Lost LOST Silver purse In either Pax tans or Second street car, Wednesday afternoon after 5 o'clock. Initials A. N. H. Keep money. Please return purse to Mrs. Lewis Haehnlen, Bellevue Park, Harrisburg. LOST—-Brown Cocker Spaniel, white breast, stub tail license, 6b2. Call, or address, 1603 Chestnut street. Help Wanted —Male BOY _ MORE MONEY IN ONE DAY m&v be earned with me than AN ENTIRE WEEK in other ways. Applicants must be bright neatly dressed, clean hands and face. I want tho MANLIEST boy in the city. Come early prepared for work. Apply to Rodsecker Brinser, 102 South Second street Harris burg, Pa- MAN over 80, experienced canvasaer oollcltor, $lB weekly and eteady position. Colurtbla 1 rotectlve, 160 Nassau street New York. MEN on a that yields large return. Money every night, tali 409 Patriot Building. Harrisburg, Fa., 8 to 9 A M„ 4 to 6 P. M- MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month, no experience necessary; fine opport nlty; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address K., 714, cart of Telegraph. TWO experienced men to work on door and window frames in planing mill, Lemoyne, Pa. Steady employment. WANTED—A salesman to call on Physicians, Dentists, Lawyers und other professional gentle men to sell a high-grade specialty in Harrisburg. Mo opposition. Apply Protectograph Office, 47 Union Trust Building. YOUNG man to clerk In grocery etore; state age and experience. Ad dress M.. 802, care of Telegraph. YOUNG married man for permanent position as collector. Must be able to canvass and sell. Give references. Ad dress K., 787, car© of Telegraph. Help Vvanted—Female APPRENTICE girls to learn dress making trade. Inquire Mrs. I'. E. Ham aker, 1733 North Third street EXPERIENCED white woman, 25 to 40 years of age, for general house work. . Must come well recommenued. Wages, $5.50 per week. Apply at 2118 North Third street FIFTY experienced operators for grewlng on power machines; paid while learning. Apply B. Silver, Forster aiid Cowden streets. HOUSEKEEPER for young widower, worklngman. Call 2036 Kensington, after 6:30 P. M. LEARN DRESSMAKING in one of the best dressmaking schools In America. Make your own tiresscs while learning. Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. RESPECTABLE, middle-aged white! woman for general housework, good references required, or half-grown girl to assist. Girl must sleep home. Small family; no children. 326 Hummel etreet. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street rear entrance. WANTED —2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. WHITE girl for general housework; no washing. Call, or address. 2104 North 'lhird street. Bell phone 1916. YOUNG, reliable woman to keep house for young widower and small family. Call in afternoon at 3224 Sixth street, Riverside, Pa- bituauotia VV anted—Male A BOY 16 wants work of any kind. Apply 312 Clinton street BARBER wants position. Address 459 Main street, Steelton, Pa. COLORED man would like a place as general housework; can give good ref erence; of Ohio. Address 1342 North Seventh street. COLORED man wants work of any kind. Audress 914 Sarah avenue. MARRIED man of 28 years, perma nently located in Harrisburg, desires employment two or three days a week, j preferably collecting. Address D., 796, care of Telegraph. PATTERNMAKER Young married I man wants a steady position with a 1 largo firm, where experience and I B.teadiness Is appreciated. Willing to move to city. Address C., 794, care of j Telegraph. YOUNG colored man desires position as butler, or houseman; can give ref erence. Call, or address, 132 Liberty street. City. YOUNG man desires position in shoe tiepartment of some store; seven years' fcxperience. Address P., 792, care of Telegraph. YOUNG man desires work of any J:ind. Address M., 795, care of Telc- Situations Wanted—Female COLORED girl wants light keeping. Address 803 South Tenth etreet. FOR RENT 1714 Logan St, 2 s. t $0 1908 Greenwood St., 3 s, f., 8 r„ *ll 627 Brlggs St. 3 s. f.. 8 r tin 1820 Derry St., 3 s. f., 6 r. b »1» I 329 Strawberry Ave., 3 s. b„ 8 r. i-ii ' 1409 N 6th St, 9 r. & b . .555 I 1527 N. Second St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r. b. ! front porch, side entrance, 947.50 APARTMENTS 128 Walnai St., Housekeeping apart ments—second floor—3 rooms and bath—city steam heat The Donaldson —(No housekeeping) -—Second, near Locust St., very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms. FROM APRIL 1 409 Market St., room on 3d floor aia 1104 S. Cameron St., 2% s. b • rim 1623 Market St.. 3 s. b.78 r. b 12750 2014 N. 3d St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. &"b 830 I 1024 S. 18th St., 2H s. ta.Br.&b M 5 412 Market St.. 2 ofTlce room? on ?d ! floor, (front and middle) 1 2220 N. 2d St.. 3 s. b ...I!I.#45 | STORE ROOMS I 328 Broad St., 3-story brick anrt I basement 24x125 ft. ..... JVA2 I 325 Market St.. 25x160—Apply.' i Mlddletown store room on Union 1 street S3fl United States Hotel Entire or by floors— seventy. Ave rooms. Miller Bros. & Neefe i Locust nnd Court Sts. , L . i THURSDAY EVENING, Situations Wanted —rFemale j COLORED woman desires cleaning or day's work. Apply 515 Primrose avenue. I COLORED woman would like day's 1 work of any kind. App.ly 141 Linden : street. I DAY'S work or small washing to do I at home. Call 242 Liberty street. City. | LIGHT housework by colored girl. | Address 1170 South Eleventh street. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wishes I position as housekeeper for a respec table widower. Call, or address, 250 Nectarine avenue. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires a place for general housework. Address Box 25. Hill Station, City. ( WOMAN desires position as house keeper for widower. Address Box J, Telegraph. Agents Wanted AGENTS everywhere to sell Madame Gazelles (French) (switch and hair dye), a well tried preparation. Yoi can have your switch and hair one color. Conceals gray hair, and gives switch feeling and appearance of natural hair. Can be applied secretly in a few min utes. Full sized sample (25c) will last for years. G. and G. Distributors, No. 86 Church street, Ephrata, Pa. Boarders Wanted A GENTLEMAN boarder In a private family; all conveniences, with use of phone. Apply at 1626 Penn street. Rooms For Rent TWO nicely furnished rooms, with private family, after "ril 1, for gen tlemen, with use of bath and telephone. For information call 123 South Second street. ■ \ TWO nicely furnished second floor rooms for light housekeeping; gas range and llghtB; use of bath and bal cony. Apply 433 South Thirteenth street. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, facing Capitol Park; city steam heat; use of bath and phone; suitable for two gen tlemen or man anti wife. 406 Noith street TWO furnished rooms, second floor; one room facing Capitol Park; bath, electric light, running water in room and use of phone. Apply 410 North street ONE front room, for one or two ladies, two preferred, near Third and Broad streets. Rates very reasonable. Apply W. H, It., 781, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences; rent reasonable, Apply 621 North Second street, or call Bell phone 620 W. — •» FURNISHED ROOMS on Sylvan Ter race; private family; all conveniences. Address 0., 791, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlggs street. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or with out board. Apply 1507 North Sixth street. FURNISHED rooms, desirable loca tion. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Apply 1601 Green street. Rooms Wanted FURNISHED rooms in a nice neigh borhood, prefer with a private family, suitable for a doctor; first floor, wait ing room; second, two communicating, one as a bedroom; pay rent monthly in advance; references exchanged Iglve price). Address C. U. Hoke, 29 West Vine street, Lancaster, Pa. PERMANENT man wants lodging In private family. Pay In advance $1.25 a week. No others need answer. Persons permanently located, please reply. Ad dress W., 784, care, of Telegraph. FURNISHED room, with use of bath, 111 private family, by young gentle man; state terms. Addfess M., 783, care of Telegraph. Apartments For Kent COMMODIOUS second floor upart i ment, Front and Herr streets; large front porch overlooking river: electric light and gaa; hardwood floors. Also garage in rear for rent. T. B. Rocka tellar. Second and North streets FURNISHED, from April 1 to Oc tober 1; 6-room apartment to adults only, S3O; use of piano; references ex changed. Address J., 791, care of Telegi aph. — ; 1 THIRD floor apartment, 5 rooms and bath; steam heat and electric lights; large, liglit rooms. One block from Capitol. Address P. O. Box, 336, City. APARTMENT UlB North Sixth street, five rooms and bath, with all modern conveniences. Appiy R. O. Wll bar, 1118 North sixth street. APARTMEN'i, < rooms, private bath; steam heat; all Improvements. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. VV anteu ESTIMATES WANTED for erecting extension to our myerstown, Pa., plant. Write lor plans and specifications to S. Liouovitz. cure oi S. Lieoovitz at sons, 7 5 Leonard street New York City. WANT to rent house of eight or ten rooms, all improvements, on Hill, pre feraoiy Derry, Thirteenth or Mulberry streets, or close to car line. Address L., 761, care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities AN opportunity to Increase your busi ness luu per cent, by using Steel Die Embossed stationery. Phone atioi: tor prices. Harrisburg Embossing Plant, 4 North Fitth street. Harrisburg, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding tor newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars, Press Syndicate, 788, Lock port N. Y. GROCERY"STORE J OR SALE—Stock about $2,500. Good location. Reason tor selling, leaving city. Will bo sold at inventory. Address Box R., 777, care of Telegraph, I MADE $60,000 In Ave years In the mall order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells kow. Hea cock. 356 Lockport N. Y. Business Personals HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer to, Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone ao 2503R FOR SALE A House That Deserves Your Consideration 44 N. EVENTEENTH ST. Vestibule reception hall par lor dlningroom and kitchen on llrst floor open stairway. Three rooms and modern bath room on seeond flour. Two rooms on third floor tin roof. And gas and electricity gas and coal range front bay window •—front and bark porches buleonv —cemented cellar with hot nnd cold water and laundry granolithic sidewalk. Lot 13.8xl0r> ft. Miller Bros. & Neefe Low »l and Court Streets. j Busmen Personals FOR falling nulr try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market I street Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone 1 orders given prompt attention. Bell, . 1960. I— «. B. FBFPGR, I LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano I and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor ■ age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1113 Mont gomery, Harrlsourg. I REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction, a N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 118-15-17 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash Bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at >1.16 per set Real Estate For Sale IN Camp Mill New Bungalow never been occupied located on Bowman Ave. 7 rooms, bath, and steam heat corner property lot. 40x140. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. i DOUBLE bMck house new at 1811-13 Zarker street bath gas furnace cemented cellar rented for |36 per month 8 per cent, net In vestment Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 2038 SUSQUEHANNA STREET 3- story brick 8 rooms, bath and fur nace front porch cemented cel lar lot, 18x72 side entrance. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side ontrance; possession April 1. A bargain if sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co., 1202 North Third. PROPERTY No. 1530 Regina street; 10 rooms; steam heat; hardwood floors; side entrance, and large garage in rear. Special price if sold during March. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Markot street HOUSES FOR SALE 151 KNOLA NOS. 145-147-143 COLUMBIA ROAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms, inquire C. D. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma clay street, Harrisburg. SI,OOO WILL BUY frame house 8 rooms lot, 14x115; look at 427 South Thirteenth street 7 rooms bath gas furnace 2oxloo. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. S2l BOAS STREET, southwest cor ner Boas and Capital streets, two-and one-half-story frame; 7 rooms and store room; lot, 14 ft by 80 ft, Apply to 110 Boas street. TWO three-story houses, one brick and one frame, on Sixth street near Muench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North Sixth street. NO. 1607 MARKET STREET; beauti ful location; ten rooms; all conveni ences; will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Apply at above number, NO. Ir> 12 HUNTER STREET can be bought at an attractive price; 9 rooms; bath; alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1119 DERRY STREET 9 rooms, bath and furnace front porch lot. 16x85—side entrance. Brlnton-Packer Ca. hecond and Waln'it streets. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT 2220 N. Second St., (one of a pair) 3-story brick 9 rooms bath steam heat lot 25x110 ft. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595. STORE ROOM FOR RENT Desir abie first floor room, 109 North Second street, suitable for optical or millinery parlors, insurance office, manicure par lor or other small business. Immediate possession. Apply on premises. HUSTON'S SUMMER HOME, along the C'onodoguinet creek, one milo from liogestown; large house wltli conveni ences and pleasant rooms; stable; fine boating, bathing and fishing. Apply A. J. Huston, Mechanlcsburg. FOR RENT 103 LOCUST STREET lO rooms bath city steam central location— seven bedrooms suitable for lodgers —possession April 1. S. W. Fitzgerald, 317 Walnut street. NEW 6-room house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots a,re 30x 120, with stable. G. S. Hartmau, 38 North Twelfth street, City. 1533 North Third street, 6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102 Short street, 8 rooms and bath; store rooms 110 South Thirteenth street. Apply 430 Walnut street TO small family, 1323 Wallace struct i live rooms ana attic; nicely papered; water In kitchen; paved street. Inquire 429 Broad street Bell phone 3613 J. — A NO. 138 CUMBERLAND ROAD, ENOLA; possession March 24; 7 rooms and bath; all conveniences; largo gar-j uen and chicken house. ONE 8-room house, located at Jeffer son and Woodbine streets. Call, or ad dross, 2208 North Sixth street. Bell phone 2466. FRAME house, No. 912 South Nine teenth-and-One-Half street $9.50. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. NO. 1731 MARKET STREET, new i brick house with steam heat. Rent, S3O. 1251 Market, street, Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE 6. W. COKNEH Third and Forster streets, Harrisburg, Pa., dwelling house II rooms 2 baths city steam good location for offices, boarding or rooming house. Apply to Paul G. ' Smith, Attorney-at-Law, 17 North Third street, City. Real Estate Wanted WANT TO RENT 7-room house in country, 5c faro to city; must have ail modern improvements with ground ample to keep a few chickens, also for garden. Apply Y., 782, care of Tele graph. WANT 9 or 10-roorn house, by April X; all convenienses; must be In good condition, good locality, near center of city, north of Market street; reasonable rent. Address 8., 790, care of Tele graph. WANTED TO RENT IN CAMP MILL, —Bungalow or cottage, with all con veniences, from April 1, either for sum mer or the entire year. X., No. 786 care of Telegraph. For Sale FOR SAI,E TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Ca«es. Gloves. Sole, Harness und Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip. Do igula, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Cheat nut streets. PRIVATE SALE THE following articles will be sold at Private Sale: 14 single beds, 2 dodblo buds, 1 folding bed, beduing, 8 bureaus diningroom chairs, piano and other household goods not mentioned, lira Martha Napier, 123 South Second street! GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Hoard and Table Board, at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of I telegraph. PROSPEROUS BUSINESS FOR SALE —general confectionery. Including ac tive soda fountain, ice cream and choice candies. Complete information at our office. Get the facts. Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. CIGARS—For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana Blended 5c- Cigars free with each Box of 50 of our Per fecto Cigars, at |1 per Box, postpaid MOUNTED Grey Fox. Fine speci men. Joseph Dasher, Jr., Hummcls town. Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRXFHi I For Sale i FOR quick sale at a bargain, 1912 Model "Michigan 40" Touring Car, In good condition. Full equipment. Must be sold this week. Address 0., 793, care I of Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, lo cated on one of the principal streets of , the city. Up-to-date fixtures. If In terested address 800, care of Telegraph. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS outlay all I others. Get the heavy-laying white egg strain. Eggs, SI.OO for 12; $6.00 ,;per 100. Oliver Hoover, Riverside, Pa. CHEAP, one 12-foot extension, gol den oak, square dlningroom table, per fect order, $8.60. Less than half price. Table, 788, care of Telegraph. HUDSON AND MITCHELL. ROAD STERS, both late models, in good con dition. Call, or phone, Monn Bros., Sev enteenth and Swatara. UP-TO-DATE butcher's refrigerator; capacity, two tons of Ice; first-class condition. If interested address 801. care of Telegraph. ONE font of lu pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Mat! ices. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrtsburg. Pa. EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY. $2 per gallon. Delivered by parcel post. Generous sample, 10c. L K. Hostetter, Lltitz, Pa. SOLID walnut household furniture and piano. Call evenings, 6 to 8, 140 North Thirteenth street. AN Uprle-ht Chlckerlng Piano, in tine condition. Apply 400 North Front , street, Steelton. Pa. CHEAP, shelving and counters. Ap ply 1219 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STOKE ROOM FOH RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streetß, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harrts burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many llrst-claes business ho-'ses in the isamr square. In center of population. Siae of room 33x100 ft. 14=ft. ceiling. Up to-date In every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, Including heat }. S. Slble. 266 Herr street. FOR RENT Dealrable offices In the Telegraph Building. N.ngly or en-suite. Inquire Ht Business office. ROOMS FOIt RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Automobiles CYCLECAR Two-passenger side by Bide. Four-cylinder. wate4rooled, shaft drive. Exclusive selling agency open for this territory. For full particulars address G., Koon 210, Bulletin Build ing, Philadelphia. Pa. Died SCHELLENBERG On March To! 1914, Mary H. Schellenberg, wife of Oto .P. Schellenberg, aged 60 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 647 Race street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial I-larrlsburg Cemetery. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms u a re. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street Both phones. Legal Notices NOTICE is heretiy given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on Marcli 20, 1914, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the several supplements thereto, for the Charter of an Intended I Corporation to be called "The Bromo I Drug Company," the character and of |ject of which is the manufacture and I sale of pharmaceutical preparations, toilet articles and druggist's sundries, and for these purposes to have and pos sess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits, and privileges of the said Act of As sembly and its supplements. GEORGE R. HEISEY, Solicitor. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on April 2, 1914, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled. "An Act to provide I for the incorporation and regulation of (certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the several supplements thereto, for the Charter of an intended Corporation to be called "Dauphin Realty Company," the character and object of which Is the holding, leasing and selling real estate, and for these purposes to have and possess and en joy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. GEORGE R. HEISEY, Solicitor. ANNUAL MEETING To the Stockholders of the Chestnut Street Market Company: NOTICE is hereby given that the an- I nual meeting of the stockholders of I this company wil! be held at the office i of the Treasurer, Sixth Floor. Mechanics , Trust Company Building, Harrlsburir | Pa., on Thursday evening, April 9 1914 ,at 7:30 oVlock, for the transaction oi : such business as may come before said ! meeting. Including the election oT a ! board of directors for the enauine year. j HENRY M. STINE, I Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that appH cation will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County on Friday, the 13th day of March. 1914! at 10 o'clock A. M, for a transfer of the Retail Liouor License now held by James J. McClellan and Theodore K Murray to James J. McClellnn, for the Hotel Wilson, corner Third and Mul berry Streets, Harrlsburg, Pa. C. H. BERGNER, Attorney for Applicant. Notice THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA NOTICE Is hereby given that The Public Service Commission of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania will hold a public hearing in its office, In the Capi tol, at Harrlsburg, at 10:00 o'clock A A!., on Monday, March 16. 1914, at which hearing all parties Interested may ap pear and be heard, concerning the rules and regulations which have been pre pared by the Commission to govern ap paratus proper and suitable for testing meters of gas, water, electricity and steam heat and- of other public service companies, the testing of meters In spection and standard of service to bo furnished by such public service com panies. The rules and regulations prepared by the Commission on the übove sub jects have been printed and may be now seen at the office of the Commis sion in the Capitol at Harrlsburg By order of the Commission. A. B. MILLAR. Secrotary. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing' Shipments looked after at both ends' Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. IMIMEDIM SEEKS FARM WORK I 'Hundreds of Men Throng Labor Bureau With Hopes of I Getting Jobs New York, March 12. —Hundreds of men and a few women crowded to-day into the small office used as a free labor bureau by the State De partment of Agriculture to take ad vantage of Governor Glynn's new plan to helptlie city's unemployed by finding them work in the country. The rush was so unexpected that many left the bureau without getting an opportunity to sign an application blank. "I have every reason to believe that this plan will succeed," said C. W. Larmon, deputy state commis sioner of agriculture. "Most of these men here to-day are honest men very eager for work. The va grants and the perennial out-of works don't care to go out into the country to work on a. farm. Of course I am not egotistical enough to think that this is going imme diately to remedy the whole unem ployment question in New York, but even If we only send upstate four or five thousand men It will help. "I have already made plans for the shipping of the first carload of about 80 men next Monday night. They will be sent to Fonda, N. Y. Others will follow as soon as pos sible. As soon as the laborers ar rive In these places they will be met by an agent from the department of agriculture, and they will be at work a few hours later. We are sending, naturally, only such men as we are satisfied will make good on the farm. , "What we are\ doing in the ma jority of cases is simply correcting the fault the men made when they drifted to the city. We are carrying them back again from where they started, and contrary tQ a prevalent belief that they won't want to go, they are enthusiastic about it." WANTS HELP FOK TURKEY Washington, March 12.—An ap peal for more money to combat famine and pestilence, which already has carried off hundreds of lives in Albania, was received to-day at Red Cross headquarters from Henry Mor geuthau, American ambassador to Turkey, and W. W. Peet, treasurer of the American Red Cross chapter on Constantinople. IIGHIKSIIN ITER CO. TRIES [Continued front First Page] again turns the water off the cement will have to be broken first and for this offense Mr. (Jlelm threatens ar rests. The water was turned off at Mr. Sechrist's home while he was away this morning. When he returned shortly before noon ho went to a lit tle blacksmith shop which he has in the rear of his home, forged a key to fit into the water box and before 1 o'clock water was again flowing from the pipes in his home. Turn OfT Supply At the home of George Brinton, on Bowman avenue, Mrs. Brinton ordered the men away when they appeared but they ignored her demmands and turn ed off the supply. At several other homes throughout the town the water company employes succeeded in get ting the water turned off but Super intendent Sounder refused to say how many places are without water Ho says that heavvy fines will result in the turning on af supplies where the water was turned off. Regarding the digging up of streets, permission for which has been refused by the borough autho-lties, Mr. Saunders said he would proceed, probably this after noon to dig up some of tne streets where it was Impossible to get at the boxes He says he does not fear ar rest as he is working under instruc tions from his company and the com pany is working on the advice of coun sel In an interview this morning he said that he wished tne residents of the town would pay the rates the com pany asks as he has no desire to be compelled to shut off the water The Controversy The controversy hinges on the de mand of the water company for a 30-cent rate, the townspeople claiming that when the water company was permitted to enter tho borough It guaranteed tho residents a perpetual 10-cent rate. The water company con tends that tho erection of a filter plant and other improvements make a 30-ccnt rate necessary. # Notices sent to the residents by the company stated that bills must be paid at the company's 30-cent rate and that if a new rate should be fixed by the Public Service Commission or by the courts the difference between the 30-cent rate and the new rate would be refunded to the property owners. Residents of town are all willing to pay at the