Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1914, Page 13, Image 13
Tied Into a Knot From Rheumatism Certain Way to Core Hhpurontl»ui and Stop Palnn in a Pen Hour*. G«t a package of Tennel. Watch the clock, and ill 48 hours if your pains are Arc lon Tied Into n tjhvu.i.RlKni Ivnotf Tennrl Mops It lu M Hour*. not absolutely gone, banished for good so that you don't feel a twitch any where. we will agree to refund your money without question. Tennel is a marvel. It is new. It is different. It contains not a drop of opiates habit-forming drugs, salicylic acid or alcohol. It is a wonderful tonic, too, and gives a hearty appetite. Nothing like it lias ever been produced. It is equally successful not only in rheumatism, but also in gout, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. Get a package of Tennel today and free the difference in 48 hours. The Tennel treatment, consisting of a bottle of Tennel at SI.OO, and a box of Tennel Capsules at 50c, is sold under guarantee by Edward Z. Gross, C. M. Forney, Geo. C. Potts. Croll Keller. IF MOW OB KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat less meat also take glass of' Salts before eating breakfast L'rtc acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break fa'st for a few days and your ktdneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from tlie acid of grapes and lemon juce, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean Hogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the Rcids in urine, so it no longer is a fcouree of irritation, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which everyone ehould take now and then to keep the J.idneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid ney trouble while It 1B only trouble.— Advertisement. ; PEOPLE-:- : : OF ALL AGES !! : ;5 • ► ; * * > Cmme to Dr. PMUtp® for « » i >«rl«nc« h«a tn«bl«4 i > mt tboroofh sod palatess "•"*>*• « , asrforaioc dsntsi spM-sOona. "STw fr ■» tIM dirsct miporrlstea of ajrsslt. , , CWTIL I bsd to •mytoj thrjt mdu.t. , , isal rusts wbo »" of saportor tbUHr. , J; ft win P«J r* » B,T * ■» *• w ««• , J Don't worry sbost pwmU, sr 1 ' I I rsDgsnmta ess bo assds ts sstt ' 1 I I pStISBtS. ' > I I I——————' ' ' 1 fists*. lb sud tp. ! ! 1 ' Clows sad Brld«s Work. UK H. ' 1 rtlUo«s la sllrrr *Uo/, *ssm«U Mm sp. , , I > Oold. 11.00 up. I 1 But Work. Bsst Material, Lswsst rrtsss. i Wrlttsa gssnuites with raj work. ' 1 | DR. PHILLIPS !! 320 Market Street > Of Acs JUsri: Dsilj, iH A. M. «s a ! ' r. fcuidsri. 10 H i » 0. V. TELETHON* MT i LADY ATTEMDAV? > The Irrrsst sad mast Urarsafhl; ' :• qul1 "* 4 te'Wi. : i Brmnok Ofto**—Ksadlas sad PkOsdstphU. ' II 111 l I I 11—111^ A Real Tonic is what you need this time of year. Mall us 25 cents and re ceive a regular 50-cent package of Sa-Mo Nerve Tonic Tablets. The remedy for lack of ambition and nerve vitality. The Sa-Mo Co. Box 11S llarrisburg, Pa. |! Upholstering Ij |! DECORATING of all kinds 1 | ] I AWNINGS made to order ! > ]! CAKPETS sewed and laid !' Call upon or phone' II JOS. COPLINKY II Successor to H. A. Vollmer, | ! 11 12081/2 N. Third St. jj jmMMMiWMWWkIIWIMmMm i< I Try Telegraph Want Ads. / FRIDAY EVENING, feARRBSBURG ffSffo TELEGRAPEf MARCH 13 1914 ii _ ENGINEER KILLED. ' FIREMIN WOUNDED. ! BV JOHN BINDITS Hundreds of Men Scour Country Near Manlius, IU., For Fleeing Outlaws Peoria, 111., March IS.—Arthur ; Fisher, a Chicago and Northwestern : freight engineer, was shot dead by ) bandits in the cab of his engine this .morning at Manlius, 111., 45 miles ; north of Peoria. The shooting oc curred about 4 o'clock this morning. .The conductor and the brakeinan of | a freight train on the Northwestern | railroad surprised the robbers while : they were pitching merchandise out of a train near Manilus. I The train was stopped and the men jumped from the freight cars. They ordererd the conductor and brake man back into the caboose and de manded that Engineer Fisher detach the engine from the train and proceed down the track. He wavered in meet ing the request and was shot through the head. He died instantly. The fire man was shot through the leg. The station agent at Manilus tele , graphed Princeton and Langley, a small station near Manilus for help. In an hour nearly two hundred men i were scouring the woods for the hold up men. Near Sheffield, 111., the posse came up with the robbers who opened fire and Bert Skoglund, deputy sheriff of Bureau county, was shot through the face, shoulder and throat. He is believed to be fatally hurt. Leslie : Beyer, son of the sheriff of Bureau | county, was shot in the leg. The ! wound is not serious. Magnifying Misery Into Joy Dyspeptics, Stomach Sufferers and Appetiteless People May Quickly Find Relief in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. When a stomach sufferer gets relief he is one of the happiest of human beings and he looks back at his old self with a distinct feeling of horror. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets quickly readjust the out-of-proportion stomach and digestive machinery and bring joy of life and love for food to the man or woman who will use them after each meal for a short time. "Hnlly ffrc, I used to feel ju»( like that fellow." The action of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a purely natural one. When taken they enter the stomach just like food. They mix with the juices of the mouth. Then they enter into and cor rectly build up or dilute the juices of the stomach, go into the intestines and there when the nourishment from food Is taken into the system so follows the Ingredients of these wonderful tablets, i They correct the faults of the blood and thus at the next meal the body is better able to produce a stronger and more normal digestive juice. A short use of these tablets will re establish your digestion, stop gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, foul breath, catarrh of the stomach, and do away with dangerous stomach 'ulcers anil many other unbearable conditions. Go to your druggist to-day and begin the Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet habit. It is the habit of health and appetite. Learn how to yearn for food, not how to spurn it. Obtain a box from any druggist— price 50 ceyts. Sold wherever you can find a drug store.—Advertisement. IPITECiI DARK, leu GLOSSY Look years younger! Try Grand ma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur and nobody will know Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and luster to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray; also ends dandruff, itch ing scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture! was to make it at home, which is l mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You will get a large bottle for about 60 cents. Everybody uses this old, famous recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you dark ened your hair, as it does it so nat urally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw' this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Advertisement. Kelley's Coal--A Known Quality Fuel Burn the coal you know to be good. In buying any old kind of fuel you don't know what you are get ting for your money until you shovel it on the fire. It may be too late, then, to rec tify the mistake. Kelley's Coal is a household word and a household fuel, burned for many years and proven long ago the highest grade coal for furnace and range. H. M. KELLEY & CO. t N. Third St. 10th and State Streets. WATER COMPANY MEN HIE IHESIED [Continued from First Page] the rate of 30 cents per hundred cubic feet, which is 200 per cent, more than was charged formerly. The seven men, following their ar rest by Chief of Police Fox, were taken before Squire H. N. Bowman, where information was made against them for violating a borough ordi nance by digging up the streets of the town without a permit. The In formation was made by Highway Com missioner Isaac Wolfe, who, earlier In the day, had refused to grand Su perintendent Saunders and Mr. John son four permits. Digging Is Halted The water company employes ar rived in the borough early this morn ing and Immediately one man was placed In front of the home of M. A. Brinton. He began to dig and when Chief of Police Fox arrived he learned that the company was about to repair a leak in the main, from which water has been oozing for the past two weeks. Chief Fox did not make the company take out a permit for that ditch, but warned the men that if ditches were dug for the purpose of turning off water, arrests would be made. / About 10.80 o'clock Superintendent 'Saunders placed two men in front of the home of R. L. Myers, at Myers avenue and Market street, another at Nelson P. Gleim's home in Bowman avenue, and two in front of Squire Bowman's house, at Bowman avenue and Market streets. Mr. Saunders took a position at Bowmaai avenue and Market street and Sent Mr. Johnson midway between that corner and Gleim's residence, where he could see both Mr. Saunders and the man in front of the Gleim home. The workmen in front of the Myers and Bowman residences were in the view of Mr. Saunders. At 10.60 o'clock the superintendent gave the signal to start work. The men In front of the Myers and Bowman homes and Mr. Johnson passed along the signal to the man in front of the Gleim residence. | Chief of Police Fox was then sum . moned and before the diggers had gotten very far into the hard ground, they were placed under arrest. There was no resistance and the prisoners intimated that their com pany had everything planned and that the program was being carried out according to schedule. It was under stood that the company's attorneys would meet the men when they ar rived at Carlisle. Squire Bowman made an Immediate return of the case to court. Permits Refused [ Tho four permits asked for this morning and refused were for the Myers, Gleim. Bowman and Sechrist I houses, but failuer of one man to com plete the work at the home of Mr. Brinton changed the superintendent's plans to have a man in front of the Sechrist home. To-day was the third time the Gleim residence was approached. On Mon day the men were halted when they attempted to dig in the street. Yes terday they turned off the water at the water box. It was immediately turn ed on by one of Mr. Gleim's friends and the valve box lid covered with cement. The attempt to dig up the street to-day was the third. Before Superintendent Saunders stationed his men this morning, he told a Telegraph reporter that he knew they would be arrested. He said some of the residents refused to pay the water rate and he would have to carry out his company's orders to shut off the supply. After he had given the men the signal to begin operations, he leaned against a pole in front of Squire Bowman's home and awaited the arrival of Chief of Police Fox to place him under arrest. May Be Released Superintendent Saunders did not know the exact location of the pipe leading from the main to Squire Bow man's home, so he sent W. Z. Zellers to the cellar to read the meter. The Squire gave the man permission to go to the meter, but was not aware that at the same time the man was in his f > How to Eradicate All Superfluous Hair Advise by a Skin Specialist As soon as women of to-day learn that permanent removal of ugly, repul sive hair growths can only be gained by reaching the hair root and not by using common, worthless depilatories such as burning pastes, powders, evil smelling liquids, etc., the better it will be for their happiness and safety. Nor can the electric needle be depended up on to give absolutely perfect results without danger of horlble scars or facial paralysis. The best means I have ever found that never falls to remove all signs of disfiguring growths of hair on the face, neck, arms or hands, is a simple, Inexpensive preparation called Mrs. Osgood's Wonder. It is absolutely harmless, cannot injure the skin or complexion and in a surprisingly large number of cases has succeeded In kill ing the hair down to the very roots, source of all growth. When the roots are killed no more hair can grow. You can get Mrs. Osgood's Wonder from Kennedy's Medicine tore or any up-to date druggist or department store, on the guarantee of your money back If It fails. Signed guarantee with every package. There is no longer need for any woman to suffer the embarrass ment of this humillatlne blemish. Let me caution you. however, not to apply this treatment except where total de struction of hair is desired. —Advertise- ment. Blood Outbreaks— AVOlD Their Return by Giving Your Blood a Good Searching Bath If you should meet anyone varnish ing a blood outbreak with greasy ointment, your best advice would be to quit such things and attend to the blood. To successfully fight any blood trouble, some eruptive skin affliction —call It eczema, lupus, paorlasls, ma laria or what you will—there Is but one sure, safe way to get rid of It Ask at any drug store for a bottle of S. S. S. and you are then on the road to health. If we are to believe the students of science the action of this remarkable remedy is Just as direct. Just as positive. Just as certain in its influence as that the sun rises In the east. It is one of those raro medical forces which act in the blood with the same degree of certainty that is found In all natural tendencies. Out through every skin pore acids and other blood impurities are forced la the form of In visible rapor. The lungs breathe It out, the liver la stimulated to consume a great propor tion of lmpurltlca, the atomach and Intestines cease to convey Into the blood stream the catar rhal. malarial germs; the bowels, kidneys, bladder and all emunctories of tho body are marshalled Into a fifhtlns force to expel every vestige of skin eruption. There Is scarcely a community anywhere but what has lta hale and hearty example of the results of 8. S. 8. Get a bottle of this famous remedy to day, and if your case is stubborn or peculiar, write to The Swift Specific Co., 800 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, G»- Do not permit anyone to talk you Into some useless compound they put up aa a substitute tot a. 6, u, boutH dm*gUt will do this. cellar locating the point at which the pipes entered the house. It is believed here that habeas corpus proceedings will be Instituted in Carlisle as soon as the men arrive there, and that they will be released this afternoon. To-day's develop ments are helping in a small way to unravel the tangled affairs of the week as the matter Is now in the hands of the courts and citizens believe there is some hope of a temporary settle ment, at least. At the regular meeting of the bor ough council last evening the action of the highway commissioner, Isaac Wolfe, and Chief of Police -Charles E. Fox was commended. Mr. Wolfe refused to grant the water company permits to open the streets for the purpose of turning oIT the water supply. Chief of Police Fox halted tho employes of the water company when they attempt ed to dig the streets without a permit and threatened them with arrest should they again attempt to open any thoroughfare. The meeting was attended by a large representative body of citizens, includ ing several women. Although they did not speak, they listened attentively to opinions of men who told what they would do should attempts be made to shut off their supply. P. D. Irvin, a new resident of the town, asked those present what the women of the town could do when the men were away from home. There were suggestions that they do as several women of the town did yesterday—stand on the valve water boxes, or put cement over the openings. Warren B. Kelm, a member of council and one of the members of the collection committee of the citizens' committee, told Just how far that com mittee had gone in attempts to settle the dispute. He, together with other members of council, signified his pleas ure at seeing the committee and not council handle the situation. He said the borough council could fight the company when any of the borough ordinances were violated, but he be lieved the citizens should conduct the fight on rates. He and other men favored carrying the case to the Su preme Court for decision as to the right of the company to shut off water and violate at will its contract with the borough. Mr. Keim says that al though it is a popular belief that a water company is not permitted to turn off the supply in case of dispute over rates, there is no decision of the Supreme Court of this State on record which could cover such a case. He and other men say that after the Supreme Court has given a decision the rate question can be taken to the Public Service Commission for de cision. More Funds Needed Mr. Keim explained that more money will be needed from the citizens of the town to carry on the fight. In the beginning only persons having meters were asked for contributions, but now money will be asked from persons who are paying the flat rate. Tn explanation of this Mr. Kelm said he understands the company has the right to force every resident to place a meter in his house and that if the 30-cent rate is sustained, which is 200 per cent, higher than the residents have been paying, then the residents paying the flat rate now will be taxed much more heavily in the future for the use of water. Building Held I p J. W. Kilborn praised Mr. Keim for the interest he has taken in the work in the town and urged the citizens to organize as one family to fight the company. He says he knows of plans for thirty houses in Camp Hill this summer, but unless the water dispute is nearer a decision than it is now the houses will go up in some other town. R. L. Myers, councilman, speaking as a citizen of the borough, said he has not paid his water bill and will not unless tho question is decided "ither one way or the other. He be lieves, however, there will be a com promise between the attorneys of the company and the townspeople within the next few days, so that the disturb ances which have been going on dur ing this week will end at least until a decision is reached. It was said during the meeting last evening that administrators of the Dale estate, which adjoins Camp Hill, will, as individuals, apply to the Cum berland County Court for an injunc tion restraining the water company from turning off water in the borough. When the Dale, reservoir, which sup plies the Dale estate with water, was sold to the Riverton Consolidated Water Company some years ago there was an agreement by which the peo ple of that tract were to have the same rates as those of Camp Hill Now that the rates in Camp Hill have been raised, residents of the Dale es tate fear their rates will be Increased ilso. To halt this on the Dale estate l tract the injunction restraining the water company from shutting off the water in Camp Hill or on the Dale "state will be asked. The application will be made either to-day or to-mor row. Resolutions Passed During the meeting last evening Councilman Stroud presented the fol lowing resolution, which was imme diately adopted: "By reason of the unwarranted and unreasonable action taken by the R'v erton Consolidated Water Company against the citizens of this borough, be it "Resolved. That this council hereby tender their moral support to the citi zens, citizens' committee, street com mittee of this council and the chief of police in the present contest which has arisen with said company respecting the water rates pending a settlement of the same by the Public Service Com mission." Yesterday afternoon the water com pany employes were routed by the schoolboys of the borough. The men were just about to shut off the supply at the home of W. W. Wonderly when his son, George Wonderly, appeared. He warned the men to get off the premises, but they did not go at once. An argument followed, during which 'ho schoolboys appeared. They hooted and jeered the men and they were finally forced to give up in disgust. The water was not turned off. Late yesterday afternoon the em ployes, under Superintendent Saunders, visited the home of E. B. White, in Cumberland street. Mr. White stood over the water valve box, but he al leges the men pushed him away and proceeded to turn ofT the water. They ewnt away after being refused pay ment of the bill at the 30-cent rate. Fifteen minutes later Mr. White again had the supply in his house. He turned on the water himself. "You don't think I'm going to walk around Camp Hill with a dirty face for the sake of the water company," said he. Mr Huss Speaks Patricio Ri «. president of the water company, said he had little to say regarding the situation. "I have little to add to the formal statement of the company made some time since. lam very sorry for the present lamentable conditions, but I cannot do otherwise. The company has been compelled by the demands of the public and the mandates of the State Health Commis sioner to provide filtered water to Its patrons, and the growth of the district has enforced extensions and enlarge ments of mains. Naturally this has increased our expenses, and when ex penses are increased It is always nec essary to increase receipts. This com pany has no desire to become bank rupt. Neither does It wish to take excessively large profits. All it wants Is a fair return on its investment, and the rate we are asking in Camp Hill is Just enough to pay the company reasonably for the service It Is render ing." SEE THE COLE The standardized car at the Auto mobile Show. Bowman & Co. T%* I 1914 opring Display We beg to inform the people of Harrisburg and surrounding districts, that our COMPLETE LINE of Spring and Summer woolens can now be seen at our store. Whether You Intend Ordering a Suit or Not You Are Equally Welcome to Come And view the Greatest Assemblage of NEW Spring woolens ever exhibited in the city. Come around gentlemen—you will not be asked to buy. It will be an education for you, how to obtain stylish, perfect fitting and good wear ing clothes at a very low price. 3-PIECE SUITSC? 1 L AIURED TO N YOUR E ™ l —* *D I Im, Mea,ure » Designed to OR J. *J£ our own , Fi «nr e aßd • Guaranteed to Fit. Must Fit Perfectly or You Don't Have to Pay For Your Order You will find this season the values of our new Spring suitings greater than ever. Most of them cannot be duplicated elsewhere under $25.00 to $30.00. Come and see and convince yourself. Samples Given Free Standard W OLDEST AND ONLY ORIGINAIJ POPULAR PRICE TAILORS IN HARRISBURG 19 NORTH THIRD STREET Comer Strawberry Ave. HARRISBURG, PA. STORKS AND AGENCIES FROM COAST TO COAST ORDER YOUR EASTER SUIT NOW. Get the best pick and in many instances, exclusive patterns. We will cheerfully hold your order to suit your own convenience. WE DELIVER FREE ALL OVER THE STATE. West End League Gets Opinion From Seitz on Subway Matter Supporting its contention with an I opinion on the subject from City So licltor D. S. Seitz, the West End Im provement League is completing its | campaign to bring about the opening i and protection of traffic of the Divl- | sion street crossing of the Fennsylva- j nia Railroad. Representatives of the league will meet next week with subcommittees from the Chamber of Commerce and Riverside residents, the City Commis sion and other organizations to adopt resolutions requesting the railroad company to do away with the danger- j ous crossing at Division street. ' Build Up Your Nerve Vitality Kellogg 1 8 Sanitone Wafers Make Lift Worth Living for Eon Down, Brain fagged People. 60-Cent Box Free To IMon and Women Be master of yourself; get that cheer fulness, poise and power that come front steady nerves in a vitalized body and brain. Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers di» V Y«m Good Sanitone Wafer*. pel that "down and out feeling—fill you full of ambition and energy—make your "winter of life" seem like spring. Don't be gloomy, dull-brained or lazy, or lacking in "backbone" for business. Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers will In vigorate you to a richer, more Joy-filled life. Don't drift with the tide of i wearied, care-worn humanity, when ( these wafers have saved so many ' "wrecks." No matter what started i your nervous breakdown —loss of sleep, overwork or other causes—Kellogg a j Sanitone Wafers will revitalize and re- ' vive you so you'll get all that's worth i having out of life, j Send your name and address to-day 1 with six cents In stamps to help pay Sostage and packing for a free 50c trial ox of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, to F. iJ. Kellogg Co. 2467 HofTmaster Block, i Battle Creek, Michigan. i ■ The regular SI.OO size of Kellogg's' Sanitone Wafers Is for sale In Harris- I 'ourg by C. T. George, 1306 North Third street; C. W. Potts, 1101 North Third | Street; C. M. Forney, successor to For- 1 ney & Knouse, 426 Market street; J. H. Park, Jr., 621 Race street: C. K. KelLr, 405 Market street; W. F. Steever, Four teenth and Walniil streets. —Advertise- ment. Efe ■ ■ SM iffe aracurable. All kinds I: 12 R K ■ eufferW and f|l p\ B I Dr. Ltonhardt'i , , HEM-ROID tablets produce amazing reeulta by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The pile, .re dried up ami Eirmanentljr cured. 24 day't' treatment, »Lo(>. R. LEONHARDT CO., Buffalo, N. Y. (free beok) Bold by Kennedy Medicine Store, Hartlsfew* I. A. Hsfiudv. Staaltou. ud daalaiA Remodeled and Beautified HEALTH STUDIO The only one of it* kind in thin section of the Country Walnut St., Near Second Open to Public For Inspection Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 12, 13, 14 from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Complimentary tickets to those who attend Opening Equipped For Sulphur Vapor, Steam, Hot Air, Percussion, Sitz, Shower and Tub Baths. Scientific Massage, Electric Vibratory Treatments, Swedish Move ments. For Ladies' and Gentlemen Competent Lady Attendant Patients sent in by physicians will be treated according to physician's instructions. Scientific Massage, Electric Vibratory Treatments and Swedish Movements given at home, if desired. John Henry Peters, H. D. Open 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Bell Phone 2102R CATARRH SUFFERERS! HERE'S A QUICK CURE! OPENS GLUGGEO NOSE AND HEAU AT OUCE In One Minute Your Stuffy Nose and Head Clears, Sneezing and None Running Cease, Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try It —Apply a little In the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dull ness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-hea" or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This iw««t, frag rant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrate* and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake to-night struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with It® running noM, ton! mucous dropping into the throat, ana raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith—just onoo in "lily's Cream Balm" and your oold or ca tarrh will surely dlsappoar. Advertisement. 13