Lost LOST Silver purse in either Pax tang or Second street car, Wednesday afternoon after 6 o'clock. Inltlal ?„ir N. H. Keep money. Please return purse to Mrs. Lewis Waehnlen, Bollevue Park, Harrisburg. LOST—Brown Cocker Spaniel, white breast stub tall license, 562. can, or address. 1603 Chestnut^gtreet^^ mmmmm 1 lelp W anted —Male MAN over 30. experienced v »'?"T solicitor, $lB weekly and steady position. Columbia Protective, 160 Nassau street New York. SEXTON for a church heated by city ■team. Salary, $30.00 per dress Box 36, and stato experience, it any, and give references. TWO experienced men to work on door and window frames In planing mill, Lemoyne, Pa- Steady employment. WANTED —A salesman to call on Physicians, Dentists, Lawyers and other professional gentle men to sell a high-grade specialty in Harrisburg. No opposition. Apply Protectograph Office, 47 Union Trust Building. YOUNG man to clerk In Kr° c «ry •tore; state age and experience. Ad dress M., 802, care of Telegraph. $76.00 MONTH paid Government Rail way Mail Clerks. Parcel Post means many appointments. Harrisburg exami nations coming. " Pul1 " Sample questions free, tranklin Insti tute. Dept. 361-L. Rochester, N. Jj Help Wanted—Female BUY Madame Gazelles (French) Switch and Hair Dye, safe fcftd reliable. Gives life, luster and color tothe hair. Conceals gray hair and Siv6s switch appearance and feeling of natural hair. Can be applied in a few m:nuti«. R| tall price. 50c. Agents wanted every where. Send 25c for ful 1 s 1 8 ' G. & G. Distributors, 36 Church street Ephrata, Pa. FIFTY experienced for rowing on power machines; pttid wnii6 learning. Apply S. Silver. Forster and Cowden streets. FORELADY for shirt factory, ilust have reference. Address Box 811, care of Telegraph. ... LEARN DRESSMAKING in one of the best oressmaking schools in America. Make your own dresses while learning- Night and Day classes. Works Dress making; school, 22 North Fourth street. OPPORTUNITY for self-reliant en ergetic woman; permanent position; good income; agreeable work. Aduress B. 0., 810, care of Telegraph. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, ulso learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. WANTED —2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. WE will consign and prepay plain machine sewing; reliable workers only. Send 25c for sample of work and full Instructions. Agents rnAko, 20c an hour. Dept. 45, Colonial Woolen Mills, Mass. WHITE girl for general housework; no washing. Call, or address. 2104 North Third street Bell phone 1916. WOMEN over 21 to assist in grocery fltore; must havo experience; references required. Address A., 805, care of Tele graph. YOUNG, reliable woman to keep house for young widower and small family. Call in afternoon at 3224 Sixth Btreet, Riverside. Pa. bituationo VV anted—Male A BOY 16 wants work of any kind. Apply 312 Clinton street. COLORED* man would liko a place as general housework; can give good ref erence; of Ohio. Address 1342 North Seventh street COLORED man wants work of any kind. Audress 914 Sarah avenue. MARRIED man of 28 years, perma nently located In Harrisburg, desires employment two or three days & week, preferably collecting. Address D., 796, care of Telegraph. PATTERNMAKER Young married T.ian wants a steady position with a Jarge firm, where experience and steadiness is appreciated. Willing to move to city. Address C., 704, care of Telegraph. YOUNG boy, of 17 years, desires po nition after school; can start at 3 P. M. Address C., 806, care of Telegraph. YOUNG colored man desires position as butler, or houseman; can give ref erence. Call, or address, 132 Liberty Ktreet, City. YOUNG man desires position In shoe department of some 6tore; seven years' experience. Address P., 792, care of Telegraph. YOUNG man desires work of any kind. Address M., 795, care of Tele graph. Situations Wanted—Female COLORED girl wants light house keeping. Address 803 South Tenth street. COLORED woman desires cleaning or day's work. Apply 016 Primrose avenue. DAY'S work or small washing to do at home. Call 242 Liberty street. City. LIGHT housework by colored girl. Address 1170 South Eleventh street. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wishes position as housekeeper for a respec table widower. Call, or address, 250 Nectarine avenue. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires a place for general housework. Address Box 25, Hill Station, City. SEWING by the day by experienced ueamstress. Address N., 807, care of Telegraph. Agents Wanted Wanted—lnsurance Men SMALL as well as larger towns Penn sylvania; all or spare time, sell our combined accident health and NA TURAL DEATH policy. Most liberal of to-day. Energetic men desiring an agency, liberal commission and collect ing interest given. To insure reply ad dress, with particulars. Secretary, P. o Box 3465, BostM^Mass^^ FOR SALE A House That Deserves Your Consideration 44 N. .EVENTEENTH ST. Vestibule reception bnll PBr . lor dlningroom und kitchen on orat floor open atalrvray. Three rooms and modern bath, room on second floor. Ttio rooms ou third flour t ln roof. And ga« and electricity Bu , and eoal range front bay window ,—front and back porches balconr —cemented cellar with hot and cold water and lauudry granolithic sidewalk- Lot 15.5x105 ft. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Streets. J # • FRIDAY EVENING, j HARRISBURG TELEGRXPH! MARCH 13, 1914. Boarders Wanted A GENTLEMAN boarder In a private family; all convenience*, with use of phone. Apply at 1626 Penn street. Rooms For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT TWO furnished rooms, second floor, one room facing Capitol Park, bath, electric light, running water in room, use of phone. Apply 410 North street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with private family, after "ril 1, for gen tlemen. with use of bath and telephone. For information call 123 South Second street. Two nicely furnished second floor rooms for light housekeeping; gas range and lights; use of bath and bal cony. Apply 433 South Thirteenth street. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, facing Capitol Park; city steam heat; use of bath and phone; suitable for two gen tlemen or man and wife. 406 Noith street TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences; rent reasonable. Apply 621 North Second street, or call liell phone 620 W. THREE ROOMS, completely furnish ed, for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; references exchanged. 840 South Sixteenth street. TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Including heat, phone and bath. Apply 217 Boas street. FURNISHED ROOMS on Sylvan Ter race; private family; all conveniences. Address 0., 791, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, wttli city heat and us* of bath. Apply 372 Brigtfs street. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or with out board. Apply 16o? North Sixth street. FURNISHED rooms, desirable loca tion. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Apply 1601' Green street Rooms Wanted TWO ladies desire two or thrss un furnished rooms, in private family, for light housekeeping, on or near Market street on the Hlli. Address X. T. Y., care of Telegraph. YOUNG, married couple desire two communicating rooms, - second floor, with Board, in private family; Hill pre ferred. Apply G., 804, care of Tele graph. Apartments For Kent COMMODIOUS second floor apart ment, Front and Herr streets; large lront porch overlooking river; electnc ught and gas; hardwood floors. Also garage in rear for rent. T. W. Rocka leliar, Second and North streets APARTMENT of four rooms and tiled bath; ail modern conveniences; electric iignts; steam heat, etc; locker in base ment. Possession April 1. Penna. Keaity & Improvement Co., IS2 Locust. FURNISHED, from April 1 to Oc tober 1; 6-room apartment to adults omy, S3O; use of piano; references ex changed. Address J,, 79/, care of Teiegiaph. APARTMENT 1118 North Sixth street, five rooms and bath, with all modern conveniences. Appiy R. O. Wll- Dar, 1118* North Sixth street. business Opportunities Are You Looking For a Real Opportunity? Are You Keaiiy Worth More Money Than You Are Now Getting? IF you are and you nave any real selling ability, we are ready to show you how to earn a lot more money by selling HKLP-A-PHOi\ES. Every Tele phone user is a possible customer. Sells tor $3.00. Big prortts and a wonderful opportunity tor hustlers. If you reany mean business, senu for free INSTRUC TIONS in SALUs.HA \ > llll*. Telia how to earn aa hign as SIOB per week. This opportunity may never come again, for you. Write to-day while your territory is still open. w. J. LUAVITT A CO., Emporium, Pa. Dept. 13. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers, expellence unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press syndicate. 798, Lock port, N. Y. GROCERY STORE FOR about $2,500. Good location. Reason lor selling, leaving city. Will be sold |at Inventory. Address Box ti., 777, care | of 'telegraph. 1 MADE $50,000 In Ave years In the ! mail order business, began with $5. I send for free booklet Telia how. Hea j cock. 356 Lockport N. Y. Business Personals . HAULING | H. W. LA'l'Ht, Mounting Stable aud .National TrauNicr Co. Movers of I pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ma. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and YVja#bine streets. tson phone .\o. 2Mi!R. v HOR falling nalr try Grors' Quinine Halt Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Dftiggist and Apothecary. 119 Market br&ri, given prompt attenUon. Bell. LOCAL EXPkK&S and Delivery. Piano und Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont gomery, Harrisburg. FEATHER RENOVATING WE are now Renovating Feathers, Making Pillows and Folding Feather Mattresses at the corner of Tenth and Paxton street, near Cameron. B. J. Campbell. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material <uid by export help Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. & N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street WE furnish music for all social events. Small combination for houss parties as low as $2.60. Address Zembra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486 Harrisburg, Pa. ' W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing I Shipments looked after at both ends' Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 8227 W. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113-15-17 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash Bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at Real Estate For Sale | TWO line homes, will be finished ' March 15. Niae rooms and latest and 1 only practical, common Eense bu.th. I room. Steam heated; large front and ; back porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary 1 wat>h tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber with south side exposure, sise 15x8; 12 I minutes by trolley to Market Square, i For further Information call P. Vander l 100, Masonic Temple Building, Third and . state streets. IN Camp Mill New Bungalow never been occupied located on | Bowman Ave. 7 rooms, bath, aild I steam heat corner property lot. I 10x140. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second 1 and Walnut streets. 1 DOUBLE brick house new —at 1811-13 Zarker street bath gas ; furnace cemented cellar rented for $36 per month 8 per cent net in ! vestment. Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. 1 2038 SUSQUEHANNA STREET —3- story brick 8 rooms, bath anil fur naee front porch cemented cel -1 lar lot, 18x72 side entrance. Brln ton-Paclcer Co,, Second and Walnut streets. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain if sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co., 1202 North Third. Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE IK ENOLA , NOS. 145-147-149 COLUMBIA KOAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms. Inquire C. D. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma clay street. Harrisburg. ♦ 1,000 WILL BUY frame house 8 rooms lot, 14x116; look at 427 South Thirteenth street 7 rooms bath Sas furnace 3oxloo. Bell Realt> 0., Bergner Building. ( 1 TWO three-story houses, one brick and one frame, on Sixth street near Muench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North BUth street. „ NO. 1607 MARKET STREET; beautj-| ful location; ten rooms; all conveni ences; will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Apply at above number. NO. 1512 HUNTER STREET can be bought at an attractive price; 9 rooms; 1 bath; alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. , 1119 DERRY BTREET 9 rooms, bath and turnace front porch lot, 16x85—side entrance. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 2104 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 8-room house; all conveniences; price very reasonable If sold at once. Apply 2046 Green street. _ THREE HOUSES In 32-24- 26 North Third street. Inquire Ella M. Ijhertz, Ellzabethtown, Pa. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT 2220 N. Second St., (one of a pair) 3-story brick 9 rooms bath steam heat lot 25x110 ft. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595. STORE ROOM FOR RENT Desir able first floor room. 109 North Second street, suitable for optical or millinery parlors, insurance office, manlsure par lor or other small business. Immediate possession. Apply on premises. HUSTON'S SUMMER HOME, along the Conodoguinet creek, one mile from Hogestown; large house with conveni ences and pleasant rooms; stable; fine boating, bathing and fishing. Apply A. J. Huston, Mechanicsburg. THREE-STORY BRICK, NO. 1334 North Second street 9 rooms and bath all conveniences. Also second floor apartment 4 rooms and bath. Apply H. W. Miller, 2210 North Third street. Bell phone. FOR RENT 1933 North Third St *45.00 2001 North Second St $45.00 2200 North Second St $50.00 JOHN C. ORR. Phone 934. 222 Market St. FOR RENT 103 LOCUST STREET lO rooms bath city steam central location — seven bedrooms suitable for lodgers —possession April 1. S. W. Fitzgerald, 317 Walnut street NEW 6-ruom house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots are 30x 120, with stable. G. 8. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. City. CORNER PROPERTY. Jefferson and Emerald streets, 8 rooniß and bath. Call, or address. Office, Seventh and Wood bine streets, or 2298 North Sixth street. Dell phone 2466. 2222 PENN STREET; steam heat; 8 rooms and bath; front porch; hardwood floors; possession April 1. Rent, $22.00. Inquire Pierce Rettew, 1000 North Third street. TO small family, 135f3 Wallace street, live rooms and attic; nicely papered; water in kitchen; paved street. Inquire 429 Broad street. Bell phone 3613 J. FRAME house, No. 912 South Nitte teenth-and-One-Half street $9.50. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE S. W. CORNER Third and Forstor streets, Harrisburg, Pa., dwelling house 11 rooms 2 baths city steam good location for offices, boarding or rooming house. Apply to Paul G. Smith, Attoruey-at-Law, 17 North Third street. City. R.eal Estate Wanted WANTED —To rent house between now and April Ist. Rental not over $25; Bor 9 rooms. Preferably above Peffer street. Address, Box SOB, care of Tele graph. . WANT TO RENT small house of about 0 rooms and bath, if possible, be low Hamilton and west of Sixth street, for family of three. Good location and moderate rent. Address Y., 809, care of Telegraph. WANT 9 or 10-room house, by April 1; all conveniences; must be in good condition, good locality, near center of city, north of Market street; reasonable rent. Address S„ 790, care of Tele graph. WANTED TO RENT April 1, house between Forster street and Market Square, all conveniences, 9 or 10 rooms and bath. Address 402 Briggs street. or call Bell phone 3675. For Sale FOR SALE TRUNKS, Traveling Qags, Suit Canes, Gloves. Sole, Larness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Do '.gula. Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to ordor and repaired. Harrisburg* Har ness and Supply Co., Second aud Cheat nut streets. PRIVATE SALE THE following articles will be sold at Private Sale: 14 single beds, 2 double beds, 1 folding bed, bedding, 8 bureaus, dlningroom chairs, piano and other household goods not mentioned. Mrs. Martha Napior, 123 South Second street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and ! loard and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for e. classified ad. if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. HALL Combination Lock Safe; inside measurement about 26x19 Inches; can be seen at Polleck'e, 11 North Fourth street. For price Inquire at Common wealth Trust Co., Real Estate Depart ment, 222 Market street PROSPEROUS BUSINESS FOR SALIf —general confectionery, Including ac. tlve soda fountain. Ice cream and choice candies. Complete information at our office. Get the facts. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain in America. SI.OO per fifteen, jo. 00 per hundred. Max Lauder, Mlddletown, Pa. CIGARS—For a limited time, wo are giving 12 Havana Blended 5c Cigars free with each Box of 50 of our Per fecto Clears, at $1 per Box, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR quick sale at a bargain, 1913 Model "Michigan 40" Touring Car, In good condition. Full equipment. Must be sold this week. Address 0., 793, care oi Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET7I(T cated on one of the principal streets of the oity. Up-to-date fixtures. If in , terested address 800, care of Telegraph. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS outlav all others. Get the heavy-laying white egg strain. Eggs, SI.OO for 12; $6.00 per 100. Oliver Hoover. Riverside, Pa. CHEAP, one 1%-foot extension, gol den oak, square dlningroom table, per fect order, $8.50. Less than half price. Table, 788, care of Telegraph. HUDSON AND. MITCHELL ROAD~- STERS, both late hiodels, In good con dition. Call, or phone, Monn Bros., Sev enteenth and Swatara. UP-TO-DATE butcher's refrigerator; capacity, two tons of Ice; first-class condition. If Interested address 801, care of Telegraph. For Sale ONE font of 10 pt and one font of tf Pt. O. ft, with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co, Hsrrisburg. Pa. EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY, $2 P«r gallon. Delivered by parcel post. Generous sample, 10c. 1a K. Hostetter, Utlta, Pa. CHEAP—One >45.00 gulden oak, 60- inch buffet-sideboard, as good as new, $16.00. Call 601 A Peffer street. FIVE ORGANS at l& each; worth from $lO to $26. Winter Piano Store, 23 North Fourth street. AN Upright Chlckering Piano, in fine condition. Apply 400 North Front street. Steeiton, Pa. MOUNTED Grey Kox. Fine speci men. Joseph Dasher. Jr., Hummels town. Pa. j FINE show case. Call Singer Sewing Machine Co., 13 South Market Square. CHEAP, shelving and counters. Ap ply 1218 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STOKE HOOM FOR HK.NT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many first-class business ho-'ses in ihe bame square. In center of population. iSlae of room !3xloo ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Hunt from April 1. $125 per month, Including heat j J. 8. Slble, 238 Herr street. FOR RENT Desirable offices In the Telegraph Building, singly or en-sulte. Inquire at Business office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be' secured at the Telegraph Business | Office. Card of Thanks CHAS. H. SPANGLER AND FAMILY wish to express their thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindness dur ing the recent illness and death of wife and mother, Emma Jane Spangler. : MR. A H. BLOUCH AND FAMILY desire to extend their sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted and sympathized with them during their great sorrow and bereavement Died [MEIXEL On March 12. 1914, at the York Hospital, York, Pa., C. Lyman Melxel. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Satur day afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at his late residence. No. 124 E. Washington Lane, | Germantown. Burial private. SCHELLENBERG On March 10. 1914, Mary y. Schellenberg, wife of Oto P. Schellenberg, aged 50 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 647 Race street. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. VAN AERNAM On March 12, 1914, Luella Gamble, widow of C. willard Van Aernam, aged 32 years, 3 month and 4 days. Funeral on Monday, March 16„ at 2 P. M., from late residence, 007 Peffer street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no tice. Burial private, in Harrisburg Cemetery. Omit llowers. Financial MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in afiy amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY i WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers* share profits of lenderß. Legal rales. I easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Storage "TIARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two I large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. a R. uln STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, reur -108 Market street. Household goodM In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apnlv to P. ti. Dleuer, Jeweler, 4UM Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Legal Notices In Matter of the Estate of Fannie Josephine Lee, Late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, do- NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary In the above estate have been granted by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them without dclaj to HENRY C. HAMILTON, 200 Pennsylvania Ave.. Klmira, New York, Executor of Fannie J. Lee, deeearod. Or to EDWIN M. HERSHEY, I-Ils Attorney. No. 208 Bergner Building. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of William Sheesley, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg. p a all persons Indebted to said Estate are' requested to make immediate payment and those having claims w»«« present' them for settlement, to J. HARRY SHEESLEY. Ninth and Hemlock Streets; 1 i EDMUND J. MILLER. 560 Race Street, Or, Executors. t>. S. SEITZ, Attorney. Notice THE PV3UC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA , NOTICE is hereby given that The Public Service Commission of the Com ; monwealth of Pennsylvania will held a i public hearing in its office, in the Capi ! tol, at Harrisburg, at 10:00 o'clock A i M., on Monday. March 16, 1914, at which i hearing all parties interested may ap i pear and be heard, concerning the rules and regulations which have been pre- I pared by the Commission to govern ap paratus proper and suitable for testing , meters of gas, water, electricity and steam heat and of other public service companies, the testing of meters. In spection and standard of service to be furnished by such public service com panies. The rules and regulations prepared by the Commission on the above sub jects have been printed and may be now seen at the office of the Commis sion in the Capitol at Harrisburg. Bv order of tne Commission. A B. MILLAR, Secretary. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams * Co, R. 804. 8 K. Market Sq. THE STANDARDIZED OAK Bee the Cole "Four" aiifl "Six" at the Automobile Show. ( All Important Stocks Gain as Results of Today's Trading Sharp Declines in Early Trading Are All Made Up By Noon New York, March 18. Despite sharp declines In various issues In the parly trading, It was apparent that no large volume of stocks was pressing for sale, and the steadiness of the specu lative leaders encouraged bullish trad ers to begin active operations. The shorts retreated and under the Influ ence of buying for both accounts prices w ere marked up in striking fashion. All of the important shares gained a point or more before tho buying slackened. The market met with dis tributed sales at the top, but quotations held firmly. Shares, which recently have been targets for bear attacks, such as Chesapeake and Ohio, New Haven and New York Central, took tho lead in the upturn. Bonds were Irregular. Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Bulldlug New York, March 13. Open. 2.30 P. M- Alaska Gold Mines . 21»4 21« I Amal. Copper 78% 74i»i American Can 29K) 29H I Am. C. & F SO 50 4 Am. Ice Securities .. 31 Sl% American Sugar ... 98 9914 American T. & T. . . Anaconda 35% 35% Atchison 9(Jtj 96 Baltimore & Ohio .. SS 88% Bethlehem Steel ... 48% 44^4 Bethlehem Steel pfd 85 86 Brooklyn R. T 91% 92% California Petroleum 27% 26% Canadian Pacific ... 204% 205% Central Leather ... 32% 33% Chesapeake & Ohio. 61? 4 53% C. M. & St. P 98 98% Chlno Con. Copper . 40% 41% Col. F. & 1 33 33'4 Corn Products 11% 11% Distilling Securities . 18% 18% Erie 28% 28% General Electric Co. 147% 148^4' Goodrich, B. F 2S 23% i Great Northern pfd. 126% 127% Great Nor. Ore subs. 36% 36% lllinos Central 109% 109% Interboro-Met 14% 14% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 59% 60 Lehigh Valley 144% 146 Louis. & Nashville . 134% 134% Mex. Petroleum ... 69% 68% | Mo., Kan. & Texas . 17% 17 Missouri Pacific ... 23% 24 Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% New York Central . 89% 90% N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 68 70 Norfolk & Western. 102% 103% Northern Pacific ... 111% 112 Penna. R. R 110% 110% People's Gas & Coke 122 122 Pittsburgh Coal .. . 20% 1 21 Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 91 Ul Pressed Steel Car 48 43 Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 21% Heading- 162% 163% Rep. Iron & Steel . 25% 26 Rep. Iron &- S. pfd.. 90% 90% Rock Island 4 4 % Rock Island pfd. .. 6% 6% Southern Pacific ... 93% 94 Tennessee Copper .. 34% 30% Texas Company ... 147 148% Union Pacific 156% 157% U. S. Rubber 61% 62% U. S. Steel 63% 63% U. S. Steel pfd 109% 110 Utah Copper 53% 54 Va. Car. Chem 31% 31 Western Maryland . 35% 34% Western Union Tel.. 63% 63% Westinghouso Mfg.. 72% 74 OTHER FELLOW S CLASS ENTERTAINED BY TEACHER Members of the "Other Fellows" 1 class o'f tho Derry Street United I Brethren church were given a social | lajst evening, through the courtesy of tho teacher, E. S. Nissley. The "Curbstone Quartette'' sang sev- j eral selections, numbers /ere given I by the Victrola and there were amus-' irig contests and refreshments. MISSING MISSIONARIES SAFE j London. March 13. —The safety of the two Misses Black, of the British China Inland Mission, who were re ported missing after the burning and looting by brigands of the town of Lao Ho-Kow, Hu-Peh, was confirmed in an official dispatch from Peking to the Foreign Office to-day. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS| German-Americans asert German gain in Japan commerce is due to mas tery of the Japanese language by trad- i ers. Horace Greeley Clarke, a Chicago lawyer, who disappeared twelve years ago, was found dead at Cudahy, Wis. A bill to submit the prohibition amendments to the people passed the ' Kentucky House, 60 to 32. Plilladelphians protest the proposed "spotting" charges at a hearing before the Interstate Commerce Commission. The rules committee of the National House of Representatives decided to in vestigate gambling in futures. What Is a Bond? We all know there can be 110 better security than a FIRST MORTGAGE ON REAL ESTATE, therefore, there can be 110 safer investment than a FIRST MORT GAGE REAL ESTATE BOND. Tn the case of a First Mortgage the whole amount is borrowed at one time from one source, while Bonds may be sold as money is required. All FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS are secured by a FIRST MORTGAGE upon some property owned by the company issuing the bonds, THE TITLE TO WHICH MUST BE ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS, in favor of a Trust Company, and the signature of an officer of the Trust Company appears on every bond sold, to certify that the bond is so secured. The Trust Company, as Trustee, will act in behalf and for the interest of the bondholder; will pay the inter est as it becomes due every six months; will pay the principal upon the expiration of the bond; and if the Company issuing the bond fails to produce the money for the payment of the principal and interest, the Trust Company will foreclose the mortgage, and pay the bond holders the principal and accumulated interest. If you have One Hundred Dollars or more saved earning less than 6%, this is your opportunity to increase your income. We have FIRST MORTGAGE 6% BONDS in denominations of SIOO to offer, interest free from all taxes. Banks, Trust Companies and all large investors get 6% for their money. YOU CAN GET IT TOO. SEND FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL CIRCULAR DESCRIBING OUR PLANS IN DETAIL AND SHOWING CUTS OF HOUSES TO BE ERECTED, FOR WHICH OPERATION WE ARE IS SUING BONDS. A POSTAL WILL BRING EVERYTHING. American Securities Investment Co. (INCORPORATED) General Offices, Drexel Building Philadelphia, Pa. or Later CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE rwalikr« by H. W. MAVEL V Arritilr Building;. Chicago, 111., March 13. Up« I, 111-ill .iirt • * Wh»tt- May »2T4 #3>* »2?i 93% July 87% 88% BT% 88Vi ,rn— May 86% 67% 86% 67% July 66% 67% 66% 67 w May 39% 39% 39%. 59% July 39% 39% 39 39% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Uy Associated Press Philadelphia, March 13. Wheat Steady; No. 2. red, export, 99%(U> $1.00; No. 1, Northern. Dulutli, export, *1.04% @1.05%. Corn Steady; new. No. 2. yellow, natural, local, 69U®f0c; do., kiln dried, local, 71%@72%c. Oats —Steady; No. 2, wlxlte. 46® 46 %c. Bran Market higher; winter, per ton, $28.60# 30.00; spring, per ton, $29.50®30.00. Hen nod Sugars Market steady; powacred, 4.00 c; line granulated. 3.90 c; confectioners' A, S.SOc; Keystone, A, 3.75 c. Butter Tho market Is steady; western, creamery, extras, 30c; nearby prints, fancy, 33c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $9.60 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.30 per case; western, extras, firsts, free tases, $9,60 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.30 per case. 0 Poultry Weak; fowls. 16® 17c: young chickens, lb®i!oc, broiling chickens. 16',s®17c; old roost ers, 12®13c- Uuclts, 18(5 20c; spring ducks, 18®20o; geese, 15®17c; turkeys, 19 ©2(lc Dressed Poultry Easter, fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18@lS»,sc: do., medium siies, 16®17c; do., light-* weights, 12®15o; old i oosters, 15c; rut.-l jng chickens, fancy. 19HW20C: broil ins chickens, l'anoy, 30®85c! do., fair, ikUlVv, capor6, large. 23®26c, .lu small, l8®20c; turkeys, fancy, 2i@26c. <lo., fair, <!o®23c; ducks, )l®lso; geese 11® 16c. Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern, per bushel. 83@90c; Western, per bushel. 83®90c; Jersey, per Basket, 20® 50c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear. $8.851?4 10. straights t'ei ' sylvanla, $4.15@4.30: western, $1.25® 4.40, patents, $4.50® 4.n0. ivansus straight, jute sacks, $4.20® 4.40; spring firsts, clear. $4.1004.30: straights. $4.35 ®4.50; patents, $4.60® 4.75. Hay The market is firm: tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, medium bales, $18.60® 18.oO; No 2, $16.50® 17.50: No. 3, $14.00@15.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed. $17.50® 18.00: No. ], do., $16.50® 17.00; No. 2, da.. $15.00® 16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 13. HogS'—Re ceipts, 16,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.70® 8.80; light, $8.55@8.87%; mixed, $8.55<8>8.85; heavy, $8.40® 8.87%; rough, $9.10®8.65; pigs, $7.00@8.55. Cattle Receipts, 1,500; weak. Beeves, $7.16®9.70: Texas steers. $7.10 ®8.15; stockers and feeders, $5.60® 8.10; cows and heifers, $3.70©5.50; calves, $7.00® 10.00. Sheep Receipts, 7,000; steady. Na tive, $4.80@6.30; yearlings, $5.80®7.00; lambs, native, $6.80@7.75. > ' 1,11 1 Herses For Sale Ail in first-class condition. We have more than we need for the winter. United Ice & Coal Co., Forster and Cowden Sts. WE WILL BUY Mill'oril Cxbriilge St. Ry. U. S. Worsted Ist. 2nd Pfil. Art Metals Construction Co> By-Products Coke Soh ay Process U. S. Metals Prod. Pfd. f'ed'l Lt. & Trac. Coin. & Pfd, Nor. States Pow, Com. & Pi'd. WE WILL SELL Tidewater Oil Frontier Tel. ss, 1922 Adirondack Elec. Power Federal Tel. & Tel. ss, 1959 Ainer. Inv. Sec. Coni. & Pfd, Douglas Shoe Pfd. International Text Book International Educational Pub. We specialize in all Unlisted Securities and Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil Book sent Investors gratis. HO! (it KIN ro. 34 Pine Street, Netv York 53 State Street, Boston PAGE DISCLAIMS Mir OFFENSE IN LONDON MESS Believes Senators Were Misled by Condensed Newspaper Dis patches of His Remarks By Associated Press London, March 13.—Ambassador Walter liines Pago to-day received from Secretary of State Bryan notifi cation of tho resolution of the United States Senate In regard to his speech on tho Panama Canal and the Monroe Doctrine delivered before the Associa tion of Chambers of Commeroe on Wednesday. The Secretary of State requested tho Ambassador to cable an explana tion of the speech and Mr. Page Im mediately began tho preparation of hit reply. After reading fuller accounts of the proceedings in the Senate Ambassa dor Page came to the conclusion that the Senators had been misled by tha excessive condensation Of his remarks in regard to his interpretation of tha Monroe Doctrine. Mr. Pago declared that he had dis tinctly said that the United States would object to or prohibit any Euro pean power from taking more terri tory in the new world and than in con cluding had said amid the laughter of the audience: "So you seo that the United States would prefer that no European pow ers should gain mora territory In tha new world." The ambasador's remarks, he de clared. had been too greatly con densed. When referring to the Pan ama Canal, he had said that Great Britain would profit most from the canal because she owned the great bulk of the world's shipping. I A Big Business FOR SALE LOCATED IN IfARRISBURG— < [ GOOD PROPOSITION FOR A < : MVH WIRE Do not Inquire < . mileii* ,vou understand the grocery < [ mid frenh inent bnnlneas and are < Mlllliiyt to hustle. < | Bell Realty Company i • J IIEKGNKIt BIILDIVG '' FOR SALE Choice Building Lot 6 5x321 feet, facing Front, Kelker and Second streets. High-class residence section. | Best location in city for first clubs apartments—room for for ! ty or more. Terms reasonable. .D. W. COX 222 MARKET STREET. I SIOO,OOO 1 To Loan In amounts of SI,OOO or more on first mortgage on good city property, for 6, 10, 15 or 20 years; repay able monthly, quarterly, or annually in instalment* like rent. Debt cancelled and mortgage satisfied in caae of death. Full information fur nished on request. Miss E. L. SHAVER ROOM 405 j,! TELEGRAPH BUILDING » FOR RENT Two-stoir brick dwelling, 111S N. 14th St.' with six large rooms and bath. A corner house, on paved street with open country on three sides. Has front and back stuira, three bay windows, electric (ixtures, cellar heater, wide porch, more closets than rooms, and used only one year. Right tenant can rent for S2O. Apply to C. H. ORCUTT 267 CUMBERLAND 61 EASTER MONEY AT LEGAL RATES THE EQUITABLE is the one company which will treat you just right at all times. When you open an account with us you are free from worry and regrets. No one, not even the members of your own family, need know you are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver tise we will make you a loan of (10 or more a* LEGAL RATES. No references, assignments, pledges, red tape or delay. ' EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE Itoom 21 4th Floor. SIXTH STREET PLOTS FOR SALE S. E. corne. 6th and Wood bine streets, 98.7x100 feet. S. K. corner 6th and Forrest streets, 117.0x100 feet. EA6Y TERMS Apply COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 332 MARKET STREET 15
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