu If WASH DRESSES Values to $1.50, for. VOC \\^H $2.45, $2.90, $3.90 .\icely made and trimmed, i;t In every new model; in all made in all colors, of |p| sizes 6 to 14 years. and Percales, also white \ jl GIRLS' DRESSES AH hizes to H years old. || some assortment of Girls' /-«• t > -r» ~ , ~ _ _ j; White Dresses; in all sizes lr . 4s 1 ) 3 jT| \ i from 2to 14 years old. Values to $2.00. 4> ®Jy I|\ 1 -'At $1.45, $ 1 .95, P Ma f e °! Rep ,; G ™« ham and t V\l d?Onc d>Or\d Percales, m all the newest W \ \l $3.95, up to models and the newest color- 'Hly' I I $9 98 " 1 & s - All sizes 6to 14 years SEE OUR GIRLS* DRESSES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ! ' V —— ! j » iinininviitntmu' 1 Well-known Upper End Farmer Hangs Himself Ellzabethville. Pa., March 13. —Henry I. Hart man, a farmer, residing about two miles north of this place, com mitted suicide by hanging yesterday morning. He left the house some time after 1 o'clock at night, It is be lieved. He failed to answer at the call for breakfast and his son Thomas went out to ascertain the reason and found him suspended with a »ope In the barn. The reason for the act Is unknown, except 111-health, which seemed to prey on ills mind. He was a devoted member of the St. John's Lutheran Church and always active In all phases of church work. The community was greatly shocked. Coroner Eckinger held an Inquest, after which Under taker Bufllngton took charge of the body. He Is survived by a widow and , seven children, two sons and five | daughters. Funeral will be held to ; morrow morning. ! RADFORD, VA. MAN ! Rundown and Nervous, Restored to Health by Vinol. I A. D. Robinson, Radford, Va., says: ! "I was all run down in health, had no i appetite and was so nervous I could i not sleep at night. Vinol was recom | mended to me and after using one i bottle I noticed nn improvement. Con | tinuing its use I was completely re | stored to health. The nervousness is ; all gone, I can get a good night's sleep | and have a hearty appetite. I can | recommend Vinol to anyone who suf i fers as I did." I Vinol is the greatest body builder and strength creator we know of. The i curative elements pf the cod's liver, aided by the blood-making, strength ening properties of tonic Iron con tained in Vinol, restore the lacking In gredients to the blood, and the result is health, strength and vigor. If you need building up try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harrisburg. Pa. Vinol is sold in Steelton, Pa., by T. Prowell. P. S. —If you have Eczema try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee It—Adver- i 1 tieement. t I j The New Spring Skirts Are Ready jj Hundreds of handsome plaid skirts, newest serge and pop- !; lin skirts, every size is here. The prices are $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 $5.95 I! s : J jj 7{ucr GvuvqJU LK Coat* M!Mi Hii is a slip-on effect, with capacious Rag- j j gapP < g Slp |SA lan sleeves, slashed side pockets and man- !j ili§* fji& I< y n ' cu^s » an( l may be worn buttoned close- ] j iljlpl ly at the neck or open with revera. y&Zfa Made of all-wool fancy coatings, in tweed ]! and big English overplaid designs, thus |i carrying out in the fabrics the swagger, ;i pt 'f § sportive character of the garment itself. yjfgl Sxtra. Special : $5-15, |6.<|s $16.00 ,|| U KAUFMAN'S— FLOOR. \ ] » CORSETS li| The Secretof Perfect Grace|| The very newest models now being displayed are notable j! for their plastic grace and submissive contour. Royal Worcester Warner's Rust La.Grecque Corsets Proof Corsets Corsets Priced from $1 to $3. Priced from $1 to $3. Priced from $3 to ft KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FLOOR—REAR. ! * ! News Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania Shumokin.—Charles Bobbin was fa tally Injured at the Culbert colliery yesterday, coal falling on his back aa he was loading a wogan. Reading.—The family here was no tified yesterday of the sudden death of Mrs. Arthur A. Devlin, prominent Reading society woinun, while on a visit to relatives In Chicago. Reading. Mayor Ira W. Stratton yesterday announced appointment of the following to comprise Reading's first city planning commission, to as sist in laying out new streets, annexing territory and recommending changes to beautify the city: Jonathan Moul, retired merchant; A. F. Smith, archi tect; Edward C, Nolan, banker; John Keiin Staufter, newspaper correspond ent, and Edward H. Knerr, banker. Pottsvllle.—A coroner's Jury cen sured the Buckthorn Coal Company, the owners and operators of the Chance colliery, near St. Clair, in its verdict after an inquest into the cause of the death of David H. Geiger, of the latter place. Reading.—After being in the Schuyl kill river for forty-six days, the body of Mrs. Adam Anderson, 60 years old, who with her husband was drowned when they accidentally drove into the stream during a blinding rainstorm on Saturday night, January 24, was recovered yesterday. The husband's body was found ten days after the accident. Hazleton. —The detachment of State troopers here was withdrawn yester day and the men returned to their barracks at Wyoming, Pa., owing to the necessity of retrenchment because of the lack of funds for outpost duty. Hazleton. —The citizens of West Ha zleton having voted authority for a loan of $50,000 for street paving, ex tension of the sewerage system and other needed improvements, council will prepare at once for the sale of the bonds and the letting of contracts. Reading.—James E. Howe, aged 66 years, a machinist and former fore man of the Reading car shops, ended his life by inhaling gas. THE STANDARDIZED CAR See the Cole "Four" and "Six" at the Automobile Show. REHR BROS. & CO. if you have not seen our latest cata log we will be pleoned to send it. Spangler, Sixth above Maclay.—Adver tisement. GREATEST POSSIBLE: EXPRESSION' Can be Illustrated in the Behr Bros. , Players. Spangler, Sixth above Maclay. —Advertisement. Reading Firemen Will Co-operate on Paid System Reading, Pa, March 13.-—At a meet ing of the Firemen's Union, composed i of delegates from the thirteen volun i teer companies of the city, the firemen yesterday acquiesced In the plans of . city council for a paid department by appointing a committee composed of one member from each company to co-operate with the city officials. Itching Stops ! Instantly! One Application of ZEHO Stopa This Unbearable Torture and Makes Life Worth Living, \ Get a 350 Bottle Today and Prove It. It doesnt take any longer to apply ZEMO than It does to scratch and rub those f awful itching places, but it does Fj) more good. ZEMO puts an instant end W to the itching, rV leaving the skin cool and comfort '*» \ able, while scratch -- I lng just makes it ■ I worse, and ZEMO V conquers the cause i of the. itching at tho same time. This remarkable skin remedy ants M almost like maglo. 14 quickly allays the irritation that "tSSrsi£2? causes itching. whether this is germ activity or clogged pores and blood vessels, and when used regularly produoM really wonderful and permanent results. Try ZBMOI Provo it for yourself. Buy a 250 bottle today and stop yonr torture at once. *ZEMO Is sold and guaranteed by druf* i gists everywhere and In Harrlsburg by | Golden Seal Drug Store, E. Z. Gross, I Kennedy's Medicine Store, Croll Keller W. T. Thompson, C. M. Forney; T i Prowell. Steelton, Pa. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers