16 ! CUT-RATE MEDICINES | KENNEDY'S 321 MARKET STREET | PATENT MEDICINES 1 I f 5 Hand's Remedies, 17* ■""" I Mary Garden Ext., y 2 oz., 955, 8 Eskay's Food, 16?, 33*, 53<!, 91.95 A M m m 4A. Mary Garden Ext., 1 oz., . $1.75 § Glide's p e pt ° Mangon, ...75J - n n .. . Mary Garden Toilet Water. 8 oz., #3.70 Jg Milk of "Magnesia, . ..' 19$ and' 37 $ We mUSf have your HLLrtO sell Patent Medicines at Mary Garden Sachet Powder, $1.45 3 Musteroie 17$ and 34$ these low prices. Everything else seems to be going up in price. But Garden Face Powder $i.67 TT Doan's Kidnev Pills 35* i/r\TKirl^W/*c 1 • .1 in I~> Mary Garden Talcum Powder 45$ tt Sargol, . ... .. 34*, 67$ kLINNLDY b are doing everything in t eir power to HLLr Djer K i ss Extract, i oz 90* 2 Tvre^'s P Anti a powder lfs 17* 67* y° u to buy P atenl Medicine cheaper than elsewhere, even in the Djer Kiss Toilet water, 90$ If pinex a larger cities • . Dj er Ki SS sachet Powder, <*>s ff Eckman's Alterative, $1.50 * • • IflTI D-\ A 1 Djer Kiss Face Powder, small, 49$ ♦♦ Scott's Emulsion, 375, 67$ J I Are you giving us your HtiLr ? Are you patronizing the ( 1 Djer Kiss Face Powder, large, 85$ 1 1 it Fellow's Hypophosphites .67*, $1.04 ctntt* that rut thi» nrirp of Patent Mi»rlirin#» to save von Djer Kiss Creme 45$ 5 Tad's Kidnev Salts 58* SlOre inat CUI llie price or raient lvieaicine to save you money. Roger & Gallet Violette DeParme Extract, 79$ S Croxone, ..' 57$ Kennedy's are fighting and doing their best to keep the prices Roger & Gallet Violette DeParme Toilet Water, ....75$ 2 Mercolized Wax, 53$ 1 Roger & Gallet Violette Face Powder, 40$ Hagee's Cordial Cod Liver Oil, 66$ ClOWn* Roger & Gallet Rice Powder ....17$ 8 : We are between you and high prices—if it wasn't for us poWde;;::::::::;:::::::::;S§S H Sterro Cubes, 27$ yOU Would be paying full prices to-dav for all your medicine. But Piver's Azurea Face Powder, 85* § Pape's Diapepsin, 34$ 1 . A 1 II 1 • Pivers Talcum Powder, 19^. XX Pape's cold Tablets, 17* we are in business to save you monev. And all we a*k in peer's Azurea Soap, . 59$ | IS Y° UT HELP to fight this ba tie for low prices. Don't 3 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, 67$ think yOlir purchase IS tOO small to bring to US, for always re- Tetlow's Swan Down Face Powder, 12<* ♦X Pond's Extract 17$ and 34* » 1 1 11 *ll I_ICI D J Packer's Tar Soap, 15$ XX Kondon's Catarrh jelly, 16* and 32* member, every purchase, no matter now small, will ritiLr and I Pebecco Tooth Paste, 34* I ; IX Jayne's Expect., 17*, 34*, 67* L_ ar»nrAriat#»rl kv u« Hush 13$, 2 for 25$ 5 Hvomei, Complete 67* appiCClalCU uy lib. Squibb's Talcum Powder, 15* it Hvomei Inhalant 34* n . n . n r •ir» • iir /\ I\ rk 1 *» Peroxide Cream 13$, 2 for 25$ H ' Herpicide 34e and 67* WC DO NOt UO-fl jOCC 31 j3 CS rd* UflC U3V UILV, Mennen's Talcum Powder 12? < XX Hood's Sarsaparilla 67* r J * Babcock s Talcum Powder, ... 12$ g Selling a few goods below cost, wi.h the idea of getting you in ::::::::;::;::?l? ♦♦ Father John's Medicine 34f» and 67* OUr Store—then the folio Wing day raising the pHCe on you nor Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 34* and 75c XX Castoria —Fletcher's, ; 24* 1 j 1. Tetlow's Gossamer Face Powder, 17^. tt Carter's Little Liver Pills 14* do We limit OUr Customers. 5 I Elcaya Creme 33* I i - , We advertise our prices, andsell by them, "not for one day," ♦♦ Belies Pa-Pa vans. 17* and 50* but all the time, and carry enough stock to supplv everybody 4711 Glycerine Soap, 15$ XX Laxative Bromo-Quinine —Groves 15$ • 1 L L Dioxogen, 17$, 345, 50$ ti Badem Saiz, 17* and 34* with as much as they want. I ) Sempre Goivine, I aL.JL . ) 1 ♦♦ ♦♦ H Yours Respectfully, I KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE MEDICINE STORE, gft: ■ xttxxnxxxxxxxxxxxxuxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxuxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxttx-xxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuxnxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxttxxxtxxxxxtxxxxxxxtxxxxxtxtxxxxxxxxxxxx HEARTS TREATED FREE J> Or. Miles, the Grout r»peciull»t M! ho Sends a Serf $-.50 Treatment, Free. Heart disease ts dangerous, hundreds drop dead wlio could have been saved. .Many have been cured after doctors railed. To prove the remarkable ef ficacy of his new Special Personal Treatment for heart disease, short j breath, pain in side, shoulder or arm, oppression, irregular pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of ankles or 1 dropsy, Dr. Miles will send to afflicted persons a $2.50 l-'reo Treatment. Bad cases usually soon relieved. These treatments are the result of JO years' extensive research and remark able success in treating various ail ments of the heart, liver and stomach, which often complicate each case. Send (or Remarkable Cures In Vour State So wonderful are the results that he wishes every sick person to test this S'amous treatment at his expense. Af flicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer, as they may never have such an opportunity again. De lays are dangerous. No death comes viore suddenly than that from heart disease. Send at onco for his Free Book and Free Treatment. Describe your dis ease. Address Dr. Franklin Jliles, Dept. JIF.. 525 to 535 Slain St., Elkhart, lnd. •—Advertisement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November 30. 1913. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martir.sburg at 6:03. *7:52 a. m., *0:40 p. m. For Hagerstown. Chnmbersburg, Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at 5:03. *7:52. *11:53 a. m.. •3:40. 6:32, *7:40, *11:15 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and JUeehanicsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:18, 3:27, 5:30. 9:30 a. m. For Dillsburg at 5:03. *7:52 and •11:53 a. m., 2:18, *3:40, 5:32 and 6:30 p. m. •Daily. All other trains dally except Eunday. H. A. KIDDLE. J. H. TONGE. G. P. A. Supt. C. W. TOWSON'S High Grade GOOD 1.1 CK and DiSDV BHA3iD BUTTERINE Good l.uck, 25c Ib.i 2 lbs. for 48ci 3 Iba. tor 70c: S Iba. for 91,15. Dandy. 23c Ib.i 2 Iba. (or 45ci 5 Iba. (or <I.OO. The best grades for table, cooking end baking. We guarantee ali goods we sell. Deliveries to all parts of the city. Bell phone. 820 MARKET STREET 1C SOUTH THIRTEENTH ST. MERCHANTS A MINERS TRANS. CO. "FLORIDA BY SEA" Direct lioute BALTIMORE: ami PHILADELPHIA Savannah and Jacksonville ' Through tickets to principal points Including meals and stateroom accom modations on steamers Best route to Florida, Cuba and the South. Fine »-teamers. Best service. Dow fares. Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried. Kooms de Luxe. Baths. For booklet • all on local ticket agent or address, 4 Ity Ticket Of Are. 10.' S. Oth St., Pfalla. W. P. Turner, P. T. M., Baltimore, )M, Try Telegraph Want Ads. FRIDAY EVENING, &APRISBURG Sfijjift? TELEGRAPfI MARCH 13, 1914. lAMUseMewa MAJESTIC To-morrow, Matinee and Night—"The Spendthrift." Monday, March 16 The celebrated Yiddish star, Bores Thomashefskv. Tuesday, March 17—"Baby Mine." Saturday. March 21—"Oh! Oh: Del phine." Week of March 23-—Helen Grayce anu her company. "Till: SPENDTHRIFT" It is safe to say that no dramatic production of recent years in New York has scored a greater success than Porter Emerson Browne's four-act drama called "'The Spendthrift." As tiie title implies, Mr. Browne's play deals with financial extravagance set in the framework of a domestic house hold. It is the story of an extravagant wife who lives tar and away beyond her husband's income and which ENJOY YOUR MEALS Take Mi-o-na—A Simple, Harm less Remedy for Indigestion or Upset Stomach Let us tell you how to enjoy your meals so that even the heartiest din ner will set well on your stomach, cause no unpleasant or disagreeable after effects. There is no hard work; no need of a rigid diet list; no disagreeable medi cine; instead, eat what you like and use Mi-o-na Tablets. They are not only a digestive find antacid, giving prompt and effective relief, but a spe cific for disordered stomachs. Do not' endure indigestion another day. Mi o-na surely and safely strengthens the digestive organs, soothes the irritated membrane, and increases the flow of gastric juices so that the stomach can care for the food as nature Intended. It is needless to have a bad stomach or suffer after-eating misery. Get from H. C. Kennedy, or any druggist, a 50-cent box of Mi-on-a to-day—take two or three tablets at the first sign jof dtstress. Keep it in the house— ! carry it when traveling—it's at all j times the dependable stomach remedy, j —Advertisement. Non-greasy Toilet Cream—keeps the skin soft and veivety in rough weather. An exquisite tollot prep aration, 25c. GOHGAS DRUG STORES ; 10 N. Third St„ and P. 11. R. Station 1 r . ~ \ Guaranteed ■'Mm - llavaa almost Instantly SOMAS' RCXALL STORM 11 a. M St fWUUk a. H. iuiln brings ruin and disaster in its wake. Every body will be interested in wit nessing Mr. Browne's story of such a timely topic. "The Spendthrift" is! scheduled for a return engagement at | the Majestic Theater to-morrow, mati- i nee and night.—Advertisement. COINTRV STORE Sandwiched in with 'he fine comedy ; bill at the Colonial ti>-nlght will be the i ever-popular feature. Country Store. J An interesting as well as a costly array of articles will be given away. The vau deville bill is headed by a clever comedy playlet, intensely dramatic In spots, en titled "Koom 44." and comedy, singing and athletics are all included in the other features. The moving pictures will continue to be of their high grade of excellence.—Advertisement. AT THE ORPHEL.U The appearance of so celebrated a star at the Orpheutn as Joseph Jeffer son is especially noteworthy during the chronicle of a theatrical season. Other noteworthy stars have been seen here this season, but it is nevertheless a fact that Mr. Jefferson tops the climax in this respect. His playlet that is full of wholesome tun, clever acting and interesting situations, heads a bill that vaudeville devotees generally are de claring the season's best. Of headline importance on this bill also is an acro batic offering, presented by the Seven Original Bracks, easil-- the most won derful and most raplaly moving gym nastic act ever seen on the Orpheuni stage. The act is bound to please more than admirers of this particular type of entertainment. Then there are the Four Soldier Fiddlers, true enough rel ics of the Civil War, who i.uate their way into favor this week just as they did on several other occasions. In fact, the popularity of the old soldiers seems to grow with each appearance. Those who witness their performance at the Orpheum this week are noticing that there remains but two of the original members of the quintet. Since their last engagement at the Orpheum three members of the original act have answered the last roll call, and the va cancy has been filled by three other members. The Old Soldier Fiddlers offer a novelty that Is trulv rapidly passing away, and hence It is all the greater a novelty. The Empire Comedy Four, in excellent vocal numbers and corking good fun. lend one of the big hits of the bill, and there are three or four other attractions on the same of fering of almost equal rank and Im portance.