old 10-cent rate, but the great majority of them object to the higher rate. Some of them say they are willing to give the company notes to the effect that if a higher rate should be authorized by the Public Service Commission or the courts they would pay the difference. The com pany will not accept anything of that kind. Mr. Saunders told a Telegraph reporter this morning. It is under stood that in almost all of the places where the supply has been cut off the occupants of the houses offered to pay the 10-cent rate, but the money was refused. Threats of arrest, on charges of tres pass fail to halt Mr. Saunders in hie work. Yesterday many persons said that if the water valve boxes, which are en private property, were tam pered with, they would have the work men arrested. This morning there was also some talk along that line, but nothing was done. Residents of the town are growing indignant over what they term "out rageous treatment" at the hands of the water company and everybody is anx lovsly awaiting the council meeting scheduled for tonight to see what action the councirmen will take. The citizens' committee, created some time ago, it is said, will not do much in the present fight, believing the affair is now up to the borough council to settle. Women in the town are preparing to attend the session this evening in large numbers to be advised as to what they shall do when attempts are made to cut ofE their water supply. According to the statements of some, the water company employes, except in one or two cases, went to the homes of residents when they knew the men y-ere away. Highway Commissioner Wolfe said again to-day that he would not l»sue permits allowing the company to digi up the streets. ; MARCH 12, 1914. New York Stock Market List Sags; Some Foreign Selling Bulls Not Aggressive in Supporting Their Favorites; Out look Uncertain By Associated Press New York, March 12. The" short I interest having been reduced on the • midweek rise, the market sagged to- I day. Decreasing commercial activity in various lines, of shading of prices for steel products depressed sentiment, and the list was sensitive to bear selling. Bulls were not aggressive in support ing their favorites, regarding the out j look as too uncertain for contident op erations. Renewed foreign selling and further , liquidation of low-priced railroad shares also operatod against the mar- | ket Trading was dull throughout the | morning and only a few stocks were , noticeably under pressure, but the mar -1 ket showed no recuperative powers. At . noon losses among the prominent shares ranged from small fractions to more than a point. ilonds were heavy. Fnrnliihed by H. W. SXAVEbV Arcade Building New York, March 12. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 2Hi 21 !i Amal. Copper 73 Va 73 % American Beet Sugar 21 21 American Can 29>i 28% American Can pfd 93 Vi 93 y American Cotton Oil l3 J ,i 42% Am. Ice Securities . . 31 % 31 'A Am. Locomotive ... 34% 34% Americun Smelting . 07% 07% American Sugar ... 91 98 American T. & T. . . 121% 121% Anaconda 35% 35% Atchison 96 95% Baltimore & Oliio .. 88% 88 Bethlehem Steel ... 43% 43% Bethlehem Steel pfd 85 84 Vi I Brooklyn R. T 92 91% California Petroleum 26 Vg 26%' Canadian Paciiic ... 205% 204% Central Leather ... 32% 32% Chesapeake & Ohio. 51% 51% C„ M. & St. P 98% 38% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 40% Corn Products 11% 11% Distilling Securities. 18% 18% Eric 28% 28% Erie Ist pfd 43% 43% General Electric Co. 147% 147% Goodrich, B. F. pfd. 89% 89% Great Northern pfd. 126% 126% i Gt. North. Ore subs. 36% 36% Interboro-Met 1 4 % 14% Interboro-Met. pfd . 59% 59% Lehigh Valley 144% 144% Louis. & Nashville .135 13 5 Mex. Petroleum ... 67% 68% Mo., Kan. & Texas . 17 % 16% Missouri Pacific ... 24 23% New Yorok Central . 89% 89 N. Y„ N. H. & 11. .. 68% 68% Norfolk & Western. 103% 102% Northern Pacific ... 111% 111% Penna. R. R 110% 110% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 91% 91% Pressed Steel Car .. 42% 42% Ray Con. Copper .. 21 20% Reading 162% 162% Rep. I. & S. pfd 90% 90% Rock Island 4 % 4 % Rock Island pfd.... 2 % 6 % Southern Pacific ... 93% *3%| Southern Ry 25 24% i Southern Ry. pfd. .. 83% 83% j Tennesse Copper ... 34% 34%, Union Pacific 156% 156% U. S. Rubber 62 CI % i U. S. Steel 63% 63% . Utah Copper 53% 53% j Va.-Carollna Chem.. 31% 31%; W. U. Telegraph ... 64 63% j Westinghouse Mfg. . 73% 72%) PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 12. "Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 99% @ $1.00; No. ], Northern, Duluth, cxporl, •11.04% @1.06%. Corn Steady: new, No. 2, yellow. ; natural, local, 69%@Y0c; do., kiln j dried, local, 71%©72% c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 46© 46 %c. Bran Market firm: winter, per ton, $28.50 @2i», 00; upring, per ton, $28.00 ftr) 28.60. Refined Sugars Market lower; powdered, 4.00 c; fine granulated, 3.90 c; confectioners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone, A, 3.75 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 30c; nearby prints, fancy, 33c. ■Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $9.60 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.30 per case; ! western, extras, flrstß, free cases, $9.60 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $9.30 per case. Live Poultry Steady, fowls, 16@ 17c: young chickens, 15<@U0c; broiling chickens, 15%@17c: old roost ers, 12@13c: ducks. 18©20 c; spring ducks, 18@20c; gt-use, 15®17c; turkeys. 19® 20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, I western, fancy, heavy, 18%&19 c; do., | medium sizes, 17@18c; do., light weights, 12@15c; old roosters,lsc; roast ing chickens, fancy. 19%@20c: broil ing chickens, fancy, 30@30c! do., fair, | l»(»19c. uapors. large, 23®26c, do.. 1 small, 18020 c; turkeys, fancy, 21®26c; 1 do., fair, 20®22c; ducks, !l®18c; geese. ! ll®l«c. Potatoes Weak; New York and. Eastern, per bushel, 83 4*;9oc; Western, J per bushel, 83@90c; Jersey, per basket, , 20060 c. Flour—The market is steady ; winter, j clear, |3.#Rif?>4 10; straights. Penn | sylvanla. $4.15@4.30; western, $4.25® ! 4.40; patents, $4.50(&4.U0; Kansas I straight, jute sacks, $4.20!tt>4.40; taring. I flrßts, clear, $4.10® 4.X0: straights, $4.35 I @4.50; patents, $4.60@4.75. Hay The market is firm: tim othy, No. 1, largo bales, $18.50('( 19.Ol); No. 1, medium bales, slß.oof|| SEALS A STENCILS ft#V " MFG. BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ || 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II THIS harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second ctreet, for the free treat ment of tho worthy poor. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLPI and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, contldsn tial. Ada in» Co., H. 304, 8 N. Market i 1 '■" rr.~"" FOR RENT APARTMENT 108 N. 2nd St.. 4th floor, 6 rooms and bath, reception hall, steam heat, gns and electrlu light, hard wood floors, vacuum cleaner; storage room In base ment. Apply to H. M. Union Trust Bldg. Public Sale Friday, March 13 We will aell on the McCormicH farm, mile .south Lemoyne, 1 mile north New Cumberland, along Head ins Railroad, horses, cows, hogs, fat cattle, chickens and a full line of first-class farming: implements. Will sell 18 of the best all purpose horses sold in Cumberland county this spring. Some of the best single line leaders that goes on road or farm. Some excellent cows. Sow with pigs four weeks old; 15 shoats from 40 to 90 pounds; 5 steers weighing about 900 pounds each. Steers and chickens will be sold for cash. Terms made known on day of sale. Sale 11.30 sharp. G. A. & R. G. MOWRY. JOS. 1.. 3III.LER, Auct. A. B. HUPP, Clerk. UK AN SOIP I'OH PIX,VISR. FOR SALE Choice Building Lot 66x321 feet, facing Front. Relker and Second streets. High-class residence section. Beat location in city for first class apartments—room for for ty or more. Terms reasonable. D. W. COX U22 MARKET STREET. i| A Big Business j: j: FOR SALE ! > LOCATED IN HARRI9BURG , > GOOD PROPOSITION FOR A I 1 I.IVE WUIK Do uot inquire ,► iiiili-hn .vim uiiilcrstaiiil tlie (grocery if mill frcxli incut liuninens mid lire wllllug to hiiMtle. ,' :: Bell Realty Company i \ lIERGNEIt 111 II,DING < J >^AAAAA^AAAA^A»>AAAA^^^^^V r j SIOO,OOO I To Loan In amounts ot' SI,OOO or more on iirat mortgage on good city property, for 5, 10, 13 or 20 years; repay able monthly, quarterly, or annually In instalments like rent. l>ebt cancelled and mortgage satisfied In case of death. Full information fur nished on request. Miss E. L. SHAVER ROOM 408 TELEGRAPH BUILDING ' FOR SALE 2020 Green St., 3-story brick. 1800 Green St., 3-story brilc. 262 Delaware Ave., 2-story brick. 441 S. 16th St., 3-story frame. 1520 Berryhill St., 3-story brick. 3009 Main St., Penbrook. 3-story frame. Plots of Ground Oth and Emerald Sts., 8«%x127 ft. 4th St., and Glger Ave., 125x9! ft. THREE FARMS 40—9S—and 100 ACRES EACH. The above can be purchased at a bargain If sold quickly. Apply to H. M. BIRD UNIOK TRUST BLDG, L■■ ■ - . 13