—Advertisement. VICTORIA THEATER i Another success in an unusual line I must be credited to the Broncho play ers for the two-reel production of i "Mario." They are filled with beauti ful scenes and some striking light ef fects are used. An American artist is I engaced to a girl in his own country, but Is infatuated with a Sicilian beauty while he is working at his painting in that island. She becomes his model and when her parents drive her from homo, his mistress. "Masked Mvstery" Is a big three-act feature, which was advertised yesterday by mistake. "The Musician's Wife" Is another beautiful picture which will be shown to-day. Advertisement. CASTORIA | For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years HOUSTON MILL IT lOGESTOII BUB Fire Completely Destroys Old j Building and Contents Along Conodoguinet Creek Special to The Telegraph Mechunicsburg, Pa., March 13. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock j fire destroyed the Huston mill, located j on the Conodoguinet creek a short dis- I tance north of Hogestown. The mill, wafi the property of Arthur J. Huston, of this place, and was one of the best 1 mills along this stream. It fras well equipped with up-to-date machinery, all of which was burned. Stokes Bros., the millers, are also heavy losers. It is supposed that it caught from u flue in the upper story and when discov ered the flames spread so rapidly that those who came to the assistance of the millers found it impossible to save any of the contents except a few bags of chop. The mill was built of stone and wood and the only remaining por tions are the walls. A large quantity of grain, flour and feed was destroyed. Frank Foltz, the farmer who was assisting 1n removing the chop, was badly burned about the arms and hands. The loss is estimated at about SIO,OOO, which is partially covered by insurance. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro.—William Luther Mil ler, 39 years old, died yesterday morn ing of pleurisy. He had been ill only a week. He is survived by a widow and these children: Margie, Frank, Edward and Glen Miller; also these sisters: Mrs. F. B. Reany, York; Mrs. J. F. Monn, of Quincy, and Mrs. S. D. Hlxon, of Waynesboro. Conoy.—Miss Mary Ann Riger died yesterday at Vineland, N. J., where she had been on a visit. She was 91 years old and was one of the pioneers I of this section of Lancaster county. | She was a sister of the late Rev. C. H. I Riger, formerly of Mlddletown. I Selinsgrove. William R. Reigel, i ex-county treasurer of Snyder county, 1 died yesterday at his home in Beaver j Springs after an illness of only a day. His death was caused by a stroke of apoplexy. He is survived by a wife and one daughter. Waynesboro.—Mrs. Myrtle (Freeze) Verdier, wife of Benjamin Verdier, died at ,ler home at Mont Alto yes terday after a brief illness. She was 31 years old and a daughter of Wil liam Freeze, of Waynesboro. She is survived by her father, husband and these children: Robert, Catherine, Margaret, Gladys, Annie and a two week-old infant. , Kirkwood.— Joseph Miller, 87 years old, a retired merchant, died yester day. He was a veteran of the Civil *Var Ono daughter survives. Montour County Bar Unanimously Endorses Candidacy of Kunkel Montour county's united bar to-day, unanimously endorsed the candidacy <>f President Judge George Kunkel for ; Justice of the Supreme Court of Penn- j sylvania. The resolutions follow: "Whereas, The bar of Dauphin i county has placed the Honorable j George Kunkel before the people for. the office of Justice of the Supreme i Court of this Commonwealth on a! nonpartisan primary ballot, and "Wheras, Judge Kunkel was the j unanimous choice of all parties for a I second term on the bench of Dauphin j county at the election recently held in i said county, therefore, "We, the undersigned members of 1 the bar of Montour county, recogniz- ; ing his eminent fitness for the posi tion, hereby endorse Judge KunkeVsJ candidacy." SEE THE COLE. The standardized car at the Auto- j mobile Show. Bowman & Co. IRON FALLS OX HIM George Russel, 55 years xild, of J Wormleysburg, was injured this after noon while at work at the new Kunkel Building, Third and Market streets. | when a heavy piece of iron fell on his left foot. Possible fractures may have resulted. MAJOR OTT AT HIS DESK j Major Fred M. Ott, county solicitor, j returned to his office to-day after an absence of several weeks because of j illness. During his absence Wicker .sham and Metzger were named as j I county solicitors temporarily. OPENING OF MITE BOXES j Halifax, Pa., MarcU l*.—On Sunday ' I afternoon, March 15, at 2.30 o'clock I , the Women's Missionary Society of | the United Brethren Church of this I place, will open the mite boxes. The j : services will be marked with special < features appropriate to the occasion. I POSLAM HEALS AILING SKIN j SO QUXKLYjj Don't let anything keep you from trying Poslam If you need It to stop Itching and drive away any skin trouble. Poslam's merit is real. Its healing power Is speedy, intense and certain. Soothes tender, irritated skin and con trols and eradicates# Eczema, Acne, Pimples, Tetter, all forms of Itch and all surface disorders. Poslam is absolutely harmless. It cannot injure. Its great merit deserves your full confidence. Splendid results follow its use. Your druggist sells Poslam. For free , sample write to Emergency Labora , torles, 32 West 25th St., New York, i Poslam Soap Is best for the skin be cause medicated with Poslam. i New Toilet Size 15 Cents.—Advertisc i merit. To Hold Memorial Services For Mrs. Dubs Memorial services in honor of Mrs. C. Newton Dubs, formerly of this city, who died while a missionary in China, will i>o held in Harris Street United Evangelical Church Sunday. Mrs. Dubs was an active member of the Harris Street Church. In charge of the service will be tho I Rev. G. F. Scluium, the Rev. B. H. j Neibel, corresponding secretary of the j church missionary society; Bishop H. Dry Catarrh, Cold in Head, Sneezing, Stopped Up Nose Coughing, Hacking, Nose Running, Dry Nose, Coryza, Ringing Ears, Deafness, Relieved in One Minute. l/'ONDON'S Original and Genuine Catarrhal Jelly does all this quick. We can prove it. We have thousands of unsolicited testimonials written us by grateful users in the past twenty two years. Go to any drug store, get a small tube of Kondon's (don't take a substitute), you will receive more benefit than from any like rem edy ever used—you to be the judge. Money refunded, if wanted, and no quibbling. Kondon's melts and penetrates when placed in the nostrils. It be ro cc PIANO TUNING In order to get in touch with all those owning Winter & Co. and Rudolf Pianos, which were bought prior to the opening of this Store, December 11,1911, we will give one free tuning. This applies only to people in Harrisburg. Car fare will be charged to those living in nearby sur rounding towns. Send in your name and number of your piano at once. WINTER PIANO STORE 23 N. Fourth Street B. Hartzler, editor of The Evangelical? a I Bishop W. 11. Stanford. Tho hymns to be sung were those used af. the funeral services of Mrs. Dubs helil in Shanghai. THE STANDARDIZED CAR See the Colo "Four" and "Six" ;it he Automobile Show. BEPORK PURCHASING A PLAYER Take the ear- to the Spangler Piano House, Sixth above Maclay.—Adver tisement. gins to do good instantly. It touches the sore spots, heals the raw places, removes the scabs, makes life worth living. Use Kondon's tonight at bedtime. You will breathe through your nose, rest well and feel fine in the morn ing. Get a 25-cent tube today or send its 10 cents for a generous size physician's sample and book on how to treat catarrh and colds. Sixteen million tubes have been sold; not one hundred users have asked for money back. The proof is 99 99-100 per cent in our favor. Don't delay, write now to Kondon Manufacturing Company, Minneap olis, Minn.—Advertisement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers